<fki\Y]k '* eSrSf^rm ^THENXIY I^LAIEDEALER, MHiswkY, il*U p 4£L*i.-:aki»g?H Sif-V-'rf** i!j$a!l\':~~' ffeii!"£:%! 1811®® *HI &m WW j-vV1"'tv-'.' >.-' 'A <r:r .-iMri ^ rsasjfc^>«a«i^.£k.r \b JfegF; ' -' ; t-_~ ••* t'f'b'ji' J£ ©JflfeSSfeiswik. •fT1 *"%,,^ ~ta " t~ ' " ' ,,.:'"f^f! - vt MS§0: r < . . T' " Zri&rS: - 'V-1----#* * • > ' '>• ' -v: xt'-,, Sv* • .r-^TV^ •..•V. -.-v-f For ̂ Mcti aiid g^erf $5.00 purchase, or multiple of $5.00, made at one time, from Nov. 17 to Noy. 24, in addition to the reg ular Booster Coupons we shall givea $50.00 cer-^ tificate which is worth 5,000 votes in the Booster club. m* *W*" It's a Pleasure For •*r . « • .v.̂ ' to wait on customers and supply them with our pure groceries, fresh fruits and canned goods. We know that our goods are right and for that reason we sell .with a clear conscience. Just phone us your next order ; and see for yourself the kind o£ groceries we will de- N liver at your very door. Remember we make it our special aim to be prompt with our deliveries. That sjfeould be worth consideration, should it not? Only three weeks until the bejft Boo&er will receive the capital prize, s also the second, thir^l, fourth and fifth will be awarded. •ft* JVLliNIESEN F; I -I > THE BOOSTER CLUB STORE Our Adyice v on Building •. ' iV •joes free to our customers, nut that is no sign it's worthless, for we give it freely to insure our friends against the common errors of homebuilders and as. an advertisement. No matter what^you are going to build you'll find us always ready to advise ydu. Even if it's only a vboard for a repair job a bunch of lath or shingles, we want you to come in and see^us. V mm LUMBER CO. WEST H'HENRY :: PHONE S EVEN HONES BUILT OF RUBBER could scarcely be more elastic or adaptable to the requirements of increasing families than is wood. Frame houses .can be enlarged without injury to their appear ance, for aft^r a room or twmis added on, a new door or window cut here and there, the whole .house cfen be painted and it's as good as new. And paint is not only a wonderful preserver, but It's the best beautifier known. In a day or two you can change the whole appearance of yout frame house, whereas the fellow who builds" with other materials has. to keep the same front for ever. That's an advadtage, isn't it? Build of wood and you've . all the advantage. Come in and we'll show you lumber that looks most good enough to eat. There's No Place Like Home WILBUR LUMBER CO. West McHenry' - 'Phpne 5 ^ "A STITCH IN TIME nine" says the proverb, which being adapted to our business means buy your groceries now fo4* both pres ent and future seeds. Our present offering of groceries is so much under price that it is very doubtful if you can duplicate it. Be wise therefore and buy now. You have much to gpin and nothing to lose by accepting our sug gestion. • • Math. Laures *P1|9«M 9 West McHenry • JNIasquelet's • _ _ _ East Side ' First-class Drugs, Reasonable Prices, Prompt Service - ' . > \ . FREE WPHTHERIA ANTITON FURNISH ; ED YOUR PHYSICIAN, ALL H HOURS DAY OR NIGHT r McHENRY, ILL; J. C. DEBRECHT :X' £ - r^<n«rT/<tri ' n nD . -!• I NEIGHRORfNG NEWS'AS CHRONICLED BY" | OUR ABLE CORPS OF CORRESPONDENTS WIIIOMSI *: J - tiimsnim Mrs. "E, K, Shepard went to city Thui-sday. A new fuipiace hall been installed in the school. V , , ^rthur Skinner was sight seeing in the city Saturday. - \ J. IT. Slater was a business caller at Crystal Lake Monday. ; T. Uonnichson and C. Hobe were recent callers at Elgin. ^ " H. P. Barber of Chioago «is a busi ness caller here Thursday. Mrs. Peterson was a business caller in the city the first of the week. MrsJt Elsie Johnson was a caller at the home of Mrs. S. Reed Friday after noon.' Mrs. Rose Goddard Sunday visi tor in the home eft her sbft at Wood stock. _ , Mrs. C. n. Orrasby of Crystal Lake visited Ridgefleld relatives the first of t h e w e e k . ' . . . Miss Cora Lock wood "visited over Saturday and Sunday with Elgin and Dundee relatives. Mrs. H. Wille and Mr*. E. K. Ander sen and children were at Woodstock oae day last week. • Mr. and Mrs. E. Hesse!grave, Mrs. Emma Norton and little son and Mrs. J. B. Lynch and two grandchildren we it Woodstock callers Friday. Station Agent Lynch took a special trip to Woodstock Sunday afternoon. The attraction was the new-grandson at the home of Mr. and Mrs. L. M. Goddard. • Mr. and Mrs. E. Knilans were Lake Geneva visitors