'-,V ••Km .<•-' vyA^Wf',*^i*1 *(" MHBIfJlY PLAINDEALER, STHENHY, ILL. ^'"Vii- • ft- ¥ ' • ' ' « '>-•" j • ;f » u v Experience of Amos, Roach Hettinger SOMTS SCHEIE • ; " : : J-'k i s . < * i>«n'>, i.i'» i 6f*T*0UT^ TH- of'mv way^ mallet YCKTROUMD feET* KEVENCrE'ON TH1 *OWV * THAT ilCALlB * ME * A •ROUND-HEAD HEADy -wn?v g mmmMinmammim McAllister spent Tuesday at li£ NUMY FLMNDMiER PUBLISHED EVERY THURSDAY BYI F. G. SCHREINER WEEKLY PERSONAL FfEfSS ';Y £'i VVF*' '32iS^®;i®:SlS • • Telephone 54-M :---f.' > CMOm la Bank BoSMing TERMS OF SUBSCRIPTION ODCYMT Six Moatba, 75c $1.5# Three Months, 4tc Thursday, November 20,1913 LET OS BOOST N HENRY BMINEM NEM SHOULD BEGIN ADVERTIS ING CAMPAIGN •"SR'fc to the business men of Mc Henry to make a bid for business and do so at once before the other fellow gets in on the ground floor and takes i*|v . the money from our village that right- f' ffj? |fully belongs here. |p: The business men of Elgin have ^started an advertising campaign that rjfi: ,' is bringing them big returns. They are reaching out and as a result their out-of-town patronage has increased wonderfully during the past few ..months. The Elgin Courier has been chosen ^as their magnet to draw in the out-of- f town people. The' Courier now has a ?); correspondent in every small town •" -within a radius of twenty-five miles obtaining her ^ • that city. These correspondents send ^ in all the way from three to live news 4 letters each week, with the result that the paper has added hundreds of names to their country list. Elgin business men believe in adver tising and that they take every advan tage of printers' ink no one who has seen and read a late issue of the Courier printed in that city can deny. That the advertising is bringing Ifo-A.:.'. them big returns is quite evident. L V ' _ H e r e i n M c H e n r y E l g i n s h o p p e r s m a y . be seen boarding the early morning ffj train almost every day of the week. . We positively know that hundreds of ' £ - dollars have gone to Elgin out of this jgf^village. 5 >-§ ' • Now the question is this: Will Mc- ft,,: • Henry business men stand aside and see the local* trade go to Elgin or are , they going to start the ball a-rolling to p; >. keep those dollars in this village? ff'/* Over at the county seat the business men have been wise to the situation mfih $or some time and as a result they are meeting their Elgin brothers face to £.v" ,f*ce- They have inaugurated special || r j ^ales of all sorts and flooded the entire ,«ounty with their advertising litera- ture. Their special sales, we are told, &'#'.imve proven big successes. At the present time the entire county is flood- y. ed with advertising matter announcing a big three-day Thanksgiving sale, ,,V which begins next Monday and will it* continue for three days. jjtp This big event will no doubt take more dollars out of McHenry. The if* Plaindealer believes the business men ; of McHenry to be just as wide-awake ii v*': and ^terprising as those of Woodstock : • • and Elgin and we suggest that they illv get busy in an endeavor to bold the >*K. trade which rightfully belongs to them 1^7, her® 1)1 McHenry. Not only this, but v hy going at it in the right way new business may be brought here. Now, let's get busy and start the ball a-roll- ipX' , THANKSGIVING FEATURE f -In this issue of The Plaindealer our readers will find an appropriate Thanks giving article that should be read by all. It is our desire at all times to make the columns of The Plaindealer interesting and instructive as well as t entertaining, and with this object in i'X ' view we always have special holiday SrOi- ,eatures that are written and illustrat- ^ ̂ the spirit of the day they com - memorate. We know you will like the Thanksgiving matter in this issue ft* ' and ask you to watch each week for the special features that make up our pK,_ syndicate service. There is always |%» something of interest to everyone in ffK. each issue of The Plaindealer.. THANKSGIVING RAFFLE Thanksgiving raffle of turkeys, docks, geese, chickens, etc., will be held in the hall over the E. F. Mat thews meat market on Saturday even ing of this week and Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday evening of next week. it,. NOTICE" J| jtfettoe is hereby given that the