Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 6 Aug 1914, p. 8

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sMutitfi uimmcmuts BUT •RE mrs ,wA"f ilJiMijiiinipiiiiiiIIIIIIW •fr>b^W wet ok ^i3SE all styles and fabrics for s •¥$&* I ' ' . : :-££i- **• ™ ..Jllg&uiiiid- _ . ...,. to* %>'*• -- M mr' :- • J ' ;** i •• v\ * '4if i.t- • Abo new styW Y^J:£\ •>;i v-&$ V.i&f- -j ••«•*. $¥3 Shoes, Hats, Shirty •v'-.V V, $>J wo) a. JUI. toj I^AJLM^I^j ? 0$ fftgjl Qg^f^fURNISHI^GS ,'%/f fcfSsal"""""" '""""" Jos. W. Kc • U%- We& McHenry, 111. Jf ;liT -• :. va ' „ .. - k:'^5>s . . * •••jx&M'•: ' • *&+••' :'. y '•'"t * 'V- v • • • - $ ' * • • ' / } 4 ' ' ^ ' ' fr '•,<v: •• • ^ V*' yu- .Vrs Vt t:lfe HEADQUARTERS for _Wwi» W«4« Qaods. •Wi't i • *vl*" x- • > rfe ..^ « r ;•; «;> •;& : .r'sH JVfcity-";Af ^ ity&. r:i ••,-,-•• r "'-:• •=•• > /V*,; r.. - • - • t -. ' ••-* H- *' •"•'•• • t'V. ; -*^5' • :• • >-->. V 'A ' - •-•• •" Ssh: Goods Delivered OUT WEEKLY LIMERICK j ;?i $: Prominent in service is General Hardw»re^f|^':| r x jelled by none for hard wear and tear. :"-|; ;v ;^Vi : -S~" ..f -v'^> . With head­ quarters here, ; %tfhen you :&r appear He'll salute you Try to suit you And treat you ah fair. ^ 7.v:-.V I::- -ri OUR LINE OF GENERAL HARDWARE consists of Heavy, Shelf and Builders' Hardware, Ranges, Heaters, Gas, Gasoline and Oil Stoves,' Kitchen Utensils, Anti-Rust Tin, Granite, Aluminum and Enamel Ware, Tubs, Washing Machines, Wringers and Boilers, Refrigerators, Ice Boxes, Ice Cream Freezers, and a host of items too nu­ merous to enumerate. When you want Hardware, remem- ber there fe*ota!iar<fwafe wwt we m^ta/appl^', }:Y' ̂ J. VYCITAL ':; ' V :V '• Carpets, Rugs f-Pt and Lln<$teun« -*r- • . . • This is the season of the year when Ca^- ' pets, l^ugs and Linolenms are in demand* We are showing a line of these goods that will make you sit up and take notice. Th$j pleasures and comforts of your home can nevec be complete without suitable coverings for your floors ^id then, top, think of alii the work that may be avoided by* having your floors cove-red with Linoleum. ucau an, mm *aa fptt» well-obo. •RAIUNhMUl tVAM m PtELD AMD AT BAT- KOO» iOSOSMtES The locals won a well deterred vic­ tory over the Chicago Savoy* at the home ball yard last Sunday afternoon by Riving the windy city tribe a 4 to 2 trimming'. The game waa played in leas than one hour and thirty minutes and proved an interestiqg exhibition of the nation­ al pastime. Sshlberg once more graced the mound for the home squad and put up a most creditable performance. He let the visitors down with three hits and whiffed eight of the enemies. The Chicagoans, with the exception of the fourth inning, played a snappy game of ball and fought all the way to win the honors of the day. McHenry showed well with the wil­ low, the home lads connecting with E rick son's offerings for a total of nine bingles, two of which were for extra sacks,' while their defense fras a most satisfactory one. Ia other words, Mc­ Henry now has the strongest baseball machine that ever represented this village. We will now endeavor to go all over the game onoe more and then we for­ get all about it until next Sunday: Elrst inning: Augustine and Earig fanned. T. Stanell was retired by Sahlberg and Warner. No hits, no runs. Riley doubled to the left field fence and went to third on Comiskey's beau­ tiful infield hit down the first base line. The pitcher recovered the ball and, seeing that he had no time to get Com- iskey at first, turned to stop Riley who had started for home on the hit. Riley beat the throw by a good margin. While this was going on Comiskey stole second and started for third, but was caught at the far corner of the circuit. Opfergelt Bending fanned. Three hits, one run. Second inning: Oit and Haag whiffed, while E. Stanell was retired jjn a fly to Opfergelt in center. No hits, no runs. Warner was taken care of by Erick- son and Oit. Koob bounced a nasty one to Essig at third. Essig, after making a mess of the ball, threw wild­ ly to first with the result that Koob went all the way to second on the mis- play. Grant came across with a double to right, the hit scoring Koob. Sahl­ berg. sept out along sacrifice fly to right, the hit allowing Grant to reach third. Riley's pop fly fell into the hands of T. Stapell at. second. One hit, one run. Third inning: Koob and Warner got Meir. Comiskey and Warner nailed Mennie