Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 23 Oct 1913, p. 5

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ITHENRT PLAINDEALER. BFHEJntY, WL, v * > % < > y r * ~ % '«j jjr Y;i.:^v"1 "^' •" ':iv*>v '-•- &- if'- '" ' V? ' * :>>?1'C '",5 u- c -"•• •<';j.'H:-'V'.f/ •;," < .TV'Kr^"-^" V "' "ktt • ;-few 'Fill? 'Yr>Zi£.-:-?K-' SPZk'X )$m J?•' .v$.. ?-*>*£}• • v..ih& v^;" • . , /' „ 't> >, v. We Shall Give 5,000 Coupons to a Booster for each new customer brought to our &ore who makerf purchase of $1.00 or more at one time from now to the time of giving the premium to the best Booster. I II I II--mm~-- I ." I I I II I I I M I - • ! I 1 . WE PLEASfe OUR PATRONS Sftfer siiee entering the grocery business \ve have ft1Waj*s endeavored to please our customers thru courteous treat­ ment, good goods at honest prices and prompt deliveries. We have felt right along that our goods and service were meeting with the approval of our many cu&omers, but not until the recent Letter Writing Content were we aware of the fad that our customers were really pleased with our treatment and prompt deliveries of the choicest groceries and fruits to be found anywhere. Among the forty or more letters which we received, the writer invariably mentioned our excellent service and prompt delivery system. Besides this, our goods were satisfactory and prices right. If you are not now numbered among our customers, why not be one? Give us an opportunity to show you our willingness to please you. We'll appreciate it and you'll not regret it. Six more weeks for the Booster Club campaign M. M. NIESEN THE BOOSTER CLUB STORE Shingles for Hard -Service to withstand all kinds of weather must be made from good live timber, of full thickness and slowly dried. That explains why some shingle roofs wear so much longer than o-th„ers. A good shingle roof is the cheapest in the end. If you're going to re­ cover your house you'll be inter­ ested in our practical experience with roofs. jt's free--get it. WILBUR LUMBER CO. WEST H'HENRY :: PHONE S HONE BUILDERS DECEIVE THEMSELVES I grossly when they think "Lum­ber is Lumber".and that It can be bought haphazardly on- price alone. You'd doubtless be greatly surprised if you knew the many grades into which all lumber is divided and you'd surely be very much provoked should you buy No. 1 siding thinking you were getting the top notch grade only to discover later that "CLEAR" is better than NO. 1. That's one way price slashers have of de oeiving a fellow into buying, but the truth will prevail and i maintain that our reputation is worth more to "us than the profit on any order and when honest values at fair prices won't secure th$ order, we're out of it. If you're hazy about grades tome in and let us show you the differ­ ence. We've all grades and all prices, but only one price for the best of each. There's No Place Like Home WILBUR LUMBER CO. West McHenry 'Phone 5 fr* Artificial Light wll be a greater necessity d urng the next sx months There is but one artificial light that meets every requirement Electric Light TJip current that creates it likewise operates iron ser­ vants that will perform all the household drudgery No income jg too small fo use Eledtric Light Is your house equipped for it? If not, we can make you an in­ teresting proposition to wire it ur «un i trn\T If T WAIC •d/ A,. Subscribe for the Plainclealer and keep posted on local happenings NEIGHBORING NEWS A$ CHRONICLED BY OUR ABLE CORPS OF CORRESPONDENTS Mite MuuKfrtui. v.:-, Kilt/, of C*ry WW call­ ing on friends here Wednesday. Mrs. A. Hansen was a Marengo vis­ itor Saturday. 