Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 1 Jan 1914, p. 8

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. Jpsf i C " ' _ * EWKfeWi: •• • "i. '-;f> ^V4,i < Brown, Blue anci Gray ihi jstosri *: > ;;V BLUE AND FANCY SERGE, h 4 FANCY BROWN AND GRAY Wx " "§f K>^V Suits Line of fancy Mackinaw Norfolk Goats Jos. W. Freund i) •-K ' r • S0f - Adlfe" wm »;•. •••• •i*S >V- v '"'"k v We wish you all a happy and pros- 'Perous New Year Yours truly, M. J. Walsh a m • r-" r0UR WEEKLY LIMERICK i PMaMMwiwimrMaffriiii nr mmwi iniiwiwiimi •----•J it's here--not very aucieuty nor yet very tali, But, we hope, with prosperity for one an$ all. May gopd luck be with Vou, And this little ad give you A hint that we would like you to give us a call.' We will be right here during 1914 with^an up-to-date &ock of reliable Hardware and will appreciate your continued patronage as we have the favors accorded in the past. :: J. VYCITAL Q:: tings M |A BRIGHT NEW YEAR with Health ria&d Happiness to all. Those of our •friends who have used :Namel ineasy that they save labor and make the brighter all the year through. Sold >k>rs by the agent cAllister Store 9 \ •"-AiL... - i . ""I MMst 1 * • ™ m BY ONE POINT NeHSItftY DEfRS DEFEAT FAST LAKE • .i CENEVA BASKET BALLTEAM Deem, the McHenry town ba!*- ket ball team, played their first home game of the season at ^he village hall on Friday evening of last week and, after one of the fastest and most ex­ citing struggles ever witnessed here, came out of the fray one point to the good. Their opponents on thiy>ccasion was the Lake Geneva Y.' M. C. A. team, one of the fastest teams in this section. It was evident rigrht from the begin­ ning that the game would be a fast one and those who turned out to watch the evening's entertainment were well re­ paid for so doing. At the close of t>he first half the locals led their guests by two points, while the game closed with the score standing 17 for us and 10 for the visit­ ors. Some game. Wrede and Hunter were the point makers for the locals. The former succeeded in making two baskets and three free throws for a total of seven points, while the latter had three bas­ kets to his credit, which netted his side six points. For the visitors Lowrie was easily the star, he making half of Lake (fpn^ eva's points, getting three baskets and two free throws for a total of eight points'. The McHenry boys go to Lake (Gen­ eva for a return game on Tuesday evening of next' week. On Saturday evening, January 10, they will meet the Elgin Athletics at the village hall here. The line-up and score of last Friday, night's game are as follows: Lake Geneva--16 McHenry--1 Brigger C Wred Lowrie R F Tluntei Bontelle L F I'ajjfe Atkinson R G lvr/jx Giese * L G ( apt, M Radke • Sub Baskets--Hunter, 3; Wrede, 2 JPage, 1; Knox, 1; Lowrie, 3; Brigger, !f; Bon­ telle, 2. Free throws- Wrede, 3; Lowjrie, 2. Fouls--McHenry, 3; Lake Geneva) 5. Referee, Johnson. Umpire/Thorn as ORDINANCE An ordinance amending <*u^ordinance granting to the Chica^Jf Telephone company certain rightsmwithin the Village of McHenry Be it ordained A) '.