Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 27 Nov 1913, p. 4

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PROBATE NEWS All Writer 1MB 1 MIMrtaiHil! ItnitaM W lML » M lOMlilOBi H Mttt for NWK MMNIW knd «tthe to (or tut WWC InwrtMtt. MoNwwin > ifWrt fftOMMY BY " TP. G. SCHREINER OlWiM M MBaMac 1*1*9*0** K-M ' V ' TEIUK OF WJBSCWPTION: W OHYMT. Six Months, J8c Three Months. «c A Thursday, November 27,1913 WEEKLY PERSONAL ITEMS cents AND GOERS or A WEEK IN S5S BUSY LITTLE VILLAGE sat w ^ «eEN IY PUUNOEALEK KEPOKTEM AM RANBED IHtO OUK OFFICE *Y OOK FRIENDS. Miss Mamie BUM spent A day re­ cently in Elgin. Miss Grace Doherty visited Elgin friends recently. Mr. and Mrs. Phil Hoffman of Terra Cotta called on relatives here Sunday. Jay Comiskey of Woodstock visited at the home of John Heimer Wednes­ day. ' H, EL Satum of Chicago spent Sun­ day m the guest of relatives at Emerald Park. Miss Elsie Wolff spent Saturday and Sunday as the guest of relatives in Elgin. Rev. Adrian of Norwood Park, 111., spent Sunday as the guest of Rev. D. Lehane. Mrs. C. W. Goodell and' sister, Miss Ethel Jon&, were Aurora visitors Monday. Miss Florence Granger took in a dance at Hebron on Friday evening of last week. Miss Kathryn Knox of Dundee spent Saturday and Sunday as the guest of home folks. Miss Ethel Jones of Lad&, 111., is a guest in the home of her sister, Mrs. C. W. Goodell. Richard B. Walsh of Chicago spent -Sunday in the home of his parents, Mr. and Mrs. T. J. Walsh. Mr. and Mrs. John W. Schaffer spent Friday evening of last week as guests of Ridgefield relatives. Mrs. F. V. Cobb attended a meeting of the Order of the Eastern Star at Richmond Monday evening. Miss Vera Barbian took in a recital given by Mrs. Norton at Richmond on Friday evening of last week. Misses Minnie Knox and Vera Doh­ erty are spending several days as the guests of relatives at Dubuque, la. Miss Mary Meyers and brother, Phil, went to Chicago yesterday morning for a four days' visit with .relatives. Miss Kate F. Howe of River Forest was a Sunday- guest in the home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. E. W, Howe= Clinton Martin, Robert Knox, Bud Heimer and Raymond Blackman were Hebron visitors last Friday evening. Mrs. D. 6. Nellis went to Kenosha, Wis., yesterday to eat turkey in the home of her daughter, Mrs. Paul Bien- eman. • Mr. and Mrs. E. Trumbell, who are enroute to their home in Genoa Junc­ tion from a visit in Utah, passed a few hssrs is Mcllcnry JoSti6ruay afternoon. Mr. Trumbell is one of tbe most suc­ cessful cabbage ' raisers of that re­ nowned cabbage district, and if you think it doesn't pay to raise cabbage just ask him. v A pass book in the savings depart­ ment of the Bank of McHenry will be the most appreciated gift this Christ­ mas. An extra dollar, at least, if you get it now. (.Furnished by McHenrv County Abstract Company, Woodstock, Illinois. Office In Ar­ nold Block, east side public square. Ab­ stracts of title and convoy.iuelng. Monev to loan on real estate in sums of five hundred to ten thousand dollars. Time and wurmeuts to salt borrower; Phones 634.903 tut<i 911.1 PROBATE PROCEEDINGS. Estate of J. B. Busfc. Report of condition of estate filed and approved. John M. Blake. Interlocutory re­ port filed and approved. MARRIAGE LICENSES- Ben J. Bensent 23 ... Yorkville, 111 Bessie Stage, 24-- .Marengo Floyd C. Todd, 20. Poplar Grove Ruth Dorothy Cook, 18.. * Clarence G. Webb, 29.. ..Huntley Amanda Meier, 28 Gerhard Jordan, 27 Captfon Alma Meiners, 32 Earle L. Brown, 23----.W. MoHenry Amanda Ibsch, 20....-- . Allen Kenneth Burns, 22...- Chicago Marguerite E. Granger, 20--McHenry Albert Edgar Flavell, 29- Cape Town, South Africa Audrey Quinn, 24 ..Woodstock Charles A. Nuhn, 21 Chicago Myrtle Schlottman. 