Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 22 Jan 1914, p. 5

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.'V WHEWftY j^AiroiAT^r iraWA*, 'ftt. ,:^"-i-'; /?' St *~:i ,<**• I; * ^>•^1 i f* >': > •m i /• *'iv.' 'V • 'r* »7V. V,". \" m . . .m Drug Jv '* Mptfl LET US RE DURING 1S14 _ .V: 1f We wisl* to supply your Urugs this year. When yod * want drugs or anything1 that drug sloressell, you can make assurance of securing right- quality ' and- right service, doubly sure ljy coming to auiv store.' • ? H Begin trading • he/l with, the intention of remapping a customer only so long as yott ; ; ' ' - . '•, •Receive courteous ireurraent Get wholly reliable goods- l*% Find what you want, and v m satisfied with the prices • -'f This is a fair proposition. ^ If you are not acquainted with us, ask your nejgjb^-^j^*-;" sfeian • about' us, tk"• N. H. Petesch Drugguft . « „ Phone 56-M J MinmKJlOi lyiMM b NEIGHBORING NEWS AS CHRONICLED BY j | OUR ABtE CORPS OF CORRESPONDENTS porkers, numbering twenty-one, for $3.00 pgr hundred. The average weight was 251 £ pounds. The ladies of the Ostend society please remember, dinner with Mrs. Richardson and Miss Alice Thursday of this week, Jan. 22, r Clifford J. Sherman and wife of Bull Valley have recently taken a new boarder. He arrived December 14 and tipped the scales at exactly eight pounds. . Get Our Figures Before Building and whether you buy here or elsewhere you will know you are buying right. We are sticklers for grades and the care we give our lumber in storing insures' you nice, bright, dry 6tock, easy to work and handle--stock that takes and holds paint. Let us show you* WILBUR LUMBER CO. WEST HUBBY PHONE S EVEN HOMES - BUILT OF RUBBER could: scarcely be more plastic or adaptable to the requirements of increasing families than is wood. Frame houses can be enlarged without injury to their appear­ ance for after a room or two is added on, a new door or wibdow cut here^and there, the whole house can t>e painted and it's as good as new. And pbint is not only a wonderful preserver, but it's the best beautifier known. In a day or two you can change he whole appearance of your frame house, whereas the fellow who builds with* other materials has to keep the same front for­ ever. That's an advantage, isn't it? Build of wood and you've all' the advantage. Come in and we'll show you lumber that looks most good enough to eat. There's No Place Like Home WILBUR LUMBER CO. West McHenry - 'Phone 5 Let Us Show You how to reduce the high cost of living. You can do this by buying your Groceries and Fruits of us. We believe in quick sales and small profits. Will you not give us the opportunity to prove tbife assertion? Masquelet's i East 3id<* Math. Phone 8 Laures West JMcHenry First-elass Drugs, Reasonable Prices, Prompt Service V FREE DIPHTHERIA ANTITON FURNISH- ED YOUR PHYSICIAN, ALL HOURS DAY OR NIGRT McHENRY, ILL. C. Litdd was a Chicago visitor Monday. " "I:- ,, Bert McCannon and wife vM'tad rel­ atives in Alden Monday. ;• . • Mrs. Libbie Ladd had dental work done at McHenry Saturday. < A little daughter was borfc to Mr. and Mrs: Frank Weidrich last Satui> day. » ^ The Ladies' club met with Mrs. Luella Stephenson Wednesday of last week. r .. Miss Edbel Elferof Richmond vis­ ited Mfcs Mary fjfll Thursday of last week. , > • Mrs. Allen attended ^te meeftng of the Socfa^y Wheel in McHenry last Saturday. Mrs: Alma Thomas of McHenry spent Monday afternoon with he# daughter, Mrs. Rainey. Mrs* Libbie Allan spent Wednesday and Thursday of last week with Wood­ stock relatives. Mr. and Mtg \Vlvian Bah of Spring Grove visited their parents, Mr. sind Mrs Ed. Beli, Sunday. There were ten from here attended the meeting of the Eastern Star in McHenr^ M onday evening. . Mrs. Florence Bell yent to Rich­ mond last Thursday, remaining until Saturday evening with relatives, j Mrs4. Abbie Martin, who is in the hospital in Chicago, was given a postal Shower Wednesday, it being her birth- fey. \ The W. C. T. U. will meet with Mrs. Rilla Po8s Saturday of this week. Sub­ ject, Temperanc^sn'd Labor. Leader, Carrie Smith. • Irving Walker and Miss Emma Krohn of this place were married last week Wednesday at the home of the bride's parent^. They went to Elgin for a short visit with relatives, returning Sunday evening. They will reside on the Walker farm west pf towp. All extend congratulations and best wishes fbr a pleasant voyage thru life. J. C. DEBRECHT !