SUBSCRIPTION! Thursday, July 9,19*4 V': • -- «$*- / •'V* ?.?! fX . n K*i < ". -ijSW- mi X/,- RM *KF*ESF>NTATTV £ IK GENERAL. ASSEMBLY, 8th DISTRICT VOTE FOR g JOSEPH W. FRFDND WEST McHENRY, ILL. v r DEMOCRATIC CANDIDATE ' PRIMARIES SEPT. 9, 1914 •••••"• fe&w a ANNOUNCEMENT *, I hereby announce my candidacy for l\ the Republican nomination for sheriff J1 of McHenry county, subject to the de- ciaion of the voters at the primaries / Sept. 9, 1914. I respectfully solicit and vote. DORR W. THOMAS. . W-- ANNOUNCEMENT I hereby announce my candidacy for aberiff of McHenry county, subject to th® decision of the voters at the Re- • publican primaries September 9,1914. I respectfully solicit the support of the voters of said primary. CHARLES WANDRACK. WM f ANNOUNCEMENT It liiretty "announce myself as'a eandi- Uk.'i date for the office of County Treasurer, ^ ii': subject to the decision of the Repub lican voters at the primaries, Sept. 9, 1914, and respectfully solicit the sup- , port of pf friends. LYNN RICHARDS, \ IjQ Crystal Lake, 111. | % ANNOUNCEMENT .i I herewith announce myself as a ' Democratic candidate for the office of county treasurer of McHenry county, S f subject to the decision of the voters •'f * at the primaries on Sept. 9, 1914. I W: will appreciate the support of the legal fvoter*. Respectfully, MS* 4 , JOHN H. MILLER. I&: ; = , v ANNOUNCEMENT .Vh-. , • • ' Slwreby announce myself ft enkli- date ior the Progressive nomination for county treasurer of McHenry coun ty and if nominated and elected I will account for and turn into the county treasury, or other proper place, all in terest money that I receive on public funds. - FRED D. PERKINS. i>l if • R0GRCS9VE CANDIDATE s« CMKTY TKASUREi' AlOKHJKCEllEItT I hereby announce myself a candi date for the Progressive nomination for county treasurer of McfHenry coun ty, ar* if uo;.' v.-A z: -l zhzlzZ I will account for and turn into the county treasury or other proper places, all in terest money that I receive on public funds. 4 FRED D. PERKINS. Try a Plaindealer for sale adv. ; t QUMTfiS Of A CENTUiy , CLIPPED PROM PLAINDEALER OP TWENTY-PIVE YEARS AGO ^ Frank Calkins is happy over the ar rival of a ten pound girl at his resi dence last week. Lew Owen came out frtMS Chicago on the 4th to help to celebmtt in his (rid home. », Herbert Bennett and Charley Nord- quist are rusticating on the shores of Lake Michigan, near Racine, Wis Married, at the Catholic church in this village on Tuesday, July 9, 1889, by Rev. Father O'Neil, P. Conway Miss Lizzie Nett, both of McHenry, Four hundred and forty couples were fencing in this village on the evening of the 4th, namely: Two hundred and fortyeeven couples at the Parker House, one hundred and eight at the * ^ : - ADMTIOmU. ratMMALI Mrs. A. G. Barbisa wss n «ora«*y seat visitor Monday. Mrs. J. C. Bickler and son, William, were Chicago visitors Tuesday. Dr. D. G. Wells was a professional visitor in the windy city Tuesday. Mr. and Mrs. C. L. Page were Chi- eago passengers Tuesday morning. Everett Hunter attended to matters of a business nature to Chicago Tues day. Fred Zim nermann spent Saturday and Sunday as the guest of relative® In Indiana. Miss Celia Merry of Hebron was the piest of Miss Esther Sloffel Saturday and Sunday. Miss Bes?ie Miller of Genoa Junc tion, Wis., called on friends here Sun day evening. G. A. Sattem