Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 15 May 1913, p. 5

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i •: -.^^- -- >,\;;- £ • -v • •;« •ff.•-,•••; pi K* ' l\ -±i~Z : - "A I-, isffe rM <*• .. First-class Drnga, ^Reasonable Prices, • • *» Prompt Service t". -'v>y..' <•'• ..->>« •«•*««• "2. V", - i t ^ ,jtifi?U',*'S»^S -; '.1 '&& • V"1 ^ ""^f * *5f ^ T*'^ I^K^i'wri J^>ii>--^' vtf-Vi f| McHenry,ill. ^ ','Hi Jfi**£\*t:' 'w '• e Flour With the Reputation "PFVS h?JK That's Early Riser Flour, the home product. Why fake a chance cm. other iliakes when you have thp assurance from the many users of the home brand that it is absolutely all right. Are ydu willing to trust a man who has made life long study of flour? so you will buy none but the Early Riser Flour. Sold everywhere trt Mc- Hen: §§» NICE WIDE LUMBER FOR CORNICE WORK' i| a specialty withus andf ̂ 'jpt only is oun of good • tfldth, but it is soft and ;a siftooth--free from pitch so that it will take anc bold paint. We have lum ±M ber for every purpose and 4 •*> sound reasons why it's the- *$» . best. We want to show *>' KEl$HBQRWG KMWS AS CHRONICLEDtBY OUR ABLE CORPS OP CORRESI'ONDEKTS .r • V : .• WILBUR LUMBER CO. WEST N'ffiffltY :: nONES m Bank of» ESTABLISHED iSSS This Bank reoeivee deposits, pay* 8 per cent interest on time depos­ its, extends all courtesies consist ent with good businsss principles and doss a GENERAL BANKIM BUSINESS respeotfaUy satiating pabite ronag*. Honey to Loan on real estate and other first class NOUttjft REAL ESTATE Fsrm lends, residences and vil lag® property for sale. If yon want to bny or Mil, pall on ns. Abstracts ordered. INSURANCE in first Class Oompanls% at the lowest rates Perry & Owen, Notary Public. - Bankers. Now is the time to< give us that orde^p for that new &: spring , ^Harness/ We are prepared to fit your horses with , any style or weight Harness that you " may desire and can ( at a very rea­ sonable cost. Come • in, examine our ex­ cellent line of goods and let us tell you r how you profit by coming here for YWMOBEGmS E. L. Behlke West Mctienry III. NEED NO MAGNIFYING GLASS v>.|io see the bi? values in Groceries bad here. They are so plain JjbH even the most inexperienced f now at a glance that their money ,;ifrill purchase here. mor*^and bet* 'Ijer Groceries than anywhere else. We m ould like ywi to Jiut .that dafas to the test. • - jf - '$?; ̂ ?i- Math; Caiir^ PhoM 8 :: West Mctteary TlliplHM N* *u, •A? SIMON srorFEl|4;J l̂asuracce agent for all classes of in the best oompanias. PRICE-PERTHODSAND ON BUILDING LUMBER is not idfrequently used by man­ ufacturers of - substitutes to con­ fuse prospective homje builders, but to the man who knows qual­ ity the characteristics of the dif­ ferent favored building woods and their proper application this bug­ bear causes little apprehension. We've helped many builders right here at home beat the building game to a frazzle and can help you too if you'll bring your plans in or tell us just what you con­ template doing. Selling lumber is only a part of our business-- the personal service we render our customers being of equal im­ portance--but we're willing to donate this service for the sake of the community and the in­ dorsement of our customers. Be­ fore making your final decision on your new house come in and get at first hand the real facts about this lumber business and just what "price-per-thousand" means to you. " ••There's No Place Like Home" WILBUR LUMBER CO. West fldrieary - Phone 5 KINO w non John Stevenson's mother from'Maine* is visiting him. ? Mrs. Hattie Bucklaod is a little-bet­ ter at this writing. 7 ' - Mrs. Francisco returned to her home in Woodstock last week. / Mrs. Dixon returned to her boee in Union Grove last Thursday. Miss Agnes Dodge's school in the Harsh district closed Monday. Rev. Nickle of Chicago visited at Bert MeCannon's Thursday of last week. Frank Martin and Thomas Thomp son went to Aldeo SnnAsy > «fr*ee Phil Harrison. .