was the be& Boo&er la& month and wears the fourth gold watch; Now who will play the piano? : Remember the Grab Bag on Saturday, Sept, 27. Everybody come for a bully lot of fun. Find out what the Crab Bag is--and grab. Children, get in your letters in the letter con tent before Saturday night, Odt. 11, and get the sack of candy and fifty coupons which we shall give to you. Write a good letter--maybe you can win the fir^t premium, which is a gold watch. . , : FOR THE SCHOOL CHILDREN:N We have a complete line of pencils, tablets, pens, pen holders, ink and all kinds of school supplies. Music next Saturday by Boosters M. M. NIESEN THE BOOSTER CLUB STORE iifh 'i!1' " it« itil!iw.4|i GOOD LUMBER III THE BEGINNING insures satisfaction at the fin ish. In selecting lumber dura bility is. (iot the only thin? to be considered. Labor is a big1 item in building and lumber that is hard to work and which offers no longer life is an expen sive luxury. In our lumber we have combined durability with easy working qualities and you oan't go wrong if you consult us. WILBUR LUMBER CO. WEST N'HENRY :: PHONE 5 "HIT OR MISS" BUILDING METHODS have done a lot to encourage talk of high cost of building when in reality it »*as not the cost of either materials or labor that was to blame, It's realty aston ishing how far a little money will go judiciously spent on a plan worked out in advance. The big saving comes in having no alterations, in being able to buy lumber of proper length to save hand labor and in buying only enough. It's easy to tell in ad vance what your home will cost if you will but take tbe time to have someone with experience go over your plans. We do it every day for our customers and you'd be surprised the amount of money we've saved some of them. Maybe we can do as much for you. Let us try. There's No Place Like Home WILBUR LUMBER CO. West McHenry - 'Phone 5 CENTERVILLC WHAT'S MB GKOOKY The choicest line of Meats and Groceries to be found in McHenry J.W.Aebischer (Suceaeer te C. G. Frett.) KcHENRY. ILL. M w THONE 80-M j McHENKY. I1A. 1 % Every thing, when that name typifies excellence of workmanship and su p e r i o r i t y o f p r o d u c t . For instance SCHNABEL'S PHOTO STUDIO Sittings made Sunday, Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday--a t Crystal Lake on other days. We aaake aad eell fine pi<ft«re 4r*mes 'PHONE 100-J P H I L I P J A E G E R QENEiyU. COHW1SSION MERCHANT SPBOLAJL ATTKNTKMf QIVKN TO THX SAUK OF Dressed Beef, flatten. Hogs, Veal, Poultry, Hides, Etc., Butter and Eggs This is the oldest house on the street Tags and price Usts furnished on application. COLD STORAQJE FREE CHICAGO, ILLINOIS. tal i * t, P«lte« St. M I 1 J. FNRM M*nitlUrk«i •ubscribe for the Plaindealer JUgp&ed on local happenings 0 was here VOLO. Mrs. C. O. Huson of Elgip Saturday. The farmers in the vicinity are busy filling silos. Prof. Smith of Wauconda attended church here Sunday. Mrs. Ray Paddock spent Friday with her sister at Round Lake. Mrs. Earl Townsend of Grant spent a recent day with her parents here. Mrs. Peter Stadtfeld and Mrs. Geo. Bohr were Wauconda callers Friday. Mrs. Rose Dunnill and Mrs. Wm. Hironomus and son spent the past week in Elgin. Mrs. Chat Thomson of Fort Hill and Miss Millie Hogan of Elgin were in town Wednesday. - Next Sunday, Sept. 28, will be the Rev. Williams' last Sunday before con ference. Everyone is welcome to the services at 2:30. 'M£': Bi Lewis Adams yas a business visitor in Chicago last Thursday. N Several auto loads from here attend ed the Walworth county fair at Elk- horn, Wis. M. H. Freund expects to be able to move into his new residence by the end of this week. BeginningOct. 