Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 27 Nov 1913, p. 5

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*s'. h;X^?* I -'* ' - v » « * 4 f " X . S - i W ' ' . $L Vc % * <^^vr% '%^vwi £ " Jfjfjsf , Jra# * WSSB5 Mj-w ^m.: ._*** a - pp* * > i«W! PtAINllEAtfift, ife yW'WWOT ^ V4* '<•• ^i- • •y . i • s %• r\---%• r\--- :-'0 'M 'Si' Chance *cr Greeting the mciuujcrs of the -Booster Club The premiums will be awarded to the Boo&er having the largest number of "Coupons on WEDNESDAY, DEC. 3. The Booster ballot box closes at 12 o'clock, noon. BUT HERE IS THE BIG OPPORTUNITY: We have put this Booster club campaign on in order to get cash. We have gotten it, but it is not all in-, so we make the following offer: For each account paid before noon, Dec. 3, we shall give quadruple coupons. Help $pM£ ponSi Help us clean up our books. /' „ %" ̂'r -; j^l^in 'jli'ytpi 1 1 1 "• • it'll-' ? - It's a Pleasure For Us - ^ wait on. customers and supply them with our pure "groceries, fresh fruits and canned goods. We know thai our goods are right and for that reason we sell - with a clear conscience. Ju& phone us your next order . and see for yourself the kind of groceries we will de ̂ fiver at your very door. Remember we make it our Special aim to be prompt with our deliveries. That shotri&fte worth consideration, should it not? .. ' |Music Saturday afternoon and evening, also ; on Monday evening from 7 to 9 p. m: iw-A '3 THE BOOSTER CLUB STORE C NEIGHBORING NEWS AS CHRONICLED BY OUR ABLE CORPS OF CORRESBONDENTS wwdilbiinn ••iiimimwMwowwxfWi m m Our Service Dg and Quality t| are two big factors that yotf can't afford to overlook If you are contemplating building. Large, well assorted stocks of carefully kept lumber, flifect from-the best saw mills of the country, insure you satisfaction on every order. Just now we've some especial­ ly smooth finish that will save you money by saving you h«n$ labor. Come in and see it. :,VW; ;•;» WEST rilENRY raONES WHY IS LUMBER "KNOCKED" SO and its price so often exaggerated by dealers in other building ma­ terials when a fellow begins look­ ing like a homebuilderV Roughly jguessing, we'd say 75% of the homes in this town are built of lumber, and about the same pro­ portion going up today are of lumber--aud we'd go even fur­ ther, and say the frame houses thfct have had reasonable care are today better lookers than most of the other houses of like age--and still further, we'd gam ble a good sum that house for house the frame houses cost less to build than the others of equal proportions. Why so much "knocking?" Think it over. Then come in and tell us the size house you're thinging of building and let us give you some boda fide faoks a»d figures on lumber. There's No Place Like Home WILBUR LUMBER CO. West McHenry - 'Phone 5 X*bS > :>• "tUfe ?'• **• • J v >^! •/ n -ik. , ' t'K . •» . -S.._ iS'. J "A STITCH IN TIME -lives sine" says the proverb, which being adapted to our business meani , buy your groceries now for both pres­ ent and future needs. Our present ' offering of groceries is so much under price that it is very doubtful if you cam duplicate it. Be wise therefore and buy now. You have much to gain and nothing'to lose by acoepUng our sug­ gestion. Math. Laures •%&?