sew® Brass* *Vv'T'W - - m.Ttvwn ly^** i - -, - '!' "• 't ' ' 11" >. <•".•; •. .• i*f 9*" -STHENBr FLAXJTDEALEB, M'HEJfBY, J&osit YomSKopp ..^3&W There is a wife from crar $ore to your l̂ ome ̂ i This means there is * drug &ore at your ,J^SL r -. '" •'•--' ••"•*• -v - £:%$$! Just phone us your needs and well Our oor. :» _ ̂do the rest. : ' l; quick as the phone--but messenger is not quite as pp*r- ; OUR FREE DELIVERY SERVICE "ff p t ' . i < J ' hVvs-I i® .* Jls very prompt When you want drugs or 'Cither drug store goods of quality at right S^rices, remember your phone--our £ore-- ' • and our quick free delivery service. js? •M0&ur number ' • « • p0i DRUGGIST -t* McHENRY J p • :,•&# Wi ff; > rrU$ That section of our store devoted, to articles of lin gerie is of great interest to our lady customers, com prising, as it does, a profusion of goods coming un der that head. Dainty garments of sheer qualities so much appreciated by those who wear them abound, all in the latest styles and modes and all marked at prices that will please, as well as the goods themselves. Purchase lingerie here. . • % » Special bargain this week-Slippers, 50c >! -1 SMITH BROS. McHENRY PHONE 79-J •S-, Summer Comforts, No. 2 Tlie Gas Water Heater ranks second OH*- ly totke Gas Ru^e at a Kot weatker neces sity. No mil* tcr how muek^ or how little liot water is re quired, night or day,the demand if quickly sup* plied--without twatintf the room. /SfoWesteroUoitedGas '45$. ej)d Electric Compai)/ '<£5*' i "Ik hL WORKMAN, District Mm|« NEIGHBORING NEWS AS CHRONICLED BY OUR ABLE CORPS OF CORRESPONDENTS. /%-• The oy^xial hammer-poof Varnish \Wk Tw & If we were to tell you of all the abuse Chi-Namel Varnish will stand without being ruined, we wouldn't expect you to believe us. But we're here to show you, any day in the week, that hard knocks cannot make white spots on Chi- Namel or cause it to flake off. ?„5 735k? «J We& McHenry IV. NtJlHSIfC Phone 59-W & Subscribe for the Plaindealer mid keep potted on local happenings KMBRALI) PARK. [Too late for last week] Will. Hajctou spent Sunday at the Park. Miss Malofyt spent Saturday, at the Park. Miss Kelly visited relatives bere Sat* urday. J. B. Keltet visited atM. A. Sotton's Saturday. Ed Sutton started to build bia brick silo Monday. . Mrs. Ed Comiskey spent a few days at James JTugiius'. Miss Bessie Hughes ia spending a few days in Chicago. Will Hasten spent Sunday with his wife and family here. ^ .V Walter Walsh, who waa seriously ill, is rapidly improving. Mrs. Hayes of Chicago spent a few days at the Hayes cottage. Mr. and Mrs. Geo. C. Knigler luid sons spent Sunday at the Park. R. E. Sutton spent Sunday as the guest of Mr. and Mrs. Ed Sutton. Misses Ruth and Eva Armstrong are spending a few days at the Park. J. J. Sutton visited relatives and friends here Saturday and Sunday. Misses Florence and Marion Scrib- ner vjsited Mrs. L. Huck Saturday. Waller and Harry Blum are spend ing a few days at the Blum cottage. Henry Bending and son, Harry, of Chicago spent Sunday at their cottage. Mrs. V. Martin of Wauconda visited Mrs. Ed Sutton Wednesday evening. Mr. and Mrs. Clias. Cohan and chil dren spent a few days at their cottage. Mrs. Kenneth Burns and Miss Mabel Granger were seen in thia vicinity re cently. Mrs. Ed-Sutton and Mrs. John Mc- Gee of Woodstock spent Saturday in Chicago. Misses Marie Dailey and Esther Gal loway and Wm. Aim spent Sunday at the Park. The Mioses Lola Boyle and Mary Burke called at M. A. Sutton's last Thursday. Mr. O'Brien and son, Edgar, spent Sunday as the guest of Ifr. and Mrs. Berkircher. I "Mr. and Mrs. W. K. Burns and daughter, May, autoed out from