Masquelet's " *'! ;>•»;:» Cast "3V V» - *>'£ •$> <P*&j • i10-- 'X' . 5S ̂ V<£« Flir&t-class Drifj^, ^! * Reasonable Prices, PfcnnptSemojitf V/ The Flour With the Reputation fc*s Early Riser Flour, the home product. Why take a chance on other Makes when yon have the assurance from the many users of the home brand that it is absolutely all right. Are you willing to trust a man who has made fk life long study of flour? Jf so you will buy pone but the Early Riser Plour. Sold everywhere in Mc- THERFS A DIFFERENCE IN BUILDING LUMBER Not alone in price, but also quality and durability. While some woods are tough and strong they are not suited to exposure to the elements and other woods that will " stand e-xposure probably could not be used thruout a house be- cause of prohibitive price. We've a wood for every pur pose and the price is right. Let us show you. :: :: WILBUR LUMBER CO. WEST M'HEIWY :: PHONE 6 Bank of McHenry EST ABLISMEO t8BS This Bank receives deposits, pays 8 per cent interest on time depos its, extends all courtesies consist ent with good business principles and does a GENERAL 1ANKIM BUSINESS respectfully solicting pnblic pat ronage. floney to Loan on real estate and other first elaas security. REAL ESTATE Fariioi lands, residences and vil lage property for sale. If yon want to buy or sellr call on ns. Abstracts ordered. INSURANCE in First Class Companies* at the lowest rates Perry & Owen, Notary Pnblic. - Bankers. r.i "•'-"i' f-: J*. *, • BflassiaBas^a west rrHENWr FLOUR AND FEED MILLS £ Now is the time to give as that order for that new Spring Harness We are prepared to fit your horses with any style or weight Harness that you may desire and can do it at a very i*ea- son a hie cost. Come in, examine our ex- ' eel lent line of goods and let us tell you how you profit by . coming here for . ' YOORflORSE GOODS JL. Behlke West McHenry 111. WEIGHED IN TIE BALANCE *hd never found wanting in either • quantity or quality. .That is what yiix will say of our groceries after * you have tested them in your household. Give us your first or der and if honesty of weight and quality count with you we are sure , of many others hereafter. •• Math. Laures Phone 8 :s We«t McHenry TrilVkWM N* *91. SIMON STOFFEX ^.- -Insurance agent for all classes .of -- property in the best companies. - mm •iilpy. I*" IF HOME BUILDING WAS LEFT TO WOMEN entirely 4re are sure there would not only be more homes built in this town every year, but that those built would approach per fection nearer than a lot do in which some men have the whole .say. It takes a woman to do that which a man knows all about. They have a pretty good idea about room arrangement and when it-comes to Seeing the ad vantages offered by our smooth, satin-like finish and interior trim they're right onto their job. Can't fool 'em on the cost of hand labor as compared with machine worked stock and even tho lumber may be a little higher in price than whton your father built, this saving in carpenter work comes pretty near offsetting the total cost. If this is Greek to you, come in and let us ex plain in detail. Our advice is, free to intending builders. \ "There's No Place Li He Home" WILBUR LUMBER CO. West flclfrary - Phones IS WITH US. . V- WE CAN SUPPLY hellebore f^aris Qreen --^Bordeaux London Purple Arsenate of Lead Insect Powder ' •• -V ' * " Spray Pumps NEIGHBORING NE WS AS CHRONICLED B Y OUR E. V. McAllister WesrMcHenry tj Pbtix 59-W sc. Math. Freund is agent for the Staver bufgy. See him l»r prieea, »{A KlUUKriRLU. Miss Anna Anderson of Woodstock was a caller here recently. Mrs. A. A. Dietz was a caller at Woodstock Monday afternoon. Agent. Evans and Howard Jacobs drove to Woodstock Thursday. Mrs. H. N. Cooper was a business caller at Crystal Lake Saturday. Miss Daisy Bonntcksen of Elgin was a week end guest of her parents. Miss M arjorie Reser of Lake Geneva is visiting friends here this week. Mrs. J. 13. I^ynch and daughter, Mrs. L. M. Goddanl, spent Saturday in Chi cago. Mrs. L. Johnson was at Crystal Lake