Ig-f ' VJ? " * 'U-h> ^Si 10* is V':p : ,p- ,*** • -P -rKr^; ,fo .'•>*?& wk" >„ JL." *s/ I >;fste£' &.J ~V : \ N iS.l'. racf, ;"%f -. .. ^ •; 'M<. *^f-^ s _ ^v.^' .., .. - r4f ^ • .«.,. j$h&fr $Sifii£:"«^%IhI: ill onr window. Trt#>a£h fterson inikiiiff a quests on the number will lie given !(k) coupons J >r iu*- R»om- W «litf». '!'•» <^eti |N>rMW making a purchase' of at lt*fr»fc $l.Wat. t he iUiw* of handing the guess (*> us will he «riven r>,000 es£fc«a tMujMjns. To the person guying Dearest will J>«- given r,,00tj donpons: second, 4,000 coupons: third.3,0U0 couftons: f&H-th. 'Jt.uuO coupons: lifth, 1,000 CO»|jnit>.T •.-.•• „ - •«?" "•-••*••--•>- -v*:v,->j!.-o ••»• ; • Rl' t»¥3: Ail'jf«<*fdstiPS nirtst lw handr*} N t ps tiei a sw*ied en vftlopef hy t he pe«**>n m:iking di«;((Nf«i.': No person will W all%ed more tiian one gueiw. All person* Meing will he give»} tho sanic nimiber «f coupon*. All ^uef^ must biy haiwJwl in IWm^ OMrefoaw of iV^.-s Tuesdnv, Iiec, 2. 'v~-- "•" - It's a Pleasure For Us to wait on customers and supply them with our pure groynes, fresh fruits and canned goods. We know •that our goods are right and for that reason - we sell with a clear conscience. Jufft phone us your next order and see for yourself the kind of groceries we will de liver at your very door. Remember we make it our special aim to be prompt with our deliveries. That should be worth consideration, should it not? The Booster club ballot box will Wednesday, Dec. 3. We are &ill music on Saturdays. >: be closed at noon, giving coupons for M. M. N1ESEN * THE BOOSTER CLUB STORE " NEIGHBORING NEIVSAS CHRONICLED BY OUR A RLE CORPS OF CORRESPONDENTS «i>l» I--IIMIW Auction Sale! Geo. Vogel, Auctioneer Having decided t.i qt.ii. laruiing, the umirtsigned wifi At-It at public auction «m the Jacob W'tii i.«i f;tnn, ;ii utiles t nst of MclleiirV and - iiii.t's west ot Yolo, ott tin-old nhuik rond, On WEDNESDAY/ NOV. M co.uin<-iic.iiig «t. i aVl««ck p. nv, the f©l- d«4#cril»v<d pf"0pf*ri.v, to-wil: 17 1 lead of Live Stock 17 consisting oi l!i, lt« ad <•! chuIh, new fnilcht*»t< and spiiii^ci-s, somc^ ihUi calyx's >ule: •»»k> iiull. • ' 5 Head of Hones c ^1'x % l-fciy hoist', <> y<vics old, weight., 1300 • HOUiHWBVIHE. ' M r-s. V. Sehroeder entertained her mother last vweek. , Fied Powt»!-s and son, Will/called at Jss. I'owet-s' ."-5und»v. Miss Ella Mollohan and Ba.v Powers \ver*» callei-s l»«re Sunday. ;V ' Miss Kva Davoll s|>entSaturday*eveul» iflsr with Mrs.. A. I*. Peek. M iss Minnie 1 'omrenin^-of C'hicapo is visjitinj; at lurr home here. Mrs. .lay Holierty and children called at M. Knox's Sunday evening. Mis. H. K. IVck spent Tuesday with Mrs. Earl Peck-at t'rystal Lake. Leo Smith and .sister of Kroerald Park spent Sunday at T. "L. Flanders'. Mrs. White and grandson, Donald Powers, spent. Thursday at D. Powers'. Misfc Floi-ence Knox of Terra Cotta For* Coldk *ise our Brown-Cold '0-t % , Cough§ J) Our Service and Quality aref two biff faotors that you oan't afford overlook If you are contemplating building. Large, well assorted stocks of carefully kept lumber, direct frotn the best saw mills of the country, insure you satisfaction on every order. Just now we've some especial* ly smooth finish that will save you money by saving, you hand hibor. Come in and see it. WILBUR LUMBER CO. WEST H'HENRY :: NONE S LUMBER WINS IN ADAPTABILITY to all sorts Jof climates and it is especially favored by'homebuild- ers in those sections where there