Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 26 Jun 1913, p. 4

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msmmm for mcr jf&gr'.fc WHY. »Tfc T &AM6 ONC WAS 6T0UEM FROM ME, LAST yNUErHT Wi S/J tWWJK ~ OKI" NOW OV/ER TO TH GIRL'S H0U6E: AMD OWE HER THIS y bracelet roa *HC R _ f eiRTHDAV Afr A TOKEN OF 1 ""--"--' REHEMBRANCEj O H , D E A R I i 60 SAOli L WAS ROBWTO 0? MY eRACEUET- I'LL TAKE IT. IT'S MY OIRCS BlRTH-OAY TO-MORROW HERE S TH* BRACELET t BOUGHT FOR. ^foO) NEut:: ? ,BW, DOYOU THAT WHEW ICTTIN* VOU THIS ^roH **0, YOU'RE 6ETTIN1 GRAVY? kji/*tVL> WE Ala. SWOON ONCE A WHILE ih tSil i? *• THE BRfVCHET i^ry^ jt'-'it iS wrimsw € * . . £> a< •> «• |fi* 1 *?»" ^ f fja? w r, ,5^ "iMlltl -=&TKOY, W'ETTiWfcrGK^. mMm A ttJBLIBHftD BVT5RY THOB8DAY.BY i F. Q. SGHREINER. (HtotUBuk Bcl)Ata«. Tolaphoao. N& *». p:' TBIMM OP •UMORIPTIONi wyji' >**%•»•* .. •»* •»* wmtti, flets. IkiM aoaths. MetS. Thutdij, Juae a6, 1913. TIE LAST SCHOOL REPORT rw ik usr mmti or snow. K- ' •** yeai y-:M '<4'. ,'V;.W •rd? TOTAL ENROLLMENT FOB MONTH WAS THIS NUMBER 74 WERE NEITHER TARDY ' •• W' • . M wm m I ;, . FIRST GRADB. jEnrollment: Boys, 13; girls, 1^ total, 29. No. of days attendance: Boys, 237iy girls, 316$; total, 553|. No. of days absence: Boys, 20; girls,{ 23ft; total, 43f. Cases of tardiness: Boys, 3; girls, 3; total, 6. Average daily attendance-for £rade, 25 plus. . No. of pupils nuUif sbvro Win industry, 16. No. neither absent nor tardy, 5. j. SBOOND GRADE. > v Enrollment: Boys, 10; girls, 9; t&al, m , No. of days attendance: Boys, 183; g|Hs, 183V, total, 376fc No. of days absence:Boys, 23ft;. girls, 131; total, 37. Cases of tardfaoesa: > Bqrs, 0; girla, 2; total, 2. , Averager daily attendancefbr grade, II plus. No. of pupils ranking above 90 fa in­ dustry, 11. No. neither absent nor tardy, 7. No. of eases of corporal punishment for room, 0. °|Ji6> of cases of truancy for room, 1. |y Mrs. M. Overton, Teacher. THIRD GRAM. . / V ; * Enrollment: Boys, 7; girls* rf if; tttal, 21. No. of days attendaaee: Boys, IjHL; - girls, 2984; total, 429*. No. of days absence: Boys, 23; girls, v flf; total, 32}. ^ 5 iCases of tardiness:, Boys, 0; girls, 0; < *#al,0. i. Average daily attendance for grade, >:?. No. of pupils ranBag above 901n in- |? Aastoy, 12. ' - No. neither absent nor tardy, il. • .. FOURTH GtLAiMR. ' Knrollaoent: Boys, 9; girls, 6; total, 14. <i: .. No. of days »tt^ndance: Boys, 18tf|; girls, 107; total, 296}. No. of days absence: Boys, 8$; girls, i , ij total, 13}. I, Cases of Urdiness: Boys, 4; girls, 0; f^iotia, 4. • '•? Average daily attendance for grade y-\ ,13.47. No. of pupils ranking above 90 in in fe.';. *»stry, 1. No. neither absent nor tardy, 5. fr{,. No. of cases of corporal punishment l^^ftor room, 0. No. of cases of truancy for room, 0. Clara V. Stoffel, Teacher. ; ^ FIFTH GRADE. :i Enrollment: Boys, 12; gi^ * 13 ^.';fotal, 25. • ' P No. of days attendance:11 Boys, 241} . firls, 248J; total, 48»»: No. of days absence: ' Boys, 8;;gifts. •; total, 17. Cases of tardiness: . Boya, 1; gii9s. 'v total, 3. * •, % Average daily attendance for gntde ? '2 No- of pupils ranking above 90 in in "|iustry, 15. .y No. neither absent nor tardy, 19. fi" SIXTH GRADE. M Enrollment: Boys, 10: girls, 11; total ' 21. : No. of days attendance: ..Boys, 179J ; i girls, 200}; total, 380. ^ No. of days absence: Boys, flj girls ^ ft total, 16. ; v':; Cases of Urdiness: Boys, I; girls, 2; ' toUl, 3. Average daily attendance for grade J. ' No. of pupils ranking above 90 in in ; dustry, 13. & N o . n e i t h e r a b s e n t n o r t a r d y , 5 . 