Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 12 Jun 1913, p. 5

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aw**' #2 *1 •':--:"'.Wliriv U*Wb&"': •:*•&•<-•< First-class Drugs, '*M Reasonable PricesJij^'i .Prompt Service . . ^ ... M ^ . . Jti& i $«$»« i*« g v ' -> -•• '.•yii#'-; Jliiilf 11^ • ft ,. - " " .ft * * A'-'-*#- is the result of ^rear»Vdf ex­ perience and skill" in Flour making. Its name guarantees its quality and its quality ex­ plains its reputation. Snow White and fine as velvet. BJarly Riser Flour invariably assures good bread and light, delic­ ious pies and cakes. ilirKT PrHB«RY - FLOOR AMD FEES MILLS NEIGHBORING NEWS AS CHRONICLED BY OUR ABLE CORPS OF CORRESPONDENTS i h i i m -- i Wttle KlllUKMKLIi. '• was'In "Crystal Lake Man- THXFSA DIFFERENCE IR BUILDING LUMBER Not alone in price, but also quality and durability. While some roods are tough and strong they are not suited to exposure to the elements and Other woods that will stand exposure probably could nofr '* be used thruout a house bi»-" cause of prohibitive pricjsw" 1 We've a wood for every pup* pose and the price is righ£ ' Let us show you/ :: h WILBUR LUMBER CO. WESTNWNKY :: rMi£S G|ank of M c H e n r y ESTABLISHED iSM This Bank receives deposits, pays 3 per cent interest on time depos­ its, extends all court esies consist­ ent with good business principles and does a n mtw BAIfKIlK Business respectfully solicting pnblic pat­ ronage. Honey to Loan. on real eatateand other first class security. REAL ESTATE Farm lands, residences and vil­ lage property for sale. If yon want to buy or sell, osU on ns. Abstracts ordered, INSURANCE in Tint Class Companies, at the lowest rates • v : v" Perry &Owen, Notary Public. • Bankers. THERE'S NO GAMBLE IN TBE USE OF WOOD $ for home building becauser^oU are dealing with known quanti­ ties- -materials that have been proven the best for. the' man of moderate means as well as for the builder of mansions. For hun­ dreds of years wood has been the choice of discriminating builders and during all this time the man­ ufacturer o< lumber have been studving Ways and means of im­ proving their product until now they seem to have reached the goal of perfection. Through sci entific management and conserv­ ative cutting of their lumber they are keeping the cost of pro­ duction down to the minimum and are producing quality that is almost marvelous. In viejtr of these facts lumber is more than holding its own against all sub­ stitutes and is today the most re- ' Hable 'building material you can select. If you are skeptical we want to show you the lumber we have in stock and tell you the exact cost of enough fee UuiU the house you want. " , "There's No Place Like Home" WILBUR LUMBER CO. West rkrienry - Phone 5 PICKING OUT GOOD BUTTER i & very easy here. We do not have • Igny other sort. In fact, the more 1 particular you are about butler, f jhe better we can suit you. Our •* -""^extra choice creamery has won as many friends. If you will try it ire are confident itr.yiU, B»a|e ope^ of you also. Of! M litres West Mclfeary fikykMH N* >93. &». : ?' • ••• a- SIMOM STOFFEtr % * I n s u r a n c e a g e n t f o r a l l c l a s s e s o f property in the best companies. f,,i is WITH os. on swmttS I > /;•: HeffiSJjffre .Paris Qreen v£- •<.