Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 19 Jun 1913, p. 8

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;>w i m < v • *"5^ *:<:v,- ii* ;>' v f ' iWR»r*!«w re*fs 0p^':' }J <. tp.*.r ! -; •:.' ' vlT-v. •. |V"< *'$ \'% Suits and Hats Shirtsarid Neckties Shoes and Hosiery W&i*- •' &iV4 ie£ii •'% • :* • &K-- •-•»• -; p4..v-• jg /5v i£-' ^:.\-"!:'"v'."K.-<v'S - Call and see the new styles and colors. « \?v T& S&. : Save, oifvYouif Grocery Bill at the Cash Store Matches, doable dip, large package .89c Corn, good quality, can . 8c Peas, sweet and tender, 3 cans 31c; per can.. . 11c Coffee, steel cut, None Such brand, pound .35c Japan Tea, choice quality, 3 pounds $1.00; per lb 35c Starch, Celluloid or Defiance, package . .8c Corn Flakes, 3 packages. .25c Laundry Soap, Pearl White, 7 bar# .25c Michigan Plums, No. 2| can. .. * ,10c Coffee, Our Special blend, pound * . .v»>.28c American Family or Naptha Soap, 10 bars .45c Faascy Tomatoes, large can ......, iiSc Pork and Beans in tomato sauce. 10c Cocoa, $-lb can.. - = , J9c Extracts, psre Vanila or Lemon, 2-oz bottle.....^.. .i8c Ammo, powdered ammonia, 3 cans 23c; can... * j;. 8c California Yellow Freestone Peaches, can ...23c Alaska Salmon, No. 1 can .. •••»:»«** ,15c Prunes, Fancy Santa Clara, po«nd,Ui.>> v... ..tOc Washboards, 35c value. •« * ••»••« • « 29c P&k- OUR WEEKLY LIMERICK' There was a builder by the name of St. Clair, t Who was honest and used the best builders' hard *««»• He deals 4t More Where we sell it galore, And the assortment is large and the prices are fair* W« Make a Specialty Ol Ball ill i u>* Hardware, keeping on hand constantly a fall haeef tin many items needed by the professional contract­ or or thfc amateitr builder. Hard wear is demanded of this claas of Hardware, and yon can depend on the reliability of the goods wte offer* J. J. VYCITALI 1 affords v&ote enjoyment and comfort to the family tjhao any thing in the world.* No one iieed be without such a home nowadays. -We cajs fit yon out and can do it in a most satisfactory manner. Our goods and prices •will ixeet with your approval and after we Jtho^r yo«u how easy it is for you to make youirhoj ne comfy and cozy, you'll wonder Why, yoi a didn't consult us long since. We caa fit ] four home with furniture that ranges in price: from the costliest to the cheapest that mi )ney will buy. Call and let us tell «W;TC about it, :: :: -OB JUSTEN, : MCHENRY FURNITURE MAN , AND EASILY DEFEATS CRYSTAL LAKE AMtECfcTON ALLOWS vnnto*s «B¥Two NMAV HltS-AKUtCHER, CIH8 AND BEHLKE HAKE LONG H|TS McHenry looked like a real ball team once more last Sunday and as a result they made their opponents, the Crystal Lake Americans, look like a UunCu Oi nGCucu uiCnclSi The McHenry lads were on their toes thruout the entire nine ionlngH oi play and the manner in which they hit the ball was a treat to the fans who* had turned out to watch the afternoon's entertainment. Sahlsberg, our little flinger, pitched a splendid frame, allowing the visitors but two hits and striking out thirteen batters. Sahlsbefg was very ereditably sup­ ported by the team back of him, only one of the three misplays made by the home team proving disastrous. The visitors never had a chance to win, and from the manner in which Sallie was going, coupled with the sup­ port his teammates were rendering him, the boys from Crystal Lake town were exceedingly lucky to get away without a shut-out. Only thirty-two Crystal Lake batters faced our little port-sider during1 the afternoon and of this number only five reached first base. The visitors got their lone telly in the eighth frame on an error and hit. McHenry's