-JKMPresident and Board of Trust^><^^,he Village of McHenry, McB^m> County, 111. Section 1. s/That Section 3 of an or­ dinance prfssed on- the 4th day of De­ cember, ^r[905, and approved by the Presity^ot of said Village on the f»th day of? December, 1905, graating cer- tajj® eights to the Chicago Telephone ompany, be and the same is hereby amended by striking out the words "slate" and inserting in lieu thereof the words "an uniform," so that said Section shall read as follows: "Section 3. All poles erected here­ under shall be smooth, well-shaped poles and shall be painted an uniform color." Section 2. That Section 4 of the same ordinance, be and the same is hereby amended by inserting after the words '^maintained by said Village" the words "one telephone in the Vil­ lage Hall, pnd two telephones, one in each of the residences of the Village Marshals," so that said Section will read as follows: "Section 2. In consideration where­ of the said Chicago Telephone com­ pany, its successors and assigns, shall furnish said Village one telephone with local exchange service free of charge in each and every lire engine house maintained by said Village and one telephone in the Village Hall tind two telephones, one in each of the res­ idences of the Village Marshals so long as said Company operates its ex­ change hereunder in said Village of McHenry, the usual contract for each telephone shall be previously signed for the Village by the President." Section 3. This ordinance shall be in force from and after its passage and the filing in the office of the Village £lerk of a written and unconditional acceptance of its previsions by said Chicago Telephone company. Passed this 2t>th day of December, 1M3. Approved Dec. 2t>, 1913. SIMON SJOFFEL, President. WM. G. SCHRKINKH, Village Clerk. IN MENORIAM Whereas, That God tn ffis inlinate wisdom has seen tit to remove from our midst our sister neighbor, Mar­ garet Schreiner, Neighbor Schreiner having been a charter member of Riverview Camp, No. 6818, Royal Neighbors of America; therefore be it Resolved, That we extend to the bereaved mother and Jamily our con­ solation and sympathy, and be it further Resolved, That the usual period of mourning be observed by the 'camp and thsfct a copy of these resolutions be sent to ihe sorrowing mother and fam­ ily, alsolto the local paper, and that they be spread on our minutes in mem­ ory of our esteemed Neighbor. "Death Is the quiet hav^n of alt." JENNIE GIDDINGS, I ELIZABETH SCHNEIDER, SCom. KATHHRINA MEYERS, J » DAIRY HAN WANTED Wanted, good dairy man on 300 acre farm in Monroe county, Wis. Cream­ ery, village and big C. & N. W. Ry. on farm, or trill sell farm on easy terras at 5 per cent interest. 320 acres of fine pasture one mile from the 300 acre farm, which renter may also use. Or will sell the 320 acres on easy terms. All fine land; both farms have live water. Not a hill or stone. Plenty of wood for family and fine well water. Churches and village school close. Address, P. H. SCHENNING, Silverlake, Wis- j!R for everything electrieal. wiring, reasonable priees. ADDITIONAL F|RS©?«Ay? vE. L. BehIke transacted businesi in Mgin Monday. - ,Mrs. T. J. Walsh w&s a metropolitan City visitor Monday. AK(j|d Pause was, „ home from the county teat/Sunday, y N. A. Huemann #as a business vis­ itor in Chicago Tuesday. Henry B. Dowe of'Stacyvill^ l*^ is visiting his wife and son 'here. Edwin Mead of Chicago is spending the holidays with Walter Fay. Wm. Simes was a business visitor in the windy city last Saturday. J. W. Fay of Chicago spent the week end with his wife and family here. W. F Holtz passed Tuesday and "Wednesday in the metropolitan city. Mrs. Augusta Wolff and Elvera Hei- mer ,were Elgin visitors last Saturday. Mrs, F. A. Bohlander was among the Chicago passengers Tuesday tnorn- ing. Mr. and Mrs. Eb Gaylord were guests of relatives at the county seat Tues­ day. Miss Kathryn McLaughlin was a Batavia, 111., visitor the first of the ek. flichard Wray of Perry, la., passed Sunfcay as the guest of McHenry fi ird Garner of Chicago passed ChrisiKnas day as the guest of McHen- fnjpds. Cigu\er Petesch spent the first of the meek as the guest of Chicago rela­ tive and friends. Everett Hunter attended to matters of a business nature in the metropoli­ tan city Tuesday. Dr. C. II. Fegers was a professional isitor in the metropolitan city on Sat­ urday of last week. Miss Florence Granger attended a dancing party at Hebron on Friday evening of last week. 1. A. Hungerford attended to busi­ ness matters in the metropolitan city the tirst of the week. Miss Mabel Granger passed Sunday as the guest of Mr. and Mrs. A. Ken­ neth Burns in Chicago. Will Niesen of'Kenosha, Wis., has been a guest in the home of his parents, Mr. and Mrs. John Niesen. Mrs. Wm. Nogle of Woodstock was entertained in the home of Mr. and Mrs. C. E. Gaylord Monday. Robert Murphy of Belvidere was shaking hands with McHenry friends the latter part of last week. George Chestnut of Marengo was a Christmas day guest in the home of Mr. and Mrs. George Meyers. Arthur Fitzpatrick of Chicago was a guest in the home of Mr. and Mrs. Ben Stilling a few days last week. Andrew Hettinger passed the latter part of last week as the guest of rela­ tives in the metropolitan city. J. Neadingof Yorkyille, 111., is spend­ ing the week as a guest in the home of Mr. and \\rs. E. L. Behlke. Misses Alice Waite and Minnie Knox attended the funeral of L. H. Beach at North Crystal Lake on Monday. W. T. Waite of LaPorte, Ind., was a guest in the home of his brother, Rol- lin Waite, on Friday of last week. Mrs. R. Wheeler of Chicago spent Christmas day as a guest in the home of Mr. and Mrs. George Meyers, Sr. George Delow of Chicago has been spending the holidays as a guest in the home of Mr. and Mrs. II. C. Hettinger. Lawrence Huck, who has been work­ ing in Chicago during the past tlm months, has returned to his honir- here. Mr. and Mrs. John Thurlwell of Rock ford were Saturday and Sunday guests in the homes of his brothers here. Mrs. J. J. Vasey and son, Harry, of Oak Park were guests in the home of Roll in Waite and family Saturday and Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. John Heimer and son, Leo, passed Christmas day as guests in the home of Mr. and Mrs. George E. Steilen in Chicago. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Zuelsdbrf and children spent the latter part of last and the fore part of this week as guests of relatives at Palatine. Mr. and Mrs. W. R. Marshall and children of Morton Grove, 111., are guests in the home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. George Meyers. Karl Gorman of Lansing, Mich., passed the latter part of last and the fore part of this week as the guest of his mother at the Park hotel. Gilbert McOmber of BloomingU passed the latter part of last week u a guest in the home of his parent Mr. and Mrs. F. L. McOmber. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Thurlwell aii >J little child of Chicago passed the lattrr part of last week as guests in th. homes of the former's brothers here. Mr. and Mrs. J. E. Waite of Lakt Geneva, Wis., passed a few days this week as guests in the home of tL« former's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Rollin Waite. Mr. and Mrs. Henry Gaylord of Em- mettsburg, la., arrived) here Monday for a few days' visit in the home of the former's brother, C. E. Gaylord, and family. Mr. and Mrs. R. D. McLaughlin and Mr. and Mrs. J. T. McLaughlin of Ringwood passed Christmas day as guests in the home of Mrs. Mary Mc­ Laughlin. Mr. and Mrs. George Chamberlain of Milwaukee, Wis., are here for a month's visit with relatives. Mr. Chamberlain is the young man wl\p figured in a railroad accident at Waukegan some time ago and his many friends here will be pleased to know that he is again able to be