Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 26 Feb 1914, p. 5

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wmwvWms r^-,v ̂'41. >> • * '. *• v • i v. " f !•**"•*V #f;ffr:". •'• v. !•':,,•» ; ' to -t *,:,'.V- , •• £»sfe::f PLAINDBilliKR, MUBSRY, «$£ ff4. ^'•1% If We Have It, It's Right If It's Right, .We Have It Fir^t \r:iv- y "••I'm' •MWM *#•! -- o UR CHIEF AIM is to satisfy cu&omers. Our Sock is an unusual one--unusual for its high quality and wide variety. High-grade drugs and medicines repre- s -nt the principal line handled, but we have all the differ­ ent sundries that are in demand. You will "do well to come here first when you want drug store goods of any kind. You wiii *pe sure to find what you want and the price will tte reasonable. Oiir specialty is prescription work. We provide die most expert service and employ a sy&em that insures » : Accuracy In every instance. Ut as be your druggfrit; • V >&%• " • ' - * ' :;t; McHENRY System The New Directory of the Telephone Company goes to press March 10 If you have put off signing a contract for telephone service, attend to it now* Call the .Commercial Department and ask that contract be sent you for signature. - Local and Long Distance Service from iyery Bell Telephone Station. Chicago Telephone Company I. H. Gonrath, District Manager Telephone 9603 fr- S\ P HILIP JAEGER GENERAL CO/IMISSION MERCHANT ATTENTION QIVBN TO THK SALK OF Droased Beef, riuttoa, tlofs, Veal, Poultry, Hides, Etc., Butter and Egft . Tills is the oldest house on the street Tags and price lists tarnished on aDDlicatkm. COLO STORAGE FREE Stall i A j, PaltM M. Wk*lM(l, Markat. CHICAQO, ILLINOIS. J. C. DEBRECHT QUALITY SERVICE RIGHT PRICES Phone 625-M-2 :: Johnsburgh, III. Our sale in Winter Goods |s M in progress, Pi<j you & consider the £rejrt saving? ffasquelet's Cast Sid' <ly%. -• yy-'t r •» • '• i 1% fou can. depend upon the quality of our goods and the service in ou^&ore. We endeavor to carry a com­ plete assortment of various sundries always found in a first-class drug &ore. " ! .•» " • ' v "" t- . ' i' • • -•"I V- in ri V • ,"\*\i. TWEE UrHTHERW jtanfuN hiktift- ED YOUR PHYSICIAN, ALL BOORS DAY 01 NOT | McHENRY, UA* •vMi aH-.-is : O • ** , '-"f , " Still On the Job with a dandy line of fancy and staple groceries. We also carry a full line of Lenten eatables which you should not overlook. Phone us your order and we'll asfeure you that it will have our prompt attention and will be delivered to your *?K-' Math. Laures ^est McHenry I, NEIGHBORING NEWS AS CHRONICLED $ Y QmS ABLE .CORPS: OF "CORRESPONDENTS KlllUlsFIBtllb Mrs. J. Nfickleson visited relatives at C'ary i-ecently. ^ " Mr. McBride made a trip to Wood­ stock and Chicago Sunday. . Mr. and Mrs. A. Purvey and Willie Wei land were Woodstock callers Sun­ day. W. S. Jaynes of Woodstock was re- i>»irin^r the pump on his property here Sut.urday. Mr. Baaby, wife and son, Lester, of Crystal Lake passed the latter part of last week with Mr. and Mrs. MickLe- SOD. Rev. and Mrs. J. W. McGowah and the latter's mother, Mrs. Moore, were delightfully entertained all day Friday at the Walkup home. Ehner Letsler has moved his house-- hold goods into the EE. H. Hanson fiat. • has. Kisvold is moving into the one vacated by Mr. Lelsler. The Ladies' Aid will meev March 5 at the home of Mrs. R. Harrison. Mrs. A. Anners wili assist M rs .11 a prison to entertahii Everyone invited to at­ tend. .. The Borden company is filling tlie ice houses with Crystal lake ice and wiU probably finish this week. Several have sustained minor injuries, but nothing serious. ' ' . The young people of Ridgefleld and _yicinity have been taking advantage of the sleighing and enjoying the pic-, ture movies at Woodstock and Crystal Lake and report a splendid time.. A school meeting Was held in the Woodman hall Saturday evening, Feb: 21, for the purpose of voting fpr a new school house; also on the sum to be used for the school and the best way to obtain that sum. Forty interested people responded. Of this number thirty-six (3ti) voted for a new school and four (4) against and a new school was carried. In regard to bonding the district, thirteen (13) voted for and twenty-seven (27) against, which car­ ried. It looks as tho a new . school- house, without the means to build, is 'not right. For years we have had an up-to-date school, modern in every way and sanitary. Why wouldn't it pay to build as good now 'and one as nearly fire proof as possible, which would stand for ages and be a credit to>our school and a lasting credit to our town and property, which would becoms more valuable on account