Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 25 Jun 1914, p. 4

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̂ F. C. SCHREINER iMtete 8^EullUm« mm OF JOLY TEHMS OfSUBSCRIPTIONt OjM YMT NoBtfw.SSc i TIUM Montte, «c • - Thursday, June 25,1914 ANNOUNCEMENT : I hereby announce my candidacy for 4fefce Republican nomination for sheriff ©f McHenry county, .subject to the de­ cision of the voters at the primaries Sept. 9, 1S14. I respectfully solicit r$fcur suppprt and vote. DORR W. THOMAS, ANNOUNCEMENT hereby announce my candidacy for t&eriff of McHenry county, subject to the decision of the voters at the Re- jmblican primaries September 9, 1914. I respectfully solicit the support of the voters of said primary. ' CHARLES WANDRACK. ' JUKKOUNCETENT . t nereby announce myself as a camti- 5' V -5®|te for the office of County Treasurer, % ^ " ' subject to the decision of the Repub- * l^tan voters at the primaries, Sept. 9, 1814, and respectfully solicit the sup- friends. _ LYNN RICHARDS* lis Crystal L*ke, ill. :f'< ,:.X ̂\ .1 .li --!--L ,?V AMNOONCENCNT ^ •. v1 "X T herebv announce myself -a can3f- ifV-- 1 , V . • -m X T hereb a*- - # for county treasurer of McHenry coun- T and if nominated and elected I will pf^"'isocount for and turn into the county :• treasury, or other proper place, all in- p" s • threat money that I receive on public \ a .v Jiurds. FRED D. PERKINS. »'v ' <-51-tf QUARTER OF A CENTURY 'Ittfts CUPPED nmi punroratftw TWENTY-FIVE YEARS MO •m p|McHENRY WILL CELEBRATE! . H. E. Wightman is building a hand- •cstne new cottage at Pistakee Bay. Miller's Elgin band will furnish rou- i&c for the Foresters' picnic on the east Rifle of the river July 4. John W. Smith's martial baqd are expected to be here the Fourth and furnish some old timemnsic. " Isaac \. Barrus hps been appointed postmaster at Volo, Lake county, in place of R. Compton, removed. TheRingwood cornet band, fourteen pieces, will furnish music for the cel- e&ration on the West Side July 4. E. W. Howe has sold his three-year- old George O. colt, "Nellie H." to G. W. Eldredge of Richmond for $475. Hon. Richard Bishop and C. H. Don­ nelly, Esq., will speak at the picnic on the east side of the river on July 4. . John Heimer and Anton Engeln have /purchased half an acre of land at Pista­ kee Bay and are building a cottage on the same. teeo. Chapell, of the firm of .Kee & Chapell, Chicago, was here on Mon- He is making arrangements to -(wild a cottage at Pistakee Bay. * Shepard & Son have received about 145,COO pounds of clover blossoms at their driers in this village* There is some coming in now daily, but the 4PUSH is probably over. Some of the finest strawberries we Save seen this year are being sold on <mr streets by N. Q. Ensign. He comes every other day, Monday, Wednesday *6d Friday, and they are large, phimp nd fresh. Prof. J. P. Lauth of Chicago, who is 'advertised to speak at the Forester' Clonic, on the erst side of'the river, Joly 4, is a professor of languages nd •" l®1® of-the ablest German speakers in • ' A® state. • C. V. Stevens, manager of Gage's fck f reiving park, is having an am pi* heater erected that will accommodate two or three hundred people. Pe will have it finished in time for the ra-ses on he fourth. E. W. Howe *s do'ng the Ifork. The Marengo Republican says: "We Ifarn that R. D. Scott, the blind musi­ cian, well known here and all over the northwest, has recovered his sight." The many friends of Mr. Scott in Mc Henry and vicinity hope that the above rvmor may be true. * The exercises on the Fourth will be y|- held on the beautiful grounds near V>e , .«over drier, on the West Side, pnd v! will commence nromptly at half p: s y . ten o'clock. Coi. Dan Munn of Chica­ go will deliver the oration rad short speeches will be made by Hon. F. K f Grander, Hon. Geo. Waite, H. V. t ., Shepard, Fsq., H. W. Mr-Le&a, Esti., others. Leonard Bf iti's, the well digger, put I .' fh a drive well for Mrs. Sweet, cf -he ^ ,tu\vn of Burton, l"<?t week. The well ^ s dug forty feet and he drove a pipe Ar , .f',^ about foi i,y feet more, struck a big sup- - •),£ P}^ water, put in a gi )d force pumpt a pipe f-om *he well to -Se yard, ?a^out twenty-five feet, and duie »'ie entire job, pump r id ail, for *45. Who ft!