Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 4 Jun 1914, p. 4

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C R E A M BAKING POWDER aftaM* PMM sasaashp* hvE rnu« aiHru • •'•.V.-iW .$»H.,%•••: (gmta__^__ |f. ^ ' •••*.-• - nx(y f( ».{»•* p THE PTHEFfRY PLAINDEALER jjK| , PUBLISHED EVERY THURSDAY •¥ F. G. SCHREINER ti • Office la Bank RaOdint Telephone »W tlRMS OF SUBSCRIPTION: Oi* ̂ car. i. tlx Months, 75c *li» Hum Months, 41c 1^5," • |J; Thursday, June 4,1914 ' i •'] •• ADDITIOHAl. PERSONALS Miss Kathryn Long has returned to ' tier home at Woodstock. Mrs. Frank Martin and son, Clinton, spent Tuesday in Chicago. • John J. Vycital and daughter, Helen, > were Chicago visitors Tuesday. F. O. Gans was a business transactor ;> in Chicago Friday of last week. Dr. D. G. Wells was a professional Visitor in Chicago last week Friday. George Heimer of Chicago spent Sat­ urday and Sunday as the guest of home folks. . G. A. Sattem of Chicago spent Sat­ urday and Sunday as the guest of home •; folks. J. H. Miller transacted business mat- . ters atGenoa Junction, Wis., last Sat- uriay. Mrs. I. A. Himgerford and sons, Gail and Wayne, were Chicago visitors Tuesday. Geo. H. Hanly was among those to board the Chicago train last Friday morning. Robert Lamer of Peotone, 111., spent Saturday as a guest in the home of C. E. Gaylord. Ben Stilling attended to matters of a business naturein the windy city last week Friday. ,;{ Sam Colby ofllmy wood is paving two weeks as a guest in the home of Mrs. E. W. Howe. Mrs. B. A. Murray of Chicago was the guest of McHenry friends several days last week. J. C. Bickler transacted matters of a business nature in the metropolitan eity last Friday. Miss Florence Scribner of Chicago v spent Saturday and Sunday as the guest Sf «f.relati ves here. § Miss Edna Sand of Chisago spent Satur<l:n and Sunday as the guest of Miss Ulara Miller. Mrs. Josephine Heimer went to Chi- cago last Thursday for a three weeks visit with relatives. Miss Lottie Lau of Chicago spent Saturday and Sunday as the guest of Miss Elizabeth Miller. j: Misses Ada and Belle Carey of Elgin * spent Satuiflay and Sunday as guests / McHenry relatives. . , . Mrs. F. C. Going of Chicago passed the latter part of last week as the guest of friends here. yf John Schreiner and daughter of El- | gin spent the week end as th6 guests s. d McHenry relatives. . 4;v Miss Jennie Homuth of Barrington ^ -fj. spent Saturday and Sunday as the guest ••s of her sister, Mrs. A. A. Landwer. ;-y\ •, c Harry Ailing of Chicago was enter- . tained in the home of Mr. and Mrs. F. >->£' '%t. McOmber Saturday and Sunday. V Victor Rieke of Harrington spent . v Saturday and Sunday as a guest in the fcome of Mr. and Mrs. A. A. Landwer, Mrs. L. H. Howard and children of •M 'A*i- <3hicago spent Sunday as guests in the i*ome of Mr?^and Mrs. E. F. Matthws ^* 4- Mrs. Louis McDonald and son, Ford 'r..s -.0 Woodstock spent Saturday inthe _ nome of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. L Newman. Gilbert McOmber of Chicago spent ? ^ Saturday and Sunday as a ghest in the ^ ' : borne of his parents, Mr. and .Mrs, L. McOmber. Miss Maude Granger of Chicago passed the latter part "of last and the lore part of this week as the guest of .relatives here. ^c^ard Wray of Perry, la., is ^ fuest in the home of Mrs. E. W. Howe, cife "r8, Wray having been here since the r ^ death of Mr. Howe. ' i Mr. and Mrs. Ben Bonslett of Chica spent Saturday and Sunday as guest« in the home of the former's mother Mrs. Margaret Bonslett. Mr. and Mrs. George Steilen and son of Chicago spent Saturday and Sunday *s guests in the home of her parents Mr. and Mrs. John Heimer. Messrs. and Mesdames Howard Conn l^ester Nogle and Wm. Heffron of Woodstock took in the dance at Stof fel's hall last Saturday night. , Wm. Wilson and James Field of Chi eago were guests of the former's grand mother and