Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 8 May 1913, p. 5

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; t First-class Dnif^. V ^ JReasonable Prices, - •• I' -: -J.'v*" ' '"fifc ??•' ' y fl f: »r,; i*: V j.r3:' •* v McHenry* UL f a ** w'-d- ^ K % r < ^ " ¥&"-f < -sitx "'te u* ' \ s*- l>l^1"'1' '-rE5~5^ RICE WIDE LUMBER FOR CORNICE WORK y specialty witfe us and " 'not only is ours of good"' width, but it is soft an It']* ' smooth--free from pitch,- ^ bo that it will take and hold paint. We have lum- . ̂ ber for every purpose and sound reasons why it's tho/« . be«k W«. want, to.sbow *v • • • j-- ' "* • VS*; WILBUR LDPffiER CO. WEST N'HENRY :: PHONE S Bank of f G5TABUSHBD 1SS8 This fiank receives deposits, pays 3 per cent interest on time depos­ its, extends all courtesies consist­ ent with good bnainssa principles and does a tflBML BARKING BUSINESS respsotfully soliatinf public pat* ronag*. Honey to Loan on real estate and other first class security. REAL ESTATE Farm lands, residences and Til­ lage property for sale. If you want to buy or Mil, call on ns. Attracts ordered. •iQ INSURANCE ; . * in First Class Oompaali* at tM lowest rates Perry & Owen, Notary Public. - Bankers. That's Early Riser Flpur, the -home product. Why take a chance* oi^ other makes .wlhen you have the assuranc^from the many users of the home brand. ..that it is absolutely right. Are you willing to trust a man who hag made . a life long study of flour? ~ If._so you will buy none but the Early RiserFlohr. Sold everywhere ift Mc- Y Henry.,, ...te :: , :: • MWRT FLOUR m FEED HILLS Now is the time to" give us that order % ^ for that new Spring "4^: Harness * We are prepared to: , fit youj|^orses with s any Style or' weight * ^ Harness that yon ., may desire &nd can >; • dq it at a very rea- sonablecost. Gomel * . in; examine our ex­ cellent line of goods and let us tell you** hoW you profit bjr > : '• ^ •, coming here {or^ ^Jf ; YOUR HORSE GOODS - E. L. Behlke West McHenry 111. 1913 WILL BE LUCKY FOR HONE BUILDERS who sidetrack procrastination for action and get busy early on their building plans. The kind of lumber you would be satisfied with is as cheap now as you will ever see it, and at the prices we are quoting on the quality you would expect, we say with all emphasis, "Build Now." With our knowledge of the different woods and their application to home building we canjloubUess show you how you can attain your ideal home at a much less cost than you think. I'rice-per- thousand for lumber is very mis­ leading to the inexperienced, "but when a plan is figured judiciously and the right lumber specified in the right place the total cost is often a pleasant revelation. Our business requires this exacting knowledge and we are sure we can satisfy you In price, quality and service. Let's talk it over. We have everything from joist to shingles. ' "There's .ft|o Place Like Home" WILBUR LUMBER CO. West)flcrtenry . - Phone 5 mMMnl WORKS WOHOER8 on fcno Mock, drirm out tf* pasts ttet staal your uwftia- tht loU your atiiifi hum maa pigs--itet k*«p your Mock from getting tb^ good «rft 8al*Vet is a mcdicattd stock salt. It ramdns no handHn* no dinrhln* no , doafa^. Jut tot all yoor ttock rentott j Mid ttacy will doctor tbanaahras. Stock fraafcomwo»»a»atolM* tbrira battar^ oalaaafMd--foton*«tat( Mtfegr and pot on SMoay nskfaiff I TmV SAL'VET E.V. McAllister . Mm, v ' v West Mcttearj a Pb«pe 59-W Ib he|e we*\ want to inform jtou that we carry ^complete line of ̂ all sorts of seeds. Call in a«d let lis show you what . we have in this' . M. n. NIESEN TELEPliONB NO. 8*-W riclienry, Illinois. NEIGHBORING NEWS AS CHRONICLED BY OUR ABLE CORPS OF CORRESPONDENTS Flour With the Reputation