• • Bordeaux |Jondon Purple , | Arsenate of Lead ; Insect Powder Spr^y Pumps E. V. McAllister West McHenry » % Phone 59- W ;,s* Why is • met 1 Uk* • jnilrMl tniaT A eow is a cow in the pasture, but when we catch her and transfer said cow to our shop it's beef, if you please, dignified beef, that we have caught for you. It's beef* steak then, cow steak, you know, would never, never do. We are beefsteak headquarters. :: :: E. F. Matthews WEST MH9IIY. ILL. a •PHONE I C. JL SATTEM OUrntiCT MAXACEft MJTUAL ivc INSURANCE co. or NEW YORK WEST riTOY, ILL AM rm onsuarn^ F. day- . ^ „ N. E. Whetstone spent the week end in Indiana. - ' Mrs. H. JJ. Cooper spent Tuesday at Crystal Lak*. , . W Cobl> was a Cliicasro shopper one uav last week. ^ - II. Jacobs and R. McBride were Chi­ cago visitors Sunday. t . A : I Mrs.. W. French spent part of last week at Crystal Lake. W. R. Wagner made a business trip to Woodstock Tuesday. Mrs. A. Purvey spent Tuesday with her parents in Woodstock. M re. H. Nelson and daughter were Crystal Lake shoppers Monday. Miss Hazel Baker was the guest of Miss Eiehkoff at. DesPlaines Thure- day. Mrs. Lolo Bennett and son, James, called on Woodstock friends Sunday evening.' Mrs. A. Purvey entertained her mother and sister from Woodstock on Saturday. Mr. Rreytspraak and son, John, of Chicago were over Sunday visitors at the farm home. Mr. and Mrs. J. Oakroothave moved from the H. Hanson'house to the A.. Petei-son house. Mrs. H. L Duiield and Mr%. J. B. Lynch attended the "World in Chi- cago" on Thursday. ^ ' Mr. and Mrs. C. Ormsby of Crystal Lake ai^tf spending a few days with their parents here. Mr. and Mrs. J\ B. Lynch are spend­ ing the week at Woodstock with their daughter, Mrs. Goddard. Misses Mabel and Elsie Wllle left Tuesday evening to join their mother in their new home in McHenry. The Ladies' Cemetery society wjll meet at the home of Mrs. J. G. Hart- man Thursdays afternoon, June 19. Mr. and fors. A. Purvey and W. Howard attended the motion pictures at Crystal Lake Saturday evening. Mr. and Mrs. B. Waterman And chil­ dren visited at the home of Mr. and Mrs. H. Reed Saturday and Sunday. Mr. and M TO. Amos Keeler and daugh­ ter of Harrington were Sunday visitors of the former's mother, Mrs. S. Wake­ field. On Tuesday afternoon, June 17,.the Royal Neighbors will meet with Mrs. E. E. Knilans ~ desired. Mr. and Mrs. Af G. Levey anddaugh ter, Lois, and Wilbur and Etta Levey spent Wednesday fishing at Burton's Bridge. Mr. and Mrs. C. R. Lopkwood and daughter, Cora, were guests in the home of Mr. Murphy at Greenwood Sunday. Ladies and children to the number of fourteen attended the matinee at Crystal theatre, Crystal Lake, Satur­ day afternoon. Wm. Reed, who was Operated on at the Woodstock hospital last week, is at home under the care of a trained nuri£ and gaining somewhat slowly. TKRKA COfTA. John Conway of Cicero, 111., visited at his home here Sunday." Miss Helen Welch of McHenry vis­ ited school here Thursday. M rs. Stacia Knox is spending a couple of days with relatives here. Mr. and Mrs. Frank McMillan Were Spring Grove visitors Sunday. . Miss Alice Leisner spent a few days recently with Chicago relatives. Mrs. Fred Davoll of Holcombville called at Henry McMillan's Friday. Mfss Margaret Grant Mid brother, John, visited friends in Chicago last week. Miss Frances Knox spent Friday last with Miss Esther Rose at Crystal Lake. . ' *•'"• Mis* Mary 0»! ^urice off KoHenry was visiting" at &. Knox's a couple of days last we£k. Misses Dorothy and Eleanor Walsh of McHenry are spending this" week with their cousins here. Raymond Riley was one of the class of ten who graduated from the Crystal Lake high school last Friday evening. Fred Klein, who has been sick for the past few weeks, is slowly recover­ ing from bis illness at an Elgin hos­ pital. Timothy and Mfcry Ellfen Flanagan entertained nine of their little friends at a picnic luncheon last Friday after­ noon. The* little folks spent a most delightful