* QUALITY SERVICE Phone 625-M-2 ' r; RIGHT PRICES Jofrnsburgh, 111. IM- The cold weather brings with it an appetite for fish, of which Various kinds are always to be had at the &ore of JL C. De- brecht. A special line of nice salted and also spiced herring on hand now; lEKltA COTXA. M. Knox spent Saturday in Chicago. Paul Doberty was a recent caller here. Mrs. Chas. Buck spent a recent day at Williams Bay. Mr. and Mrs. A, I*vJackson spenu, Sunday at H untleyY " John. R. Knox and sister, ' Alice, were callers-here recently. Miss Minnie Knox spent 'Saturday evening at M. A. Conway's. Miss Gertrude Klein spent §unday at the jNish home east of here. Rev. Father Hagen oi McHenry was a caller here Saturday evening. Mr. and Mi's. Wm. Bonslero of Mc­ Henry were callers here Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Peter Doherty of Mc­ Henry were callers here Sunday. Mrs. H. Steinbach an3 daughter, Mildred, spent Tuesday in Chicago. Mrs. E. Rudat of Crysjfcal Lake spent Thursday with Mrs. A\ L. Jackson. Mrs. Jay Dohertj^-spent a few days last week with her sister,^i^rs. Conway. Mrs7 J. Relihan spent Tnui-sday at the home of her brother, J. M. Phalin. Miss Mildred Steinbach spent Satur­ day and Sunday with friends at Cary. Mrs. Prank McMillan spent Thurs­ day afternoon with Mrs. David Powers «t Holcombville. Mrs. J. M. Phalin was a recent guest of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Thos. Powers, at McHenry. • George and Harold Ptjalin have re­ covered from their recent illness and are able to be out'again. , Mrs. M. A. Conway, who has been very sick for the past week, is some­ what better at this writing. Mrs. F. . Martin, who has been.con­ fined to her home by illness, was able to ride out Monday for the first time in several weeks. VOM Miss Zella Huson was a Round L&ke Caller Friday. ' > Mr. and Mrs. "E. FtShef were recent McHenry visitors. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Dillon and daugh­ ter were Chicago visitors Thursday. Mrs. Wm. Huson of Round Lake spent Sunday with her mother here Mrs. Sable and Mrs. Wagner aad children Were McHenry callers Satur­ day. Quit^p* number from here attended die corn show at Lrbertyville the past week. J3en Martin and daughter, spent Thursday at Hay Pad- • • • • (r i P H I U I P - J A E G E R , qgNJiRAL COHMIS6ION MERCHANT ... i s ATTWXrVVM OlVUf TO THX SAUC OP DtcMMl Beef, ilutton, Ho*», Veal, Poultry, Itldss, Etc., Batter aad Egt* This is tihe oldest boose on the street iippHcation _ STORAQB FREE Tags and price Hats famished on Stall i A j, Whol«Ml« KUrM. CHICA6S, ItLCtNOIS. Mrs. Vivian, dock's. C. G. Euson ^Elgin,spent several days recently with his son, Lee, aqd family. Martin Decker .and family of North Chicago were reeent visitors at Chas. Parker's. Mrs. 'A. J. Raymond and Miss Ella Moore speut Wednesday and Thursday at Mrs. L. LusVs in Fremontv Mr. and Mrs. H. Thomas of Wood­ stock, /&fre. Noyes, Miss AnnaiPotter and Bert Potter of Elgin, Walter Gale of New York, Mr. and Mrs. McLaren and Rev. GleneTvn of Oak Park tended the funeral of Mm. Gale here Tuesday. OSTEND. Jessie fefarrison is still in.Chi-Mm. cago. • • R. H. Richardson has sufficiently re­ covered from his recent illness to be able to ride out. W. F. Bassett is seen regularly with his team and wagon, trying) improve the roads with gravel. John Harrer is herfe from Iowa to visit big sister, Mrs. Frank Kaiser, and brother, Joe Harrer. M«s. Abbie Martin is reported to be improving very fast tfnd if impKive- mentV>nLinyes will be home^ftgjdn to* abemt ^'eek. • Henry Hobart :<• •- . • iii' mmmM .3'. > ^ •: vtl' ... UUttOllIA