Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 4 Dec 1913, p. 4

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ARNENRY PJ.AINEEALE», M-HENRY, r-T";;.^Tr-r% .. ,^£ . -a . £ ! ? - $ ! ; .¥%*»»• > <•, •*'; ,^AlV • * •- 1® 1 rY:" CREAM JW-.rvV-"..-" . jfvi" *4* : •Ji S t 'r- w- # :V|* 4* Is a protection and guarantee against alum which is found ilk the low priced baking powders. C:t. To be on the safe side mhetit buying powder, examine the label and f 4ik« oai; a brand shown to be made > , from Cream of Tarter* TIE PMENRY PLAINDEALER EVERY THURSDAY BY m F. G. SCHREINER One* ik BwkBvildinc TtlephoM K-M '. <•• TERMS OF SUBSCRIPTION: rSt '4ih»Y««... »•» Wk Mosthi, nc Three Month*. 4k Thursda}-, December 4,1913 W$y; visitor in II;* ADDITIONAL PERSONALS 4' iMrs. Theo. Schiessie wns a Chicago iftaitor Monday. C. W. Stenger took in the bazaar at Gary last Thursday. r vp. J. Herbes was an Elgin visitor . tt»e fiMt of the week. - , John Gibbs 'was a recent ifee metropolitan city. J. ,t us ten was a business trans- iitor in Chicago Monday. jPeter B. Freund was &Q Elgin vis­ itor the first of the week. Miss Amy Ilowe of Hebron was a re- cant guest of Miss Florence Gr ranger. .' v Joseph Sutton took in the church jg|zaar at Cary on. Thanksgiving day. Thomas aod William Doherty were Chicago passengers last Friday morn- %• "Martin Schmitt attended to business Mptters in the metropolitan city Mon­ day- Miss Anna Wrede returned home Sanday fitom a visit with Hebron relar '• t^res. Miss Ella Mellohan was a week end gaest of ^elattvas at North Crystal Lake. '. Arthur Titus of Chicago spent Sat­ urday last as the guest of McHenry friends. ,*Miss Annabelle Heimer spent a few dftys last week as the guest of Chicago Mlatires. ! Ed. Nelson of Chicago spent a few 'fliys last week in the home of Thos. Thompson. Miss Agnes Dorley of Elgin was the bluest of the Misses Stoffel on Thanks­ giving day. ' Mrs. Charles Givens and sons and ^ Kiss Irene Ftisby were Elgin visitors ^riday last. ' Miss ifamie Costello of Elgin spent - thanksgiving day as the guest of Mc- Henry relatives. : Joe Hoffmann of Chicago spent the .wtter part of last week as the guest of : pcHenry friends. Miss Agnes Dodge of Ringwood at­ tended the Burns-Granger wedding here last Saturday. Miss Edna Stephenson of Ridgefield was the guest of her sister, Mrs. J. W. Schaffer, last week. Mrs. Anna Mollohan passed Thanks­ giving day as the guest of relatives at North Crystal Lake.' Mrs. D. J. Gilfoy and daughter, Mae, of Chicago spent a recent day in the home of O^as. Givens. Charles O'Kefefe of Chioago spent Thanksgiving day as a guest in the home of Simon Stoffel. James Doherty of Sandwich, 111., spent the latter part of last week as the guest of home folks. V Dr. and Mrs. W. F. Stone of ChiSago were week end guests in tbe%ome of Mr. and Mrs. J. D. Lodtz. Mrs. Simon Stoffel attended the fu­ neral of Mrs. John Rauen at Spring Grove on Wednesday of last week. Miss Mildred Henry of Dundee was a guest in the home of Mr. and Mrs. L. F. Pouse on Thanksgiving day. Martin Foley and daughter, Edna, of Cleveland, O., have been guests of relatives in McHenry and vicinity. Raymond Whiting of Lake Geneva, Wis., spent Thursday of last week as the guest of relatives and friends here. Mrs. J. P. Smith spent several days last week as a guest in the home of her daughter, M^s. L. Kimball, at Pal­ atine. t • Roy Bohlander of