-. ,e'n beat *his? Fred Sehnorr hr s left upon l .:r table two of the finest bouque's that it has : been our lot to receive for many a day. & - They are not only tastily arr; iged, but ?$ ; are composed of the choicest variety of Bowers to be found anywhere. Mr. v. iorr hf^» one of f'ie handsomest ;1 flower gardens, we think, to be fovnd ^.r-^t'ln »he county, wfr'ch is "he t Imiration U' v of every pr ser by. He will plei-s© ac- pV Cept our heartiest tharV? for 1 's kind remembrp nee. : A Lake Zurich correspondent says: r * "We now have the assurance of a rail- lfoad, which will begin operations in •bout six months. Surveyors have gtaked down the line about a quarter of a mile east of this pla-je. It is a belt line, commencing at Keokakee, going north from the coal regions. What the name of it is we couid not iearn at thi6 writing. As it does not come direct from Chicago the facilities Jlor transportation will not be i s good, ifet we en do considerable transport­ ing on it." Whether this rorl will satrike Wauoondi r id Y 'Henry we are tuii^llWI TO BE «EL» AfCOMUHA PARK ON FOX R1YER Another one of those good old fash­ ioned Fourth of July celebrations will take place at Nell's Columbia park, near the Johnsburgh Fox river bridge, this year. Plans for the big event are now per­ fected and from the gigantic arrange­ ments that are being made we feel cer­ tain that the event this year will equal or even surpass all previous efforts in this direction. Mrs. Nell has already arranged to have Moore's orchestra furnish dance music at the spacious dancing pavilion during the afternoon and evening, while an order for a large display of fireworks has also been placed. These two features alone form a magnet of great drawing power' and those who have passed like occasions at this place are already planning on spending the Fourth at this beautiful river resort. The Johanteiburgber Sangerbund, a singing society which is fast gaining a reputation in these parts, will also be present to entertain those gathered with an excellent musical program. Excursion boats will make regular trips between Columbia Park and points along Fox river and McHenry. Refreshments will be Beryed cn the grounds during the entire day and evening, while there will be ample opportunity for picnic lunches for those who desire to carry their baskets. One of the big features will be the fireworks display in the evening. Every­ one who has attended the celvsbratic:-^ at thiB resort during the ppst few years will remember the grand displays that have characterized former events and what the management has told rs we can assure all that the display this year will be fully rs good if not better than in years past. Dance tickets, 75 cents. A cordial invitation is extended to everyone to be present. SURPRISE ins. E. H. OWEN Last Saturday afternoon a number of her friends called at the home of Mia. E. M. Owen to reniicd her that it was the anniversary of he* eighty- third birthday. The surprise WFS a most complete one, i s Mrs. Owen had just dressed in preparation to leaving ou an errand when the first of the in­ vaders arrived at the pleasant hone. When the first women arrived Mrs. Owen thought little of the Incident, thinking that the ladies hai come for a formal call. No sooner had the ad­ vance guard arrived when a number of others put in their appearance and as the number grew it finally dawned up­ on Mrs. Owen that it was her birthday anniversary and the ladies had come to enjoy the event with her. She then decided to po°tpone her errand and remained to show the ladies her appreciation of their thoughtfulness by entertaining in a manner t* is only known by this popular citizen. The p'ternoon was most pier lantly passed