(r- K-\ ':*ter-sA-:-r-.•* "r .A:. ; -V*"/ 'PS^JR IW ^•*3: •>% .<>:. Garden Theater "V<3 m Presenting W'. Photo Plays cteCuxe Select Program Every Evening Two shows each evening, first starting at 8:15 p. m. rl.-i...vii. :ii Admission, 10 Cents j %?;' W. B. CAMEROR, Chief Operator 0. V. LYON, MANAGER In the House Life is made more comfortable In Summer w Jtfgptriiig many meals. Electric Fans will eool it. Electrical Appliances for that purpose will do the washing and cleaning. Electric Irons will enable you to iron outdoors. With Electrical Cooking Appliances yotf can dispense with the kitchen stove in •:4k, Is your house wired? If not, we'll tell you how easily and cheap ly the work can be done. :: :: :: PUBUC SERYKf COMPANY OP NORTHERN ILLINOIS THOMPSON, THE IDEAL SUMMER RESORT EXCELLENT BOATING, FISHING, BATHING, DANCING First-class service, best of table, pleasing surroundings. A place where young and old enjoy themselves. Ideal grounds GROCERY AND NEAT MARKET IN CONNECTION A first-class grocery and meat market is also run in con nection with the hotel and all orders are delivered. Orders for bottled'goods are also delivered. SPECIAL ATTENTION GIVEN IV PICNIC PARTIES This is also an ideal stopping place for picnic partieq. Our special attention is always given such parties. *••• • WRITE FOR BATES AND OTHER INFORMATION PISTAKEE BAY, ILLINOIS V*. J. C. DEBRECHT QUALITY SERVICE RIGHT PRICED NEIGHBORING NEWS AS CHRONICLED BY OUR ABLE CORPUS OF CORRESPONDENTS 'Phone 625-M-a v Johnsburgh, 111. ofi a rammer appetite. By libhis we mean a desire of the palate food that will cool off and nour« ^tsh at the same time. We have inany such foods in the line of gro-, series as Cereals, Jams, Pickles^ ijblives, Cold Canned Meats,- Yegejfi fables, Fruits. Try them and kee$ •• 'A • • ' f' fz r 1 • • •• . JOHMSBIIBGB. Mat Freund was a McHenry caller TuhmI.^V. John Oe&Ung speht Tuetday at* Al gonquin. C. M. Ad*ins transacted business in C iicnsprt Thursday. > •Mr. and Mrs. Peter Williams v«n McHenry visitors Tuesday. . Fatlu-is Lx liatu' a««l Adalbert dined with ourYeverend pas*i>rMunch*jr even- A gKfod program of mdving picmi es at the Air Dome, Riverside park, every night. Mrs. Hewitt and ehildrett of Ingle- side were pleasant callers ia town Wed nesday. . Ed Peterson and family entertained relativi s and friends from Chicago the past week* d M r. and Mrs. John Freund, near Ring-wood, have just welcomed a son. Congratulations. Miss Lulu Freund of Chicago spent the Fourth at the home of her uncle, Jacob ilueiuann. Miss Lena Freund of Chicago is spend ing a iew weeks with home folks, John H.'Freund and family. Quite a number of our young people attended the show at the Air Doth* ia McHenry Sunday night. Miss Susan Thiel of Chicago was a guest in the home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Michael Thiel, Sunday. Ben Schaefer and family of Chicago spent several days the past week with relatives in Johnsbnrgh and Volo. Everyone is thankful for the rain just received. It was God-sent and will save many crops from destruction. The glorious Fourth passed by in a pretty sane manner./ Many accidents are avoided when celebrated iu a sane way. Misses Rena and Marie Weidemann of Chicago were entertained in the home of Tharnas Lay Saturday and Sunday. Jimmie Schumacher and Miss Heleti Adams were guests in the home of Mr. and Mrs. J. £. Freund at McHenry Sunday. Mrs. Ed Senft and children o^Chica go came out the Fourth for a short vis it in the home of her father, Theo. Meyers. Miss Eva Huemann of Chicago spent several days the past week among rel atives and friends in Johnsburgh and vicinijy. Mr. and Mrs. JohnSchaefer and chil dren spent Sunday with the former's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Math. Schaefer, in McHenry. Mr. and Mrs. Jos. Diedrich of Mc Henry and'Miss Annie Freund of Chi cago were callers at the home of C. M. Adams Saturday. Sister Winefrida of Milwaukee is visiting with Sister Adelaide at the sisters' house during the absence of the three other sisters. Father Berthold is enjoying a few days' vacation at Bay City, Mich. The church will be left in ohargeof Father Adalbert during his absence. Father Berthold enjoyed the