1 masses in St. John's church will tie at 8 and 10:30 on Sun days and 8 o'clock on week days. It is reported that the sheriff will be after the parents who do not send their children to school, it's a good thing the state looks aft* r negligent parents. Nick liohr, with the assistance of Siinon Michels, is putting in the fire place and building the chimney on J. C. Debrecht's new residence this week. Jos. Klein is also putting up a one story cottage on the Math. N. Freund premises. This makes the third house being erected this year. Who says Johnsburgh is not having a boosting sea* on? Next Thursday night the young men's club will have a stag party after the election of officers takes place. The social club cf this society is just one year old tikis month. A good meeting is expected. Rev. Geo. M. Nell of Quincy, 111., visited the fore part of last' week with relatives and friends here. Rev. t^ell has been changed from Quincy and will hereafter be stationed at Teutopo- lis (Effingham), 111. Frank Mathieu, our famous magician, after a few days *s(>ent at home, left Wednesday, Sept. 24, for Janesville, Wis. He -is to play at a harvest fes tival given in a small town about six or ten miles from Janesville. Mr. Deters, carpenter and builder, not finding the outlook for activity as brilliant as his friends pictured to him, is moving to Prairie du Ciiien, Wi?., where plenty of work has beeu promised him. It pains us to lose such an expert carpenter and we believe the pe.ople did not all have an. opportunity to be come acquainted with his skill and habits. Mr. Deters designed and drew the plans for Mr. Debrecht's beautiful house in Johnsburg. This and other work he has done has merited unqual ified praise. All good luik to Mr. Deters in liis new field. PIvAINHEALER, STHENBY, NEIGHBORING NEWS AS CHRONICLED B? ABLE CORPS OF CORRESPONDENTS HOT MUGS 01NTED ARAMS MMM * • • siuuitnsuik , P. N. Mo?tsev sells accident insurance. A. A. Dietx was at the county seat on business Friday. W. S. Jaynes andTijrife were Ridge- field callers Sunday. J. H. Slater was a Crystal Lake busi ness calico Satuiday. Lowell Walkup was a Woodstock visitor one day last week. - J. J. Delaney was a business visitor at Crystal Lake on Monday. Mrs. Rose rjoddard was a business caller at Crystal Lake Friday. Mrs. A. Levey and Mrs. Purvey drove to Crystal Lake Thursday fore noon. * A. Purvey and wife drove to Hunt ley one day the latter part of last week. Mrs. H. Nelson and daughter were Genoa Junction visitors the first of the week. • . Mr. and Mrs. J. J, Delaney welcomed to their home Sunday, Sept. 21, 1913, a little daughter. Mrs. A. Purvey and Mrs., Lolo Ben nett and son, James, were business callers in Woodstock Friday. «. Mrs. Elsie Johnson returned Sunday from a few days' visit with her sister, Mis. R. Frydendall, at Batavia. On account of needed repairs on the furnace at the school Monday, the (Ai pi Is were dismissed until Tuesday. Miss Pearl Reed, Mrs. L. Bennett and Mrs. J. B. Lynch and two grand children were Crystal Lake callers Saturday afternoon. M rs. E. Ormsby of St. Louis is visit ing with her parents, Mr. and Mjrs. C. H. Ormsby, and other Illinois relatives. Mrs. Ormsby came Friday. Mr. and Mrs. D. L. Gibson and grandson, Lester Merchant, spent Fri day at the home of Mrs. Gibson's father, Isaac Kline, near Woodstock. Rev. and Mrs. Charles H. Giessel brecht went to Maston, Wis., where Rev. Giesselbrecht took charge of the services at the Presbyterian* church at that place Sunday. Born, to Mr. and Mrs. Wm. French a little son on Sept . 22, 1913, who passed to the home beyond after only a couple of hours on earth. The bereaved par ents have the sympathy of the entire community in their great soirow. Silver Weddinf Anniversary About fifty friends and relatives gathered at the hospitable home Mr. and Mrs. Fred Reed last Thursday evening, Sept. 18, *n honor of their twenty-fifth wedding anniversary. The evening was spent in a delightfully social manner, each trying his best to make it a long remembered one their daughter, Miss Helen, favoring them with a few whistling selections and music. Rev. C. H. Giesselbrecht with appropriate remarks, presented Mr. and Mrs. lteed with a beautiful and appropriate pieee of silver from the Ladies' Afd society and friends also many pretty and useful pieces of silver from their many relatives Dainty refreshments were served and enjoyed by all. Ab the hand pointed to the midnight hour and amid showers of congratulations and wishes for great many more pleasant anniver saries, all retired to their homes. The guests from out of town were: Mr, and