« f S4 » BFHKNSf Pti!in)tAt"ER, #HEWRT msm. 6#>:% f. .il :W#l< ir#^r % J W ' m '•*••• •, i « , • ; '• *: ' fj ?;l^ I ..V.* • -„4 w~ I&0 • Hfc' fc-55 f: -v^ Si' .V-. >,r. • ';>» 5 \V >v.fc> i*/ fcJjft •' ; >-•y'^ :-.'v;,5^ lit ",y1** 'Vv'- v*/ vff: «/«•• y- W«5 Christmas t£ * should be *?.' ' -H'. - .--V ;v ",j; •%y, •• ' -' " "ihotfiet M6ndat %\ K'-.' > ' . • -1 !cS -: ' &:>* ^ - "" *'•••: ' ;T It »» j *" * < r~5,.> ^y, i.a <'J"V ;""• • *J . ../l- <K < V£.'-r- _ &/•••. ... f' ( itM* ki->: the \-;-,-/rS?\ m ,.tM' ft-'.v ^ «*: ypuii:€hri#mas^ -'-• ••* 4v.* V-V Aji ' > : ? .;•* > » ... :3, . C '•% -• • • -> '^i,,--r;V 2v&'^ V-. • ~r x •t H#f" dt •" '-.•xV'v/i' 'J'\c-"-%,_ > w- -^-\ T^*: -r -% f'V-rv. • • \-V^;.'-.ii'-*i A; .•.-"'^ • ;' -. ::«••!• .- •• "r> •*^f'- Ajsi' i;.-\ v *f*r 7 V (? ®:|is i#C , JV ~-f; ^ J'•'.•• "f • • . P&i '"• :!**:- t, 1 , •:•;-.#•-• :i •.••••••-' A • (< ;/>. ,.s.,. .;'-y>«,-:» f5 «-. > Vp%" 4^ - -k •• .\ ;./. ' • ,-> ' 'Tx.. • >;?• v- N ..- .•• * ' :< "^' 'i.. \£»& -.CT • .. ! '.^'V...;v v" \l^'^ -fs^*-.r *'• • , , . «:i"i. .<$$&'. W&t--. afS. Sfew® • 5 Tl -*£ .= li Jr .•<• V ^OPHOy? % ^'(t- 'A _,r." Many a business man has experienced the loss of a profitable deal because of his inability to make connections---to reach or get in" close touch with ^ ceif •tain place at acertain time, v ^ ^ . ' ' • • Vi^V-lte A way out of such difEcultie^1 dftett iiia^ be found in the long Distance Service of the Bell '•?;.£• .V-M. *.»!-.*•'~L»S •• v-«*1 lau«.V.! VS. .» iVi Timely use of the telephone usually save!: the day, and the cost of the service is iq^ pgnificant compared with the results* ^ •%&z\ • 'I . ̂ ' V,: h&.'jgm-' •jf. ••; Jih • r-.^ ' - V" ".'•-«.••. .j.Jii-' ' /. '-^{!,'lCttca&o Ir^l^noffeCcftn'pMlty '} J. U- Con rath, District Manager, 8>-v.«*.'*s& Telephone 9tt03 iMasquelet's St A-I* JTOU can depend upon the Quality of our goods and the service in our ^lore. We Endeavor to carry a com plete assortment of various ^Sundries always fou^din|| 'irst-clast drug Acre.;; % IKE wmau iunnoN nnoip, F tt YtR flTSKUN. AU. ' Let Us ;jK S. r' •'• «; -'s-, NEIGHBORING NE W&VtS OUR ABLE CORPS OF CORRESPONDENTS V-.3' * ' •} , ; : •- ' ' ^vr te reduce th? nigh cost of living. You can do this by buying your Groceries and Fruits of its. We believe in quick sales and smalt profits. Will you not give us the opportunity to prove this assertion? V • * " _ : . WM • jnHNSBUBGB. Frank Halleck, our sexton, is re ported to be doing fine. If the weath er allows, be tuay return to Johnsburg- toraorrow to resume his duties. A handsome umbrella, a big box of ciody and other handsome articles have been donated for the card prizes (jo be given away to the highest scores next Sunday night.' Upon request Father Berthoid left for Chicago Wednesday morning u> test a monster organ in Evanston re cently erected in St. Niehol*** church Thursday he will be in St. Michael's church for wedding ceremonies, re turning Friday evening. "Fastnachts" entertainment and re ueption is an annual event in the par ish hall for the benefit of the church. The Foresters have been invited to conduct this event this year and under their management it promises to be t.he ?ast big event before T^ent. Sleigh riding is the sport now. Those who^fortunate enough to own a sleigh are making the best of it. Dr. Muel ler covers many miles every day over ihe slipper, snow without one drop of •gasoline and the children are having the time of their lives. Ring out, ye merry sleigh bells. * ; ; Among the pupils, the following de serve honorable mentlon'for work dona id January: Eighth grade--Lewis Pit- /.en, 92; Theresa Mertes, 91; 7th grade --Joseph Young, 91; Theresa flueoaann, 8ft; 6th grade--Martin Weber, 92; Fran ces Freund, 92: 5th grade, Leo Freund, 92; Stella Debrecht, 92, Father Berthoid was surprised to find quite a crowd of people at mass last Sunday and said big and little peo ple should not. risk it again during such awful weather, especially chil dren. The rickety windows need at tention on our church. On day9 like t his we feel the wind going right thru them. Half of them have M storm fclass. _ . '• :• •••' j "* }' The'eard party under the anspices of the young ladies1 society is "coming off" next Sunday. The zero wjeatljer was too much for their little toes, but they are dead sure of a good night next Sunday. Their daiuty lunch and beverage are a secret they will not re veal. Are you afraid of a few flurries of suow? Tip your hats to the young ladies next Sunday evening. Another new stove was set up by Trustee Jungen in our school, which makes the second purchase of thts kind this winter. Nothing drives the school treasury so much as the stove and coal bills, for many dollars1 wor£h of coal and iron are eaten up/ every winter. Of course a great quantity of coal goes on the ash pile (children do the iiring) and Mr. Jungen pays for it like a good l>apa. Instead of throwing so much money into stoves, eoal and heaps of coal and ash piles, and getting so little for it, why in the deuce can't we have a central plant the way other schools have itV Put the dirt and lire in one place and you've got something on the •quare. The "kids" will do ten times more Work in a school with even heat •round them. In three winters a cen tral plant wosld almost pay for itself. Let's hope the school dadp wilj spring a surprise on us some day. ; Last Thursday afternoon Mr. and Mrs. Henry J. Stilling entertained a company of friends in honor of their son, Joseph Arthur, ̂ whose birthday oocurred on that day. Those present were: Messrs. and Mesdames John P. Lay, Jos. M. Schaefer, Ben Stilling, Jacob Justen, John Freund, Ben Ton- ian, John II. Stilling, Wm. Tonian, Mike Justen, Jos. Miller, John Still ing, Jos. Justen, Henry Thelen, Henry Stilling, Peter Miller, Nick Justen, John Miller; Mesdames Henry- Kenne- beck, Peter Freund and Jos. H. Justen; Ben Justen. That same evening they entertained another company of friends. In the evening cards furnished the principal amusement, while orchestra music assisted in making the event a most enjoyable one. Those present in the evening were: Jos. Schaefer, Ben Tonian, George Frett, Peter Miller, .Joseph Lay, Joseph Tonian, George Young, Peter Freund, John Kenne- beck, Joseph B. Stillingr Niok Miller, John Stilling, Ben Kennebeok, John Freund, Wm. Justen, Joseph Sohmitt, Joseph Ackeraiann, Eddie Young, Jos. Stilling, Frank Justen, Wm. Klapper- loh, Peter Lay, Nick Delatolio, Louis Stilling, Otillie Stilling, Therq^ie Ken- Be beck, Mayme Frett, Carolina Ton ian, Rosie Williams, Katie Frett, Lena Freund, Frances Stilling, Laura Young, Christina Freund, Julia Young, Lena Lay, Li«*ie Justen, Mr. and Mrs. Jos. Miller, Mr. and Mi*. Niok Justen, Mr. and Mrs. Mike Justen. » KIMUWOO* \ '-V " H. W. Allen was a Crystal Lake vis itor Wednesday morning. Thomas Walkington and family at tended the sale of Earl Allen Tuesday. ' Miss Eva Allen of Greenwood spent Tuesday nipht with Miss Lora Walk ington. Mrs. Libbie Ladd attended the funer al of D. H. Fullington at McBeary last Thursday. v Mr. and Mrs. N. D. Steven* returned home from Ter^a Haute, Ind.. Ins* Thursday. Mrs. Alma Thomas of McHenry spent Tuesday with her daughter, Mrs. Cal- lie Raineji Bert McCannon was. in Greenwood last Friday to see his father, who is not very well. Miss Gertrude Fay is spending a few weeks with her cousin, Mrs. George MinshaJl, at Genoa Junction. J. c: Ladd, Frank Fay and H. <W. Allen attended George Minshairs sale at Genoa Junction Saturday last. The evening service at the church in# on account of the extreme cold weather. Mrs. C. 'H. Stephenson entertained the club last Wednesday evening, in honor of Mr. Stephenson's brother and wife from Canada. The recital given by Miss Agnes Mitchell was very fine. It is not often we are permitted tp listen to so line an entertainer. On account of the severe cold weather there were not as many out as -would otherwise have been. About a dozen were over from Green* wuuu. The Young People's -club of Ring- wood will hold their next meeting at Woodman hall Wednesday evening, Fieb. 18. The following program will be given: . 