recently. Their niece, Mabel Shepard, who has been visiting them for some time, returned to her home at Delavan, Wis. A miscellaneous shower given at the home of Mr. and Mrs. John Mikkleson Saturday last at 2:30 o'clock was a fea ture of great pleasure and profit. Sev eral from Woodstock attended and about thirty were served with a dainty luncheon. Ray Lynch and Paul f*earson called at the home of Mr. and Mrs. F. M. Risley. at Woodstock Sunday. Mr. llisley has been promoted to the Bor den factory at MeHenry as its super intendent and will move his family immediately if the weather proves favorable. M r. Castle of Austin cailled on his grandfather, J. C. Button, Sunday ai d "brought the sad news of ^ht^fatal Ul- ness of his daughter, Mrs. Spetrcer Smith. Her son, Gerald, went in Sat urday and Kenneth, who is attending school in Virginia, has been called to his mother's bedside. Mrs. Smith has been an invalid for -several years, but the sad news of her fatal illness comes as^ shock to her many friends here, nevertheless. * JOHNSB Dettrecht was a usiness visitor Let Vycital put in that new heating plant when you get ready. KING WOOD McCannon was in Batavia . * QUALITY SERVICE |f:>' Phone 625-M-2•*SW" RIGHT PRICES Johasburgh, 111. ra* V- 31 Below we are lifting a few cold weather articles ghat will ijive thie wearer comfort and style: - ^ . ; - \:x *••• - <r--- . -'f f."i • ; Men's Sweater Coats.... • • • • $1.85 to $5.50 Children's and Boys^Swafers..35c to$1.40 isses' and Children's Wool Caps William Monday. Florence and Jessie Smith were El gin visitors Tuesday. x ( Miss Agnes Bigelow returned from Spring Grove Sunday. Warren Foss spent Thursday and Friday of last week in Chicagq. Mr. and Mrs. Del. Abbott of Ostend were in town Tuesday afternoon. Fred Bell's sale last Saturday was well attended and things sold well. Mrs. Chas. Stephenson was a recent guest of tors. E. Harrison at McHenry. Mr. and Mrs. Richard Laughlin were callers at McHenry last Saturday even ing. The W. C. T. U. had a very pleasant meeting at Libbie Ladd's last Satur day. John Carey, O. A. Tabor and Ammie Noonan were Chioago visitors Mon- day. Miss Anna Woods of Lake Geneva, Wis.-, spent one day last week at Mrs. C. D. Bacon's. \ Mrs. Eleanor Bacon of West Chica go spent Sunday with heir father and brothers het"e. ' Frank Bell and wife of Ong, Neb., are visiting his mother and brothers for a short time. Jerry Halderman and wife of Minne sota visited his sister, Mrs. Mary Smith,, and son last Friday. Miss Mary Bell attended the birth day party of Mrs. Louis Sweet near Richmond last Saturday evening. Mr. and Mrs. Lucias Beck ley of North Crystal Lake spent last Sunday with the families of S. W. and Amos Smith. There will an entertainment in the M. W. A. hall Friday, evening, Nov. 14, given by the pupils of our school. Let all eopae out. The Ladies' Aid of the M. E. church will have an apron sale and chicken' pie dinner at the M. E. church Wed nesday of next week, Nov. 19. All are, ially invited to attend. Vivian Esh of Spring Grove and Miss Bertha Bell of this place were united in marriage Wednesday of last week at Waukegan. They' were accom panied by Glenn Esh, brother of the groom, and Miss Mary Bell, sister of the bride. After the ceremony they went-to Racine, Wis., for a short stay, then to Libertyville, 111., to visit rela tives, returning to Spring Grove Fri day evening. While we regret to have the lady leave our little village, all extend congratulations and best wishes for a pleasant journey thru life. They will make their home in Spring Grove. Her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Ed. Bell, jfave a dinner for them Sun day. • . • ' The regular monthly meetiqg of the Knights of Columbus Lakes place at Stoffel's hall next (Thursday) evening J. C ' In Chicago Tuesday. Children, boys and girls, who want piano or violin instruction should please arrange with Sister Gil ana. The smoke hoods for the ehurch boilers have arrived and this will give McOmber a chance to connect up with the chimney. Now, if the grates were here. The sisters have kept back a certain amount of mission goods left ovei; from the mission store and they will carry from now on a stock of prayer books, both English and German, amethyst, pearl and cocoa rosaries, crucifixes, holy water fonts, etc., in their house at reasonable prices. The sisters will be pleased to show you their