21. -Crystal Lake DROVE FffTY-TWO HUES WITH BROKER AKJ* 70 REACH BOMB AT WAUKEGAlt (Waukegan Gazette) Driving his automobile fifty-two miles from Spring Grove to Waukegan with one arm badly fractured and carried in a sling, R. H. Stripe arrived at his home here on Wednesday after having broken his arm in a bad accident late Tuesday night on the road near Spring Grove, when a horse attached to a buggy, in which he was riding, became frightened and backed the light top buggy over a 12 foot embankment. The accident happened at 10 o'clock Tuesday night, Mr Stripe had been making a trip thru McHenry county. He had gone to Spring Grove from here some days ago by automobile and there had abandoned his machine be­ cause of the bad roads and had en­ gaged a horse and buggy and a driver to care for the horse. As they were coming along die Spring Grove road late Tuesday night the horse became frightened and despite the efforts of the driver to restrain the animal he backed until the bugg^ left the road­ way and plunged over the 12 foot em­ bankment which was alongside the roadway at that point, and which had" been left without a guard rail. The buggy toppled over and fell with Stripe beneath it, while the driver, managed to leap clear of the buggy and sus­ tained no , injury. The buggy fell heavily on Mr. Stripe's arm and it was badly fractured. The driver caught the still badly frightened horse and took the Waukegan man to a doctor, where the broken bones were set, and after resting that night, Stripe on Wednesday morning regained his ma­ chine and started on the long trip back to Waukegan. He was able to handle his machine with but one hand.and on Wednesday arrived home safely. The fracture sustained is a bad one and will require many long weeks be­ fore it has regained its strength. The accident happened within L>ake county about two miles this side of the boun­ dary line between Lake and McHenry. Right goods, right prices at Petesch's. service, right Acquire the cold-curing habit. Use our Pink Laxa Cold Tablets and it will be easy to free yourself from colds, no matter what the cause. 25 cents. Pet- esch's drug store. Beruhmte Kapuziner Tropfen Allgemeide Familia Medicine, and $1.00. Petesch's. Die 30c Read The Plaindealar. W/ From now Jan. 5 .;!•« •imh h '15 A/'* -V- UM ftftnt Insertion, and I a Mm (or wMimsl Hwrttow. •p OST--A. pair of ey« glasses. Fiader WJU -*-* kindly return to this office* 24-lt TPOR SALE--One big, cheup mare. Inquire *• of GEOBGK KCRNK, river road, Comiskey farm. 23-tt* B>OR 8ALK--Oollie puppies, six months old. x Inquire at Schlllorview farm, West Mc­ Henry, 111. 'Phone 603-J>2. ~ * »-tf Ti>OR SALE--Fox river lots on both east & nd *• west sides of river, north of McHenry bridge. Inquire of 0. W. STENOER,&\Vest Mc­ Henry. 32-tf T OST--Oil east, side Of MeKfiury, a (fret'ii •*-' chiffon veil, on Thursday evening, Nov. 13. Finder will confer a great Javor by lea v­ ing it at this office. tpOR SALE--Ten horse power I. H. C. gaso- •*- line engine, together with wood saw. Will be sold together or separately at reason- mble price. Inquire of IIBTTKRMANN KROS.. Johnsburgh, 111. y-tf TpOR SALE--Four high-grade Holstein bulls, eleven months to two years. All good size and lit good flesh. On farm east of Twin Lakes. J. w. HODUK, Richmond, III, Phone Richmond 556. - 22-3t NOTICE--Send your carpet rags to us, we will make them up into pretty rujtsor carpets. Alt our work is guaranteed to please. Our prices ure very reasonable. Cull or write Mas. JACOB LKIOKSU, Mulieury, III. Phoue 105-J. < 21-Ht* OF A CENTURY ITEKS CLIPPED FROM FLAINDEALEK OP TWENTY-FIVE YEARS ACO Barnea & Smiley is the name of a new law fii'to in Woodstock, C. P. Barnes and David F, Smiley being the principals. A daughter of Ernest Wendell, aged about two years, died quite suddenly on Friday last. The funeral was held on Sunday. Miss Belle Whiting, Miss Clara Wightman and Miss Anna Nordquist will go to Valparaiso, Ind., netst week to attend school. W. H. Ford, formerly of the River­ side House, in this village, has leased the Ralyea House at Vinton, Iowa, and moved with his family to that place. Married, at the church in Johns- burgh, on Wednesday, November. 