U?v-: • r<" •:* ' • •ft."'" • BTHENBT PLAINDBAFCETF, /*••; 4 & ~ , y % ' * -- .v- s;t> >:•% i , *. *•&•;,-'•. , t.1! fellf sn 3 * •%><,» V'i ,ior;: f"' i . k<- ;•: .. ; W ' ";v JV'- Pf-' .v fV. ; **"» i* •:\fLr- k ? • . • ^x:'.»" J f t • If We Have It, It's Right If It's Right, We Have It Fir& AXUR CHIEF AIM is to satisfy customers. Our &ock is an unusual orite--unusual for its high quality and wide variety. High-grade drugs and medicines repre sent the principal line handled, but we have all the differ ent sundries that are in demand. You will do well to come here first when you want drug store goods of any kind. You will be sure to fin/i what you want and the price will be reasonable. - • v. *v-* ^ur specialty Is prescript!©* Work, -iffe (Host expert service and employ a system that insurqgf accuracy in every instance. J^et us be your drugg ̂ e •; •s*i- N. H. PETESCH DRUGGIST McHENRY I NEIGHBORING NE WS AS'CHkONICLBD B Y OUR ABLE CORPS OF CORRESPONDENTS 'MS 'V*" 5 =s£> Bell System Hie New Directory • -lif * • jof the Telephone Company goes to press March 10 If you have put off signing a contract * for telephone service, attend to it now. Call die Commercial Department and ask ' that contract be sent you for signature. Local and Long Distance Service from every Bell Telephone Station. Chicago Telephone Company 1. H. Conrath, District Manager V Telephone 8003 /r / P H I L I P J A E G E R GENERAL COftMISSION MERCHANT "" SP9BLAL ATTENTION GIVEN TO THE SAL* OF Dressed BM(, riutton. Hop, VMI, ^ Hides, Etc.. Butter and BF|i This is the oldest house on the street Tags and prtss Hrts (uiUMd on application. COLD STORiMie FREE Stall i * $, PaltM tt. WkolMSl* Market. CHICAGO, ILLINOIS. J. C. DEBRECHT " QUALITY SERVICE RIGHT PRICES Phone 625-M-2 ; Johnsburgh, 111. Much has been said about the over indul gence of meat by the people of America, Our fathers and grandfathers ate less meat, perhaps, than we do. But they did eat so V as to keep vigorous health. Let's do like wise and let's not forget that fish is very nourishiiig and that J. C. Debrecht tries each Lenten season to keep on Jiand fish lv.- 1ft its many different forms to please his patrons Masquelet's You can depend upon the 4 quality of our goods and the service in our store. We endeavor to carry a com- y plete assortment of various ^ sundries always found ina first-class drug WE MPHTBOtU ANTITON FURNISH -'•••& a YOfit IIYSKIM, JUi pons MY « (OUT Still On the with a dandy line of fancy and staple groceries. We also carry a full line of Lenten eatables which yon suOtilu not overlook. Phone /us your order and we'll assure you that it will have . our prompt attention and , will be delivered to your very door. Matfi. Laures Phone 8 ^inyrv^ ̂U«enry McHENRY, ILL* mp*r'c KlUUklflKLU. ft. Knilans was a Chicago visitor recently, • \. Vv' M rs. F". S.- iMorse speqt Friday at Woodstock. • „• Mrs. .T. B. Lyneh a Chicago vis itor Saturday. Mrs. H. Nelson wa|^ % Chicago p®ar •enger Friday. : r Mi-s. II. Goddard 'Wifft home from Dundee Thursday. Howard Jacobs is cbnQned to his hoime with the mump*.' • Mrs. Nash^ went to Irving Park Sat urday for a short visit. v N. .T. Garrison of Woodstock waaa business caller Saturday. Miss Elsie Wille of McHenry was a week end guest of relatives here. Mrs. E. E. Knilans spent Thursday at Crystal Lake with her daughter. Mrs. L. Nelson and Mrs. W. French were vVoodstock shoppers Thursday. Miss Genevieve Goddard spent Thurs day night with her sister at Woodstock. Mrs. L. Nelson went to Michigan Friday to attend the funeral of a sis ter. Geo. Gorham, B. Gallagher and C. Thayer were seen at Woodstock Thurs day. Miss Mabel Wille of McHenry is vis iting at the home of her* uncle, H. Wille. Chauncy Stephenson came out from Chicago Saturday for a visit with his parents.and sister. ~ Mrs. R. L Dufield, Mrs. & F, Ander son and daughter, Mary, were Crystal Lake shoppers Saturday. Mrs. Geo. L. Jones of Beloit and Mrs. J. G. Compton of Woodstock were Friday visitors of Mr. and Mrs. A. Pur- vey. Miss Margaret Hallisy and Roy Cow- ]in of Woodstock were guests in the home of Mr. and Mrs. A. Purvey Sun day afternoon. Mrs. A. Peterson, Mrs. A. Purvey, Miss Elsie Anderson, F. W. Hartraan 'and S. A. Merchant were "Woodstock business callers