N. E. Whetstone is at Beaverton, Mich., this week. F. S. Morse was a Woodstock busi­ ness caller Saturday. Mrs. T. Bonnichsen was a Woodstock visitor last Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. E. E. Knilans were re­ cent Woodstock visitors. Mrs. H. Wllle and son, Irvin, were at Crystal Lake Saturday. . Mrs. W. Morris spent part of Satur­ day and Sunday at Woodstock. Mrs. I. Ericson and daughter, Anna, were Woodstock callers Saturday. •JR. Lynch and H. Wille were busi­ ness callers at Woodstock Monday. Miss Inga Ericson of Crystal Lkke spent Friday with her parents here. Mrs. J. B. Lynch visited wi*h her daughter, Mrs. L. M. Goddard, Friday. Miss Edna Stephenson was an over Sunday guest of her sister in McHenry. Mr. and Mrs. L. Nelson and Mrs. Wm. French were Crystal Lake shop­ pers Saturday. Prof. Spencer R. Smith of Austin was an over Sunday visitor in the home of J. C. Button. Mrs. Rose Goddard was up from Dundee Thursday and took dinner with Mr. and Mrs. S. A. Merchant. Mrs. E. Schoof and daughter of La­ grange were week end «visitors in the home of MT. and Mrs. F. S. Morse. Mr. and Mrs. A. Saaby and son, Les­ ter, of Crystal Lake spent Sunday aft­ ernoon with Mr. and Mrs. J. Mickle- son. Mrs. L. McLaughlin and Mrs. G. Parker of Cadott, Wis., were guests of of their brother, S. A. Merchant, part of last week^ Wilbur Levey came hon^e from the Woodstock hospital Thursday and his many friends wish to congratulate fyim on his speedy recovery and hope he will improve rapidly and visit his many haunts as before the accident. Last Sunday a farm hand employed by Wm. Pomrenipg and calling him­ self John Adams, left after taking two valuable rings, a watch fob an$ pa#t of a suit of clothes belonging to Mr. Pom- rening. Mr. and Mrs. Pomreninjf were visiting the former's parents at| Hoi- combville at the time. V On Monday night when R. Harri­ son, proprietor of the Economy store, was closing for the night and was lock­ ing up the oil house at the rear of the store, a man stepped up to him and ordered him to hold up his hands. Mr. Harrison had an electric flash light in his hand and turned it on the man's face and at the same time hit him with his other hand. The man wore a black mask which covered his face. Mr. Harrison called a£ a neighbor's and secured help, but it was evident the man was completely scared out. SCHOOL NOTES Crystal Conerty has not been to school for two weeks on account of a bron­ chial attack. The pupils of the upper grades were delighted by a candy treat by their teacher, Miss Gillies. Bernice Harrison has been absent from second grade for some time on account of a severe cold. Addie Hesselgrave has returned to her school work in grade 1 after an absence of two months, during which time she attended school at Antioch. The basket social given by the Ridge- field school in the church parlors Fri­ day evening, Jan. 17, was more than a success. There was a large attend­ ance that greatly enjoyed the pro­ gram. The program was certainly well worthy of praise. The dialogues and comedies were interestingly car­ ried out. The recitations were excep­ tionally good. One pretty feature of the program was drill by twelve small children in costume. The audi­ ence was also treated to a splendid reading by Miss Cora Lockwood, given in her usual engaging style. After thft program the auctioneering of the baskets took place. The school was very fortunate in obtaining the ser­ vices of Mr. Leonard of ^Woodstock, under whose capable abilities and man­ agement the pretty baskets sold rapid­ ly and well. There was the usual array of baskets, from the miniature school hou$e to the peddler's bundle on a stick. People showed great in­ terest in the affair, not only those who attended and bought or brought bas­ kets, but some unable to attend gave financially. This kindly spirit is very greatly appreciated, as the Ridgefield school is practically with ^all its sup­ plies destroyed by fire, and consequent­ ly the expense oj new books was rather