Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 4 Dec 1913, p. 5

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•̂ aem&mifSBi I*:-.; .••>% •-w^- OUR *.'<«*•• >*.•*• spits • v'<f'>- ,;v";, - 1 :' 3r.--V; &?*..•; •"-.- ^tl •'©S f th p. M , 'J-, 'rf\.% lilt i.i£ iv$? Hi ^'£S ,' -V ?i '* ,'v «* •$s'V ' > • •> •; . ' j.-n' ./ V-4-, 7#i-4^ St :i-ijsg "1 - . . % - '/• &Y$* ; -V." t • a y •* i :%r ' " An After Content'VThank You , It*# all oven--even the shouting, jpn second thouffht, no, it isn't all over. It fias just began. You Boosters--we have begun to know you as never before. We have learned what a glorious lot. of splendid fighters you are, and we wish in the very bottom of our hear ts that we could send pvery one of you the same handsome premium. We can't do that, but we are sure to retain a line regard lob every one of you and henceforth to feel thankful to you for helping our cam­ paign to become the brilliant success that far exceeded <Jur expectations. And all you friends of the Boosters--a fine army of enthusiastic hustlers--we have learned to know you and are' decidedly Anxious to know you better. Our store will be open-house for you hereafter. We desire to retain and enlarge upon yqur friendship,. • V ;r ^ To the Public: There is one part of this MMfipaign that veare NOT going1 to put a stop to. That; is our^offeringorgood quality*. up- to-date, always dependable merchandise at. prices that you'll agree to. Also, we have pledged ourselves to serye you.tin. su^U ft way as to you thoroly.satisfied to stay right here with thfc 'T^ "'m- ^ We wish to thank you: 4 C^-^" ^ 1st. The Boosters.--rYou Boosters who dld such splendid work, we thank you. Tho'there is but one Grand Prize, we feel confident that the splendid, practical bnsiness training secured and the friends made by each of you will make you feel that "To have fought and lost was better than not to have fought at all," as the training obtained and the close friends made of great life value to you. You have shown to us and to your friends of what good stuff you are made and this will have an inestimable value to you in the future. 2nd. The Helping Friends of the Boosters.--We wish to thank you for your true and faithful help given to your. Booster friends, which made our Booster Club so successful. . • 3rd. The Public--Each and every one, we thank «you for the in­ terest taken in the Booster Club Campaign, and in the future we want you to continue to know our store as your headquarters and store-home, and we shall continue to furnish you with a service and line of grocer ies at a price that will so satisfy you that you will'want to stay with us. M M . N I E S E N , '• .1 •I-i hif.4'* ;;plf '•T*S • 9t 54$ SIM iv' •'**$ rc^fv.: = \ i * u tv • Possibilities of V. :# " Wood Conritrudkm carefully considered .make it preferable to any other kind of material fpr home building. No one knows far ahead what changes may be desired In a house, but with frame construc­ tion additions and alterations can be easily made and even the whole house moved at small ex- pense if desired. There are many other advantages, too,.pos­ sessed by wood. Come in and let's ta^k thew oyer, WILBUR LUMBER CO. WEST N'HENRY :: NONES WOMAN'S INTEREST IN HONE AND LIFE shows natural homemaking in­ stincts the day she moves into her own home. Something about them that constantly says, "Get a home of your own,"^and we know from the interest the women take in selecting lumber, trim", doors, etc., that they're certainly endowed with liome- making judgment that pales a man into insignificance. You'd be surprised the value they plape on * appearance--general plan and convenience of the rooms--especially the kitchen and dining room. And they know something- about natural finish and hardwood floors--well, what they don't know and 'to what feheihes they won't, resort to get what they want 4s aston­ ishing. But we like the women and we like to have a woman on t he job, so bripg four wife in and we'll talk your new home over. . . • , There's No Place Like Home WILBUR LUMBER CO. West McHenry 'Phoqe 5 ITHEN&r NEIGHBORING NEWS AS CHRONICLED BY ABLE CORPS OF CORRESPONDENTS My Mr STITCH IN TIME nine" says the proverb, whieh -being adapted to our business means f. J^bijy your groceries now for both pres- •"•.