Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 23 Apr 1914, p. 5

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„ - v . . - * * v » y w : \ r f x r - , <•; r:^V<sfi&HEIi •A?m MUENHY PLAINDEAIiER, SFHENRT, ttfci fflvCf *"~ asps!! /if. A,- uj i 067? CORPS OF CORRESPONDENTS '•M£i M? H •^Vf; When, you want drug wore goods p&$\4 v*V . '.- ,• , t. ,. '"^.;f »,-': -i >v:% ;p^v'S;fe £.^Wrs-dLw'i!>' " t " "^^T zzs*m<:Vim ' &M&.' ' Come in person? Mail your order • ;- \' r <• "'•' '. -V;" - •'-• >' ;"v;'- C^: •;', *•'•" t&e universal use of the telephone and the pare# post enables people to trade with us as conven­ iently from a distance as tho they made a pef^ *»al visit toAur storey Of course we are gjta to person whenever possible, but don't do without Income. "Come in person, phone or write** *s> ••SfSvA- McflENRlr ft: RHONE 56-W -,̂ -M SRl «*' Tks 2- v Cnb a Link ha --W«A b Uu.v'tfi Not only better bread, but more bread. Highest Price--Highest Quality--Greatest Economy. We refund your money without argument if you're not satisfied ANTON SCHNEIDER, McHENRY ' :: Phone 103-M P H I L I P - J A E G E R GENERAL COHMISSI0N MERCHANT S9*OUkI» ATTENTION GIVEN TO TBM 9ALM (W\ » j ,_. . Dressed Beef, riutton, Hogs, Veal, Poultry, V^f Hides, Etc., Butter and Eggs This is the oldest ̂ dase on thestrMt Tags and price lints famished aDPli cation. M^ffTORAOB FREE Stall l * I, PaltosSfc WMlMate Markat. ' CHICAGO, ILLINOIS. m $\ Y *' ' % - * i" h* \ •v - T- V: ' . ': ' 1 ̂ *"• mm mm.* -«. ^ - .., . . . ~V. fe g|J; 1 a;"; '• *"">5 an indispensable aid to the |iU;b# i : urban amusement-seeker. t | Before this service was available the sub-! Ww ts • u-y,-. ii<'. 1$b" urban resident often had trouble getting; SSfcf;' J**' %:* •. seats an4 ^vatioiMf in the city. restaurant feser- v? IC gThe Long Distance Telephone Service solvet igtbe |>roblem and gives the man in the country ^gan equal chance with the man in the city. ^Theatres and restaurants now give careful atten4 " ;^tioa to advance orders that come in by telephone *%*# &'$• % • « ; ; Use the Long Distance Lines i' ~i-?4V; *• ' V. •••>, fjlucago Telepnone Compaii# J H. Conrath, District Manager,^;" Telephone 9903 Masquelet's r . ^ ; " • urAw«':, V./-1 >5^ 0' You can depend upon the - quality of our goods and the , /service in our &ore. Wtf- endeavor to carry a com­ plete assortment of various sundries always found in a * first-class drug Sop, : .5 • ... 'l-HP DlfBTHEUA ANIITON ITIINn- m TOOK NYSKUN, UX 800KS MY OR NOT X?a.; JjMdaENRY, m,: Ju t̂ Arrived >r: ' ' ' Hjt r'.̂ - • i 'iaM ' V We have just>received a nice, new line of Vege- tiibles and we want to deliver an order to your ^ery door. 'Phone us jrour order and we'll do IJbe rest. Our ' line of Staple and fancy grocer­ ies is always complete. We'll: appreciate yonr % Math; Phone 8 Wf|t McHenry • BIMGWOOB ' • 1 Fred Waltera of Woodstock was in* town Monday. Mary Bell spent * few days the first of the week with her. sister, Mrs.. Esta, at Spring Grove. The W. C. T. U. w|Wm^ witfc lirsi Libbie C. Alien Saturday of this weiek. Mrs. Mary Carey, leader. Our little village was Well repre­ sented at the Eastern Star meeting at McHenry Monday evening. Onitf? % number from hers attended the -funeral of Mrs. Jane Hodge at Solon last Monday afternoon. Mrs. Alien and Mrs. Stephenson at­ tended the Social Wheel meeting at Mrs. W. E. Whitings's last Saturday. Mrs. Melissa Gould and children of Ridgefield spent Friday of last week with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. C. D. Bacon. < Mrs. George Minshall and children of Genoa Junction, visited Thuisday last with her grandmother, Jenhie Spaulding. Joha McLau^hJio and R^b^rH Doh- erty are both driving now Ford autos. Charles Carr and W. E. Bradley are expecting new Rambler cars soon. Mr. and Mrs. H. W. Allen attended the funeral' of Charles C. Fitch at Woodstock Sunday. Mr. Fitch settled in Woodstock in M$4", but wect to Chi­ cago in lSKtO, where he has since resid­ ed. , AH mothei*s