Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 11 Dec 1913, p. 5

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r'.v v-/'» ,«*A "'•-/ v" iNUrtHiW ^ fc4»* $!<•»" »£W 1 ^ -•- --• OTHEimt fLAINbEALfift, afe fr' K' I-,.' pT &V-. L -• • .n ifvTr? •; *' Kh^-v N y..\ ^•;;f ; Make .lt'an:r-s^^Ku.^s^^'i ... *->'"?*?- ~' v- -.' > ' '• 1 ". > ' . .» ' < , * .• ',%•! *£• i: "kfS s.'*sf-fr ,N, \ • +*}•,••>$'• „rv ;„. V;V^-< /-..i-- f i ,\y ?;V f'V ^sJps S&i -to; '.yv, ^ f , '< ;^'v •;:- i *• & - -; ? ; :»1 „'T/^ •1 A*'.-. »-' >i -VVrffc-.vt/fc lisy •* ir f" ;••* - ' 'i-1 -A :"&K •Electrical Christmas ••'v '"*.»••»-! A ' fend the giver sriM recd¥6r will be equally gratified^/ Electrical Appliancesin theif^nrti&lc beraff and their sturdy utility and efficiency exhibit the skill; the tarfte of a dozen master crafts. v. Y&": '^••••' *MP' ̂ .^r- • . .̂ 14./ ^ ' -> " '. V '^'" r^St :';^- There's a great r̂iety of then-portaldfe lamps and domes; cooking utensils, arti* ¥~f . ' ' . * ' • • • • . cles for comfort and for the toilet table and for convenience, machines that as- • v*'"- -h\ nme the heaviest household tabcM*, and everything at attractive prices at cmit I# '-./%•.. . . v >:?••• :r,: y iUl goods drfivel̂ d in handsottti piickages / ' . . . Public Service Company OF NORTHERN ILLINOIS -4f •-> >s .'•••, . v- f'-̂ '•? * -> ? i^"'.' Possibilities of %' Wood Conrftnxft&k carefully considered make it preferable to any other kind of material for home building. No one knows Car ahead what changes may be desired in a house, but with frame construc­ tion additions sod alterations can be easily made and even the whole house moved at small ex-' pense if desired. There are many other advantages, too, pos­ sessed by wood. Come in and lc$b ttUt them over* •*:•"•. . iM WILBUR LUMBER CO. WEST N'RENKY :: nQNES EXPERHENTS IN BUILDING HONES of untried materials are all right for the fellow who can stand dis­ appointment, but conservative people can't afford to take chances. In using lumber the ^element of risk, is reduced to the minimum in that it has stood the test of time. All about you there's plenty of evidence as to its durability for there are frame homes all over this town that have outlasted generations and are still in good condition. The bugbear of rot, so loudly pro­ claimed by manufacturers of sub­ stitutes, needs no further con­ tradiction than these frame houses that have been in use for so many years. Go look at them and then get your pencil out and ftgure the colst of a frame house as compared witbother material. If you want help on the lumber end of it, ask_us. . . •« -•%»< . saves nine < -t'3 % X>;'sA P> 'A STITCH IN TIME nine" says the proverb, which being adapted to our business means buy your groceries now for both pres­ ent and future needs. Our present offwrinjt of groceries is so much under price that it is very doubtful if you can duplicate it. Be wise therefore and buy now. . You have much to gain and nothing to loae by accepting our sug­ gestion. Math. La u res 'Phote • V:vV Wett MCHmut There's No Place Like Home WILBUR LUMBER CO West McHenry - 'Phone 5 Masquelet's t East< First-class Drugs, ^efisonable Prices, î *ompt Service IKE nrinERU jumnw ruRNisi- ED YOUR fflYSCUN, JUX BOORS MY 01 ma McHENRY, ILL. NEIGHBORING NE WS AS CHRONICLED BY OUR ABLE CORPS OF CORRESPONDENTS jfOTDEBRECHT /i' ' V,- . " ^ . i:-f< .IT-- •••i'.f.. QUALITY SERVICE RIGHT PRICES :: ; ,Johiisburgh, III. J ^ * one 425-M-2 ; «df- to¥t^hwffi;;%ierx^ost: o# livfnfir fe tdi^Sach in to be happy with valuable and useful Ipticles on Christmas, as follows: Shoes, Books, '«y r~.-%r 3fii Slate and Pencil, I Clothing,. ^ •filovesf' M$'W Etc. SS|Sp|^; ^i.-ri'yMid a lew wholesome Candies % V ?