Mrs. Byron Waterman, Mr. and Mi's. Sidney Reed, Mrs. S, Simmons and son, Walter, of Woodstock; Mr and Mrs. G.. A. Barnes and Mrs. Vierke of Elgin; Mr. and Mrs. Max Baldwin and son of Carpentersville. POX LAKE Our grading is progressing nicely. P. N. Musser sells health insurance Yankee Olson has a crowd of genial hunters. Telephone men are at w«rk at the Mineola. Mr. Pasdeloup wfcaa Chicago visitor Thursday. Fred Johnott was in Grayslake on business Thursday. Great preparations are being made for the convention. Harry,Maypole is having a breathing spell after his busy summer. There were twenty-six to Sunday dinner at the Bohemian club. Going some for a closed season. Miss Ruth O'Boyle came over from Waukegan Monday, returning Tues day. She is helping Frances in the store. The base ball dance, heralded as a big event, did not draw as well as ex pected. There was a jolly time for those who attended. A hunter whose name was not learned slipped on a twig and discharged his gun. The shot entered his ̂ rm, inflict ing a painful tho not serious wound on Monday, over near the Illinois. Justice John A. Holt went over to Elkhorn Wednesday morning to take in the Walworth county fair, going from there to Janesville. He returned to Fox, Lake on the 6:40 Friday even ing. Stand Wash-day vr * iVnocks Twice as Long Wash Boilers This wash boiler is one of the fa* rnous Cream City Line that has made a big hit with our customers because ot its sturdiness. It stands the wash day knocks twice as long as com mon kinds, because the makers, Geuder, Paeschke & Frey Co., oi Milwaukee,take especial care to make the Cream City Wash Boiler extra strong. And you'll find that it gives you double the wear and better satisfaction than any other toiler you ever had. Don't take our say-so alone for it. Come in and see the wash boilers yourself--and come in tomorrow if you can--for we are offering thes^ attractive prices for the next few days. N*.9--I. C. Copper*^ Bottom Boilers. N» 9-14-Ounce All _ _ •̂ Copper Boil era. $3.85 J. J. Vycital -Right Goods -Right Service -Right Prices McHenry, Illinois When you need you need the and it is worth a great deal to know that you get what you pay for. You can alwsysbe sure of quality when we supply your drugs and medicines* We take no chances; we make it our busi ness to know that the drugs we dis pense are reliable. We buy drug sun* driesandother goods jusft as carefully as we buy drugs-- and in every sale we guarantee goods to be just as represent- 6(1. IZ •* 2 "Quality Firrft-- Price Second** KIMOWOOD P. N. Musser sells accident insurance. t1 loyd Howe was a "Chicago visitor Saturday. Mrs. Florence Bell was a Richmond visitor Wednesday. J. C. Ladd was a Chicago visitor last Wednesday and Thursday. Warren Fossand wife were shopping in Chicago Monday and Tuesday. Mrs. Nina Cristy of Joplin, Mo., was calling on friends Friday night and Saturday. Ed. Sanders of Milwaukee, Wis., vis ited his cousin, J.' V. Buckland, part, of last week. Mrs. H. W. Allen attended.the meet ing of the Social Wheel in McHenry last Thursday.' Mrs. Mayme Harrison of West Mc Henry spent last Thursday with Ring wood relatives. Miss Lillian Patton of Morrisville Vt., is visiting Mrs. Marvin at the W E. Bradley home. S. W. Brown and mother called on Seymour Whiston of Tryon's Grove Tuesday afternoon. Mrs. Fred Harrison of North Crys tal Lake spent part of last week with her cousin, Mrs. J. C. Ladd. Edith McCannon, son, Lyle, and mother, Mrs. Emma Matthews, vis ited in Chicago from'Friday until Sun day evening. Mrs. Fred Pierce and Miss Kate Miller of Spring Grove visited at Ed Bell's last Friday. Mary Bell went home with them. The W. C. T. U. county convention will be held in Harvard Saturday of this week. There will be a gold (pedal contest Friday evening. •A'KRKA COtTA. P. N. Musser sells accident insurance. Miss Alice Knox is visiting her sis ter, Mrs. M. A. Conway. F. H. Wattles and son, Howard, were callers in this vicinity Friday. Mrs. Allen Jackson was the guest of her parents at Huntley Monday. Miss Gertrude Klein began school near Algonquin Monday, Sept. 22. Mr. and Mrs. S. B. Leisner are spend