^.itent and future needs. Our present .offering of groceries is so much under .^ 4price that it is- very doubtful if you can duplicate it. Be wise therefore and 3 buy now. You have much to gain and ^nothing to lose by^aocepting our sug- ^^^•gestion Math. tbom>* La u res West McHenry !3% m£-: v. m MO*: Masquelet's , • t-eA. First-class Drugs, Iteasonable Prices, Servloft FREE DIPHTHERIA ANTITON FURNISH- YOWt riYSICUN, HOUKS DAY Ot NIGHT McHENRY, ILL^ ; JFd^ DEBRECHT •ijf.l qvality SERVICE RIGHT PRICES Phone 625-M-2.,,,, '& 'i- /Johnsburgh, 111* *-y ^Shoe*% reduce the cost of living 1* to children to be happy with valuable and useful articles on Christmas, as follows: 1 1^1;- •tKv- im 'VX;. >.v.v Slate and Pencil, ' i' .H ?• . Clothing, Gloves, and a few wholesome Candies % t-ste" '«• ̂ I.*" • f V'-'..."< • 'pp<: Y\ v-*< BlUumKUl. . R. Harrison was a Crystal Lake caller Thursday. Lyman Levej of Crystal Lake was a caller here Monday. Mr. and Mrs. A. l*urv^y wete Wood­ stock callers Monday. N. E. Whetstone was a Crystal Lake caller Monday afternoon. -P. D. Castle of Chicago visited at Sl'ssdfutrbsr Button's Friday. ' Mr. and Mrs. A. Purvey ate turkey with his parents at Huntley Thursday. Miss Lura Davis of Austin spent part of Sunday and Monday at J. C. But­ ton's. * / Howard Jacobs and sister, Glenys, spent Thanksgiving evening in Chi­ cago. Mrs. H. Irish and child of Harvard spent Sunday at the home of Mrs. Geo. Irish. Mr. and Mrs. D. L. Gibson were re­ cent visitors of A. Kline near Wood­ stock. The missionary society meets with Mrs. X. Anners Tuesday afternoon, Dec. 9. Mr. and. Mr?. L. It. Goddard and sop of Woodstock were o*er Sunday via- i tors here. M re. Norton and M rB. K. Smith spent Thanksgiving day with relatives in Woodstock.' Mr. and Mrs. Chns. Ormsby of Crys­ tal Lake were week end visitors with their parents. Geo. Doolittle of Chicago was a yis- itor at the home of Mr. and Mrs. L. A. Walkup Monday. A. P. aDd B. P. Peck left Thursday for a three weeks' outing, hunting game In the south. j Mrs. J. B» Lynch visited her daugh­ ter, Mrs. Blanche Conerty, in ^hicago the first of the week. E. Cadwallador, W. Wagner, H. Cooper and A. Wille were Woodstock business callers Saturday. V; Master A. B. McConnell qi Wood­ stock spent the week end with his aunt, Mrs. Geo. Wheeler. Mr. and Mrs. S. Heed and daughters, Virginia and Mabel, visited at H. Reed's from Thursday until Sunday. Mrs. Geo. Vance of Gary and Mrs. John Culbert of Eau Claire, Wis.', were guests of Mrs. R. Harrison Friday. C.' Z. Augeqbaugh, wife and son walked from Woodstock to our little burg Friday and edjoyod a good drench- ing. Robert Knilans returned home Mon­ day after spending the Thanksgiving vacation at Champaign, the guest of B. C. Berg. * Mrs. L. Bennett and son, James, vis­ ited at the home of Mr. and Mrs. L. M. Goddard at Woodstock from Wed­ nesday until Saturday. Mrs. R. Goddard and daughter, Gen­ evieve, Mr. and Mrs. J. B. Lynch and son, Ray, Mrs. H. Fanning and Miss Crystal Conerty enjoyed Thanksgiving dinner with their relatives at Wood­ stock. . Mr. and Mrs. Lyman Harrison and Mrs. Charlotte Lindahl of Crystal Lake and Mr. and Mrs. Kauffman and son, Howard, of Waterman, 111., were pleas­ ant callers at the home of Mr. and Mrs. R. Harrison Monday afternoon. Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Wheeler enter­ tained at dinner Thursday the follow­ ing guests from out of town: Miss Rose Burden of Chicago, Mr. and Mrs. J. M. Barden, Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Bar- den and Mrs. Mayme Dygejrt of Wood stock- Mr. and Mrs. C. F. French and fam­ ily entertained the following relatives at Thanksgiving dinner: Mr. and Mrs. Frank Hutson, Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Hut- son, Mr. and Mts. Mark Hutson, Mr. and Mrs. Claude Hutson' and families of West McHenry; Mr. and Mrs. Ben Hutson and children and Mr. and Mrs, Earl Smith and son of Woodstock; Mr. and .Mrs. W. French and son, Gerald, and Harry Rossman. The following clipping taken from the Chicago Inter Ocean will be ©f in- terest to many readers: Smith--Ruby Florence, wife of Spen­ cer R. Smith, principal of the Wendell- Phillips high school, died at St. Luke's hospital at the age of forty-nine years Thursday evening. Death due to apo­ plexy followed by paralysis. . Mrs. Smith was Miss Ruby Button of Ridge- field, 111. She received her education at Barry, Lake Forest and Gark insti­ tute, Chicago. She is survived by her husband, her father, Joseph C. Button, of Ridgefield, 111., and two sons, Ger­ ald C. of Woodstock, 111., and Kenneth II., a freshman at Washington & Lee university. Funeral services will be held at the family residence, 324 N. Parkside Ave., Austin, at 8 o'clock Saturday evening. Interment at Ridge­ field, 111. B1KOWOOD Ed Podge went to Elgin Tuesday. E. C. Hawley's children were all home for Thanksgiving. Mrs. J. C. Ladd entertained rela­ tives Thanksgiving day. Ole Wolkos has a son and hia wife from Montana visiting him. Miss Lucile Byrd of McHenry spent Sunday with Miss Agnes Dodge. Mrs. Miner went to Elgin Friday, remaining until Sunday evening. Leon Dodge attended the basket ball game at Dundee Friday evening last. Mrs. Callie Rainey spent last Friday with her mothen and sister at McHen­ ry- H. M. Stephenson and family ate Thanksgivingdinner with George Har­ rison's family. Miss Agnes Dodge attended the wed­ ding of Miss Marguerite Granger at McHenry Saturday. Mrs. Robert McLean of Woodstock came to visit her sister and mother the first of, the week. Mrs. Bertha Esh of Spring Grpve •:tvv ; " •&. -J*. & K'Ma* spent last Friday with hfer parents, Mr. and Mrs. Ed Bell. W. E. Smith, J. V. Buckland, Will McCannon and*H. M. Stephenson at­ tended the stock show Tuesday. Mrs. Ben Wagner and little daugh­ ter of McHenry spent Monday with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. A. Lawrence. Mrs. Lucinda Francisco, who has been spending some time with King- wood relatives, returned to her home' in Woodstock Saturday. Mrs. Noble and granddaughter of Keystone, who have been spending several days at John McLaughlin's, returned home Tuesday. ' Miss Lora Walkington spent Mon­ day night with Mrs. Edith Todd in Dundee. On Tuesday she went to El­ gin for her painting lesson. ' Wade Sanborn moved his household goods to his new home near Spring Grove Monday and Martin Jung moved onto the G. A. Stevens place th^ same day. ;- - . Miss Lora Walkington wtyl have an exhibit and sale of he^r hand painted china at hep home Thursday afternoon, Dec. 11. She invites those interested to call. Mr. and Mrs. Allen entertained Bert McCannon and family, Starr Brink, wife and daughter, Mrs. Emma Mat­ thews and Jay Hawver's family of Lake Geneva Thanksgiving day. James Green and wife went to Chi­ cago Tuesday. Mr. Green returned Wednesday night. On Wednesday Mrs. Luella Stephenson went to Chicago to stay with Mrs. Green until Saturday. They visited the land show. JOHNSBl'BGH. * <- Father Riss left Johnsburgh and had his trunk and books shipped to Chica­ go, where he expects to be quite busy for the winter, assisting another priest. The church choir will begin work now for Christmas. -Rehearsals twice & week. New members welcome. Let's get busy--Christmas will soon be here. School cards were distributed hy Father Berthold last Tuesday. A great many children are studying hard­ er now and have fine percentages to show for last month. The women's committee for the cArd party are quite elated over their suc­ cess Thanksgiving afternoon and find themselves in a position now to buy a new vestment for Christmas.'