5r.V No. of cases of corporal punishment lor room, 0. No. of cases of truancy for room, 1. iPearl Claxton, Teaoher. V SEVENTH GRAM. lfi& totAl* 21. No, of days attendance: girls, 282}; total, 392}. ^ No. of days absience: Boys, • 1; 15}; total, 16. " v Cases of tardiness: Boys, 0; girle, 1; total, 1. Average daily attendance for grade, 19. No. of pupils ranking above 90 in in­ dustry, 6. No. neither absent nor tardy, 6 EIGHTH GRADE. Enrollment: Boys, 12; girls, 7; total, 19. No. of days attendance: Boys, 239; girls, 141; total, 380. v No. of days absence: Boys, 12; gifls, 8; total, 20. ' Cases of tardiness: Boys, 1; girls, 0; total, 1. Average .daily attendance for grade, 17. No. oi pupils ranking above 90 in, in- dustry, 7. No. neither absent nor tardy, 5. No. of cases of corpora! punishment for room, 1. No. of cases of truancv for room, 0. Jflorence E. Howe, Teacher. NINTH GRADE. Entailment: Boys, 7; girls, 11; total, y-V: -W' OPERETTA IN SIX ACTS Mrs. Alice Baker Moore, Instructor 18. No. of days attendance: Boys, 122; girls, 232}; total, 354}. No. of days absence: Boys,*52; £irls, 9}; total, 41}. Cases of tardiness: Boys, 3; girls, 0; total, 3. Average daily attendance for grade, 16. No. of pupils ranking above 90 in in­ dustry, 10. No. neither absent nor tardy, 6. TENTH GRADE. Enrollment: Boys, 5; girls, 8; total, 13. No. of days attendance: - Boys, 86; girls, 167}; total, 253ft. No. of days absence: Boys, 24; girls, 8}; total, 32}. . Cases of tardineas: Boys, 9; girls, 2; total, 11. Average daily attendance for grade, 12 plus. No. of pupils ranking above 90 in in­ dustry, 8. * No. neither absent nor tardy, 5. No. of cases of corporal punishment for room, 0. No. of cases of truancy for room, 0. Agnes A. Perry, Teacher. ELEVENTH GRADE. Enrollment: Boys, 6; girls, 11? total, M. No. of days attendaaee: / Boys, 124; girls, 234}; total, 358}. No. of days absence: Boys, 8; girls, 8}; total, 16}. Cases of tardiness: Boys, 5; girls, 0; total, 5. Average daily attendance for grade, 16.3. No. of pupils ranking above 90 in in­ dustry, 10. No. neither absent nor tardy, 5. TWELFTH GRADE. Enrollment: Boys, 1; girls* 8; total, TfitfvJi v ^4^ riofee Talent assisted by the AIR DOME ORCHESTR/^ Mil Open House, Fri. and Sit., juw £? & £8 Admission, 35 and 35 Cents Reserved seats at Petesch's Drug Store 9. Boys, 22; girls; No. of days attendance: girls, 170}; total, 192}. - No. of days absence: Boys, 0; 5ft; total, 5ft. ' Cases of tardiness: Boys, 0; girls, 1; total, L Average daily attendance for |prade, 8.5. No. of pupils ranking above 90 in in­ dustry, 7. No. neither absent nor tardy, 5. - No. of cases of corporal punishment, 0. ; No. of cases of truancy for room, 0. " REPORT OF ALL GRADES. ^ Enrollment: Boys, 99; girls, 129; total, 228. ( ' No. of days attendance: Boys, 1865; girls, 2583; total, 4448. No. of day s absence: Bo^s, 166; girls, 125; total, 191. / i Cases of tardiness: Boys, 27; girls, 13; total,'40. , . Average daily attendants for school, 211. No. of pupils ranking above 90 in In­ dustry, 122. No. neither absent nor tardy, 