and at pn appropriate hour refresh­ ments, which were brought by the guests, were served. The occasion will long^be remembered by those who were fortunate enough to be present. ENTERTAINS SOCIAL WHEEL /Mrs. J. C. Holly acted as hostess to the members of the Social Wheel on Saturday, June 13. The hostess had everything in readiness for the enter­ tainment of her guests on their arrival at her home and every minute of the 'ternoon was highly enjoyed by those present. A guessing game, in which Mrs. Clana Starritt proved herself the winner, took up a considerable length of time and WFS the source of more than a little fun. At the proper time refreshments of a delicious nature were served, after which all departed foe their homes, feeling that they had been royally entertained at the hands»of the amiable hostess. The next meeting will be with Mrs. Satrritt next Satur­ day. ^ ' TWO MAR91ED MEN" ^ What promises to be th^ best com­ edy of the season will hold the boards at the Central opera horse Stiday night, June 28, when the bright fat je, "Two Married Men," appears. One of those unusually strong comedies built for laughing purposes only, that is really entertaining and amusing. As a special added attraction, feature vaudeville acts are intermingled with the three acts .of screamingly finny lines and complicated scenes. Special prices for this engagement only are 25c, 35c and 50p. Seats are now selling (at the usual place. If it'b laugh* you want, "Two Married Mefc" are there like hyenas. SOT*** RESORT Mr. and Mrs. George Evp--* rid daughter, Gladys, of Chicago are here for the summer and are again mrking their home in the Qu'nn cottage. Harry Doerk and Joe Stu..u have returned to their homes in (hicago r'ter a very pleasant two weeks' out­ ing on Fox river, jest sou ? cf tv ^ \illage. *-- Herman Doerk of Chicago WFS V re­ cent guest in the summer home c* Mr. f ">d Mrs. Geo. Evans. Mrs. Fred Breyer and son, Theodore, of Chicago spent Saturday and Sunday at their cotttage at McCollum's lake. ICEMAN KILLED «Y TRAIN An iceman, employed at the Brandt ice houses at McCollum's lake, was suack end irstantly killed by a freight train about nine o'clock on Tuesday n;j,'ht of th's week. The unfortunate mm hsi been in McHenry f»nd wrs on his way utiik to *he ice horse when the fatal acc:dent occurred. The body was taken to fhe N. J. Justen mor^ae, where *he inquest Wr s held yesterday r ^ern^jn. A brofher to ""he d">ef *efl t - ~ been notified. P.hlAlran af \f Iff fMp#1 BOY REAM MfS POST J|AflB AT ST. jonr s cmntca St. John's Catholic church at Johns­ burgh was the scene of another im­ portant event last Sunday morning, when Rev. Nicholas Schmitt, who. was recently ordained into the priesthood at St. Louis, Mo., read his first mass. In spite of fhe severe electrical storm, a large congregation filled th? spacious edifice to witness the im­ pressive ceremony. Rev. John Schmitt of'Aurora, 111., an uncle to the young priest, acted es Presbyter assistens; Rev. Geo. Nell of Emnghara, also a Johsburgh boy, and who w»s ordained about two years ago, acted as deacon; 'Rev, Charles Seifert of Quincy, II)., sub-deacon; Nicholar Berg of Aurora, master of ceremonies: Edward Koch of German- town, 111.,., assistant master of cere­ monies whi'e Rev. Berthold Hartung, O. F. M.* preached a splendid cere­ mony. » A feature of the celebration was the fact. tha$ the Rev, Schmitt, Presbyter assistens, and the deacon were all Johnsburgh boys, all having been born and raised in our little sister burg to the north. Had the weather been more favor­ able we doubt whether 'the spacious cathedral would have been large enough to accommodate the crowd, but ps it was the storm kept a large nwnberaway. The v'siting clergy, besides these alreeiy mentioned, were as follows: Rev. Chris Rempe, professor of the Catholic college, Chicago; Rev. Chrs. Nix of Virgil, 111.; Rev. Wm. Dummer- muth of Spring GrOve, III. William Deursch of Virgil, 111., a student of St. Joseph's college at