is extreme moisture and vfide variations of temperature. Ever since the landing of the Pilgrims it has been the universally fav ored home building material, but the lumber we handle now would certainly make our ancestors rub their eyes cOul^ they see it! Why, it's so smooth «n4 so much of it cut to exaot lengths that there is scaroely mone than half the labor required now to build a house. That\ makes a big differ- ence^in "..building "costs, you,bet., and the mills we buy of have got their machinery so scientiiicaily adjusted and run that the addi tional cost for this line lumber is hardly noticeable. If you're go ing to build, you'll want the best --we've got it--come in and see it. There's No Place Like Home WILBUR LUMBER CO. jtouiids; lilaek hoise, 4 v« ftrs old, sired by Vogel horse, «eight. 1300 pounds; Sunday visits at.Jay^Doherty'a l>la«?K hoi>;e, 12 years old, weight, 14U0 }»ounds; black, driviug tijaiv,, w«tight,: 1000 |M»ihds; sorrel coil, doming two years old, si red by Lusk hoixe; 10() g«MKl hens. « g«ese. ' • . / Hay, Grain and Machinery. /\ 20 tons choice hay in l«rn, 4!K> shocks of corn, 20 bushels of early jk»-! tatoes, 25 bushels oats, stack of straw, Deering grain binder,-McCormick corn binder, Buckeye seedeb, Johnson mow er, nearly new; Johnson hay rake, 14 disc pulverizer, riding plow, walking plow, Moline corn plow, Stoughton truck wagon, lumber wagon, lop bug gy, milk wagon, corn planter with 100 rods of wire, 2 sets of work harness, single harness. Household Furnitbre Three-piece parlor suit, book case and writing desk, sideboard, glass cup board, dining room table and six chairs, kitchen cabinet, washing ma chine, >and other things too numerous to mention. Terms of Sale: All sums of $10 and under, cash; over that amount a credit of one year's time will be-given on good, bankable notes drawing interest at 7 percent per fin- num. No property to be removed un til settled lor. Fred Tttckeh Simon Stokpbl,. Clerk. Schoepperle's Sale R. E. HAEGER, Auctioneer The following articles, covered by chattel mortgage, will be sold on the Hunter farm, one and one-half miles northwest of Cury, commencing at 11 o'clock a. m., on Tuesday, Nov. 25 26 HEAD OF LIVE STOCK consisting of Seventeen Choice Cows one bull, 3 heifers, I calf and four good work horses, 10 tons tame hay in barn, 25 aores oorn, 4 tons straw, grain bind er, 2 lumber wagons, 2 cultivators, corn planter, riding plow, 3 walking plows, milk wagon, 2 bobsleighs, seed er, hay rake, roller, harrow, disc har row, light wagon, single buggy, 2 sets wcjrk harness, single harness, 4 milk cans. Good Free Lunch at^Noon Terms of Sale: Positively cash. No property 6o "be removed until set tled for. E. E. Keating, Max Schoepperle, Mortgagee. Proprietor. Clarence F. Hoy, Clerk. QUARTER OF A CENTURY West McHenry 'Phone 5 W •2h '-k - w : - 5,J JA STITCH IN TIME saves nine" says the proverb, which » )>eing adapted to our business means i*|uiy your groceries now for both pres ent and future needs. Our present Offering of groceries is so much under price that it is very doubtful if you can 4uplicate it. Be wise therefore and buy now. You have much to gain and nothing to lose by accepting our sug gestion. ' • Math. Laures 'Phone 8 Wpat McHenry Masquelet's East Side First-class Drugs, Reasonable Prices, Prompt Service FREE DIPHTHERIA ANTfTON FURNISH ES YOUR PHYSICIAN, ALL HOURS HAY OR NIGHT McHENRY, ILL. J. C. DEBRECHT QUALITY SERVICE Phone 625-M-2 :: RIGHT PRICES Johnsburgh, III. Below we are li&ibg a few cold weather articles l^that will give the wearer comfort and style:' $• iJ K I- Men's Sweater Coats .. ..