Tuesday afternoon having dental work done. H. H. Burgett and daughter of Rock- ford spent Decoration day in Ridge- field. Mrs. C. Tankman of Chicago spent Friday night with Mr. and Mrs. fi.. Jacobs. Mr. and Mrs. Schumacher enter tained company from ^the city. over Sunday, '<" ' Miss Grace Thorsen returned to her home after an absence of Six weeks'at Rockford. , " Mr, and Mrs. C. H. Ormsby Of Crys tal Lake spent Sunday with their rela tives here. N. E. Whetstone took, a party of young ladies over to Woodstock in his auto Friday. . Mrs. JO. Kuhn of Woodstock was a Sunday guest at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Thorsen. A number of young people from here attended the dance at Crystal Lake Friday evening. Mr. Redersdorf and Miss Luella Bald win of Crystal Lake were business call ers Wednesday. Mr. and Mrs. A. Purvey spent Sun day at the home of t.he former's par ents near Huntley. Rosi? Peterson spent Saturday and Sunday with her sister, Mrs. R. Qes- selgrave, and family. Mrs. A. Stephenson and daughter, Mrs. J. Schaffer of McHenry, spent Tuesday at Woodstock. Mr. and Mrs. Bucannan of Richmond were business callero at the home of Mrs. G. Irish Tuesday. Mr. and< Mrs. R. L. Dufield called at t,he home of Mr. and Mrs. Dilley, near Crystal Lake, Saturday. Wra. Whetstone, N. E. Whetstone and J. B. Lynch motored toCrystal Lake Monday afternoon. Mr. and Mrs. C. M. Keeler and son, Marvin, visited with Ridgefleld rela tives a few days last week. Mr. and Mrs. S. Reed and daughters, Virginia and Mabel, of Woodstock vis ited with their parents Sunday. Mrs. P. Hunt of HolcombviUe and Mrs. Zanders of Cherry Valley spent Thursday with Mrs. R. L. Dufield. Mrs. C. F. -French and children of Crystal Lakq visited with Mrs. L. Nel son and family Thursday afternoon. Misses Elsie Anderson, Mary Bon- nicksen and Mabel and Elsie Wille were callers at Woodstock Saturday. Miss Mabel Skinner and sister, Mrs. W. Lindscott., and children were Crys tal Lake callers Tuesday afternoon. Mrs. J. Schaffer of McHenry spent fc part of the week at the home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. A. Stephenson. Mr. and Mrs. J. J. Reser and the for mer's sister of Lake Geneva attended the township exercises here Monday evening. -* Mr. and Mrs. A. Saaby entertained during the week about fifteen friends who came out from Chicago by .auto Decoration day. Ralph Walkup, a graduate of Wino na Lake Agricultural college, will help his father with the management of the farm this summer. L. J. Gibson of Milwaukee visited his parents, Mr. and Mrs. D. L. Gib son, and sifter, Mrs. S. A. Merchant, and family .Decoration day. S. Levey and son, Wilbur, and Miss Etta Levey spent Decoration day at the home of their son and brother, Lyman Levey, at Crystal Lake. Mrs. W. Lindscott of Woodstock is spending several days with relatives here. Mr. and Mrs.* Lindscott are moving to their future home at Madi son, Wis. The teachers can feel well repaid for their efforts in training the pupils for the township exercises which were held in the church on Monday evening. The dialogues were fine and the girls' glee club was a grand success. The spelling contest lasted only a few min utes and Edna Stephenson won the blue ribl>on. The receipts of the even ing amounted to nearly il5.00. Why Are meet •like? A01 IM Writer M b gAimgy b vi i.»,r. Miss Anna Powers of McHenry spent Inst week at John Powers'. - Mrs. Chas. Harrison spent Sufiday with her father at Ringwood. Miss Frances Welch and Ray Powers m-ere Sunday callers at Jay Doherty's. Miss Nora Darby spent the last of lihe week with Miss Letah Pomrening. Mr. and Mrs. Will Pomrening of Ridgefield were visitors here recently Miss Agnes Bigelow of Ringwctod is •pending the week' at Chas. Harri ton's. Mr. and Mrs. Jay Dolierty and fam ily were Sunday visitors at W. Bol- ger's. Mrs. C. Hutson, Mrs. W. J. Beiser and Chas. Harrison were callers in Woodstock Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. Will Doran of Chicago. Mrs. Alma Clemens of Elgin