mm -•U't.Sr-. scapulars Sun- Blessed scapular uied- mmsmiBOa. ' Brighten up! Brighten up' is Here in full bloom. J. C. Debrecht was attintiness visitor in the city Wednesday. ^ ^ A ^turn^rame of baseball was flayed Sunday at Ringwood. Our boys won out 15 to J. It was an easy victory. Farmers are thankful for the rain we have just had, Corn plying can now^ be commenced tad grain la grow­ ing well. The baptism of Rosine Christine, daughter of Peter Smith," occurred in St. John's ohurch May 4. Will Smith and Christina Tonian were the spon­ sors. ' ' Michael Jus ten's three year old boy, Clarence, was interred in St. John's cemetery V'ednesday afternoon at 2 o'clock, plunging" the father again into the utmost sorrow. Quite a few people in this vicinity have had an attack of buzz wagon fever. Several autos have been delivered, while others are expecting to have theirs delivered in the near luture. Jos. Schmitt and sister, Miss Agnes, Mrs. Mathias Lay and son, Leo, ac­ companied by Mr. Heihm, in Steve F. Schmitt's new auto, made a visit to West Brooklyn last Sttaday. This was the auto's initial trip., It covered 65 miles. May devotions in honor' «f Our Lady in St, John's church every Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday night at 7:45. Special instruction on day afternoon. als will be distributed every Sunday afternoon ih May. . Monday night the'church committee met on the invitation' of Father Rer- thold to hear advice in regard to heat­ ing conditions. For economy's sake the old boiler will be retained for the present, but tired with hard Coal after new gVates, separate smoke leads and Honevw||l circulating attachments have been installed. Anton Thelen, aged forty-lour years, died at his home in Johnsburg Tues­ day after a long battle with «illness. The funeral occurred Thursday morn­ ing, May 8, from- St. John's church, where a requiem mass with the prayers for the deceased were sung by the pas­ tor. The remains were laid to rent beside those of his dear mother. The new ball parlc will be located north of town on the ehurch property. The field has been staked off and the next thing now is to grade and plank the infield. With a Hi tie labor the diamond. can be . put into excellent shape. The boys need a little finan­ cial assistance, so they have decided to draw up a list for donors. Every fan and citizen interested in having Johnsburg well represented is asked to contribute. Let's give the old town a boost. The cemetery grass received Its first clip by the committee and things com­ mence to improve. The people are throwing out their box frames, which were the great drawback in the past, and everybody is beginning to seie the difference it makes for the best, to bring the graves even with the lawn. Messrs. Jacob Schmitt, J. P. Lay and Jos. Klein will solicit $1.00 from each family to keep up the good work all summer. Many people have ordered monuments to be erected before the summer is over, in loving memory of the dead, and some of the cheap wood­ en crosses will go to the woodpile. J KMKKAI.H PARK. Dr. Hayes of Chicago spent Sunday here. $ Miss Lola Boyle visited the Kfrnerald Park school Friday last. Miss Myrtle Huck visited the Mc­ Henry school Thursday.' - Mr. and Mre. Will Hille^of Cfeleago spent Sunday at the Park. M rs. Ed. Knox spent Saturday and Sunday at M. A. Sutton's. Quite a number of the cottagers were seen at the Park last week. John Kelter of Chicago called on friends in this vicinity Sunday. Mrs. James Hughes and children spent a day in Chicago last week. Miss Eleanor Phalen spent a couple of evenings at the Park last week. William Peters of Chicago visited at the home of James Hughes Sunday. Joe Sutton autoed to Chicago