6 (>>«v : Song . America P r a y e r . R e v . S e t h B a k e r Reading ...Margaret Harrison Discussion of Currency Bill . . . -- -- . . . . . . E t h a l H a r r i s o n Reading. Leslie Olson Song .. Male Q\iartet Roli Call Quotations from Lincoln • ' KlI>U£JrIKUlk • N. E. Whetstone is at Pltwood this we*k. •* . • Mrs. Etner *m in Elgin ptesenger Friday. . -,y " 11. Harrison yr&s at Gary Sunday aft* erooon. .* R. Knilans was a Woodstock busi ness caller Saturday.- Mrs. J> Mikleson attended the funeral of a relative at Cary Thursday. H. Wille shipped a car load of cattle to Chicago the first of the week. M rs. R.-Harrison and daughter," Ber- nice, were Chicago shoppers Friday. Mrs. I. Ericson and baby spent part of'Saturday and Sunday at Woodstock. Mrs. E. F. Anderson and children were Woodstock callers Saturday aft ernoon. A. Skinner, R. McBride, W. Reed and A. Hansen witnessed the ski jump at Cary Sunday. > Mesdames E. IS. Knilans and A. Pur vey spent Wednesday with Mrs. Chas. Ormsby at Crystal Lake. Mrs. J. SchafTer of McHenry spent a few days recently with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. A. Stephenson. Mary Ellen Dunn of Chicago has been spending the past three weeks with her sister, Mrs. J. J. Delaney. eMiss Florence Welch, who is teach ing in the Walkup district, spent Sat urday and Sunday at her home in Mo- Henry. Mrs. H. Nelson,and daughter, Edith, Mrs. O. Olsen and daughter and Miss Elsie Anderson were Crystal Lake callers Monday afternoon. D. N. Whetstone of Pitwood Mriiited his parents here the first of the week. Mrs. Wm. Reed is visiting Mr. and Mrs. S. Reed at Woodstock. Miss Genevieve Goddard spent Mon day night with her brother and sister at Woodstock and attended "The Ad ventures of Kathlyn" at the Palace. A reception will be given for Rev. and Mrs. McGowan this Friday even ing in the church parlors, Everyone is cordially invited to oome out and en joy a good social time. . - Mr. and Mrs. George Wheeler have been entertaining the past week Mrs. H. G. Barden of Alberta, Canada, Miss Hazel Robison qf Crystal Lake, Miss Cherie Wheeler of Arlington Heights, Ira Burdiek of Champaign and Mrs. Mayme Dygert of Woodstock. The marriage of Miss Rachel Mar guerite French, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. C. F. French, to Harry Rossman of Woodstock took place last Thursday, Feb. 5, at 8 o'clock at the home. The Rev. J. W. MoGowan performed the ceremony, reading the ring service. The bride was gowned in white voile and carried a bouquet of white roses. Mrs. Will French, sister-in-law of the bride, acted as maid of honor and Will French attended the bridegroom -as best man. The decorations were in white and green. Immediately after the ceremony a wedding supper was served to the guests. The center of attraction was the wedding cake, an angel food in the form of a pyramid, decorated with carnations. On account of the illness of Mrs. French's brother, Claude Hutsoni who is confined in a Chicago hospital, just the parents of Miss»Frenoh and Mr. Rossman were present. SCHOOL NOTES New teachers' desks hav«i"fbe#ii in stalled. v ' Earl Hanson has been very ill for a few days. * 1 ' Supt. A. M. Shelton visited school Tuesday afternoon. Hazel Morris has returned to grade one after a week's illness. Crystal Conerty is still- abaent from grade one on acoount'of sickness. The first four grades are very much interested over their spelling match. Thursday noon the upper grades had a spread for the teacher, Miss Sarah Gillies. They also presented her with a beautiful Terra Cotta vase. Miss Gillies has resigned and Miss Ethel Raue -of Crystal Lake will take her plaoe. Miss Agnes Mitchell, a graduate of the Detroit Training School of Expres sion, gave some interesting readings for the children Wednesday afternoon. Miss Mitchell is planning to give an entertainment in Ridge tie Id in the near future. A special meeting of the school board of directors is to be held in the M. W. A. hall Saturday evening, Feb. 21. This meeting will be held to talk over plans for raisipg funds for the rebuild ing of the public school. It is desired that everyone interested will be pres-. ent. ? ^ W' " " * *3 Tho the winter is still before us we are