will be pleased t<i read of Secretary Daniels' order, banishing liquor from the U. S. navy, and als-) of the stand the Record-Herald has taken in regard ito liquor advertisements. God speed the day when it wU^bO:ban­ ished from our fair land. L. C. A.', Cor. Sec. W. C. T. f . .There was a l&rge number of Masons attended the funeral of J. S. Brown last Friday. The Sir Knights cere­ mony at the cemetery^ *as verr im­ pressive. Mr. Brown has resided in our village since 1893 and will be greatly missed by^'a large circle of friends, as he was one- who was ever ready to lend a helping hand in time of need.. There were friends from Harvard, Woodstock, McHenry andf Richmond to pay their last sad re­ spects. / *O1TNSnVB0H. Johnsburgh is by no means a dead town. Watch it grow. Has Johnsburgh any young men who are willing to fight for the grand, old flag? "Know that you are right, then go ahead," is also good policy for Johns­ burgh. Miss nellen Adams was in Chicago Tuesday, purchasing new goods for her millinery store. Much has been said about dry and wet, "but the Germans- should stick together, side by each/' Our business men are looking for­ ward to a big business the coming summer. The approach of­ ways brings smiles to the people in general. v / The wedding dance at Smith's hall on Monday evening drew out the usual large crowd of young people. Every­ one present enjoyed the event im­ mensely. Those wishing to change places of residence will find a hearty welcome in Johnsburgh. Houses neat and cozy, also some empty lota at reasonable prices are to be had. Peter J. Williams, manager of the Weiland Dairy company plant here, is one of our very latest automobile en thusiasts,, having Invested in a. new Partin-Palmer touring car. He made the purchase thru the McHenry agent, Geo. A. Stilling. At the school election held here last Saturday Jacob H. Adams was re-elect­ ed to the office of school trustee, he winning out over his two opponents* Peter Smith and Joseph J. Freund, by a very small margin. Owing to the disagreeable weather the voter^ did not turn out in large numN^ ^ OSZENH. .... Mrs. Myra Thomas spent Sunday and Sunday night with relatives in West Henry. Mrs. Alma Thomas of West McHen­ ry spent Sunday and Monday here with her son, Ray. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Kslser are en­ tertaining their cousins, Martin RiechV and wife, from the old country. Little lone Thomas is spending the week with her graodruolher, Mrs. Alma Thomas, at West McHenry. Ben Walkington, the Greenwood groceryman, commenced his regular weekly trips thru here last week Mon­ day. Emil Thomas is gaining nicely, but not out of bed. He begins to want food and is talking about a speedy re­ turn to school duties. Sowing grain and planting potatoes are the farmers' occupation fiow. Hen­ ry Hobart has ^-quantity of early Ohio seed potatoes for sale. - At the school meeting last Saturday F. B. Thompson was elected to suc­ ceed himself. The board consists of F. B. .Thompson, Clyde C. Clark and Frank Kaiser. Ostend will have a change in teach­ ers again this fall. Miss Doherty could qot be prevailed upon to stay an­ other year, altho the patrons of the school very much wished her to. She had an offer of a school nearer home and decided to accept the offer. KMRRAMI PARK. Jas. Hax ton of Chicago spent "Sunday at the Park. Henry FelmeC&i is qtondiag a few days in Chicago. Mr. and Mrs. Prouty spent Sunday at their cottage. Mrs. John McGee spent Thursday at Edward Sutton's. . Lawrence Huck, Sr., spent Tuesday and Wednesday in Chicago. Mr . and Mrs. W. K. Burns of Chica­ go spent Sunday at their cottage. Mrs. George Hoelscher and son of Chipago spent Thursday, at M. A. Sut­ ton's. Mrs. A. De Camp spent a few days last week as the guest of Mr. wad Mrs. J. J. Flusky. Miss Nellie Harrington of Chicago spent Sunday as the giiest of Mr. and Mrs. Edward Sutton. Mrs. George Sullivan of Woodstock spent Thursday as the guest of Mr. and Mrs. E. R. Sutton. ROAD DAY