Hebron was a Thanksgiving day guest in the home of his parents, Mn and Mrs. F. IjL. Bohlander. Miss Margaret Miller of.t Chicago spent the latter part of last ' week in the home of her parents, Mr. and. Mrs. John Miller/ 1 Mr. and Mrs. W. D. Gould of Chica­ go spent Thanksgiving day as guests in the home of Dr. and Mrs. R. G. Chamberlin. * Misses Villa and Amy Smith of, El­ gin attended the Burns-Granger wed­ ding here Saturday and passed Sunday with relatives. Mr. and Mrs. Albert Driscoll and John and Miss Susie Schreiner of El­ gin passed Sunday dt guests -of Mc­ Henry relatives.' J . Mr. and Mrs. Jos. McOmber and daughter, Marion, of Chicago spent the latter part of last week as guests of McHenry relatives. Mr. and Mrs. Frank O'Flaherty of Elgin spent a few days recently as guests in the home of the latter's mother, Mrs. Ellen Frisby. Everett Hunter- was in Chicago on business Tuesday. - Mr. and Mrs. Earl Brtma wei^Har- vard visitors Tuesday. < J. W. Smith boarded the Chicago tniin Wednesday- morning. bar. B. G.- Wells and M. L. Qtt were Woodstock visitors Monday. J. W. Smith attended to business matters in Chicago Tuesday. M. L. Worte was a county seat'vis­ itor.on Monday of this week. Glenn Robison of North Crystal was a caller in town Sunday( , Mrs. J. H. Miller spent Monday as the guest of friends at Elgin. Fred Weinscheaker was a business •visitor in Chicago Wednesday. Mrs. Louisa Lawless spent the past week with relatives in Chicago. , Mrs. E. E. Bassett passed Tuesday as a guest of Woodstock relatives. F. J. Barbian was a business visitor in the metropolitan city Monday. Walter Lane of Chicago was a re­ cent guest is the home of Thos. Thomp­ son. Herbert Landwer of Barrington spent Thanksgiving day at the Claxton home. ••••... ; Miss Ruby Claxton spent Thanks- givieg evening, with friends at Ring- wood. Miss Vera Bolger of Woodstock spent Sunday as the guest of McHenry rela­ tives. Mrs. Gertrude Miller and Mrs. P. J. Freund passed a recent day at Spring Grove. Mrs. Ed. Lusk attended to business matters in the metropolitan city Wed­ nesday. Mrs. , R. A. Howard of Elgin was a guest in the home of R. Waite Wed­ nesday. M. M. Freund and family were among the Chicago passengers Wednesday morning. Mrs. Theo. Winkel and son, Leo, ivere Chioago visitors on Tuesday of this week. Mr. and Mrs. John W. Schaffer ate Thanksgiving dinner With relatives at Ridgefield. % J. H. Miller attended to matters of a business nature at Arlington Heights Wednesday. Mrs. Chas. McArthur and daughterL Ruth, of Elgin passed a few days re­ cently as guests in the home of her mother, Mrs. Augusta Wolff. * Mr. and Mrs. Curtis C. Westfall of •Chicago spent Thanksgiving day as guests in the home of the latter's par­ ents, Mr. and Mrs. Simon Stoffel. Miss Elsie Peters of North Crystal Lake, Wm. Reed of Ridgefield and Miss May Dix of Chicago were Thanks­ giving day guests in the home of Mrs. F. Wille. v ,/ . Miv and. Mfs.- W. 'K. Blirns and daughters, Miss Mae, Mrs.