large, and the teachers, Miss Sarah Gillies of Woodstock and Miss Sarah Lamphear of Crystal Lake, thought it wise to endeavor to .raise money to de­ fray some of the expense. It will now be possible to do so,K as the sum real­ ized at the social amounted to $72.40. They also intend to buy some furnish­ ings and supplies greatly needed, as school is being held in two rooms of the church parlors under great diffi­ culties, there being no desk, and ^nly recently small blackboards were in­ stalled. The school work with pupils around a liable is rather difficult. The pupils have been doing remarkably well under the circumstances. With a nf Itt' a few rianrn tad AuauILaa wi 1 which to work the teachers feel that the work will progress nicely. MHNSBUBOB. Wm. Althoff and daughters,. Rose and Mary, were Chj^ajjo visitors- last Tuesday. The Pfarrbote tor Johnsburg made its first appearance. The magazine looks neat and attractive and is brim full of fine reading matter. Our rev­ erend pastor deserves great credit for getting up such a fine monthly for the people. Two baby daughters were baptized m St. John's church ^last Sunday at 2 o'clock by Father Berthold and a string of children watched and wit­ nessed the ceremonies. J. C. Debrecht and Jos. King were the happy fathers, Marianna Debrecht, llathias Schu­ macher, Mary Smith and Stephen King were the sponsors. Congratula­ tions. An exceptionally good program of moving'pictu res'was given last Sunday afternoon in St. Johnjg parish hall by Mr. Smith and his operator from Mc­ Henry. The Public Service company made provision for a special capacity of current and the pictures were clear and faultless. The comedies produced were heartily applauded, but the en­ tertainment was a winner on account of the 1000 ft. film of civil war drama, which brought out the soldiers and generals on both sides in some hot skirmishes. Shows like this are worth talking about. Johnsburg must be on the map. Tramps and beggars . know where to find us when they are hard u|>, which seldom happens. Last Sunday a sus­ picious couple turned up and, altho seen here before, cried and put up a great hard luck story. Cursing and drinking were the best habits of the man and the woman. They did not get much. Now we learn that this cele­ brated couple spent a night in the Mc­ Henry jail. A good rule: Never give cash to drunkards. Offer them work, meals abd clothes. That's charity. Cash spoils them. Our reverend pastor came out with some good common sense talk last Sun­ day about dancing after midnight hours and said that this custom is un­ dermining the modesty of our young people who leave the saloon and the dance hall in the early hours of the morn unaccompanied and shamefully neglected and forgotten by their sleep- ing parents. Dancing halls in connec­ tion with' saloons were termed the rankest poison and the worst enemy of the young generation^ It's up to the parents to watch over their ohildren and provide them with healthier, pas­ time. ' On Tuesday evening was the meeting and installation of the Mystic Workers. Worthy Peter Freund acted as deputy and performed his part in a very im­ pressing manner. Officers for the fol lowing year are: Prefect, Joseph J Freund; monitor, Catherine Freund secretary, Wm. Tonyan; banker, Peter Smith; marshal, Helen Diethorn; war­ der, Fred Diethorn; sentinel, George Hetterman; supervisors, Kate Smith Kate Hejjterman, Susie Freund; physi cian, Dr. A. Mueller. After meeting card playing and general entertain ment was indulged in. - Refreshments were served by the committee in rather informal fashion. These meet ings are getting to be quite a social affair and those who miss them cer­ tainly miss a good time, as there is something doing at every meeting All turn out next time, I, and have a good time. P IFOU WOULD HAVE YOUR CHILDREN THRIFTTY, GET THEM STARTER J i*vi N O W Three per cent Interest TO THOSE WHO COMPLETE THE CLUB BANK OF McHENRY *W.-: .