El- " gin laundry basket tfill be shipped on Tuesday of next week, so kindly get packages here in plenty of time, i JB. V. MCALLISTER, Agent. £&•! dance at Stoflel's haU next Saturday evening, November 22. • COMERS AND GOERS OF A WEEK IN (U» BUSY UTTLE VILLAGE AS SEEN BY PLAINDEALER REPORTERS AND HANDED INTO OUR OFFICE BY OUR FRIENDS. Miss Eleanor McGee spent Tuesday in Chicago. Mrs. Anna Knox passed a recent day in Chicago. F. E. Martin was a Chicago visitor on Tuesday of this week. Mrs. Elizabeth Buss visited among Chicago relatives this week. Johnnie Miller of Chicago was a vis itor in town last week Friday. Miss Emma Conway of Elgin passed Sunday as the guest of home- folks. Dr. C. H. Fegers was among the Chicago passengers Tueaday morning. Mrs. M. M. Merriman is the guest of her son and family at Burlington, la. Vincent Martin of Wauconda called on friends in town last Thursday even ing. Everett Hunter attended to matters of a business nature in Chicago Tues day.. Miss Kathryn Buch of Chicago is vis iting at the home of her father, John Buch. ; Mrs. Henry Kamholz has been enter- mother, M^s. Miller, o* Chicago. Mrs. Thos. Huggins of North Crys tal Lake called on McHenry friends Monday. Mrs. Ellen Walsh returned last Sat urday from a pleasant visit with Elgin relatives. C. Unti attended to matters of a business nature in the metropolitan city Tuesday. Miss Lillian McGee of Woodstock at tended the funeral of William McGee here last Saturday. Miss Margaret McDonald has re turned from a short visit as the guest of Woodstock Meads. David Woodburn was a recent gues( in the home of his son, Walter Wood- burn, at Woodstock. Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Aebischer drove to Chicago and back in their Ford car on Tuesday of this week. James Keating of Chicago spent a recent day as a guest in the home of Mr. and Mrs. J. B. Frisby. F. L. Carr and son, Floyd, of Wau conda passed a day recently at the home of William Bonslett. Misses Clara Miller and Laura Bar- bian attended the china exhibit at Genoa Junction last Saturday. Mrs. Emma Miller of Fox Lake vis ited among relatives and friends in Mc Henry last Saturday and Sunday. Bernard Frisby of Chicago passed a few days recently as the guest of his parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. B. Frisby. Mrs. Robert Sutton and daughter of Solon were guest6 in the home of her father, William Simes, last Friday. Mrs. N. F. Steilen and son of Chica go have been guests in the home of her mother, Mrs. Barbara Engeln. -• | Roy Bohlander of Hebron was a guest in the home of his parents,. Mr. and Mrs. F. A. Bohlander, Sunday. Mrs. Rose McGee of Woodstock passed the fore part of the week as a guest in th> home of Dr. C. H. Fegers. Mrs. 1. A. Hungerford has been en tertaining her mother, Mrs. E. J. Goodrich, of Marengo for a few days. M iss Kathryn Knox of Dundee spent Sunday as a guest in the home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Edmund Knox. Warthen Kimball of Ingleside spent Sunday as a guest in the home of his parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Kimball. Donald Norton. Bole Meadows, Tom Day and Earl Warner of Elgin spent Saturday and Sunday with McHenry friends. Mr. and Mrs. P. J. Cleary and Mr and Mrs. Ed. Knox autoed to the coun' ty seat last Sunday and called on friends in that city. Mrs. Frank Vosburg of Genoa Junc tion, Wis., passed last week as the guest of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Kimball. Mrs. M. C. Wilson of Qhici^go a guest of her mother ind sister, JMrs. Sarah Sherburne and Miss Anna, one day last week. Mrs. Theodore Barnett of Chicago was a guest in the home of her par- ents, Mr. and Mrs. E. L. Behlke, the first of the week. Miss Margaret Milled, who is receiv ing treatment tot her arm in a Chica go hospital, passed a few days last week at her home here. Mrs. William Belcher of Woodstock was the guest of he* parents, Mr. and Mrs. William Thomas, west of town, the first of the week. E. V. Elgin. Miss Vera Stoffe| visifced Void friends last Sunday. „ ^ John Wollar *iwts a Rockford visitor one day this week. N. A. Huemann boarded the Chicago train this morning. Mrs. C. W. Stenge.r was a Chicago visitor Wednesday. M. A. Sutton spent Sunday as the guest of Elgin relatives. Raymond