Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 29 May 1913, p. 5

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r~ry^s: :5SfcUtir-"'> *&£?.. "^•1*f>". r.vA'S £g£$ XSSSaSKsisa^-®a»«^ iiflisiaiHffik 19 ilwwwpwiM •ffffpW With aye Tf^-'WTT* *\ « r»r^-« •,-. ^.i jiiWn East Side -i);;-.-. - "••», .<»•? -V :^H • M<#]jp 83F&*% *??-•»• sl#?^ . JfUiaaonable Prices, 'SA • Vv ' .'S '2 y, H® -.:••• Vî li 4-4̂ 4 :.>S3s s-v mi L Good Siding is not alohe in its manufacture, -but the kind of wood from which it is made. We're very particu­ lar that our siding is soft, with fine "grained fibre so that when the nails are driven there'll be few cracked or split ends. We want to show it to yOu-^-come in. WILBUR LUMBER CO. WEST M'HENRY :: PHONEJS mm mm Bank of McHenry ESTABLISHED 188S This Bank receives deposits, pays 8 par cent interest on time depos­ its, extends all courtesies consist­ ent with good business principles »nd does a «ERHML MKflK WSBttSS respsotfnlly soliciting public pat­ ron aga. Honey to Loan On ml estate and other first class security. REAL ESTATE Farm lands, residences and Til­ lage property for sale. If yon want to buy or sail, oall M M. Abstracts ordered. INSURANCE la First Class Companies, at the lowest rats* ¥ Perry & Owen, Notary PuMUc. - Bankers. LOT or GROCER®!" ^fOU may remark when your order '-^t#omes home. So there are, but ex- ^Smine your bill and you'll find you •L haven't paid any more than usual £? \|or a smaller quantity. "High Coat (it Living" would not be a subject •• Ifor investigation if everyone bought Iter groceries here. Math. Laures the Rgputatiotv : rm. 1 x i ^ • A* r k ' '-j-'.v-* That's Early Riser Flbur, the home product. Why take a chance on other makes wheto you have the assurance from the many users of the hbme brand T ' that it is absolutely all right.- Are you willing to trust a- man who has made a life long study of flour? If so you will buy none but the Early Riser Flour. Sold everywhere in Mc- -mm* Now is the time to give lis that order for that new Spring ^ We are prepared to v fit your horses with 4w any style or weight Harness that you * •; may desire and can, ^ 5 do it at a very rea- sonablecost. Come ^ ' in, examine our ex- . cellent line of goods i>4, and let us tell you how you profit by coming here for ; YOUR HORSE GOODS E?l!' Behtke West McHenry 111. THE HOST ELASTIC BUILDING MATERIAL was discovered about the time the Pilgrims landed upon our shores and a casual census right h^re in our town will prove that the big majority of the homes are still built of wood. The reasons for this are many and what were good reasons in the days of our ancestors are doubly good today because lumber has been im­ proved. The stock we handle today can be put into a house with a saving of from 15% to 25% over the lumber we sold years ago. It comes nicely dressed, uniform in size and qual­ ity, and ready to be nailed right on. Saves hand labor for the carpenter, whioh . is money for the builder. We're extremely careful, too, about the seasoning of our stock and when our qual­ ity fb considered we are sure you'll say we offer more for your taotHwj thkn yp»^ can get else wheiX-^X^tJifi prove it. "There's No Place Like Home" WILBUR LUMBER CO. West flcHenry Phone 3 IS WITU fS. If WE CAN SUPPLY 'r-.. •r Hellebore Paris Green Bordeaux /j*ondoti Purple Arsenate of Lead Insect Powder r Spray Pumps T, ~f"_. "• -.rr; if," " if > * Kr- OUR ABLE CORPS OF CORRESPQNDENTS RIMOWOOD Hire. m. nUSSVII uuu m^. O. "UWKJ1I Phil Harrison died Tuesday morning 0f Waukegan visited S. J. Russell and . Li. auam .. ^ ait his home in Alden< Miss Vera Adams visited her aunt Woodstock last week. in -- -r the home of James Kirwan, Mrs. Delbert Whiting did shopping gpeAt the winter in Florida. nLU.