1 Miss Ktta Levey visited Crystal Lake relatives Thursday. J. J. Delaney was a week end guest of relatives at .lolieu- V. Breytspraak was abusiness caller at Vrvstal Lake Monday. Mrs. L. Nelson spent Wednesday and Thursday inChicago. Mrs. A. Purvey was a caller in Woodstock Friday afternoon. * J. VV. Gilbert of .Crystal Lake was a business caller Jbei-e Monday. Mrs. E. R. Hesselgrave is at Spring Grove, caring for her daughter. M r. and M rs. P. Reed and sons of Chicago were recent visitors here. Mrs. W. E. Dike attended the fun­ eral of a friend in Chicago Monday. David Dunn of Chicago is sending a few days with his sister, Mrs. .T. J. De­ laney. Mr. and Mrs. Miller of Atlantic, la., were recent visitors in the houie of S. Levey. - Mrs. P. D. Castle and daughter of Justin spent Thursday at Grandpa Button's. Mr. and Mrs. A. Purvey were Sun­ day guests of the former's parents at Huntley. Mr. and Mrs. S. Reed and daughters of Woodstock were over Sunday vis­ itors here. Mrs. L. H. Compton of Woodstock spent last week with her daughter, Mrs. A. Purvey. N? E. Whetstone,.C. H. Giesselbrecht .and W. Levey were Chicago business callers Tuesday. Mr. and Mrs. L. M. Goddard of Woodstock were Sunday victors wi&i their parents here. Mrs. R. L. Dufield, Mrs. J. ft. Lynch and Rosie Peterson were Woodstock shoppers Thursday. Mrs. K. Smith returned home Wed­ nesday after an extendi-d visit in Mich­ igan and Wisconsin. Mrs. L. Bennett, Mrs. L. Johnson and Gertrude Haughawout were Wood, stock callers Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. J. G. Hartman are en­ tertaining the latter's sister, Mrs. Lombard and daughter. Misses Minnie Moore and L. Furney spent part of Saturday and Sunday with their cousin, Miss L. J. Furney Mr. and Mrs. P. B. Haughawout, J. Robinson and Mrs. J. B. Lynch were Chicago passengers Friday morning. Mr. and Mrs. H. Wille and sons and Miss Minnie Breymeir visited with Mrs. F. Wille and daughters at Mc­ Henry Sunday. ( Mr. and Mrs. P. B. Haughawout, L Johnson and J. Rcbinson left Tuesday morning on a two weeks' land tour thru the state of New York. PROBATE NEWS J J (.Furnished by McHenry County Abstract Company, Woodstock, Itltuois. Office in Ar­ nold Blork. t'Mst side pul)ll<- squint'. Ab- St rart.s of title and conveyjuteinn. Money to loan ou real in sums of five liundrwl to teu thousand dollars. Time and payments to snlt Ixirrower. I'tioiiesHM, 90.1 and 911.1 REAL. ESTATE TRANSFERS. Matliias Wt't«>r ut a! to Johanna E. Mlkkelson, It. 4 Rin*r park sob-dlv In. w^se^&pt. m-'W nw<4&sw!4 nwj< sttc 25. e of Fox river. McHenry $ 000 00 Fmll Thurm & w to John Kmellcii,Jt 12. til k 1. E. |». Flanden.' sub-div In sw 22. Mcllt-iiry _ ... 400.00 Bernard W^Ktmvr <fc w to W. F. Kom- uiel. |»t e1* xwJi SHO :£>. Mcilenry __ 500.00 N. J. JUSUMI1 VV W to Miiry i'arwy. ItCi E. M Cw.'iiS est iuldu. \V" Mcllenry 1S00.00 Mary Caroy to Marj»arut K. Overtoo, 1.00 Mary ('arev & li vo Florence F. Ourejr, 2ITH a In s«**s 2. H A 10. Nunda 10.00 r lorvnee F I'arey to .ToUa Carey. same 10.00 MARRIAGE LICENSES. John C. Stephen, .'{2 ..Harvard Ida M. Eckert, 29 u, Ed. Mischke, 20._ .u -Huntiey Mary Sternen/., 22, " „ John Guralaski, 22 .Chicago Jessie G. Gregory, 21...-.- Gustav iiettin, 23 Cary Minnie Brinker. 26 Harrington Louis Athans, 21.. ..Richmond Clara'Petfasky, 21..... ... 