Powers was a North Crys tal Lake caller last Sunday. ^ , Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Rickler jrere Chipago visitors Wednesday. Misses Mary .and Anna Knox were Chicago visitors last Saturday. Miss Elizabeth Thelen boarded the Chicago train Tuesday evening. Miss Katie Keefe of Woodstock was a recent guest of McHenry friends. Miss Martha Stoffel entertained How ard Garner of Chicago last Sunday. Dr. C. H. Fegers and Miss Eleanor McGee wer£ Chicago visitors today. Robert Murphy of Chicago is renew ing old friends in McHenry this week. Misses Mabel and Elsie Wille were county seatVvisitors one day recently. Misses Bertha Wolff and Florence Granger were recent Hebron visitors. Mr. and Mrs. H. Bristol of Waucon da were business callers here Wednes day. Mrs. Stacia Knox has returned from an extended visft with Chicago rela tives. Wm. Smith attended to business matters in the metropolitan city yes terday. William Sutton of Chicago was a guest in the homes of his brothers here Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. F. A. Bohlander were among the Chicago passengers this morning. Mr. and Mrs. P. J. Heimer and daughter, Elvera, were Chicago vis itors today. Mrs. A. G. Barbian passed a couple of days this week as the guest of Wood stock friends. Mft. Frank Sf.htfabel of NfJfth Cpys- tal Lake spent Monday as the guest of McHenry friends. Arthur Fitzpatrick of Chicago was a Sunday guest in the home of Mr. and Mrs. Ben Stilling. Eddie Freuad and Ray McAndrews took in a hop at Wauconda on Friday evening of last week. Mrs. Fred Kamholz and children spent Wednesday as the guests of North Crystal Lake relatives. Miss Grace Doherty is spending sev eral days as the guest of Mr. and Mrs. Otis Murray at Itasca, 111. Miss Kate Laughlin is spending a few days as the guest of Mr. and Mrs. Otis Murray at Itasca, 111. George Phalin of Tuscaloosa, Ala., is visiting relatives and friends in Mc- ljienry and vicinity this week. Mrs. Harrington and son, Edward, of Chicago attended the funeral of William McGee here last Saturday. Mrs. John Walsh and sons, Ra)mond and Howard, of Fox Lake were Sunday guests in the home of Mr. and Mrs. J. B. Frisby.' • _ ' Miss Irene Vasey and parents passed Sunday afternoon as guests of Mrs. Clara Starritt. They motored over in their new car. Mrs. Addison Freidburg and son of Chicago are spending the week as guests in the home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. D. E. Payne., Mrs. T. Kimball has returned to her home at Palatine, 111., after a pleasant visit at the home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. John P. Smith. F. R. Goodman returned to Chicago the first of the week after a few days' visit at the home of his parents, Prof, and Mrs. F. M. Goodman. Mrs. Eld. Hayes of Woodstock passed a few days last week as a guest in the home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. D. A. Whiting, near Ringwood. Mrs. Robert Schiessle and daughter, Clara, passed a few days last week as guests in the home of Mr. and Mrs. P. H. Weber at Park Ridge, 111. Mrs. John Buss and four children of Spring Lake, Mich., passed several days this and last week as guests in the home of Mrs. Elizabeth Buss. Mr. and Mrs. A. H. Kingsley drove out from Chicago in their machine and passed several hours calling on friends in McHenry on Tuesday of this week Mr. and Mrs. Theo. H. Bethke and children of Dundee drove to this vil lage in their machine last Sunday and passed the day as the guest of rela tives. Lynn Stone, William Cooney, J. C. Hallisey, John D. Hurley and P. J. Cooney of Woodstock attended the funeral of William McGee here last Saturday. Dr. and Mrs. C. H. Fegers of Keo- the -Working spirit of this bank. It is our ambition to build up our business by helping you to build up yours. • No matter what your request, it will always, receive the mo& courteous consideration. A modern equipment insures accuracy and our mutual conveniece. A,large amohnt of immediately accessible > funds insure the prompt; payment of all our obligations. The unquestioned ii the owners guarantees the absolute safety of every dollar on deposit with us. BANK OF McHENRY HOY & SON, Bankers THE HUGE LOCK GATES ON THE PANAMA CANAL ARE CONTROLLED BY ELECTRIC POWER _ They are the heavie& " ever