^ Mary Bell and Mrs. Lillian Marvin attended a party in Richmond last Thursday evening. The little son of Michael Justen died Wednesday of last week. They have the sympathy of all. The W. C. T. U. will in«*t with Miss Nellie Baldwin of Greenwood Satur­ day afternoon of this week. Le&deQ, Miss Baldwin. S. W. Brown and mother, Mrs. 1Lu elta Stephenson and Mrs. Mayiuo Har­ rison drove to Alden last Thursday to see Phil Harrison. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. MeCsanon and Mr. and Mrs. H. M. Stephenson drove to Coral Sunday afternoon in the lat ter's auto to see Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Tuttle. The township school exercises were held Monday evening and were a sue cess. All did their parts well. In the spelling contest Winifred Bradley won first prize, Margaret Harrison second and Helena Adams third. H. M. Stephenson and family went to Waucondu Saturday afternoon to see the first railroad train come in and to bid farewell to. the old stage coach, which has run from Harrington to Wauconda for so many years. , The W. C. T. U. institute held here Saturday was good. Miss Moreland gave a fine address in the evening and the music was good. The county pres ident's illustrated talk in the afternoon was fine. The subject .was "The Tern peranfee Trees." An afternoon and evening meeting was' held at Mc Henry Sunday afternoon and evening Emery Kimball of Hebron and Me^rs Sherman and Dillon of Harvard s|>oke in' the afternoon, as also did \>iss Moreland Mi's. GFay represented the Harvard union and Mrs. Allen King- wood union. TKKKA CodjL NO MORE ? LOSSES P* WORMS* Hi |^| pgj WOKKS VtONBEKS oq «J1 km Mock, drives oat th« pm <h| siwl roar profits--tint Ull yoar shsqpt iMBbs and pigs--tint keep your Stncfc fcim gMtaf the good of their feed. M»V«t Is • medicated stock sib. It rafriMS «o feaodHn» no drencbinc; ao doitafi JoetleteQ joat stock ran to it end they win doctor themselves. Slock free from worms gein faet--thrive kiMt olmsfced gommsifctemMef keep keekby end put on money meting Oeeh rm¥8AUVET _ _ M tttiMalS, Wle MWry It te etock it aS rin packasae ha 'Sa mm mmt fialu avary fai of It. (*1) E. V. McAllister AOENt. West Mdleanr ^. Pheoe 59-W Go to Petescl| lor patent msdicine ̂ yoor drugs and Adv HZ?::, MAY 8 Ray Brown of Woodstock called at M. Knox's last Wednesday.' Mrs. J. J. Riley and daughter; Alice visited friends in Elgin Monday. Misses Eleanor,and Edna Ph&lin vis ited home folks Saturday and Sunday Miss Kathlynne Norris of Crystal Lake visited with Miss Lillian Riley Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. M. J. Walsh and cbil dren of McHenry were guests at the home of,M. Knox Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. J. J. Doherty and fam ily of Holcombville spent Sunday aft­ ernoon with relatives here. Miss Minnie Stanton of Chicago vis ited at the home of her sister, Mrs Frank Martin, last Wednesday. Miss Lee Riley of Barrington spent Tuesday and Wednesday of last week at the home of Mr. and Mrs. John Riley. Mr. and Mrs. George Wegener of Lily Lake spent Sunday at the home of the latter's pa'rentA, Mr. and Mrs. Jos. Buss. Mr. and Mrs. Earl Wilcox and son, Eldridge, of Woodstock spent the week end with the former's parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. J. Riley. MAY 15 Wm. Ames was a Palatine visitor Sunday. M iss Florence Knox vfsited McHenry relatives Sunday! Glenn Robison of Crystal Lake called here Friday evening. Miss Mary Burke of McHenry visited at M. Knox's Saturday. Rev. D. Lehane of McHenry called on friends here Monday. Miss Emma Conway of Elgin spent Sunday at her home here. G. A. Sattem of McHenry was a cal­ ler in this vicinity Monday. Miss Eleanor Phalin boarded the train here Saturday morning. Mrs. G. C. Peck of Dundee spent Saturday at Henry McMUlan'sn Mr. and Mrs. M. J. Walsh and fam­ ily were calling in this vicinity Sunday. Mrs. M. A. Conway, son and daugh­ ter, spent Saturday with her sisters in McHenry. Mr. and Mrs. Jason Renehan of Hainesville visited at the home of B. F. Martin Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Buck, Sr., were Sunday guests of Mr. and Mty. diss. Buck, Jr., at Dundee. Mrs. Frank McMillan and daughter, Eleanor, are spending the week with Spring Grove relatives."