of Chicago Is spending the week as the guest of relatives and friends here. , Mr. and Mrs. F. A. Bohlander were^ among the Chicago passengers Tues day morning. Ray Wienke of Chicago spent Satur day and Sunday as the guest of Mc Henry friends. Arthur Rasmussen of Chicago spent Saturday and Sunday as the guest of Miss Margaret Ward. Miss Macie Dake of Chicago is spend ing the week as the guest of Misses Anna and Irene Frisby. Mr. and Mrs. Eb Gaylord spent the first of the week as the guests of rela tives at Milwaukee, Wis. Miss Letah Page left Tuesday for Washington, D. C., where she expects to make an extended visit. Miss Tillie St. Germaine of Elgin was the guest of Miss Elizabeth The- len Thursday of last week. Misses Elsie and Mabel Wilte of Crystal Lake spent Saturday as the guests of McHenry friends. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Givens and children spent Saturday and Sunday as guests of relatives at Elgin. Miss Lottie Lao of Chicago passed Satuq^ay and Sunday as the guest of Misses Elizabeth and Clara Miller. Mr. and Mrs. A. A. Landwer drove to Barrington Saturday evening and spent Sunday as the guests of relatives. Mrs. Eva Steinbach of Kenosha, Wis., passed a few days this week as a guest in the home of her father, Henry Miller. Miss Kathryn Kennebeck of Wood stock spent Saturday and Sunday as a guest in the home of her father, John Kennebeck. Mr. and Mrs. Harry Lindsay and son of Hebron were guests in the home of Mr. and Mrs. Louis Wrede Saturday tnd Sunday, Mr. and Mrs. Curtis West fall of Chi cago spent Saturday and Sunday in the home of the latter's parents, Mr.*and Mrs. S. Stoffel. Mrs. Wm. Charles of Chicago spent the latter part of last and the fore part of this week as the guest of Mrs. Gerald Newman. Mr. and Mrs. Earl Smith and son of Woodstock spent Saturday and Sunday as the guests of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. F. E. Hutson. Mr. and Mrs. Theo. Bernett of Chi cago spentN Saturday and Sunday as guests of the letter's parents, Mr. Mid Mrs. E. L. Behlke. Miss Martha and William Althoff of Kenosha/ Wis., passed the Fourth and Sunday as guests in the home of their uncle, J. H. Miller. Mr. and Mrs. P. N. Peterson and Mr. and Mrs. C. E. Gaylord drove to Lake Geneva, Wis., Sunday and passed the day as guests of relatives. Harry Ayling and Alexander Bito» lass of Chicago were entertained in the home of Mr. and Mrs. F. L. Mc- Omber Saturday and Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Adolph Fisher and daughters, Dora and Josephine, of El gin are spending the week as guests of relatives and friends here. Miss Elvera and Henry Schuenemann and Frank Adams of Chicago passed Saturday and Sunday as guests in the home of M rs. Josephine Heimer. Mr. and Mrs. Edgar A. Johnson and son, Edgar, of South Bend, Ind., passed Saturday and Sunday as guiests in the home of Mr. and Mrs. T. J. Walsh. Mrs. Kenneth Burns of Chicago is spending the week as a guest in the home of her mother, Mrs. F. K. Grang er. Mr. Burns was out for the Fourth and Sunday. Mrs. George Johnson of JapesvUle, Wis., is spending the week in the home of her mother, Mrs. F. K. Grang er. Mr. Johnson was here Saturday and Sunday. Mrs. Adam Miller and daughter, Agnes, of Chicago spent the latter part of last and the fore part of this week as guests in the home of Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Miller here. Mrs. Nick Buhr and eons, Frank and Alfred, and daughter, Isabelle, of Chi cago passed the latter part of last and the fore part of this week as the gueste of McHenry relatives. Mr. and Mrs. Adam Knoble and chil dren and Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Stoffel of Milwaukee, Wis., spent Saturday and Sunday as guests in the home of Miy ftna Mrs. William Stoffel. Misses Mae Mix and Sarah Moooey of Chicago spent the latter part of last and the fore part of this week as guests in the home of Mr. and Mrs. John Miller, on the West Side. Mr. and Mrs. Oscar Hanson of Chi cago are spending the week on the farm of Mr. and Mrs. Peter Britz While out fishing on Lake Defiance one day last week the former succeed ed in landing a 13J pound pickerel. Louis Miller of Woodstock is here for a few weeks' visit in the home of his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Miller. Mr. Miller has been troubled with asthma for some time past and since coming to McHenry he has been feeling much better and hopes that a few weeks' rest here will do him much good. His wife and daughter. Lucile, who were, here for the holidays, re turned to the county *ea& this weeW > •«** SHE .c -*?»• <V fiMi. ' 'w THE COOK . Mrs. F. K MtlB lUUIUlUg. Miss Alice Knox spent several day® last week with Elgin friends. George Meyers has returned frbm g' visit with relatives at Morton Qtove. Ray Long of Woodstoek spent Sun- day as the guest of Mo£t<bry relatives. Miss Aileen O'Reilly was among the Chicago passengers Wednesday even* log- Mrs. Robert Schiessle and daughter, Clara* were Chicago visitors Wednes day. Peter Meyers of Chicago passed Sat urday as the guest of his brother, Geo. Meyers. C. Untl, H. E. Buch and Wm. Cowan were among the Chicago passengers this morning. Mrs. John Forbes of Chicago*spent Saturday as the guest of M& and Mrs, George Meyers. Mrs. Millie Wells and P. W. Fay of Elgin spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. L. F. Newman. Mrs. Qeorge Meyerp passed several days last week as the guest of Wau- conda relatives. Miss Kathryn r Long of Woodstock spent Saturday and Sunday as the guest of relatives here. Mr. and Mrs. M. A. Thelen and son, Leo, spent Saturday and' Sunday as guests of Elgin relatives. Mrs. George Pfaalin and son, Thom as, oi Tuscaloosa, Ala., are visiting' relatives in this vicinity. Mr. and Mrs. C. A. Morse and son, Alvin, spent the week-end as guests in the home of Henry Degen. Dr. and Mrs. A. C. Spurling of Gary were guests at the home of Me. and Mrs. F. G Spurling Sunday. Mrs. N. E. Barbian and son, Ernest, are guests of Mr. and Mrs. Raymond Whiting at Lake Geneva, Wis. Misses Mayme and Helen Cobb of Chicago spent Saturday and Sunday with L. F. Newman and family. John Klenk passed the latter part of last and the fore part of this week as the guest of relatives at Toledo, O. Charles Meinhardt of Chicago was entertained in the home of Mr. and Mrs. George Meyers last Saturday. Miss Ella Newman returned Wednes day from a three weeks' visit with her sister, Mrs. Lewis McDonald, at Wood- stock. Mrs. S. S. Chapell and daughters, Harriett and Marian, of Chicago are guests in the home of Mrs. Elsena Smith. 