Ressellaer, Ind., w-s also nresent, while the resident prstor. Rev. Edw. Berthold, hai gen­ eral charge of the impressive event. As previously stated, Rev. Nicholas Schmitt was born and raised on a farm near Johnsburgh. When a boy at school he, for a number of years, acted as altar boy. After completing the parochial school he entered St. Fran­ cis college at Quincy, 111., where he took a six year classical course. The next two yeaia were devoted to the study of philosophy. The following three years were put. in at the Ken- rick seminary at St. Louis., Mo., where he completed his studies and wps or­ dained a priest a short time ago. ' Rev. Schmitt is the son of Mr. and Mrs. Jacob F. ScAmitt, highly respect­ ed citizens of Johnsburgh. A big re­ ception was tendered the young man at the home of his parents on Sunday afternoon, the event being attended by about 150 invited relatives and friends and the clergymen The Johannesburg^ Sangerbund, under the direction of Joseph F. Schmitt of this village; favored the gathering with a number of very pleasing selec­ tions during- the afternoon and even­ ing. , The reverend pastor will remain as the guest of his parents until he re­ ceives his appointment. He has been assigned to a diocese in; Oklahoma, but it will probably be a week or more before he will know just where he will be stationed. it IncwrlfM. it taMrtm, WANTED »t tbe West McHenry W! OPERA HOUSE McHENRY, ILLINOIS ONE NIGHT ONLY FOKH NEW LAW FS» T.U, WAIVE AND PAUL J. DONOVAN EN­ TER JKTO PARTNERSHIP [Harvard Herald, June 18,1114) Attorney E. H. Waite and Attorney Paul J. Donovan will unite their en­ ergies in a law firm to be known as Waite & Donovan, the new firm to be officially formed on and after July 1, when they will establish themselves in offices in the Hoy block at Woodstock, where Mr. Waite has been engaged in fhe practice of law for twenty yeau, and where he has built up a nice prac­ tice. Mr. Waite enjoys the distinction of being one of the best posted lawyers ut the county bar, his pivice and efforts being called on more frequently than rny pther member of. the bar in the aid of fellow attoi ueys. Jury prtactice is not to his liking, but upon questions of law r id evidence none are better equipped ^hn he is, say members of the p. jfersion in the county. /s r esist? it state's attorney for sev­ eral yeaia, Mr. Donovan hf acquired a knowledge that will be invaluable to him in future years and State's Attor­ ney Joslyn, his chief, speaks of him rs a young lawyer possessing marked capability, and one who is dentinef tc become a leader in his profession. He par* • with Mm with regret r nd only because^Of Mr. Donovan's desire to form a partnership. * •• . ' ' JUNE PARTY \ A June party wrs given hy - the Misses Julia rid Evelyn Fetter at their h, ne nor*h of Crystal Lake on Wed- neHay evening, Jvne 17. The even­ ing \>i i spent in a mi t enjoyable way, in wHch mr«ic rnd party games were indo'ged in. After 'he midnight hour dainty refrervuents were served. The qaei.jin;kei« were r« follows; Eva Davo'.l of Ho'iiotnbville, Wm. Wught of Gr'swold I "ike, M!<fses Virgie Gar- i iun Git lys Matfhews, Ma^ie Wright, Ji'"ia r id Evelyn Fefier, Menrs. La- Doyt Marhews, George and Victor Gari'oonrid George Wiight of Crys­ tal Lr':e. »•« EAT MEBENRY KE CREAH McHenry ice crern's me ic*'itured of Borden's pure crer~n, puu'hfsed at the McHenry plant, of t^e Borden Milk company. It,'s purely a home product and cannot surprssed any­ where. If you writ the real deliciois ice cream get it at M. A. Laures' on the West Side, H. E. Buch's, near the liver, or at C. Unti's in Centerville. These are the places where it '« . ild in UaHflnwi.. .,, s tTTANTED-- New or used Uotor boat or tow ** boat on Fox river. Write O. BAIJSTAD, 3119 Cortland St., Chicago. 