^;5>fesS# •SiH^mlWs '.mms ««£ .frtfbft V: » &&>*$ •:M&, M™®fBT an. • • Coupons yy ill be given from Monday, Od. 6, to Monday, Od. 13, on all purchases made with cash or produce, or for money de posited during the time, to be traded out afterwards. All quadruple coupons mu& be voted during the sale or COUNT AS REGULAR COUPONS, ONE-FOURTH THE NUM BER, if voted after the saleJ " Double coupons will be given on settlement of accounts. , „ We have a lot of letters from children," and to each one handing in a letter we give fifty coupons free and a sack of candy. Do you want a sack of candy? Then bring in a short letter. They must be brought in by Saturday night, Odt 11. To the child writing the be& letter will be given a gold watch. - -V . ^ • : " •** ' " Who will be the very berft booker and play the piano? 1 1 v 'i' FOR THE SCHOOL CHILDREN: We have a complete line of pencils, tablets, pens, pen holders, ink and all kinds of school supplies. ' Music next Saturday by Boosters MPM. THE BOOSTER CLUB STORE \ •# -V GOOD LUMBER IN THE BEGINNING Insures satisfaction at the fin ish. In selecting lumber • dura bility is not the only thing1 to be considered. Labor is a big item in building and lumber that is hard to work and which offers no longer life is an expen sive luxury. In our lumber we have combined durability with easy working qualities and you can't go wrong if you consult us. T- ',vV* • WILBUR LUMBER CO. WEST M'lENRY :: PHONES COMPARE HAND LABOR WITH 200 FT A MINUTE I the speed of the modern day planers used in the sawmills fi-om which we buy our lumber, and you'll see wherein you are saving money on Homebuilding over what, -your fathers paid. Lumber is the one building ma terial that has kept pace with present day demands and that explains why frbme houses can be built cheaper than any other kind of construction. - Labor is the big item in building, but the lumber manufacturer has side stepped this for you by jioing the dressing and finishing by ma chine, making it possible for your carpenter to do a larger day's work than was possible years ago with rough, splintery stock. See the point? Corioe in and let us show you lumber that is ready to be nailed right on without any planing. It talks loud indollare and cents. AIUMMSIAIjIER, 'GIIBORiNGNEW) 4$ CHRONICLED BY { OUR'ABLE CORPS OF CORRESPONDENTS There's No Place Like Home WILBUR LUMBER CO. West McHenry - 'Phone 5 mmmm »••••••• IBM \ -. «uuuKtniu.c R. L. Dutield is on the sick-list. ' j P. N. Muster sells accident, insurance, j C. J3. Giesselbrecht was in liockford I Thursday, I :t Tom Uonmokson *4? ft* Elgin o*iler the lirst of the week. * Howard Jacobs w;uVbusIne«8 caller at Janesville Sunday. Mrs. A. Keeler and daughter were Ridgetield callers Friday. Mr. and Mrs. A. Annera drove by auto to La Grange Sunday. Chas. Tackman of Chicago spent Sunday with relatives here. Mrs. M. Irish was calling on friends at the Lake Monday afternoon. Theodore Hamer of Woodstock ifos a caller in town one day last week* F. W. Hartman is building un addi tion on the F. Wille mill property. Mr. and Mrs. E. F. Andersen and two children were CJary callers Sun- day. Mr. and Mrs. A. Purvey entertained the formers parents from Huntley Sunday. * r * ' Miss Helen Reed and cousin, Donald Barnes, of Hebron went to Elgin Sun day by auto. Mrs. H. Wille attended the funeral of her uncle, Chas. Pope, at Wood stock Saturday. Miss Margaret Green of Woodstock is a frequent visitor on account of her grandfather's illness. George Wheeler and wife were call ers at the home of Mr. and idLrs. Barden at Woodstock Sunday. Mrs. A. Jacobs was a'^atient at Dr. Besley's dental parlors in W6odstock Thursday of last week. The Cemetery Aid jrill meet at the home of Mrs. P. B. Ilaughawout Oct.. 9. Everybody invited. Mrs. John SchatTer of McHenry vis ited with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. A. Stephenson, over Sunday. Mr. Borden of Elgin was a guest in the home of Mr. and Mrs. Fred Reed a part of Saturday and Sunday. Miss Mary Berreupand Mr, and Mrs. John Breytspraak and- daughters of Evanston are out for a few days' visit at the farm. Mr. and Mrs. Breyurere of Belvue, Kan., are visiting with Mr. and Mrs. F. Wille and other relatives and friends for a few days. • The Sunday school pupils were de lightfully entertained at a lawn picnic at the manse Saturday. The weather was ideal and a most enjoyable time spenL Mrs. J. B. Lynch has turned over her interest in the news office to C. F. French, and