Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 18 Jun 1914, p. 5

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' STHENBT PLAINDEALEB, 1THENBT, i$y\4 ':?• I i /-* WM & > J? iitK' fjsi-DON'T' WORRY o\it Your I sjp£i> V*; - "-'i lere is a wire from our &ore to your boose; means there is a drug Sore at your door. Just phone us your needs and we*ll do the rest. Our messenggj; no|fqu%as quick as the phoner"^® ̂ <•' i '• VJ»!&»"«& •f-.; ... 'V... / -L :> • {*6: • W*y ••<, - £/. FREE DELIVERY SERVICE '.ssi-4-** in* Wi ;<>W pTOTffpt When yoo want drugs c# ; J other drug store goods of quality at right prices, remember your phone--our &ore-~- V ~ ..ttftd our quick free deliye ,̂ service. 4 ., ? , Our nunfber is 56^W. • ( «• * » DRUGGIST McHENRY -<*«**« *8 !k*;tS£i.3-e85aeS**t59»*4SS53>S5®e5£»£; NEIGHBORING NEWS AS CMGNICI^ED BY OUR ABLE CORPS OF CORRESPONDENTS w-$n . r \ • *.' < V/si."Zbi L'JV * 4v-'J '^V fjMfcy'.'-? ; a v &f~'T v'.- $ £ / rfc m. WEAR WELL FITTING All the good things we could tell you in advance about our Shoes would not make you feel so good as will the shoes themselves when on your feet. An ill fitting shoe is always an eye sore and usually results in a sore foot. A correct fit not only prolongs the life of the shoe but makes the life of the wearer more comfortable. See us for well fitting foot­ wear. : U -• •< • >U> " ' ' SMITH BROa * T*hone McHENRY, ILL. SummerComforts, No. 3 We call the Gas Iron our best missionaiy. It the t>'\ W-l &.-• B?.« .• M people how economical and handy gas really is. Three tents worth gas will ik> ten hours ;.p- Jmfa Western United Gas '4S^ aod Electric Compaoy ^ . fci. weewwf, •; . • W: '" ^5r'r •' ' .;yfSB)fe /?• W- ̂ % 4 \ ̂ t*\ • ti m H'fV Chl-Maillift The original hammet-moof Varnish If we were to tell you of all the abuse Chi-Namel Varnish will stand without being ruined, we wouldn't expect you to believe us. But we're here to show you, any day in the week, that hard knocks cannot make, white spots on Chi- Namel or cause it to flake off. u The* We^t McHenry [. v. NcAimne :: Phone 59-W m UDOKmUli Hr*. H. Wille spent Saturday Crystal Lake. .. ^ - y. Herman Wtlld i» drirlttg » nevrJPopd car these days. ^ S. A. Mercbant Vat l^ Cfystai lb»ke Sunday forenoon. E, E. Hestselgrave of Richmond wins It recent visitor here. Mrs. Nash visited friends in Elgin ft) » the latter part of the week." \ . Mrs. L. Bennett and son, were Chicago shoppers Friday#* Mrs. John Barden of Woodstock spent Tuesday with Mrs. Geo, Wheel­ er. Mr. and Mrs. F. E. Thayer and son of Hebron pasted thru vicinity Monday. J. C. Button and Mrs. P. Hodgkia- sou were Woodstock callers Friday afternoon. Miss Minnie Dike of Zion City is spending two weeks at the home of her brother, W. K. Dike. Mrs, A. Peterson and Mrs. R. Heasel* grave and daughter, Hazel, were Crys­ tal Lake shoppers Friday. Mrs. W. Fi^nch and Mark French spent a few days recently with Mr. and Mrs. L. Nelson near Frank!in- vllle. Mr. and Mra. Johnson'and six chil dren of Zion City spent the week end at the home of Mr. and Mrs. W. E. Dike. Prof. S. R. Smith and son, Kenneth of Austin sucnt Saturday night and Sunday with Mr. and Mrs» G. C. Smith. Mrs. L. Eisenmengcr and daughter, Mrs. Kvueger, and son of Crystal Lake were callers at the F. Wille home on Friday. , M rs. R. F. Anderson and daughter, Marg, attended the Adventures of Kathh-n at Crystal Lake Wednesday evening. • •1 < Miss 8arah Ormsby has completed another term t3aohing at St. Louis, Mo., and is spending her vacation at her home here. A. Hansen went to Chicago Thurs- vlay to meet his son, Thomas, and ac company him home from Jacksonville, where he has been attending school. Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Wheeler attend ed the wedding of their nieces, Miss Annie Wheeler to Count Curt Von Mueller of Chicago and , Miss Cherie Wheeler to Mr. Ira Burdick of Cham paign at Arlington Heights on Satur day evening and they also attended the funeral of their cousin, George Allison, on Sunday afternoon. HOLCOMBVILli. Mrs. White was the guest qf ChicagQ friends several days last week. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Beiser spent the day at Woodstock on Wednesday last. Miss Etta Powers spent several days recently with her brother, John Pow- ers. ' Mr. and Mrs, Will Zanders enter­ tained the latter's sister and family over Sunday. . Mr. and Mrs. Will 0ilbert and daugb ter, Mrs. Eudorm Conlfey, were recent Elgin visitors. . Miss Florence Knox was the guest of Mibs Vera Doherty Friday nod Satur­ day of last week. Mr. and Mrs. Claude Huteon spent Saturday and Sunday as the guests of Aurora relatives. Fourth of July danoe at Stoffel'shall, West McHenry, Friday' evening; July 3. Music by Hunter's orchestra of El gin. Miss Agnes Bigelow of Ringwood spent Friday and Saturday of last week the guest of Charles Harrison and family. James Powers and family, John Powers, Mr. and Mrs. David Powers and J. Doherty attended the funeral of a relative at Richmond Monday. Mrs. M. H. Conley of Austin has been the guest of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Will Gilbert, for the past ten days. Mr. Conley came ,oq Monday evening to return with Ills wile to their hoipe qq Wednesday. Mrs. J. Puberty entertained the Social Workers on Thursday afternoon last. There were about twenty mem bers present and five visitors. The Misses Vera and Nellie Doherty served a most delicious luncheon and the meeting waa thoroly enjoyed by all present. A party of ahout thirty young people surprised WJH pqherty, Jr., on Friday evening last. They caught Willie napping, but he very soon awoke to his duties as host and with the assist^ ance of his sister, Grace, afforded his guests a most pleasant eve&in#'s enter­ tainment. *r- ter of Fox Lake were Sundayfgueeta in the home of Ben Justen. Mr. and Mrs. Mat Rauen andsoc, Arnold, were Sunday guests in the home of John H. Freund. Dr. and Mrs. Murphy of Chicago are now nicely rattled in their new sum­ mer cottage at Columbia Park. Mrs. Peter B. Freund of McHenry is spending a few days in the home of her sister, Mrs. Jacob Schumacher. Miss Kate Schinitt of "Aurora, 111., is spending the week in the home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. F. Schmitt, Mrs. Al. Penning'. Mrs, OxtOhv Jinr? Mrs. Karls of Spring Grove were vis itors in Johnsburg one day last week Joe and John Stilling and Misses Barbara Smith and Louise Stilling wefre Waukegan visitors last Sunday. Fourth of July dance at Stoffel's hall, West McHenry, Friday evening, July 3. Musio by Hunter's orchestra of El gin. Mrs. Peter Freund of Johnsburgh, Minn., is spending a few weeks among relatives and friends in Johnsburg and vicinity. Mr. and Mrs. Weingartenof McHen ry were entertained in the home of Mr. And Mrs.- Jos. Hettermann last week Friday. Miss Marie Wiedemann spent a few days the past week in the home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. John Wiede mann, in Chicago. The Johannesburger Sangerbund, under the direction of Joseph Schmitt of McHenry, is practicing ter next Sunday'8 big event and will take a prominent part therein. J. C. Debrecht is the owner of a first- class cement block gasoline house, which was put up by John Sehumacher of Spring Grove. Mr. Schumacher certainly does first-class work in every way and guarantees^ satisfactory job on all concrete work that may come his way. ' St. Johannes Court Ne». 