$1.85 to $5.50 Children's and Boys' Sweaters. .35c to $1.40 Ladies', Misses' and Children's Wool Caps U*-;- w-t ITEMS CLIPPED FROM PLAINDEALER OF TWENTY-FIVE YEARS AGO ^ .ŷ ,r a & 4r-rC^ >-A' ' • • 4m - ̂ •• Dr. H. T. Bro.wn and family haye moved to Chicago for the winter. Remember the Thanksgiving party at the Riverside House on Wednesday evening of next week, Nov. 28. The Thanksgiving party at the Par ker House will be on Thursday even iag, Nov. 29. Music by Smith's quin tette orchestra. Tickets, $1.50, includ ing supper and care of horses. Ben and Ela Wright, sons of Robt. Wright of this village, started on Mon day for New Taconia, Washington ter ritory, where they intend to make ftheir future home. # The ladies of the Willing Workers society will give a Harvest Home sup per at the city hall Friday evening of this week. Supper will be served be tween 6 and 7 and between 8 and 9 o'clock. A short musical progr%in §t 8 o'clock. We are pained to leam that t^ouis Walsh, son of James Walsh oi Elgin, formerly of this village, is lying very sick at the home of his parents in that city. The many friends of the family in this village and vicinity extend to them their heartfelt sympathy.. Arthur Coon, while af work around the separator in Oatman's butter fac tory in this village on Monday, re ceived a severe gash in the head from a bolt which loosened from the ma chine. The McHenry Lecture association has arranged to give ft course of four lectures and one musical entertainment. Tickets for the course, 50 cents; those under fifteen, half price; single admis^ sion, 15 and 10 cents. The following lecturers have been secured: J. S. Cantwell, D. D., Walter Scott Ralph, R. N. Alcott and Mr. Conklin. The musical number will be by home tal ent. •' W. P. Stevens, the West Side hard ware merchant, is putting into resi dences the cheajH^it and most common sense furnace we have seen in a'long time. It will burn either wood or coal, is perfectly safe and costs but little more than & common base burner coal stove. It not only warms every part of the house, day and night, but there are no stoves around any more than in ma§r time. Miss Anna Powers of McHenry spent Thursday and Friday at Fred Powers'. Air. and Mrs. Tegtuieier attended a part} at Mr. Wilcox's -SaturdayaBven- inj>. Mrs; W. ¥i.)GiIbert. and Mrs. W. J. Reiser were McHenry callers Friday last. • *• ~. Mr* B. t-aSage and daughter of Crystal take ar4 visitors at Oeo. La' Sage's. - Mr. and Mrs. Earl Peck of Crystal Lake werff Sunday visitors at A. P, Peek's. Fred Waterman of Chicago was a guest at P. I). Davoll's Saturday and Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. David Powers and chil dren were Sunday visitors at James Powers'. Mrs. M. Knox and daughter, Mabel, of Terra Cotta spent Thursday with Mrs. David Powers. Mr. and Mrs. P. p. Peck'and Mrs. A. P. Peck were visitors at F. D. Da- voll's Wednesday evening. Mrs. L F Pause (\nd daughter, Lil lian, of Mcflenrv visited at Chas. Hat' rison's last Thursday afternoon. KINtiWOOU H. W. Allen was a Chicago visitor Monday. , Charles Harrison attended a Masonic funeral at Harvard Sunday. •' Mre. Calli,e Rainev was' a McHenry visitor last Thursday afternoon. John and Prank Bell and wives visit ed at/Spring Grove last Thursday. The W. C. T. U. will meet with Mrs. Jessie Smith Saturday of this week. Mrs. (Teorge MinshaUof Genoa Junc tion attended the Ladies' Aid dinner Wednesday. 