*"** Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Buck spent last Wednesday with their daughter, Mrs. Walter Hat£bwell at Williams Bay, Wis. Mrs. 8. B. Leisner went to Chicago Saturday where she will ijie the guest of her daughter and other relatives for afsw^ weeks. NEXT SANCE AT NELL'S The next dance at Nell's Columbia pirk pavilion will take place on Wed­ nesday evening, May 28. The usual good time is promised to all who at­ tend and Nett's orchestra will furnfch the music. Dance tickets, 50 cents. The„ latest and best of moving pic­ tures at the Central Wednesday, Sat­ urday and Sunday. Ady Arrange to attend "Her Last Dollar" at the Central opera house May 25. -»oits«BUBO«. John P. ^ay is the proud owner of a new Ford car, which he bought from John Knox. Father Berthold motored to Crystal Lake last Friday and is glad to report that he has finally succeeded in mak­ ing an agreeable settlement with the plumbers. Jos. Smith, brother of S. H. Smith, or better known as "Stubby," is the owner of a new five-passenger Hupmo- bile. .Tos, is now kept busy experi­ menting, nevertheless he likes the car. Father Nix of Virgil, 111., was a vis­ itor at St. John's parsonage last Sun­ day and enjoyed two days' fishing on Pistakee lake with Rev. Dommermuth, returning Tuesday by auto with his com pan ion /Mr. Schu. Anton Schmh.t deserves our thanks for sending a load of manure to pro­ tect the Norway sprnee plantei) to ben­ efit and beautify the church property and guaranteed by M^ Buck land of the Ringwood nursery. ^; ' Sunday, May 11, was a red letter driv iov tho boys in blue, who defeat-ed the McHenry aggregation of ball plavers by a score of 13 to 8. Young Nic Mil­ ler did fine work for his flfrst real game. Excepting a few bad innings both teams played good ball. 1 he attent ion of the farmers was called to the coai proposition and to book ahead a five day towards the end of May when work will be slack. Thir- tv-three teams will turn out. The early taking of '.he coal saves the parish quite a little money. Hard coal only this year. ' The women's society, or Confrater­ nity of Christ ian" Mothers, had an elec­ tion of officers, thru_which the follow- iug went into office: Mrs. Anna Bug- ner, president; Mrs. John Frett, vice- president; Mrs. Jos. Freund, secretary and treasurer: Mrs. Jos. Hettermann, l»anner carrier: Mrs. Jacob Schiimach- 1st, assistant; Mrs. Peter'Freund, 2nd assistant. The election was held by secret ballot. After the election Mrs. Schaefer and, Mrs. Jungen dis­ tributed the special prayer books, which tend to make it easy for the ipemlt^rs to learn the prayers and tulles governing the society. ' •; Opera House KHNK4M) H.4KK. \ The rain is giving the farraere quite a rest this week. Kenneth Burns of Chicago spent Sunday at the Park. Miss Alice Sutton of Elgin is visit> tog at M. A. Sutton'8. Robt. Sobns sj>ent a few days the past week in the windy city. Mrs. Geo. Frisby and children spent Sunday at the Ellen Frisby home Harry Bending of Chicago spent Saturday and Sunday at the Park Mijte Mayme Diedee of Chicago has been visiting at Ned Knox's farm for the past week. Mrs. Edward Sutton and son, Williai Edward, and Miss Eleanor MoGee called at Ellen Frisby's Sunday. Misses Anna and Irene Frisby and Lola Boyle