( John J. Allen and Mrs. J- Strong, of Chicago attended the Burns-Granger wedding here last Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. P. J. Cleary, Mr. and Mrs. J. J. McCarthy, Misses Anna and Etta Powers and Nancy. Frisby and Michael and Edward . Sutton attended the funeral of Mrs. Eliza Pierce at Elgin on Friday of last week. August Nordquist of Geyser, Mont., spent Thanksgiving day as a guest in the home of his father, B. Nordquist. Mr. Nordquist left Chicago last Satur­ day for Atlanta, Ga., where he has been sent by a Chicago concern to .overlook a large job that the cpmpanv has in the southern city. Mrs. Elizabeth Buss returned last Friday from a two weeks' visit with Chicago and Malta, 111., relatives. When she arrived at Malta she found that her son, Joseph, who is station agent for the Chicago & Northwestern Railroad company at that place, was confined in a hospital at DeKalb as the result of an accident which befell him while discharging his duties one day recently. In the accident he suffered a broken rib and severe injury to one of his legs. He expects to be released from the hospital shortly. ? Mfss May Mix of Chicago has been a guest in the home of Mr. and Mrs. John Sliller. S. H. Freund attended tp business matters at the county seat on Mondsy of this week. J. P. Smith attended the funeral of his brother, W. R. Smith, at Geneva, 111., Wednesday. Dr. and Mrs. Stanton of Chicago spent Sunday in the home of Mr. and Mrs. B. F. Martin. C. S. Howard and sdta, Raymond, were business visitors in the metro­ politan city Tuesday. Miss Esther Matson of Chicago spent several days recently in the home of her mother, Mrs. Peter Wirfe. Alice ssd Theodore Miller spdnt their Thanksgiving vacation as the guests of Barrington relatives. Mr. and Mrs. E. J. Hughes'and chil­ dren spent a few days this week as guests of relatives-at Belvidere. George Jones spent Thanksgiving day as a guest in the home of Mrs. Mary Wingate at North Crystal Lake. Thomas Knox of Chicago was a Thanksgiving <8ay guest in1 the home his parents, Mr. and Mrs. John Knox. Mrs. James Perkins and daughter, Adeline, went to Woodstock Tuesday morning for a few days' visit with friends. Mr. and Mrs. WV F. Holte passed a few days this week in the metropolitan city. While there they took in the land show. Misses Pearl and'Ruby Claxton spent the latter part of last week with their cousins, Mr. and Mrs. Af 8. Parks, at Woodstock.-. Messrs. and Mesdames G. Branen, R. Pain and Ed Schillo spent Thanks­ giving day at the Schillo cottage at Pistakee Bay. Mr. Cook and daughter, Florenoe, Isabelle and Kathryn, of Chicago were entertained in the home of B. F. Mar­ tin over Sunday. < C. G. Frett, Jacob Justen, John Pha- lin, John Gibbs and Mr. and Mrs. F. A. Bohlander were among the Chicago passengers this morning. Mr. and Mrs. "Geo. Owen and Mr. and Mrs. A. C. Perry and daughter of Elgih ate Thanksgiving dinner with O. N. Owen and family here. Mr. and Mrs. Floyd E. Covalt ate Thanksgiving dinner at the home of the latter's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Geo. A. Himler, at North Crystal Lake. Bruce Fellows of Chicago spent Thanksgiving da^ as the guest of his wife and family here. His wife re­ turned to the city with him and re­ mained until Saturday evening. Engwalld DeLange, Wm. and Frank Frankenhausen of Chicago were Sun­ day guests in the home of Emil Geier. The boys went out fishing while here and returned to Chicago with an ex­ cellent "haul." Mrs. E. V. McAllister went to Elgin Wednesday morning. Mrs. McAllister is making frequent trips to the Watch city, where she is assisting in the care of her aunt, who recently suffered a severe stroke of paralysis. Mr. and Mrs. P. W. Thompson of Lake Geneva, Wis., passed Thanks­ giving day as guests in the home of Mr. and Mrs. W. D. Wentworth. They