Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 12 Jun 1913, p. 8

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ii£, J w. " f ** <' p_ "P^p Suits and Hats Shirts and Neckties ind Hosierŷ ? *; *& m V styles and colors. >S& S» OH MM reductions are made in Crockery to reduce stock / : ^ pi DECORATED WAK Cups and Saucer*, set^*_ .60c Plates, 7-in, set. 1.. _40c Plates,5-ia, Platters VegetaUw^..a.U,..^kUG ; Bowls u. . ̂ 6c Creamers *Ji ...liihSo WBT^WUE Ewer and bowl il.00 Covered Chamberi|l.w 00c Plates, 8-in, 6 for.^- j_-.--35c Plates, 7-in, 6 tar.-Xn r»-- -30c Plates, 6-in, 6 tor.'.,..-19c Pie Plates, 6 lor....'-»r-._.15c Saucers only, 6 for --.10c Syrup Pitchers.... .9c Oyster Bowls, eaob 7e Fruit Saucers, f lor Jk j?; -.5 •*$?*, , ̂ .\V# ;'• "••'• ' •-'?-4 .- _ •,•. -- v .•. % - " -.fc^,,1'V'? *>*»•. -Arm- j/ivvS.--. •:v<i •*" WHITE AND GOLD PLATTERS Platter, white and gold, 10-inch.. i' . .1 * Platter, white and gold, 12-inch Platter, frhite and gold, 14-jnsh.;. . i 19c OUR WEEKLY LIMERICK A farmer who lives out on one of our pikes, Was doing some work which called lor some splfcea. 80 he came to And then came back for some more, Because he found just the size that he likes. We are Headquarters for spikes, nails, brads, staples and tacks. We flake it a point to have the sise yon want, jby the kjeg, pound or package* at the right price. 8££..|i8„l^ spifc|p aad nails. :: :: :: %§ VYC1TA-L *85 affords more ^enjoyment and comfort to th£ family than anything in the world. f No one need be without such a home nowadays. We can fit you out and can do it in a most satisfactory manner. Our goods and prices will meet with your approval and after we show you how easy it is for you to make your home comfy and cozy, you'll wonder why you didn't consult us long since. Wjfe can fit your home with furniture that rang& in price from the costliest to the cheapest that money will buy. Call and let us teD you more about it. -fit' THE McHENRY FVRN1TURE MAN r. ^ ^ . mwcseoT liaHajary's baseball faodra was giv •» » glimpse of a nai hpaawlwll team , on the home field last Sunday after-? aeon when the Lake Zurich team ap­ peared on the sceneto battle with the;_ local lads for the honors of the day. Thei - vUitlna' tiiam nrno aaaijy tKo Koaf Kjl]l club that has appeared here thus far this season and, while it's no disgrace; to lose to a teasn of this sslibre, the? McHenry boys should be ashamed of the article of ball they put up on this occasion, after making such a good showing the Sunday previous. Had MaBenry played the game that they ape capable of playing and should have played, the game would have de­ veloped into one of the prettiest ex­ hibitions of the season, but they didn't. We feel sorry for our little flinger, Sahlsberg, who pitched a splendid game, but was forced to take defeat in spite of his excellent work on the slab. B<8 struck oat twenty of the opposing batsmen and *?ith good support would have carried home the bacon, which he richly deserved. Ten large, juioy «nw, most of which were inexcusable, were made by the local lads and we dare say that a bunch of six-year-olds could not have put up a more miserable exhibition of the popular sport than did the famous trio of McHenry outfielders. All of our fielders were given comparatively easy chances during the afternoon and every one of them proved disastrous for the home club, as all .were muffed. This clearly evidences lack of practice and we suggest that the manager en­ force his rules regarding the weekly practice. The visitor*, in order to catch that five o'clock train south, did not go to bat in the eighth and ninth innings and it's probably lucky for McHenry that they didn't, as it probably would have added several more scores to the visitors' side and a hat-full of errors for the locals. Up until the fifth inning the game was a pretty one to watch, but from that time until the close of the contest the fans were given a long, tiresome pain thru McHenry's bum ball play* ing. The Lake Zurich bunch scored their first run in the second inning, the tally coming as the result of two hits, be­ tween which was sandwiched McHen­ ry's first mistake. The real fireworks opened up in the fifth. After the first two men had been retired in this inning, Aebischer let Lorenzon's fly get away from