outing with the business men of McHenry last Tuesday and pronounces it one of the happiest recreations he had this sum mer. Nell's Columbia park entertained one of the largest crowds ever on the evening of the Fourth of July. The dance hall was packed to its utmost capacity. Mr. and Mrs. George Wirfs and chil dren and Lena Klein and Barbara Alt- hoff went in the Conner's auto to Wood stock the Fourth of July, where they enjoyed the day very much. A party of twenty-one, consisting of friends cf Rev. Nell, last Monday made an excursion with the Alice to Lake Catherine and back. All say it was one continual round of pleasure." The "Boys in Blue" were defeated at the McHenry ball yard by the "Red coats." The game was a battle thru- out. Defeat was accepted in good grace by our boys. This makes a horse apiece. The women of the parish are pre paring a shower for the sisters' house to supply the many things sadly need ed. This promises to be a pleasant surprise to the good sisters upon their return. Sisters Hildeburgis, Joachin and El- ma leave on Friday of this week for a seven days' retreat in their mother house at Milwaukee. We hope to see them return recuperated to good old St. John's. Rev. Geo. Nell leaves tonight (Thurs day) for Quincy, 111., where he will take up actual work at St. Mary's church. Joseph Lahey, a schoolmate of Rev. Nell's, will also leave for his home in Detroit, Mich. The parish picnic s»t ftor July 16. in Johnsburgh has been postponed to the middle of August for„ several reasons. This arrangement will give the vari ous committees additional tiuie to pre pare for the celebration. Most likely the picnic will take place Wednesday, Aug. 13. ____ VOLO. Mrs. Peter Stadtfeld was a McHenry visitor Wednesday. Geo. Barker of Oak Park called at Ray l'addock's Tuesday. Harry Kirwan of Wauconda called at Jas. Kirwan's Sunday. Nick Frost of Kenosha visited his rparents heie the past week. Miss Phylis- Spooner of Chicago is Visiting Miss Marion Husen. Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Kirwan enter tained company over the fourth. Mrs. L. V. Lusk and children of Fort H'll called at A. JL Raymond's Sunday. f ; Mr. and Mrs.'Fred Crokerof Liber- Ville came out the Fourth and stayed over Surday i*ith Lee Huson and wile. TAKE A REAL VACATION OUTING Let us help you plan your trip. Go to Colorado, Utah, California, Yellow stone National Park or the North Pa cific coast. Each have distinctive at tractions. There is nothing to corn- pare with the massive mountains, manv Of them crowned with eternal snow* giant redwood trees, yawning chasms and towering waterfalls which are some of the things that make a trip to the west linger in your memory. Low round trip fares and convention rates now in effect. Splendid train service from all points. For tickets and full -- -- saeEmia A. Jacobs spent Sunday afternoon la Woodstock. » Mrs. L. Nelson was a Woodstock caller Monday. Hans Nelson mttile fc-business trip to Chicago Monday. ' ' M. Miller of Crystal Lake ;-«!* a' caller here Tuesday. Miss Clara Salow of Barrtagtonwas A recent visitor here. ( Mesdarr.es Purvey and Bennett drove to Crystal Lake Tuesday. Mrs. F. Kuhn of Woodstock spent Friday at Mr. Thorsen's. E. Letsler and A. Naaby were Crys tal .Lake callers Monday. I. A. Kennedy of Cilicago guest, ol Ray Lynch recently. Mr. and Mrs. A. Purvey spent S«n- da\ with relatives in Woodstock. J. Evans, H. Jacobs and H. Wiile were Chicago visitors the Fourth. Mrs. E. K. She|»ard and Mrs. Mathi- eson were Chicago shopper's Tuesday. Miss Minpio Moore ol Chicago is a guest in thew home of Miss L J, SW- ney. • N^ E. Whetstone spent Sunday at Munroe, Wis., making the trip in his auto. Mr. and Mrs. L. M. Goddard of Woodstock were week end visitors here. H. Irish and daughter ot Harvard were recent visitors of his mother and sister. Mr. and Mrs. H. N. Cooper attended the hand concert at Woodstock Friday eveniug. A. Brandner of Chicago was a vis itor in the Shepatd home Sunday and Monday. Mr. and Mrs. C. H. Orrnsby of Crys tal Lake were over Sunday, guests of their parents. Miss Genevieve Goddard is visiting with Miss Hallie Barber in Chicago for a few days. Mr. and Mrs. Leroy.Skinner and sons of Elgin were