/ . Mrs. Schumacher is tickled over the beautiful doll she won on 4.he evening of the last movies. She had*a "chrh- tening party" at her home, to which all her friends were invited. The church does not forbid good shows in Advent and never did. A good entertainment in Advent or Christmas week does not contradict the spirit of the church. The "movies" scheduled for Johnsburgh are further­ more especially clean so that every child and young lady is safe from dirty or slippery pictures, which we so often see in other places. Next Monday is a feast day of obli­ gation, the feast of the Immaculate Conception, a day to be kept like Sun­ day. Father Bortuxn, wiio belongs to the same order to which the mission­ ary, good Father Stettner, belongs, will talk in the 10:30 mass next Mon­ day to help his church in Ipswich, 3. D. Our bishop gave him permis­ sion to visit the priests and ask for a oolleclion because the crops out West were a total failure the last four years and the churches ab well as the people have a pretty hard time--something unknown to us. Father. Borman will hayc some interesting things to tell about South Dakota, Help him a lit­ tle. OMTKNO. Mrs. Clark has gone to Alaen again to keep her daughter, Mrs. Mattie Harrison, company. - Mr. and Mrs. Adelbert Abbott ate Thanksgiving dinner with\hi ter, Mrs. C. C. Clark. Mr. and Mrs. H. C. Hobart enter­ tained a number of relatives at dinner on Thanksgiving day. * Mrs. Delia Hobart requests a full at­ tendance at the society meeting at her home Thursday, Dec. 4, 1913. Ob, what beautiful weather for farm ers to,husk corn and thresh clover, it will all be done before spring, they think. Clinton and Loren Martin went to Chicago Thanksgiving to spend tiie day with their mother. Mr. Martin visited here on Saturday and Sunday. Clyde Clark and wife decided Wood­ stock or McHenry were altogether too small for Christmas shopping so took a day off and boarded tbe train for Chi­ cago. Marks is the name of the man who purchased the T. A. Abbott farm and he comes from Wisconsin. He will not live there, but will hire a man to run the farm. Mr. and Mrs. William Thomas enter­ tained a number of relatives at dinner Thanksgiving. Their daughter and husband, Mr. and Mrs. William Beloh- er, and Mr. and Mrs. Warren Thomas, all of Woodstock. In a recapt notice to hunters from this neighborhood there should have been the names of six farmers signed to it, but in some unknown way the name of Ray Thomas was omitted. He also forbids anyone trespassing. Miss Ammie Francisco and sister, Mrs. Delia Hobart, drove to Woodstock on Wednesday of last week to do some shopping and to meet their niece,"Miss Clara, Lincoln, of Harvard, who came down to spend Thanksgiving with them. T. A. Abbott and wife received a letter from their brother, Francis Ab­ bott. recently. He did the writing himself, something he could not do when he left Illinois. He thinks the mild climate of Florida agrees with him and hope* to receive some lasting benefit. T. A. Abbott and wife, who have re­ sided in this neighborhood ever since their marriage, have sold their farm. Tins farm was the property oi Mr. Abbott's grandfather, then caope to his father and dow$ te h^m, but a i - i ' - V • • ieir daugh •; ? I >. T.