4i Let \Tycital put in that>new heating plant when you get ready. \ HAKES FAST THE You Can be Free From Colds lk« •net W»m Destroy* and Conditioner WORKS WONDERS on all fans atock, drivas oat the pasts that steal your profits--that kill your •heep, lambs and pigs--that keep your Stock from getting the good of their feed. SaS-Vev. is a medicated stock salt. It requires no handling, no drenching, no dosing. Just let all your stock n4rs toit and they will doctor themselves. Stock free from worms gain fast--ibrivo better op less feed--go to market earlier--keop healthy and put on money making fiesfa rapidly. TRY SAC-VCT Vault tve ustonished at the ratutta. Wo carry it iu utock in all dxe pack»x«« from ?5c up and euarantes every pound oflt. wl> BHMfflHn SdhJ fn* How would you like to g*et along without colds this fall and winter? Of course, there is no absolute way of preventing colds, 'but they can be stopped as soon as they start with OUR PINK LAXATIVE COLD TABLETS No matter what stage a cold has reached, this remedy will cut it short and cure it in the shortest possible time. Better keep a package on hand. :• ACCORDING TO SPEEDOMETER MADE ON ENGINE M RECORD KINO WOOD Mrs. Jessie Smith returned last FVi day from Erie, Penn. 'Gertrude Pay will assist Mrs. Poss with her work for a time. Mrs. Lora Brown visited with Mc­ Henry relatives last Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. James Rainey moved into their new home Wednesday. Edward Kimball and daughters left Friday afternoon for their home in At­ lantic, la. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Lowell and chil­ dren of Algonquin spent Sunday at Ed. Whiting's. Misses Bertha and Mary Bell spent part of last week with relatives in Spring Grove. Miss Ella Thomas of West McHenry spent Friday and Saturday \vit,h her sister, Mrs. James Rainey. A committee from Jiichmoad was here one day last week looking over the drainage system the t\ew Bow­ man factory. Bert McCannon and family attended church in Woodstock Sunday n^orning and spent the afternoon at Joe McCan­ non's in Ost^nd. The W. C. T. U. will meet with Mrs. Delia ^obart of Ostend on Saturday of this Sveek. Subject, The Farmer's Po­ sition in Society. Leader, Libbie Al­ len. HOLCOMBVILLK. Paul Doherty was a Chicago visitor recently. Miss Gertrude LaSage is a guest of Chicagp relatives. Mrs. Jay Doherty spent Tqesgay ^s the guest of Mrs.- f^noj^. Mr. and Mrs. W. R. Gilbert were Sunday visitors at P. Flaqders*. Mrs. Alina Clemens of Elgiq visited at W. H. Harrison's l$st week.. Mrs. Chas. Harrison spent several days last week with her father, Mioses Grace and Vera Doherty spent Thursday evenipg last in McHenry. August Pomeraning of Ridgefield spent Sunday with his brothers here. Miss Mary Burke and Ray Powers of McHenry were Sunday callers here. Mrs. Nichols of Chicago spent last week with her sister, Mrs. W. J. Beic- er. Mrs. David Powers and children sp^nt Sqnday ^ith relatives iq Mp- enry.. Mrs. Jay Doherty and son, Frank, spent Saturday with relative* at Mc­ Henry. Mr: and Mrs. H. C, Clemens and son, Guy, were visitors at P. Hunt's Wed­ nesday evening, JOHMSDCBOB. Wm- Althoff and daughter, Katie, were Chloago visitors Wednesday. For two weeks only. A fine selec­ tion of overcoats at from 915.00 up. Meltons and fancy English tweeds and other selections. Lawrence Baer, Johnsburg. Right goods, right service, right prices at Petesch's. The engine on tha 8:33 a. m. Chica­ go passenger train has been equipped with a speedometer, which records al­ most everything that can be recorded about the running of the train. It is located on the right or engin­ eer's side of the engine right over the front wheel of the lead truck, to winch it is attached by a closely coiled wire