*^,j r$x %• f-t ; • : « « * - ; v . s , /. I ; - . Ti-b KIlHiKFIKLU. Mrs. A. Jabobs waited relatives at Richmond recently. T. Bonnickson was a Woodstock bus­ iness caller Monday. Mrs. S. A. Merchant was a Wood- sto.k caller Mond^r. Peter Eionnickson was a Crystal Lake caller Saturday evening. Mrs. R. Harrison was a Car? passen­ ger Wednesday afternoon. Nels Peterson celebrated his birth­ day in Elgin Jast Tuesday. Mr. isd Mrs. A. Purvey were Elgin callers last week Tuesday. Mrs. A. Hansen was a Cary visitor the latter part of the week. H. N. Cooper and A. Wills Were Woodstock callers Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. J. Micklesoa wire Crystal Lake visitors Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. «A. Purvey drove to Woodstock Tuesday afternoon. Wm. Weiland and R. Lynch drove to Crystal Lajfe Friday evening. Mrs. B. Thrnon of Woodstock visited with Mrs. J. G. Hartman Monday. Mrs. Hans Nelson and Mrs. !1. Wille were Crystal Lake callers Wednesday. N. E. Whetstone and Miss Glenys Jacobs were at Woodstock on business Friday. Mrs. A. 'Meade of Belvidere was a visitor at the home of her brother, A. Jacobs. Mrs. L. Bennett *nd son, James, were Woodstock visitors Friday and Saturday. , Mrs. A. Jacobs and Mrs. E. F. An­ derson and children were at Crystal Lake Monday. Mrs. E. E. Knilans spent Wednesday with her daughter, Mta. C. Ormsby, at Crystal Lake. The Ladies' Cemetery association will meet with Mrs. E. B.Smith Thurs­ day afternoon, Dec. 18. Mrs. A. Saaby and son, Lester, of Crystal Lake were visitors at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Mickleson. J. H. Slater, Mrs. R. Harrison, Miss Cora Lock wood and Crystal Conerty were Woodstock callers Saturday. Mrs. Rushton and son, W. Rushton, knd M iss Inga Ericson of Crystal Lake spent Sunday with Ivor Ericson and family. v The Ladies' Aid society chicken pie supper and bazaar. Remember the date. This Friday evening, Deo. 12. Everybody come. Roy Cowlin, Mr. and Mrs. 12. Herd- klotz and Miss Margaret Hallisy of Woodstock were Sunday visitors of Mr. and Mrs. A. Purvey. , BINOWOO* - Warren Foss and daughter were in Chicago Tuesday buying goods. Mre. Emma Matthews went to Elgin last Saturday for a few days' visit. Mrs. Callie Rainey spent Tuesday with her mother and sister in Mc­ Henry. Mrs. Meredith o'f Genoa Junction was in town Tuesday, selling hand painted china. George Harrison and wife and J. C. Ladd attended the stock show Wednes­ day of last week. Mesdames Lillian Cooway and Rilla Foss were Woodstock visitors Thurs­ day of last week. Mrs. Mabel Beck- entertained the members of the Ladies' club and their husbands last Wednesday evening. The W. C. T. U. will meet Saturday of this week with Mrs. Mary Green. The county president will be present. Tea will be served. MiBs Lucy Hall of Chicago) spent Tuesday and Wednesday of last week with Ringwood relatives. She went to Woodstock Thursday. Mrs. Libbie Ladd, Mrs. Carrie Smith and Miss Agnes Bigelow went to Chi­ cago last Thursday to see the land show and other sights. H. W. Allen and wife went to Chi­ cago last Thursday to visit friends. Mr. Allen returned Monday morning, Mrs, Allen Tuesday evening. Mrs. Cynthia Fryer and daughter of Doland, S. D., together with William Whiting and wife of West McHenry, visited Freeman Whiting Tuesday and called a few minutos in town. Lake tKKKA GOTTA. W. H. Grant was a Crystal ealler Saturday. Miss Florence Knox was a Woodstock visitor Saturday. Willie Conway spent SJrnday with his sisters in Elgin. GeoJP. Bay of Chicago was a»recent guest of relatives here R. J. Wingate of Crystal Lake called in this vicinity Tuesday. M. Knox attended the liv« stock show in Chicago last Thursday. Mrs. A. L. Jackson was a Crystal Lake caller Thursday evening. Mr. and Mrs. A. L. Jackson spent Sunday at Huntley and Gilberts. Mrs. Stacia Knox visited her sister, Mrs. Knox, last Tuesday and Wednes­ day. Miss Leone Perkiasc Of McHenry vis­ ited at the G-. W. Ames home Satur­ day and Sunday. Mrs. Phil Huffman and daughter, Phyllis, and Miss Anna Buss were call­ ing on friends here Thursday after­ noon. VOL* Alvin Hanson waaa Lake Villa caller Friday, v Ray Paddock was a Round Lake caller Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. Thos; Fisher were in Wauconda Tuesday. Frank Hironimus transacted business in Waukegan Thursday. Mrs. Chas. Parker aad daughter were Waukegan visitors the first* of the week. Mrs. Ben Martin and Vivian spent Thursday afternoon with Mrs. Ray Paddock. 