and Jas. Mach and daughter of Libertyville were week end visitors at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Will Gilbert. RINflffOOD James Ladd is juror in Chicago this week. Mrs. Libbie Ladd Is not Very well at this writing. ^ Frank Lawson of Elgin spent t>eeora- with Ringwood relatives. ' Starr Brink,-wife and little daugh ter visited at H. W. Allen's Sunday. Bertha and Mary Bell attended the class play at Richmond Tuesday even ing. Roger Stevens of Elgin spent the last of the weekr with bis uncle, N. D. Stevens. Miss Agnes Bigelow spent the last of the week with relatives south at McHenry. Calvin Coates and wife of Harvard visited in Ringwood and attended Dec oration exercises. • ] Mesdames Mary Chase and Emily Cole of Spring Grove called on Mrs. Buckland Thursday of last weelc. The next meeting of the W. C. T; U. will l>e thw Flower M'ssion meeting • on June 14. Leader, Emily Smith. Evan Hrvant and wife of Woodstock visited at KtM t McCanhon's and H. W. Allen's from Friday until Sunday even ing. John Lawson and wife of Park Ridge attended memorial exercises and spent the remainder of the day at W. A. Dodge's. S. W. Brown, wife and mother and sister, Florence Smith, attended the Eastern Star meeting in McHenry Monday evening. Miss Lonise Hoi lister delivered an excellent address Decoration day. Her subject, "The Hag and the Patriot," was very ably handled. H. W. Allen and wife, Florence Smith and Emma Brown attended the W. C. T. IT. meeting of the Harvard Union at Hotel Monear, Lake Geneva, Tuesday. It was their annual Flower Mission meeting. Sixty-four ladies were present. All spent a very enjoy able day. PHIL. S. HARRISON Phil. S. Harrison, son of Charles and Mary Harrison, was born in Ringwood May 8, 18<»3, and died at his home in Alden May 27, 1913. Funeral services were held in Alden in the forenoon of last Thursday and in the afternoon at Ringwood, Rev. Collins officiating. Mrs. Norton sang at this place. At the cemetery' the Masons and Wood men both had their services, he being a member of both orders. He leaves an aged mother and three brothers be sides his young wife and three chil dren and other Relatives to mourn his loss. He was a kind husband, neigh bor and friend, and all who knew him will miss his pleasant face and kindly greeting. Six young ladies, pupils of his Alden school, were ttower girls. Friends were present from Woodstock, Greenwood, Chicago and McHenry to pay their last respects to him. The floral tributes were many and beauti ful. With sad hearts he was tenderly laid to rest in the family lot in Ring- wood cemetery. All extend their heartfelt sympathy to the bereaved fa*"*!*- i*. BMSSUM th*v K*th cater to r«ur be*. Nothing takes the place of meat Te quell the appetite, And no meat will turn the trick Except the meat that's right. It's the only kind of meat to buy, „ And here you'll find it waiting. So that here's the place for you to hie Admits of no debating. E. F. Matthews WEST McHENRY. ILL. 'PHONE 3 L. Q. SE8G SaiM 4*|tn *1 «x- cell*M* iltfinn end cUcra, aacr.e Mrvlc«, Mm* (Id stand, aam* evary • thiag axcapt tfca ermniBEijB lalOeit. 8th Ava. CHICAGO. PARCELS CHECKED FREE G. A. SATTEH DISTRICT MANAGE* MUTUAL UIX INSURANCE CO. OF NEW YORK WEST MENRY, ILL. ARE YOU INTERESTED? SHOULD BE PURE SHOULD BE FRESH ' rs| SHOULD BE OF RJGBT ?0lT*CY SHOULD BE DISPENSED CAREFULLY SHOULD COST YOU BUT A FAIR PRICE SHOULD BE BOUGHT ARID CLEAN SURROUNDINGS •t '. * . f Everything Sii' our store is as it should be. You can place the utmost confidence in our goods and our meth^swill surely appeal to you We want your drug trade. N. H. PETESCH McHENRY :: :: TELEPHONE 56-W Talaahma Na. 70-W CLASSIFIED DEPARTMENT All Inwiii.',, UIM. I iiiIb head at the following rate*: rtvallum »i lutut, oaate tor Brat Insertion; 15 c**nte for t'Ai-h uuh*«Hjuent Insertion. More than flvo llnaa, S cant* » line for Brat Insertion, and .1 cent* a line for a<l<lllltnil Insertions. EH>R RENT--Tlie H. M. McOmber house. A Inquire of or write J. W. smith, McHen ry, III. 44-tf BU>R RENT--Seveu room bouse 00 Water strwt. Inquire of Obo. Rotbkrmel. Mc Henry, 111. 