will now devote her time entirely to the library business and will be open for business Oct. 15. A. A. Dietz and family have moved to Woodstock and gone into the grocery •business. R. Harrison and family have moved into the house vacated by the Dietz family and Mr. Harrison is now proprietor of the Economy store. P. N. Musser sells health insuranoe. »;rter Science taken to the Farm The following extract from an address to the public sounds a pte of vital interest to every progressive farmer. "We have itemised ... the things that ought to be altered agricultural activities have never yet been given the efficiency of great business undertak ings or served as ther should be, through the inntm- «entalitv of tcience taken, directly to the farm." Ia other words--do away with alow, costly and inefficient man- aid labor and animal power, by the adoption of rapid, convenient and economical Electric Power. No form of power application can give to farming the "efficiency of great business undertakings" so much as the use of Electric Motors. Th«y asson success in all lteea of modern industrial effort. * Let us furnish 70a some basic facts pa the profitable use of Electric Power n Farms SfBVItf (0MPA1Y OFNORHERN ILUNOI# .A- M-14SA Telephone No. 58-R ; W-" SIMON STOFFEL «L: '"•exit for all classes of [>est companies. ILLINOIS DR. F. J. AICHER DENTIST Offlce in Schumacher Building Centerville McHenry, Illinois Telephone No. 18 te for the Plaindealer I'EBKA COTTA-, P. N. Musser sells accident insurance. Miss Emma Conway of Elgin visited home folks Sunday. Arthur Shales of Elgin jyient Sunday with relatives here. Raymond and Will Powers called in this vicinity Sunday. Miss Ellen Doherty of MeHenry vis ited relatives here Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. John Alywardof Elgin Visited relatives here Sunday. Mrs. B. F. Peck is spending a couple of weeks with her son, Frank, in Chi cago. Ray Conway and Mines Katie and Marguerite Knox passed thru here Sunday. John Doherty of Elgin was » guest at the home of his sister, Mrs. M. Knox, Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Frank\McMillan and daughter, Eleanor, visited Spring Grove relatives Sunday. Mrs. Geo. P. Bay of Chicago spent several days liast week with her sister, Mrs. S. B. Leisner. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. F.' Burke of Chi cago are spending a couple of days with relatives here. Mrs. M. J. Walsh and sons, Mrs. John Walsh and daughter, Catherine, and Mrs. S. Knox of McHenry called on relatives here Friday. Mr. and Mrs. M. Knox and daughter, Mabel, John Doherty and- Miss Ellen Doherty-spent Sunday at the Courtney home at Wauconda. JOBNSRDBG1L I; feel 1 fat'iuL D. F- QuinlKh. P.N. Musserstllsacc d\nt insuranoe. Jos. .T. Mirhels is entertaining rela tives from Kansas this week. Farmers are all very busy harvesting their corn crop. Very many are run' ning it thru their silos. Leo Deters and family departed Wed nesday morning of this week for their new home in Prairie du Chien, Wis. Father H^rfchold preached the own ing sermon of forty hours in Woodstock last Sunday night to a splendid crowd of people. Repaid are going on to strengthen the capacity of. all the chimneys of the church buildings. P. - H. Freund ex pects to install new grates on the church boilers. Rev. Father Erland of the Sacred Heart Order and Father Lehane vis* ited Father Berthold last week. Father Rover promised to put in his appear ance tomorrow. Special sermon and rosary devotions will take place in St. John's church next Sunday afternoon at 3 o'clock for the Rosary society. Those who have never been taken up in the Rosary society will have a chance nextSunday afternoon. ' New pupils arrived in school this week. The more the merrier. Send them all. They want to learn *nr> do so well when sent early to school. Every day missed is a day lost forever. The school trustees have ordered a new black board for the second room and it will be quite a sight to see the excitement when 6guring goes on in that room. Father Stettner, the great preAcher of the Sacred Heart Order, has been secured to open a week's mission in St John's church, beginning Sunday, Oct. 19. For every person in the parish this will be a great mission and every body is kindly urged to get ready for this week and not to break the chain of sermons by missing or losing one. Let us all pray every day for a good mission. You must pray with us. That winter is approching is mani fest by