74, No. of cases of corporal punishment for school, 1. No. of cases of truancy for school, 2. A. Edgar Nye, Superintendent. Promoted ten second grade, 23; pro­ moted to third grade, 16; retained in first grade, 6; detained in second grade, 3. , ' { Seventeen promoted to fourth grade Miles Bacon, Frank Schoel, Bernard Thurlwell, LeoThurlwell, Esther Feltz, Helen Frett, Arline Harrison, Mildred Kinsala, Hazel Block, Irene Payne, Frances Petersen, Elsceta Schnabel, Lucy Schoel, Adella Stoffel, Gladys Pender Walsh. Two promoted conditionally to fourth grade: Henry Ahrens, Pearl-Feltz. Two retained in third grpde: Robert Patzke, John Malsch. Twelve .promoted to fifth grade. Three promoted conditionally to fifth grade: Frankie Gans, George Kam- holz, Dorothy Buss. Those perfect in attendance in sixth grade: Donald Givens. Those perfect in attendance in fifth grade: Charles Frett, Clifford Buss. Sixth grade: Promoted, 16; promot­ ed conditionally, 3; retained, 1. Fifth grade: Promoted, 17; promot­ ed conditionally* 4; retained, 4. HOLCOHBTILLR. Dftyid Powers was a Chicago passen­ ger Tuesday. D. J. Walsh of Chicago was a visitor here last week. Chas. Harrison was a business ealler in Chicago Thursday. Miss Vera Doherty visited relatives in McHenry Thursday. James E. Doherty of Sandwich spent Sunday at his home here. Misses Anna and Etta Powere were guests of relatives here last week. MiBs Gertrude LaSage is the guest of Chicago relatives for a few weeks. [isses Anna and Irene Frisby and G. E. Adams were callers here .Sun­ day. Mr. and Mrs. T. L. Flanders and daughter spent Sunday *t P. Flan­ ders'. Mr. and Mrs. Ed. Eaton of Elgin spent a day recently at W. B. Gil­ bert's. Miss L. Holmes of Crystal Lake vis­ ited at Chas. Harrison's Saturday and Sunday. Mr.^and Mrs. W. J. Beiser and chil­ dren visited at W. B. Gilbert's Sunday evening. Mr. and Mrs. David Powers and chil­ dren were Sunday visitors at Will Doherty's. James and Thomas Doherty were callers at John Laughlin's in Ring- wood Sunday. - Mr. and Mrs. M. Knox and family of Terra Cotta called at J. J. Doherty's Wednesday evening. Mrs. Johnson returned home Sunday after several weeks' visit with her son and family at Wauconda. Mr. and Mrs. F. Martin and son and Miss Norma Whiting were callers at W. B. Gilbert's Wednesday evening. Chicago ft Nortli-Western. B^ectlve June 15. 1913. WHBK DAT TRAMS. ' . . • WOBTHBOUND *7.00 a m Via Elgin 10.18 am *8.55 a m Via Des Piataes 10.18 a n; *12.15 p m Via Elgin. 2.30 pm *12.45 p m Via Des Plalnes 2.30 p m *1.10 p m i.. Via Des Plalnes 2.28 p m *3.40 p tn Via Des Plalnes.. 4.44 p m *3.15 p m Via Elgin.. 8.27 p m •4.49 p n........ Via Des Plalnes 8£7 p m >;« SDNDAT IB A IMS. 7.10 a. Via Elgin 0.48 a m 7.50 a Via Des Philnes 9AA a m 8.55 a m„.w....Vla Des Plaines 10.18 a m S.05 p m. Via Elgin 5.00 p m ' WajtK PAT TKAIll Leave , nr>TTT<unnrrNn Arrive McHenry. SOUTHBOUND Chicago +7.1<J a n».„ Via Des Plalnes 8.85 a m *7.10 a in....... Via Des Plalnes 8.05 a m .10am Via Elgin 10.10am •S.itt a m Via Des Plalnes ,...9.40a m *4.44 p rn ...Via Des Plaines 8.45 p m *0.27 p HI...... ,Via Des Plaines 7.65 PM . 8UWDAT TBAiaS. 