placing on sale our AT ̂ REDUCTION OF ONE-FOURTH OF SELLING PRICE Our complete fine of woolen goods for dresses and petticoats at one-fourth off. - All flannelette and fleece lined goods, (me fourth off. • • • t All woolen and fleece lined hosiery re duced one-fourth. . , - All woolen fascinators, toques and auto hoods at one-fourth and one-half off regu lar price. Cotton Batting in I-lb. batts at one-fourth off. 2-lb., 5-lb^ 44b. All goods for comforters and quilts at o^e- fourth off former selling price. A few rugs at a reduction of one-fourth. All "woolen gloves and mittens reduced one-fourth. Our entire line of bed blankets reduced one-fourth* ^ A . y : r & . \ . . A nice lot of mill ends left over; formerly sold at 30c each, at this sale - - 25c , I . ' ---- I , | f MM, FANCY DRESS GOODS Our entire line of fancy dress goods is on sale at a reduction of one-fourth off former price. Mark the splendid bargains in Serges--black, navy Mae, brown, red and white.* Crepe F abrics--silk and wool, in black and royal blue. . Nun's Veiling---black. . \ Panama Cloth--black and saving of one-fourth off. Also one bolt of Eiderdown in cream white All woolen and fleece lined underwear goes at the reduced price of one-fourth off Saxony yarn, various colors, per skein, 5c OPENING DAY OF SALE Lasting during remainder of the month of February until the sale &ock is exhausted. Come one, come all--the earlier, the better your chance. Don't fail to appear. We appreciate your patronage. :: :: -.3 Johnsburgh •• Phone 625-M-2 \ ? ; ?!ft, •4M WJ EVEN HONES BUILT OF RUBBER Our business grew last year iri> ̂ grow more during 19X4. I^e secret of this growth is right drugs, right ser- oould scarcely be more elastic <?r adaptable to the requirements of increasing families than is wood. Frame houses can be enlarged without injury to their appear ance for after a room or two is added on, a new door or'window eut here and there, the whole house ean be' painted and it's as good as now. And paint is not only a wonderful preserver, but It's the best beautifier known In a day or two you can change he whole appearance of your frame house, whereas the fellow who build? with other materials has to keep the same front for ever; That's an advantage, isn't it? Build of wood and you've all the advantage. Come 4° *nd we'll show you lumber that looks m o a t g o o d e n o u g h l f o e a t \ C . There's No Place Like Home WILBUR LUMBER CO. West McHenry - 'Phone 5 CENTERVUIE AND GROCEKY | ^ '•Wi. The choicest line flit " Meats and GroceriaR -irto be foond,* MoHe**y -V ss-'-y.- , *r,v,{ Ssy •y.' -S.' < If ' • WATER. BOTTLESL .jEvery member of the fam« Hy should have a hot water s bottle. Cold feet for a sia* -fie night costs more in di*r Comfort than th^ hot water bottl%^;- ;; -£.l • • One of the all-rubber kind which we sell will last in definitely and afford a world •|)f comfort. Considering their dura* bility, the co^l is but a trifle Prices from 75c to $1.M N. H. Petesch DrvggiA Phone 56-^" (P ^ifey.vvv ;s-W '1 . r- : * ' . ' V * : • I *i» M P H I L I P J A E G E R QENERAL COHMISSION MERCHANT SFBdAli ATTENTION GIVSN TO TBS SAXJI <W V> V Dressed Beef, Jlutton, Hogs, VnI, Paattry, * Hides, Etc., Butter and Eggs $ , ' Taga aad priea Uala (S M. if"' This is the. oldest house on the street application. OTMUCie FREE SUM I A I, PiltW St. > WUIwh Mark*. CHICAGO, ILLINOIS. m i \ - VOfcO was in Wauoonda Frl- J.W.Aebischer (Smcit i* C. G. Fr»tt.) 5U&S. Wm. Dillon day. Simon Stoffel erf McBenr; waa In town Friday..... Mrs. Hose Dunnill was °a recent Bound Lake caller. Mrs. Peters and son, John, were Mc Henry callers Tuesday. Wm. Clark of Wauoonda was a pleasant caller in town Tuesday.' Harry Nichols of Chicago waa a re cent visitor at Frank Hironomua*. her " Miss Mayme Schaefer of McHenry^"V-MS spent the past week with Ves Wagner, and familj. * , ^ ^ Miss Besaie Dunnill of Chicafo s^ent several days the past w«ak with parents here. Mrs. John Waltoo ttd aoa. Jaaon, spent Wednesday with her dSBghler in Waukegan. ^ Mrs. Wm. «pi of Round Lake spent • Th\traday her mother here. ^ v? ̂ ; & > .4, i I y'-r. w-« K- .• •