40HX8BCKGH. U Father Berthold extends his hearty thanks to the good soul who pioked up and returned his lost tire. Sister Elma is drilling our splendid company of altar boys for the Christ­ mas inass. Boys, get your white col­ lars and* gloves ready. Santa Claus will reward you. The Johns burg merchants have a splendid display of Christmas presents at their stores. No wonder they are busy, up to date more than ever. Look them over early. Jos. M. Schaefer is the proud anS smiling papa of a new daughter, who was baptized in St. John's church last Saturday at 2:15. Jac Schaefer and Catherine Mueller were the sponsors. The Catholic Order of Foresters' Court, No. 96, will hold their next meeting on Sunday evening,' Dec. 14, at 8:00 o'clock.v All members are re­ quested to be present, as election of of­ ficers will take place. Wiennewurst, bumpernickle und a glass of j>eer after the meeting. Seats will be re*rented in St. John's church Suuday, Dec. 28, for 1914. All thos^s who have paid up may retain their seats provided they reserve them on or before the last Sunday in De­ cember. As far as possible every grown up person in ihe parish should have a sitting. Subletting of seats is strictly forbidden. The children are preparing a Christ­ mas play that will take the house. Hie sisters expect to surprise the con­ gregation with a splendid show. Only a few more weeks and Santa Claus will make his bow on the stage. Tickets selling now. Secure a good seat early. Reserved- seats will be numbered and sold in advance, yot at the door. Our natives were treated to some fancy horseback riding here on Tues­ day afternoon of this week. Rev. Edw. Berthold was out exercising his horse and while in the act of making a short turn around the hitching posts the an­ imal fell, letting its rider down to the dusty earth in a most undignified man­ ner. Outside of raising a bit of dust no damage was done. The roll of honor in the upper grades of district school No. 12, of which Sis­ ter Adelaide is superior, is as follows: Eighth grade--first, Teresa Mertes; second, Dorothea Schumacher. Sev­ enth grade--first, Joseph Young; sec­ ond, Teresa Huem&nn. Sixth grade- first, Frances Freund; second, Bernard N. Schmitt. Fifth grade--first, John Thelen; second, Catherine Oeflling. Father Borman of the Sacred Heart order made an earnest appeal to the people of Johnsburg at both masses last Monday in behalf of his parish in South Dakota, where the crops havei been a complete failure the laist four years. He pictured the despair of the settlers in such hard times and could not help but arouse the parishioners to open their purses in sympathy for him. The visiting father collected $58.35 in Johnsburg, putting the collection of McHenry and Father Bang-en's of Aurora much in the shade. Father Borman extends his hearty "Yergelt's Gott" to Johnsburg. Next Sunday he will address the people of St. Joseph's church in Aurora and then hurry west in a happy mood. OBTKOTk. Mrs. Nellie Dimon and two little daughters returned to their home in Dakota last week. Joe McCannon, wife and little son visited with Bert McCannon and fam­ ily at Ringwood Sunday. Mrs. Maud Howe and sister, Miss Edith Wright, were calling on Solon friends Thursday of last week. Ed. Wall is shipped a car load of hogs to Tuesday, selling' the remainder of 160 at Woodstock. Warren Francisco has his auto house near completion. He hopes to have it completed by time winter weather sets in. Mnfc Sadie McCannon and Mrs. Eva Eppel attended a meeting of the Daugh­ ters of the Kfng at Greenwood Satur­ day last. Miss Corla Francisco of Wauconcla has been the guest of her cousin, Roy Hobart, at West McHenry the paat several days. Earl Sherman, wife and children ate Sunday dinner with Mrs. Sherman's uncle and aunt, Warren and Miss Am- mie Francisoo. " Henry Hobart has purchased Ave more head of young Holstein heifers. He is not patronizing any factory and has sold all his cows but five. On account of the inclement weather there was no one out for Sunday school Sunday morning. All interested please remember and be there next Sunday at 10^0. The social at the home of Mrs. Delia Hobart last Thursday was well