21, 1888, by Rev. Father Mehring, John Freund and Miss Lena Michaels, both of Johnsburgh. Isaac Wentworth and his son, Wil-» liam D., started on Monday for a visit aifcong relatives and friends in New York state. They expect to be gone about a month. P. Conway has leased the farm of Thos. Lumley on Ringwood Prairie for a term of five years and will take possession of the same December 1. This farm contains 335 acres and is one of the best farms in the county. - A. H. Hanly & Sons have been put­ ting in a new twenty horse power en­ gine, which they propose to use to run the feed stone at their mill, and also for the purpose pf sawing wood, thresh­ ing, etc. Their water power has not been sufficient to do the flouring and feed grinding at their mill, but with this additional power they will be able to accommodate their customers prompt­ ly at all times. For tjie past week acts pf lawlessness have been committed in our village that would dictgraue the worst hood­ lums of the Five Points of New York. Street lamp6 have been broken, fences and gates torn down, pickets broken and in one instance the cap to one of the'posts on the iron fence belonging to Fred Schnorr was toirn off and car­ ried away. The board has taken this matter in hand and has determined that the perpetrators, whether boys or men, shall receive the punishment such acts merit. A close watch will be kept and a liberal reward will be paid for evidence, that will lead to the detection of the miscreants. A few months in the county jail might prove a good lesson. BIMOWOOD Miss Mary Bell returned home Sat­ urday. Starr Brink of West McHenry was in town Monday. John Lawson of Park Ridge spent last Thursday at W. A. Dodge's. John Bell and wife went to Spring Grove Friday for a few days' stay. Frank Lawson of Elgin spent part of last week with Ringwood relatives. Florence Bell attended the Old Peo­ ple's concert at Richmond Saturday, night. Mrs. Callie Rainey spent Sunday aft­ ernoon with her mother and sister in McHenry. Quite a number from here.attended the Eastern Star meeting at McHenry last Saturday evening. A. Lawrence and family attended the wedding of Mrs. Annie Tonyan at Fox Lake last Saturday. L. Dv Todd and wife of Dundee spent part of last week with Mrs. Todd's par­ ents, Mr, and Mrs. C. E. Tuttle. Mrs. Minnie Hutson of West Mc­ Henry attended the dinner given by the Ladies' Aid last Wednesday. E. C. Hawley, C. E. Tuttle, Floyd Howe, J. V. Buck land and H. W. Allen were Woodstock visitors Mon- • •••£*? *<• *QU> . John Peters Is visltiqg in t&ecity. Miss J. Henesy is having a week's vacation. Miss Ella Moore wm • Waucooda caller Thursday. '-v.,..;.. Miss Martha Rossdeutseiter of Grant spent Sunday at home. John Richardson entertained friends from Palatine Sunday. Mrs. A. J. Raymond spent Friday with her daughter in Grayslake. John Dryer and Albert A. Hart of Fremont were calling on friends here Saturday. • • Mrs. Ben Martin and Vivian of Round Lake called at Ray Paddock's Thursday. Mr. and Mrs. H. Krueger Mor­ ris of Waucoada spent Sunday at John The Coffee Yon Want at the Price Yon Want To Pay Mex-O-Ja is an unique blend of our selection of berriaa trma the world-famous coffee growing countries of Sao Paulo Ud tbs mountain districts of McodOO. LOST--Somewhere on highway on the lMsl u-kee Bay road, near Hosedale. a Ford au­ tomobile outer tire encased in cover. Finder ; Will kindly notify R*v. EDW. BBRTHOLD. Johnsburgh, III. ifisssa* JSjspmt It makes a full, rich drink -- posfthroly unmatcha- ble at the price. Its purity and quality ussure &, whole* seme