'•'tfrnms?* mmm-jt, •>iniM'irl) MW HM« iifii.Vji»iiVtli,Mlrit^»i sSs^-i^ wiffMj n* fixity DEMONSTRATING HYPNOTISM APfD MEN TAL TELEPATHY B ITS ENTIRETY WIT! GMl, CLEJiN COM EDY TO HAKE YOU LAUGH. FOR ON§ WEEK BEGINNING SUNDAY, MAY ORIGINAL PRODUCTION "TH E jM ACKS" •YTOOTICCONEDYCO. , i,h . .' n. . ,' . ' " " I i i • i M i ' • i t. ' i I/, ,i i ; Watch J, W, A eW setter's corner store display window SATURDAY NK3HT at 7:30 sharp and witness the novel feat of Hypnotizing a man over long distance telephone from Chi cago accomplished by the great Mack. The subject will sleep In the window for 34 hours, uatll Sunday night when he will be removed to the Central Opera House and awakened on the stage by mental suggestions. RESERVED SEATS, 35 CIS. GENERAL ADMISSION, 2S CIS. CHILDREN IN FRONT, IS CTS. ALL SPECIAL SCEN ERY COMPLETE CHANGE OF PROGRAM EACH NIGHT. USUAL RUN OF MOVING^ JUMAlUfli '0-j 2 t iff /•¥ I mikim Ncllenry PUindealer : PUBLISHED BVEBY THURSDAY BY |£|, F. a. SCHREINER. » j ©Qcalm Building. Telephone, Ho.lB. TKRM* OS* *U»BOI=NPTIONi w' j'$y iy^ ' 9ie mosths, net*. tute Three months. Mote. tlmradij, May 8, 1913. BY JACK HALL PROBATE NEWS ; > [Furnished by McHenry County Abstract };vf7ompatty, Woodstock, Illinois. Office in Ar nold Block, east, side public square. Ab stracts of title and conveyancing. Money to 'loan on real estate in sums of five hundred ' lo ten thousand dollars. Time and payments "to suit borrower. Phones CM, 903 and 911.] : 4 PROBATE PROCEJSD1NGS. :/ v Claim day had in the following ! jbstate: Samuel McDonald. Final report filed in the following estate: Flavel K. Granger. MARRIAGE LICENSES. jClara Thomsen, 21 Truman A". Goff, 21 Elkhorn, Wis Mabel Teut, 19. Burlington, Wis • - Paul Marlowe Hassler, 24 Harvard .Frank Chester Sweetland, 20.. POD tana .; Richard B. Walsh has joined the ranks of auto enthusiasts, having this ^ Week come into possession of a hand- yj, • ^ Some seven-passenger Studebaker . .• * touring car. The auto fever is becom- Jng quite general in McHenry this .<& Vi spring. *y &•: If-V; % !%• •f Vif A little baby girl which the family had adopted only a week or so ago passed away at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Anton Schneider on Monday night of this week. The funeral took place from St. Mary's Catholic church at nine o'clock yesterday morning. Interment was made in St. Mary's cem etery. A new steel ceiling has been placed lairber shop conducted in the jj >> Jacob Justen block by Martin Smith. i*The walls of the place will also be cov- i,^'^'ered with burlap paper. The place "will be painted and when all is fin- fished will be one of McHenry's finest ^> tonsorial parlors. A new chair may V|~! Also be added to the establishment. •; ' We are in receipt of a neat descrip tive booklet advertising Dr. Carl ;Strueh's Fox river health resort. The ||«;:£:' ^booklet contains an excellent half-tone cut of McHenry's new depot, as well as buildings and grounds and scenes at v the resort. This institution has grown li, ,p! wonderfully during the past few years, until now it has come to be known thruout the entire United States, Pa tients from many different states of the Union have received treatment here in the past and from all indica- i'V tions the summer will find the place p:' an exceptionally busy one. •\:V. .-- .. DANCE AT JOHNSBURGH g* Manager Smith, of Smith's hall, Johnsburgh, announces a social dance I' to take place at his hall on Wednes , j j day evening, May 14. Nett's orcbes- 1 tra of Johnsburgh will furnish the ^ music and a cordial invitation is ex- '• tended to all. Dance tickets, 50 cents. i CLASSIFIED DEPARTMENT Ail *dYertiseiiietitb inserted under thin head at the , followlngratcii: FHvliaeaor leu, 26 conUi for flrat Insertion; 16 cents for e*cb Bubfte^uent insertion. MontbAD five UiiM, 5 cents a line for Unit Insertion ' and t oentti a line foradditlonl insertions. TXT ANTED--Two men by the GEO, J. SAYEB, Plstakfct* Bay. F°S BALE--A quantity of seed Hanly Bros., West McHenry, III. barley 40-tf "C*OR RENT--The H. M. McOmber house x Inquire of or write J. W. McHeu ry. III. 44-tf l?OB SALE--Quantity of early seed corn a P. M. FBIDID, old Wheeler farm, McHeu ry, IIL 47-lt* WE 8ALE-- Combination bookcase and r~ desk. Inquire of P. A. BOHIUMDER, West McHenry, III. 44-tf "C^OR .SALE --The W. F. Tiiton property con sisting of a bouse and "i% lots In village of McHenry. Inquire at this office. 