first pair of tallies were registered in the second stanza of the battle. Knox opened the proceedings with a clean-cut single and went to third on Gibbs' double. Knox was a moment later caught at the plate. Freund singled, Gibbs scoring. Preund stole second and completed the circuit when Sahlsberg's fly was muffed by W. Rehberg in left field. Ebisch and G. Rehberg retired Page. McHenry scored another run In the third inning. After Huck and Aebisch- er had been retired, "Pyke" Behlke, McHenry's slugger, straightened out one of Erlander's benders for an hon­ est-to-goodness three-bagger. He put a kink into the ' sides of the enemy a short time later by stealing home. This neat piece of work so peeved the Crystal Lake bunch that they at once started to take out their soreness on the "ump," but received very little consolation from him. Knox ended the round by giving Ebisch an easy fly. in the fourth frame our lads again crossed the counting pan on two differ­ ent occasions. Gibbs started off by grounding to G. Rehberg at first. Brails ford sent a long fly to left, which W. Rehberg did not freeze onto. Brailsford showed little mercy on the bases and before the visitors knew what our catch was up to George had smuggled both second and third and went home on Freund's grounder thru short. Sahlsberg's beautiful sacrifice sent Freund to second and Page brought the base runner home on a dandy single. Right at this juncture it looked as if McHenry was about to break up the visitors' entire combination. Huck's single advanced Page a peg, while Aebischer filled the bags when he let four wide ones pass by. With Behl­ ke at bat and every corner on the cir­ cuit occupied by a red uniform gent, it certainly did look bad for our guests from the south. Behlke tried hard to deliver something that would clean up the bases, but the best he could do was a sharp bounder to the pitcher. Our sixth tally came in the fifth in­ ning, which also proved the last for Erlander of Crystal Lake. With Knox and Gibbs retired, Brailsford singled, stole second and came home on Freund's second hit of the day. Sahlsberg went out via pitch to first. McHenry wound,up its score getting in the eighth. Behlke went out via short to first. Knox singled, stole sec­ ond and registered the last run of the day when G. Rehberg let Brailsford's grounder go thru him. The tabulated score follows: OBYSTA'LLAKE TT H PO psi tXM;? V. mm •in. . ; . • •: v r : v WIA ftUN EVERY MY HI IK WEEK PI-FROHI cHENRY Pistakee Bay and Fox Lake LEAVING AT 10:30 L H. AMD 246 f. H," ; H;' i ..Special... EvtiyiMH Excursion t6t!iel>aiicB at Mertes* Hotel leaving McHenry at 8:00 p. m. sharp if J. C. X>EBRECHT QUALITY SERVICE 'Phone 625-M-2 RIGHT PRICED, lew Lof of y Summer Dress Goodd Johnsburgh, III. ^ i.v v V "lit • f s \l'.-J Just received and flow'awaiting your inspection, Cotton Voiles and dainty novelties. Just the right kind of goods for summer apparel. Come in and see them. Concrete Ice Houses For keeping tee, concrete construction has no equal. It is heat resisting. Keeps ice from melting. Unaffected by dampness. Never needs repairs. Build your ice house with febkago AA Farmers have no hesitancy in starting good sized jobs with this brand of cement. K is always uniform. Insures a building of uniform strength and appearance. Drop in next time you're in town and ask us for m copy of a ValaaLL prall P--1- wMch tell* how to build lee^HMSM TlnlM rre® DOW with "Chicago AA" Portlwd JoMoVoftUnd Ceueutn.. TJVDK SALE--Timothy hay and cord wood. J1 Mrs. Jos. U. Jubtbn, McHenry, 111. GIRL WANTED--For general housework, three In family; GOOD wages. Mrs. A. K. °Bbck, Fistakee