werQ. on their way to Florida, where they expect to spend the winter. James B. Perry left last evening for a week's visit with his son, Capt. How­ ard R Perry, and family at Jeiterson- ville, Ind. Capt. Perry has been or­ dered to the Philippine Islands and leaves for there some time in Febru­ ary. Mr. and Mrs. Wm.Sayler entertained on Thanksgiving day Mrs. Jesse Ben nett of Elgin, Mr, and Mrs. W. C. Besley and sons, Vernon and Walter, of Woodstock, Mrs. J. R. Sayler and Mr. and Mrs. James N. Sayler of/Mc­ Henry. UNITED STATES DEPOSITORY FOR POSTAL SAVINGS Capital Stock and Surplus $40,000 Deposits, $239,000.0# m OFFICERS: Wwin L. Wagtier Dr. C. H. Fegers, Simon Stoffel, Carl W. Stenger, President Vice President Vice President < ~ Cashier DIRECTORS: Edwin L. Wagner, Dr. C. H. Fegera, Frank H. Wattles, George H. Hanly, Parker S. Wfcbster STOCK HOLDERS: Dr. G. H. Fegera. Frank H. Wattles, Dr. N: J. Nye, W. B. Gilbert* Jfos. J. Justen, Mrs. Margaret Merriman, Packer S. Webster, Edwin L. Wagner, Jos. W. JPreund, Simon Stoffel, George H. Hanly, N. J. Justen, Mrs. May L. Wagner, Mrs. Anna C. Bohlander, Howard Wattles, Rgt. Rev. J. J. Fox, Mrs. Anna S. Wagner, Mrs. Lucia Suffel, *Ira. Sophia A. Besley, James Frisby, Mia. Myrtle L. Harrison, F. A. Bohlander, W. E. Whiting, John W. Low, Carl W.Stenget, v. > • " " , % ^ : ' * ' - ' w;Vi ••sSfNg Ml INSURE 'tM ifl 1 J".. OF GHIGA.GO v' ••ft WHOSE POLICIES ARE ALL PROTECTED BY DEPOSIT OP MORTGAGES AND BONDS WITH THE STATE OF ILLINOIS ; - ... Pfw! 41 PAID UP .... if;&f wmM - ^x/i, a^ords extra protection to all insured r* fr ls$uS^® if6rtriS OTlpolicfes <m the bill' niii^ Rates no higher than other legal reserve 'companies. Lower than most \ W *. •E. A. NELSON, President . m?: - FREMONT HOY^ Vice President and Secretary -tvJj iM. 'S?. : •:v$c.7 Mi. A. ^€>IREGTOR^ Osborn, Cincinnati,^ SalesManaj^r U. S v:/ ' rW. <;:r$ . -.f. if vW. 'M' C. Oi R. Stabeck, MinneapoU% J^uman T. Hoy, Chicagb^ i.f, * ;f.'• VlV,', • B. A. Wilson, Los Angeles, Cal^ 1 0 * Clarence F. Hoy, Fremont Hoy, Woodstock, ll] E. A. Nelson, Chicago, ?U. S. 'Marshal - f , _ Investment Banker Crystal Lake • Banker" YA.., Y TT3 • r Banker. * * iv - tots 6f ways to make money. Many ways to , spend mon^y, One way to save money, ? Deposit in the West McHenry State Bank* ^We invite Checking Accounts, Savings Accounts, First Mortgage. !| «nd Collateral Loans and promise careful attention to all business w?1 to our care. • -iy: 1 --t f .V » COfTA. NOV. 21 Mrs. Ed Knox called at B. F. Mar­ tin's Sunday. • Miss Alice Knox spent a couple of days recently with relatives here. Rev. Father Adrian of Norwood Park was a caller in this vicinity Sun­ day. * Mrs. John Gibbs and daughter, Mary, spent Sunday afternoon with relatives here. ' Misses Alida and Anna Rydquist were callers in this vicinity Saturday afternoon. Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Welch and Mrs. Thomas Powers visited at J. M. "Pha- lin's Sunday. * Miss Julia Rydquist of Crystal Lake spent Wednesday evening with Mibd Florence Knox. Mrs. M. A. Conway is quite sick at this writing. Her many friends hope for a speedy recovery. Mr. and Mrs. J. J. Doherty and daughter, Lillian, of Holcombville vis­ ited at M. A. Conway's Sunday. . Misses Florence aDd Frances Knox were guests of the Misses Rydquist at Crystal Lake Thursday evening. DEC. 4 Miss Anna Rydquist spent Wednes­ day evening