^vC.^.^nl^ . * • in Chicago Saturday last. Mr. and Mrs. J. Adams visited in Elgin Friday and Saturday. Nelson Smith returned heme last Week from a trip around the world. Lewis Price, wife and little daugh­ ter visited at H. W. Allen's Sunday. Everett Stephenson of Canada is vis­ iting his brother, C. H., of this place. The young people gave Miss Edith Whiting1 a shower last Saturday even­ i n g . V ' • Mrs.- JML Hopper and daughter, Ruth, spent Friday la Dundee and El­ gin. Mrs. Jennie Spaulding went to Chi­ cago Friday of last week for a visit and to see the World in Chicago. Two of the Carey girls of tflgin and Clarence Bolger and sister of V\ ood- stock visited at John Carey's Sundayt Mesdames Allen, Brown, and Rainey attended the meeting of 4he Social Wheel at Mrs. Owen's last Saturday. All had a very pleasant time. The Ladies' Aid met at Mrs. Lena Peet's Thursday of last week. The next meeting will be with Mi*. Nellie Dodgfe on June 5. Tea will bdftwved. There will be aprons for sale. Decoration day services will f»e held in the M. W. A. hall Friday at 2 o'clock p. in. Miss Louise Holiister of Evan- ston will speak. The Grand Army post of McHenry is cordially invited. On account of the quarterly meeting our W„ C. T. U. was changed until Wednesday of last week at Miss Nellie Baldwin's, where we had a very pleas­ ant time. She served dainty refresh­ ments. :'TZ '•* " Mr. and Mra. J. C^&add, M*». Car­ rie Smith and Miss Agnes Bigelow re­ ceived a severe shaking up Saturday when their horse became frightened at some rubbish by the road side. All were thrown out and Miss Bigelow's arm was quite badly hurt, but none of them seriously. I'KKKA COTTA* Mrs. Henry McMillan was a McHen­ ry caller Saturday. Miss Gertrude Klein Wood­ stock visitor Saturday. Miss Vera Doherty of Holcombvllle visited relatives here last Sunday. Miss Bessie Rydquist of Crystal Lake spent Sunday with Miss Lillian Riley. Wm. Conway of Honey (Jr^ek, Wis., visited in this vicinity 5 4»/ last- week. Miss Esther Rose of Crystal Lake spent Saturday and Sunday at M Knox's. Mrs. J. J. Doherty and family and Miss Alice Knox visited relatives here recently. Mr. and Mrs. Chaa. Buck, Jr., and little son of Dundee visited relatives here Sunday. Miss Eleanor Phalin attended the McHenry county track m^et in Wood­ stock recently. Mr. and Mrs. Merton Gracy and chil­ dren of Wisconsin visited at J. H. Gracy's Sunday. Mrs. Walter Hatchwell#and daugh­ ters of Williams Bay spent a few days With relatives here. Miss Anna Rydquist of Crystal Lake was the guest of Miss Frances Knox last Tuesday evening. Mr. and Mrs. John Alyward and Miss Delia Conway of Elgin spent a recent Sunday at the home of M. A. and P. H. Conway. HOLOOMIIVILU. \ MAY 20,1913 Miss Nellie Doherty spent Saturday evening at W. Bulger's. Mr. and Mrs. W. B. Gilbert visited at G. Randall's in Hebron Sunday. Missrs Grace and Vera Doherty and Willie Doherty spent Sunday with rel­ atives in Eineruld Park. Messrs. David Powers and son and Thomas, Paul and Neill Doherty^were Sunday callers in Woodstock. J MAY 19, 1913 fe Miss Alice Knox of McHenry is a guest at the home of her sister. Mr. and Mrs. G. Gabe entertained company from Crystal Lake Sunday. Miss Mary Doherty of McHenry spent Friday with her brothers here. Misses Anna and Etta Powers of Mc­ Henry visited relatives here