Gbi» cago Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. Geo. E. Hoelschet* and son, Robert, visited relatives here Sat urday and Sunday. Bessie Hughes and Kathleen O'Reil ly took part in the township exercises at the Terra Cotta school. / Mrs. Chester Preiser and daughter are spending a' few days in Chicago with relatives and friends. Lawrence Huck of Mc Henry visited his grandmother, Mrs. L. Huck, who is sick with blood poisoning. Mr. and Mrs. Ray Burton and son, Robert, of Woodstock were callers at Ed Sutton's Sunday evening. . , Miss Myrtle Hupk, who has been sick for the last few days, is on the road to recovery at this writing, Mr. and Mrs. M. A- Sutton, Mr, and' >£rs. Geo. Hoelscher, Miss Kelly and Joe and Will Sutton spent Sunday at the Kelter cottage. The Emerald Park school closed Monday, May 18. A picnic was given by Miss Eleanor Phalin, the teacher, and an enjoyable time was had by all The visitors were Misses Annie Fris- by, Lola Boyle, Katie Long, Mary Burke and Aileen O'Reilly. Will Sut ton was the honored guest. June 11. C. Malefyt spent Sunday at the Park Joe Frye spent Sunday at his cottage. Jas. Haxton spent Sunday at the Park. R. E. Sutton visited at E. R. Sutton's Sunday. Joe Sutton visited relatives here Sunday. John Kelter was aeen in thia^vieiaity Saturday. ' 1 , \ J Wm. Cohan is spending a lew days at the Park. - \ Horace and Paul Armstrong spett Sunday here. Mr. and Mrs. Prouty spent Sundry at their cottage. Miss May Burns is spending a few days at the Park. Mr. Meeks is spending a few days at H. Bei'kireher's. Will Haxton spent Sunday with his wife and family here. Miss Hums of Canada is visiting Mr. and Mrs. W. K. Burns. Chester Fraiser of Caraafe^ is, is visiting at J. R. Smith's. Mr. and Mrs. Berkircher called on Mr. and Mrs. Felmeten Sunday. Mrs. Chas. Cohan and children are spending a few days at the cottage. Mr. and Mrs, V. Martin were the guests of Mr- add Mrs. |&; R, Sutton Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Chester Fraiser and daughter, Louise, visited at Colby's Wednesday. ̂ --- Misses Ruth and Eva Armstrong re turned home one day last week after spending a few days at the Park.. VGLO Mrs. Ray Seymour was in town Fri day* Dr. Taylor of Libertyville was here Frid**y. • ' ... Miss Ella Moore wis Y Wauconda caller Thursday. ~ . Ray Paddock and family were Wau* conda callers Sunday. Mrs. A. J. Raymond is spending this week with her sister in Wauconda. Mrs. Peters entertained her daugh ter and family from Chicago the past week. The Ladies' Aid soeiety will meet with Mrs. Peters June 18. Everyone invited. M rs. L. Lusk and daughter of West Fremont called on her mother Wed- ' nesday. IMrs. M. Warner and daughter of Elgin were calling on friends nere the past week, mm JOHNSRCBOH. Mr. Rueth of Chicago was'a caller in town Tuesday. Miss Helen Adams passed Wednes day in Chicago. * Mat. Schaefer and family were Spring Grove callers Sunday. Miss Helen Adams was amonf the Chicago passengers Tuesday of last week. Lewis Adams and George Lay of Fox Lake spent Sunday with folks at home. ' . ' Mr. and Mrs. Christ Sattem were Sunday guests in the homd of Wm. Althoff. 5 Misses Susie Miehels Mid Tillie Freund were McHenry callers Tuesday afternoon. - Miss Mayme La urea of MoHeny spent Sunday afternoon with Miss Bar bara Smith. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Schmitt of Mc Henry passed Sunday in the home of Jos. Miehels. 