of McHenry were Sunday callers at the James Hughes home. Some of the children are preparing to attend the township exercises, which will be held at Barreville at a near date. " Anyone wishing to learn'how to ride a donkey may inquire of Miss Franoes Welch, she being an expert at the businesl. Mr. and Mrs. Frank O'Flaherty and Mr. and Mrs. Tom Frisby of Elgin were among the callers at Ellen Fris­ by's Sunday. Misses Mabel and Marguerite Grang­ er of McHenry and George Johnson of Crystal Lake were seen at the Granger oottage Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. W. K. Burns and daughter, May, returned to Chicago Sunday after a short stay at their sum- summer cottage. Mr. Raymond had quite a mishap last Sunday evening. The horse and buggy and boy are all on the gain at present. How did it happen? Ask Raymond. Miss Eleanor Phalin closed her school last Thursday and gave a treat of a picnic to the children. It being a little chilly the children did not stray very far from the school grounds. Among the visitors were Miss Frances Welch and Miss Edna Phalin and three brothers. HOLCOMHVILLK. Mr. and Mrs. Will Zanders Spent Monday at Elgin. Mr. and Mrs. W. B. Gilbert were Elgin visitors Sunday. Mrs. Johnson is visiting at the home of her S(?n at Wauconda. Mrs. M. Mason of Richmond visited at T. L. Flanders Friday. Miss Anna Powers of McHenry spent Thursday at Fred Powers'. Miss Irene Da vol 1 spent Tuesday afternoon at Will Doherty's. Miss Margaret Powers spent Satur­ day with her aunts at McHenry." Father Lonergan of Crystal Lake was a caller here last Thursday. M<*. and Mrs. Jay Doherty and child­ ren spent a Sunday at M. Knox's re­ cently. Mr. and Mrs. D. A. Powers and children were Sunday visitors at Will Doherty's. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Harrison and granddaughter are guests in the home of Chas. Harrison. Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Beiser and child­ ren spent Sunday with Mr. Mrs. Peterson at McHenry. Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Whiston, Mr. and Mrs. Earl Whiston and MiSs Helen O'Donald were Woodstock callers Sat­ urday evening. Misses Irene Da vol 1 ami) Rosie Gabe and friends went to Chicago Saturday evening to see the Money jMoon at the Powers' theatre. W. Sfflll, :: MANAGER * 15he n \ i A i r « r * • WEDNESDAY SATURDAY SUNDAY V of this week All Seats 10c J) Two things which farntara ralaa, either el ,which read backward indicatae the other? Perk; Kn» If pleased you'd be j With the meat you tajy, Trade here. For beef to roast Or pork to fry, Trade here. Beef and pork are our leading crop, You'll find us always on the hop. Scrupulously clean--we use the .mop. Trade here. E. P. Matthews WEST MeHENRY. ILL. 'PHONE 9 L. Q.SENG Sana defrea el ax- cellence nliquere aad clgare, eeana eUwd.ee1 tkia| except the tanwMSEK.d Is (OS N. Sth Ave CHIC AQO. PARCELS CHECKED FREE w- * M M:§ • i f is the element {"hat counts mogt in the drug business. ' Customers should be able to go to a drug store-with utmost assurance that their interests will be protected way. }f if / JThis element of found. IU tvciy reliability and re- Our Drug Store extent and quality of our trade and the obvious confidence reposed in us by the public is evidence that we have always giv­ en superior service. :: :: :: •>n j . .i . 