Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 4 Jun 1914, p. 5

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mm? '• ».'4' ' <' "J^'^ir t. «There is a wire from ouf &ore to your home. :v - * This means there is^ a drug $ore at your'^viv •M^door. Jtist phorie us your seeds and we'll^1 ' pJo the rest. Our messenger is not quite ̂ asS^ ;f: a? the phone--but '$&%• W I $1 0-K- want drugs or./ ' FREE DEUVERY SERVICE ^;::A •~: Is very prompt. When you r drug store goods of quality at right fprices, remember your phone--our &are-- ' • tend our quick free delivery service, ' '*V- : •... p: ir<»K y-s*v. S>»l£ ,,3 V *** N . H . DRUGGIST McHENRY VIF 5$; SEND THE CHILDREN If not convenient to call us up, or to come with your order personally, send the tots. The order will be just as carefully filled and delivered just as promptly as though given by yourself. OUR GUARANTEE OF SATISFACTION holds good in $he, grocery as well as all other departments of our store. •*/'• Phone 79-J McHENRY, ILL. SMITH BROS. M' Summer Gftoforts, No.l X'.. , v. . >• 11^5 f ;*r ; •&& * * '1 £ I I \ -• 1 '$£v. •K-vrf Tic Gas Range ranks firrt as an elimi^ ^ nator of keat. It. underlying principle is to uae every bit of tke keat in cooking tke food--not in ct ioking tke ~-f "•£ •• and ElectrfcCompaiy o? WORKMAN, District • : > - ' * * ' • y - J . * f s r ̂ (A Wi. i't v . - The orighud hamoej-proof If *e 5^ of al! ^'^^^Sn^amei Varnish will stand without being ruined, we wouldn't expect you to believe us. But we're here to show you, any day in the week, that hard knocks cannot make white spots on Chi- Lpr cause it to flake off. The <-.yry> it Subscribe for the Plaindealer k®®P PO*ted on local happeninK^ % , ^""NEIGHBORING NEWS AS CHRONICLED BY I OUR ABLE CORPS OF CORRESPONDENTS K ^ H I ' ^ •' •< * ;• ^ • •" } / Y R f; : ;'^=;r ^ , 4i-,t 7^-. .... tmauTBtu > , W. Weiland spent Sunday at Har­ vard. J. Gould transacted business at Har­ vard Wednesday. » Mrs. A. Peterson entertains the next Lndi^s' Aid society. Miss Elsie Wille of Cr^UAl Lakewiui a recent visitor here. * Mr.'and Mrs. F. Frenbh «er0IMkltiBrS at Woodstock Saturday. H. H. Burpett and daughter of Rock- ford were callers here Saturday. Mrs. Irish and Miss Etta Irish were Crystal Lake shoppers Wednesday. Mrs. H. Nelson and daughter, Edith, were Crystal Lake shoppers Monday. J. W. Gilbert of Crystal Lake was a business «i*itor in the vicinity MOD day. Mr. and Mrs. L, M. Godd&rd and son, Lester, of Woodstock were Sunday call­ ers here. y. L. J. Gibson of Chicago spent Satur­ day and Sunday with his parents and sister here. Messrs. Risvold and R. R. McBride drove to Hebvxra in the former's car Monday evening. r ; Mrs. H. Wille, Mrs. L. 6enoeU and sont J&mes, spent Wednesday alternobn at Crystal Lake. Robert Knilans left Tuesday evening for Wibaux, Mont., to vkdt hia «ister, Mrs. Wm. Ormsby. Mr. and Mrs. A. Jacobs aocompanied Mr. and Mt*. Wallace on an auto trip to Belvidere Sundny. Mr. and Mrs. F. E. Thayer tuid son of Woodstock called at the home of Mrs. E. Smith Sunday.- Mrs. J. B. Lyuch is spending this week with her daughter, Mrs. L. M. Goddard, at Woodstock. - Mifis Rose Barden of Chicago spent the week end in the home of her sis­ ter, Mrs. Geo. Wheeler. Mr. and Mrs. C. H. Ormsby of Crys­ tal Lake spent Saturday and Sunday here with their parents. Miss Margaret Green was down from Woodstock and spent-Sunday with her grandfather, R. L. Dufield. Miss Minnie Breymeir returned Sat­ urday from a two months' 'visit with her parents at Paxico, Kan. Mr. and Mrs. A. Hansen and son, Earl, motored to Woodstock, McHen- ry and Crystal Lake Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. 8. Reed and daughters, Virginia and Mabel, of Woodstock spent the week end at H. Reed's. Mrs. A. Purvey and son visited her parents, Mr. and Mrs. L. R. Compton, at Woodstock^Saturday and Sunday. Mrs. Roy Waterman and son, Henry, of Woodstock were over Sunday visit­ ors of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. H. Reed. Miss M. E. Dunn returned to her home in Chicago Monday after an ex­ tended visit in the borne Of her sister, Mrs. J. Delaney. Chauncey Stephenson was a Chicago passenger Sunday evening, his father accompanying him home the same evening. Mr. Stephensdn's many friends hope for a complete recovery in the near future. A quiet wedding occurred Sunday morning at the home of Mr. and Mrs. A. Jacobs, when their only daughter, Glenys, was united in marriage to Mr. Arthur Skinner. The ceremony was read by the Rev. J. W. McGowan. The happy couple are spending a few days with the groom's .brother at Al­ ton, 111. The remains of a former , resident, Mrs. Scott Thayer of Woodstock, were laid to rest in the Ridgefield cemetery