40-tf BALK--Fox river lots on both east A nd west sides of river, north of McHeury bridne. Inquire df C. W. STENUKK, West Mc Henry. as.tf "nK>R SALE--A four burner, large oven, Quickmeal gasoline stove in good repair, Will be sold cheap. DAVID WOOOBUBN/MC Henry, III. 47-lt+ •CH)R SALE--A furnished cottave and two x lotK at I'm Ijtiia -11 ... W( 43-tf move into. Inquire of O. W. McHenry, ill. w rKNGBH, •C*OR PALE--Double center board sail boat with complett: equipment. In splendid condition. Price reasonable. 8. J Mi Plstakee Bay, III. •I.lil N 47-tf GIRL WANTED--For general housework Will pay $5 00 per week with Th^Jday and Sunday afternoons off. If interested call 75-J, McHenry, 111. 4-, •CVJE SALE OR RENT-The blacksmith shon located in center of village of Mcllenrv Old stand and a money maker for practical man. Inquire of or write JACOB DIBDKICH McHenry, 111. 42-tf T OTH FOR SALE on the East and West **4 Sides, also on river front, and ei^lit or ten acres for rent or sale on the mill pond Also cottages on the river and* at Pistakee Bay. <). N. Owkn, Hauk of McHeury. 43tf -Nine room bouse. togeU»»r<Tft h o acres of iahd at Voio. House is practically new. Place also has barn and chicken bouse and plenty of fruit. Located oae-balf mile from Flsb Take. Inquire of write MATBIAS HIUJB, McHenry, 111. 47-4tt irnORSALK- about two acres of iahd at Voio. Mrs. M., Mathiesen paid a visit to her daughter,: Kathrene, in Chicago Friday. Master Raymond Schvrartz displaces a certain amount, of space at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Koeth, Mrs. M. A. Fitzgerald has succumbed to the lure of the Fox Lake region and is now the guest of Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Diener of the Illinois. The sisters Lund, Gerre'tson, Matilda Mathisen, Leona and Chas. Champlin indulged in a marsh mallow toast party on the west shore of Fox lake Friday. Mr. and Mrs. E. F„ Sables returned1 May 1 after an-extended trip to Flor ida for the winter, where they pur chased a plot of ground and erected a winter home. Were they welcome? Well> I guess yes. Miss Frances - O'Boyle and Miss Martha Zewe stopped part of Saturday and all day Sunday at the residence of Mr. and Mrs. F. J. O'Boylq. Mrs. E. Rock wood, accompanied by her daughter, Pauline, and Master George, were welcome personalities at the residence of Mr. and Mrs. J.J. Simms the greater part of last week. Mrs. John Bishop of McHenry has moved her household effects to-John Tony an's, but will remain in McHenry until June 22 on account of her daugh ter, Isabelle, who is attending school at the latter place. . Howard Scott's ice wagon has been painted until it resembles one of the units of a circus parade, resplendent in gold and attractive phraseology, set ting forth the fact that he sells "pure ice for domestic use." Mrs. Etta Dalziel of Gurnee can be seen around the residence of Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Sayles, where she has been awaiting the return from Florida of her father and mother, Ed ward O. Sayles and wife. John A. Holt, pedestrianised to Lip- pincott shore Wednesday on a business and pleasure trip, visiting the scene of his first romantic summer spent in the Fox Lake region, which occurred eleven yaars-ago April 24. Mrs. Wm. E. Follett and daughter, June, have arrived for the summer and are safely ensconsed at their cottage Eagle Point. Miss June was re galed by the presence of one F. N. Mc- Masters, who was a week-end guest Saturday and Sunday. Geo. Koeth, Henry