Saturday. A few.of the many movers are E. E. Hesselgrate from the Davis farm to Richmond; Mr. Gustafson of Marengo to the- Davis farm; Enoch Johnson of Fort Dodge, la., to the J. C. Button farm, vacated by A. L. Swanson, who moved to Attica, Ind1.; Frank Muftley to the F. W. Hartman farm, vacated by T. Bonnicksen, who has decided to quit farming and has moved to Wood stock. ' SCHOOL NOTES Raymond Gr is wold has entered grade six. Howard Griswold entered grade two this week. • _ Mable Carlson feai returned altera month's illness. . Mary Bonnicksen feup». withdrawn from grade seven. The fourth grade wwi.Uie spelling contest for February.; Mrs. Moore visited the primary grades one day last week. The fifth grade made relief maps of South, America last week. Olga Anderson and Ruth Benson took the preliminary eighth grade ex amination at Crystal Lake recently. Mandic Norton, Mable Jaap, Addle tiesselgrave have withdrawn from #ur primary grades. Last Friday a fare well party for these children was held. The children of the lower grades are about to take up the early history of the Ridgefield school. Mr. Button has kindly given the information needed. Those neither absent nor tardy in the upper grades during the month of February were Mildred Pierson, Myr tle Nelson, Lois Levey and Olga An derson. Addie Hesselgrave, Mandie Norton, Hans Mikkelson, Mason Gaylord and Willie Anderson were the pupils in the primary grades neither absent nor tardy during February. HOLCOMBVILLI. FEBRUARY 24 Miss Lueile Byrd spent Saturday in Chicago. i John Powers was a caller at Fox Lake Friday. Miss Gertrude LaSage returned to Chicago Saturday. John Zenk spent the first of the week with relatives here. W. J. Beiser spent Tuesday and Wednesday in Elgin. James and John powers spent a day last week in Chicago. Miss Nellie Doherty Visited HoW combville school Monday. Miss Irene Davoll is the guest of Chicago rel&tives this Week. James Doherty of Sandwich spent Saturday with relatives here. Mr. and Mrs. Chas.. Harrison were visitors at F. Martin's Friday. Miss Kathleen Powers spent Satur day with her aunts in McHenry. Chas. Buchert moved from McHenry to the P. F. Hunt faro} Thursday. Thomas Doherty of Ringwood spent Saturday evening at his home here. Lyle Hutson of Woodstock spent Saturday and Sunday at C. Hutson's. Miss Gertrude Clemens spent Satur day and Sunday at William Harrison's. Miss Alice Knox of MoHenry was a visitor at Jiyr Doherty's Thursday evening. I Miss Minnie Pohjrening of Chicago was a guest in tbe home of her mother last week. . v Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Harrison and little granddaughter were.visitors at Will Gilbert's Thursday. Mrs. Jay Doherty visited her sister, Mrs. M. A. Conway, at the West Side hospital Wednesday and Thursday. Don't have grippe this winter. Keep a package of our Pink Cold tablets on band and stop all such troubles ifhen they start. Petesch. s RINGWOOD v E~C.' Hawley was a business visitor at Elgin Monday. . C. H. Carr wa* a McHenry visitor Friday afternoon. Fred Krohn visited McHenry friends last Friday evening. Mrs. Emma Merchant of Woodstock is visiting her son, Ray. . Thomas Doherty was the guest of McHenry friends Sunday. Carl Fritz started to work for Math. Young the first of the month. Oscar Tabor and Lewis Scbroeder spent Monday at the county seat. John Sleeker of Green" ood was the guest of O. I. Walkus last Sunday. Bert McCannon i$ hauling stone for the new house he is about to erect. Mrs. Callie Rainey spent Friday of last week with her mothef in McHenry. Mr. and Mrs. N. P. Engstrom' were McHenry shoppers Monday afternoon. The dairy tester made a visit to the farm of Will MoCantton last Saturday. Miss Grace Heimer of McHenry vis ited Mrs. Hitch ens the first of the week. Jay Hawver of Lake^ Geneva is as sisting H- W, Allen in some work on the farm. . R. C. Harrison and Nels Engstrom were Greenwood visitors last Friday afternoon. Dr. Gust Adams of Greenwood was a professional, visitor in town Monday afternoon. Frank Hsw|ey <o( Chicago was a guest in the home of Wis father, E. C Hawley, Sunday. Lewis Whiting spent Saturday last in the home of his sister, Mrs. Eld Hayes, at Woodstock. Burns Williams is now employed on the farm of Amos Smith. He