1 Mrs. Wm. Hay anddaughter, Rose, of Spring Grove were Johnsburg call ers Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. Jacob Steffes of Mc Henry were entertained in the home of John King Sunday. Josie Miehels of McHenry spent Sun day in the home of his parents, Mr. and Mre. Jos. Miehels. Miss Emma Freund was a Sunday guest in the home of her parents, M r. and Mrs. J. H. Freund. Miss Margaret Huemann of McHen ry spent Sunday w ith her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Jos. Huemann. Mr. and Mrs. Ferdinand Frett of Chicago are spending a few days at the home of John Frett. Mr. and Mrs. Jos. Smith of McHenry spent Sunday afternoon in the home of Mr. and M rs. Jos. Hettermann. Misses Phillamina Wagner and Laura Miller of Spring Grove visited Sunday among relatives in Johnsburg. Mr. and Mrs. Ed. Bankes and daugh ters, Florine and Mildred, of Pistakee Bay were callers in town Monday. Mr. and Mrs. Mat Rauen and son, Arnold, of Spring Grove were Sunday guests in the home of J. H. Freund. Mr. and Mrs. John Bowers and chil dren of Spring Grove visited among relatives in this vicinity Sunday last. Mr. and Mrs. Nick Freund and chil dren of Spring Grove visited at the home of Grandma Freund last Sunday. John Freund, Joe Brown, Nick Nett and Nick Klein returned Monday even ing from a week's visit among Iowa and Minnesota friends. The/ made the trip to the former's au£o*-quite a trip. siuumniLu Miss Riley spent last week with Mrs. R. E. Harrison- Mrs. H. Wille was a Woodstock oall- er Saturday afternoon. Miss Elsie Wille was a Crystal Lake passenger Saturday afternoon. Mr. and Mrs. G. C. Smith enter tained friends from Chicago Sunday. Mrs. S. A. Merchant spent Saturday with the Misses Etchkoff at Wood stock. . Mr. and Mrs. E. Singer of Wood' stock were recent visitora in the home of J. Gould. Mr. and Mrs. F. Tutell of Wood stock visited Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. R. E, Harrison. The Ladies' Cemetery association will meet with Mrs. Henry Ormsby Thursday, June 18, Mr. and Mrs. H. Pugh and daughters of Woodstock were Sunday visitors in the C. Risvold home. Mrs. J. B. Lynch returned home Sunday after a week spent in the home of her daughter at Woodstock. Mr. and Mrs. E. Senne and son, Mar- cellus, of Woodstock spent part of Sat urday and Sunday at Father Wille's. Mr. and Mrs, Lyraan Harrison of Crystal Lake visited in the home of their son, R. E. Harrison, Sunday afu ernoon. J. B. Lynch and daughter, Mrs. L. Bennett, and son, Barnes, spent Sun day with Mr. and Mrs. L. M. Goddard at Woodstook. Mrs. C. Moore is spending this week at the federation of elubs in Chicago and will spend the rest ol the month at her son's home. Mr. and Mrs. A. Hansen and sbn, Earl, Mrs. A. Peterson, Mrs. R. Hes~ selgrave and daughter, Hazel, and M. Risvold and family journeyed by auto to McHenry Sunday evening. K1KOWOOO John Carey was a Chicago visitor Tuesday. Bert McCannon and family spent Sunday with his parents in Greenwood. E. C. Hawley entertained his broth er and family from Elgin Saturday and Sunday. Miss Annie Anderson was quite siok the last of the week at Mrs. Jennie Bacon's. Ed Dodge and mother were calling on old acquaintances at English Prai rie Sunday. f S. W. Brown, wife* mother and niece, Mary Smith, were L*ke Geneva visitors Sunday. , Miss Lucy Halt of'Chioago spent Saturday and Sunday with her hrother, Clark, and family. Mrs. Florenee Smith left Mtinday lor Cedar Rapids, la., toattond the Mystic Workers' convention. Lynn Hall went to Chieago Tuesday with Claude Colby to bring home their new Overland, just parahaaed of Mr. Colby. J. E. Harrison and fstmily and Mrs. Adams of Greenwood were callers at his mother's, Mrs. Susannah Harrison, Sunday afternoon. /$.. Mr. and Mrs. John Bell were Sun day guests of their son, Duane, and family at Spring Grove. It was their fifth wedding anniversary i * 1 5s v w: -. ^ • Work along