JUNE I aOOD ROAD DAT TO SB OBSERVED Vpp^Mwraa iY cou i r r r '^CoSh'ty Superintendent of fjff^fiftays, C. L. Tryon, called a meeting of the county highway commissioners of Mc­ Henry county on April 9, to consider the manner of observing "Road Day," which was set by Governor Dunne for April 15. It was decided that April 15 was too early ar date for the roads of McHenry county to receive the great est benefit from "Road Day." A reso­ lution was passed to this effect and the county superintendent be empowered to set fi later date, preference being expressed for a date to be set as near as possible. for the tpne corn plantntg is finished, which would be oo> or about June 1. Another resolution was passed, ask­ ing that the county superintendent call another meeting of the highway commissioners in the fall, for the pur­ pose of discussing good road ideas. The tibwnship commissioners and county superintendent will try and in­ terest the various associations in the county to co-operate in making "Road Day" a Success. The commissioners in the several districts will select some piece of work that they wish done and will give their supervision to all who will volunteer to aid with men and tools according to the nature of the work to be performed. It was moved and voted by the town ship commissioners of McHenry county that we recommend a state law that will compel the land owners along the highways to cut all weeds, brush and rank growths in the highway that is owned by said land owner. Also that a state law be passed to the effect that the automobile license money be paid to the town clerk of the township in which said automobile is owned and said money to be used for road pur­ poses. Thirty-one commissioners were pres­ ent and several others were heard from by letter and phone. Let us endeavor by co-operation one with another to inaugurate a new en} of road work in the state. GETS *IS AND COSTS With depositors in development of their business in every way ^consistent with good banking. "he same attention is given to large and small accounts. -jHf- : •W'U; fi 11 FREfMONT HO ̂& SON, Bankers 'Mmsm rw luaiukBiMa THE peace OS,JII3»»AY EVENINQ •. •" A young man of this village, who comes from one of the village's i)6St families and for which reason we with­ hold the name, was arrested on a dis­ orderly charge on Tuesday evening of this week and the following morning appeared before Justice H. C. Mead, where he pleaded guilty to the charges preferred against him. He was given a fine of #15 arid costs, which he paid and was released. Since the arrest Mayor Stoflfel has instructed both police officers to be a trifle more severe in the discharge of their duties in the future and to arrest everyone who in any manner is found disturbing the peace or otherwise disobeying the law. A Plaindealer reporter Interviewed both police officers after the trial on Wednesday morning^ and from state­ ments obtained the village laws will be enforced to the letter in the future. In the past'the officers have been in the habit of being very lenient with fellows who are in the habit of "soak­ ing up" too much of the "stuff" which makes 'em feel as if they own the world. This is now a thing of the past and will not be tolerated in the future. Everyone, no matter who he may be, must, in the future, respect the village and state laws . or suffer the conse­ quences. Jhe arrest of Tuesday night should be a warning to those who are inclined to be a bit rowdy at times and we earnestly believe that a lesson of this sort will result in much good. Those from a distance who attended the funeral of Walter Bolger on Thurs­ day morning last were: Mr. and Mrs. Will Bolger of Michigan City, Ind.; Mr. and Mrs. John Aylward, Mr. and Mrs. Frank O'Flaherty, Mrs. Thomas Frisby, Ed. Larkin and Mrs. P. Costel- lo and daughter, Mamie, of Elgin; Thomas Conway and daughter, Alice, Mr. and Mrs. Demling, Miss Kathryn Bolger and Mrs. George Hoelscher and son, Robert, of Chicago; Mrs. John McGee, Mrs. John