afternoon in play. Those present were Kv** Neva, Vera, Marfc and Glenn McMillan, Harold, Robert Vernon Knox and Marjorie Grant. PROBATE NEWS mWi SHOULD BE PURE SHOULD K FRESH mm BE or RIGHT POTOVCY ; JOCTNSmTBOB. Mrs. Jos. Palmes visited with her son, Martin, at Harvard last Sunday. Mrs. J. C. Debrecht is spending a partial the week with relatiyes in Chi- cago." ~ " Mr. and Mrs. Jos. E. Henry "of Dix­ on, III., spent a few days in Johnsburg, Vrsiiinj*' with tut? pastur. Father Francis Rempe of Chicago was a visitor at the parsonage Wednes­ day and enjoyed an outing on the lake. Weduesuay, June 18, will be bar­ gain day on laoes and embroidery at Debrecht's- See ad elsewhere in the paper. George Wirfs is attending the For­ ester convention at Ottawa, - 111., this week. Be is sent as a delegate to rep­ resent the local court, No. 96. A*pleasant surprise w:as sprung Tues­ day evening on Jacob A. Miller. The victim, nevertheless, met the occasion and tendered iril present an enjoyable time. Born, to Mr. and Mrs. Peter M. Schaefer, a beautiful daughter, chris­ tened Laura Emma. The baptismal ceremony occurred June 7. Michael Schaefer and M rs. Emma Mertes were the s{H>nsors. The ladies' committee, Hisses Anna Oeflling, Ella Huemann and Ermft L&u* er. spent*Monday ulternoon in McEIen- rv preparing the lour page program for Sunday night. The printer has' promised to gel. it out Saturday. A, long line oi strong teams paraded thru Johnsburg carrying ha I'd coal for the church building. Weather was exceptionally favorable, but the good will of our men heats all the weather Tip your hats to these fine men. Kodak fiends should get ready to take some snap shots June 29, the big day set for the tirst holy mass of Rev George Nell, /juite a notable gather­ ing of priests and students will be seen in the procession on that occasion. 60 ciet.ies should make a showing. Father Berth old's application for an orphan boy has at length been an swered. The city representative of St.. Mary'8 Training School, P. E Dwyer, placed James Gillson in the custody of the pastor. The church property needs constant attention and we feel satisfied that there ought to be a boy on deck to look after so many corners. The marriage ceremony off Peter R A large attendance is jFreund and Miss Josephine Lay was a pretty event at St. John's church Wed­ nesday. The bride was a good mem ber of the young ladies' sodality* which turned out in large numbers to see her graceful and beautiful appearance at the altar. The groom is a zealous and ac­ complished young man with many friends. After the church oeremony the wedding dinner was a gorgeous affair and Father Berthold was also heard praising the cooks who made the feast such a splendid success. Come one, come all, for an enjoyable evening, next Sunday night, in Johns burg. Curtain rises in parish hall at 8 o'clock. See the young lAdies in a double show. "Some show" for Johns­ burg. "The Obstinate Family" and a German comedy, "Trina," will be the backbone of a fine entertainment for which the young ladies have sacrificed many an evening under the leadership of Miss Erma Lauer, who will also take part in the play. Admission, 25 cents; two children under twelve years on one ticket; reserved seats, 35 cents. The basket social scheduled for Wed­ nesday night, June 18, promises to put everything of the past in the shade. "Stubby" Smith has generously can­ celled his dance for that night so there will be no splitting up. For this good turn he deserves sincere respect and appreciation fgom everyone. The bill for fifty-eight tons of coal will be wiped a^ay next Wednesday night when