52-81* XpOR SALE--Fox rirer lots on both east and *• west sides of river, north of^McHenry bridge. Inquire of 0. W. SxasoBa, West Mc­ Henry. • / S8-tf "EV)R SALE--Almost new "Monarch" smoke- *• less torch generator ffasoliue stove; will be sold cheap. Inquire or M. A. THKLEN. MC- Heuiy, 111. "p^OR SALE--Seven "room house, together *- with three lota. House In flrst-cliiss re- fiair and has all modern convenlemvs. nqulre of JOHN SPENCIB, Wast McHenry, 111. ' 46-t" OTRAYED--1 have three stray horses, two ° black and one'bay. Owner may havo same by claiming property, paying for keep CF SR.SIC JIUD THIS NOTICE. B. W. STEINBACH. Torra Ootta, ill. GET READY for SUMMER Bat wether weakens and znak«f bans (any. It also retards growth of younff fairda unlets you use Poultry Regulator This wonderful remedy purifies the Mood, keeps the liver.right and aids growth, diareatloa and egg production. Fko*. SSci 60c, 60c,$1.00; 25 lb. pail $2.50 pratts IWiltwd Uco Killer is the most pow­ erful InmlilMii for poultry and plants--sal *at and moat eoooomieal. 2Be and 50c. Berose ' •obstHute*; ioaiat on Prmtts. t Saiirfwtka Guaranteed or Money Back | Git lYatU 190 page Poultry Book Sale by - We A McHenry . Johnsburgh <' " Ringwood • _--. Win. Bonslett, J. C. Debrecht, F. E. Howe, t /1DITIONAL PERSONALS l^rs. M. D, Ott spent Snoday at El- gln. • *' " , 0eo. &.'HsnlyV»s a Chicago visitor Tuesday. : Miss Myrtle Haas of Chicago is the guest of friends hefte. x Miss Julia Stoffel w«s tlie gueet of Elgin friends Monday. ^ Eb Gaylord was a business visitor at Kingston, 111., Monday. -J. C. Bidder and son, Carl, were Chicago visitors Tuesday. F. H. Wattles boarded the Chicago train Wednesday morning. Jacob Justen was a business visitor in the windy city Wednesday., C. G. Berner attended to business matters in Chicago Tuesday. Miss Lei ah Ulaxton was a Barring- ton visitor the first of the week- Dr. H. H. Hanly of Peoria spent Sun­ day as t le guest of relatives here. Everett Hunter was among the Chi­ cago passengers Tuesday morning. Walter Walsh wras the guest of Chi­ cago relatives .the first of the week. Misses Mamie Buss and Alta Went- worth were at Woodstock yesterdly. Miss Kate Howe of River Forest is home to spend the summer vacation. 3f. C. H. Fcjfwrs boarded the irtiin for Woodstock Wednesday afternoon. William Smith transacted business matters in the windy city Wednesday. Glenn Wells passed several days last week as the guest of Chicago relatives. Fred Gardner and sister passed a few days this week aa the guests of Chicago friends. George Lqpergan of North Crystal Lake called on frjends in town last Fri­ day evening. Bert Warner of Elgin passed ttite first of the week as the 'guest at Mc­ Henry friends. ^ Fred Mershon passed a few days this week as the £uest of relatives at Kal* amazoo, Mich. < • ' Misses Tessie and Carrie Worts of Hebron passed lF4t week t>s the guests of home folks. Mrs. W. A. Sayler WPS the guest of her mother and sister at Elgin a few days last week. , Miss Josephine Fisher 'bf. Elgin was the guest of relatives here the latter part of last week. / Miss Kathryn Schreiner Of Wauke- gan is spending the weetf fi fhe guest of McHenry relatives. Mrs. Sarah Dermont returned last Saturaay from an extended visit with relatives at Des Moines, la. Mrs. H. P. England of North Crystnl Lake was the guest of Mrs. Gorman at the Park hotel last Thursday. Mrs. W. G. McClintock • of Chicago wae a guest in the hotfce of her sister, Mrs. D. G. Wells, the first of the week. Mr. and Mrs. Robert McLeah of Silver Creek, Neb., are guests in the home of-their daughter, Mi 4. Milton Ott. Jay Burke of Chicago is spending a couple of weeks rs the guest of rela­ tives g*Td friftnr"i in McHenry and vi- oinity. Mrs. I. A. Hungerford and sons, Gail and Wajae, went to Marengo Tuesday for a few da^s' visit r nong relatives. • * K Mrs. Casper Wirfs went to Crystal Lake Tuesday pfternoon to spend a few days ps the guest of her son, Peter, and family. , i Miss Clara and Bernard Schilling of Chicago spent Saturday and Sunday as guests in the home of Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Aebissher. H. Hankermeyer or Austin motored thru McHenry lr u Thui^day and stopped long enough to say hello ») a niynber of frien^s.