aunt, Mrs. S. Sherburne and Miss Anna, last Saturday. Ralph and Glenn Van Natta of Chi cago passed Saturday and Sunday as guests in the home of their parents, tr. and Mrs. M. L. Van Natta. W:. ' Mrs. Robert Schiessle spent the lat- .Iter part of last and the fore part of ' ' this week as the guest of Mr. and Mrs. ' i- P. H. Weber at Park Ridge, 111. rJUr. and Mrs. John Peterson of Chi- J *pe nt Saturday and Sunday as {D the home of the latter's par-$^%gpMns in the home of the latter's p: Mr- and Mrs. Thep. WinkeL Miss Pearl Claxton spent Thursday with Richmond friends. Miss Lelah Claxton is spending the week with Dundee friends. Mrs. Lou Scott of Chicago is a guest in the home of her brother, Rollin Waite. Miss Hazel Freyer of Doland, S. D., spent last week in the home of J. F. Claxton. John Adams of Austin spent Satur­ day and Sunday as the guest of rela­ tives here. Miss Pearl Claxton spent the latter part of the week with friends at Wood­ stock and Racine. Miss ' Jennie Beatty of Richmond spent Wednesday and Thursday with Miss Ruby Claxton. Miss Elizabeth Adams of Austin Lssed Saturday and Sunday as the guest of relatives here. Mr. and Mrs. Thos. Burke of Rich­ mond attended the Miller-Engeln wed­ ding here Wednesday. Miss Florence Vasey of Oak Park as a week end guest in the home of her grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. Rollin Waite. David Wood burn passed the latter part of last and fore part of this week as the guest of his sons at Rockford and Belvidere. Mrs. E. J. Hamel and Miss Mollie Ryan of Chicago were over Sunday guests in the home of their sister, Mrs. D. G. Wells. Mrs. Emma Phillips left Tuesday for California, where she will be the guest her sister, Mrs. S. P. Colby, at Fresno for an indefinite time. Mr. and Mrs. G. A. Barker aiyl daughter, Glenys, of Crystal Lake spent Saturday and Sunday as guests in the home of Mr. and Mrs. Peter J. Freund. Mrs. Wm. Thomas and son, Elbert, accompanied Emil Thomas to Chicago last Saturday, where he underwent an operation at the Post Graduate hospi­ tal Monday. H. E. Wightman, daughter, Clara, and grandson, Lloyd Wightman, of Glencoe, til., passed Decoration day as guests in the home of Mr. and Mrs. Rollin Waite. Mrs. John P. Weber and daughter of Chicago spent a few days this week as guests in the home of Mrs. William Krause. Mr. Weber was out Satur­ day and Sunday. Mrs. A. Kenneth Burns came out from Chicago Friday evening for a week's visit with her mother, Mrs. F. K. Granger. Mr. Burns was outSat* urday and Sunday. Mr. and «Mrs. N. F. Steilen of Chica­ go, Mrs. F. Miller andson of Cary and M iss Edna Cissel of St. Louis, Mo., were here to attend the Miller-Engeln wedding Wednesday. Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Smith, Mr. and Mrs. Peter J. Freund and Miss Edith Dilling motored to Crystal Lake one day recently and spent the day as the guests of Mr. and Mrs; G. A. Barker. Dr. and Mrs. R. G. Chamberlin and children left Tuesday for their farm near Muskegon, Mich. The doctor ex­ pects to be gone about two or three weeks, while, the family may make a longer stay. Mr. and Mrs. Theo. Burnett of Chi­ cago were guests in the home of the latter's parents, Mr. and Mrs. E. L. Behlke, Saturday and Sunday. They were accompanied home by Gladys and Curtis Behlke, who will remain their guests for a week. Misses Tillie Tillisch and Blanch Schogren and Messrs. Leroy McCarthy and Alexander Friend motored out from Chicago Saturday and passed the day as guests in the home of John II ue- mann. Miss Anna Friend, who had been a guest in the Huemann home for the past week or more, returned t: 5.00 10.00 13.82 tt.oo 6.00 6.74 , 4- Council Room, June 1, 1014. The village trustees met in regular s :s »ssion with President Stoffel presid­ ing. Trustees present: Bnrbian, Cham­ berlin, Heimer, Nickels, Spender , and Schumacher. The minutes of the last^ regular meet­ ing were read and approved. The following bills were approved by the linance committee: Standard Oil Co., oil •12.2 Valvoline Oil Co., engine oil .. .. 