€ M o " ' ' Masquelet's East SicKe 2"#4 iPirst-class Drugs, Seasonable Prices, 'NPrompt Service (v* "& FREE DIPHTHERIA ANTITON FURNiSfi ED YOUR PHYSICIAN, AIL^ ; , ' wms DAY OR NKIT ' t- McHENRY, ILL. -i i QUALITY' SERVICE Phone 625-M-2l RIGHT PRICES Johnsburgh, Ilf^1 : artsJaflk-i 'k\- »i'V> • M Below we are lifting a lew cold weather articles that will give the wearer comfort and style: A ^i';Men's Sweater Coafs _V ' ' ^ i. H.i' 'y-- Cr:' to $5.50 Children's and Boys* Swelters..35c to$1.49 j*adie§f9 Mi^^' jnd C^rfren^ WpoJ Caps « » i » • « » » 4* '• • +£•' " m aiiiufennA Miss Glenys Jacobs was a recent El­ gin visitor. Mrs. A. Jacobs ls numbered anong the sick ones. Mrs. A. Anners was * Woodstock caller Friday afternoon* - A. P. Peck was down from Madison and Sunday eel at the farm. N. E. Whetstone was a Chicago business caller the first of the week. Messrs. R. Knilans and A. Purvey were Crystal Lake callers Thursday. Mr. and Mrs. t». M. Goddard of Woodstock were Sunday callers here. N. E. Whetstone was at Woodstock having dental work done Saturday aftr ernoon. J. Cj fatten and dster, Mrs. P. Hod^kinson, were "Woodstock visitors F riday, Mr. and Mrs. C. H. Orm&by of Crys­ tal Lake were pleasant callers here Sunday. ;, . ? Mrs. E. E, Knilans and Mrs. A. Pur­ vey were Woodstock s&Uers last week Tuesday. Mr. and Mrs. Harrison entertained Mrs. Baldwin and daughter of Cary Saturday. . Mrs. J. B. jt^ynch was? a visitor at the home of Iter daughter in Woodstock last week. Misses Pearl Reed and Genevieve Goddard visited relatives at Woodstock Thursday night. Mr. and Mrs. S. Reed and daughters of Woodstock were week end visitors in this vicinity. Mr. and Mrs. Justesen of Woodstock visited# with their daughter^ Mrs. T. Bonnicksen, Sunday. Miss Cecelia Bonnicksen and friend of Elgin were over Sunday visitors at the home of T. Bonnicksen, Mr. and M.r§. Ed Schoof of LaGrange and Mr. Rose her- of Chicago were vis­ itors at F. S. Morse's Sunday. Miss Clara Etchkoff of Woodstock was a recent visitor in the home of Mr. and Mrs. S. A. Merchant. M rs. Ehlenburd and son, Harold, of Elgin were recent visitors in the home of Mr. and Mrs. T. Bonnicksen. Mrs. L. B. Compton of Woodstoc}t spent part of last week at the home of her daughter. Mrs. A. Purvey. The Ladies' Cemetery society will meet ut the home of Mrs. S. Wake­ field Thursday afternoon, Dec.'4. Misses Elsie and Esther- Sobouy aud brother, Dudley, of Algonquin visited at the home of Wm. Morris Sunday. The C. & N. W. Ry. company has placed radiators for steam heat in the depot. Next it will be electric lights. Mrs. J. B. Lynch and Mrs. Lolo Ben­ nett and son, James, and Crystal Con- nerty attended the matinee at Crystal Lake Saturday. Mr. and tars. Earl Harrison and son, Gordon, of Crystal Lake were pleasant callers at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Harrison Sunday. Mrs. Emma Norton, Mrs. B. F. An­ derson and children and Mrs. A. Han­ son and son, Earl, were Woodstock shoppers Saturday. Mrs. E. E. Shepard, daughter, Bea­ trix, arid Elsie Wymaa enjoyed the movieB at the Princess, Woodstock, Saturday afternoon. Mr. and Mrs. F. S. Morse are enter­ taining a little daughter, Elisabeth Clare, at their home sinoe Tuesday forenoon, Nov. 18, 1913. Mrs. R. L. Dufleld and Lois Levey, Mrs. W. L. Yanke and son and Mrs. L. Johnson and son were Crystal Lake business callers Saturday afternoon. Mrs. F. Wille, Mr. and Mrs H. Wille, Mrs. A. Peterson, Mrs. R. Hes selgrave and daughter, Hazel, attend­ ed the Martha society's fair at.Crystal Lake Saturday afternoon^ J. Roger Sillars of Chicago had charge of th6 services Sunday morn­ ing and in the evening Rev. E. F. Col­ lier, an anti-saloon worker of Chicago, gave a very interesting lecture. The Ladies' Aid society meets with Mrs. A. Peterson Tuesday afternoon, Dec. 2. Their annual chicken pie sup­ per and