line of religious goods whenever jou desire to see or purchase anything. Mr. Smith, the moving picture man of McHenry, is going to bring the ftrst movies to the parish hall Thanksgiving night. The lantern room is ready npw ia St. John's hall and w© are told spe cial c&re was taken to construct it on fire proof lines witti a good sized ven tilator. The program for-this show will l>e announced later on hand bills that Mr. Smith will distribute at the church door the, Sunday previous. Reserve this Thursday night, Novem ber 27, for a very good show. The Woman's Confraternity of Chris tian Mothers is preparing for a grand card and coffee party to come off on Thanksgiving afternoon. The com mittee wants to line up all the men and women in the village who can speak Johnsburger German for a~gbod old German "Klatsch" with all the things around it that go to make it pleasant and worth remembering. The hall will be handsomely decorated, it is said, and tickets are going around for those who want to snatch a seat at one of the merry tables. For euchre, cinch and dominoes, line souvenirs will be given away. Committees in charge are as follows: x Arrangements com mittee for cards and tables, Mrs. John Pitzen and Mrs. Frank Mafhieu. Re freshment committee, Mrs. John King, Mrs. Jos. Thelen, Mrs. Anna Buchner, Mrs. Math. Jungen, Mrs. Schumacher and Mrs. Frett. * Mark the day, Nov. 27, Thanksgiving day, at 1:30 p. m. We are pleased to learn that the boys who lost their heads last Sunday are ashamed of the mischief done be tween masses. A man can go to jail for such a thing and it would cost a man a pile of money if it went to the courts. The church is the last plaoe to oppose rightful authority or destroy property. It's not the priest's proper ty, but God's. The people dedicated it to God. The priest has a right to close ujJ for the winter or for repairs as many unrented^ benches as he sees ad visable in oul- spacious church and everyone knows he has the best and holiest motives when he decides upon a measure like ti^at. Our good pastor wants the people to stop and nail such a devilish spirit rather than do it him self. Stops quicker. He certainly de serves credit for giving the boys a chance to come back and say: "For get it, father. I didn't know what I was doing." We heard^ie did square himself. He deserves a good hand shake from everybody. Perhaps others did the same unbeknown to us. Let us hope they are no cowards. Right goods, For r , 5V*! use our 'Brown (Sold Tablets 7?,' v For CdugM our mentholated White Pine Syrup is beneficial ,.#r * velvet Cream will keep your hands smooth. E.V. We^t McHenry Phone S9-W Store v. %•: \ The Difference OtjAfXft counts in drugs, and quality counts in all drug store goods. Best quality at lowest cost is a rare combination and is worth consideration. We can offer you such inducements. If you pay higher prices than we ask, you pay too much--if you pay less than we ask, you are apt to get inferior quality. Don't be deceived by price induce ments alone--but compare quality of goods. We ask for your drug trade on the basis of best quality \atod superior service and guarantee prices to always be as reasonable as can be had elsewhere. • U LET US BE YOUR PRUGGIST H. F DRUGGIST' iimf-I is one of ,otif strong points, but you must not leave your "sitting" to the last minute if you want your pictures by Christmas. . • . ' ~ -- t Studio open only on Sunday, Monday, Tuesday and Wed nesday. Fine enlargements -and pkfture frame*. SCHNABEL'S PHOTO STUDIO MAKER OF FINE PHOTOGRAPHS McHENRY. ILL. :< PHONE 100-J "THE MONROE" BUFFET "DUGINER & SPANfER, Prop*. 49 South Fifth Ave.,. Chicago Cor. Monroe. Phone Franklin 3754 CHECK YOUR PARCELS HERE McHENRY Wow! Cold as the dickenaf Why do you put up with such a nuisancd? You don't have to -- if you furnish houdC^ with a Cole' Original Blast Heater m..W& •4 You huild only one fire each winters It is never but from Fat^ till 'Spring^ You get up and dress m roortis warmed with the fuel put in the night fore. ,, v This is hot possible with other stov<s». 