12.r>0 r. A. Bohlander, hip boots 6 25 •Seotford stamp, dog tasrs ,1.35 Public Service Co., lighting sts.J 96.00 Wm, G. Schreiner, postage & clerk supplies L. F. Newman, marshal service & charging batteries 50.35 James lie vor, police service & meals 50.30 Henry Schaefer, Ibr with team.. 49.00 Anton Engeln, storing hose cart 1 year John J. Vycital, Ibr on *w John Simon, Ibr on street C. G. Frett, Ibr with teaitt--. --.. C. N. Newman, Ibr on street Hubert Caspers, Ibr on cross walks 18.75 McHenry Plaindealer, printing.. 15.25 Neptune Meter Co., meters & supplies., 45.00 Jas. B. Clow & Sons, lead pipe-- 12.71 Motion by Heimer, seconded by Nickels, that the minutes be approved as read. Motion carried. Motion by Nickels, seconded by Hei­ mer, that the bills be paid as read. Motion carried. Motion by Heimer, seconded by Spencer, that the bond of Linus F. Newman as principal, with Theodore Winkels and G. C. Boley as sureties, be accepted. Motion Carried. ' Motion by Nickels, seconded by Schu­ macher, that the bond of C. W. Steng- er as principal, with Geo. R. Hanly and Dr. C. H. Fegers as sureties, be accepted. Motion carried. Motion by Chamberlin, seconded by Barbian, that the bond of J. J. Vycital as principal, with the United States Fidelity Co. as surety, be accepted. Motion carried. Motion by Chamberlin, seconded by Nickels, that V. S. Lumley be attained as village attorney. Yeas--Chamber­ lin, Heimer, Nickels, Spencer, and Schumacher. Nays--Barbian. Motion carried. The president, with the consent of the board, appointed the following to act upon the auditing committee: Will Spencer, Wm. G. Schreiner, T. J. Walsh and Wm. Bonslett. Motion by Spencer, seconded by Chamberlin, that the matter of plac­ ing the water meters be left to the superintendent of waterworks, Chas. B. Harmsen. Motion carried. Motion by Nickels, seconded by Spen­ cer, that the marshals be transferred. Yeas--Chamberlin, Heimer, Nickels, Spencer and Schumacher. Nays--Bar­ bian. Motion carried. Motion by Nickels, seconded by Spen­ cer, to adjourn. Motion carried. ' SIMON STOPFEL, President. WM. G. SCHREINER, Clerk. ROAD DAY JUNE 11 EVERYONE SHOULD TAKE INTEREST IN THIS COKING EVENT home with them. Mr.-and Mrs. A. C. Granger, Mr. and Mrs. A. K. Burns and Miss Maude Granger of Chicago; Mr. and Mrs. Geo Smith and family of Elgin, Mr. and Mrs. Raymond Arvedson and son of Carpentersville, Mr. and Mrs. Ben Johnson, Mr. and Mrs. Erie Geer and Misses Caroline Irving and Edith Leach of North Crystal Lake were among those from out of town to attend the Granger-Johnson wedding here last night. HOLCOMHVILLK. Charles Harrison was a business vis­ itor in Chicago Tuesday. Mr. and Mrs. Mike Knox and family were Sunday guests at J. Doherty'g. Mr. and Mrs. David Powers and chil­ dren spent Sunday with Wm. Doherty and family. Mr. and Mrs. Will Young ire enter­ taining the latter's parents from Auro­ ra this week. Charles Harrison, Mrs. Alice Hut- so n and Miss Lolia Holmes were Wood stock visitors on Friday last. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Beiser and chil­ dren, Wilbur and Edna, spent Friday and Saturday with friends at Elgin. Messrs. John and JameB Powers are the possessors of new Ford autos bought from John Knox, the hustlinir agent at McHenry. u,\e son of Mr. and Mrs- Charles Buchert, met with a painful accident on Tuesday, falling from the porhh and breaking his arm near the -t' ' ' « Vi -f V? ; • •• * '"'••'r:' In accordance with plans and discus­ sions at the recent meeting of the Mc­ Henry county board of supervisors it was decided to make Thursday, June 11, Road day for McHenry county. From information at hand it seems that considerable interest is being tak­ en thruout this county