started work Monday morning. Miss Flossie Schroeder, who for the past few months has been the guest of relatives here* has got* to Manitowoc, Wis. The Bowman Dairy company's well is now down to a depth of 1340 feet. The drillers are now working thru sandstone. Floyd Howe and Artihur Peet were at Greenwood last "-Saturday evening, where they attended a meeting of the literary club. J. C. Ladd left Tuesday morning for a trip to Florida. He will also visit Rev. Roberts -at Homeland, Q^, be fore his return. The W. C. T. U. had a pleasant meet ing at Mrs. Callie Rainey's last Satur day. The next meeting will be with Florence Bell March 14. Del Abbott of Ostend is moving into his home recently purchased of Anna Waterman. We gladly welcome Mr. and Mrs. Abbott to our little village. Mr. and Mrs. Vivian Esh of Spring Grove attended the party given for Mr. and Mrs. Lewis Whiting. Mrs. Esh remained with her parents until Sun day evening. George Hohenstein took possession of the feed mill which he purchased of Mrs. Peet March 1 and Charles Olson has taken possession of the Hohenstein farm. Mr. Fritz has moved onto the H. M. Stephenson farm. Mr. and Mrs. Lewis Whiting were given a farewell party in Woodman hall last Friday night. About one hun dred were present. Refreshments were served. Mr. and Mrs. Whijting left Monday evening for Colorado, where they go for Mrs. Whiting's health. The Literary club will meet Wed nesday evening, March II, at the bom* of Miss Emily Smith. PROGRAM J Opening Song Prayer Rev. BXker Reading Winifred Bradley Vocal Duet Dorcas FOBS and Paul Stephenson Reading Dorothy Carr Debate--Resolved, That the United States ought to intervene in Mexi co. Affirmative, Frank Hitchena and Leon Dodge. Negative, Wal ter Winn and Burns Williama Reading Louie Engstrom Roll call, respond with favorite novel. Social committee, Miss Emily Smith and assistants. IN ESTABLISHING W W > x r-m CHOOSE A BANK WHICH IS KNOWN FOR ITS */-• ?• ' "PC ft* <% • Pf - ' " • :4%. %£< Liberal Management Resources Strong Financial Affiliations Courtesy to Patrons ALL THESE CHARACTERISTICS-ARE TO BE FOUND AT THE M' % FREMONT HOY CLARENCE F. HOY KMBKALD PARK. Ed. Sutton spent Wednesday In El gin. Cora Felmeten called at Berkircher's Wednesday. Mrs. Berkircher called at James Hughefe' recently. R. E. Sutton of Chicago visited rela tives here Sunday. Miss Deidee of Chicago is>visiting Mr. and Mrs. Knox. Marty Knox and John Sutton spent Sunday at E. R. Sutton's. Aileen O'Reilly spent Sunday as the guest of Mr. >tnd Mrs. Ed. Sutton. J as. II ax ton and son, Harry, spent Sunday at the Park and had a tine time with their ice boat. They tried the boat several times and then got Mr. and Mrs, Berkircher and took them for a spin. Then Mr. Haxton decided to go down to the dam. vThey were going about forty-five miles an hour when they met Marty Knox and John Sut ton. They were driving across at the ford road when they saw Mr. Haxton coming. They pulled up in a hurry or thev would have been run over. When they reached the dam they delighted the Hughes children with a ride. Mr. and Mrs. Berkircher are in hopes that the ice will last until next Sunday so that they can enjoy another spin. LIGHTNING RODS I have taken the agency for a light ning rod that is. safe aud reliable in every particular and wiil be pleased to quote you prices on same. A tele phone call or post card will bring me right to your home with the very best proposition in this line that has eveV been made you. •IORN8RUROR. Mass was celebrated at St. Joseph's altar last Sunday and the electric illumination made the altar look very beautiful. A new pew renters' framed list will be set up in the vestibule of our church in a few days. The neatest construc tion we ever saw. Small books for Sunday afternoon stations can be had of the sisters for 5c per copy. The best book ever seen for the stations in German. The young ladies are expected to turn out in big numbers next Sunday on account of general communion day, which falls on March 8. We are glad to report that the Rt. Rev. Bishop has appointed Jacob B. Schumacher and Joseph Stilling as church committee for St. John's parish. They deserve our support and hearty congratulations. \ Another happy home is that of Jos. B. Hettermann, who