of a good school? No one would care to locate where there were no good school priv lieges. We have one of the best ohurches and need as good a school. KlMflWOdl) Fred Gibbs moved onto the Harsh farm Tuesday. Bert McCannon commenced moving his house Tuesday. Mrs. Emma Matthews sp,ent Sunday at Bert McCannon's; Ray Merchant moved ditto H. W. Allen's farm last Saturday. J. G. Cristy returned to his home at Waupaca Saturday afternoon. Irving Merchant of Woodstock is helping Bert MqCannon move his house Lonnie Smith came home from his school at Madison Friday night and remained until Monday nighl. There was a pleasant party in the new hall Tuesday night. About forty tickets were sold, beside visitors. , Miss Agnes Bigelow has been spiend' ing the past two weeks with Mrs. Frank Hatch near Spring Grove. The W. C. T. U. will meet thi* week Saturday with Mrs. Callie Rainey in­ stead of Mrs. Brown, on account of Mr. Brown's sickness. The W. C. T. U. will have a special afternoon meeting at Mrs. J. C. Ladd's Thursday, March 5. Everyone is cor­ dially invited to attend.' Messrs. and Mesdames S. W. Brown and Lewis Shrader and Miss Mary Bell attended the Relief Corps dance at Richmond last Friday night. William Beck moved frpm his farm to his new home recently built in town. Charles Peet moved onto the Beck farm. Arthur Peet and mother went into the home vacated by Fred Gibbs Wednesday. Ray Paddock was a Orayslake caller Saturday. Miss Ella Moore vaa a Wauconda caller Friday. ' ' Miss Zella HuaoQ vtei&ng her brother in Liberty viilp. Wra- Dillon and Ray Paddock filled $heir ice houses Thursday, Mrs. Phil Peterson and Mrs. Ray paddock were in Round Lake Friday. Mrs. John Walton spent several days tfce past week with her son in'Grays- ]|ake. • - Mr. and Mrs. L. Lusk and daughter of Fremont oalled at A. J. Raymond's Tuesday. ' *. Messrs. John Walton andT' A. J. Ray­ mond were Waukegan visitors the first of the week. Martin and Henry Stoffel were among the lucky ones in the tiddlers' contest held at the Central opera house in Mc- Henry Feb. 16. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Parker and daughter attended the funeral of the infant daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Lew Hitjdee in Hainesville Saturday. «OHN8BIJBGB. . S. H. £»mith was a Chicago visitor on Friday vof last weak, Mr. and'Mrs. Gerber, who~are on their honeymoon from Johnsburg, Minn., made many new acquaintances in parish hall last Tuesday and feel captivated and at home In Johnsburg, 111. < Miss Marianna Debreeht bid adieu 'O very many of her friends and acquaint? ances at the Fastnachts dance. She left Wednesday night for her home in Missouri, pronouncing her sojourn in Johnsburg eventful and me~--^ tV Duringthe Lenten season the favor­ ite devotions, the stations of the cross in adoration of our dying Saviour, wiH take place in our church every Friday afternoon ' at" 3:30. Benediction with the blessed sacrament will close these •devotions. " A peculiar • witty in a horse's tail probably indicates inherited propensi­ ties, for now our good Dr. Mueller has discovered that he has a saddler and cotnes down the avenue "hoch zu Ross," making a fine appearance. Father Rerfliold will have a com pan iod now to keep up with. Joseph ,Schaefer is crowing tobei t the band because he is the tickled papa of a newly born son', who was christ­ ened Felix William Sohaefer last Sun­ day afternoon. Miss Gertrude Schaef- er and liilly Tkiel were the sponsors at the . ceremony. Congratulations, Joel- Ash Wednesday brought oift many people for church servicies. On this day orir holy church Opens" the peni­ tential season of Lent by the blessing of ashes and by placing them'on the heads of the faithful. All good Catho­ lics golo church on'that day, altho it is not of precept.' Barney Thier froth Lismore, Minn., called on Father Berthold this week. Mr. Thier feels compelled to sell two farms in Iowa and one in Minnesota at a low figure on account, jf his heavy investments in hardware stock. He is looking for a quick buyer. Barney is one of those whole-souled, clean Catho­ lics with whom it's a pleasure to do business. A merry. cheerful fcrowd pronounced the annual Fastnachts dance in the parish hall decidedly unique. Frank had transformed the hall so that it had the charm and appearance of a verit­ able German summer garden. Jos. J. Michels injected heaps of good cheer into the Hock, while the Air Dome orchestra, utlder the glimmer of those large, soft-toned lanterns, lilled the air with th.e sweetest melodies w® have heard for a long, long time. There was a clamor for the