5 ^ Mr! and Mra;|| F. Golden and son, David, were week end guests of Mr. and Mrs. J. M. McOmber at Jonell cottage. Mrs. Lewis McDonald and son, Ford, of Woodstock are spending the week with her parent*, Mr. and Mn. L. F. Newman. Mrs. J. McDermott returned to her home in Chicago Tuesday evening aft er a pleasant visit among relatives in this vicinity. Mrs. Brown aad daughters, Jessie and Lillian, of Chicago are spending a few weeks with Mrs. Ed Young on the McDonald farm. Mr. and Mrs. G. A. Barker and daughter, Glenys, of North Crystal Lake were Saturday Mid Sunday guests of relatives h§r^. Miss Nellie Clemens of Prescott. Ariz., is home to spend the summer vacation with her parents, Mr. and and Mrs. H. E. Clemens. Mr. and dre. Chas: Cooley and chil dren drove to Milwaukee, Wis., Sun day afternoon and spent the following day as guests of relatives. Mr. and Mrs. Roy Colby and daugh ter, Marion, of Williams Bay, Wis., were visitors at the home of Mr. and Mrs. F. G. Spurling Sunday; Mrs. C^eve Carney and two sons left for Chicago Tuesday night, after spend ing two months with her mother, Mrs. Ed Young on the McDonald farm. Mrs. Elizabeth Knoll and daughter, Lillian, and Mrs. Margaret Koeschen of Chicago are spending a couple of weeks as the guests of relatives in and around McHenry. Mr. and Mrs. Jacob Miller and two children of Zenda, Wis., passed Satur day and Sunday as guests in the home of Mrs. Miller'* sisters, Misses Kath ryn and Gertrude Weber. ^ Mr. and Mrs. Ed Wirfs, Mr. and Mrs. F. Fabel and son, John, and Mr. and Mrs. M. Reiser of Waukegan motored to this village the Fourth and called at the home of Mrs. J. B. Buss. Mr. and Mrs. C. S. Owen and sons, Norton and Harold, of jChicago came out to celebrate the Fourth with their mother, Mrs. E. M. Owen, and re mained until Monday morning. Mr. and Mrs. John Kaiser went to Chicago Wednesday morning and re- turned in the evening accompanied by their son, who recently underwent an operation in one of that city's hospi tals. J. C. Biekler, F. O. Gans, John Pha- lih, Dr. D. G. Wells, lArs. J. W. Aeb- ischer, John Spencer, Wm. Smith, J B. Perry and Mrs. E. J. Hanly were among the Chicago passengers Wed nesday morning. ANNUAL APPROPRIATION ORDINANCE BE IT ORDAINED BY THE PRES IDENT AND BOARD OK TRUSTEES OF THE VILLAGE OF McHENRY, IN THE COUNTY OF McHENRY AND STATE OF ILLINOIS: SECTION 1. That there be and Is hereby appropriated from any money that now ^s or hereafter may be in the Village Treasury of the Village of Mo- Henry, in the County of McHenry and State of Illinois, not otherwise appro priated, the following sums of money for the purposes hereinafter speci fied, to defray the necessary expenses and liabilities of said Village for the fiscal year beginning May 1, 1914: For salaries 11800 For sidewalk* ^_ _ 1500 For streets and alleys.. _ 3000 For waterworks 1000 For public property.....^- 1000 For contingent fund.200 kV Total amount of appropriation. .ftfOO THE PRESENT RATES CHARGED, BY THIS tOMPANY ARE: 14|c per K. W. H. for the first 30 hours use of the Maximum Demand: 8c per K. W. H. for the remaining hours consumption during the month. From these lc per K. W. H. is deduced tor payment of the montiW ̂ bill by the date specified thereon. 