him, Harris, the next man up, planted one right into Behlke's gloves, which any "school kid could have held onto, but our centerfielder let it drop. These two errors gave the visitors their sec­ ond run of the day. Is the seventh oar catcher had his name entered in the raisplay column when he opened the gateway for an­ other tally by missing Emory Brand­ ing's third strike, a hit, sacrifice and error by Bobby Knox letting the two runners in.' Then came that pain-giving seventh inning, when the visitors busted up McHenry's entire works. The first man up was given life at first when Brailsford failed to cling to the third strike, Five hits, several stolen bases and an error brought in five runs, which gave the Lake Zurich heroes a total of nine and enough to win. McHenry's first, run came in the fifth inning. Freund singled and went to second on Aebisher's single. Brails- ford sent out an infield fly and was safe at first, while Freund was nipped at third. Aebischer was a moment later caught at second. Gibbs shot one thru short, on which our catcher scored. We gathered in another run in the sixth frame. Page was safe when Schaeffer missed his grounder. Huck fanned and Knox singled, Page scor­ ing. Behlke sacrificed and Freund struck out. McHenry's last two tallies came in the ninth after two were dead. Freund was safe on an error by short. Freund stole second and came home on Aebischer's single, Aebischer taking second on the throw-in. Brailsford shot one thru Schaeffer, on which Aebischer scored. Gibbs ended the doings by fanning. The tabulated score follows: tV-- Hie lines* in ̂ flie works LAKE ZURICH E Weisuer. lindb .... 1 Frehru, c f -j| Ed. Siuauiiic, 1 f .0 Mavis, 1 f .( Lorenzon, c ....I Harris, 1st b .1 Elcbman, r f.„. Em. Branding, as Bchaeffer, 3rd b Nelson, p ...1 P 1 I- 1 •j*- PO s s 6 1 ,11 0 t McHENRY B Page, Snd b i Huck, 3rd b.. Knox, SB Behlke, ef 0 N. Kreund, r t ...,1 Aebischer, I t .. 1 Brailsford. e .1 Glbbs, 1st b... i Sablaberg, p ft PO « 1 9 « 8 C • • 4 6 •« 4 10 Lake Zurich did nut bat in last two IUUIUKH . Earned runs--Lake Zurich, t. Left on bases--Lake Zurich, 9; MCHenry, 4. Two base hit--Brailsford. Struck out--Bj Babtaberg, 20; by Nelson, 12. soowi ir miuai Lake Zurich 0 1 0 0 1 9 S X MoHenry 0 0 0 0 1 1 *0 DANCE AT The date of the < vertised to take pla hall at Johnsburgh •I'V; -V' • ' .JSakj mzdti '-wX'.&'vK' X-* 1-4 TUCMAY NKunr which was ad- Stubby 8mith's on Weduesday evening of next week has been chaqgqi to one day earlier and will be held alt that resort Tuesday evening of Bart week, June 17. Nett's orchestra will furnish the music and a fine Umo is Ui store for all who turn out. Dance tick- eta, 60 cents. All are cordially invited. Math. Freund is agent for the Staver froggy. See him lor prices, - THE SOCIAL WHEEL On Saturday, June 7, the pleasant home of Mrs. E. S. Wheeler was throwa open to .the members of the Social Wheel and a few invited guests, and to say that the ladies enjoyed them- selves would be putting it mildly, for the guests were so cordially welcomed by the ladies of the house that not a cloud marred the pleasure of this most- delightful social gathering/ A spelling contestas one of the pritocin&i fea­ tures of the afternoon, Miss MabeJ Granger receiving the prize for being the bast speller. The house was taste­ fully decorated with Sowers of all kinds, and our able secretary, Miss Mabelle Wheeler, and her sister, Mrs James Sayler, served us with a deli cious lunch. Tho favors were in keep­ ing with the seasoa, a tiny rosebud being given each lady. At the close of the entertainment we were favored with a solo by Mrs. J. C. Holly, our popular choir leader, with Mrs. J. W. Smith accompanying her on the piano. This was truly enjoyed by all and closed one of the most pleasant affairs yet enjoyed by our society. Our next regular meeting will be held June 21 with Mrs. Alice Hutaoo. PBBSH>PNT. ENTERTAINS FORESTEK SIATCKS Mrs. John Heimer entertained the members of the card and domino club of St. Clara Court, No. 659, at her beautiful new home on Elm street last Thursday evening. The home present­ ed a most inviting appearance and the guests w€fre treated to an evening of pleasure by the amiable hostess. Mrs. Joe Freund won the evening's first honors at cards, Mrs. John Pint, second and Mrs. B. Laures, third. The