#'*>3 Bell W System \ "V*>j .V'j^ M«HENRY'S SOCIETY "I Should Wmrrw" The ^1 Should Worry" club met at the home of Mr. and Mrs. E. F. Mat­ thews last evening for aiew hours enjoyment at that ever popular game of progressive cinch. The pretty home presented a most inviting appearance and the guests were made to feel at home on their arrival. The prizes on this occasion went to W. D. Went- worth, first; E. F. Matthews, booby. At the close of the games refreshments were served. Initiation and Installation St. Clara's Court of Lady Foresters of St. Mary's Catholic church initiated three new members and installed their newly elected officers at their hall on Thursday afternoon of last week. The three new members taken in on this occasion were Mrs. Frank Weingart, Mrs. T. Heimer and Miss Elizabdth Thelen. The installation was in charge of Mrs. M. Anhalt of Court No. 5, Chi-, cago. The initiation and installation was very well attended, the hall being crowded. At the close of the business meeting refreshments were served, after which cards were indulged in. The prizes for cards in the afternoon went to the following ladies: First, Mrs. Jos. W. Freund; second, Mrs. J. H. Miller; third, Mrs. M. M. Niesen. In the evening Mrs. F. Schneider suc- ce^eded in carrying away the first prize, Mrs. Elizabeth Laures, second, and Mrs. Theo. Winkels the third. Those who did not care for cards enjoyed a number of games of dominoes, the suc­ cessful contestants in these games being Mrs. Henry Meyers, first; Mrs. John Heimer, second, and Mrs. George Nell, third. Lunch was served at a late hour, af|er which all departed for their homes, feeling that a most enjoy­ able and profitable afternoon and even­ ing1 had been spent. UNIVERSAUST CHURCH Regular services next Sunday. Sun­ day school at 10 a. m., sermon by Miss Margaret Hess at 11 o'clock. A cor­ dial invitation is given everyone to attend both of these services.. The annual masquerade of the local aerie of Eagles will take place at the Central opera house on the evening of The Germans have a happy way of tid­ ing down the birthdays and anniversary dates of their relatives, friends and ac­ quaintances, and sending some little token each year at the right moment. This is a practice worth adopting in the typical American way, extending congratulations over the telephone. Letters of congratulation lack the warmth of feeling that lies in the spoken word. '. •• < -v.*, - / * - , >4 , 't. ̂ The Long Dtrtance Telephone is cafe %rfeket formal than a letter. It is more considerate and carries tht ^*1 '̂ intimate personal touch so likely to be lost otherwise.. Use l]ae Long HrZty £?• ->• v • jKt: "1 l"'* • "T'lj ~>V * ' •m Chicago Telepnone Company J. H. Con rath, District Manager, ̂ Telephone 9903 * '*% -2 m OFFICIAL PUBLICATION. Report of the condition of the West McHenry State Bank, located at West. McHenry, State of Illinois, before the commencement of business on the 14th day of January, 1914, as made to the Auditor of Public Accounts, for the State of Illinois pursuant to law: MSOUROSS. Loans: Loans on real estate... 901,400.00 Loans on collateral se­ curity. 72,106.58 , Other loans and dis­ counts 71.8M.90 Overdrafts Investments: State, county and mu­ nicipal bonds 6,800.00 Other bonds.. 24.105.00 Miscellaneous resources: Furfllture and fixtures.. Due from baulcs: National Cash on hand: Currency 1S.840.00 Gold coin 1400.00 $805,370.4*4 147.63 8S.MS.00 1,800.00 47.vra.76 DR. F. J. AICHER DENTIST Office it Schumacher Centervllle McHenry, .. Illinois Telephone No. Chicago & North-Wtaterft. Sil ver coin H70.00 Minor coin 105.71! Other cash resources: Checks and other asslt Items Total resources.. LIABIUTIKS. Capital stock paid in . Surplus fund Undivided profits Less current Interest. and expenses Deposits: Time certificates . 83,101.96 Savings, sublect to no­ tice 118.129.42 Demand, subject to check 97,426.09 Demand certificates.... 1,630.00 Miscellaneous liabilities? Dividends unpaid 506.00 Contingent fund SOO.OO Postal savings funds,... 