last week. Mrs. Jay Doherty and children were Sunday visitors at M. Knox's in Terra Cotta. Mr. and Mrs. F. Morris and children of Crystal Lake spent Sunday at W. B. Gilbert's. Joe Frieher of Chicago spent Tues­ day and Wednesday with his sister, •Mrs. Will Zenk. Mr. and Mrs. B. F. Peck attended 'the funeral of Mrs. Peck's father in Lake Geneva Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. F. Martin and Clyde Francisco of Ostend were Sunday vis­ itors at W. B. Gilbert's. Mr. and Mrs. C'has. Frett and chil­ dren and Mr. and Mrs. Peter Doherty jof MfeHenry were Sunday callers here. \ VOLO- Sable is sick at this »ng. Moae (I n West McHenry . TMspIMM N* H» SIMON STOFFE|, „ insurance agent for all classes « property in the best companies. i . • . E.V. McAllister West McHoarf Ptmne 59-W Go to Petesch for ^ ^?A. ' f \h >"8^.:"- >.&d W •mt Miss Lucy Duimill of Elgin is visitr ing her parents here. John Walton and family entertained company from Hebron Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. George Jepson of Wau- conda spent Sunday at C. G. Huson's. Mrs. Chauncy Jepson and children of Owens, Wis-, are visiting her parents here. Mr. and Mrs. F. Croker of Liberty ville spent Saturday and Sunday at L. Huson's. Miss Zella Huson of Fort Hill vis­ ited her sister, Mrs. R. Paddock, .Thursday. S , "• f f C your drugs and Adv Mrs. M. Russell and Mr$. S. Russell family Sunday. Mias Annie Compton is visiting at having Wm a There will be services in the Volo M. E. cfcurch Sunday June 8, by Hey. J. Williams. Everyone is invited to be presen t. , KiuuiurisUfc C. H. Qnnsby went to the city Wed­ nesday. Mrs. Shepaad was a Woodstock visitor Friday! W. Levey was ^ Chicago passenger Friday morning'. > . Mrs. H. N. Coopeir was a Woodstock caller Saturday. .r Will Howard was e Woodstock vis­ itor Wednesday. J. C. Button was a Woodstock busi­ ness caller Friday. Mrs. E. Smith visited her brother at Woodstock Friday. "- 'V Mrs. S. Wakefield: w^v t^rj«Ul Lake visitor Sunday. A. G. l^evey was £ business, sailer at Woodst,ock Friday; J. H. Parks of Crystal Lake ins here ou business'Friday. ? S. "E. Olmstead of Woodstock visltet^ witli his father here Friday. Miss Clara Eichkoff of Woodstock visited friends here Thursday. Miss Minnie Breymier visited rela­ tives^ Crystal Lake Sunday. J. Breytspr&ak of Chicago week end guest of his son here. Mr. and Mrs. T. lionnicksen visited their daughter at Elgin Sunday. Mi's. A. Peterson and Mrs. A. Anners were Woodstock visitors Friday. Mrs. T. lionnicksen was a business visitor in Woodstock Wednesday. Mrs. Martin Miller of Crystal Lake visited Mrs. E. Smith one day recent­ ly. Mr. and Mrs. A. Purvey entertained the former's sister Saturday and Sun­ day. Mr. and Mrs. John Cameron of Wood­ stock were calling on frieuds here Sat-, urday. Miss Olive Hesselgrave was the guest! of her brother's family at Woodstock Sunday. " Mrs. D. L. Gibson was a business visitor at Crystal Lake Wednesday forenoon. Conductor Frank Peck and wife of Chicago called ou old friends at Ridge- field Sunday. E. E. Kniians, N. .Peterson and L. Nelson were Crystal Lake callers Mon­ day afternoon. Dorr township exercises will be hekl in the church Monday evening, June 2, at 8 o'clock. Mr. and Mrs. L. M. Goddard of Wood­ stock were Sunday visitors at the home of J. B. Lynch. Mr. and Mrs. Eugene Kelley of Dun­ dee visited with C. E. Lock wood and family recently. Mre. P. B. Hough&wout and Mrs. L. Johnson visited the former's sister at Ringwood Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Onnsby of