Order your Hew Suit or Overcoat no#. We can have it made and deliver any time. Our new International Tailoring Sample outfit for spring is ready for your in spection. The goods are the nicest we have ever shown. Prices on many fabrics are much lower than former seasons on acconnt of the n$w tariff. Call said look them over soon. Correct fit guaranteed. Our sample line of The Ideal Ladies* Tailoring con tains all the new and popular shades and weaves in Imported and Domestic Woolens and Silks. We invite the ladies to call and look them over. Have your Coat, Suit or Skirt made to your pleasure in any &yle. It costs no more and wears and looks better. Do not de lay ordering. It requires about two weeks to make the garment Our Spring Dress Goods line is now nearly complete. We are showing a fine line of plain and fancy color Silks in dainty colors in Messaline, Eolienne, Poplin, Ratine, Tub Silks and Voiles. ^ . m. Phone 63-R Goods Delivered OUR WEEKLY UMERIGK There was a lady, whose name was Sinclair, Who was particular about her tinware'. When came to on m And found good tip ware galore, She told her neighbor she was "triad she had there.*!. If You are in a Quandry-f In doubt 88 to the BEST place to ^our purchases in the hardware line/ take the road that leads to our store and you will make no mistake. . % *L.r" m fpJfeThe Latent Ideas 'Yommsfhe wffl* • most benefit by our in quiry into the latest ideas ill photography. We have iu£ returned from the Ea&man Kodak Company School of Demonstration at At McH*mr on Swnday, Mon- W. Tuesday and Wednesday. Otber days at Gry^al Lake. PHONE ei. d JL SATTEM Mm IK MUMCE CO. •r amr vmk i&mtmenm ukr.. It-- t i§sM.C. • U-tii,', i* v 't|* 'h .1 if tiie baking doe* Hot come out just right The fault is probably with the flour. It is impossible to make good bread and cakes with poor flour. Use EARLY RISER flour and you will never have cook. v, m- FtOCR u» FEED REUS T*Wnshi* [NOTS own County i folloWiBclB * Ht itoment by St.o i«<tf tlMTown of McUenrw j» tti d State aforMiUd, of the amount r reun ostcl , Wnilliiu on the the amount, ixmimeueo- *w* The.cook is happy, theV other members of the fasaiiy are happy--appetites sharpen, things « brighten up generally. And C&lpmet ^ Baking Powder is responsible for it all. For Calumet never fails. Its tnmderful leavening qualities Insure perfectly shortened, faultlessly raised bakings. . Cannot he compared with other baktlig: powders, which promise without performing. Even a beginner in cooking gets delightful results titb this never- Jailing Calumet Baking Powder. Your grocer knows. Ask him. .̂vr KBCfSYlD HKHST "WatW* Km Fumd giniliifcCWmiih.IOC k full F«»wHina. ĥ lfanh, 1*12 4m*iww.1 0m1Umi+L IflllHHHr'Vn VMMW^IWMl iM0i HOTBOT • W BW ••• ••• 'phen H i the (<<mu »nt of pub a n d e x p e t H t e d b y l t l m d u r - loBttilie ~ 1 Ustdapof Of pttbtlc i meot at add fiscal year, the aftto&ut. of public funds receive*! aad from *taat kouicos ro- the amount of pnbllcfubds expanded and forwbat purpobe expended, during said fiscal year, enatng mm aforesaid. lhe said Stephen 11. Freund. beJnjt duly sworn, doth depose and say, that tlx; follow ing statement Oy him subscribed if u. comset Statement of the amount of public funds on fcisisd st-tbe CoiUEneiicviiiynt of the Shc:i! vuu*• abovest&ted, the amount of pubiio fiuids re ceived and the source from which received, and the amount expended, and purchases for which expended, asset forth In said statement. Htkphkn ii. Fhkond. Hnbscribed and sworn to before me, this 31st day of March, 1014. H. C. Mead, Ju«ttee of the