bazaar will be held in the church Friday evening, Dec. 12. Harold Walkup, who is attending college at Winona Lake, Ind., will spend his vacation, from Wednesday until the following Monday, with his parents and^brotber on the farm here. Mrs. F. W. Hartman visited her sis­ ter, Mrs. Quinn, and attended the wedding of her niece, Miss Audrey Quinn, to Edgar Albert Flavell of Cape Town, South Africa, at Wood­ stock Saturday evening*. Mr. and Mrs. W. E. Dike will enter­ tain the following out of town guests at dinner Thanksgiving day: Mr. and' Mrs. Chafe and son of Irving Park, Mrs. Walker, son, Frank, and daugh­ ter, Annie, J. R. Sillars of Chicago and Graham Sillars of Lake Forest. Among the movers are: P. B. Hough- awout and L. Johnson loaded a car of household goods for their new home in New York, whence they go about Dec. I. J. B. Lynoh has moved from the H. Hansen rooms into the W. H. Mun- roe house. Mr. and Mrs. J. Miokle- son have purchased the L Johnson property and will move hi ttm near future. During Winter weather you'll need something to keep the skin clear, soft ^nd smooth. Our pure cold cream is an ideal skin food and will keep your skin in perfect condition. Price, 25 cents. Petesch's drug store.: ».v- . UIIIVE&SALIST CHURci ^ Regular service* ne^t .Sumfirjr, j*nr»- ^ay school at 1Q a. ip., sermon by Miss Margaret Hess at )1 o'clock. A cor­ dial invitation is given everyone Ui attend both of these services. For anything in Ike line of plmpbing J.J. Vycital. JTOBKSRCB6K. Wm. Althoff passed Thursday last in Chicago. Henry Klapperich was^a oouttty seat visitor Tuesday. J. C. Debrecht transacted business in Chicago Wednesday. Rev. A. Berthold was a business vis­ itor in Chicago Wednesday. Clarence Ruth of Chicago was in Johissfcurgh last Wednesday. . Mrs. Anton May of Spring Grove made a call thru here Thursday.. Neal Carlson and' Grunzel Bras, of Greenwood were callers in town Sun­ day. Miss Helen Adams boarded the Chi­ cago train Thursday morning of last week. Louis Althoff of Palatine passed Suit- day in the home of Wm. Althoff and family. Mr. and Mrs. Jacob Stefifes of Mc­ Henry spent Sunday in the home of John King. Mrs. Gertrude Miller of Mcftenry visited in the home of Casper Adams her-e Sunday. Mrs. Mike Pitxea and childrea spent Sunday at the horn* Mr. anil Mrs. Frank Miller. T Misses Clara Deg&n, Emma Pint and Vera Stoffel'of McHenry were visitors in .Tohnsburgh Sunday. George Lay of Fox Lake is spending the week with his parents, Mr. ana Mrs. John P. Lay, here. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Smith of McHen­ ry spent Sunday in the home of Law­ rence Baer and family. Miss Emma Freund of McHenry vhK ited in the home of her parents, Mr# and Mrs. John H. Freund. Miss Barbara Smith attended a re­ cital given by Mrs. Norton at Rich­ mond last Friday evening. Mr. and Mrs. Martin Freund of Mo- Henry visited among relatives in JohiMh burgh and vicihity Thursday. Phil Jaeger of Chicago came out-in his machine Saturday evening and' spent Sunday at German Village. Mr. and Mrs. John Huemann tnJ Mr. and Mrs. Jos. Diedrich of McHenry were Sunday guests of relatives here. Mrs. Wm. Smith of McHenry passed the fore part of last week in the home of her jmrents, Mr. and Mrs. Jos. Mi- chels. Mr. and Mrs. Mat Rftnen And son, mold, of Spring Grove passed Sun day in the home of John H. Freund and family. • Mr. and Mrs. Pete Wagner of Mo- Henry were Sunday guests in the homo of the latter's parents, Mr. 