Crys­ tal Lake spent Sunday at the home of their parents here. Mr. and Mrs. Ashley and son, Ray­ mond, of Chicago are visiting in the home of E. E. Shepard. ( Mrs: E. Senne and son, Marcellus, of Woodstock spent last week at the home of Father Wille. Mr. and Mrs. F. Senne and sons were the guests of Mr. and Mrs. H. Senne at Crystal Lake Sunday. M isses Louise Crow and Mary Smith of Evanston visited the past week With Mr. and Mrs. W. E. Dike. Mr. and Mrs. S. Reed and daughters of Woodstock visited their parents here Saturday and Sunday. The Ladies' Cemetry society will meet at the home of Mrs. H. > Reed Thursday afternoon, June 5. Harley and Gertrude Crippen of Sar­ atoga Springs, N. V-., visited in the home of Mr. and Mrs. O. Baker recent- l y . Mrs. W. E. Dike attended "The World In Chicago" Monday evening and will spend a few days at Wauke- gan. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Whetstone of Beaverton, Mich*) **e visiting in th home of their son, N. E., and expect to remain all snmmer. Mr. and Mrs. N. E. Whetstone and daughter, Alma, also Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Whetstone, enjoyed a picnic din­ ner at Algonquin Sunday. Mrs. A. Jacobs is on the sick list. Wm. Reed is still confined to the house. Mrs. A. Anderson is very sick. J. B. Lynch is improving slowly; Mrs. H. Wille, Mrs. E." Ander­ son, Mrs. L. Johnson and children and Gertrude Haughawout took in the mo­ tion pictures at Crystal Lake Saturday afternoon. ( J, J. Reser, who has been promoted to superintend Borden's factory at Lake Geneva, moved his family there last week. Here's hoping they will enjoy their new hom^. Mrs. F. W. Wille, Jr., has moved to McHenry. Misses Mabel and Elsie Wille will remain here until school is out, when they will join their mother in their new home. ENJOY A VACATION , ^ ^ IN THE BLACK HULLS ' The wonderful Black Hills of Soulh Dakota afford an ideal locality for rest and recuperation. Hunting, fishing, horseback riding over wooded mountain trails, bathing in the medicinal waters of the hot springs, are all to be enjoyed in a glorious climate and amid splendid "scenery. Reduced fares June 1 to September Return limit October 31. Excel­ lent train service. Faverable stop- : ;v*"V ' 30. Opera House J. W. SMITl, v, MANAGER U/?e C( M WEDNESDAY SATURDAY! SUNDAY of this week All Seats 10c What is tin Aflmnc* iMtwMii • !•«« tin wad tk« tempcrane* mtfanint? OM t»«ts tt stop MM Mh aai Uw iflMr •tralm t* iU» a ta*t Stop your autos, motorcycles, aero­ planes, carriages, buggies, wag­ ons, footsteps at our station for' the best fresh beef, mutton, pork Mid lamb, smoked and salt meats, sausage and ham, E. F. Matthews WEST NeHENRY. ILL. a 'PHONE 3 A Word about Kodak Finishing. If yoihbave not the tinUe or do not want to go to the trouble of finishing your owtt kokak work bring it to this studio. We take great pains in finishing amateur work' in the shortest time pos­ sible. :: " WE SELL FILMS, TOO F. SCHNABEL NeHENRY. ILL. ti TKONEIOO-J L. Q. SENG Seme 4egree»t ex­ cellence nlisuere end cltfare, ea aei »lee. MM I the elemetit that cdtints most i ^f#,^.^.;.'1)usiness. Customers should be able to go ^';_;to a drug store with utmost assurance thill ^ ' ^ their interests, will be protected in every .'^Nyfway. This element of ffchabilky a«d re- ; Sponsibility is found at Our •; - i'. S 1s .-.V ; ! The extent and quality of our trade and fi^the obvious confidence reposed in us by the - public is evidence that we have always giv- en superior service. j«v McHENRV •'tiet Us Be Your Druggist** TELEPHONE 56-W tklal except the PT~NUNBER^ JELOCN. 