Sunday returijted home Monday evening. Walter Walsh visited school and cal­ led on friends in this vicinity one day last week. The children $re all happy. Our school closed for the summer vacation Wednesday. Mrs. John Smith, son, Edmund, and daughter, Helen, called at M. A. Sut­ ton's Tuesday. Mrs. M. A. Sutton, who has been sick for the last two weeks, is on the gain at present. . „ Mrs. W. K. Burns and daughter, May, of Chicago are spending a few days at^he Park. ^ Mr. and Mre. Ed. Sutton and son, WHIiam Edward, spent Sunday at the home of Dr. C. H. Fe'gers at McHenry. Mrs. M. J. Walsh, sons, Melvin and Quentin, and Mrs. Stacia Knox of Mc­ Henry called at M. A. Sutton's Tues­ day. Mr. and. Mrs. John Armstrong and family of River Forest, 111., have been spending a few days 4t their summer home here. Ray Powers called on his friends in McHenry Sunday. Ray seems very mild since the K. of C. initiation. Wonder why? • NOTICE OF BECEI VI>lO BIDS NOTICE Is hereby Riven, that on Tnaadar> tin* :20th day of May next, the committer on Alms House aud Farm of the Hoard of Super­ visors of the County of Mi'Huury In the State of Illinois, at said Alms House at Hurt land, at the hour of 2 o'clock sealed bids or proposals TahplioM N» 393. " The regular monthly Knights of Colum ting of the place at ointf. SIpfON STOFFEU Insurance agent for all classes of ^ companies .••j •» t. p. m. will receive fT>r remodeling the huru'"on"said farm' according to plans and specifications adopted, by said committee. Copies of said plans and specifications may be seen at said Alms House at Hartland. III., at the office of the < 'ounty Clerk. a|, the omce of Deios James in tlie Court Hou>e in Wood- .•iUM-k. or in the hands of N. Nrotzuiau. chair­ man of said committee in Kiley Township In s a i d C o u n t y . . . . . The committee reserves the rt*ht U> reject any and all bids. Daftpd at Woodstock. UL, May •> A. D. MS, . 0. K. Btilu, Ckmnty Otork. KlUUKriUU N. E. Whetstone was at Harrington Thursday. Mr. and Mrs. A. Diet* weae in f&c city Wednesday. V ? Mr. and Mrs* Albert t*ni,vey were Huntley callers Sunday. ^ Herman Irish of Harvard was calling on relatives here Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. F. Wille were Thurs­ day yisitors at Woodstock. W. Howard attended the K. CX ini­ tiation at McHenry Sunday. ' Herman Wille drove to Woodstook on business one day last week. Rob Knilans entertained Clifford Vance of Chicago over Sunday. * Agent Lynch and J. J. Dglauay w^ire Chicago business callers Sunday* Roy Cowl in of WiSOdstock called on relatives here Friday of last week. Miss Glenvs Jacobs boarded t he train for Woodstock Wednesday afternoon. Emma and Willie Wieland of Chica­ go are Visiting friends at Woodstock. J. Breytspraak of Evanston is vis't- tng his son, Victor, at the farm home, Mrs. John Pearson and daughter, Hildur, went to Woodstock Saturday. Misses Etta Irish and Mabel Skinner were in Woodstock Friday and Satur­ day. Mrs. Lars Nelson was a visitor at one of the dental parlors at Woodstock Thursday. Mr. aind Mrs. M. H. Fitusimtnons re­ turned from' the city on the. evening train Friday. Emma Wieland and brother, WilRet1 of Chicago w?re visiting friends in this! vicinity recently. ^ Mrs. E. G. Bennetr and children of Chicago visited fot_ a fe\l days with Mrs. J. Thot-L8eii. | . Miss" Olive Hesselgrave visited, at; the home of her brother, Reuben, at Woodstock Sunday. N. E. Whetstone and "family, also Miss Gleny? Jacobs, took an auto out­ ing to Matavia Sunday. / Mrs. E. Wright- of- Pi/nlarid, Ore., visited with her; nephen and niece, Mr. and Mi-s. A.,Purvey. reo>oi4y. Mrs. A. Purvey entertained her- mother; Mrs. L. B. CJompton, also Mrs. Ajia Dufield, of Woodstock recently. < iVliss Ruth Wilson and brothet', John, of Marengo visited over SuiiUay with their uncle, C.