the famous general of Solon Mills, George Vqgel, steps down from the rostrum with a wilted collar. Dainty hands are framing up delicious surprises for the decorated baskets that will be fought for at the Johnsburg social. Several automobile parties from near­ by towns have sworn they would not miss that night and the fray promises to be a merry time on aK sides. Let wives and sweethearts designate their baskets with color schemes. Admis­ sion, free. The race opens at 8 o'clock. Every lady brings a basket.' "Get your tickets early and avoid the rush" to see "A Modern Ananias by the junior class at the Central on Friday and Saturday evenings of next week. Tickets on sale at Peieseh's xlrug store. VOLO. Miss Ella Moore waa a Wauoonda caller Friday. Marsh Huson of fort Hill w» in town Thursday. Mrs. Ray Paddock waa a Bound Lake caller Thursday. Mrs. T. Seymour and Hallie were callers here Wednesday. Mrs. Albert Kruttenberg of Wau- kegan was home over Sunday. Mrs. Wm. Hironimus and son vis­ ited over Sunday at Wm. Dunnill's. Cyrus Converse and son, John, Of Dakota are visiting frtejads and rela­ tives here. Mrs. Ben Martin and daughter and Miss Zella Huson of Fort Hill called on friends here Tuesday. Mr. and Mrs. Harry Lusk and Miss Emily Doweli attended the funeral of Mrs. Converse here Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Kapple and daughter of Grajrslakq, and Mrs. Lucy Clough and -Bessie Sundayed at A. J. Raymond's. Mis. Jane Converse died at the home of her daughter, Mrs. John Walton, |5SS W?*; IPurnlsbed. bj McHenry Oonnty Abstract Oumpcay, Wooastock. Illinois, office in Ar­ nold Block, east side public square. Ab­ stracts of title sod conveyancing. Money to loan on rent estate in suing of five hundred to ten thousand dollars. Time nod paymente to suit borrower. Pboues 634.903 and 911.1 REAL ESTATE TRANSFERS. Gertrude Worts A h to Michael L. Worts A G. O. Boley, It 8 8unnyside sub-div, McHenry ... ..IjMIO.OO RaOBATK PROCEEDINGS. Estate of . V ' Flavel K. Granger. Exhibition of final reoeipte made and admx dis­ charged. f Phil. S. Harrison. Proof of death ®*»d petition for admission of will to probate filed and approved.r Hearipg set for July 7. 0 Ellen Phalin. Saaae. '***"•• Elizabeth Flanders. James B. Perry appointed executor. Bond $500. Fred W. Wilie. Report of private sale of personal property filed. Wid­ ow's relinquishment and selection filed. MARRIAGE LICENSES. Samuel Hoay, 21 Harvard Ruth Renton, 19-..,i*..v " Knud L. Peterson, 44..... Harvard Anna E. Chase, 55..__..JDunham Twp Floyd Earle Thompson, 23 ..LaGrange Octavia Dalton, 25 " Fred W. Bottlemy, 27.,.,------Alden Elsie J. Kolls, 20... i. .Lynn, Wis Earle M. Peck, 28 jCrystal Lake Edith B. Tiinm; 18....... " ' Walter Louis Keller, 22 ^..Harvard Ella Emma Zander, 23 , " Arthur Martin Torgeson, 24..Elkhart Juliette Richardson, 22... Harvard Fred W. Kopsell, 25 Huntley Ella B. Meier, 21 Crystal Lake Erine Schauer, 23 Marengo Grace Griffin, 21. " Cornelius F. Malone, 28.......Huntley Barbara F. Miller, 18 " Benjamin F. Crostic, 21... Harvard Catherin E. Sheahan, 18 Hartland Fred Wieske, 22. ...T Woodstock Amelia Nothnagel, Marengo Will Loomer, 22. .........Beioit, Wis fsabelle Blodgett, 22... .1....Harvard John Joseph Woods, Chicago Amy Layman, 22. . .. .4.......Harvard George Quick, 32.