Buenting and Jens Lund proceeded to Grass Lake Tuesday on a snipe hunting expedi tion. Altho none of them indulged in the time honored custom of "holding the sack," they succeeded in bagging quite a number of snipe. The brothers Boulden and George Koeth, Jr., had a brilliant opportu nity to lift their voices in song and vocalize the "Larboard Watch" while being transported across Pistakee lake, by Captain Niggemeyer Wednesday evening to attend the grand opening ball at Mercs' resort. Mrs. E. C. Howard, who with her husband own the Mineola hotel, made a business trip to Fox Lake Saturday. She has recently purchased for her daughter, Kathrene, a new automo bile and the latter is learning, to oper ate same and will make the trip from Chicago here as soon as she has ac quired the necessary proficiency. The Fox Lake baseball fans held an informal meeting at Kofeth's hall Fri day evening for the purjSose of reor ganizing the club and making it one of the regular summer attractions. The support of the business men and residents is solicited and a benefit dance is planned to take place in the near future for the benefit of the club. H. L. Scott was appointed temporary manager. The opening game of the season was scheduled to take place Sunday, May 4, but had to be post poned on account of rain. Several persons seemed to be glatl that Jens Lund had attained his fiftieth birthday last Tuesday and called at the Waltonian ' that evening to cele brate the joyous event, the subsequent entertainment taking the form of liquid refreshments, musical and vocal exercises and a denatured extempo raneous "cabaret" show. Fred Busse acted as "leader" of the orchestra while "Jocko, the Bug," the "noted' entertainer from the krasney resort did the "opening," "middle act" and afterpiece" of the show in creditable style. The Chicago Movies were to play the Fox Lake team, the line-up being as follows: Fox Lake Sloan Boland Tweed Kd. Boulden Meyer ' M ay |H4# Gahlef \ . f Sehre*w; _' \ :v- 0 1* P CF 8 9 Movies Archer Saier .Zimmerman Fulton Lehmann Hoppe Ever* ROVING PICTURES Charles L P . Shiilte The usual summer train, which the Milwaukee road puts on every year to accommodate the summer visitors who come to our town, has beeti pressed in to service three weeks earlier than usual, owing to the vast crowd that comes out to our resorts to spend a de lightful Saturday and Sunday. As us ual it arrives here at three o'oloek, the schedule not being changed; The Illinois hotel was the scene of festivities Saturday in consequence of- the opening ball of the season. Sum mer girls and their escorts flitted along Nippersink avenue clothed in gorgeous spring attire and filitly lace confections, such as to delight the aesthetic tastes; of a connoisseur of feminine habili ment. Bredfield's orchestra furnished \ delightful music, the strains of which; were answered by a varied assortment i | of pedal extremities describing half circles, backward and forward glides, etc., in their efforts-to synchronize their movements with rythm of the melody floating out from the orches tra. There was a smile of happiness and contentment pervading the whole of their physiognomy that compelled the admiration and excited the envy of the cynical "anti" dancers and cre ated in them an intense longing to be equipped with, social graces that would enable them to join in such de lightful festivities. Their "winter of discontent" was not made "glorious summer," but their despondency was accentuated by the fact that they were unable to "caper nimbly in a lady's chamber," or something to that effect, as indited by the immortal bard, Shakes peare, etc, 41mm Ceoaell Neeta , The first meeting o<| the new admin istration that is to guide the destinies of the Fox Lake region for the coming two years met Thursday, May 1, at the village hall, which surmounts the hill from which a birdseye view of the down town can be obtained. The order of arrival of the new of-, ficials was * as follows: 1. Mayor Ostrander. 