7.10 a Via Des Plaines .9.35 a m 7.10 a 2. Via Elgin ..M(am 7.20 p ra^,......Vla Des Plalnes ..8.40 p m 7.32 p m ..Via Des Plalnes 9.20p m 7.32 p m.... Via Elgin 10.25 p m *Dally except Sunday. +Monday only. ' > ^Saturday only. CLASSIFIED DEPARTNENT All adTurtliemvnta liu«rted undar. this head At the followingr*te»: IlTe linen or len, M owti for Int Insertion; 16 cent* (or ouch aabMquant lnMrtlon. llore tlun live line*, & oenta a line (or first Insertion, and S oenta »line (or addlttonl lnaerttona. JpOR SALE--Piano. Inquire at this offlce.^ GIRL WANTED--For general bouseworlt. three in family; good wages. MRS. A. R. BECK, Pistakee Bay. Phone 64-M. 52-tf T7HJR SALE--The W. p, Tllu>n praperty con- sisting of a house and 3H lots in village Of McBenry. Inquire at this office. 40-tf TpOR SALE--Fox river lots on both east and -1- west sides of river, north of McHenry bridge. Inquire of C. W. STBKQSB, West Mc­ Henry. 32-tf LOTS FOB SALE on the East and West Sides, also on river front, and eight or ten acres for rent or sale on the mill pond. Also cottages on the river and at Pistakee Bay. O. N. OWHN, Bank of McHenry. 48 tf XpOR SALE--1918 model motor cycles and " m motor boats at bargain prices, all makes, brand new machines, on easy monthly pay­ ment plans. Get o»r proposition before buy­ ing or you will regret It, also bargains Jn used motor cycles, stamp for reply, ton, Mich. rite us today. Enclose Address Lock JUox 11, iren- 2-10t KING WOOD Mrs. Eleanor Bacon of West Chicago spent Sunday with home folks. Mrs. Jay Hawver of Lake Geneva spent last Thursday at* H.. W. Allen's. Mrs., Lucinda Francisco of Wood­ stock is visiting relatives in and near town. Mrs. C. D. Bacon visited her son and wife at West Chicago the last of the week. Mr. and Mrs. Marble and H. W. Allen and wife visited at Salem last Friday. Frank Lawson of Elgin was in town Monday, looking after thingB about the farm. L. D. Todd, wife and little son of Dundee are visiting her parents, Mr. and Sirs. C. E. H. Tuttle. Bert McCannon and family spent Sunday with bis parents in Greenwood and attended the Children's day "exer­ cises. C. W. Harrison, clerk for the Wood­ men, has received the check for Mrs. Matie Harrison, wife of the late Phil Harrison, for $3,000. Mr. and Mrs. Joel Marble left Wed­ nesday morning for Asbburnham, Mass. They expected to stop at Niag­ ara Falls for one day. Edith McCannon and children and mother, Emma Matthews, went to Carpeutersvillc Wednesday to attend a reunion of the Matthews familyi. Our business has been built by giv­ ing our customers reliable goods at riffet priOffc^eteeel^»4rtig atonf^ \XT ANTED--Amateur vaudeville acts for the VV Mcfleury county fair contest. Great opportunity for amateurs with talent. Acts coached free if you enter. Any kind of acts wanted, such as high-class singers, ragtime singers, male quartet, sister teams, lady quar­ tet, child singers, monologues, dancing spe­ cialties, rube acts and musical novelties of all kinds. This Is a new feature of the fair to be produced in the grand stand on a special stage. Write for particulars. Address C. E. JONES, 117 South street. Woodstock, 111. 