suc­ cessful contestants at dominoes were Mrs. Henry Meyers, first; Mrs. Jacob Justen, second, and Mrs. M. L. Worts, third. At the close of the games the guests were served with dainty re­ freshments and later on entertained with several violin selections. On their departure for their various homes the guests declared themselves as hav­ ing spent a most delightful evening. METHODIST CMMCL MOTES The Ladies' A id meets this afternoon (Thursday) with Mrs. Landwer. Our young peoples' ctoir met this week on Tuesday evening JRhtb of Miss Leone Perkins. Sunday school, 10:00 a. m. Morning services, UrOO a. m. Evening services, 8:00 p. m. All are welcome. A new sign is to be placed at the front of the church this week to in­ form strangers of oar location and ser­ vices. 1 Dr. JT A. Matlack, our district su­ perintendent, will preside over the third quarterly conference of the year at the church Friday at 2:30 p. m. Members of the official board and frienda-of the ohurch are urged to be present, E. A. ROBERTS, Pastor. 5th the the ie home OFFICIAL PUBLICATION*. Report of the condition of the West McHenry State Bank, located at West McHenry, State of Illinois, before the commencement of business on the day of June, 1913, as made to Auditor of Public Accounts, fin* State of Illinois pursuant to law; BKSOBBOBS. Loans: Loans on real estate... 9Hfc»M0 Loans on collateral se» curity 67,099,63 Otb-sr loana and dJs- coanls Investments: State, county anfi mu- nlctpul i?ouds .. 5,400.00 Other bonds. 28,106.00 Miscellaneous resources: Furniture and fixtww.. Due from banks: '? .':- National ' Cash on liund: Currency Gold coin... .... Silver coin Minor coin Other cash resources: Checks and other cash items 9iTt#nM 7,035.00 •; 755.00 ' . S40.00 : 1, 116.63 - ' } n^».oo 1JOQ.CO 1.68 Total resources.. LI A BittBBt? Capital stock paid in i Surplus fund Undivided profits VH^ Lees current Interest, expenses and (axes paid 'i**-! ivifc* Oontingent fund ' PftDOflltS' Time certificates . Savk 1^30,116.90 25,000.00 10,000.00 tvings, subteet to no> tice U1 ̂70.62 Demand, subject to check . 57,844.30 Demand certificates.... 2,958 22 . Miscellaneous liabilities: Dividends unpaid...;.... • ^ " ' ' Total liabilities STATE OP ILLINOIS, MJH 9m,«!» ^ 1,CABLW. Cashier of West McHenry County of McHenry' | STENGER, State Bank, do solemnly swear that the abovjB statement is true, to the best Qf my knowledge and belief. CARL W. STENGER, Cashier. EXECUTOR'S NOTICE Estate of Elizabeth Flanders, Deceased. The undersigned having been appointed Executor of the last Will and Testament of Elisabeth Flanders, deceased, late of the Oonnty of McHenry and State of Illinois, hereby gives notice that fee will appear be­ fore tne County Court of McHenry County, at ' • v5 Black Cat America's Handsomest Hosier# Has stood the test for twenty-eight years, yet it has never on the reputation of a past year--each year it has set anew the hig#: ,A mark of maximum hose merit--each year it has earned a bettej^^; name for excellence--that's why it has gained the confidence of lhjp£' American Family--that's "why it is demanded, purchased and wor§' ' by buyers>of judgment »nd sensible economy. - Se« the Black Cat at our hosiery counter--convince yourself as to it§R' merits. Peel its luxuriant softness, see it» shapeliness, its knit" glovj|r • fitting" for style, of softest yarns for comfort, colored by the bigt»4 Mt salaried dyer in America for beauty, made Willi extend^?reii(||:. fwcement in heel, and toe for wear. * •••?'• ^ LOOK FOR THE SIGN OF HlB BLACK CAT and you'll be sure to get satisfaction^ you'll get hosiery that is thf|"' inwduct of the highest sl^il, of the latest improved • machinery, <£ twenty-eight years' successful manufacturing experience, get the most durable and desirable hose made--Black Cafe •' ".J 0£. : : t3 'Ki 'fi'l Mi \ r W, .1 - . mshavi said Estate are notified and requested tend tor the purpose of having tlw<s» ajfainst ' to *t- •ataead ir tne panose justed. All pertbns indebted 'to said Estate nested to maki are the Da 51-8t requested to undersigned. EI ted this tnd make immediate-payment to day of June, A. D. 1918. JA&BS B, Pn^r, Executor. CRYSTAL LAKE NEXT 8UNBAY McEenry will meet the Crystal L«ke American baseball team on the local grounds next Sunday afternoon at 2:30. The