recent visitors at R. L. Dutield's. ' Mr. and Mrs. Christofferson and daughter were recent visitors at the L. Nelson home. The Ladies? Cemetery society will meet with Mrs. A. Peterson Thursday afternoon, July 17. Miss M. Green of Meade, Wash., is. visiting at the home of her grand father, R. L. Dufield. Mr. and Mrs. S. Reed and daughters, Virginia and Mabel, spent the week end with their parents here. A meeting of the R. N. A. will be held at the home of Mrs. W. R. Wag ner Tuesday afternoon, July 15. Mr. and Mrs. Saaby and J. Mikkle- son entertained friends from Chicago from Thursday until Sunday evening. Mrs. Mathieson, who recently re turned from an extended visit in Ger many, is visiting with Mr. and Mrs. E. E. Shepard. Mr. and Mrs. J. Bartz and sons George and Oscar, of Chicago visited in the homes of E. E. Knilans and C. E. Lock wood reoently. Mr. and Mrs. Lars Jensen and son and Mr. and Mrs. R. Hesselgrave and daughter, Arline. were over Sunday guests of Father Peterson. Mrs. L. Johnson and Mrs. L. Ben nett and son, James, visited Mrs. A. G. Levey at the Woodstock hospital Thursday. Mrs. Levey returned home Sunday. Mrs. N. E. Whetstone accompanied her brother and sister, Julius and Hattie Anderson, to Gladwin, Mich., last week for a short visit with her parents. Misses Olenys Jacobs, Genevieve Goddard, Alvin Yanke and Arthur Skinner, accompanied by Mr. and Mrs. JL. M. Goddard of Woodstock, gpaiit Friday in Elgin and Chicago, ~ Rn. A. Aniir-- Marie Charlotte Wellig was born May 12, 1865, in Wartafta, Skaraborg Westergotol, Sweden. She came to this country in the year 18(13 and for a time tnade her home in Chicago. It was in this city thatsh#) was married to John Albert Anderson; on the 9th day of April, 1894. fiver since their marriage they have lived in or near Ridgetield. On Friday, July 4, the angel of death claimed her for tab own.' Three chil dren, Clarence, Elsie and Einil, were born, and these alike have shared the love of a mother and now are left with a loving husband and father to mouru an irreparable loss. What can we say of her sickness, suffering and demise? Everyone who was familiar with her knows of the intensity of her pain, the patience with hich she bore it and the hope she had of being relieved. Her faith in Christ was a blessed comfort. God permitted her to be afflicted, to suffer and death to remove her from Our midst, but who can raise uy the voice and say that God has not done well, when we remember that these light afflictions are but for a moment and have worked out for a far more and exceeding weight of glory. CARD OP THANKS. We wish to express our sincere thanks to the neighbors and friends who were so kind to us during the sickness and death of our loved one; also for the beautiful lloral offerings. A. ANDERSON. CLARENCE. . ELSIE. EMIL. SPECIFICALLY '»fill certain requirements and you'll be surprised how far a lit tle money judiciously spent goes towards building. No matter what sort of a structure you are planning it's a ten to one shot our practical knowledge of luni- !>er, the different uses for which^ different grades are suited, could >»-' made to pay you good divi dends on your purchases. Of course, iumber is higher than it ""as 50 years ago when mosi builders hewed their own lumber- out of raw timber--and so is la bor higher, so that were you to follow the practice of years gone Hy lumber would be out of the question. But modern milling methods and scientitic manufac turing have done wonders in saving hand labor and what seems to some people a high price for lumber is in reality a low price, considering the labor, you save hy using perfectly manufactued stock such as we handle. Tell us what you're going to build and we'll tell you the ooefc.of the lumber required. ••Theffe's No Place Like Home" WILBUR LUMBER CO. West flcHenry - Ptione 5 Bank of McHenry ESTABLISHED 1888 This Pankreoeiv<* deposits, pays 8 per cent interest on time depos its, extends all conrlesies consist ent with good business principles and does a CEUBAl IMKHC KUSHESS respectfully sottcttag public pat* ronage^ Honey to Loan on real estate and other first class security. REAL ESTATE Farm lands, residences and vil lage property for sale. If