the frosts we have bad recently With winter come the long evenings when the family gathers about the glowing hearth or fireside to tell of tales long gone by. Another way to spend these long winter evenings is good reading. For anything in the line of good reading matter, such as bx>ks, newspapers, magazines, patn phlets, apply to Edwin F. Debrecht. Our ever enthusiastic autoist, Dr. A. Mueller, certainly is making a record in reliability runs. Last Sunday he and John Nett started for Manitowoc, Wis. They left here about 2 p. m., reached Milwaukee about 6 p.m., or a little better. Now something delayed them at this point so they got too late a start to make the rest of their journey on prescribed time, nevertheless they went about thirty-five or forty miles farther and returned Monday evening about 8 o'clock. "Doc" said the ma chine worked well and he is confident that when he makes the second trial he can go the full distance. I sell farms. D. F. Quinlan. j*4*#!'?? Store N O M O R E f L O S S E S WORMS* SAI#VET fto tfsst Wsffi&Ktreytf sad GondffieMT 1 WORKS WONDERS on eu farm stock, drives oat th« pests that Stssl your profits--that kill your ibwft Iambs and pigs--that keep your Mock from getting the good of their feed. Ssl-Vat is a medicated stock salt. It nqutrae no handling, no drenching, no dosing; Just let all your stock run to it and thsy will doctor themselves. Stock frat from worms gain last--thrive better oolenftod--go to market earlier--keep twslth7 and pat on taoney making flesh rapidly. TRY SAL-VET YooTJ be a*t'jnished at the tuult> uury It In etock in ell (ice pccksgee (Irom ?9e up and guarantee every pou;i<i ci It. i •nmanMOiri E.V, McAllister West McHenry 'Phone 59-'W P. N. Musser sells health insurance. M KINO WOOD garet Fay spent Sunday at Hawley was att Elgin visitor Miss lnme. E. C. Monday. Mrs. Frank Fay entertained her sis- ter and husband over Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. H. W. Allen went to Elgin Tuesday morning. Mrs. AUen| remained until Wednesday evening. Mr. and Mrs. Mosley Smiley and children of Elgin visited Mrs. Miner at the E. C. Hawley home Saturday night and Sunday. > There will be no preaching in the M. E. church Sunday, as the pastor will be at conference. There will be Sunday school at 2 p. m. Mrs. Lucy Randall spent last week with her mother, Mrs. Mary Dodge. On Sunday night she started for Texas, her husband having gone with the household goods. - Mesdames Libbie Ladd, Florence Smith and Libbie Allen attended the W. C. T. U. county convention at Har vard last Saturday. There was a med al contest Friday evening. Dorothy Spencer of McHenry won the medal. BMKRAI,I> PARK. P. N. Musser sells accident insurance. Jas. Haxton of Chicago spent Sunday at the Park. Joe Sutton spent Saturday and Sun day in Chicago. Rev. D. Lehane visited the Emerald Park school Friday. Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Holsoher visited relatives here recently. Raymond Powers was a Ringwood caller Tuesday evening. George Bluri! of Chicago spent Sat urday and SundayOlgt.the Park. Henry Bending and son, Harry, of Chicago spent Sunday at the Park. Mr. and Mrs. Mack Sutton called on Mr. and Mrs. Walter Bolger Sunday Lost-- Between here and Ringwood a glove. If found return to Lola Boyle R: E. Sutton of Chicago was the guest of Mr. and Mrs. Ed. Sutton Sun day. Miss Mayrae Smith returned to her work in town after two weeks' vaca tion. Miss Mary Burke of McHenry vis ited the Emerald Park school last week. Mrs. Ed. Knox and Mrs. Patrick Cleary called on Mrs. M. A. Sutton Friday. Mrs. Ed. Sutton was the guest of Mr. and Mrs. A. V. Martin a few days recently. Mrs. J. R. Smith and daughter re turned home Sunday after a few days' visit in Chicago. Mr. and Mrs. W. K. Burns of Chi cago spent Saturday and Sunday at their cottage here. Chas. Malefyt and Miss Malefyt of Chicago spent Saturday and Sunday at their cottage here. Whet anlmxl ia sntfeetel when jew appe tite suggests perk cheps? We suggest when for j»ork you pine, That you come right here and get iu line. We'll serve you just as quick as we can, And you'll find everything spick anci span. * E. F. Matthews WEST NcHENRY. ILL. 