is the proud papa of a newly born daughter, whose patron saint is St. Oliva. S. H. Smith and Elizabeth' Hettermann were sponsors at the baptism, which occurred last Friday. Tha K. C. banquet in McHenry, which promises be a swell affair on March 17, is stirring the Knights in our locality. Most likely they will not take a back seat when this is pulled off. K. C. meetings and doings will nof take place in Centerville and many say there will be lots doing there this summer. There is a general complaint about taxes being enormously high this year. If these keep on soaring any highor it will lcok pretty sour for the Demo cratic party next time a governor is elected, altho the governor may not be to blame. Illinois is a big, progres sive state and the taxes Improve it If all the departments would have been as easy on the pocket books as our school district, No. 12, bur tax sheet would have a better color and we would feel very easy about it. Our school district calls for about five cents more than last year. That's more than other distrtot* can boast about. /p into your coal hi* latelyP You found it£- iiearly empty, didn't yoa? " Winter is nof dead yet, even tho its bkek is broken. • March will bring disagreeable weather^ Call us up today and have your bin re filled with our free-burning SCRANTON* -^best hard coal* on fjgreen out all the dust. -If m the market. We You get 2,00a|t§i pounds to the ton of clean, bright COAL. " , • ^ WILBUR LUMBER CO. Phone 5 - - - We^t McHenrv 3 CENTERVILLE 38-tf WM. SIMES, Agent. OSTBND. • So far there are no cases of mumps in our school. Warren Francisco and sister were calling on relatives in Woodstock one day last week. Mrs. Abble Martin has improved enough in health to visit her father for a short time. William Thomas and wife spent sev eral days last week with their daugh ter in Woodstock. One young man must have been sleeping for several days. We saw him on the streets of McHenry with a horse and cutter last Saturday. We pity the horse. Shall we pass the hat and get him some wheels? Guy Harrison and family have their goods packed ready for moving to their new home in Minnesota. Guy's moth er, Mrs. Clara Harrison, will accom pany them for a few weeks' stay in their home. Guy expects to start witlfc a loaded car this week Wednesday,' jThe family will go later. * There has been more moving in this neighborhood this spring than ther* has been for several years. Mr. Lind moved from the Martin farm to the farm known as the Allen Colby farm,\ the Martin farm not being rented yet; Mr. and Mrs. Del Abbott to Ringwood and Mr. Corn well to the Abbott farm; Guy Harrison to Minnesota and Carl Mead to the Richardson farm, vacated by Mr. Harrison; F. A. Abbott's farnt is rented to a Mr. Thomas from south east of Woodstock; John Stanger moved from the Julius Thomas farm to Woodstock, but we have not learned who took his place, the farm now is owned by a company; Joe McCannon from F. B. Thompson's farm to Green wood; a stranger to Thompson's tenant. house. " Try a Plaindealer for sale adv. AND GROCERY The choicest lind of Meats and&roceries to be found in McHenry .Aebischer (Sucemr to C. G. Pratt.) McHENRY. ILL. M S-S 'PHONE 80-11 Water Street MMeatlWet Gut the high co& of living by trading'at the Water Street Cash Meat Market. Always on hand a full line of the best Fresh, Salt and Smoked Meat at mon ey saving prices. Also Oy&ers and Poultry at all times. Give us a trial or der. Orders promptly delivered. I also buy Calves tand Poultry and pay the highest price*. L.H. EISENMEKGER, Ji. *PHONE 67-H HcHENRY, ILL. IF IT'S QUALITY AND SERVICE * that you want, you'll make no mistake by doing your meat and grocery buying at this place. We always aim to carry the be& quality of goods in our line and with it give you the very best ser vice at our command. Let us convince you that we arc right. :: :: u G. C. BOSMA Succcssor to E. F. Matthews We^t McHenry .:: Phone 3 for us to pleaselour cus tomers when it comes to the grocery question. The reason for this is that we have the qualify goods and are ever ready to supply your demands in qjMtoQvStot notice. auiiuuciuiy maimer Subscribe for the Plaindealer and keep posted on local i.V'H. '.-isXii-i. ft. i : \\ fj.p. "*l v*. ' • 4