ing a few days with Chicago relatives. Miss Eleanor Phalin began her school duties at the Emerald Park school Mon day, Sept. 15. Miss Ruth Anderson of Long Beach, Cal., spent Friday of last week at the home of J. H. Gracy. George W. Phalin of Tuscaloosa, Ala., spent a day recently with his brother, J. M. Phalin. Miss Mary Burke of McHenry visit ed at the home of her aunt, Mrs. M. Knox, Sunday and Monday. UOLCOMBVII.LK. P. N. Musser sells accident insurance. David Powers spent a day in Chicago recently. Thomas Doherty of McHenry spent Thursday and Friday here. John Bolger of Emerald Park was S Sunday visitor at Jay Doherty's. Mr. and Mrs. D. A. Powers and,chil dren were Sunday visitors at Will Doh erty's. ^ F. Harrison and granddaughter of Crystal Lake visited at Chas. Harri son's last week. Mrs. "Will Gilbert and Mrs. C. Hut- son were guests of relatives in Chicago Saturday and Sunday. Mrs. M. White and grandson, Don ald Powers, are spending this week with her son st Hainesville. !3te Store NO MORE tLOSSES rROM ,/ DM traat Warn Owtreyar art CoadRToMr WORKS WONDERS on all turn stock, drives oat the peats that steal your profits--that kill your ahaepv lambs and pigs--that keep your atock from getting the good of their feed. 8al-Vet is a medicated stock salt. It requires no handling, no drenching, no dosing. Just let all your stock run to it and they will doctor themselves. Stock free from worms gain fast--thrive batter on lass feed--go to market earlier--keep baalthy and put on money making flash rapidly. TRV SAL-VET You'll b* astonished at the nnta, Wa carry It Id stock in all aiM package* from 53c im «ad guarantee every pound of It (SI) •••••StMtiranBBH (F Central Opera House Movies WEDNESDAY SATURDAY iDNBlY • Hie Grocer When coffees are Judged sole ly upon quality in the cap».lfce grocer gives you the best value pos» sible to procure. The grocer is the most conven ient and the least expensive distributor of roasted coffee: therefore, ha la tin most logical distributor of coffee, the oaa moat ilaBsritntaf yoayptronao. ̂ Prict subject to re> •Mm according to tk» COM ft rate maleriaL ARBUCKLE Bit OS. M«*-0-Ja Bataa Davt SMW S. mtaala 8t. T*Qt* B*at KmuluOrimd T<Mr G#eeat is a blend of cmr selection of | Paolo and Hraicu vai" matehahla at the prise. net tortw carton, with biotd gna iid ni Tba Price MiyCauft--(kQal^rlMr 3or E. V. McAllister Weift McHenry 'Phone 59-W Why is a bootblack like the aunf Because ha Saaa Ike maat ahialag hrlght dare. Our shop shines every day, Because we keep it clean. We figure that's the only way A meat shop should be seen. We want your trade, but this we know, To secure it we the goods must show, lere the best you'll always And, The cleanly, tender, wholesome kind. E. F. Matthews WEST HcHENKY. ILL. it 'PHONE S 5 L. Q. SENG Same degree at ex cellence in liqaere and cigars, aame service, aame eld stand, aame eve rr- thing enept the t2*r-)(UKBER_4cl la 106 N. Sth Ave. CHICAGO. PARCELS CHECKED FREE Bell % w ..."J System ACIAL expression, a tuiiuijr - manner, a merry eye, oft offset^ 4X , in personal intercourseja stri* dent or unpleasant voice. In the tele p h o n e c o n v e r s a t i o n t h e s e t h r e e e l e m e n t ^ , . , z f are not brought into play upon listener's mind. Although the speaker'! l thought is pleasant his voice, if a trifle y * harsh, may convey a wrong impressioniJ^||||y It is well to cultivate a quiet, pleasing is well to cultivate a quiet, pleasing; ' ; ^ tone for telephone use--The 38$ with the Smile Wins I CHICAGO TELEPHONE COMPAN^J ^ ̂ J. H. Conrath,. District Manager. Telephone 9903 v J. C. G. A. SATTEH DISTRICT MAHAGEK MUTUAL LIFE INSURANCE 00. OF NEW YORK IK'&w WEST H'HENRY, ILL ARE YOU INTERESTED? DANCt At StOWtL S UAU The next dance ut StotTel's hall on the West Side will be held on Satur day evening, Oct. 4. Freund and Mc- Andrews will furnish the music and a good time is in store for all who attend. Dance tioketa, 50 cents. Everybody is invited. QUALITY SERVICE Phone 625-M-2 :: RIGHT PRICEp k> 111, -iohnsbu A full line of Flannelettes, Out ing Flannels and Bed Blankets at J. C. DEBRECHT'S, Johnsburgh. . : - " i ci« vS