06 of this place will hold a public card party kt the church hall on Sunday evening, June 28, commencing at 8 o'clock. The pfoceeds of the party will go into the church fund. Everyone is invited and a good time is promised to all. Rev. Nicholas Schmitt, who was re­ cently ordained a priest, will read his iirst mass at St. John's Catholic church hers next Sunday morning at ten o'clock. The pastor was born and raised here and is well rod favorably known to all of our people, who will turn out in goodly .numbers next Sun­ day. Many visiting priests will be here to attend the ceremonies. Mr. and Mrs. Peter Williams drove to McHenry in their new Partin-Palm- er car on Tuesday evening of this week and while there they experienced trouble with their car. The machine was towed to the Stilling garage and (he owner and his wife ' were brought back home by their nephew, Louis StoiTel, of McHenry. This is one of the joys of automobiling which every owner must get used to,' as the best of 'em have trouble now and again. -- OSTKNB. '^v'V Emil Thomas came back from the hospital last Saturday. r . F. B: Thompson and family were out Sunday enjoying their new car. Ben Brown is remodeling the barn on his farm, making more room for ws. Mrs. R. H. Richardson is visiting her mother and other relatives in Chi­ cago. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Cooley spent last week with relatives in t^e south part of the state. Henry Hobart and wile entertainec their son, Roy, and wife over night Saturday, June 13. Mrs. Isabel Ricbarfron Is at the home o{ her sojn, R. H, Richardson looking after her farm affairs. Four tlx of July danoe at Stoffel's hall West McHenry, Friday evening, July 3. Musie by Hunter'B orchestra of El gin. Mrs. Clara Harris came home Friday last from «r Chicago hospital, where she has been for several days for treat ment. Mr; and Mrs. Guy Harrison and fam­ ily are living in Woodstock, Mrs. Harrison is taking treatment with a doctor . in Elgin. Her friends think she is improving. There are extensive improvements being made on the barn on the farm known as the James R. Sayler farm. Mr. Fellows is fixing for a dairy farm as soon as the barn it In shape<foroc cupanoy. . "J •. ' 'i ' zL • ^:«r ' i T5, - .S'f? •li.zti Work along well defined lines, do not scatter; concentrate. Considering business growth, S0r lecting best lines of \ operation, concentrating your energy means business success. This is not accomplished Without good financiering^ Use the check account system of this bank, it will operate to your advantage* check account here--NOW. *'%jh „ i \ 'it# li v ~ vpl f r j W* V A ; ' r . # . . i t ? - • ' FREMOICT HOY & SON, Hankers ' v y r r ectory are spending a few days at the Park. Mr. and Mrs. Chester Fraiser spent a few days with her sister, Mrs. Geo. Young. Mi$s May me Smith spent Sunday as the guest of her parents, Mr. and Mrs J. R. Smith. Mrs. Cohan and children returned to Chicago Sunday after spending few days here. Mr. and Mrs. George Young spent Sunday as the guests of Mr. and Mrs. John R. Smith. Mr. and Mrs. A. Rich and son of Grayslake spent Sunday as the guests of Mr. and Mrs. John R. Smith. Mrs. Will Haxton and children re­ turned to their home in Chicago Sun day after spending a few weeks at the Haxton cottage. Try a Plaindealer for sale ffrr. EIMCL4ND-REDDEN MEETING AT GREEN­ WOOD * aOHXSBUKOB. Harold Watz of Fox Lake was a call­ er in town last Sunday. Miss Helen Adams passed Tuesday in the metropolitan city. Mrs. Frank Fox was a McHenry call­ er (me afternoon last week. Mr. and Mrs. Jacob-'Miller were Mc­ Henry callers last Sunday evening. Mr. and Mrs. Joe Schmitt of McHen­ ry were Sunday callers in Johnsburg. Wm. Althoff and family are enter­ taining relatives from Burlington, Wis. Quite a number ofowr young people attended the dance at Solon Tuesday evening. Mrs. Jos. J. Michels spent the latter IMIKALD PAKE. Joe Prye spent Sunday at his cottage, Jas. Haxton spent Sunday at hlf cot­ tage. J. J. Plusky spent one. day reoently in Chicago, Mrs. Collins is spending a few weeks at the Park. Miss Rose Justtti