and organiza­ tions in the different townships are contemplating taking an active part in the good road movement. The supervisors of the county are urging the people to take hold of this movement and thus show our neigh­ bors that we are lives ones. The roads of McHenry county at the present time are in fair condition, but can stand for more improvement, and with this end in view Road day has been inaugurated. If everybody will only do his share we can see where Road day in McHen­ ry county as well as this township will be made a great success. The road commissioners of McHenry township are doing everything within their power to give the public good roads, but owing to the fact that the funds are limited the commissioners are handicapped to a certain extent. With the inauguration of Road day everyone is given an opportunity to do his share. Every commissioner in the town of McHenry probably knows of a definite piece of work that he would like to do were the means avail­ able. For instance, is there not some hill that should be cut down, or some stretch, of road that needs graveling and which present plans cannnot reach this year? Perhaps there is a bridge that is in need of scraping and paint ing. Possibly some side ditch could be opened to advantage and existing ditches cleaned out. Now would sIm* be a good time to have any bruKh eut that is standing along the roadside It is generally conceded that the road commissioners are doing a good work with the means at hand and it is simply due to lack of funds that some roads are not in good shape. Just think of the value to the roads in this county were each team owner to draw one load of gravel where needed. Let us all strive for this ideal and tho we may not have a marked success this year, the next may bring better and greater results. Lay your plans, round up your forces and help make Road day a success, Will the people of this township do tbisf We believe they will. MISCELLANEOUS SHOWE* Miss Gertrude Engeln, the-bride of yesterday afternoon, was tendered miscellaneous shower by a company of friends at the home of her sister, Mrs Geo. Smith, on Water street on Tues­ day evening of this week. After showering the guest of honor with an array of miscellaneous articles, those gathered proceeded to pass a few hours in a social way, the occasion coming to a close at a late hour witn the serv­ ing of refreshments. A delightful evening was passed by all present. DECORATION DAY OUTINO Following a custom she has practiced for a number of years, Miss Kate F Howe entertained her sister teachers of the River Forest, .111., schools at her cottage on Fox river on Saturday and Sunday last. Nine young ladies, to- together with the hostess, mad the gathering. . • USE Beaver Board instead of lath and plaster. It never cracks; _ needs no repairs^ does away with unsanitary wall- s ^ fjaper; is easily and ^quickly put up at any " time of year: suits anv kind of building. I ^ ^ s Let us show you how It loofak ' * J * . 0 BEAVER BOARD FOR SALE BY-- Wilbur ^umbe^ Co. Phone 5 WEST McHENRY /? P H I L I P ® JAEGER ^ GENERAL COflMISSION a** MERCHANT 'JI .• IMTAL A'FTTANTION GIVEN TO TH$ SAZJS fer: Dressed Beef, riutton, Hogs, Veal, Poultry, Hides. Etc., Butter and Eggs i •: This is the oldest honss on the street Tags and price lists furnished on application. / ; COLD STORAGE FREE Stall i A I, PiHM lt Wholesale Market. CHICAGO, ItSSlNCriS. ROS£ (JQMB RHODE ISLAND REDS ' - A \ B e t t e r a n d R e d d e r • : ' I ^Phe kind that lay from three to four times their weight in eggs, each, per year. Eggs for batching, $1.50 per 1&, 35.00 per 100. Phontf 92-R. H. C. Hettinger :r Orchard Beach CLASSIFIED DEPARTMENT All advertisement* Inverted under thU bead at Ob* following ratea . Five linen or lean, 25 cent* for llrft Insertion; 16 cents for each subsequent Insertion. More than five lines, 6 cents a line for tlrst Insertion, and 3 cents a line for addition! insertions. WHEAT WANTED at the West McHenry ** Milt. 50-4t txt ANTED--Gli 1 for general housework. In- '» quire at the J. W. ABBISCHKR meat quire market, McHenry. 