and from which it makes its speed record. In addition to the record of the K|>eed at which the train is run­ ning, it also registers the length of each stop and, as we understand it, where the stop was made. Engineer Sherman says that it is a great telltale and shows that his en­ gine has already been going at a rate of 90 miles an hour since it has been installed, which, to say the least, is going some. And yet, such a speed is not to be wondered at when it is re­ membered that the schedule of his train is 71 miles to 90 minutes, stops included. The instrument is in a closed, tight fitting case, wiiich is locked when the engine leaves the round house, and cannot be opened until it returns after its trip. The record is kept on a sheet of paper good for twenty-four hours and is removed every day. It is a great instrument and will no doubt re­ veal many things about the running of the train which have in jlie past been mere conjectures. For anything in the line of plutnbin J. J. Vycital. ADDITIONAL PERSONALS. Mrs. F. E. Covalt was a Chicago vis itor Wednesday. Dr. C. H. Fegere boarded the Chica­ go train this morning. Simon Stoffel was among the Chica­ go passengers this morning. Mr. and Mrs. W. G. Sohreiner are spending the day as guests of relatives in Chicago. Harry Ayling of Chicago spent Sun­ day as a guest in the home of Mr. and Mrs. F. L. McOmber. Mrs. John F- CI ax ton and daughters* Pearl and Lelah, spent a recent day as guests of Elgin relatives. Arthur Fitzpatrick of Chicago was a guest in the home of Mr. and Mrs. Ben Stilling the first of the week. Mrs. C. Unti and daughter, L^ra, returned home Wednesday evening Ivom a visit with Chicago relatives. Miss Lillian Helmer is spending the week-end as a guest in tlie< home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. John Hei- mer. Mr. and Mrs. Geo. EvSteilen and son of Chicago are here to spend the week­ end as guests in the home of Mr. and M re. John Heimer. Rev. and Mrs. F. A. Shipley and son pf Evanston, 111., were guests in the home of Mr. and Mrs. John F. Claxtoi* from Saturday until Monday evening. Mrs., J. McAn<frews and daughter* Mary, left Monday morning for Alber- tat Canada, where they will be the gyests oi relatives during the next few weeks. W. E. Sutton, who has been em­ ployed at Aurora during the past few months, has returned to McHenry and is now making his home with his brother at Emerald Park. P. G. Pederson of Ringwood was a pleasant caller at dhe home of Mrs. Alice Simpson last Thursday morning. His wife and baby, Merle, returned home with him after spending nearly a week with her mother and brother here. Rev. M. L. Aldridge of Markesan, Wis., former pastor of the Universalist church in this village, called on Mc­ Henry friends Wednesday, ^fte came up on Tuesday evening from Chicago, where he is attending the general con­ vention of the Universalist church. E. V. McAllister Wedt McHenry 'Phone 59-W Free Tickets--Free With every pair of shoes I will give a ticket, which entitles you to a chance on the Pony, Harness and Buggy. The tickets are numbered consecutively, and when the last ticket is gone the Pony, Har­ ness and Ruggy will be drawn by the party hold­ ing the lucky number at the West McHenry State Bank. Now is the chance to get a nice pony for your boy or girl FREE. :: John Wollar THE SHOEMAN Wed* McHenry, Illinois Good, dependable Shoea at lowerft price*. Repairing neatly done Whv tn tktr* N meat markets at tha Narth Pole? AT THE DAIRY SHOW G. C. Bosmo and F. G. Spurling are the two local employes of the Borden