'A* W-: «•*! M-- ' - 4 " LOWER • R ATRsSlSSi; THE FOLLOWING! LOWER RATE® \ ' .. • IftLL BE PUT IN FORCE ON AND AFTER THE DATES NAME©: the first JO hops! \ 1 ;i.For the remaining hours1 consumption during the month For the first 30 hours' use of the Maximum Demand ^ ~ .r.::;--••FV>r the remaining hours' consumption during the month 1.1, IsMifi: For the first 30 hours' use of the Maximum Demand For the remaining hours' consumption during the month ' ' ' ' From all of the foregoing a reduction Of lc per K. W. H. will W f ^^5|made ior payment of monthly bills by the date specified thereon'K •116 per K. W.:,fc % per K. W. H. ]3ii* per K: W. H. 8c per K. W. 0. lSfc per K. W. tt. $ts per K. W. Each of the lower rites will be applicable to all metere d " tel.:; read after the date on which each Is inanguarated . Villi can get more light and have his Electric Fan, Electric Iron, Vacuum Cleaner, Washing Machine and Electric Toaster supplied for about what his electric light co^t himiormerly ; ̂ The custom of free renewals of metallized carbon filament > K - limps and the low charge for Tungsten lamps will be continued • i -i in ,ni ' ; '• . . in . i i i i i . i • '| 1 >•" .. PUBLIC SERVICE COMPANY '.lilt /V-V *SDF. NORTHERN ILLINOIS-. &r in nr in • L • k m m tr mMm JUNE 30, r>:H: RESOURCES fcoans and Di^CQiy^ts ($^26,584,32 Qyerdrafts 1W.31 Bonds and Securities . 48,685.00 furniture and Fixture^ ; 1,300.00 Cash & due from banks 42,083.47 " it : $318,761.10 •m ^, t nl *• LIABILITIES (iapitil St^k Surplus - Undivided PfoHts Dividends Unpaid Contingent Fund Deposits - - '• %$$$$& * 13f,mM 15,000.00 Of 1,00#.00 500.00 274,907.25 |318,761. M Sir - Comparative Statement of Deposits November 13, 1906 November 19, 1907 November 28, 1906 November 17, 1909 November ,4910 f 10,465.8 O ^ 'A 62,069.24 11^^85,120.72 l;1v::108,408.24 December 6, 1911 June 15, 1912 October 21, 1913 June 30, 1914 P- ' 'LkPS' 182,99131 226,940.21 232,655.96 274,705.4^ m i.t&K CLASSIFIED DEPARTMENT All tdTiirtlienuutiInterteu under thin bead rttte (ollowlng r»t«i: Kl*e line, or leM, M cent, for lilt InMrtlon; 16 cent, for e*ch .ub«»quent InMirwoA. More than Itra 11M., 6 oent. a llu. for ttnt , and S cent. • line for addltlonl Im.rtto--. \XTANTED-A Klrl fur Cull pboue general bouwwork. 4-lt U»OR 8ALE -A five PUHTTENSER HB moaei A Overlaud touring car. IBqatre of Mus JOFL. LRICKEM, Mcllenry, III. 1918 model 4 FOR HALE--Cheap, a Brush runabout. In perfect mechanical condition. Inquire of J. I'. KKUBQKB, Crystal Lake, 111. 3-4t* omen hitlnt in Boat Cnwh. pn. 111., July 7.--Three women -CMJR a8 LdaJiH summer and winter home; furnished and has all modern convenience*; lot its 90 foot frontage on Kox river, ft. In depth. Sltu- »ted at Bnu riild Park. Inquire at, premises orpboneST-K McHemy. MHB. EMMA HOUMS, fits Wright WOOD Av«., Obltitiui UKTIHT UIICAIU 7978. *-»• SECTION 2."That this ordinance •hall be in full force and effect from and after its passage, approval and publication according to law. Approved: SIMON STOFFEL. Presi dent. ' - Attest: 'f. O. SOHRBINSE, Village Clerk. '• " • - Passed July 6, l»14. " Approved July 6, lttU," thibllalMid July 9, 1M4, HOI.COM BVII.|.K. {Grace, Vera and Neill Doberty were Pistakee Bay visitors on Sunday. Miss Irene Davoll of Chicago spent Sunday with her parents, Mr. aft! Mrs. Fred Davoll. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Harrison re turned home fropa Brodhead, Wis., on Thursday last. Mrs. Alma Clemens of El?ia spent last week among friends at McHenry and ^lolcorabville. Ray, the little son of Mr. and Mrs. Charles Buchart, is quite ill with an attack of bronchitis. Mr. and Mrs. Will Dprap of Chicago spent Saturday and Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Will Gilbert. Mrs. L. Jackson of Kansas City, Mo., is spending a few weeks as the guest of her brother, Will Beiser, and fam- lly. / Mr, and Mrs. David Powers and fam ily spent Saturday as the guests of the Misses Bidd and Mary Doherty at Mo- Henry James Powers went to Chicago on Monday to consult a specialist, his health having been very poor for some time past. ' Mr. and Mrs. Claude Hutson, Lyle Hutson, Mtto Lolia Holmea, Mr. and Stop Torture Lice stop hens Laying (Hnd chcck theerrowthof young bird*. You can ttsily net rid of all lice.- •Itesand vermin with Powdered Lice lite tScsn*! SOc and uve money. Abo th* beat insecti cide for dogs, cats, ptaats nd iwwrt. Refuse substitutes; insist *a Fratts. |8alislactiaa Cwwliwl *rllis»yt»* * CM Pratta 190 Bmltrw Boat For Sale by Wm. Bonslett, - Weft McHenry J. C. Debrecht, • Johiisbufgh P. E. Howe, - - Ringwood Mrs. Will Doran, Mr. and Mrs. Will Gilbert and two little grandchildren were Woodstock callers on Saturday last. . « You'll like oar drugs and prioes. Both are right. Pete sell. -and EARLY RISER Flour go ai m in arm toward the goal o! better baking*. ' Moet of the good cookx in this vicinity have learned the value of this flour. We want everyone to "Know it and our guarantee makes it possible for you to do so without risking a single cent. We «ilt re- turn vour money if the flour isn't what we ui»}ui for iif? 8h*U send a sack ioda\ f - WESTFTiffiNRf AND FEED Good Things to Eat mm T£Si * Now, doesn't thnt sound good to you? Of eou ise it does and ,we at e right here to tell >ou that we sell these good 11ungs and want you to leave us your next order for Gro- *-ce*4es, Canned Goods, Vege tables, Fruits or Bakery Goods. ¥he season of the year is at hand when the housewife refuses to prepare all meals oven a hot cook stove and for this reason we have laid In a supply of cold lunch eata that will be sure to please your palate. All «cd^s promptly delivered. - -m m ' 1*K iM; -4 MSN. 'V* memmw W f f ' • " ̂ The Meats and Groceridi ; . ' ... .. ./*. . •?. *""tD be found 4a McHewry v- ' • J . - J. . . v - ' ' « * y" • '<• t"' .V,-'- ' ii (SHOMI IkHEflltY. ILL. Wi J.W.Aebischer P>4«JC. a. Fl»tt) M f: ~M*: jfw" :nT v" 's whst we sell and lor this reason we are respect fully asking you to make this your meat buying cen ter. Besides keeping on Hand at all times a fresh and complete stock of meats we also carry a fine line of Gro ceries, Canned Goods, Bak- fWy, Fruits and Vegetable^ Jp season. Our delivery ^agon It U "jjbrvic^. ",U ' x~;'X V W '2$ • *'& • •£ At • G. C. BOSMA Successor to E. F. Matthews We& McHenry :s Phone3 W DR. F. J. AICHER DENTIST Office la Schumacher Baiwf»«g Centenrllle: ^ " ' ,, McHem7 ,_ s-s :-t iHiaols Telephone No. tS ^ %, Common are .drinks uncommonly good at our fountain. Petesch. FOR SALE--House and four lots. Excellent building sites. Mrs. Mary Schrelner, West McHenry, 111, Rend The Plaindanlwt,K- V" x ̂ m €. A. SATTEH , , •W"1CT MARAOBB • NUTOAL LIFE INSUKANCE CO. 1 trmwYMK - WSt JTKNRY, &L m rom mmmrnmn ' < . J II m.: m •VY i .p .:r% Telephone No. 1«-R f'v . SIMON STOFFEj|l';s:';̂ l||| Insurance agent for all classes of J pn^erty in the best oompantos. fe ' |wriccBiw|^ .ajUNOpp m