Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 31 Jul 1913, p. 5

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mv " .' '- ' :_* ^ jnfmt PtAiNDEita®, STHESBT, -- r-t- • " • * • • • . « . * w %w?w* % "V1 !*V tl *Y. WMfeWAEfcaWAR! '%-W . •• Xs .•.<#'"•••* •i; -v. -AT THE- Li '•>• A*, ". •^V-." ' - ' :&.• * """* -+4 '• Tne'Honie <>f Feature Phpto Plays De Luxe Saturday Evening, August 2 * ^Another Sensatioaal Hit, IN "TWO LONG RE|LS Without a <ioubt the most thrilling and awe Inspiring War Drama ever produced/ Thousands of Soldiers engaged. $20,000 ProiluctionVJx-See the great struggle in a two-days' battle between \the North and South. Special seats for the G, A. R. We ha\p never disappointed you and we never will. This is a J*hoto Play every man, woman and child should see, so don't miss it. Our Program, 4 reels. Two shows, 8:15 and 9:15 p. in. No advance in price. ENGAGEMENT EXTRAORDINARY--Nat Weston, Character Singer, direct from New York engagement 8 NE WS AS CHRONICLED B Y OUR ABLE CORPS OF CORRESPONDENTS ^ i ( TT ------- u[ Admission, 10 Cents \ z' "TT In the =̂ \ House ' ' C.. i^d, ^ Lifeiisrffriade more comfortable In Summer Electric will cool it. •<> ^ Electrical^ Appliances for that purpose will do the washing)and cleaning. Electric lr»ng will enable you to iron 4, outdoors. With Ijlectrjcal Cooking Appliances you can dispense with the kitchen stove in preparing many meals. \ % Ig^your house wired?* s .If not, we'll tell yoli how easily and cheap­ ly the work can be ^^done. OF NORTHERN ILLINOIS J Pistakee Bay,-August 6-10, '13 ^ ' "»& .--r-*-- GIVEN BY Tv A. THOMPSON Stilling VSummer Resort Foot Rac 3S, Tub Races, Canoe and Boat Races ^ *»jd games of all kintts " ' • '•--- • "" ~ f acht Saturday, August 9, 4:00 O'clock Motor Boat Races Sun., Aug. 10, at 1 o'clock ,1st, 2nd and 3rd prizes in all .events. Entries open to all. Motor , and YacJ*t Races **nderthe auspices of the Pistakee Yacht Club. Music August 9 and Jt by the OLIVER TYPEWRITER MILITARY (3S pieces) of Woodstock, 111. Ju. ' Free Dancing' Every Evening- Special Music Come One! Come All! Take a day off and win a prize. BAND^ j. c. QUALITY SERYIGE • Phone 625-M-2 :: RIGHT PRICES Johnsburgh, 111. t* ^merkf^ir family Soap V he standard of all laundry; soaps. Good for laundry ®se, dish-Washing >Bd scrubbing. Why not buy a lOO-^arvibox J^nd sa#e nfi&ney? -*r* • 100-b^r box at .35 Besides tint n^me$fea ved on the soap, you can make ise of the wrappers to secure valuable premiums. Why sot .btiy' a box 4iow and begin to save wrappers? "V*: St-' Htk.j • - ' v-tt* i r INMlllMMaMIIIIIMIIIIIiMMiitMlHiMM JOtfNSBlTKGn. Dr. Arnold Mueller and Mr. Mathieu were business ealforrat Woodstock Wednesday. < . T , ' Several sisters of the Slake family came from Nebraska to visit Johns- burg and the graves^-pfdeceased rela­ tives. Father "Berthold motored (6 Wood­ stock last Monday and visited for a few. hours the beautiful city of Madi­ son, Wis. John Freufod, more popularly known as ""Dewey," is now traveling the country roads wjtii a new nve passen­ ger Ford car. Fathers Thos. O'Brien of Genoa. 111., Lehane of McHenry,' Zillaof Elmhurst, 111., and Riss of Volo tailed on Father Berthold during the past week. Math. Palmes of Marengo Is visiting this week with his mother, Mrs. Jos. Palmes. Math, is still working for the Borden Milk company at Marengo. Construction work was begun on the new residence of J. C. Debrecht Mon­ day morning of thfe week. John Mer-> tes is to carry on the job and superin­ tend the work. John Thelen is the juoUartt father ot twin babies, which were christened last Sunday. John Oefllingv Mrs. Jos. Thelen, Michael Pitzen and Miss Anna Oetiling were sponsors. Congratula­ tions. Thie parish picnic, or Jahrniarkt, for Johnsburg will L»e Wednesday. Aug. 20, not*t.he 15th, which is a church hol­ iday and must be kept Itke a Sunday. Preparations are going_jan-«»-endily to make this a great day for Johnsburg and the Bay. • After having tnade one of the larg­ est hay crops ever, the farmers are now harvesting 'their grain. Oats are short and not as good as expected, but we can trust in our Creator to give us all that is necessary. Corn, we think, will be very good and ail in all we can lie grateful