4)avid Shales and daughter, Sarah, of Wilmot visited at Alec Anderson's last Thursday. Mr. and Mrs. H. M. Stephenson at tended the play at Richmond last Wed nesday evening. The Ladies' Aid had a good attend ance at their dinner Wednesday and served an excellent dinner. Vivi:\0 Esh was at Ed Bell's Monday. Miss Mary Bell went home with him for a few days' visit with her sister. Miss Flossie Conway entertained twelve of her young friends last Sat urday, it being her twelfth birthday. All had a pleasant time and tfished her many happy returns of the day. J OHN SBDBOBU Mrt. John Buss and son, John, of Spring Lake, Mich., were callers at the parsonage here one day last week. Harry Reser and another officer of the Borden Condensed Milk company, were visitors at Peter J. Williams' Thursday last. M iss Barbara Smith is now prepared to give piano lessons to those desiring same. She guarantees satisfaction and her prices are reasonable. Miss Smith has made a study of piano music and has sufficient confidence in her ability as an instructress in this partic ular art. If you intend taking piano lessons It will be well to consult Miss Smith. . NOTICE . Having purchased the A. J. Kam- holz blacksmith business, located in the Laures shop, I am ready to wait on all of my old customers and new ones as well. Will always carry all the latest shoes and pads in stock and will make a specialty of hand-made work. Bring me your lame horses, your interferers and forgers, Wh^n you bring them here you make no mis take. Prices right. " 2Ht D- G. NET.LIS. RECEIYE8 INSURANCE ' Will Stoffel, Jr., of this village, who, it will be remembered, had an arm broken while at work at the Weiland Dairy company plant at Spring Grove a short time ago, received a check this week covering an insurance policy the Weiland company had taken out for him. The Spring Grove concern in sures all of its help against accidents and death while in their employ, and Will feels grateful towards the dairy as well as the insurance company for the prompt and satisfactory settlement effected. MAUDE EATINGER QUITS HAIL ROUTE Miss Maude Eatinger of Volo, who during the past twelve years has heen one of the rural mail carriers of Lake county, has reoently resigned her posi tion and last week left fpr her future home down in Moreland, Louisiana. VOW) CASE TO BE TRIED EARLY According to the Lake County Inde-' pendent the Volo rail riding case will likely be the first criminal case to be taken up at the December term of ooiu t at Waukegan. « 100 COUPLES AT DANCB One hundred couples attended the Zinimermann-Smith ^wedding dance held at Smith's hall, Johnsburgh, last evening. All present had a fine time. Leit Vycital put in that new heating plant whta you .get read" ' ' '• iss f 1'- our mentholated White Pine Syrup is beneficial Velvet Cream ~ ' Will keep your hands t smooth. E. V. McAllister We^t McHenry 'Phone 5>9 W Store AS A a handsomely framed photo graph of yourself will be a lasting: tribute, increasing in value as times passes. :: IpDdlo open only on SuWtRy, .Iponday, Tuesday and Wed nesday. . Fine enlargements i Mid pldture frames. SCHNABEL'S PHOTO STUDIO NAI.ER OF FINE PHOTOGRAPHS McHENRY. ILL. :t 'PHONE I00-J "TIE MONROE" BOFFEI DUGINER & SPANffk, Props. 