^..Cincinnati Bessie O'Brien, 33 .j ..... Huntley Peter R. Freund, Johns burgh .Josephine Lay, 18 44 Specialties between acta by Misses Eldna Phalin, Julia Freund and Ethal Harrison at the production of "A Mod­ ern 'Ananias," Central opera house, Friday and Saturday of next week, June 13* and 14. SHOULD BE DISPENSED CAREIUMY .SHOULD COST YOU BUT A FAIR PRKB SHOULD BE BOUGHT AND CLEAN SURROUNDINGS "S? { * . T' store is as You can place the utmost confidence in ouf| goods and ottr&iethods will surely appeal toyott HVfi want your drug trade. t ' i fs m N. H. PETESCH KIMUWOOl) Ladd is much better at this HOL.COM HVILMb Witl Zenk and son drove to Elgin Wednesday. Mrs. P. F. Hunt waa a ealler at Wil^ Doherty's Monday. Misses Irene and Eva Davoll spent Sunday with the Misses Doherty. Mr. and Mrs. D. A. Powers spent Sunday with relatives in McHenry. A. P. Peck of Madison, Wis., spent Sunday and Monday at his home here. Mrs. W. J. Beiser and children were guests of Chicago relatives last week. Mr. and Mrs. G. Gabe and family spent Sunday with relatives at Crystal Lake. Mr. and Mrs. Will Gilbert were Sun­ day visitors all P. Flanders' near Ring- wood. Mr. Martin and Ed. Goetter of Chi­ cago were Sunday visitors atGeo/L* Sage's. . Miss Vera Doherty spent Sunday afternoon with Miss Mary Burke in McHenry. ( Mrs. Ed. Goetter and daughter of Chicago were visitors .at Geo. La- Sage's last week. Miss Anna Smith, Mrs. Coates and Mrs. Johnson spent Sunday with their slater, Mrs. B. F» Ume. . .s-'i-U r Warren Fost ia quite aiek at this writing/ Otto Hartman purchased a new ford auto of John Knox Tuesday. Homer Clemens and family were calling in town Tuesday evening. Mr. and Mrs. Joel Marbie of Ash* burnham, Mass., are visiting at H. W. Allen's. Miss Katie Krohn and sister, Mabel, went to Elgin last week for a *visit with their sister. . -f Quite a number of the Masons of this place attended the funeral of Marshall Merriman at McHenry Monday. James Rainey is now drawing the gravel and having the blocks made for the foundation of his new bouse. Mrs. Miller of McHenry, formerly of Ringwood, died Sunday afternoon. The funeral was held Tuesday forenoon. The W. C. T. U. will bold their Flower Mission meeting in M. W. A. hall Saturday afternoon of this week. Miss Emily Smith, leader. A man from Chicago working in the interest oj the Anti-Saloon league spoke in the M. E. church Sunday aft­ ernoon. He gave an excellent talk. Rev. Collins gave a fine talk Sunday evening on "The World in Chicago." There was a good attendance. There will be no services next Sunday, as the pastor will be away. Prudence Mayflower, whose father made a million in chewing gym, will be very much in ovidence at the Cen­ tral June 13 and 14, and will make the evening interesting to you as well as to Nellie Goldengate. ADDITIONAL PERSONAL#. Mrs. E. Lusk attended to business matters in the metropolitarhelty Wed­ nesday. lifrs. Wm. Bonslett and son, Paul, went to Evanston, 111., Wednesday morning for a two days' visit. Mrs. Mayme Harrison and sons, Don­ ald and LaVern, left Monday for War­ ren, 111., where they^ will spend the summer. Victor Reike, Dan Pomeroy, Misses Anna Plagge and Jennie Homuth of Barrington autoed to this village Sat­ urday evening and passed Sunday sfl guests of Mr. and Mrs. A. A. Landwer» Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Evans and daugh­ ter, Gladys, arrived herefrom Chicago Saturday last and have again taken up their home for the summer in the Quinn cottage on Fox river. Mr. C. W. Goodell returned home from Ladd, 111., yesterday.. Mrs. Goodell remained for a While longer. Mr. and Mrs. Goodell were called to Ladd by the illness and subsequent death of the latter's mother. ' Those from a distance who attended the funeral of Marshall W. Merriman here Monday were: Mrs. Felt and son, Ray, of Oak Park; Mrs. Hattie Jacobs of Chicago, Mr. and Mrs. Frank Button and Mr. and Mrs. J. Jacobs of Carpentefsville, Mr. and