Peace. TONDS SBOBIVBD AND FROK WHAT BODHRB8 HKCKIVKD Amount of public funds on hwid at the cotnmenceafeut of the fiscal year commenc ing the 25th day of March, 1(M8. . j fiee'd from A. A. Orlssey. Oo. treasurer, delinquent .108.80 Hec'd from John N'.esen, town collector . . . f 6 9 . l l rUKRS KXPKKUKD AND fOH t WHAT PUHPOrtK KXi'lCNSlEO AMT Paid Judges and clerks spring election 1st district § 18.00 Paid hall rent and returning ballots 1st district , tf.50 .'ttdgef* and irler ks spring elec tion. 2ml district 16,00 Csnvasslnpr sprltiK election"*"* 4.50 *rauk Mftscjuelnl , bury In;' dend animal 5^)0 F. O. Schrelnor. pub Wept and- Itorh' meeting N. H. Petew.ii, for fumiitating material 14.00! John W. Kimtuill. assess«.r fees 300 00 John W. Kimball, as thistle commission Frank Masqueiet, for futniiiVit- lug material • Town iiudltors, for , auditing Sept meeting............ 4 - a**.* br new pap^rai on dis play., ^full lirwabf ^ ::|^k forkny ••po^in^e.hQuser,, K ^ 4' We afsaliave ^ n'uraber of odd lots to cltose out at price$ that are right. Take adr^ntago of this chan ing" lit, tWio U.. L„„ viaunuvc uv OVt V " •m s.n. I*.;'; ,V': '^ --ct;- . spring Ginghams, Percales, Calicoes and Spring and Summer Dress Materials are now ready for your inspection. The assortment we are showing this year surpasses that of any previous year. • Buy' -.ea^v- :^ave larger assortment to choose from, . • v yoi'pA F •5?x- | Phone S8>J 'II-. • ,• <1? v / Prompt Delivery 62.00 48.50 8.00 Mar 31 John H. Freuad, 28 town meet- ,*»«• 1...::... .las L Conway, 28 town meet ings John Boyle, 2)5 town meeting*! ('has H Hurtuseu, town oi^k 9 H Freund, |x»or tAaster"*.., *.' 50^00 F O Hchreiner. ballots ft pub spring election F G 8c" -- vkil; 0$%:, - ' JrH'Ifc' * WOO .vi.oo 5(1.00 08 90 ^hreiner, pub supervisor's report I>r Arnold Mi>«iler, fumixatli)g 21.80 6.00 material....... " - , 135 Town auditors. March meeting 8.00 RKC A PITt* MTfON, MaOUbt on b^nd at beginning of flac^i year. | flg3.fis A mount of futtda reoelved during fiscal year «7.#i ITEMS OF LOCAL INTEREST AS flCKED UT IY PLAINDEALCR rOKTERS DUKINfi WEEK « WHAT PEOPLE ARE DOING IN THIS VIL LAGE AND THE IMMEDIATE . ̂ iCKpnr- OTHER SHORT PARAGRAPHS, j ; . Boitvc Market. - * ""_\v t- Butter was declared firm at 244 cents on the Elgin board of trade Monday. See Spirella corset ad on page 5. Get your seed potatoes at M. M. Niesefa's. Prize bowling every week at 4he E. M. Geier alleys. Dr. Roberts' veterinary remedies for sale at Petesch's. , * Hess1 Panacea for chickens at Mc Allister's drug store. - Watch for the Chi-Namel lady at McAllister's April 13. The tango dancing class wilt be re sumed soon after Easter. Swift's Premium hatus and bacon at the West Side meat market. - - See Mrs. E. W. Howe when you get ready for that new spring hat. y ' ; v ^ r Read ia the Rex all store ad how to get a 25c box of cold tablets for lc. Complexion protection against March winds--our Benzo cream. 25c. Pjetesch. Mrs. E. W. Howe has o^enfed her millinery parlors for the spring trade See ESLER for everything electrical. Expert house wiring, reasonable prices Complexion protection against March winds--6ur Benzo cream. 