'PHONE 3 "THE MONROE' BUFFET DUGINER & SPANIER, Props 49 South Fifth Ave., Chicago Cor. Monroe. Phone Franklin 3754 CHECK YOUR PARCELS HERE P. N. Musser sells health insurance. I sell farms. D. F. Quinlan. VOLO. P. N. Musser sells health insurance* Miss Ella Moore was in Wauconda Saturday. Ves Warner and family entertained company Sunday. ~ Miss Bessie Dunnill of Chicago was a recent visitor here. Mrs. O. Howard of Grant spent Wed nesday calling on friends here. Mrs. Ray Seymour of Wauconda spent Sunday at W. Converse's. Mr. and Mrs. John Brawn of Wau conda were iq town Wednesday. Miss Edwards visited her cousin, Mrs. Lee Huson, the paRt week. Meyers & Son of West Fremont transacted business here Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Ed Lusk of McQenry were seen on our streets Sunday. Mrs. Ben Cossman and Muriel of Round Lake SUndayed at Jas. Klr- wan's. Mr. and Mrs. Lee Huson entertained Mr. and Mrs. F. Croker of Libertyville over Sunday, LQ.SENG Ssme degree ef el cellence ia llquers end cigara, same eervice, aame aM etaal, aaneeveir* thlag except the |20r'NIIl(BER JEl la 1(WN. Sth Ave. CHICAGO. PARCELS CHECKED FREE 6. A. SATTEH DISTRICT MANAGER MUTUAL LIFE INSURANCE CQ. OF NEW YORK WEST li'BENRY, ILL ARE YOU INTERESTED? XlGBT MUGS OIIITED mrnm When you need drugs you need the be^t, and it is worth, a great deal to know that you get what you pay for. You can always be sure of quality when we supply your, drugs and medicines. We take nn chsncesfr we make it our busi ness to know that the drugs we dis pense are reliable. We buy drug sun dries and other goods1 ju& as carefully as we buy drugs-- and in every sale we guarantee goods to be just as represent ed. Right Goods Right Service Right Prices umm McHenry, Illinois "Quality Firrft Price Second** Central Opera House The Coffee Ton Want at the Price You Want To Pay Mex-O-Ja is an unique blend of oar selection of berries from the world-famous coffee growing countries of Sao Paolo and the mountain districts of Mtrirn **** fOUto mawnnd MEXrO-HA It iiiakes a full, rich drink -- positively mnuteh» bleat the price. Its purity and quality aasnre a satisfying, whole some drink. Mex-O-Ja Each eartSa MaWM a at cotm--set Wright. The rtiee Mar --the Quality Never AK BUCKLE BROS Mex-OJa Sitae D«ct. * W US Eaac X v£ST£PH5*>v a System ACIAL Mrs. Chas. Kapple and daughter, Frances, and Mrs. Harry Lusk of Grays!ake were callers at A. J. Ray* mond's Sunday. FOX LAKE Mr. Spring went to Libertyville on Thursday. Ruth O'Boyle" was ^ome thru the convention. Mrs. E. C. Howard was a Cttfcago visitor Monday.^ Justice John A. Holt is busy with court duties these days. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Jensen will close their Lake place Tuesday. Harry Maypole went to Antioph in his car Wednesday night. No evening papers came out Thurs day. Are we in the woods? Why should've talk "commissioners" when there is a convention? Miss Dade Dunn of Chicago was a week end visitor with Miss Billy Joyce. Will Maypole of Chicago helped Harry in the store thru the conven tion. Nearly all the resorters have gone in and we are again our own town- people. Mrs. O'Boyle, Mis^ O'Boyle and Mrs passengers - ŜSSBSŜ ( expression, manner, a merry eye, oft offset, in personal intercourse, a dent or unpleasant voice, In the teler'l'pi^-^p^ phone conversation these three elements ^ ^ are not brought into play upon the? listener's mind. Although the speaker'^ thought is pleasant his voice, if 1 . . . "h _ ^ harsh, may convey a wrong impression.. A y >i ,2k % • ' v ~ 'T., / /-v. It is well to cultivate a quiet, pleasing^ ^ 3 \ tone for telephone use--The Voice * tr;4* i with the Smile Win^t [y-f* % "X * CHICAGO TELEPHONE COMPANY J. H. Coiiratli, District Manager, v Telephone 9903 Sunday to Uhler were Round Lake. Ping Lucas of, Chicago, who spent the summer here, was a Thursday vis itor in our village. Red Muench had a convention crowd that was worth talking about. Red will always have his following. Plenty of amusement thru the con vention. Dances every night at all the pavilions and all were well attend ed. j All are looking forward to the dance at the Illinois, Oct. 4, and then our old daily routing. No more diddings till next year. t fA-• jC- - - j. i ̂ .. . . . . .... •vl'it -Z, •;*M£ Has It Ever Struck You that there must be good reasons why the keenest of grocery judges do their buying here right along? The way for you to learn, then, is to come and see the groceries. Make comparisons of qualities and values aod that will tell you why those who stray away always return to this store and atony no more. Math. Laures Weu masquelet's m rst-class Drags, Reasonable Prices, Prompt Senrlee ' . • rwE DumaatM jumiw H YOUR rflYSICUK, "" HOURS DAY 4K MOT * " l> >4. ' • i f i,