-ersrns»nrE Delighted With the Pie You can please your men-folk by using EARLY RlSfeR Flour for the baking. It makes so much bet­ ter orusts than other flour that you will be delighted.' - All flour is made from wheat in a mill but the difference in wheat and milling is what gives superiority to EARLY RISER Flour. Order a sack today convinced. west wmm FLOOR AND FEED MILLS A DOZEN •. ̂ k - such as welcnow ho\y to p r o d u c e m a k e t w e l v e splendid Chrismas gifts. » ' ' Studio open only on Sunday, Monday, Tuesday and Wed­ nesday. Fine enlargements and pi<ftur£ frames. SCHNABEL'S PHOTO STUDIO MAKER OP PINE PHOTOGRAPHS McHENKY. ILL. :: 'PHONE 100-J "TIE MONROE" BUFFET BUGfNER & SPanIER, Props. 49 South Fifth Ave., Chicago Cor. Monroe. Phone Franklin 3754 CHECK YOUR PARCELS HERE To corset yon correctly is my profession. Your comfort and health are promoted by wearing i ORSETS (MOT «OU> IN •TORE*) My personal services are free. An appointment, arranged to suit your convenience, places you under no obligation. A postcard or telepl call will bring me to your nc MISS MABELLE WHEELER McHENRY a PHONE 77.M jhone lome. L. 0. SENG cellMic* in lliutri and cigara. same aarvlea, amne aid •tan4, mm every* thlnf except the fy NUMBER,^: la 106 N. 8th Ave. CHICAGO. PARCELS CHECKED FREE G. A. SATTEM DISTRICT MANAGER rr~ MUTUAL Lira INSURANCE 09. OF NEW YORK WEST N'HENRY, 01. Telepfcene Ne. W-W ARE YOU INTERESTED? DR. F. J. AICHER . DENTIST Office in Schumacher Building i Centerville McHenry, Illinois Telephone No. 18 Telephone No. 58-R SIMON STOFFEfc ;; Insurance agent for all classes of property in the best companies. WE£T McHENRY. ILLINOIS stranger, not an Abbott, will in die near future have the deed. •1 T Don't Be Deceived '^The .Difference!1 ̂ #1 Q _... . _ ._ .. J jy: UALITY counts in drugs, and quality counts in all drug store goods. Best quality at lowest cost is a rare combination and is worth consideration. We can offer you such inducements. If you pay higher prices than we ask, youjpay too much---if you pay less than we ask, you are apt to get inferior quality. Don't be deceived by price induce­ ments alone--but compare quality of goods. We ask for your drug trade on the basis, of best quality and superior service and guarantee pices to always be as reasonable as can be had elsewhere.^ x LET US Bf N. H. PETESCH DRUGGIST McHENRY CHRISTMAS ^ is not four weeks away A - -2. , . That iilsi^ift question, "what to give," mutft torn rniarwMnsd.̂ There's a strong suggestion in , Ele<ftric Coffee Percolator BtAric >, DWc Stove 'ik-i-i Their design is always artistic, their finish beautiful. They gratify the eye and adorn the dining room. They perform their functions magically and interest­ ingly. They're always acceptable as presents. Many other articles suitable at our Display Rooms EMkfte Chafing Diab~ v Attra<ftive Prices Public Service Company OI NORTHERN ILLINOIS ...CHRISTMAS... •mm and Holiday Goods This made. the most important announcement weVe ever We Jiave assembled the most attractive line of Hol­ iday Goods and Xmas Gifts ever shown in town. Most important of all, we can save youmtaiey. This i* > fi-h An Invitation To You lo come in and tee us prove this statement! Ifs a real pleasure to look over our array oL 1 ^ 1 \j.'t Toys, Dolls and Playthings like the ones we nave gathered for you in our. spacious new store. Never before have we had the opportunity of show­ ing such a grand display. We know what the people of this community want and need. This buying was done with unusal care so as to meet this requirement in the fullest possible measure. We believe we have succeeded. Won*! you call and look over the line? V •Vast' ij 'I ̂ •• A"-' " ' " % -"1 -i-i;**-•.'it-vf-J'i "V •Phone 721-W-l V'.V "i

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