4tf-tf TTNoli SALE--Detroit gasoline stove. Three burners unci ovon. Will sell cheap.. In­ quire of JOHN KENNICBECK, McHenry, 111.50-8t tpOlIND--Two heifers. * siimA hv nnlllncp at. Owner can have same by calling at my farm, corner of Ulngwood and Klchmond roads. 51* JOHN FBSDND. Xj>OR SALE--Fox river lots on both east ,tnd west sides of river, north of McHenry bridge. Inquire of <J. W. STKNQKR, West Mcr Henry. 32-tf Jj^OR RENT--A seven rqom house on Front -F street on the East Side. Inquire of MicnARr. FHKOND, lngleslde. 111.; phoue Mc­ Henry (M2-J -2. 50-tf TTOR SALE--House, barn and tour lots, slt- s uated in West McHenry. For further ii»- formutioii inquire of MFB. JAOOB JUBTEN or MRS. NICK BOHR, McHenry. 40-3t "C^OR SALE--One automatic Model D^pllot " acetylene generator; ca.p:tcifcy, 25 pounds carbide; will run thirty lights; nearly new; Will sell cheap if taken at once. Inquire at this oHice. S0-8t tfOR SALE--Beven room house, together •*\ with three lots. House In first-class re­ pair and has all modern conveniences; also one MacNeale & Urban burglar and fire proof safe. Inquire of JOHN PPKNOKR, West Mc­ Henry, 111. 46-tf SSm k̂:Site EXECUTOR'S NOTICE OF FILING FINAL SETTLEMENT . STATE OF ILLINOIS, I „ " McHenry County, f* ' V v Estate of Elizabeth Flander*, IWneiiaWd; TO ALL WHOM IT MAY CONCERN; You are hereby notified that on Monday, tho fit.h day of July, 11)14, I, as the Executor of the last Will and Testament of said deceased, will present to the County Court of McHenry County, at the Court House in Woodstock, Illinois, my final report of my acts and doings as such Executor, and ask the Court to be discharged from any and all further duties arid responsibilities connected with said Estate and my administration thereof, at which tlmu aud place you tuay be present and resist sacb application. If you choose ao to do. JAMBS B. PERRY, Executor. r>i GOLDEN WEDDING ANNIVERSARY Mr. and Mrs. Jacob Stock, old and hipfhly respected rural residents who live about four miles east of this vil­ lage, celebrated their golden wedding anniversary on Tuesday of this week. High mass was celebrated in honor of the event at St.* Mary's church here at 1) o'clock that morning, after which a reception was held at their home. A large number of relatives and friends attended the event and the esteemed old couple were tendered'many a beau­ tiful' gift thruout the day. Mr. and M rs. .Stock are in excellent health and from present indications they will live to celebrate their diamond anniversary. At least, this is the wish of their many f r i e n d s . - • v V / , R1NGWOOD * ' Ammlp Noonan was a Chicago tis- itor Monday. Mrs. Libbie Ladd.and Agnes Bigelow were Klgin visitor'Monday. Ilobert McLean and family of Wood­ stock visited at Charles Stephenson's Saturday. Irving Merchant and wife went to Roscoe, Wis., Monday to visit their daughter a few days. H. M. Stephenson, Warren Foss, Thomas Walking ton and families spent Sunday at Lake Geneva. Mrs. Kittie Harrison and daughter. Anna Martin, of Woodstock visited Mrs. Abbott last Saturday. Calvin Coates of Dig Foot and Mrs. George Minshall of Genoa Junction were Ilingwood visitors Saturday. Mr. Granath and family were callers at J. D. Smith's last Saturday evening whiie on their way to Lake Geneva. Clyde Harrison of Chicago attefaded the Decoration exercises here while on his way to Alden to visit his mother. The next meeting of the W. C. T. U. will be the Flower Mission meeting in Woodman hall, June 18. Leader, Emily Smith. Mr. and Mrs. Edward Walsh and baby of Chicago passed Saturday and Sunday as the guests of McHenry rel­ atives. Thomas McDonald, John