well defined lines, do not scattef, concentrate. Considering business growth, se lecting best lines of operation, concentrating your energy means business success* This is not accomplished without good financiering, the check account system of this bank, it operate to your advantage. Qpgn your check account here--NOW. v ' ' -• y V J . ^ MVJf of McHenry Is' FREMONT HOY & SON, Bankers In last week's issue the writer made a mistake in the date of the Flower Mission meeting, which should be Sat urday of this week, June 13. Miss Emily Smith is preparing a good pro gram. All invited. The Woodman Memorial exercises were held in the M. E. church Sun day. Rev. Baker gave a good talk, after which all went to the cemetery where their ceremony was held and the graves of the brothers decorated. Miss Mary Bell of this place and Glen Esh of Spring Grove were married at Waukegan Wednesday of last week. The young oouple are well and favor ably known and all wish them a pleas ant voyage on life'e sea, but we regret to have to part with Miss Bell very much. ' " OBTBND. Joe Harris and wife called on Wood stock relatives Sunday last. Mrs. Hila Thomas was the guest of Woodstock relatives last week. Relatives and friends of Mrs. dart Harris are pleased to hear she'is on the road to recovery. Frank Chatman and wife moved oat from Chfcago and are now living In the house on the Brott farm. Emit Thomas is reported as recover* ing nicely from the operation in tl^a Pusl Graduate hospital, Chicago. Mrs. Lou Francisco went to Wood stock last week to be the guest of her son, E. L. Francisco, and family for few days. ,The ladies of the Ostend society met last Thursday afternoon with Mrs. Maud Howe and of couxse we had a rainy afternoon. Corn is looking fine in this locality and early potatoes never bad a better" showing at this time of the year. Some late potatoes are planted, while many farmers are just planting. Leslie Francisco went to Woodstock Sunday to meet his brothers, Glynn and Clyde, who came out from Chicago Saturday to spend Sunday with their brother, E. L. Francisco, and family. PROBATE NEWS Bell V* V# V W m \ 'a • - A New Directory is now being prepared covering ike local Exchange* ̂ of the , " • Chicago Telephone Company i Owing to constant growth and extension '̂ \f ̂i I •of •• telephone service the ' Telephon^ |̂Ijf^p î.: |̂ Directory becomes, each year, a comprehensive and convenient referencfc|l list of names and addresses. Prospective' • patrons should' • tracts for service as soon as possible in o r d e r t h a t t h e i r n a m e s m a y b e l i s t e d i i t | ^ The' New Directory :i " ^•4-; ttk Chicago Telephone Campanjju J. H. Coarath, District Maaagtt - Tekphoos 9003 t V:|. • ' "M-' v A", ?• H V (F IKurnlnhed by IttvUenry County Abstract Oompany, Wo^OHtuck, Jllfnols. ta Ar nold HI.m W, fciiikt public s^uMr».' Ab- stracts of fclfcte and conveyaucliMj. Money to Iojiu on iioal estate la huius <kf five huudrod to ton thousand dollars. Time and paymgjtjts to ault borrower. Fboncs <34.903 and vi)4r. REAL ESTATE TRANSFERS, Horb«rt W. Al)«w St w to Jaim^»infr, Oallle lUluov, pt Its :t7 & 71 Uo. Oik's plat, sec 10. village of Klu«wood SUOO.M Efiiia I'arkor to Tliereaa Culver. It 2, blk 2, West McHenry Poter Mi live & w ta JouepKN. Miller. pt Its 2, \i. ti and 1, blk 82, w of l>Vx river. Mclluwy OeorRe Hardin* it 9 lo Uerwaa L. tueutiisf <St Arthur O. Jtihuson, It Klvw 1'a.ik sub-<Mv, lns>i nwM sea McHenry 1.00 MMN Jcweub St illlaa & w UvBernard I?. Mur- jbyv It K> SlUitwr's Columbia Park, n nwM kw)* sec W, McHenry > MARRIAGE UCENSBS. Arthur H. Skinner, 28 Ridgefleld Glenys M. Jacob#, " Joseph Otahal, 23,. .Crystal Lake Meri Jilik, 20 M . " Earle C. Ansley, 23 CShicago AdaCanady, 24 ...Gary Wayne J. DeGroftt, 24 Harvard Inez A. Hamlin, 21..v....t...Marengo Fred Miller, 29, ...Cary Gertrude Engeln, 28.