*E^Lockwopd. and fam­ ily- Mis. M. Wait! and daughter, "Nora, also little son, Harvey, were business and pleasure visitors at Woodstock Friday. Mrs. Lars Nelson anddaughter, Mrs. W. French, and son, Gerald, of Hunt­ ley were Crystal-1 Lake shoppers Wed­ nesday. The Saturday Woodstock callers by train were Mrs. L. A. Wal^tup, Mrs. J. G. Hartman, Miss Marjory'Reaer, J. B. Lynch and Conradq Berg. Ray Lynch went to Barrington with the Crystal Lake high school ball team Friday, when th|^Jatter school played the Barrington school team. The Ladies' Aid society met with Mrs. C. H. Giesselbrecht Thursday ^fternooa. No luncheon served. Mrs. Sam Simmons of Woodstock attended. April 30 (Wednesday) Mr. and Mrs. C. E. Lock wood and daughter, "Miss Cora, were guests at the wedding of Mr. and Mrs. Lockwood's niece, Mils Edith Wilson, to Mr. William Boclt- man at Marengo. Their Ridgetield friends extend congratulations to Mr. and Mrs. Bockman. • Mrs. E. P. Hesselgrava, and daugh­ ter, Addie, drove to Antioch to help celebrate her mother's seventieth birthday anniversary Sunday. Mrs. Hesselgrave and daugter <spent a part of Friday and Saturday with her daugh­ ter, Mrs. B. C. Rudolph, and family, returning home Tuesday of this week. A lucky accident occurred Monday at 12:12, when the southbound way freight, engine No. 588, struck Station Agent Lynch, seriously injuring his right arm and fracturing two ribs on his left side, and also inflicting numer­ ous bruises on his head and upper part of his botj^t Mr. Lynch is resting com­ fortably. J * BIMGWOOD Grandma Hawley of Barrington is fisiting her son and family. Florence Bell visited relatives in Richmond the last of the week. Mr. and Mrs. James Ilainey were Mc­ Henry visitors Tuesday evening. Mrs. Hiley Thomas of Ostend called on Mrs. Rainey Thursday of last week. J. V. Buckland and niece, Mrs. Dix­ on, called on Mrs. Lloyd Grattofrvuear Greenwood, Wednesday afternoon.. Mr. and Mrs. Ray Merchant spent Sunday with their parents in Wood­ stock. Mr. apd Mri. Starr Brink and little daughter spent Sunday at Bert Mc- Cannon's. The Woodman play given by Green­ wood talent last Friday evening wus fine. The receipts at the door were $50.D0. *: Ed Robbins came out from Chicago Sunday and H. W. Allen took him and E. T. Chase to Alden to see Phil Harrison. ^ The W. C. T. U. had a very pleasant meeting at Mrs. Florence Smith's last Thursday. Mrs. Collins had some ex­ cellent Bible questions. the meeting. \ Mrs. Hattie Budnand has been sick for a week. Her granddaughter, Mrs. Dixon, of Union Grove came last Sat­ urday, to care for her a few "days. Wed­ nesday morning Mrs. Andrus came to care for her. f t * The W. C. T. U. wih hold a one day institute Saturday of this weefc. Rev. Mary E. Moreland will be present both day and evening, beside other -good speakers. She will deliver the even­ ing udrtrs-- There will tnu- lie. : CHl?:'?"' ' .' /SsasSBtsssssssst Opera House l. W. SNira, :: MANAGER A l f l &r. • v .. V V .•, Of SATDRMYb AND SUHMY this week All Seats 10c Dainty styles in Oxfordd and Slippers for com­ mencement. We hare , the correct styles for the occasion, the perfect fit we assure you will as­ sure you comfort and ease the all important even- Jotin Woltar WEST HcHENKY,- ts ILLINOIS The Right \Veight Every ounce that you are entitled to, you will find when- you check off the groceries that you order here. You get quality, full quantity and prompt and polite service for very little money, in* fact less than you would pay elsewhere. We have a fresh stock of fine groceries and we guarantee all our food stuffs to be pufe and wholesome. Let us have a trial order. Math.