52-4t C. A. SATTEM DISTRICT MANAGER MUTUAL LIFE INSURANCE 00. OP NEW YORK WEST M'HENRY, ILL N*. ABE YOU INTERESTED? VOkO. Mi«s *And* Compton Is visiting rela> tlves in Elgin. C. G. Huson and family entertained company over Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Peter Stadtfeld took an auto trip to Elgin Thursday. Mr. and Mrs. Lee Huson and daugh­ ter spent Sunday in Liberty ville. Muriel Cushman of Round Lake is visiting her aunt, Mrs* Jas. Kirwan. Ves Wagner and family entertained an auto party from Chicago over Sun' day. Services in the M. E. church next Sunday at 2 p. m. by Rev* J. Williams. Everyone welcome. Miss Martha liossdeutscher and Miss Nellie Williams of Grant Sundayed at Dr. Rossdeutscher's. Mr. and Mrs. Albert Paddock and Phylis, Mr. and Mrs. Ray Paddock and Georgina Wait enjoyed an auto trip to Elgin Thursday. 1 SWAT THE PLIES ' Join the Swat the Fly club by.get­ ting one of our swatters. A fly swat ter for every home--free--by calling at Petesch's drug store. Just remem­ ber, the first time you are up town oome in and ask for a fly swatter-- free. > PM-nh'admg atef*. • •• - -xv: iC " JULYFOURTH We have made such extensive plans to accommodate thous­ ands of people and we have also prepared to enter am them every moment of the time that they are our guests. MANY NEW AND INTERESTING- FEATURES. GRAND STREET PARADEAT10 O'CLOCK 3 Games, Sports and Races,' A' large display of Fireworks at Night. WE WILL MAKE GOOD. II DAI wnn IIS GRAYSLAKE COM. ASSN. $ Central OPERA HOU5E FRED RAYMOND ANNOUNCES HIS FAMOUS SUCCES8- FUL DOMESTIC • A Mrtoe •( Comical SaifriNt, Start* Uag Sltoatioaa and Thrilling ClimaxM Scaniealiy euporbl Dramatieally Biill- lantl HaeteaUv Groatl NEW SONG8I NEW DANCESI NEW NUSICI PRICES: 2SC, 35C, SOC SEATS ON SALE AT PETESCH'S. w'k m ..,•4 Movies DAY AND SUNDAY UNTIL FURTHER NOTICE UNCLE SHI'S BIRTHDAY -FEAST should include some of the many fine things we show in fancy groceries, vegetables, fruits, etc. Of course flour, sugar, spices, canned fruits, etc., for bread, cakes, pies, puddings, and other desserts will add to the total of your Fourth of July enjoyment if you.^ive us your order in good time. && m know as far ahead as possible. Math. Laures Phone 8 :: West McHenry Make up your mind to spend the Fourth at Nell's Columbia park on Fox * '•<. ^ *• S>'r{ '•if «/ J. it ' K\\_ .What ia tlw dll(*r*M* bctwooa a (uMt loaving at 4 a. m. aa4 a pnttr girl i>a»<. in| an auto? 1 Om to going pretty oarlv aa< tho othor a pratty gtrli* |oia|> "Where are going, aay pretty maid?'* "To the Quality Market, sir,"she said. The maid in question was a quality lass And bought only meat of the quality She's headed hswo,. E. F. Matthews WEST NcHENKY. BX. 'PHONE 9 Movies Wednesday, Saturday and Sunday at the Air Dome uptil further sfc&i BY Hie boat coffee Is percolated cof­ fee and the beat MMCMSO to make it In ia the Electric Percolator The hottest, freshest* most crispy toast is that made on the break­ fast table with an ••'VI*. Electric Toister Delightful dishes that arouse keen Interest in the process can be made on the Electric Chafing Dish On many occasions the cooking functions of a range can be par- formed by an Electric GrilP* All these application^! - 'N at low prices. :: w* - PUBLIC SERVICE COMPANY OF NORTHERN ILLINOIS • •'>*. ft .1 ' -1'fe iiV< >• I;- i'% L. Q. SENG ctil--oi m IS^NUNBEK la 106 N. aUiAvo.|^^ PARCELS CHECKED FRBB Talaplioao N« i»j. SIMON STOFFEL Insurance agent for all classes of property in the best oompanid. WutMtanr.MM* tan DE FhoNo, ao-h HOMO. «0-W; VI ALL ENTIST ionrsfALUiiEi u '^'V- Attend the Fourth July celebra- .. - r y . . . v

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