built. No other power but electricity could meet the condi- • tions so perfedty. A touch of a little switch applies its tremendous • energy, ; This Master Force democratic--it works as well on a small as j. QH a big scale, " 4 : It will light your house* with an incomparable artificial light and fur nish power do all the hard work, Tlife Cojft of its ^Vlft.il LQW:' Is your house wired*? If not, let us tell you .how easily and cheap ly you can put in elec^icttyyttb^s - modern improvement, v « * ^ r"<r kuk, la., were called here last week thru the ̂ sudden death- of--William Mc Gee. They arrived for the funeral and incidentally remained for a few days' visit among relatives and friends. Mr. and Mrs. C. W. Goodell left this morning' for Aurora,, Ifl.," where the former will take treatments at a hos pital during the next two weeks. The McHenry depot will be in charge of Mike LaValley during Mr. Goodell's absence. - SCHOOL NEWS ITEMS PERTAINING TO OUR EDUCATIONAL INSTITUTION Dorcas Foss. of Ringwood visited school Wednesday. Joe Barbian and Lenore Cobb vis ited room one this week. The sophomores are soon to study.; Longfellow's "Wayside Inn." Jane Owen and Vera Hutson dis cussed current events Monday. Kenneth Risley 'and Leo Thelen Are new pupils in the second grade. Henry Risley is a new pupil in the sixth grade. He hails from Wood stock. The .first and second grades have illustrated the Thanksgiving story on their sand table. School closes next Wednesday for the remainder of the week on account of Thanksgiving holiday. Miss Howe: (In arithmetic class) Where can we buy stocks?" Eighth grader: "At the stock yards." There has been an irregular at tendance in high school during the last month. Parents should not keep pupils home so often, fcs it plays havoc with their grades. An athletic meeting was held Mon day after school. The following officers were elected for the coming year: President, Mr. Nye; treasurer, Paul Stoffel; secretary, Lester Sherman. Any contractor or person in McHen ry and vicinity wishing blue prints or plans drawn for buildings will leave their order at the public school build*- ing, room seven, and they will be pre pared for them at a nominal charge. In a written test on division tables, requiring 120 answers, given in the seventh grade, Ellen Walsh completed $he list in 3£ minutes. In the fifth and sixth grade Margaret Payne finished the list in 7:36 minutes and Elmer Kin- sala in 7:55 minutes. Still the school board sleeps on. Won't some one, please, bfieak that long slumber of theirs and get them started on that path that leads to a gymnasium for McHenry high? Come on, school board, wake up and help push a good thing along. Reports cards #re to be sent out next week to the homes the same as at the CLASSIFIED DEPARTMENT All mlvcrtioomeiittt inserted under tills head at the (olio wing rates: Five llnee or less, 25 <>ents for Brut Insertion; 15 uents (or each subsequent insertion. More than five lines, 5 cents a line for ltr»t Insertion, and Scents a line for addition I insertions. 17*OR SALE--One big, cheap mare, 1 of GEORGE KUHHE, river road, Conllskey farm. Inquire ilske.v 23-2t* \XTANTEI)--Girl for general housework; no * * washing. Inquire of MRS. 8. M. ESLER, M«Heury. i'hone 102-M. 30-tf IJ^OB BALE--Collie puppies, six months old. ^ Inquire at Schillerview farm, West Mc Henry, III. 'Phone 608-J-2, 9-tf "l^OR SALE--Fox river lots on both eastand ^ west sides of river, north of McHenry bridse. Inquire of O. \V. HTKNUEK, West Mc Henry. , 32-tf T OST--On east side of McHenry, a green ^ chiffon veil, on Thursday evening, Nov. 18. Finder will confer a great favor by leav ing it at this office. "I^OR SALE-rTen horse power I. H. C. gaso- line engine, together with wood saw. Will be sold together or seperately at reason able price. Inquire of HETTKKMANN KIKIH., Johnsburgh, 111. * 9-tf "C^OR SALF.--Four high-grade Holstein bull?;, eleven months to two years. All good size and in good flesh. On farm east of Twin Lakes. J. W. HODUE, Richmond, III. Phone Richmond 55U. Zl-'St fiJOTICE--Send your carpet rags to us, we will make them up into pretty rugs or carets. All our work is guaranteed to please. Our prices are very reasonable. Cull or write MRS. JACOB LEICKEM, McHenry. III. Phone 105 =• J. SALE--The 94-acre farm of the late ' Anton Meyers, situated along the e;ist whore of Fox river, near the Joliusburg bridge: mostly under cultivation, some timber: buildings! excellent frontage for summer home sites, inquire of or write JOHN MEYERS. McHenry, 111., or Fafcp MBTEKS, Spring Grove. 