49 South Fifth Ave., Chicago N" Cor. Monroe. Phone Franklin 3754 CHECK YOUR PARCELS HERB To corset you correctly is my profession. Your comfort and health are promoted by wearing ORSETS (NOT SOU) IN STORE*) My personal services are free. An appointment, arranged to suit your convenience, places you under no obligation. A postcard or telephone call will bring me to yuur home. MISS HAfiEUE WHEELER . McHENRY :: PHONE 77-11! Don't- Be# Deceived! IB mm Q UALITY counts in drugs, and, quality counts in #1? drug store goods. Best quality at lowest cost is a rare combination and is worth consideration. We can offer you such inducements, if you pay higher prices than we flak, you.pay too much--if you pay less than we ask, you are apt to get inferior quality. Don't be deceived by price induce ments alone--but compare quality of goods. We ask for your drug trade,, oil the basis of best quality and superior service and guarantee prices to always be as reasonable as can be had elsewhere. t \ LET US BE YOUR DRUGGIST . H. PETESCH DRUGGIST :: McHENRY 5 M * \ 1 • I see him! Now we cart per. And-- The meal is all ready. Haw much that means to the wife--miab fight on time. Cooked to per fection -- the fire bumed just right -- every lid at a working heat, ready to txril or fry. Oven baking beau- bo th top and oven going at the Mme time. Fire burning fro# and steady; Burns any fad-- soft coal, hard coal or wood. These are just a few of the "good things'* Jk you in a tifully- Mrs. Goodcoolc, have been wanting S Hot Hast Range l plfMWS. this is t̂he rang* 79 ̂ Sm thm nam* "CISFEV* ok sash- - Rang*. None gmnmnm uwfAoaf it J. J. VYCITAL McHenry, 111. •£i>. 5'j,- V-'im - f4s -"*'i Sl.^ M-^ \r-'-. 0k . and keep posted on local happenings • ' if •Tf0: 1 m '•Iff' r; a' • ^ >; >i . % »-v$! * • f i r-'i M A- • -j **- • ' m •rk- KM ' \i *h. i. ,'•••> "t.lisii m I 0 ;mi L« H* Sam* d*fn* •( c*lUnc« tm llfutlf and clears, same aarvice, aamc ol4 atand, aama «f»ry »c«pl thl IalOAN. 9th Ava. CHICAGO. PARCELS CHECKED FREE G. A. SATTEM DISTRICT MANAGER MUTUAL LITE INSURANCE CO. or NEW YORK WEST M'HENicY.Ul. ARB YOU INTERESTED? Taiaahana Ha. 70-W WEDDING DANCE Another wedding- dance will be hel4 at Smith's hall, Johnsburgh, next Wedt- nesday evening1, Nov. 26. Good musift and a good time. Tickets, 50 cents. Acquire the cold-curing habit. Use' our Pink Laxa Cold Tablets and it wilt- be easy to free yourself from colds, no matter what the cause. 25 centa, . Pefc. esch's drug store. The new box papers are beautiful. Ask to see them. Petesch's drug store. UNIVER8ALIST CHURCH Regular services next Sunday. Sun day school at 10 a. m., sermon by Mist Margaret Hess at 11 o'clock. Every one cordially welcome at botfe these Bell # s % System- 'M - - * " *! ELEfHONE service is not not can it be made always perfect*' It fails occasionally just as everything else goes wrong at SQpP time. .• :m Where it is 80% perfect we are striving to reach 85%. Where it is 85% wtf are hoping to g$t it to 90% perfect. You are ~ f';- • . t %•' r. *>*•-2 helping and can help moid ^ M .' When the service fails you, call up th& , Chief operator and stegs will be taken % immediately to prevent a repetition* - Chicago Telephone Company f 15 ' . J.'H. Conratb, District Maua^t^ Telephone 9908 ^ H ; ;:%k Telephone No. 58-R SIMON STOFFEL Insurance agent for all classes ' property in the best compabi«p WEST McHENRY, •: Xi jM̂ tk•. •*1 sf* u >„l ^ . V>4' #i mi ILUNOIS DR. F. J. AICHER DENTIST in Schumacher BvDAi CMttnrlli McHenry, •tophOM No, II •m m •..V;'...-. - >:*$ i-.