2. Alderman Bailey. 3. Alderman Scott, 4. Clerk Nagle. 5. Alderman Schultz. 6. Alderman May pole. 7. Alderman Hayek. The meeting was called to order at 2:19:30 p. m., and minor routine dis posed of, after which the village clerk began reading his annual report and had arrived at and was digesting the recapitulation when the cry of fire rang thru the council chamber, caus ing officials and citizens to thrust their heads out of the windows to see Geo. Koeth's anatomy laboriously ascending the hill leading to the village hall as fast as his corpulent condition would permit, for the purpose of ringing the fire bell, his voice thundering forth the information that the Lake Side hotel, owned by our mayor, was on fire. The council meeting was promptly adjourned, the populace Heeing pell mell down the stairs, where their pedal extremities played a tattoo, dancing with excitement Upon the cement walks surrounding the building. Corpulency or physical obesity was jrery much in evidence during the ex- fcitemdnt. A corpulent mayor dis patched a corpulent alderman after his horse and buggy stationed near the buffet conducted by a corpulent pro prietor, after which he averred he broke all his previous speed records negotiating the distance between the down toWn district and his hotel. Mar vin's mule and horse were urged for ward by a corpulent driver with a de cided limp, who attached them to the hose cart, while another driver, equipped with adipose tissues, connect ed a pair of iron greys to the engine and, to cap the climax, the hose cart was weighted down by such a load of obesity that the fire department of ficials ordered the owners thereof to alight in order to allow the team to make some semblance of-speed. And last, but not least, a rotund gentleman, who answers to the so briquet of "Dago" Frank, seated at the wheel of his 50 horse power Cadil lac touring car whizzed up, Forest ave nue at a break neck speed in the di rection of thi6 conflagration, while men, women and children threaded their way thru the forest and over hills and wire tepee, going in the same direction. ^ '. * *r-'- However, th'e excitement soon sub sided when the procession was met at Olsen's hill by emissaries from the scene of the fire, who announced that the flames had been extinguished with out difficulty, being, of small coiise quence and due to the negligence of persons burning leaves on the hill, who | allowed the fire to creep under a pho- WES7 McHENRY, ILLINOIS SUNDAY EVENING, MAY 11 10 CENTS TO ALL AURORA FLOYD IN TWO REELS From the Famous Novel by Rln N. E. BriMea THE BRONCHO FEATUR E FILM THE PROSPECTOR'S DAUGHTER . THE TRUANT'S DOOM A Phuihaneer Ar DESPERATE STRUGGLE ; AND A BARE ESCAPE i ; Two Short Comedies Don't Miss It TWO SHOWS, 7.-M AND 8:4S P. N. 10 cents to CENTERVHXE Mulligan1 tographer's tent, which waa partly de- AND GROCERY NOW (The price luWwt to revision «erord- lnft to the price •! raw material) 7'be reduced prtce is quoted because of the louver cost of green coffee. THE PRICE MAY CHANGE THE QUALITY NEVER You are choosing a higrh-grnae coffee but an inexpensive one when you a^k the grocer to send Mex-O-Ja ColToe. The pleasing and original flavor peculiar to Mex-O-Ja la the result of scientifically blending and roasting 8ao Paulo and Mexican coffees^ MEX-O-JA SALES DEPT. 86G to 405 E. Illinois St., Chicago Exactly the same care ful attention is paid to the photographing of children as to the grown ups. ; Any day is chil dren's day. PICTURE TRARES--THE GOOD KIND ONLY F. SCHNABEL McHENltY. ILL. n :: 'PHONE 100-J gffiM"" Free! SOkIOO BOOSTER COUPONS FOR THE BOOSTER CLUB ** To the first thousand persons ovef tf* years old registering af mif store on Saturday, flay 34, we will give fifty Booster Club Coupons The piano is here, also Mr. Beardsley and Mr. Harris, the traveling boostei-s from Springfield. The first will cause you to desire, the second will teach you how to acquire this beautiful, sweet toned instrument. Call at M. M. Niesen's, the BoOster Club.Store. Piano selection* from 3to 5 and from 7 to 9 p. «n. Saturday. . . . . . . . . • . . . . Saturday The choicest line of Meats and Groceries ^ to be found in McHenry 20 pounds Sugar.s... .Vv.. iv^lLOO1; ; 50c Carton of Matchea^i^4>?» • Two 15c cans Blossom Tomatoes^:. .. SJ5t* { T w o 1 5 c c a n s A r m o u r ' s B e a n s . . . 