yon ?vant to btsy or sell, call on ns. Abstracts ordered. INSURANCE la first Class Companies, at the lowest rates Perry & Owen, Notary Public ̂ • Bankers. • SHOULD BE PURE SHOULD BE FRESH SHOULD BE OF RIGHT POTENCY SHOULD BE DISPENSED CAREFULLY SHOULD COST YOU BUT A FAIR PRICE SHOULD BE BOUGHT AMID CLEAN SURROUNDINGS Everything in our store is as it should be. You can place the utmost confidence in our goods and our methods wiH surely appeal to joa , ' We want your drug trade. N. H. PETESGH McHENRY TELEPHONE 56-W fF Masquelet's [ East Side First-class Drugs, Reasonable Prices, Prompt Service FREE DHUTHERIA ANTITON FURNISH ID mm PHYSICIAN, ALL MY OR NIGHT McHenry, III. particulars apnly to ticket agents, Chi- oago and North Western Line. 1-41 •f- EXBCUTOE S NOTICE Bfrtatf nt Ell«n Hhnlln. !>e<'ea*d. The undursiKuud liaviiiK been appointed Executor of the last Will and Testament of Ellen FliaUn.defeii.scd, l:ite of the County of McHenry and State of Illinois, hereby jri ves notice that he will uppear before the County Court of McHenry County, at the Court House in WoiKistocK. at the Se>>tenil>er Term 011 the lirst Monday in September next, at which time all persons bavin* claims utfitiuat said Estate are notified and requested to at tend for the purpose of havln« the same ad justed. All persons indebted to said Estate are requested to ruake immediate payment to the undersigned. Dated tills 7th day of July, A. D. 1U13. Hi JPBP M. Pbamm, Ks&vfey. Your Grocer Will Smile With Pleasure When you order a sack of EARLY RISER flour. He knows you will be pleased with the results and will come back ior more, vlt can be de pended upon for quality--it never varies. OKDEK A SACK TOOAY WESTM'HENRt Fy)DR AND FEED HILLS u kMruuxmniTT SPECIAL SALE, BUYERS* BARGAINS. BOOSTRRS CAN COLLECT COUNTLESS COUPONS To each person purchasing #5.00 worth of goods in cash or produce from Monday, July 14, to Monday, July 21, or for each $5.00 deposited to be traded out later, will be given 1100 Booster Coupons. Do not buy $4.75 and get 475 coupons nor $9.25 and get 1525 coupons but buy $5.00-or $10.00 and get 1100 or 2200 coupons. On all other accounts but multiples of 95.00one coupon for each cent is given. Double coupons on settlement of accounts. All of these special coupons must be voted during the sale or count as regular cou pons in value.. Get your .friends* to guess on the number of articles which will be placed in the store windows of the BOOSTER STORE on next Monday. We give fifty Booster Cou|>onS to each person presenting a guess and a 42-piece Dinner Set to the one guessing nearest, as well as thousands of Boaster Coupons. Get particulars at our store. -v ; Get a i too Coupon Ticket •v ^ Whet Bmttr will win the Watch on Mendav; July 28. Our were i by AIM Never*. Nueic next Saturday by the Beeetere. M. M. NIESEN THE BOOSTER CLUB STORE K Write today to Theo. Hamer, Secre tary McHenry county fair, WoodstOOkf Hi., >«4 (tetftifl » premium list.. Our line W;LS never so complete as now. We have all the new lasts in white Nubuck, White Canvas, Tan, Brown Suede .and Nubuck.. Gun Metal, Kid and Patent Colt. Call and see them. DRESS (JOODS, fancy and plain cotton voiles in all leading shades, 25c to 50c per yard. A nobby line of silks, plain and fancy, suitable for Waists, Skirts and Dresses. ee our new line of Interna tional Tailoring Sam pies. *You will need a new Suit, Coat or Trousers soon. We can save you money and give you a per fect fit. New nobby line of Hats for Men and Boys, new shapes and new colors, bow in back, from : $i.oo to $a.oo Shirts, Collars, Ties, Overalls, Shirts, Working Clothing. Groceries, Canned Goods and Fruits. Try our Tea at 50c. None so good. We have a fine blended Coffee at 25c, and 35c. Try it. Quality guaranteed. Goods delivered promptly. M. J. WALSH :w w '.fe 'V 4 -"$1 M iiVS- m P H I L I P J A E G E R OENERAL COriMISSION MERCHANT •amtfinrAu Atimtf am mm A A. v m . SPBCIAL ATTKNTION OIVSN TO THX SAUT-QIP' Dressed Beef, Hutton, Hogs, Veal, Pealtrj, Hides, Etc., Butter and Eggs This iB the oldest house on the street. Tags aad price Usto furnished on application. St ell I a 3.'Felt* St Wholesale Market. COLD STjpRAtlH FREE CHICAGO, ILLINOIS. L»