for not being in the condi tion that the people of Mexico are now. Let us not oomplain, but work Next Sunday tHfe Brisco quartette has [promised to put up a yaudeuille act in Parish hall catTed "The Bell Boy, or the Hotel A'fctr" A girl at the tele phone switchboard, as well as a hotel elevator which the hotel boy uses to reach the |>eople in the fifty-second story of the hotel, will be something unique and worth seeing. .The Brisco quartette, assisted by Miss Barbara Smith, are pre paring this rich act for next Sunday evening at 8 o'clock. See the start, don't.miss this for the world Admission, 25c and 35c. Card and dom ino party follows, with refreshment* Prizes will be awarded to the highest scorers. Card party seats, 25c. Pro ceeds go to buy the sisters a new piano Last Sunday ^ght nearly everybody Was out to see high-class vaudeville in the parish hall. It was none too cool but the house was packed. Mr. Ma thieu shouldered the biggest part of the entertainment wit|l hfs marvelous feats in magic and jugglery and did so with the art and self possession that characterize experienced professiopal work, sWn/only in big play houses It was something quite extraordinary for Johnsburgh, therefore, to see home talent come back and corroborate so successfully a reputation nade from coast to coast. Johnsburg feels big to say this big juggler comesf from Johnsburg. Mr. Mathieu used but a small part of his heavy repertoire stage and time beigg .limited, but it tebka gotta. Miss Florence Knox visited McHenry relatives last week. . ' Floyd E. Covalt of McHenry called at M. Knox's Monday. Jos. W. Freund of ^fcHenry frag calling in this vicinity Monday. Mr. and Mrs. A. W. Jackson are entertaining the former's sister. Mrs. Geo. P. Bay of Chicago spent last Wednesday with her sistty, Mrs. S. B. Leisner. . Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Grant aud chil­ dren were McHenry visitors one even­ ing last week. ' Mr. and Mrs. Fined Hall and two children of Coppersville, Kan., are guests of the forme'r's uncle, Chas. L. Buck. Mr. and Mrs. A. W. Jackson of May- wood inot'ed into the Ames house last week. Mr. Jackson is the new agent for the C. «Nc N. \V. R. R. at this place. Misses Kleanor Phalin and Mildred Welch left Thursday morning for Ohio, where they will s|>end several weeks as the guests of relatives and I fiends. Mo. Merrill Thayer and Mrs. Alice Barbour of ('opperville, Ivan., are vis­ iting at the home of their brother, Chas. L. Buck, whom they have not seen in over thirty yeara. > Mr. ami Mrs. M. A. Conway and fam­ ily and Mr. and Mrs. M. Knox and family attended tin- second annual re­ union of the "Knox family" ,at the home of Mr. and Mrs J. J. Doherty at Holcomhv illt- Xundav. NAIL THEM DOWlf-W? TO BRASS TACKS • ' when they tell you lumber is away out of sight in- price. Ask them what kind of lumber they are talking about--and how much , of that sky-high kind would be used in the ordinary home. Of course mahogany is dear aad some kinds of pine (jhal must be had for specific pur- pofes, such as $lnp decks, etc ». A_-' comes pretty high, but you don't need that kind of stbck for your home. You see that jrhere the misapplication of truth plays havoc with the in experienced builder. Buying lumber these days is a good deal like consulting an attorney; the latter can't tell how much of a case you have until he hears all your story; nor can a lumberman tell how much the material will cost for your home until he sees or talks over your plans. Start right and you'll save money. Let us help you. e There's No Place Like Home WILBUR LUMBER CO. West McHenry - 'Phone 5 £ being .limited, was a pleasure for him to have an op­ portunity to show his friends what he has made of himself. Mrs. Mathieu made a pretty appearance assisting her husband and enjoyed her work im­ mensely. Allowances must always be made for the lack of polish and the embarassed appearance of accidental assistants. That sets off the magician handsomely. Mr. Mathieu is always welcome in Johnsburg and the women's society thanks him warmly for sup­ porting the good cause so charitably Dr. Mueller filled the intermission with broadside against Christian Science teachings. It was a clear talk and tore up the