0th Ave. CHICAOO. HAKCKLS CHECK ED FREE C. A. SATTEM DISTRICT MANAOER MUTUAL LITE INSURANCE CO. or NEW YORK WEST PI HENRY, ILL YOU INTERESTED? overs. Choice of routes. Printed matter and full information on Applica­ tion to ticket agents, Chicago and North Western Ry. W-2t PROBA TE NEWS I Furnished by McHenry Ouunty^ Abstract Gouipuuy, Wood*took, Illinois. to udrtxi Office In Ar nold' Block, eiist side public square. Ab strju-tsof title and couveyauclug. Money to loan on real estate In sums of five bun to ten thousand dollars. Time and payments to suit borrower. Phones 634. 903 and 811.1 PROBATE PROCEEDINGS. Castile L. Murray & bto Au'»*Thurl- wetl. Its 8 & 9, oik 4, West McHenry..fWOOJO REAL ESTATE TRANSFERS. Minor heirs of Mary Herbes. f Re­ port filed. Elizabeth Flanders. Proof of death and petition for letters testamentary filed. MARRIAOK UGXSFBES. John Watts, 28.. ..Msrango Ijouisa Foish, 25--•..--•.-i---. Otto Schuldt, 21 .„;Crystal Lake Clara Fauter, 22 >-- r " -- 9^3 • Bead TIm Plilnrt--If, Our line was never 90 complete as now. We have all the new lasts in white Nubuck, White Canvas, Tan, Brown Suede and Nubnck. Gun Metal, Kid and Patent Colt. Call and see them. DRESS GOODS, fancy and plain cotton voiles in all leading shades, 25c to 50c per yard. A nobby line «t*8ks, plain and fancy, suitable for Waists, Skirts and Dresses. x : •" ee our new line of Interna­ tional Tailoring Samples. Yoli %ill need a new Suit, Coat or Trousers soon. We can save you money and give you a per­ fect fit. New nobby line of Hats for Men and Boys, new shapes and Jjew colors, bow in back, from $1.00 to $3.00 Shirts, Collars, Ties, Overalls*- Shirts, Working Clothing. :: Groceries, Canned Goods and Fruits. Try our Tea at 50e^ None so good. We have a fine blended Coffee at 25c, 90b and 35c. Try it. Quality guaranteed. Goods delivered promptly. Jf WALSH T* You can do the week's washing for a family of six at trifling cost for electricity It yof| mp m,. Electric Washing Matte And the ironing can be transferred from the Ni kitchen to the porch by getting a long cord and using an *Vr^ Electric Iron A few moments' use of it daily will keep your house neat as a pin if you employ a Summer's heat is quickly modified in any room by tm Electric Fan All these and many other electrical ap^ili, pliances for sale at the lowest prices 1 1 nut ma ( OF NORTHERN ILLINOIS QUALITY SERY4£E RIGHT PRICES 'Phone 625-M-l Johnsburgh, lib DO YOU REALIZE that even with the present low price of Linseed Oil S. W Prepared Paint is cheaper and gives better satis- \ faction than Lead and Oil , .. •i-S 1 v> A' " i -T. ' LEAD AND OIL. : Rstai1 100-1 b. Keg Best Lead ;.--$"8.50 5 gal. Linseed Oil, at 6<to-- 3.00 TiirpfBt in" for drier. *25 . $11.75 Abfeve quantity produces 7* gallons of paint, Covering 250 square feet per gallon, two coats. Total 1875 square feet. Cost per 100 quare feet» $2p S. W. P. - t Retail gal. S. W. P., $100 g^. .$ia(0 gal. Linseed Oil, 60c gal. U$, i gal. Turpentine, 80c gal. .49 $11.$̂ Above qusntity pmhees T% galldhs, covering 300 square feet jer gallon, two coats. Total; <9^50 square feet. Cost per 100 square leet, As if 1? Besides above comparison S. W. P. if applied according to directions will give better satisfaction than hand uiatle Paint, simply because it is put up according to a scientific formula with powerful machinery to do the fluxing* % • ? . • * ' s- *v . -iCv i-a-i- "X*f if-.:;.- • r»' 7.V S

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