at John Riley's. Miss Emma Conway of Elgin spent the week end at her home here. Miss Minnie Knox of McHenry spent last Tuesday evening at M. A. Con­ way's. Mis» Bessie Rydquist of Crystal Lake visited friends here last Wednesday evening. Mr. and; Mrs. Herman Steinbach at­ tended the Catholic church bazaar at Cary Friday evening. Mrs. Jackson and sons, Fred and Walter, visited 0tt Allen Jackson's Thursday and Friday. Mr. and Mrs. George Wegener and son of Lily Lake visited at the home of Jos. Buss last Thursday. Miss Genie Babcock of Crystal Lake is spending a couple of days with her sister, Mrs. H. Steinbach, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Bernard J. Shine and son, Raymond, of Chicago were guests of relatives Thursday and Friday. Mrs. M. Knox and daughter, Fran- were the guests of Chicago rela* tives Friday, Saturday and Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. B. Frank Martin en­ tertained a number of relatives and friends Sunday at a christening dinner Mr. and Mrs. Earl Wilcox and son, Eldridge, spent Thanksgiving at the hoip.e of Mrs. Wilcox's parent*, and Mrs. John Riley. Haympn4 Riley .came home from Champaign Wednesday' evening maining until Sunday morning, a student at tbe university Mr. He is t OPEN Many of your friends have taken advantage of the offer made by ua' • . ' "t •t!t last week. You may avail your­ self of it if you will. WE ADEK ONE DOLLAR TO FIVE NOWE /«*i.^ 'V • BANK OF FREMONT $ $ $ CLASSIFIED DEPARTMENT All advertlaementB InnertcU under Uil» iunil at_thi> following rate*: Klve lluen or lens, *5 cent# for flrat Iniertkm; !& oents for 1'aoh BubHequont tiweitlon. More thau flvu llneB, b eentB a line for tlint lu«ertlon, and S oent» a line for addition I ln»ertlom. • UH)K SALE-- Collie puppies, six monMisold. •E Inquire at Sclilllervlew farm, \Vc.->t Mc­ Henry, 111. 'Phone 003-J-2. ' °'l f rr^OR SALE--Fox river lots oiHaotli east *nd " west sides of river, north of McHenry bridge. Inquire of O. W. STSROSB, West Mc- Henry. <Btf tflOB HALE--A choice bulldlnff lot facing r Main street. West McHoury. Iiujulreof or write MRS. EI.IZABKTH Buss or W; STBNQKR at West Mclltinry Hate bftnk. 25 4t LOHT -Somewhere o»i rond between Johns-burRh and my home, a white canvas. Finder will please return U> the Johnsburgh factory or JOHN A. SMITH, McHenry, HI- WOB SALE-Ten horse power T. H. O. gaso- line ennlne, together with wood saw. Will be sold together or soperately at reason­ able price. Inqnin of HBBIWIAM BMS.. Johnsburgh, III. »*" "NTOTICE--Send your carpet rags to us, we will make them up into pretty rugs or carpets. All bur work is guaranteed to please. Our prices ure very reasonable. Call or write Mas. JACOB LKICKKM, MCHENRY, III. Phone 109-J. Si"6' Let V/cital put in that nejr JbeatioK plant when you get ready. Right goods, right Mrviee, '.right prices at Petesch's. P H I L I P J A E G E R QENERAL COHMISSION MERCHANT SPHAL ATTDRRIW OIVW TO TBS IJLLI 91* r- y Drp^scd Beef, flutton, Hogi, Veal. Poultfy, ^ J ff ^llides. Etc., Butter and EffS V%;'- This iB the oUnt honaaoe flwebwlt application. Malt 1 a iPritMikt WMtMh Mtrfctt. ^ » Ifcgs and price Mats ffunfahed oa GOLD STORAOE FREE CHICAGO, ILLINOIS. pQP SALE* ̂ few fine thoroughbred * ROSE COMB RHODE ISLAND RED COCKERELS at $1.50 each. H. C. Hettinger, McHenry -'vK kJM ^MsmsSi v - • M, 'liS ̂ t. • St t-f'"

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