drink. Mex-O-Ja is delivered to you by the grocer In a carton b«ur* Ins broad ffreea and red •tvipw. Eac'i tttu-wn conta'as a rail VMM of eottue--net weight. Tie Pries May C&aage -"-tkfi N«T« Pricn tubjttt to review* aotording to tkmeottAf rtuomatsrial. ARBUCKLE BROS. Mex-O'Ja Sales Dept. WMU East IUlnoU SMMt Chicago, U. 30(g Cents tflrtBotfegatti &ind3>oorCaflw«tHaMw THE HUGE LOCK GATES ON THE PANAMA CANE ARE CONTROLLED BY ELECTRIC POWER ' •' yi'j : •*>JjThey are the heavier l^ver built No other ^vj|j)ower but electricity ,. ^jfcould meet the condi­ tions so perfedlty. A touch of a little switch w tiipplies its tremendous energy. This Mattel* Force is democratic--it works as well on a small as on a big seal#. It will light your house with an incomparable ... Artificial light and fur- 1 ^ liish power to do all the " hard work. The Cojft of its Service ia^Low Is your house wired? If not, let us tell you how easily and cheap­ ly you can put in electricity, the modern improvement. Public Service company =SN Evcyryone Knows that his brain works better, his mind clearer and that he feels good all over when his digestion is right. Keep your digestion right with good healthful food. Ask the women folks in your home to use EARLY RISER flour for the next thirty days: eat bountifully of the good things made from it, then note the improvement. How much better you feel, how much quicker your brain and your muscles respond; all due to eating delicious, healthful baking made from Early Riser WEST M'HENRY FLOUR AND FEED HILLS Chicago 4c North-We*t«m. Leave Chicago. 7.00 am.. 8.45 a m.. «»• .12.15 p in... 12.45 p m_.. 1.40 p m . 3.15 p m._. 4.48 p m... 7.10 a. m.. 8.46 a m... 9.06pm... Leave McHenrjr, 7 . 1 0 a m . . . 7 . 1 0 a m . . , S.ll) a m_„ 4 . 6 8 p m . . . Effective Nor. 10. MS. win DAT miM, '6M KOBTHBODND M^HENRR j.--ij.Vla Elgin 10.11am la Des Plalne® .10.11 a m ....j-.Vla Elgin.. 2.8Spm via Des lMiilne.-l 2.32 pm Via Des Plalnes ...4.58 p to « -Vla Elgin......... Via Dos Plalnetf.' p m •OMDAT TRAINS. ........ Via Elgin... ̂ .ti^.lO.lO a m .Via Des i'lalue.'»i.....Ji0.10 a m Via Elgin............5.00 p a WStCK DAT TBAIHf . iotiTHBonifD Ohlciio Via Des J>lalnei........#.W a in ........Via Elgin.. .10.10an> . ....jVia Dep ̂ ainei. „.S.40 a m Vta DM plalne* ..6.50 pm SOVPAT »A»I. 7.10 a m Via Des Plaln«8rV„.„.rtf.a5 a m 7.10am... *-- 5.00 p m... 5.00 pm.. - -- . a iu VlaBlirln ...:i..;..:|0.I0a m Via Dee Plalue#,..,..,,6.&0p m Via Elgin ..7.85 pm Walton's. Mr. and Mrs. Rajr Paddock are re­ joicing over the Arrival of a boy, boni Nov. 17,1913. Right gooda, right aenrjee, right prices at Peteaeh'a. ^ '$1 ^ ' "f A ">i ">» ' • ftf, 1.. f • n .4' MiSZW C" :•• • ^ Z ' "yr.i rTs0 THE PASSBOOKS of depositors new to this Btonk f ' f ̂ making an initial deposit of not less than FIVE|f |̂5v; ̂ ^• > DOLLARS, we will add the following amounts: y74' • • ' . " • • • • • • ' ' ' To the first '^5 jPiissbooks issued we. will add T#6 lars each. To the next 25 we will add One To those issued thereafter we will add-One Dollar each THIS OFFER TO BE VOID AFTER - , f ;; • t- ' • < * - JANUARY 15, 1914 THE AMOUNT ADDED TO THE PASS BOOK MUST NOT BE' WITHDRAWN BEFORE JULY^;'191^!if&(̂ * y- 'afcy FREMONT HOY & SON , Banked. 4 - i f $ a* K f f i i M ~-1 Jl/l Bi iVr fih h A • ; N- ̂ V ••:y '-iS'h 4 & }1 mmt w wmm baseball club &mSm r-tx? .y$j 'tza('< • * ' A-mf *V • ±.-J. fe / " ' V;. ' .JSrTV« •5 / / r r- im n. I arSfV-.v ^ &U si;',.. liSg * ::y- ?*<*<' . V iT . -fc-' • ^ » iv|l' t, m /V Ij) h. . . i-. .'•L, 'irjf: , ̂ ••S'SMv >4;' ' li I? W;0-r Y •• - / m W " >,*v < :.'•*/'t-*? • Stoffel's Hall, .Westr McHe^;C^>gg^ 'HI ' )'s . % -XT' • rs.-imfs.73 m m I V , %'ir •- -'ijf (CHICAGO mpp. f • MR. W. G. SCHREINER, PROMPTER ^•i 0'- in**'- ait,- W -: . fit P® V „ "x \i •JiSl : . %

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