attend­ ed. One member, Mrs. J. Clark, was away from home. Aside from her, all other members but four were pres­ ent. The next meeting will be with Mrs. L. F. Howe Thursday, Dec. 18, for dinner. W. A. Constant, who a lew years ago purchased a small farm of Abbott brothers, joining T. A. Abbott's on the west, will have an auction Dec. 9 to sell his personal property. We under­ stand he has sold his farm to the Wood­ stock Abstract company. This same company, we have been informed, has sold the v farm known as the Julius Thomas farm, togeter with a strip off the S^ E. Clark farm. We have not learned the name of the purchaser. The regular monthly meeting of the Knights of Columbus takes place at Stoffel's hall next (Thursday) evening V ' l 1 FOR EVERY STOCKING ^ ; 5 s *¥-- Prospective gift givers will appreciate the low prices and complete v • 3 stock of Holiday Goods at our store GIFTS FUR TIE LADIES Books, „ Mirrors, •„ Perfumes, Toilet Sets, Fine Box Stationery, Sterling Novelties* Jewel Boxes, vj Manicure Sets, 4 ' ,; Conf^tionery GIFTS F# TIE CHILDREN Games and Toys, Mechanical Toys, Iron Toys, Banks GIFTS FOR HE* Bill-Books and Purses*- Fountain Pens, Military Brushes, i $having Sets, Smoking j " " . Books, ' Cigars,;" - Safety Raz6ti£ •m Obine in &¥ra early. 6ver our stock and settle your gift Our low prices will help you to decide N. H. DRUGGIST, McHENRY, ILLINOIS. Yourself As an Xmas Gift As an Xmas gift nothing equals the personal charm of a well made, well mounted photograph of yourself. Our work speaks for itself* :: Open for sittings on Sunday, Monday, Tuesday and Wed­ nesday. We sell picture frames and make them to , ;«rd«r. :: :: :: SCHNABEL'S PHOTO STUDIO McHENKY, ILL. tt it 'PHONEUMM r Make Iftis Your Christmas Store We wish tp remind one' and all that this sftore is ready to care for your Christmas wants so far as Groceries, Fruits, Candies and Nuts are concerned. We want all to feel that you are welcome to make this place your holiday headquarters. Come in and see the elegant line that we have put in for the holidays. M. M. Niesen The choicest line of Xmas may be found at C. Unti's. ^ • : ' ' •' • . -j i . Jl' ' V;V candies H ...CHRISTMAS..* .yi;a ?) y r'Sfi*:-and Hobday Goods Tlris is the, nfefc important announcement we*v€^evcr made.' We have assembled the most attractive line of Hol­ iday Goods and Xmas Gifts fever shown in town. Most important of all, we can save you money. This is ^ An .. Invitation To You ' • , 4, 7 • to cofrie. in and see us proVe this * statettteflif ifi a real pleasure to look over our. array of - ^ Toys, Dolls and Playthings J like the ones we nave gathered for, you in our spacious new store. Never before have we had the opportunity of show­ ing such a grand display. We know what the people of this community want and need. This buying was done with unusal care so as to meet this requirement in the fullest possible measure. We believe we have succeeded, Won't you call and look over the line? * - , - ^ . s">. •k a 'Phone 721-W-l JOHNSBURGH, "THE MONROE" BUFFET DUGlNER & SPANIER, Prop*. 4* South Fifth Ave., Chicago Cor. Monroe. Phone Franklin 3754 CHECK YOUR PARCELS HERE Telephone No. 58-R x SIMON STOFFEL Insurance agent for all classes of property in the best companies^ WEST McHENRY, ILLINOIS G. JL SATTEM DISTRICT MANAGER MUTUAL LIFE INSURANCE CO. or NEW YORK N*. Iiahw >. YO-W WEST M'HENRY, ILL ABE YOU INTERESTE0T Meersehaum and French brier pi pet for Christmas at Barbian Bros. Prices on these pipes are marked very low. 2t sepps Bell * ft cpf" ° • System Nf USING the telephone, Ac lip movement is not visible and the ear must take the entiic burden, which is lightened if the son talking speaks directly into mouthpiece^ clearly and distinctly at moderate speed. In a face to conversation, the person adfhfessed*1 whether consciously or unpopsCiously, gets part of the idea from the motions of the lips as well as from the sound vibrations, that • strike. the ear* Chicago Telephone Compttn^r ̂ , % , H. Con rath, District Manager, ;i\ T", Telephone 9903 • '-M vJipr'A*; fiJ iti 'IK,

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