'I Barns anything--soft coal, hard coal or wood. Come in and see this great fire keeper and fuel saver. " V-l* •;$S . f : \ i... . ' * ' » > I m m 'W- L. Q. SENG right prices at Petesch'g. service, riglit The new box A»k to see them rs are beautiful, etesch's drug store. t'ERKA GOTTA. Bay Conway spent Saturday at Crys tal Lake. Arthur Sbales of Elgin spent Sunday with relatives here. Mrs. Frank McMillan was a McHen ry caller laat Tuesday. Mrs. A. L. Jackson spent Wednesday with her parents at Huntley. Mrs. George Bay of Chicago visited relatives here Friday evening. Miss Eleanor Phalin of McHenry spent Sunday at her home here, Dr. Hull of Crystal Lake was a pro fessional caller here last Wednesday. John Hanagan and M. Knox and family attended ehurch at Crystal Lake Sunday. - ( , Mr. and ^4rs. Frank Martin are re joicing over the arrival of a son sinee last Tuesday. Miss Gertrude Klein of Algonquin spent Saturday and Sunday here with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Fred Klein. Mrs. C. E. Martin and children, Will and Grace, of Moore, Montana, have been visiting the former's annt, Mrs. J. M. Phalin. Mrs. Fred Bergman and Miss Alice Bergman of Chicago spent Sunday at the home of the former's parents, Mr. and Mrs. S. B. Leisner. Right goods, right service, right prices at Petesch's. Siaw <i|rii el w cellenc* in Ilquora and cifara, same ••rvic*, aaiAe eld ettnd, MMeevery- thing except the &r-NUMBER_4cl la 106 N. 8th Ave. CHiCAQO. PARCELS CHECKED FREE J. J. VYCITAL McHenry» HI. Sm the of mach I(ON. 'Cob's Nono ' on th* food flfaqp (•nan* withomt 4' Subscribe for the Plaindealer and keep posted on local happenings • • - • '* ' ii ' if:'?:! ' 6. A. SATTEM , DISTRICT MANAGER MUTUAL UFE INSURANCE CO. OF NEW YORK WEST M HENRY, ILL ARE YOU INTERESTED? Teleehen* He. 70-W VOM» F. Henkle was in McHenry Friday. T. J. Walsh of McHenry was in town Tuesday. « ' Wm. Dillon was; * Chicago vlsHor Tuesday. Miss Jennie Potter was a recent Libertyville visitor. • Leslie Turnbull of Wauoonda WAS seen op our streets Sunday, Mrs. Ben Cossman and daughter were recent callers at Jaf. Kirwan's. Miss Naomi Vasey spent the fore part of the week at Wauconda. Mr. and Mrs. Walter Sykes and son of Long Lake and Miss Zelia Huson of Round L^ke spent Thursday at Ray Paddock's. The members of the Catholic church are having a cement step and sidewallr placed in front of the ohurch and Other improvements made. h ~ ik JZ ' V ' c : . t v . Right goods, right prices at Petesch's, service, Hfht THANKSGIVING DANCE We are making great, plans to enter tain all the dancers in McHenry and vicinity on Thursday evening, Novem ber 27, and we trust that both the old and young will be on hand, for this affair. We intend making the Thanks giving party a dance for everyone, and judging from the advance sale of tick ets we have reason to feel that many of the older dancers will be in attend ance. Those desiring tickets may pro cure them at Petesch's drug store, and in this connection we trust that the fans and citizens will see their way clear to co-operate with the baseball club on this ( articular oecasijn by coming to the dance. Very respectfully, REV. DANIEL. LEHANE, Treasurer. RICHARD B. WAISH, MANAGER DANCE AT JOHNSBURGH A wedding dance will be held at Smith's hall, Johnsburgh, on Wednes day evening of next week, November 19. Manager Smith has been assured of a big crowd on this occasion and is making preparations to entertain one of the largest crowds that ever gath ered in the hall. He has secured good music for the'occasion and tickets will be sold at 50 cents eaoh. A fine time is promised all who turn out. Every body welcome. . The man who is favorably known at the bank has a distinct advantage over the one who is not. There comes a time in almost every man's life when it will mean a good deal to him to have the recommendation or endorsement of a good bank. Start an account with the -Bank of MoHenry today. -h ' Bell • '-vk-i ; <:.•> \<-Z- i'£ ~&W " i > >1 System iti : ROLONGED conversations, over party ̂ line telephones involve a of danger to • •: .r.'i | ;5^E§" *** i #• f] certain amount fellpw-subscribers. An emergency call for tbt fire or police department of for ' a physician, may be obstructed because of thoughtless or unnecessary use of the • line. Telephone conversations |fll should be as short as the business in ^ hand will permit.' i Chicago Telephone Company J. 0. Conrath, District Manager/^ . f Telephone 9903 ' V V JT1 ,£ ' m - m 94 4 i elephone No. M*R t ^• 'SsiMON STOFFEL I Insurance agent for all classes of property in the best companies. WEST MCHENKY;' ^JU-UNOLS fi>R. f. J. AICHER DENTIST ami*** Schumacher Cent«rville McHenry •%&>" • S04 at-m-.t tM? • •kphoas Mo. •pWi r - '.ii