1 ' • < ! Let u« Be Your Druggist** MeHENRY TELEPHONE 56-W Our line was never so complete as now. We have all the new lasts In white Nubuck, White Canvas, Tan, Brown Suede and Nubuck. Gun Metal, Kid and Patent Colt. Call and see them. >: DRES5 HOODS, fancy and plain cotton voiles in all leading 2oc to 50c per yard. A nobby line of silks, plain and fancy, suitable for Waists, Skirts and Dresses. ee our new line of Interna­ tional Tailoring Sam pies. You' will need a new Suit, Cost or Trousers soon. We can save you money and give yon apcter feet fit. ;< New nobby line of Hats for Men and Boys, new shapes and new colors, bow in back, from $1.00 to $3.00 Shirts, Collmrs, Ties, Overalls, Shirts, Working Clothing. :: Groceries, Canned Goods and. Fruits. Try our Tea at 50c. None so good. We have a fine blended Coffee at 25c, 30e Goods delivered promptly. and 35c. Try it. Quality guaranteed. M. J. WALSH Am Tel G. A. SATTEM DISTRICT MANAGER MUTUAL LIFE INSURANCE CO.. OF NEW YORK WEST H'HENRY, ILL ABE YOU INTERESTED? EllNiKriKLU I. A. Kennedy of Chicago was a week end guest of Ray Lynch. Rudolph Hecklar of Crystal Lake attended Sunday school here Sunday Vera Abbott and Harry Whiston of Woodstock were in town Wednesday. J. J. Reser passed Saturday and Sunday with relatives in Lake Gen­ eva. Miss Rachel French of Crystal Lake visited relatives and friends here last Friday. N. E. Whetstone and family and Mrs. A. Jacobs were Bsrrington callers Sunday. Mrs. Lars Nelson and grandson, Gerald French, were callers in Crystal Lake Monday. Mrs. R. It. Dufleld and Miss Glenys Jacobs called at the home of, Mrs. L. Thayer in Woodstock Monday. Mr. and Mrs. Nesmith of Capron vis­ ited with their daughter, Mrs. J. J. Reser, and family over Sunday. Mesdames L. Johnson, H. Wille and children, E. Anderson and daughter and P. B- Haughawout and son, Irvin, were Crystal Lake visitors Saturday afternoon. T. Keeler of Elgin called Oh his mother here Sunday, also called at the home of J. B. Lynch. Mr. Keeler was an employe at the pumping station here for several years. rv Btetlea Ajeat Reetlag > Station Agent J. B. Lynch of Ridge- field, who was quite severely injured when struck by an engine last week, is resting easier and his speedy recov­ ery is now looked for. His two daugh­ ters, Mesdames Lolo Bennett and L. M. Goddard, of Woodstock are at home assisting their mother in caring for their father, and with every care and attention that loving hands can extend it is hoped he will soon recover. The family wishes to thank the many friends who have assisted them In var­ ious ways since the accident; . See ESLER for everything electrical. Expert house wiring, reasonable prices. affords more enjoyment and comfort to the family than anything in the world. No one need be without such a home nowadays. We can fit you out and ca*n do it in a most satisfactory manner. Our goods and prices fi will meet with your approval and after we - show you how easy it is for you to make your home comfy and cozy, you'll wonder why you didn't consult us long since. We can fit your home with furniture that ranges in price from the costliest to the cheapest "that money will buy. Call and let us tell you mdre about it. :: :: :: JACOB JUSTEN, THE MeHENRY FURNITURE MAN > J. C. DEBRECHT QUALITY SERVICE RIGHT PRICES 'Phone 635-M-a John^burgh, 111. COFFEE [iCHELIEU brand Coffee im ry K tion of the Choicest coffees, blended in such- a y J manner as to produce that pleasing arom*v ^ V •' . '4* ' V ." „s'* . ma -if.,' •" '-t- manner as and delicious drinking qualities. Hichelieu brandi* ,/ Coffee has no peer. It is made from the finesu:W^ coffee beans nature produces--those grown in thep|U^ jx>rous lava beds of the tablelands, 'fhe process es of drying, roasting and blending Richelieu braptU ^' Coffee retain the true aroma and enhance the del- icate flavor. "Coffee is just like any other food product." If it 'A isn't properly supplied, properly prepared, it may be more harm- ful than otherwise. Richelieu brand Coffees appeal to lovers of a~ good cup of coffee. Extracted from hand picked berries of choice growth, blended with a new scientific process and delivered to the t ̂ kitchen in aii absolutely air-tight package, it is a coffee of quality. Buy Richelieu brand Coffee for health and »Kt xT. V, iStu'o.-'

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