'and Mrs. Wm. Althoflf. Miss Lena Hettermann of Burling^ ton, Wis., spent a few days last week at home with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Henry Hettermann. Those who attended the coffee party under the auspices of the Christian Mothers had a dandy time. Everyone was in a happy mood. It was a grand klatsch, all around. Next Sunday there will' be a special collection in all churches for our Cath­ olic university in Washington, which our Huly Father aud the bishops of this country ask us to help once a year. Mr. Debrecht'snew house was blessed by Father Berthold last Sunday at 5:30, The children oarried lighted candles and accompanied him from room to room. It is Indeed a beautiful home and an ornament to Johnsburgh. Sister Gllana has her hands full with music pupils. She certainly knows how to handle children. Her heart and soul accompany her instruction and the little ones all love the sister. How it brightens a home to hear the little children play their first music pieces. New grates arrived for St. John church and Mr. Bufth and Nic Freund pronounce them a perfect fit. That makes the janitor smile and the near­ er we come to a warm church on a cold Sunday the better we feel. The chimney works fine, as far as we can see, on the one boiler. The man with the "movies" is very much pleased with the arrangements in St. John's hall and says it's a dandy place to show fine pictures. His lenses fit just right for the big throw aud great pictures Fill come off in the ball during December. Watch for the next show. The young men had another fine Sunday evening in the club room. Some are getting to be quite at home on the pool table. The rooms are open for young men on Sunday and Thurs­ day nights. New attractions are being talked about to entertain the young men for the winter evenings. Get in, boys, and have some ffln with us. Away with the blues. Let us cheer ywu up. KathariM KnMk«tk Miss Katherine Kennebeck passed away at the home of her sister, Mrs. Henry Stilling, who resides southeast of this place, last Saturday afternoon, following an illness of less than two days, her death coming very suddenly and unexpectedly. Since thedeath of her parents the deceased, who was about fifty years old, has made her home with Henry Stilling and family. Besides ber sister she leaves one brother, John H. Kennebeck of McHenry, and a large circle of friend^, The funeral was held from St, John's Catholic ehuretf here at 9:30 o'clock QR Ifeoafey morn­ ing of this w^efc. taterSMMtwas made in the cemetery adjfoiqing the ohuroh. The bereaved ones have the sincere «ympfithy of our people in general. QA«4> UF TtUNKS Wo wish to express our sincere thanks to the many kind neighbors *nd frieuds who so kindly assisted us and extended their sympathy during our reeent bereavement. H. STILLING AKD FAMILY. : For Colds 1 ,^-V . - ^ .. ; tiSe tlitf Brown Cold Tablets *V [<*jT >our men tho la t ed White Fine Syrup is beneficial Vifvlt Cream will keep your hands smooth. We^t McHenry 'Phone 59-W /r* y#m-' A DOZEN " such as we know how to ' p roduce make twe lve splendid Chrismas gifts. open only on Sunday, Monday, Tuesday and Wed­ nesday. Fine enlargements" and pidture frames. :: • ; f } SCHNABEL'S PHOTO STUDIO MAKE* OF PINE PHOTOGRAPHS McHENRY. ILL. it u 'PHONE 100-J "THE MONROE" BUFFET DUGINER & SPANIER, Props. 