4»-tf F°" SALE--Combination bookcase and desk. Inquire of 1>\ A. Bomi.amdbr, West McHenry, III. 44-tf DMJR SALE J. t.r Derby Dash wood needs Alice in his marital t Central June 13 ana 14, by Jove. •Mist- night METHODIST CHURCH NOTES Our choir met Wednesday with Miss Marion Matthews. The Dorcas soeioty-moots Friday at J:00 p. m., with Mrs. Carrie Peterson. Next Sunday is Children's day. The Children will hold their special exer cises at 10:30 in the morning. Services also at 8:00 p. m. All are welcome. i / > - ' V • - ' 1 • . . ' MKKALI) PARS. MAY 29 Jas. Ha*ton of Chicago «M aeen at the t®ark Sunday. Katie Knox was a Ringwood visitor Saturday evening. Mrs. Geo. FVisby called at the Ellen Frisby home Sunday, Mr. and Mrs. M. A. Sutton called at Ned Knox's Sunday afternoon. Miss Helen Smith is making her homtf in McHenry for the present. Raymond Powers helped swell the crowd at#Barrevllle Saturday evening. Walter Walsh and Tom Bolger took in the ball game at McHenry Sunday. Mrs. M. A. Sutton and Alice Suiton boarded the train for Elgin last Fri day. •' •-»•*» Mrs. Ned Koox, who has been on the Isick list for the last week, is on the gain at the present writing. Mrs. Ed. SuttoQ-^ind son and Myrtle ikuck spent Wednesday afternoon call ing on Griswold Lake friends. Mrs. Tlieo. Schiessle and niece of Pennsylvania and Miss Rose Schiessle were callers at John Smith's and L. Huck's Thursday last. Mrs. John McGee of Woodstock was the guest of Mr. and Mrs. Ed. Sutton Wednesday and attended the funeral of Mrs. Phalin Thursday. The Misses Aileen O'Reilly and Myrtle Huck represented the Emerald Park school at the township exercises at Barreville Saturday last. Myrtle's recitation was rendered in a very pleas ing manner,( while Aileeh carried off second honors in the spelling class Let the good work go on, girls. Several friends of Miss Alice Sutton tendered her a surprise at the home of Mr. and Mrs. M. A. Sutton Sunday. The day was speftt in a very pleasant manner and the trip td the fatoautiful Pistakee was enjoyed by all, even tho it was a little eafly in the season. Miss Alice intends leaving for Montana in a few days, so a farewell party was arranged to suit the occasion. TEBBA COfTA. Thomas Phalin visited at Wi J. Welch's Sunday. , Mrs. Frank Peck of Chicago visited relatives here Sunday. Henry, Ray and Earl McMillan were Woodstock callers Wednesday. Mrs. Paul Foerester and Mrs. W. H". Grant were McHenry cfcllera Thurs day. Mrs. Henry McMillan and Mrs. Frank Peck visited at F. D. Davoll's Sunday. , Mr. and Mra. J. M. Phalin, daugh ter and son were ^ Woodstock visitors Monday. J. R. Knox of McHenry and Miss Ce^OjUft Geary of Waucond* oa CHJ?AP-Pool tables In good ondltion. Write or -apply to E. M. QMKR, McHenry4III. 50-tf LOST-- I'ulr of skid chains, between Crystal Lake ;tnd Jolinsburgb. Reward. J. T. OlBB, Crystal Luke. III. 5I-lt Ij>OR HALE--The W. F. Tllton property con- -1- staling of a bouse and 'i% lots In village of McHenry. Inquire at this office. 40-tf bMJK RENT--Or will take In stock to pas- 1 ture, 40 acres of good pasture land. In quire of C. W. Hakkisoh, on Crystal Lake road. 50-3t+ "CV)R SALE -1 west sides of river. Fox river lots on both east .i,nd . north of McHenry bridge. Inquire of O. W. Stkmqkr, West Mc Henry. 3S-tf LOTS FOR 8ALE on the East and West Sides, also on river front, and fight or ten acres for rent or sale on the mm pond. Also cottages ou the river and at Pistakee Bay. O. N. Owbn, Uitnk of McHenry. 43 tf T^ORSALE BY OWNER A eluding furniture, itlso new pltino; fine ft room cottage, ln- . 10 new piHno; line l>ox rirer frontage, 104x30S; high oauk wiUi seawall; wind mill. PAULINA Laulbtta, 1440 N CaltfoMiiu Ave., Chicago. 