Condensed Milk company who have been selected to represent the McHen­ ry plant at the Borden exhibit at the dairy show which is now in progress at 9he Union stock yards in Chicago^ BARGAINS IN OVERCOATS For two weeks only. A fine selec­ tion of overcoats at from $15.00 up. Meltons and fancy English tweeds and other selections. Lawrence Baer, Johnsburg. * < PRICE, 25 CENTS DRUGGIST McHENRY Central Opera House 0Nl NURD ssfaSi Costs Less It's die poor coffee thar t le cof= fee yields more CUDS to the : cups pound than low grade---there is more strength in the high f[rade berries. And there s ittle satisfaction in coffee that lacks a full, nch flavor You are choosing a high npcoilvi grade coffee, but an in one, when you UQ tbs gnowto send Mex-O-Ja, From every poand yoa_can make40 cuds delieiOtts COnCS more if you like It mild. The cost is less than a penny a cup. Mex O-Ju Coffee ia packed in a apccially eomrtroetad bag, andosed in • protector carton with bad grscn aiid rad atrluat Tha Prie* May Ounce --tli* Qaality N«tm Prict subject to rtvision aceard- tng to tk* oft wishI. ARBUCKLE BROS. Becauia thar navar had a caak thar* Ladies, we have just been thinking, What a hungry world 'twould be If all the meat shops were transported Far beyond the northern sea. What would you do for dinner tomor­ row? E. F. Matthews WEST McHENRY, ILL. :: 'PHONE 3 "THE MONROE" BDFFET DUGINER & SPANIER, Props. 49 South Fifth Ave., Chicago*^ Cor. Monroe. Phone Franklin 3754 CHECK YOUR PARCELS HERE Masquelet's ..M't 'i'M "A STITCH IN TIME saves nine" says the proverb, which being adapted to our business means buy your groceries now for both pres­ ent and future needs. Our present offering of groceries is so much under price that it is very doubtful if you can duplicate it. Be wise therefore and buy now. You have much to gain and nothing to lose by accepting our sug­ gestion. Math. Laures 'Phone 8 West McHenry Sam* dafra* *| ex­ cel le nee in liquora and cifara, sama aervica, aama aid atand, MM mnr» thing axc*pt tk* fS^NUMBER _4tl la 106 N. 6th A**. CHICAGO. PARCELS CHECKED FREE G. A. SATTEM DISTRICT MANAGER MUTUAL LIFE INSURANCE CO, Or NEW YORK WEST M'BENRY, ILL INTTO-W ARE YOU INTERE8TE0T * *•" % i.itel'-'.'V-v-A UNIVERSALIST CHURCH Services will be held iu the Univer­ salist church Sunday morning, Nov. 2, at 11 o'clock. Dr. L. B. Fisher of Chi­ cago will occupy the pulpit and a cor­ dial invitation Is extended to everyone to come and hear him. • • tg."' < Bank of McHenry ESTABLISHED iSSS This Bank receives deposits, pays 8 per cent interest on time depos­ its, extends all courtesies consist­ ent with good business principles and does a (ERflML IMKIIK HJS1IKSS respectfully solicting pnblic pat­ ronage. Money to Loan on real estate and other first class security. REAL ESTATE Far lands, residences and vil­ lage property for sals. ^If .yon want to buy or sell, call on us; Abstracts ordered. INSURANCE in First Class Companies, at the lowest rates Perry & Owen Notary Public - Bankers First-class Drugs, Reasonable Prices, Prompt Service FREE DIPHTHERIA AffUTON FURNlSS ED YOUR PHYSICIAN, JUL HOURS DAY OK NIGHT McHENRY, ILL. You'll Have Good Luck every baking day that you use Early Riser Flour. The cook who has learned of the good qualities of this Hour never has any complaint to make and her cooking is the envy of all in the neighborhood. You can be just as lucky, for there's really no luck about it. Success with Early Riser Flour is certain. tftif M'lElttY M FLOUR AND FEED MILLS

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