oilled on Un. Ed Sutton Sunday. W. K. Burns <rf Chicago spent Sun­ day at the Park. Mr. O'Brien and son spent Sunday at i-H. Berkircher's. Mrs. R. C. Oakes and ehil^rep are visiting at the Park. • R. E. Sutton of Ctawgn spent Sun­ day at E. R. Sutton's. Mr. Mrs. Chester Fraiser spent part of last week among relatives vzr&y&iaKe* Subscribe for the Plaindealer and keep posted on local happening* i McHenry. Mr. and Mfs. Wiei&ad of Spring I Grove were visitors in Johnsburg Tues-1 day evening. Mrs. J. C. Debrecht and daughters, Stella, Netta and Laulla, wrere Chica­ go visitors Tuesday. Miss Kathleen O'R^iJl^ is spending a few weeks in Chic&gq. Mrs. J. F^ Claxton and daughter called at J.'IV Smith's Sunder. Miss Anna Malefyt and Master Ed­ ward Armit spent Sunday here. Dr. Fegers and Miss Eleanor McGee Mr. and Mrs, Joe Blake of MeHenry apent Wednesday at E. R. Sutton's, visited with Mr. and Mrs. John Degani Mr. and Mrs. Ed Sutton and Myrtle Jiere Tuesday evening. J Huck called at L. Walmsley^s Sunday. A NeW Wfll'Soon go to Pr^aigf 'jifiil- iili ih 1® Persons contemplating taking telephone service should sign contracts at once. Delay may mean failure to have your ^ | ̂ | ,j Notify" the Matt^ger by telephone or post and a salesman will call at your address with contract blanks, prepared * I to give full information as to service and ^ « .3 Chicago Tefcphooe Company h CkmMh, Dntrict Mnam• - *4> *4* r <"§4 •.**-. W It-•• n". ' n KIHJM*, Ew»im The great tabernacle revival cam paign, led by Evangelists Kirkland and Redden, opened last Sunday at Green­ wood with large audiences. Mr. Kirk­ land has a unique and striking person­ ality and a forceful and original way of presenting his message. He is hard hitting, yet his kindness of heart shines thru every word. He does not rely on excitement, but his messages cause deep conviction in the hearts of those who listen. Those who fail to hear Mr. Kirkland will miss hearing one of the most striking and successful of evangelists. HiafeUow workers, Prof. B. H. and Mrs* Redden,, are accom­ plished muetoiaas. Bro. Redden is a born ohoir leader and his beautiful tenor voioe is heard and listened to with delight and profit in the solos he renders. A great mass meeting of young people will be held next Sunday morning, June 21, in the tabernacle. Seats will be reserved for all those be­ tween the ages of eight and twenty- one, but parents and friends are urged also to be present. The public is asked .to notice tha^ the time of this meeting has been changed from that announced on the printed bills. Instead of begin­ ning at 2:30 it will begin at 10:30 a. m JUNE PARTY Mrs. Nell extends a cordial invita­ tion to everyone to attend a June party to take place at the~ Columbia park dancing pavilion^ near the Johnsburgh bridge, on Wednesday evening, June 24. Chris Hapke's orchestra of Liber- tyville will furnish the musio for the occasion and a fine time is promised to those who attend. Dance tickets, 50 cents. ' , Fourth of July dance at Stoffel's hall, West McHenry, Friday evening, July 8. Music by Hunter's orchestra of El­ gin- You'll like our drugs and prises. BASE U. S. LEAGUERS •VS.- I ? V W ' > is? i 7 ' k ^MfeWEf^-WHITE SOXSlFl Jime ? iir-U v <r P H I L I P J A E G E R GENERAL COHMISSION MERCHANT % SPECHAL ATTENTION QIVXW TO THB BA1JK Dressed Beef, flutton, Hogs, Veal, Poaltiy. Hides, Etc., Butter and Eggs This is the oldest ho--a on the street Tags aari prios lirts fnntsfced ca | application. COLO STOKAQE FRBB chicaq^ ILLINOIS, StaB I A ijfhritea M. WhotcaaT* Kirkti. ROSE COM3 RHODE ISLAND liW§ ^ '£•[. Better #nd Redder' '. ;I ay from three to floittr tflimi theft? in eggs, each, per year. Eggs ftwf Phone 93-R. •S Hv C. Hettiager is ^ Orchard Beadk own weight hatching, $1.50 per 15, (&00 per. 100.

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