^ Mr. and Mir*. Ay IS. Hilf and son, Edwin, of Wilmette were guests in the home of Mr. aid Mrs. Kollin We'te The rollicking % act rarce - nPT*. ,$0K - V it- :few? ,l^- A $ • J 3**^ !ls- i '• \ '-v : A Laug;h Every Minute Special Vaudeville Feartures A Guaranteed Attraction Kl iSeats now selling: At Your Grocer's you will find a ^ock of Early Riser Flour in different sized packages. He will be pleased to take your order for EARLY RISER flour, for he knows it gives genuine satisfaction, bakes the finest bread and bis­ cuit, the flakiest pie cru&t and the mo& tooiiLsome cake,^rou ever ate. • WECTfiiif" FIOM AHB FEED MILLS v • ' Good Things to - ? Npw, doesn't tliarsoiind good to you? Oi course it does and w<« are right here to tell you tit fit we sell these good things and want you to leave US your next order for Gro­ ceries, Canned Goods, Vege­ table!), Fruits or Bakery Goods. The »easo* of the year is at hand when the housewife refuses to prepare all meals over a hot cook stove and for this reason we have laid in a supply of cold lunch eats that will be sure to please your palate. All orders promptly delivered. fell i ' - IMS : v' i; 4'W SUMMER SCHEDULE CENTERVILLE AND GROCERY Will run every day ii the week McHENRY r, . • vv'tV: Pistakee Bay and Fox Lake paving at 10:30 a. m. and 2:00 p. m. v.; Round Xrip; 50c SPECIAL Excursioi^ to the Dance al Mertes' Hotj^, leaving McHenry at 8:00 p. m. sharp Mrs. Peter, Wirr<* of Crystal Lake passed the first of ^Ve w^ek the guestv of. McHenry relatives. . Mr. Wirfs was up Sunday. Mrs. Louis McDonald and son, Ford, of Woo^?stc ik spent Saturday and Sun­ day in the home of her paren*vMf. and MiL. P. Newman. Ar. and M< >. R. L. P -ott r id grand­ son, Robert Alexander, of Chicago spent Sunday r* feaesti in *'16 home of Mr. and Mrs. Rollin Waite. Mr. r id Mid. J. E. Waite of Lake Geneva, Wis., pi ned Saturday and Sunday in the hom^ of * »e former's paren \ Mr. and MiRollin Waite. KL Ethel Krumpen, who is attend­ ing school at DeKalb, p: sed several da>i last week r - t'le ^ jest of her par­ ent •, Mr. l id Mi j. An >n Krv npen. Mrs. F. A. Boh lander, Mr. s^d Mrs. John Kaiser,'Mij. Ben Stilling and daughter, Eva, C. Unti r id Stephen H. Freund were among f'ie Ci eago pi. •mdagfy.» k « Mrs. Alma Grrhfn of Mikkelson, N. D., Mrs. Fannie Carr vpf Spring Grove and Miss Ruby Brooks of Slo- cum'sLake were Sunday guests of Mrs. Anna- Byrd and daughter. Mr. pnd M^. W. A. Coleman of El gin motored to this village lrst Sunday and spent the day in the home of E. S. Wheeler. Mrs. Coleman? formerly Miss Cora Wheeler. Mr. and Mi<*. Chester Frtier and daughter, Louise, who have been spend* ing several weeks rs guest* of rela­ tives in MeHfenry and vic+mtji, re­ turned to their home at Cai^on, la., lrst Friday morning. Mr. and Mrs. Sam Huff, John Mona- ban and Andrew Kearas of Chicago attended the funeral of Mrs. Mary Kearns here last week. The latter is still a guest in the home of hia sister, ohoicest line or Meatsand Groceries to be found in McHenry J.W.Aebischer (8ucsss»r t* C. O. Fpatt.) NEHEMKY. ILL. ft it 'PHONE Meats That's what we sell and for this reason we are respect­ fully asking you to make this your meat buying cen­ ter. Besides keeping on hand at all times a fresh and complete stock of meats we also carry a fine line of Gito» ceries, Canned Goods, Bak- b ery, Fruits and Vegetables ̂ : in season. Our delivery v wagon is always at your G. C. BOSMA Successor to E. F. We& McHenry Matthews Phone 3 4.. .3 M , |%v BR. F. J. AICHERi'i'-f \l • DENTIST ' '?(•••> Office In Schumacher BulMln| Centerville' McHenry, Illinois Telephone No. IS G. A. SATTEM 1ISTRICT MANAGEK WTUAL UTE WSURANd CO, VEST riENRY, ASE YOU INTERESTED •StA ' P.' ;..T. ' " Km Telephone No. lSS-Rp^ ' SIMON STOFFEL \ .. & Insurance agent for all classes o$ * *. property in the best eonvaniest;';i' >'-rk-T ' e T,' ' ̂ t' vV ̂ ̂

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