around. Those from a distance who attended the funeral of Nicholas Martin here last week were as follows: Mr. and Mrs. John Slim pin of Elgin; Mrs. R. Hammond, Mrs, E. Dittert, Mrs. John Angsten, Mrs. Henry Heppler and $on, Albert, Mr. and Mrs. John J. Martin, John Coleman, Hubert Hoffman and Michael Walsh, all of Chicago; Mrs. f i Happy New Year Phone 79-J McHenry Happy New Year IF F. A. B< 'Phone 58-J DHLANDER West McHenry \ A Hapoy New mine THE LEW Turn over a new leaf-- begin the new year right. That long delayed sitting for a portrait. Your chil­ dren want it, your par­ ents want it, you owe it to them. So come in to­ day, while the year is young and the thought fresh in your mind. Studio open Sunday, Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday. Artistic frames and enlarge­ ments. SCHNABEL'S PHOTO STUDIO McHENRY. ILL. :: :: 'PHONE 61-R CENTERVILLE AND GROCERY The choicest line of Meats and Groceries to be found in McHenry J.W.Aebischer (Slunieukiua' J U C, ifYa'itJ McHENRY. ILL. t-i 'PHONE 80-M (9dxit4*irM*lK- « »nc« In Ii4u*ra cigars. Mm* ... 'ic«. Mm* *14 Mm* •»*rv- . lL.:.lg *X«*?t th* st NUMBER la 104 N. 0th An. CHICAGO. PARCELS CHECKED FREE Chicago & North-Western. Effective Nov. 16. 19U. WBBK DAT TRAINS. Leave Arrive Chicago. NOBTHBOCND McHenry 7.(10 am Via Elarln 10.11 tt w 8 +5 am Via L)es Plalues 10.11 a ru 12.15 p DI Via Elaln £ .12 p iu 12.45 p in Via l)es Plalues S.32 p ui 3.40 pm Via Des PI nines 4.58 pm X 15pm Via Klgln 0.21pm 4.45 pm Via Dm Flaliitta 6.21pm 8UNDAT TRAINS. 7.10a.m... Via Elgin 10.10am 8.45 a m V ia Des PI nines 10.10 am 2.05 p m Via Elgin 6.00 p m WBHI DAT THAI MB Leave Arrive McHenry. BOOTHBOUND Chicago 7.10am Via Des Plalnes 9.18am 7.10 am Via Elgin 10.10am 3.10 am Via Des Plalues 9.40 am 4.58 p m Via Des Plalnes 6.50 pm SDNDAT THAINB. 7.10 a m Via Des Plalnes It.35 a m '7.10am VluElitin 10.10 am 5.00 pn...' Via I>«k Plalnes (1.30 p in 5.00 pjpi Via Elgin 7.25 p iu P. Colqy, Geo. Scheck of Belvidere and Mrs! Joe Martin of Dunning, 111. J. L. McLaughlin and J. E. Doherty of Sandwich, 111., passed Christmas day as guests of the former's mother, Mrs. Mary McLaughlin. UNITED STATES DEPOSITORY r-APiTAi STOCK, $2F>,000. Building a fortune gener­ ally Commences with a start at saving. The fab- llous fortunes of the pres­ ent day were all started vith earb' savings. You have the same chance to become rich if you save steadily and invest wisely. The We& McHenry Savings Bank will care for your savings and pay you in­ terest as an encouragement. Do you know of any reason why you shouldn't commence? ....SAFETY DEPOSIT BOXES, $3.00 PER HAIL.. OFFICERS: EDWIN L. WAGNER. DR. C. H. FEGERS, Pi**. Vic* Pre*. CARL W . STENGER, C«ahl*r. 8IMON 8T0FFEL. Vie* Pr*e. Shoes 101 oil);; [I Groceries W. McHenry Phone 59-J & Yarns ^axon^' fctc* skein Spanish worsted, per skein . Knitting, Flishers, per skein . 5c 15c 25c IJ | hho n <5 Good colors and widths, per yard 10c Wider widths, per yard 15 to I8c Underwear W°men's and Children's 25c to 50c grade, clearing price .,. 19c, 25c, 35c Men's fleeced Shirts and drawers 39c Embroideries with insertions to match, per yard 5c Footwear Savings Men's, Women's and Children's Arties and Rubbers at REDUCED PRICES 4 -TO MY I TAKE this opportunity in extend­ing my thanks in appreciation of your patronge during the year of 1913 and sincerely trust that the coming year will be a happy and prosperous one for all. I shall endeaver to make this store a profitable trading center for you and sincerely hope that our pleasant relationship may continue thru the year 1914 Illinois JACOB JUSTEN

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