111. U-t t close of all school months that parents may know what their children are dor ing in school. Considering the atten tion some parents give them, it seems to be a waste of time fqr tea-hers to make them out. Leon Dodge possesses % 2*1 army mule. One of his esteemed clsssmates wrote the following poem: Leon Dodge has a mule, As cute as a mule can be; And anywhere that Leon mfty go, The mule will also he. follows hint along the roj^!i?iip, f , While people gaze in awe*, ^nfl everything that's in the way* Receives a loud hee haw. Leon must have joined the Democrats To have a beast like that, ' An(l soop to ]^eon we'll tip-our hats, For he will have an office fjtit. INTERNATIONAL L|VE STOCK, EXPOSITION No*, at to D»c. • : .11. -. I It 0, LAND AND IKRIGATION V* I ' EXPOSITION , ^ * Nov. 20 to Doe. 8 CHICAGO, ILL. y<Hi -OTP** afford to miss attending these two great annual events. En- route to Chicago take advantage of the splendid train service provided by the Chicago and North Western Ry. For full particulars apply to ticket agents. See ESLER for everything electrical. Expert house wiring, reasonable prices. Got>d % Cook v-r. . iiip means Good Baking Good baking is iiot possible with' out good flour, but when EARLY RISER Flour is used'even the inex perienced bride need, have no fear? about the results. Just follow the directions of any good cook book and you will have the lightest bread and the most delicious cake imagin able. Early Riser Flour is.best for either bread or pastry. Phone us for one sack. This one sack in your home will be a better advertisement than we could possibly write. . WEST M'HENRf FLOUR AND FEED MILLS • £y>.Ky- 'K. ; ' > • \' Effective .1 une 15. lMti. «UK DAT TH1IM. , NORTHBOUND' .2.30 p m .2.30 p m .2.22 p m .4.44 pm o.27am Leave OMcago. 00 a m •S.aft a n*..;.Via Des Plaiui •12.15 p B»... Via Elgin..... *12.4o p m._ Via Des Plainea. ti. 10 p in..Via Des Phillies.. *3-40 p na. Via Des PtalUM.. *3.15 pra Via Elgin *4.45 p Via Des Plaines ...(L27p m •' . SUNDAY THAIM. 1.10 a. m Via Elgin 4 9.48am M a m Via Des Pi nines 9.48 a m .55 a m.i,-.^^KVla Des l'laiues ...10.18 am .08 p mi...,.'.'. Via Elgin 5.00 DAY THAUTt MciienV SOUTHBOUND OhfcSo +7.U»ain Via Des Pliilnes„......s.a5 a m *7.10 a m ...Via lies PlaiiAso. U.05am *7.10 a in Via Elgin 10.10am *3.33 a to Via Des Plaines 9.40a m *4.44 p a.......Via Des Plaints 6.4ft pm •o.27 p in .,Via I>es Plaines 7.65 p m SUNDAY TRAINS. ^f.lO a mii.i,wl..lVia Des Plaines .....9.88 a On f.lOa Via Elgin 9.56 am 7.30 p njt.iic,.." Via Des Plaines _X40 p m •7.32 p ni.:? Via Des »m T.i}2 p ni.: Via Elgin...lOJBp m 'Daily Except Sunday. lay only. ^Saturday only. +Mom m •as A . HV J. J. Vycital is now prepared to do your plumbing. Get his prices when you get ready to have that plumbing installed. . - The regular monthly meeting* of the Knights of Columbus takes place at Stoffel's hall this Thursday evening. Company •The Grocer ri M I T * I L V U K When coffees are judged sole ly upon quality in the cup, thi grocer gives you the best value poi» sible to procure. The grocer is the most convert* lent and the least expensive distributor «I roasted coffee; therefore, he is the mo|| logical distributor of coffee, and the oip| most deserving of your patronage. Mex-0-Ja Coffee is a blend of our selection of gonntoe Bag} Paulo and Mexican rariWM -- nwtcfaable at tba piiee. Every package contains a full poun& act weight--and it comes to you In a unitary p lector carton, with broad green and red •triMjh Tke Price May CaMfs--the Quality Nev<V f Prtce subject la vision according to tk* cost ai N» material. AKBUCKLE BROS Mex-O-Ja Sales Dept. 145-446 B. IIHrti SC.. Cblcafto, m 7\r G*t Bmt BmuluOrimd Your Oafte at Honm CENTERVILLE ANPCUMW * - X *r?"?5'sv" The choicest line of ^ ^ s Meats and Groceries ^ to befoaodin MoH jrwnibtschej (8aeeu«r t* C N c H E N K Y . I L L . M C. Frett.) M 'PHONE 80-< Arrive McHenry. Via Elgin 10.18 am . .10 .18 am For anything in the line of plumbiag J. J. Vycita . .