Sunday, May 31. The Royal Neigh­ bors, of which Mrs. Thayer was a mefti- ber, conducted the services at the grave. The sympathy of the commu' nity goes to the bereaved ones in the loss of a^devoted wife and mother. JOHN8RITB8B. C. M. Adams transacted business in the city last Friday. Mr. and Mrs. Peter Williams were McHenry visitors Monday. Misses Barbara and May me Smith were McHenry visitors Friday. Mrs. Joseph Michels visited among relatives in McHenry Wednesday. Dr. Arnold Mueller was a profession­ al visitor in the windy oity Monday. Mr. Hervittand Guy Dalgiel of Ingle- side were Johnsburg visitors Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. Joe Smith of McHenry were Johnsburg callers Tuesday even­ ing f Peter Wagner and family of Volo issed Sunday in tfte home of Wm. Althoff. / - Mrs. Wm. Oeffling and daughter, K^atie, were McHenry callers Saturday afternoon. Miss Laurji Miller spent Sunday at home with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Jake Miller. ; George Lay and Lewis Adams of Fox Lake were guests in the home of their parents here Sunday. Miss Tutzie Rauen of 8prtng Grove spent Decoration day and Sunday with Miss Susie Michels here. Mrs. Joseph Kattner and children of Spring Grove visited in the home of J. A. Miller one day recently. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Smith and little daughter of McHenry were Sunday guests in the home of Joseph Michels. A large crowd attended the dance at Smith's hall Friday evening. A good time was enjoyed by all those present. Jimmie Schumacher of Chicago spent Saturday and Sunday among friends and acquaintances in Johnsburg and vicinity. Mr. and Mrs. Mat. Rauen and son, Arnold, of Spring Grove were enter­ tained in the home of John H. Freund Sunday. Mrs. Martin B. Schmitt"of McHenry passed a few A&y% this week as the guest of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Peter Williams, hero, • -U&. - =• . "... :i<; Misses Margaret and Ella Huemann of McHenry spent one day recently in the home of their parents, Mr. and Mrs. Joe Huemann, here. Mr. and Mrs. Jos. Freund and Mr. and Mrs. John Hiller drove in the for­ mer's auto to Fremont Centre Sunday, where they spent the day among rela­ tives.^. TKKKA GOTTA. t Geo. P. Bay was a McHen|"y visitor Thursday. J. R. Knox of McHenry wis a caller here Friday. Mr. and Mrs. M. Knox and family visited at Jay Doherty's Sunday. Miss Vera Bolger of Woodstock was a recent guest of relatives here. Mr. and Mrs. Lewis McDonald spent Sunday at the home of Henry McMil­ lan. Mr. and Mrs. John Aylward of Elgin spent their vacation with relatives here. } Miss Minnie Conway of Elgin was the guest of relatives here one day last week. Miss Elizabeth Riley df Cary visited at the home pf her un^te, John Riley, Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Cleary of Elgin visited at M. A. Conway's the last of the week. Miss Eleanor Phalin of Ridgefield spent Saturday and Sunday at her home here. A baby boy came to gladden the home of Mr. and Mrs. Carl Grob Sat­ urday, May 30. Mrs. Hickey and son, William, of Chicago visited at the home of B. F. Martin lust week. Mary McCabe and Alta Nish spent last Monday evening with their teach­ er, Miss Florence Knox. Miss Julia Rydquist taught school here Thursday and Friday during the absence of her sister, Anna. Miss Mildred Steinbach spent Friday evening at Crystal Lake and attended the junior promedade at M. W. A. hall. Mrs. Chester A. Frazier and daugh­ ter, Louise, of Carson, la., and Miss Edna Colby called at M. Knox's one evening recently. Frank McMillan is the possessor of a new Ford touring car and the Ames brothers of a Buick. Both cars were purchased of J. R. Knox. The Social Workers were pleasantly entertained at the home of Mrs. M. Knox last Thursday afternoon. About twenty-five ladies were present. The next meeting will be at the home of Mrs. Jay Doherty "Thursday, June 11. The township exercises, which were held at the Terra Cotta school house Monday evening, May 25, were very well attended. A splendid" program, in which pupils from seven schools in the township took part, occupied the first part of the evening's entertain­ ment. Supt. H. A. Dean of the Crys­ tal Lake schools then spoke words of encouragement to the teachers and pupils. County Superintendent of Schools A. M. Shelton also spoke and then conducted the spelling contest, in which Frank Doherty of the Hol- oombvil'.e school won first place, Helen O'Donald of the same school second place and Mary Bolger of the Prairie school third place. Each year more interest seems to be centered about these exercises and it is hoped that that interest will grow even greater than it is at present. ~ OSTKND. Mrs. Richardson is at