Crystal Lake team is composed of some good material and we are told that they are capable of putting up an exceptionally good article of ball. The McHenry boys want to show the fans that they got all the bad ball out of their system last Sunday and will show them some real baseball next Sunday afternoon. Turn out and see if they mean business. (General admission, 25 cento; ladies and children, 15 cento. You cannot miss seeing Kitty at the Central June 13 and 14, as tube is al­ ways busy dodging, either the mashers or little Tootsey-Wootoey. SCHOOL CENSUS REPORT Thru the courtesy of Prof. A. E. Nye we are this week able to give the an­ nual school census report as compiled 4>y our superintendent of school#. The report follow*: - . Male^eiaaleTolal Total all ages .604 Total under 21 262 Total under 16 206 Total under 6 68 Total school age... 191 Attending other schools. .m? Number under 21 • ; unable to read C or write 0 Number between 8 s- & 14 not in schoql^.* IS weeks 2 atssam m HDLWF M t# r '• ... UNITED STATES DEPOSIT * J;. 'ifcAPITAL SOTCK, $2 5, BORHSOF pouring oat wealth are all very well io fairy tales, but the average individual must save every penny to accum- u l a t e r i c h e s ; O u r Bank is prepared Jto help yon. We believe that a checking account here will .curb unnecessary expenditures and tekcb you habits of thrift and economy. Why not try it? ....SAFETY DEPOSIT BOXES, $3,08 fBYEBZ EDWIN V> WACNEK. OFFICERS^ DR. C. H, PEOEKSL'. 4: H- • %'$ h WHOM STOFTEL,. Vice Pre*. CARL W. STENGER, Cashier. :f75 ^57 '*35 ;M24 GENTExVIIiE w mem Our new elevator building is nearing completion. In a few days the old building will be moved off the railroad company's land, then "pedestrians" will have an unobstructed view down the track (something they have not had in over twenty-five years), as the new building is entirely on our own ground and is twenty-two feet farther from the main track than the old one was. WM. BONSLETT. Remember last winter's hard coal shortage? Did you get caught without any in your bin? You can avoid it this year by ordering now. The price goes up 25c per ton on July 1. Call up phone 6 today. Wilbur Lumber Co. V vl^The choicest line otififg *Meats and Groceries^ - to be found in McHenfp? Be there when Francisco denounces Lysander as the most unmitigated story teller of the age. At the Cen­ tral June 13 and 14. J. W. Aebischer (Sneeeiw to C. O. Fiwtt.) ILL. M M 'PHONE SO-fl "" 'as you are of ter and proud as she is| ' o f g r a d u a t i o n h o n o r ? ' there is soon but a tnem ory of such events unles%V^ ^l-portrait keeps the re-v ^ ^ ^ " cdrd of. ea^ -lailestoa^l^l of youth, > :: :: * •& Our styies of school plc< tures are apifropilfll to the occasion !5;'V F NcHENRY. ILL. 8CHNABEL Road the Classified Ads. fine TBS mm K'HCNRY, ILLINOIS PI0NE7S-I UNDERSKIRTS--Ladies' Muslin Underskirts made of a good quality muslin with a full 12- inch embroidery flounce, special. ^>$t.()0 SPECIAL. VALUES--Men's blaclf and tan ^ , ^ Oxfords in a broken run of sizes, Shoes sold at $4.00, now priced per pair • • . i • • ' ' > <' !. 1 r11*.' "M 11 •*<< m' •" •.• »,u DRAWERS--^LadioB' Muslin DrjetwefB, well ^ / made, good quality muslin, tucked and em- • , broidery trimmed, special while they last. ,25°, SO6 v , i«.3 LADIES' SLIPPERS--A broken run .of-siassy ̂ 'T;' ' i n L a d i e s ' $ 2 . 5 0 a n d $ 3 . 0 0 S l i p p e r s , s t r a p , l a c e , • V button and pumps, all leathers, to close themf^^ ̂ 'J's^ out quickly, now..,.. -U.'.-; PRINCESS SLIPS--Made of a sheer quality < < > nainsook, cut to fit perfectly, neatly trimmed with embroidery and heavy laces, a very special number at .$1.00 -- • , L GOWNS--Ladies' Gowns madeiof a fine quality seersucker cloth, does not require ironing, lace trimmed, a good fall cut garment at.... ..f),QO LADIES1 WAISTS--Odd lots, slightly soiled, ' , good-styles and very prettily trimmed, choice. . .J|50 : ft.-- DRESSES-CJhildren'a well made Gingham ; t ^ ^ ^ Dresses, neatly trimmed, all siaes, at. ..50°, 75c, $9 > LADIES' DRESSES--Tries' House Dresws, fast color, perfect fitting, very special $1.00 J • i . u i N ' . ' . J ' .fj- f»i?* • y,. tA? Hk' V 'it- v/ '!> '! -in,.: • V "*L \ t r'TS ^ A' • m Jr;' -Jf 'ir if 4F i - is * k - » iffy#?. xi. mm

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