Sullivan, Mrs. Car­ rol, Mr. and Mrs. D. Corr and daugh­ ter, Kathryn, Mr. and Mrs. Jofin Bol­ ger and children, Miss Donnelly, Rev. Conway, H. Cooney, E. Long of Wood­ stock and Mr. and Mrs. Parsley of Cary. * . X »ASEBALL DANCE Just S ffrtainder that the felice for the McHenry baseball club will be held at StofTel'shall on Saturday even­ ing, May 16. Tickets are now on sale and may be obtained from the man-, ager, Richard B. Walsh, or any of the players on the team. The members of the "Just Us" club will work in con­ junction with the baseball boys in bringing the event to one glorious success, j i - s s ' - c : we ha^eopened an for the * •wyy' >'V» "*-#«• 4-^ "• c.r 1 "No Hills Too Steep, No Sand Too Deepf* i--: - •... •W W- Empire $900 "The Little Aristocrat" "ff -i" -.V stes-i.. In order to protect otir customers in every wayr we will« on delivering one of r these cars to them, give the buyer a policy in a responsible insurance company, insuring against the loss of the car by either fire or theft for one year from date of sale. • The reputation of the Jackson and Empire cars is a guarantee against any trouble and annoyance, so that by buying of us you can be assured a season of pleasure and satisfaction without loss, such as you can get from no other deader* ~' We have the agency for the Harley-Davidson Motorcycles. Wxf? v.?-. S'/ MofOf Cars 'Phone 71-W % .« V y '%'$• - ,0:' . : 'mg- Crystal Lake, lit •n a ,44 } f"P 1 &A •'•M 'a , . . ' V" ..r"' >s.Y* Chicago & NOrth-Western. BEScttve Nov. 10. WU. - V T«rre m DAT mU» oSofc _ nobthbodnd Hclienry 7.00 U EIRIU,.., 10.11 U M 8.45 a m...Via Des I'!aln«.......10.11 a m 12.15 p in .".--Via EU(iu.... 2.32 p in 12.45 p rn Jia DesJPJalnOI 2.33 p an 3.40 p m .. 3.15 p m.. 4.43 p m. 7.10 •. in. 8.45 a m 2.06p ta.„.. Leave McHenrf. 7.10 a m 7.10 a ui..... 8.33 am 4.4i p m..... 7.10 a m 7.10am 5.00 p m 5.00 p m ...Via Lies Plalnea.. 4.4r>p ........Via Elgin 0.21 pm .Via DeaPlalnflS 0^1 pa fDVOAT TRAILS. ...... Via Elgin 10.10 am ...Via Des l'luluse.. 10.10 am . .. Via Elgin.. .5.00 p • «»BK DAT XBAlijl SOUTHBOUND " ' ...Via Des E'luhit.* Via EIkIii .../Via Des Flaluos.... ...Via Des PlalucS.... tUNDAT TBAINS, ...Via Des l*lalues„.._..9.35a m ...... Via Elgin ...........10.10 am Via Des Plaluas....-..6.30 p m VlaEUln 7.95 piu Arrlv* • Ohleago ...«.1H a m ..10.10a m ...9.40 a m ...6.50 p m MEXICAN CRISIS PICTURES With the Atlantic and Paciiie fleets gathering in Mexican waters by order of the president to show the Huerta outfit that Uncle Sam means business, our page of late pictures of scenes at Tampico", marines under way and bat­ tleships steaming south is mighty timely and will be interesting to you. You will find this feature on another page of this issue of The Plaindealer. Look it up and get a pictorial insight into this vital question of our prepar­ ations for the Mexican trouble. Get your seed Niesen's. potatoes at M. M I have contracted for 200 bushels of Red River Valley Ohio seed potatoes. Better leave jnour order at once. M. M.Niesen. . 40-tf Complexion protection against March winds--our Benzo cream. 25e. Petesch. J. C. DEBRECHT QUALITY SERVICE RIGHT PRICES sfj| £hoae 625-M-2 :: Johnsburgb^IU. SALE! Summer Dress Goods, Laces, Embroideries and some Curtain Goods on sale May 1 to May 10 inclusive. Closing out below co&. im •%1 ""4i "m 'I •~f'X 4-' t •- >§f> jt v Hytra hfive idle funds which tttelyfeg ^tfie bank awl' not giving you returns greater than Three Per Cent, fill out the attached coupon and let me tell you what your money will earn if invented in McHenry County Real Estate Notes. Mail your reply to X Y Z, cafe of The Plaindealer, McHenry, Illinois. ; COUPON 4 - Without obligatiiog myself in, any way» I would like to have you tell me more about your McHenry County Real E&ate Notes. I could Invest about $. Name. Address > "> * v i • .g.hrifyi . '»'/>•• • Sg ,"'1^ \ ... :;,v • ; * : .v |»,¥ I, - h • .•i ̂ • •'% m

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