Bay. Phone 64-M. 88-tf. W. BeliberK, 1 f .0 0 Faber. ',;nd b „0 0 U. Rehberg, 1st b 0 0 Heddersdorf, r (sp..O 0 Mlcliuells, 3rd b.. 6 0 bcliwartas, c 0 I Kbisch, as ....0 0 Tiuim, o ( 1 0 Erlander, p 0 0 Buehler, rf 0 1 -1 H t 1 0 e i t •» 'lluck oak, hit by batted ball. U McHENBY K H PO Page, 2nd b 0 1 Huck, 3rd b. 0 t Aebischer, cf 0 t Behlke, If 1 1 Knox, ss 1 t tilbba, 1st b I 1 Brailsford, c ...j .t I N. Freund, r f 2 2 Sublsberg, p 0 0 Wrede, c t _.0 0 J 0 i 1 I s 7 11 £7 12 3 Earned runs--McHenry, 4. Three base hit --Aebischer. Behlke. Two base hit--Gibbs. Left on bases--McHenry, 9; Crystal Lake, 4. Base on balls--Off Erlander, 1. Struck out-- By Halilshnrcr. i>y Erlander, 3; by l&iddurs* dorf, 6. SOOKKBY IIKIMW Crystal Lake JO 0 0 0 0 • l'A-1 McHenry >_.0 2 13 10 1 0 J-7 EXECUTOR'S NOTICE Estate of Elizabeth Flanders, Deceased. The undersigned having been appointed Executor of the lsiat Will and Testament of Elixabeth Flunders, deceased, late of the County of McHenry and State of Illinois, hereby gives notice that he will appear be­ fore the County Court of McHenry County, at the Court House In Woodstock, at the August torm, on the first Monday in August next, at which time all persons having claims against said Estate are notified and requested to at­ tend for the purpose of having the same ad­ justed. All persons indebted to said Estate are requested to make immediate payment to the undersigned. Dated this 2nd day of June, A. D. 1013. 5l-3t James B. Psbry, Executor. LOST--On road between Lake Gen­ eva and Chicago, a gold mesh purse containing papers, owner's name card and other cards, also Small amount of money. Liberal reward to Under. Noti­ fy McHenry House, McHenry, 111., or Coroner Hoffman, County Bldg., Chi­ cago. CLASSIFIED DEPARTMENT All &d?crtlaeraents liMrttd under tills iiekd »l the following rates: Five linen or lea*. 26 cents for llrat Insertion; 16 centB for each aubsequunt Insertion. More than tlvtt lines, 6 cent* a line (or (lrat Insertion, and 3 centB a Hue for addition! Insertions. FOR SALE--Piano. Inquire at this office. 1-lt M-Zt Fc E. Olumens, West McHenry H. 1-lt p>OK RENT--Or will take in stock to pas- " ture, 40 acres of good pasture land. In­ quire of O. W. Habbiboh, on Crystal Lake road. 50-3t+. LOST--On road somewhere in or near Mc Henry, a 34x4 inner tube and automobile '«a[.im, McHenry ,lPl notify John M. 1-lt* FOB MALE BY OWNEIt--5 room cottage, in­cluding furniture, also new piano; (ine grounds. Fox river frontage, 104x208; high bauk with seawall; wind mill. Paulbma Lauuktta, 1449 K California' Ave., Chicago. *1 "CM)It SALE--The W. F. Tiltou property con- sisting of a house and iiH - lots in village of McHenry. Inquire at this office. 40-tt TpOR SALE--Fox river lots on both east j, nd, x west sides of river, north of McHenry, bridge. Inquire of C. W. Btbnoer, West Mc-i Henry. . 32-tf LOTS FOR SALE on the East and West. Sides, also on river front, and eight of; ten acres for rent or sale on the mill pondj" Also cottages on the rivor and at Pistakea Bay. O. N. Owen, Bank of McHenry. 431|, jf- LOST--On road between Lake, Geneva and Chicago, a gold mesh purse containing papers, owner's name card and other cards,', also small amount of money. Liberal reward to finder. Notify McHenry HonSe, McHenry^ III., or CohonBR HomiH, County Bldg., Chicago. 