5H 8 years old >rse; also com- HV>R SALE--One bay gelding, *- sitund iiixl a K«XM1 work liors ulete furnishings of uiy lutuie before June 12. W. O. 1'OKKK.iit I lie KiI. (Jomiskey farm, 2H miles fnmt McHenry. Urlswold Lake road. 61-lt Knox's Friday evening. Miss Vera Bolger and brother Clar ence, of Woodstock visited at J.' M. Phalin's Saturday and Sunday. Miss Mary Burke and Meciars. Paul Doherty and Robert Knox were calling in this vicinity Thursday evening. Mrs. S. B. Leisner returned to her home here Thursday evening after a pleasant three weeks' visit with Chi cago relatives. Mr. and Mrs. John Ay!ward and Mr. and Mrs. Frank Cleary of Elgin spent several days last week with relatives and friends here. Central Opera House J. W. SMITH, MANAGER T5he U » WEDNESDAY SATURDAY AND SUNDAY this week L All Seats 10c J) Cook BY Wire The best coffee is percolated cof fee and the best machine to make it in is the Electric Percolator .'vi The hottest, freshest, most toast is that made on the break* fast table with an Electric Toaster Delightful dishes that arouse Interest la the process caa fee on the Electric (Hating Disk On many occasions the cooking functions of a range formed by an Electric (irill . All these application at low prices. PUBLIC SERVICE COMPANTf OF NORTHERN 1LUN0I8 fr- 40HN8BCXU»tt. J. C. Debrecht transacted business in Chicago Wednesday^ S. H. Smith is having his building refreshed with a coat of paint' Miss Krma Lauer spent theifore part of the week with her parents in Sub lette, 111. Some of our people attended the Wild West show at Woodstock Tues day afternoon. It was a full house and a real royal time at the banquet tendered the choir at St. John's rectory last Sunday night. St. John's extends thanks to Geo. J. Sayer for the two loads of, manure he ordered sent up to protect the shrub bery. Excavation J- Cm Debrecht's new dwelling was begun Tuesday. The Mc Henry Artificial Stone company is t put up the concrete work on same. S. H. Smith, or more popularly known as "Stubby," has at last picked a trood evening for a dance. This was shown by the attendance Wednesday evening, June 4. Father Berthold spent Monday and part of Tuesday in Milwaukee, where he was the guest of the sisters and the seminary. It is quite acceptable to learn that a sister organist has been assured for Johnsburg, but will not arrive before the middle of July. A basket social is going to be the biggest event next Wednesday night, June 18, in the parish hall, when the celebrated auctioneer of Solon Mills, George Vogel, will auction off the pack ages put up by the dainty hands of wives and sweethearts. Basket socials of this kind never miss at St. John's. Two remarkably good plays will be enacted by the energetic young ladies of St. John's Sunday evening, June 15. They are busy now selling tickets for the f*vent. Trina is provokingly funny in the German play and it will be in teresting to see how the male parts will be handled by the girls in the En- Our line was. never so complete as now. We have all the new lasts is white Nubuck, White Canvas, Tan, Brown Suede and Nuhuelr. Gun Metal, Kid and Patent Colt. Call and see them. >:" t-:' :<*: DRESS GOODS, fancy and plain cotton voiles in all leading shades, 25c to 50c per yard. A nobby line of silks, plain and fancy, suitable for Waists, Skirts and Dresses. , ee our new line of Interna tional Tailoring Samples. You will need a new Suit, Coat or Trousers soon. . We can save you money and give you a per fect. fit. New nobby line of Bate for 'Men and Boys, new shapes and new colors, bow in back, from . . . I t l . 0 0 t o 9 3 . 0 0 Shirts) Collars,Ties, Overalls, Shirts, Working-Clothing. :: Groceries, Canned Goods and Fruits^ Try our Tea at 50c. None so good. We have a fine blended Coffee at 25c, 30c and 35c. Try it. ^Quality guaranteed. ' Goods delivered promptly. M. J. WALSH "St • ^~rrrfc * r .1" •<'£& • •#fj- -•••• :h • imi m - a J. C. DEBRECHT QUALITY SERVICE RIGHT PRICES 'Phone 625-M-3 Johnsburgh, III. -r & i--#: A •Mt i -3; Brand Corn " m * Not the best of the average yield bat the >.?^ best of the best yield. That is the reason ' ; HICHELIEU BRAND CANNED FOOK ! are so delicioas and always give satisfao tioni- 'fRY RICHELIEU BRAND. ;V •yris. •; MS Ais.