49 South Fifth Ave., Chicago * Cor. Monroe. Phone Franklin 37M CHECK YOUR PARCELS HERE To corset you correctly it my profession. Your comfort and health are promoted by wearing Soirella 1V-ORSETS , (NOT (OLD IN STORET) My personal services arc free. An appointment, arranged to suit your convenience, places you under no obligation. A postcard or telephone call will bring me to your home. WSS MABELLE WHEELER RCHENRV PHONE 77-M L. Q. SENG Sam* 44tm •( M- CCIIMIM LI li«tt*r* and «i|tn, Mm* Mrvlca, HIM *M •Un4, Mm* thlnf aicapt tha tVNUHBEK ̂ 0 la 106 N. 6th AM. CHICAOFT. PARCELS CHECKED FREE G. A. SATTEM - - • - DISTRICT MANAGE* 1UTDAL LOT INSURANCE 08. ' or NEW YORK w WEST NUENRY, 8JL ARE YOU INTERESTED? A BLOODY SCRAP A ooupte ol colored boys, employed at the new Ft« river dam that is under construction just below this village, came to a misunderstanding in the "shaek" near the dam last Saturday nitfht, with the result that one of 'em was pretty badly slashed up, a pocket knife being used. Both of the boys, we are told, were taken over to Wood­ stock. Up to the time of going to press we hare not learned how they oame out at the county seat. The Willing Workers' sooiety of the Universalist church will meet at the home of Mrs. James B. Perry on Thurs­ day afternoon of next week, Dec. 4. All members are kindly asked to be present. Wf UAOTTY cotrafs in drags, and qualify counts w alt drug store goods. Best quality at lowest cost is a rare combination and is worth consideration. We can offer you such inducements. If you pay higher prices than we ask, youjpay too niuch--if you pay less than we ask, you are apt to get inferior quality. Don't be deceived by price induce­ ments alone--but compare quality of goods. We ask for your drug trade on the basis of best quality and superior service and guarantee prices to always be as reasonable as can be had elsewhere. ' LET US BE YOUR DRUGGIST! -i-4 H. PETESCH DRUGGIST McHENRY '*yWt Teleph S * 1 one on i hanksgmng uay '"Mid pleasures and palaces though- may roam. • Be it ever so humble, there'* so placo like home! A charm from the skies seems to hal-1^. low us there ^.1 ], ^ tWhich, seek through the world, Is, ne'ef rv- U rJ$ met with elsewhere. '*>£1 '^4 * '1-w.• , J' Home, home, sweet, sweet home, f *-"V There's no place like home. ; * 4 - - M Bell Long Distance Lines carry loving thought in the cheery >tones of the absent one thus adding individuality and warmth to the holiday greeting. Every Bell Tebphoy b a Sweet Home Spedil . my 1 i' f ' ^ y v k 7h- one Oh Thanksgiving Day V v ^• A -"'.'.a ' § "% *&• J Chicago Telephone Company E. G. McCollum, Manager ' ^elephooc 9003 t- '•K'.f,} i lit' Mi kh fr % P H I L I P J A E G E R GENERAL COflMISSlON MERCJH>^|; SRAOIAX* ATTKNTT0N, OIVSM TO THS SALJT O* > ' , . .,*& OreMcd Beef, flutton, tlofs, Veal, Poultrj^ b;\.| Hides, Etc., Butter and Eggs This Is the oldest house on the street. Tags and fries Had. fvalshoA oa aonlication. r^COLO STORAQB FREB ' CHICAGO; iKijiWiS^ 1 X4 • 7-W" * HA "$U- %v V' L * JI" System ':;ht <4-<^4 IELEPHONE service is can it be made always" perfect* Jij It fails occasionally just aScJVj everything else goes wrong at some time. y Where it is 80% perfect we ai^strinngjf reach 85%. Where it is 85% we are hoping'to get it to 90% perfect, , r You are helping and can help more. S When the service fails you, call up thei^'iijfl ̂ Chief operator and steps will be taken immediately to prevent a repetition. ' W$ Cbj^ago Telephone j, p. Conrath, District Manager^ Telephone 9903 *=• .tjw ' mp »' .<• •'*i'h, P , x 1̂ Telephone No. 58-R SIMON STOFFEL Insurance agent for all classes at property in the beat companies. F. J. AICHER DENTIST Office in Schumacher ltaftdh Centerville WEST McHENRY, McHenry, w :-s QUaoil ILLINOIS I twpBas Ho. li • % >•

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