Mrs. Mink of Geneva, 111.; Mr. and Mrs. August Walters, Mrs. Almira Dwelly, Mr. and Mrs. George Bardon, Mrs. Eda Fraxier, Mrs. Laura Salsbury, Mr. and Mrs. A. J. Murphy, Frank Hobart, Mr. and Mrs. H. N. Thompson and Mr. and Mrs. Frank Muflley of Woodstock, Mr. and Mrs. C. E. Newell of Burlington, la., B. E. and C. D. Newell of Kansas City, Mo.; Mr. and Mrs. A. Jacobs, E. E. Shep&rd and Fred Hartraan of Ridgefield, and Mrs. Randall and daughter, Hettie, of Hebron. McHEWRY TELEPHONE 56-W WOUSANDS V •V" Wv: ' IW-ILOF THEM SSJ TO THE FRIENDS^FBOOSTERS #l| |i f - BOOSTER COUPONS f; ?"f; f - ' ?%,•£ \ NEXT WEEK V'-K&VFIS From Monday, June 16, to Monday, June 33, we shall give double coupons for the Booster Club on all cash purchases made* at our store, also we shall give double coupons this week on settlements of acoounte. Come in. Bring your friends in. Look over the bargains we are of­ fering. Please yourself. Favor some Booster with your coupons. Save hard-earned cash. Double coupons must be voted during the special sale. THE BOOSTER BALLOT BOX FOR DOUBLE COUPONS WILL BE CLOSED MONDAY, JUNE 23. Are you getting those fifty coupons free from each of your friends in the card contest? Have you some friend trying to win the 10,000 coupons for you and the 42 piece Dinner Set in the Card Contest? The Card Contest closes Saturday, June 21. Who will win the watch Monday, June 30? All those enter­ ing the Card Contest are requested to count up and gi've us the total number of times they h&ve written ttie three words, "The Booster Store." We suggest that you write the total number on re­ verse side of card and same will be left to committee for corroctiua. „ Seel See! Special Fleur Sale v We want more people to begin using our superior brand of Flour. If you try a couple of sacks you will never use any other while the quality of wheat from which this is made is grown. Special sale of Flour all next week. Start now and at the same time help your friends with die Booster coupons which we shall be giving to you in liberal amount. See the big amount of them we shall give during the week of sale. Buif> ches of them. Remember all next week. Buy a ton of this Fiour. Yoit will never want any other kind. Oar wtedftwa nn Mmm4 by Harlan Rittlwws. Muate ta Sttahkf Mr Um THE M. N1ESEN BOOSTER CLUB STORE ;|M Wo Ptainfrotoft ' " " " " Our line was never so complete as now. We have all the new laiats In. white Nubuck, White Canvas, Tan, Brown Suede and Nubuck. Gun Metal, Kid and Patent Colt. Call and see them. >: DRESS OOODS, fancy and plain cotton voiles in all leading shades, 25c to 50c per yard. A nobby line of silks^ plain and fancy, suitable for Waists, Skirts and Dressed r h H-' , " *e our new lhw of Interna­ tional Tailoring Samples. You Will need a new Suit, Coat or Trousers soon. We can save you money and giveyOu aper- ' feet fit. New nobby line of Hats for Men and Boys, new shapes and new colors, bow in back, from M.00 to $3.00 Shirts, Collars, Ties, Overalls, Shirts, Working Clothing. :: Groceries, Canned Goods and Fruits. Try our" Tea at 50c. None so good. We have a fine blended Coffee at 25c, 30o and 35c. Try it. Quality guaranteed. Goods delivered promptly. ' » - >V jr WALSH M P H I L I P J A E G E R „;«ENERA|. COnMISSlON MERCHANT SFBC0AL ATTKNTION OIVXN TO TBI SALS OV Offtwd Beef, flatton. Hogs, Veel, Poultry, Hides, Etc., Butter and E(|> This is the oldest house on the street Tags ai^priee liata faniabad on application. Still • ft 3. PalMf-SC' WbolaMla Market. ^LOSTORAQB FREE .v.% CHICAGO, tfitWOlS. . r ; ; . ^ J # 'a' ^ Li.' • „

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