Kaiser, Mrs. F. A. Bohlander, Mrs. C. G. Frett, Geo. H. Hanly, C. UntI, Math. B. Laures, Ben Stilling and M^s. C. W. Goodell were among the Chicago pas- , tengert this morniafr _ -i<r Ui-' • ,h:-' •' ~ W. GRACY'% Stof fel's HaH ; West McHenry s A MILITARY JUDAS Broncho feature in S reels Adrift In A Greit City A Tanhauser Feature HE WOULD HUNTING GO A Keystone Comedy And Other Good Pictures First Show 7:45 10c P R I C E S 15c ACCIDENT ON BRIDGE The season's tirst accident on the Fox river bridge in this village oc­ curred shortly after four o'clock last Sunday afternoon. The traffic across the bridge at tliis time was at its height. Mr. and Mrs. Edmund Knox and grandson were driving across the structure in a carriage, when the ve­ hicle was struck by a passing automo­ bile. The horse took iright and start­ ed to run away, but was stopped by occupants in a second automobile, who were also on the bridge at the time. The occupants of the second car assist- qq ed Mrs. Knox and the child from the carriage. Thinking that he had tho animal under perfect control, Mr. Knox started to drive the steed oft the bridgrt The horse made a mad dash and raqi- around the rear end of Justen's sum" mer resort. The buggy was upset and the driver thrown out with such forca that it was necessary to call medical attention. Dr. Nye responded to tho call and found that the victim had suf­ fered a severe injury to his back. The buggy and harness were a complete wreck. Mr. Knox was taken to his home, where he is now slowly recov­ ering from the efleets of the mishap^ There is no telling what would have happened Mrs. Knox and the little boy had they not been assisted froni the carriage. . ANNOUNCEMENT I hereby announce myself a -candi­ date for the Progressive nomination for county treasurer of McHenry coun­ ty and if nominated and elected I will account for and turn into the county treasury, or other proper, place, all in­ terest money that I receive on public funds. FRED D. PERKIKS. 51?tf Mrs. John Spencer passed the day as the guest of her daughter, Mrs C. A. Kir wan, at Cr>stal Lake. Leo Heimer is spending the week as a guest in the home of his sister, Mrs. George Steilen, in Chicago. George Jones passed Saturday after­ noon as the guest of hi* mother, Mrs. Mary Wingate, at Crystal Lake. Ralph and Harold Wells and Mr. Morseman of fMgin spent Saturday and Sunday with L. F. Newman and family. Miss Christina Pint of Chicago spent Saturday and Sunday as a guest in the home o{ her parents, Mr. and Mrs -"v vpvj®* \ V' '•.« '•>*.' <V'i !-'•!%• '* v * -1 ̂ I * - an mii > sgwae man kun* hacks. MMNIMMM Mr tte Ufa « to the If YOU iBTIBtlM hoaaswarik vrm s«| One Hnadnd DoDan in Gold Intr hdr pudwinii a Standnp ScrablMr is «n- tttM to ater* in tfate dtetxibatioa of 9100 prism. WHfcwii; Bciobbw ClotUimilB Bag will baia> dadadfraa. Whan yon aaad in four ngmtfiaa you most give ua the date of tha patant atampad on a*eh article and tba nam* of the daalar from «taB yoo purchaaed tham. Mall ywir ttinm- tkxxato£.E.STEVENS, praridant QuakorVal- lay llfa. GonDiny. AuvonL Boy four llodm Oil iiLMiaiiil gvt yw CMmm Bm timtnmrwu local da^w. TkapXlbfljX FOR SALE BY JACOB JUSTEN, - M'HENRY LIQIOR DISEASE CIIEI TIR0IGNIELF0F FIIEIIS Men Once Thought Helpless Drunkards, Caied Permanently by Keeley Treatment In the past 35 years upwards of 400,000 men have been cured of the diseases of liquor and drug using by taking the Keeley treatment at Dwight. III. Most of these men would have gone to their graves as drunk­ ards or drug victims but for the help of friends who kaew that drink and drug ad­ dictions were diseases which could he cured by the Keeley treatment. These friends, delighted with the resto­ ration to health, honor and prosperity of the men thus cured, frequently write to the Institute expressing their satisfaction in the results obtained. Letters from the cared uses show their restoration to be per­ manent and their willingness to jmve their experience known in the hope of helping others. Here is one such letter Princeton, Ind., January 10, lilt. The Leslie E. Keeley Co., Dwlght, X1L Dear Sirs: I thought I would write you and let you know that I am still alive and enjoying: the beat of health. I took your treatment for the habit twenty-one years ago this Montk and must say that during all that tMNal have never touched one drop of of any kind whatever, and have never had any desire for it, ^and know now that i never will again; for when s man gets to my. am*-alxty-three, he doesn't often drink again. I think •» fltuen of the Keeley Treat­ ment that I have brought seven differ­ ent men here since I took it. and paid the expenses out of my own pocket for some of them. I have always got my money back, but even if I didn't I think I would be well paid to see the pleasure and happiness that have come to'those men and their families since taking the Cure. To the patients who have taken the treatment, or are taking it now, my advice is, to keep away from your old chums or associates and if they ever ask you to take a drink, point to your Keeley button, which you should al­ ways wear, and tell them you have been to Dwight and taken the Cure. And another thing, don't commence drinking ginger ale or any other soft drinks, for sometimes they will lead to something stronger. Try and remem­ ber the advice given to you by Doctor Hamilton in his last lecture. If you take his advice there is no reason that you should ever start to drinking again. I have never forgotten the ad­ vice Doctor Blaine in hla last lecture gave to me twenty-one years ago. strong advocate and firm .The Dawn of^,^.-. Better Baking! If you wilt use a sack of EARLY RISER Flour, easier and better results will be yours. Early Ris­ er flour has the finest tex­ ture runs evenest, makes .. best bread and more of it than any other flour. Or- der a sack today, v; * WEST FTHEMRT FLOUR AND FEED MILLS m SEED Now is the time to order your Seed Potatoes and we have a large supply with which to fill your orders. We have both the early and late varieties and know we have the kind you want. Come in and we will talk over the potato question with you. Always a full line of fancy and staple GROCERIES & AND GROCERY ' vV'xf •• -v - * * SI 'V ;• N'--"V *&he choicest line lot " M«ats and Groceries to be found m Mc£li6nr ̂I * • • I am a friend of the Keeley Treatment shall do aU I can for it. awou'u&r1j8w* €ET READY For SUMMER . Hat waathar waakaoa and malr-- b«na laav. It alao ratwda srowth of l«W Mraaonlaaa yoaua* TUa wondarful remady pariOaa th* Mood, kaapathe li^ lytandald. gnmth, illgiUnn mad mrg proanetioa. J*g*.$ge.gOtktOeJt.O0;Mgn.pmatM> rfatheraaatpow- erlleeeyBeek AwlHl Book Wm. Bonslett, J. C. Debrecht, F. E. Howe, For Sale by WeSt McHenry Johnsburgh - Ring wood George Stilling was among those to board the Chicago train Wednesday morning. William Smith attended to matters of a business nature in the windy city ; :• r: ' •; k J.W.Aebischer .(8uMlMr ta C. Q. Fratt.) MeHENRY. ILL. r-s w 'PHONE tt-M Meats ; ; : That's what we sell and for • Uthis reason we are respect- r fully asking you to make ^lis your meat buying cen- • " ter. Besides keeping on . hand at all times a fresh and . ; complete stock of meats we ,also carry a fine line of Gro- ; ceries, Canned Goods, Bak- ̂jery, Fruits and Vegetables S-jin season. Our delivery Jwagon is alwip at your G.e. BOSMA Successor to E. F. Matthews ; " Wesft McHenry :: Phone 3 PR. F. J. AICHER DENTIST Qpic* In Schumacher Centerville ' McHenry, minoii Telephone No. IS C. A. SATTQV DISTRICT HAKMtt HDTUAL LffE 1NS6KAKC m NEW YOKK swest ram, ii» ; A1E YOO INTEKSTEOf f SIMON STOFFEtf Telephone No. 1M-R durance agent for all claases oipS? property ia the beet compttalm. " mttMMstw, auNoil

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