return of this well-balanced orchestra. The ward- rtibe was a convenience for storing gar­ ments away with safety, while the tem­ perance bar was frequently stormed for sootJiing refreshments. OSTKND. Roy Hobart ate Sunday dinner* witk his parents. ' No school Monday. The children were celebrating Washington's Birth day. E. L. Francisco of Woodstock was calling on relatives in this neighbor, hood Sunday. ' Fred Eppel was the first man out on Tuesday morning to break roads and get milk to the factory. There was no rural delivery Monday, the carriers taking advantage of Wash ington's birthday ahniversary. C. E. Jecks lost a valuable cow Sutt* day. At the price' of cows now the loss of a Cow means many dollars. Ed. Martin and wife of Wuuustock were Sunday visitors at the home of Mrs. Martin's brother, Guy G. Harri­ son. Myron Francisco is moving his house­ hold goods from Lake county to the farm house with his daughter on the old Jerry Sherman farm. Will Sat tem wni work the Lake county farm, C. B. Durkee and wife enjoyed a visit from Ralph Pennington last week. He came to Chicago to visit relatives and then thought of old acquaintances of his children days. He lives now 'with his parents in Kansas. He is the second child, there beitig twelve younger than himself. KNKR&LI) PARK. Walter Conway; vfsited afehbol herq Friday. J „ Mr. Perry "i&Ued on jfiY $usky Wednesday. * Mr. McCabe called at J. J. Flusky's Wednesday. , . Miss Nancy Frisby called at C'has. Gibbs1 Wednesday. ,, Miss Helen Smith is spending a feto weeks in McHenry. Mrs. M. A." Sutton spent Friday in North Crystal Lake- Miss Cora Felmeten was the guest of Mr. and Mrs. Berkircher Sunday. Mr. and Mrs; Neddie Knox spent Sunday as the guests of Mr. and Mrs. M. A. Sutton. The Emerald Park school had no school Monday and Tuesday on account of the bad roads. • Mrs. Clara Ohenauf of Rogers Park, is spending a few weeks with her brother, Geo. Kuhn. The Misses Eleanor Phalin and Lola Boyle and John Sutton spent Thurs­ day evening at E. R. Sutton's. I- Those who are new com ers to the vicinity of Mc- Henry snouid investigate carefully the exceptional advantages offered by this bank to its customers. '• vfVv -*• ft v. ¥•:' ' .-"V* ? cim "f-i FREMONT HOY & SON, Bankers •"'i lii •V;" . 1.1 J-'v t'--f-'zAfz . . -ifc I"#:' ' » ^ t-'i MC 'W >: M • _ . •* " '.<S^ - ADDITIONAL personals Miss.Rovelstad of Elgin was a recent visitor in town. Wm. Smith was a Chieago business visitor yesterday. C. Unti was among the Chicago pas­ sengers this moraing. e , Thos. McDonald spent yesterday and today in the windy city. . Mrs. Jos. Leickem boarded the Chi­ cago train tfaAs morning. .Miss Theresa Barbian passed today in the metropolitan city. Miss Agnes Conway was a county seat visitor last Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Justen were re­ cent v^itors at Wauconda. Misses Vera Knox and Vera Stoffel spent Saturday last in Elgin. F. O. Gans was a business visitor i* the metropolitan city yester^y. Miss Kathryn Weber passed a few days last week ^rith Elgin, friends. Miss Alice Simes was the guest of relatives at Soloin last week Friday. Miss Luciie ftyrd spent Saturday and ^oi^y as the jpieatttfChlcafo friend*. Glenn Robison of North Crystal Lake called on friends in town~ last Sunday. James Doherty of Sandwich spent Sunday as the guest of relatives here. G. C. Bosma attended to matters of a business nature in Chicago yesterday. . Mrs. Jay Doherty and Miss Alice Knox were Chicago visitors Wednes­ day. Gilbert Howard passed aoouple of days this week as the guest of rela tives at Aurora. Miss Vera Bolger of Woodstock was the guest of McHenry relatives the first of the week. Miss Irene Conway visited her moth­ er at the West Side hospital in Chica­ go last Saturday. Mrs. Mayme Overton of Elgin was an over Sunday guest of relatives here and at Ringwood. Miss Ada Carey of Elgin visited rel­ atives here and at Ringwood last Sat­ urday and Sunday. Mrs. Anna Mollohan.passed Wednes­ day as the guest of her brothers at North Crystal Lake. Mrs. Wm. Sutton and son of Solon spent Friday of last week as guests in the home of Wm. Simes.^ Joseph Sutton spent Saturday and Sunda(y as the guest of his sisters at Mt. Carmel and Dubuque, la. Mrs. G. E. Schoel and daughter, Edna, went to Chicago yesterday for a few days' visit with relatives. Mrs. Elizabeth Buss passed the lat­ ter part of last and the fore part of this week as the guest of Chicago relatives. Miss Inez Bacon of Fremont spent Saturday and Sunday in the home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Bacon. Mrs. Robert Schiessle and daughter, Clara, returned home Monday from a few weeks' visit.with relatives in Chi­ cago. Mr. and Mrs. F. A. Bohlander re­ turned home last week from their trip thru the South. They enjoyed their stay immensely. Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Buch an.d sons, Philip and Mathias, of Chicago spent several days this week with Mr- and Mrs. Math. Freund. Mr. and Mrs. Ben Schoewer of Be- loit, Wis., were guests in the home of the former's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Peter Schoewer, a few days this week. Mrs. Harry Bacon and daughter re­ turned to their home at Wall Lake, la., last Friday. They were accom­ panied as far as North'Crystal Lake by Miss Anna Frisby. EVEN HONES BUILT OF RUBBER SI »'rV: v; could Bcarcelyjbe more.eTastic or adaptable to the requirements of increasing families than is wood. Frame houses can be enlarged without injury to their appear­ ance for after a room or two is added on, a new'door or£window cut here and there, the whole house can be painted and it's as good as new. 7 And paint is hot only a wonderful preserver, but it's the best beautifier known In a day or two you can change the whole appearance of your frame house, whereas the fellow who boilds with other materials has to keep the same front for­ ever. That's an advantage, .isn't it? Build of wood and you've all the advantage. Come in and we'll show you lumber that looks most good enough to eat. ^ There's No Place Like Home WILBUR LUMBER CO. West McHenry - 'Phone 5 Get Our Figures Before Building and whether you buy here or elsewhere you will know yos an buying right. We are sticklers for grades and the cart we give our lumber in storing insures you nice, bright, dry stock, easy to Work and handle--stock' that takes and noias paint. Let m ahowjrib. -M WILBUR LUMBER 40. WEST H'BENRY :: PHONES - : it' ; v j." *.i -'S vKI -.'•I • • H5 CENTERVULE AND GROCERY NOnONG MORE DEGRADING (By Request) From an article by Hugo Munster- berg, appearing in The Ladies' Home Journal for March, 1909, page 22. 'There is nothing more degrading and no more atrocious insult to civil­ ized life than the American saloon. It has poisoned tte social atmosphere for the masses, in It the working man squanders his savings and the healthy man devastates his energies and be­ comes a wreck. Political corruption irradiates from the saloon into the whole public life and a thousand ways lead from the saloon to the peniten tiary. It is a blessed movement which now turns with overwhelming energy against the horrors of this evil and unites the clean minds of the whole nation in an untiring fight against the source of infection. There saay be dis­ agreements as t.h« best means, disagreement whether strict prohibition or education toward tem­ perance is the more reliable method, I ut there is no disagreement as to the fact that the satooh has to be wiped out, and the day seems near indeed when, thanks to the women, the tight against the. saloon will be taken up iqi almost every state." v FOR VILLAGE CLERK { hereby announce myself &s a candi­ date for the office of village clerk, sub­ ject to the approval of the voters of the village of McHenry at the coming spring election. Thanking the voters for their support at the last election and assuring all their help will be ap* preeiated, I am. i; <tV • The choicest line of Meats and Groceries to be found in McHenfjf, J.W.Aebischer (Suiciitr t* C. G. Pratt.) McHENRY. IjUL. x-t 'PHONE 80 M ••'•'ife'ty;: • -'W'-rt *» / •: •»1 '?:4 .1*9 Water Street CaslNeatNirket Cot the high cort of living by trading at the Water Street Cash Meat Market, Always on hand a full Hoe of the best Fresh, Salt and Smoked Meat at mon­ ey saving prices. Also Oyrfters and Poultry at all times. Give us a trial or­ der. Orders promptly delivered. I also buy Calves and Poultry and pay the highest prices. L. fl. EISENNENGDt, JR. t' m }J;s| : ^ W(M C * %• 'PHONE 87-N McHENRY. ILL. IF in ftpp AND SERVICE Akt you want, youH make no mistake by doing your . meat and grocery buying at ' tMs place. We always aim to carry the be£ quality of goods in our line and with it g^ve you the very best ser­ vice at our command. Let us convince you that we are 0̂̂ right for us 10 pleasejour cus­ tomers when it comes to the grocery question. The reason for this is that we have the quality goods and are eveir r^ady to supply your demands in a satisfadoiy manner and on short notk&V G. C.BOSMA Successor to E. F. Matthews Wert McHenry ̂ Phone & : '• } ' ; •5- •: •m '.'.-fr ' 1 • -:Vv' v.-.-'S v 0 •MM A 3 • • ¥ 4 M •&. M 'A J* W*

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