2 5 © ' • I ; - Seven bars Swift's Pride Soap. . .25o, Seven bars Lenox Soap ..25e 12c Dried Peaches, per pouiul. . if*. .10«i 12c Dried Prunes............ . 106 Four cttns JOc Corn s 25c can Calumet Baking POwder (lb.)... 18®' ; ̂ * •{% 10cpackage Quaker Oats •. .8©. , 100 pounds Y. L. Chicken Feed,,.£*:*.$1.7 Extra Coupons en those Saioe Hie atandlng of the members of the Booster Club will be U«MBC«4 on Monday, May 36. hp toon as a Booster ha* deposited 5,000 Coupons in the Booster Club ballot box a Booster Pia will be awarded M. Mf" THfe BOdSTER CLUB STORE J.W.Aebischer (Suceoaor to C. G. Frett.) McHENRY. ILL. 1-1 1-1 'PHONE SO-M L. 0. SENG Same degree et.ex- cellenee n ll«worw and clgaro. same service, seme eld steed, same every thing eneft the t3r~NUMBER_d le 106 N. 8th Ave. CHICAGO. PARCELS CHECKED stroyed. The populace perambulated back to the village hall and the council was reconvened and proceeded with the regular order of business, everything being harmonious until the question of village marshal was taken up. Three of the old and one of the new aldermen lined up for John J. Walsh, j who has held the position for some time, while one of the hold over aldermen was against his retention. The mayor bad marked him for "slaughter,'4 however, and proposed the name of George Bingham, but was unable to secure the co-operation of the council, therefore a compromise wa$ arranged by allowing the matter to.go over until the next meeting. VOLO. Mr. and Mrs. Thos. Fisher were Mc Henry callers Monday. The Vasey school closed Friday with a picnic in McCabe's woods. Mrs. L. V. Lusk and daughter of Fort Hill were in town Friday. Mrs. Hay Paddock and Miss Ella Moore were in Grayslake Tuesday. Mr. and Mrs. H. Kreuger and son of Wauconda spent Sunday at John Wal ton's. * / Mt*. A. J. Raymond spent Wednes day and Thursday with her daughter in Grayslake. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Dunnill and Mr. and Mrs. John HichardsOn were in McHenry Sunday. Mrs. Ray Paddock and Hiss Ella Moore attended the Ladies' Aid at Mrs. Joe Vogt's Thursday. Mrs. Chas^Kapple and daughter and Miss Loftus of Grayslake spent Tues day with Mrs. A. J. Raymond. 'y] • 4FNIVERBALIST CHURCH Usual services at the Cniversalist church next Sunday--Sunday school at 10 o'clock, sermon at 11. Every one weleome at both services. M. L. ALDBIDO*. . You can do the week's washing for a family «f six at trifling cost for electricity If you use.an Mk Wasting Mine : « ' s "• " And the Ironing can be transferred from the hot kitchen to the porch by getting a long cord and using an Me Iron A few moments' use of it dally will keep f your house neat as a pin If you employ *. Vacuum Gedner Summer's heat is tfMcklj in any room by an ft Electric Fan HAT SHOP Will you visit us soon--if we promise to show you the hat you have tried to find elsew here •~th6^ very one that makes yon look as you prefer look? Really, you shonlu s<'<5 our fascinating ^creations for street wear and dress. Come in to seq me. ^ s: MRS. ALICE WEST ITKNRY : WELSH : ILLINOIS Read The Plainaealer. All these and many other electrical pliances for sale at the lowest price*.. 1 ' £"3 IHIBIK SEME OF NORTHERN ILLINOIS P H I L I P J A E G E R ^QENBRAL COnMtSSION MERCHANT; • r •f*-. .>#. .SPECIAL. ATTENTION OIVBN TO THX 8AXJE OF Dressed Beef.tflutton, Hogs, Veal, Poultry, Hides, etc.. natter and Eggs \'v< •fitslithe oldest honas on the street Tags and application. , Stall 1 * J. PnWen 1 :̂ Wholesale Market. • COLD STORAGE FREE - - K> CHICAGO, ILLINOIS. Wa d F*#*1 t-3>- M'b' DONT BORROW. SUBSCRIBE NOW