25c. Petesch. Wonder if there, will be any lady challengers at the polls next Tuesday? Prize bowling at E. M. Qeier's alley every week, beginning Monday, April 6. Go after one of the prizes that are hung up at E. M. Geier's bowling al leys. The lithographs are displayed from the Windows of a number of homes in town. A bright youngster arrived at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Rietesel last week Friday. Every voter in McHenry township who can possibly get to the polls should do so nOxt Tuesday. Mr: and Mrs. Geo. Freund aire the parents of a boy baby, boitr to them last Sunday morning. All of the very latest creations known to the millinery art are now on display at the millinery parlors of Mrs. E. W. Howe. Mr. and Mrs. John Sit. PhaHtf, Who reside south of town, aVe caring for a little daughter since Friday of last week. . ' "" For pielrte contracts call aft F. A Bohlander's store. National Pickle A Canning Co. • • 40-10t Meyers Bros. Tee company are now ready to supply their customers with ice for the coming season. 4i-2t The old implement bouse in Center* ville will' house the employe# of the gas company during their stay in lie- Henry. * ' « I have contracted for 200 bushels of Red River Valley^ Ohio seed potatoes. Better leave your order at once. M. M. Niesen. , 40-tf Mrs. E. W. Howe hae just received an elegant new line of spring and sum mer hats. You must see them to ap preciate them. Jacob Steffes and family are now their beautiful new hope on the corner of Third and Front streets. on the West Side. Tnlal amount T6tal auiout paid out j •.i'M': Balance on nand •tOM.74 772.79 Martin Conway has left the employ of the Borden Condensed Milk com pany here and has moved bis family to a farm south of town. Mrs. Fred Wille and family have vacated the Gage house on Main street on the West Side to make their future home at North Crystal Lake. The new auto livery, located in the Weber building on Water street, is now open for business. Lawrence Huck ha# charge of the place. Mr. and Mrs. Roy Hobart have moved from the flat over the F. L. McOmber store to the Peter Wirfs cottage on Center street on the West Side. • ' x The country roads at the present time are in their very worst condition. Farmers in some localities are Hading it quite a difficult task to pull over thein with a heavy load. Paul Barbian is now employed in the Star garage, conducted by John R. Knox. Paul worked in one of Chica go's large auto shops during the win ter months and his knowledge of the auto business should make him a good man for his employer. W. D. Fisk of North Crystal Lake, who has been employed with the Pub lic Service company at that place for some time past, and who has made frequent visits to this village, has been transferred to Minonk, 111., where he has been given fall charge pT the Streator district. " V' In our account of the townstify1 cau cus as published in last week's issue of: The I^Jaindealer we failed to mention! the name of John Boyle, who was nom-, inated to the office of highway com-: missioner. He received 448 votes. Mr, Boyle will kindly accept our apology! for the oversight,, According to a Waukegan paper the' $100,000 damage suit of Mrs. Johni Richardson against the five Voloj women will not be heard at this terrot of court. The $100 fine, as imposed! against each of the women in the Feb-j ruary trial, has also been suspended onj request of State's Atty. Dady. In last week's issue of the Crystal; Lake Herald Supt. of Schools A. M. Shelton spoke most flatteringly about McHenry's Business Men's club. He told thfe readers of that paper ot>being present at our March dinner and urged the business men of that town to get busy and organize a get-together club. According to reports from the coun ty seat Woodstock will not have a base ball club this year. A number of the players are trying to induee L. P. Frederick of North Crystal Lake to organize a club and give them a chance to play in that town this summer. Mc Henry has also had an opportunity of securing a number of Woodstock play ers, but thus far the local mapager has not reached a decision in the matter. ~ VOM> Miss Ruth Peterson vjpited In Elgin Thursday. Miss Marion Huson of Elgin Is spend ing the week in Volo. Mrs. Ed. Snyder of MonaviUe spent Tuesday at Ves Wagner's. Mi's. CuaS. Parkef aud Sjftty trSf* recent callers at Fort Hill. Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Murray of Wau- conda called at Mre. A. J. 'flaymond's Tuesday. Mrs. Frank Hironimtla aftd children and Miss Emma Bacon were Wauconda callers Thursday. Mr. aud Mia. Frank Henkle and Mr. and Mrs. Frank Hironimus were Fre mont callers Sunday. Dr. Roberts' veterinary remediee for sale »t Petesch's. ROLCOn BVIL1.K. Mrs." W. J. Beiser spent Tuesday in Elgin. ~ * Will Powers jpent Sunday at W. E, White's. ' * James Dohdrty spent ijftt week in Elgin and Itasca. Mr. and Mrs. C. FTutson were callers at Will Gilbert's Wednesday. Mrs. Slater of Elgin was the guest of her daughter here last week, Thomas Doherty of Ripgwood was a Sunday visitor at his home here. Boward and Glenn Wattles of Me- Henry were callers here Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. T.. L. Flanders and daughters, were McHenry visitors Sat- urday. Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Ppwem and chil dren were Sunday visi^ors at D A, Powers'. Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Buchert and lit tle son spent Sunday with relatives in McHenry. r .•H.. % •_ 1 .r We bftve a number of Shirt Wai^selling be low cost price. Come ftot) look them over. * •.m >•/»i Shirts . :-V A' ' ril ' I'.. Men's Negligee Shirts with separate collars, each. . . . . . . . , . . .$1.00 Starch pufl ^nd collar Shirts .. .$1.00 Work Shirts and Over all# at right prices* km McHenry, - 79-J PR, F. J. AICHEH W DENTIST ; Office la Schumacher Building Centerville McHenry, Illinois Telephone No. 18 A . _ 4 • 'J!!'.-. ^ Telephone No. IW-R 4 SIMON STOFFEL Iaeuranoe agent for all classes of Dromriv In the bast notnnanies. WEST McHENRY, ILLINOIS (r~ 3 U N I T E D S T A T E S D E P O S I T O R Y ^ ? CAPITAL STOCK, $25,000.- f ' - " ••• ' - A depositor at the Wtsft M^Heurj' State Bank has . many ad\ antagre& besides " the safety of his money. He can put notes and drafts in for collection, borrow money on ac ceptable sccurk^ call on the bank 'for any advice of a financial nature. You will be entitled to these courtesies if you have an COMmFRCI DC account there, whether it be large or'sm^* ....SAFETY DEPOSIT BOXES, $3.00 PER YEJUL. lOFFICERS:-!^ ""j1.1'- •PI DR. C. H. FEGERS, Vice Pth. (Altt. to. STKNGER, Catitar. * tfOfiTEL. KM PTM. the kind we carry ijtock. Shoes that give ttie •^l|m©uwt of wear y^ h^ve^a - tight tc> expect. New ptook of Women's Colonial Pumps in potest leather and black velvet. Also patent leather s- • and velvet button, hhicfc and •it»n c^alf »ki«^|«it4<|^hpes. ^'J^riees righ^'j.; s BOYS' AND MISSES' SHOES that ive s^rqng aiid give a lot of service. LADIES' 'ifre Yatost Waetsfatso in -tire latest m< Muslin Petticoat, Night QownSj Princess Slips and Drawers a| pfHr- usual Jq^r prio<|i^ .• "hr- mm-. West McHenry & 11 (?• p.'T and Linoleum ; •?&&& • is tne season 'of th« year when Car? p^ts, Rugs and Linoleums are in demand. We are showing a line of these goods that will make you sit up and take notice... T#<| pleasures and comforts of your home can never be complete without suitable coverings lor your floors and then, too, think of aU the wort that may be abided by having ^!ttr floorsvCOvered with Linoleum, v JACOB JUSTEN w, f0* 'I,'. -'fv