the home of her daughter,,Mrs. Jessie Harrison, in Woodstock. Miss Minnie Benwell of Chicago was a recent guest in the home of her sis­ ter, Mrs. R. H. Richardson. ' A few friends took flowers to the Ostend cemetery. If someone could be found to mow the cemetery we would all be very much pleased. Frank Kaiser, wife and children and his mother went to Woodstock Memor­ ial day with flowers to strew on the graves of their loved ones. Mrs. Will Harris was taken to Chi­ cago to a hospital last Saturday to be operated on for tuberculosis of the bowels. It-is quite a'serious case. Mrs. Delia Hobart and sister, Miss Amrnie Francisco, were at McHenry Memorial day, too late for the exercis­ es, but not too late to strew flowers. The big, white automobile is resting. It absolutely refuses to move without gasoline and water. It is best to see there is a supply of both before start­ ing out. Mrs. Jennie Sherman, sons and their wives amj children took flowers to Woodland cemetery, McHenry, to deck the grave of Mr. Sherman, the hus­ band and father. Frank Kaiser and family and his mother attended confirmation at Wood­ stock Sunday. Two of Mr. Kaiser's nieces, daughters of his brother, Ste­ ven Kaiser, were confirmed. Emil Thomas was taken to Chicago Saturday ' last to the Poet Graduate hospital for treatment. He was oper­ ated on here at home and nearly a quart of liquid drawn from one of his lungs. It was filling again and it was deemed necessary to have him in a hospital. _____________ ^SWHO^GETS ins *§M:M:MSASIS • • * 1 MONEYSYOU-EARN? '*^'1 "isiMiiia M: •,V/« " > jf * <£< • J Economy looks like an up-hill game when you first begin, and sometimes it IS an up-hill game; Jbut it is the ROAD to PROSPERITY, and if you ' • *can persevere in your small economies you will ̂ find this out. Your extravagance does not draw interest. Some day you will pay interest on your present extravagance. If yon put that money in the BANK NOW, you can some day afford to buy the luxuries you crave without missing the money * .is <•> T A# >31 IM Bank of McHenry FREMONT HOY & SON, Bankers WL VOkO Mrs. Ellen Hogan of Elgin waa a re­ cent Volo caller. Mr. and Mrs. John Brown of Wau- conda. spent Sunday here. Mrs. Peters entertained company from Chicago over Sunday. Miss ClarapMcC'onty of Elgin visited her sister, Mrs. Compton, recently. Miss Zella Huson of Round Lake spent a few days with her sister here. Mrs. A. J. Raymond and Miss Clara Rosing were MeHenry callers Wed­ nesday last. Reed Geary and Miss Martha Roes- deutscherof Wauconda called on friends here Sunday. ^ Mrs. Chas. Kapple and Frances of Grayslake are spending a week with Mr. and Mrs. A. J. Raymond. Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Parker are re­ joicing over ihe arrival of an eleven ipounoboy, tors May 29, ^ ^ :V>'V \v ; : ^ '• '.V'> NOW IS THE AT THIS FREE Fire Insurance while Piano or Player is being paid for and two year music scholarship course for your daughters and sons ,FREE» " Terms will be made conveniet for yon. Remember this sale is for yon and for us. Our sacrifice is your gain, our gain is in future business. Can you afford to pass this up? - " " - - A BRAND NEW PIANO FOR $147 TERNS TO SUIT REGULAR PRICE 1286 i| Have you a silent Piane? Why not trade it towards a Player m Piano? A REAL WONDER. ^:A player for the price of a jfe standard piano. Player Piano, * regular price $600, sale price TO surr. i ' ' y. :^.V Save from $75- to $150 on Pianos ̂i lil Special Regular , ^Special $250 #147 $270 Oak case ̂ $195 $385 Oak case $295 Player Piarrt>, tegular price $600, special Player Piano, regular price $700, special Regular $385 Walnut ca* $425 Mahogany $425 Walnut; case Call now. We are here to show these Pianos and Player Pianos, are moving fast. Will you be one to benefit by this sale? They C. H. Heinter Bldg., Centerville, McHenry s'll' Mam ' m r , . .•<* " tki - 3 -Store, Woodstock, 111. AlfNOmVCEMENT I hereby announce myself as a candi­ date for the oitioo of County Treasurer, subject to the decision of the Repub­ lican voters at the primaries, Sept. 9, 19X4, and respectfully solicit the sup* port of my friends. LYNN RICHARDS, ^ liCryaul Lakf, U. ^ •/' V- ^"•" •' ^Crystal Lakf^ •BANKERS' BANQUET The bankers of McHenry county en­ joyed a banquet at the Riverside House last Saturday evening. Most of the bankers pf the county were present to partake of the excellent spread serwd by Landlord Gans. .A'.**" •M K-: £/FA ^ ft :* -V • LAUNDRY! Beginning June lt parcels tor Elfin steam laundry must be sent in by 6 p. m. Tuesday of each week. E.-V. McAiAjanm^ :£ FOR SALE--Girl's bicycle, medium size. Will be sold cheap. Inquire at tttp r j. C/ . . MM":

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