- La u res :: Weat McHenry Phone 8 Wkv ihwll big bate slwsvs It »h»»f • la a All enjoyed It's a sdife bet that no shop holds better steaks than ours. We don't hold them very long. All wagers are quickly settled and the steaks , promptly delivered to the pleased • winners. You can bet on oursteaks • every time.' :*• " Sj E. F. Matthews WEST HcHENRY. ILL. 'PHONE S h fi. A. SATTEM ^ DISTRICT MANAtfEN nUTOAL un INSUtftNCE 01/ or NEW YOKK WEST PI'BENIY, ILL. MB YOV INTEK69TEPT is the element th«t counts most in the r"business. Customers should be able to a drug store with utmost assurance their interests will be protected This element of reliability 'Drug Store drug to go that in every and re- •M: A % The extent and quality of ohf tiade and ftbe obvious confidence reposed in us by the jpubljc is evidence |j^at we have en superior service.; :: your Druggist" McHENI# TELEPHONE 56-W •M Our line was never so complete as now. We have all the new lasts In white Nubuck, White Canvas, Tan, Brown Suede apd Nubuck. Gun Metal, Kid ahdLPatent Colt. Call and see them. >: DRKSS tlpODS, fancy ftnd' plain cotton voiles in all leading shades, 25c to'50c per yard. A nobby line of silks, plain and faocy, suitable for Waists, Skirts and^, Dresses. *:< ,^<See our new line of Interna­ tional Tailoring Samples. You yill need a new Suit, Coat or Trousers soon. We can save you money and give you a per­ fect fit. New nobby line of Hats for , Men and Boys, new shapes and sew oulors, bow ih back, fronK •v $1.00 to $3.00 Shirts, Collars, Ties, Overalls, Shirts, Working .Clothing. :: Groceries, Canned Goods and Fruits. Try our Tea at 50p. None so good. We have a fine blended CotTea at 25c, 30e Goods delivered promptly. . Quality guarttnt Try it, and 35c. WALSH S« ^ii : "-'ii f ^ ' •* . 'Ti - :vs , 4s fM. % l x ! f '̂ 51 ' • § < 'M ' T V ^ ^ S" j 1 % <ir# "S & • •'••.Ail '• -*1 affords more enjoyment and comfdrt t6 the family than anything in the world. No one .need be without such a home nowadays. We can fit you out and can do it in a most -satisfactory manner. Our goods and prices will njeet with your approval and after we show you how easy it is for you to make' your home comfy and cozy, you'll wonder why you didn't consult us long since. We can fit your home with furniture that ranges in price from the costliest to the cheapest that money will buy. Call and let us tell yon more abou^ii. :: : ^ -iib JACOB THE McHENHY FURNITURE MAN '" r $ •¥.. • 1 '51 ^ 0°- '.'isg •M ./iif 'w;-' •• •• Y i Av Y i Av .:;Xi ' : --V 0 v/l! f l-jj •ft*.f? 'JL -- \?X S*ivv . 1 •'rs m&m j . c . QUAUfTY SERVICE RIGHT PRICES 'Phone 635-M-a Johnsburgb, I I I . * 1 RICHELIEUBRAND , •' V rooo roducts ak Arrenzwc. tuMuiz, WBouaMfj AMD ABSOLUTELY PUKE - v i i4' )EVEK K WITHOUT TIE KK3CUEU WtA» P Appreciating that housekeepers of the present day acrotini** V the food they put on their table as they have never done befor^ ^ and that they insist upon knowing beyond ^question of a doubt «#; to the purity and quality of the things they give their families to eat; we were determined to provide such goods, so chose the Rich-, elieu Brand Pood Products because we believe they are the b«*..v food goods to be had. Richelieu Brand Food Goods are of surpassing excellence, and we therefore, unhesitatingly recommend t^tem to you. Select any - item of "Richelieu Brand Food Products,-•"Und you have the beat food that sun, soil, rain and skill of man can produce. Is it nal^.:•? worth something to know this? , ; We ask you to give these goods * trial. Yoar will ceive prompJbimdcareful attention;^ ^ "W'! #•; s:'1 ••liA i"-. M mm •N

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