* McHenry George J. Johnson, 2& Crystal Lake Mabel M. Granger, 2A McHenry Uri Peters, 25... Marengo Yerna Simmons, 2&...Troy, New York Ellis Gott, 28... Chemung Martha liutehloeon, 23......Chemung Walter Knuth, 21 i Huntley Amelia Lainz, 18...«... Huntley Carl Sieginier, 60..Crystal Lake Mrs. Minnie Bauer, £0...Crj5Mit Lake Louis Willard Cobb, 2ft..Crystal Lake Bessie Lucile Barnes, 22^,. Woodstock J o h n F . Q u i n n , 2 f t . . C h i c a g o J e s s i e M . L y o n s , 2 4 . . . , C h i c a g o George Frederick Schroefter, 28.Union Martha J. Kreimann, 31 Huntley Parke Neff Musser, 32 ..Elgin La Nette E. Whiting, 24 McHenry I will shine your shoes, clean your straw hats and white canvas shoes; also wash your automobile any day ex cept Saturday or Sooday. Mac Reed, Smith's barber shop, Centerville, Mo- Henry. % P H I L I P J A E G E R OENERAL COflMISSION MERCHANT 77 s SPK01AL ATTBNTION GIVKN TO TSLK SiLI OP OreaMd Beef, /lutton. Hogs, Veal, Poattii Hides, Etc., Butter and Bffs This Is the oldest house on the street Tags and pciea Uats (anifM application. COLO STORAQB FRBtt -- VSdJL'iSSS!"- CHICAOO, ILLINOIS. J -I. VJ; f-'Ai. 1 ROSE COMB RHODE ISLAND REDS Better and Redder 1' • , . The kind that lay from three to four times their : OWn weight in eggs, each, -per year. Eggs tor ^ hatching, $1.50 per 15, 16,00 per 100. Phone 82-R. ' j h Orchard Beadi Hettinger PERKINS ON BULL MOOSE TICKET The Hebron Tribune of last week, in speaking of the candidacy of Fred D. Perkins for opunty treasurer on tho Bull Moose or Progressive ticket, says: Mr. Perkins is the present president of the oounty board of supervisors of McHenry county, having been elected without opposition to succeed himself at the annual meeting in May of this year. Mr. f^arklna shows the distinctive Progressive element in the announce ment of his intentions of turning into the treasury or other proper place all interest money received on public funds. While there has been no effort here tofore of accounting for interest on public money, the general trend of feeling has been steadily growing un til now even cities like Woodstock and others are making provisions for the payment of interest on their funds.. This feature is a very commendable 4be and had this system been inaugur ated in years past quite a bit of sur plus money could have been secured and it would have aided materially in the reduction of taxes.' Where thou sands of dollars in public funds are left in the hands of banks or private in<U> viduals who get the use of this money it is just and right that the oounty or city should receive interest thereon and it would only be in accordance with business principles. . A very pop ular candidacy is therefore predicted for Mr. Perkins in his declaration along this line. Adv SPECIAL! TWO-RAY HSMHU THE COOL NORTH WOODS The season for bass lishiog has j opened. Go early and get the benefit of the year's best sport. The Fisher men's Special will leave the ChieafO Passenger Terminal at 6:00 p. m., Fri day, June 12, arriving in the heart of the Cool North Woods early the next morning. Returning arrive in Chiaa- go the following Monday morning. Regular summer train service to the resorts in the Great North Woods in effect June 19. For reservations and partiettlan ap ply to ticket agenta, Chieago St Norlfc Western Railway. There's complexion proteethm fu oar cold cream. It preserves good oosa- plexions and improves poor at Peteach's. 1 ,v I ' H- ® Read The Plaindealer,