408.26 tlMtt-TB 1,801.3 S30S.019.00 25,000.00 15,000.00 UH.29 S80.277.46 1,414.25 OOa,015.00 Total liabilities. STATE OP ILLINOIS, » County of McHenry, J * I, CARL W. STENGER, Cashier of West McHenry State Bank, do solemnly swear that the above statement is true} to the best of my knowledge and belief. CARL W. STENGER, Cashier. Full line df household rubber goods. , Petesch. SKIBALU PASS. Jag. H ax ton spent Sunday at the Park. * Miss Nancy FrisSy spent a few days in Elgin. Henry Berkircher is spending a few days in Chicago. Miss Eleanor McGee called at Ed Sutton's one day last week. Mr. and Mrs. Edward Sutton and son spent Sunday at Dr. Pegers'. Mrs. Ed Comiskey of Chicago spent a few days at the home of Jas. Hughes. Mrs. John Gibb6 and Mrs. Walsh called at the home of Jqpee Hughes Friday. Mack Sutton left Wednesday morn­ ing for a visit with relatives and friends in Iowa. Mr. and Mrs. J. R. Smith and son| Edward, visited Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Smith Wednesday. We're in business for your health. Pure drugs only are sold. Petoaoh. Leave Ohicago. Effective Nov. 16. M WFLJBK DAT TFL&IHS. NOBTHBOOND I,* Arrive VgHear ..10.11 a n| - 7.10 a. m ..Via Elgin.. 8.45am Via Des Flalnes... .10.10am 7.00 a m u-Via Elgin 8.45am "..Via Des Plainer.......10.11 a•£: 12.15 p m t„ Via Elgin JL38 p itt* 12.45 pm .Via Des l'laines ...liBpu 3.40pnd. Vlb Des Plaines...„*.«4.88patS' 3.15pm Via Elgin...DM/ 4.45 p m....i...Via Des Plalnes..^-.Jt21 p n^ NDAT THAIN8. ^ am • 2.06 p m Via Elgin 6.00 p m v WBSK DAT THAI MS Leave Arrive ^ McHenry. •ODTHBOUI*d Ohlcaco IF 7.10 am Via Des Plaines:....^^18 a m 7.10 am... ...Via Elgin ...aUOaot $.19a m -Via Des Plaliies......^#.4i)ami 4.58pm Via Des Plalues,....„.S.50pm • SUNDAY TRAINS. > 7.10 a m VIu Des Piaiut*y.„......§.35 a m- 7.10 a m 'Via Elgin 1S.10 a m •' 6.00 p m ....Via Des Plalnes........1.30 p m 5.00pm Via Elgin T.25pm r :'i V-CLASSIFIED DEPARTMEHT All adTt'rtlsemeiitii lns«rt«<l under tills iie«l *t tin.- • followingratec: >'ivellnei or 10M, tt cenVc for tLnt Uuertion, 15 cont» for each subsenueat ia»orUtm. ^'T-More than Ore line*, 5 eento a line for dnt lm--rtiom, • and S o«nU a line tor a'ldittonl tnaartloiia. .. . v. kf V- * *4? . also some j.yjim: household furniture, such as beds, etc. T7*OK SALK--Hard coal stove •E household furniture, such Miss MACDB CDRR, McHenry. III. 31-tf TJ^OHSALE--A number of Duroc boar pigs. " Weight about 150 pounds. Inquire of or rrite H. E. CLEMEHS, West McHenry, IU. 29 4t* TTMJK SALE--Corn, $15per ton; also howta r Inquire of C. I. ALUKDOU, West Mc­ Henry. Phone 607-M-2. ®-lt pV>K SALE--The Centervllle meat, market ^ and grocery. Will invoice. Inquire of or write J. W. AEBISCHBB, McHenry, 111. 31-4t "CM)K SALE--Fox river lots on both east <* nd A west sides of river,' north of McHenry bridge. Inquire of C. W. StiHQiB, Went Mo- Henry. 38-tf TlVilv SALE--Several tine S. C. White Lev •E horn cot;kerels that will make danaj horn cockerels that breeders. Mas. Geo. WEILAKD ill. Route 3. Tel. 467. iy Richmouu. 31-tf . ̂ :::;• "C*OK SALE -Ten horse power I. H. C. gaso- I.•'•'(3 U line engine, together with wood saw. ^ & Will be sold together or separately <%t reason- i ; able price, inquire of HSTTRKMABM ETROS.. lohnsburgh, ill. 9-tf WILL teach anyone the barber trade in a reeks nsd put them to work at good wages. This is a bouatide offer. Write me. A. B. MOIVEK. Pres. Moler System of Colleges. 106 S. Fifth Ave., Chicago. 17H>K saLE--A 7-room house and three lots, together with orchard and shade trees; also garage and out-buildings. House was bnilt five years ugo and is electric lighted. Will be sold cheap for cash it taken at once. tieap Inquire at this office. ai-tf B6GS. EGGS AND P00.1XY The American Express company will t pay eash for eggs and poultry at the V r̂! C. N. W. dejKJt, McHenry. We take from one dozen up and one ehicken up. : ' Call agent up on phone for market. V'v* 32-4t C. W. GOODKLL, AgeHJU J, See ESLER for ever7tfciay«)Wlrie*l. Expert house wiring, Jgj Re&d The Plaindealer • • -V" '

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