sails of this so-called science in short order. We would like to hear our good doctor oftener. A capital sur­ prise was the appearance of the Bris­ co quartette, whoiare at home on the Vaudeville stage. Their effective sing- iqg called forth a roaring applause. They had to satisfy the audience by returning again and again. Miss es Florence and Alecia Iiriseo and Le< and Emmet Brisco will always find an appreciative audience in Johnsburg hi no wood Mrs. Bloss returned home 'ihi is again able to be in Mr. and Friday. Warren Foss the store. Amos and Will Smith were Chicago visitors Monday. Lora Walkington spent the first of the week in Elgin. C. W. Harrison was in Alden and Harvard Saturday Mrs. Florence KelNwas M*tefrmond visitor Saturday, last. Quite a number attended the hunri concert at Woodstock last Thursday evening. Mr. and Mrs. Ladd and Miss Bigelow visited at Williams Bay from Friday to Sunday evening. Mrs. Jay Hawver and children and Mrs. Reno of Lake Geneva visited at H. W. Allen's Tuesday. Rilla Foss called on her aunt, Clara Coates, last Saturday. She has been sick for some time and die found her no better. - A beautiful bahy hoy was born to Mr. and Mrs. Chauncy Harrison Satur­ day morning, July 26, and died l^onday morning. The parent have the sym­ pathy of alL at PAKK. enry Bending spent Monday in Chi cago. Miss Mary CiUUs spent Sunday with her mother. W. K. Burns of,Chicago is spending a few weeks at the l'ark. Mrs. Ed. Knox spent Tuesday with Mr. and Mrs. M. A. Sutton. R. E. Sutton ot Chicago was the guest of Mr. and Mrs. Ed. Sutton Sun- dav. Paul Armstrong and family of Oak Park spent Saturday and Sunday the Park. Mr. and Mrs. A. L. Apple and son were recent guests of Mr. and Mrs Henry Bending. Mrs. Ed. Sutton and son and Miss Nancy Frisby passed a few days this week at the Bay. " Miss Eleanor Lark in of Elgin spending a few w^eks with Air. and Mtte. Mack Sutton. In speaking of Henri Bernstein's great play, "The Thief." which will be seen at the Central opera house on Sunday evenidg, Aug. 3, with Miss Helene Guilbert in the leading role Manager Smith assures one of the best attractions that will visit McHenry this season. The piece ran for two years at the Lyceum theater in New York and is considered by the critics the biggest success New York has had in years. The company carries all its own scenery and from reports we un d^rstand the players are exceedingly clever in their respective roles. VOLO. Mrs. L. V. Lusk and daughter were Volo callers Sunday. Miss Ella Moore was a McHenry caller last Thursday^ Mrs. C. G. Hyson and daughter were Elgin visitors the past week. Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence Metier are visiting friends in Wisconsin. Mr. and Mrs. Ves Wagner are re­ joicing over-a baby boy, born July 25, 1913. Mrs. John Walton and Mrs. A. J. Raymond were Fremont callers Thurs­ day last. Mrs. Lucy Clough of Wauconda was a recent visiuA* at Mrs. A. J. Ray­ mond's. Miss Bessie Dunnill of Chicago spent the fore part of the week with her parents here. Mrs. Rose Dunnill and Mrs. Hironi- mus of Round Lake were McHenry callers Thursday. "Would you steal to make yourself beautiful iq, the eyes of your husband in order that you might keep his loveY" That is the question that is asked and answered in "The Thief," which will be seen at the Central opera house on Sunday evening, Aug. 3, with Helene Guilbert in the leading role. "The Thief" is one of the big dramatic sen­ sations of the season and the company which is to present it hei*e is said to be composed of players high up in the profession. The staging of the play is ilso to be in keeping with the piece and adequate thruout. All in all, "The Thief" promises to be one of the best attractions seen here this season. PROBA TE NEWS $ank ot. McHenry ESTABLISHED 1888 This Bank receives doiKwiis, pays 3 per cent interest on time depos­ its, extends all courtesies consist­ ent with good business principles and does a fiUBMl BARKIIK MiSUIfSS respectfully solicting public pat­ ronage. Money to Loan on real estate and oiher first class security. REAL ESTATE Farm lands, residences and vil­ lage property for sale. If you want to bny or Hell, call on ns. Abstracts ordered. INSURANCE at the Perry & Owen Notary Public > Bankers in First Class Companies, lowest rates Masquelet's Elsst Side First class Drugs,' Reasonable Prices, Prompt Service FREE DBHTHERM ANTITON rUWISH ED YOUR PHYSICIAN, ALL HOURS DAY OR NtGOT MtHENRY, ILL. IFurnlstiod by McHuury County Atwt.rRit Company, Woodstock. Illinois. Office iu Ai^ noUl lilock. east side pultUr square. At# stracts of title and con veyjincliiK. Mouev U> oan 011 real estate In sums ot five huuurod io ten thousand dollars. Time and paymftntft to suit iKirrower. I'hones 634. tKKJ and 911.1 REAL KSTATE TRANSFERS. Nick N. Weber & w to Joseph O. St Alice Warner, pt Its 3 & 2 O. Haane's addn Sprinj? Grove. . .I1900.W PROBATE PROCEEDINGS. Estate of Elizabeth Flanders. Inventory filed. Phil S. Harrison. Bond filed. Elizabeth Schneider. Final report filed. 'MARRIAGE LICENSES. Arthur W. Bean, 23. 1 Marengo Cora M. Lowe, 22 1 " WiHiara Fred Bowman, 27 ..Belvidere Mary May Fiebrantz, 44 William Cherry, 27... Dundee Frances Sorenson, 19 Huntley H. Albert Hayes, 36 ...Harvard Gladys S. Gunderson, 32 44 James Fries, 19 .......Harvard Josephine Peterson. 17 Rock ford Ace Anthony, 23 Marengo Anna Cassier, 30.. 41 August F. Wienke, 31 Algonquin Martha Ritt, 28 N. Crystil Lake msm FLOUIt AC CO Off KiMf EVERY WOMAN KNOWS that EARLY RISER FLOUR is best. She will add to her knowledge of domestic econ­ omy by using Early Riser Flour for all household bak­ ing. It makes the very best bread, cakes and pies. Buy a sack and everybody will know you get the best and most for your money. WEST lfHENRY FLOUR AND FEED WILLS The latest and best of moving pic­ tures at the Air Dome, Riverside park, every night. [ When You Want -Drug Store Goods QUALITY FIRST / In selling certain lines of goods, price .may be used as a strong selling point, but in selling . drugs the first argument should be quality. Right quality has made our business what it is and we- expect to maintain the reputation it has won for us. :: ;; THEN PRICE We! believe that all careful d,rug buyers will \ consider quality before price. -JJut prices asked here are right, too--as low as goods of same quality can be bougiit for anywhere. Let us supply you with drug Atore goods N. H. PETESCH McHENRY TELEPHONE 56-W "nrniiuuuntamuipn^ Mrs. F. E. Cobb was the best Booster for the month and wears the second gold watch. Who will win the third? And fourth? The third will be given to the individual not having won one who casts the most Booster Coupons from the count of Monday, July 28, to the count of Monday, August 25. ' ^ i . Are you getting all your friends to hand in a list of words in the word contest? If you do, you can easily get 5,000 coupons free. -The word contest closes Saturday night, August 16. To the winner of it will be given the 42-* piece Dinner Set , M Don't forget that we sell the choicest line of gro­ ceries and fruits to be found in McHenry county Music next Saturday by Boosters M. M. NIESEN THE BOOSTER CLUB STORE / ••'•Si *- 1 ^ -; Our kiie was never so complete as flow. We have all the neir iasta in white Nubuck, White Canvas, Tan, Brown Suede and Nubuek. Gun Metal, Kid and Patent Colt. Call and s6e them. DRESS GOODS, fancy and plain cotton voiles in all leading shades.. 2'>c to 50c per yard. A nobby line of silks, plain and fancy, suitable for Waists, Skirts and Dresses. See our new line of Interac­ tional Tailoring Samples. You will need a new Suit, Coat or Trousers soon. We can save you money and give you a per­ fect fit. >: New nobby line of Hats for Men and Boys, new shapes and new colors, bow in back, from tl.00 to 13.00 Shirts, Collars,Ties, Overalls, Shirts, Working Clothing. Groceries, Canned Goods and Fruits. Try .our Tea at &0c. None so good. We have a fine blended Coffee at 25c, 30e and 35c. Try it. Quality guaranteed. Goods delivered promptly. M. J. WALSH hIMM - ' :Mr; * ' ':**5 in 4 tr P H I L I P J A E G E R GENERAL COHMISSION MERCHANT SPECIAL ATTKNTlOjr OITOt IO TBB 8AU OF Dressed Beef, Hutton, Hogs, Veal, Poultry, hides. Etc., Butter and Eggs This is the oldest hooae on the street Tliii nil pilm ILHi ff ialihrt CQU> STORAQE FREE CHICAGO, ILLINOIS. implication. 9uK i a j, Paltaa It WMmli MvM , t .J ; vt \r % ill!

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