1-lt TXT ANTED--Amateur vaudeville acts for the *" McHenry county fair contest. Great opportunity for amateurs with talent. Acts coached free if you enter. Any kind of acts Wanted, such as high-class singers, ragtime singers, male quartet, sister teams, lady quar­ tet, clrfld singers, monologues, dancing spe­ cialties. rube acts and musical novelties of all kinds. This is anew feature of the fair trt be produced in the graud stand on a special stage. Write for particulars. Address C. E. Jones, 117 South street, Woodstock, 111. S£-4t &&-• America's Handsortiest Hosiery! Has stood the test for twenty-eight years, yet it has never "rested" on the reputation of a past year--each year it has set anew the f£igb mark of maximum hose merit--each year it has earned a better name for excellence--that's why it has gained the confidence of the American Family--that's why it is demanded, purchased and worn by buyers of judgment and sensible economy. See the Black Cr.t at ouv hosiery couuter--convince youcself as to it* merits. Feel its luxuriant softness, see its shapeliness, its knit" glove fitting" for style, of softest yarns for comfort, colored by the high­ est salaried dyer in America for beauty, made with extended rdfr forcement in heel and toe for wear. LOOK FOR THE SKIN OF THE BLACK CAT and you'll be sure to get satisfaction, you'll get hosiery that isilMt product of the highest skill, of the latest improved machinery, of twenty-eight years' successful manufacturing experience. You'll get the most durable and desirable hose made--Black Cat. . -V;' <r "is. " : • •-sf. aUNIT^D STATES DEPOSITOR^ , g ; CAPITAL SOTCK, $2S,000. to buy a house, for them. is a miniature of the woman or man that is to be. A little de­ posit aftthis savings bank begun in Tot's name is the miniature or beginning of what in time to come be­ comes a sufficient sum It's the kindest a^t yo* can do .SAFETY DEPOSIT BOXES, $3.00 HX YEML. EPWM L. WACNCK, •! F""- , •*--OFFICERS:--I DR. C. H. FEOEKS, Vice Pru. CARL W. StENGER, Cs«hl*r. VIm Free. •M ^3 1^1 CENTCRVOXC AND GROCERY • 'k The choicest line of ; Meats and Groceries i to be found in McHenry^t? ' : r ;:r * - I. V: •. . • ?.• •t" -5 J. W. Aebischer ISimnw te C. O.Pratt.) NeHENRY* ILL. t-: 'PHONE •T t at you are of thct ter and proud as she of graduation honorv | there is soon but a mettt- •s Ofy of such events unless a {Portrait keeps the rt- cord of txeh milestone ? of youth. :: :: Our styles of school pic* tures are appropriate to the -occasion F. SCHNABEt. MEHENRY. ILL. n TI 1»!IOIFE MM a^sr Read the Classified Ads. SPECIAL BARGAINS nil TBS WEEK L. •WONE IM 'M W' • imr, IUMK " i j-$y -• ' WORTH voiiR WHLE UWKEMWil UNDERSKIRTS--^Ladies* Muslin Underskirts made of a good quality muslin with a full 12- . inch embroklerv flounce, special.. - • fl.00 -- r_ --, DRAWERS--LA-DIES' Muslin Drawers, wett' . ^' made, good quality muslin, tucked and broidery trimmed, special while they last. .25^ PRINCESS SLIPS--Made of a sheer quality nainsook, cut to fit perfectly, neatly trimmei^v ^ J with embroidery and heavy laces, a very special number at {/ ? .. OOWNS- Ladies' Gowns made^of a fine qualitjr v seersucker cloth, does not require ironing, lace triinmed, a good full cut garment at. ...• #1.00 SPECIAL VALUES--^Men's black and tan Oxfords in a broken run of sizes, Shoes sold at $4.00, now priced per pair $2.39 LADIES' SLIPPERS--A broken run of siz \ in Ladies' $2.50 and $3.00 Slippers, strap, lace, button and pumps, all leathers, to ciose them out quickly, now.. ......*............ • • •+ * • i i • •• i *•' ••• LADIES' WAISTS--Odd lots, slightly soiled, good styles and very prettily trimmed, choice. J ^ -$1.29 35c DRESSES--Children's well made Gingham "• v Dresses, neatly trimmed, all sises, at... 50°, 75°, $1 LADIES DRESSES--Ladies' House Dresses, fast color, perfect fitting, very special....... .$1.00 a ' . V 'M !• i is

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