and Koob and Warner retired Erickson. No hits, no runs. Comj^key'8 fly was gathered in by the visitors' left fielder. Brailsford struck out. Opfergelt picked out a good one for two bags. Bending went out via Erickson and Oit. One hit, no runs. ^ Fourth inniqg? Augustine fanned and so did Essigj but Grant failed to pinch the third strike, the batter reaching first in safety. The error unstea^ied "Sally" as T. Stanell doubled to right, the hit scoring Essig. Oit connected for a double to right, T. Stanell scoring. Haag was retired by Grant and Warner, Oit never attempt­ ing to make third on the play. E. Stanell grounded to Comiskey. Oit started for third on the hit and ran right into the awaiting hands of our third sacker. Two hits, two runs. Warner was killed by T. Stanell and Oit. Koob singled to left and stole second. Grant grounded to Augustine at short. Augustine fumbled the hit, Koob going to third and Grant reach­ ing first. T. Stanell made a mess of Sally's" grounder, the error allowing Koob to score and Grant to reach third. With Grant resting on the far corner, Erickson attempted to catch Sahlberg off the first sack. With the assistance of Oit and T. Stanell they did get our little port sider between the bags, but to their sorrow, as Grant scored on the play, while "Sally" succeeded in get­ ting back to first without being tagged. Riley hit to T. Stanell, who forced "Sally" at second. Comiskey went out via Augustine and Oit. One hit, two runs. Fifth inning: Meir's fly fell into the hands of Welchman Brailsford in right field. Mennie was retired on a roller to Warner. Erickson went out via Sahlberg and Warner. No hits, no runs. Brailsford met his fate thru Eriok- son and Oit. Opfergelt flew out to Essig at third. Bending shot a single thru third and sjhort. He stole second, but got no farther, as Koob was stopped by Augustfnp and Qit. Qne hit, no runs. S|xth inning: Augustine was sale at first on Koob's error. Essig hit to Koob, who forced Augustine at sec­ ond. T. Stanell drove a long fly to right, which wag labeled for two bags, but a dandy running catch by Brails­ ford robbed the batter of this anticipat­ ed glory. So sure did the hit look that Essig went almost to second with the result that Brailsford whipped the pill to Warner ip plenty of time for a double play. It was one of the best fielding stunts witnessed on the home grounds this season. No hits, no runs. Essig and Oit got Grant's number, Sahlberg and Riley fanned. No hits, po runs. Git's fly. Haag fouled to Grant and Eighth Inning: Sahlberg got Milr. Warner fixed Mennie and EriokaOb saw his ttsish thru Comiskey and War­ ner. IftQriiits, no runs. Koob struck out. Grant died on a fly to Meir in center. Sahlberg struck at a wide one for his, third strike and reached first. Riley flew out to T. Stanell at second. No hits, no runs. Ninth inning: The Savoys made a desperate attempt at landing the con­ test in this round. Augustine reached first when Comiskey fumbled his hit. Essig fanned. T. Stanell grounded to Riley, who forced Augustine at second. Oit single^ to right, the hit sending T. Stanell to second. Haag finished the proceedings by flying out to Koob at second. One hit, no runs. T}ie score follows: SAVOYS K Augustine, 88 (S Emm, 8rd b.,, 1 T. Stanell. 2ntob..:.....„i Oit, 1st b OZ Haag. If 0 E. Standi, c 0 Meit, cf..... o Mennie. rt 0 Erickson, p... 0 ir-*- 10 McHENBY ? B. Riley, 88 • t'ora Iskey, 3rd b_ • ; Hriillsfora, rt ,P OpferRelt, 0 HendiuK, If 0 Warner, 1st o i.,.0 " Koob, 4nd b .9 > Grant, e .1 Sahlberg, p 0 H. P.O. i f f VI I# •1 / t 1".' 8 9 I 4 8 27 14 3 Left on J»ases--McHenry, 9; Savoys, 8. Two j base hits--Opfergelt, Grant, T. Stunell, Oit. ! Double blay--Brailsford to Warner. 8truck out by Sahlberg, 18; by Erickson, 8. Umpire, Howard. . v spoils BT IRNINOS 8avoy».. 6 00 2 0 00 00--8 McHenry...... 1 1 0 3 0 0 0 IX-4 GAME NEXT SUNDAY Next Sunday the manager of the Mo- Henry baseball club offers the fans of McHenry and vicinity the strongest attraction that he has booked thus far this season. For this date he has the Royal (colored) Giants of Chicago. This team won the championship of the Cuban Winter league last year, With such stars as Green, Davis, Ellison and others in the line-up. They have won 27 of their last 30 games played and are considered one of thf? fastest col­ ored teams now traveling in the Unit­ ed States. MpHenry now has one of the very best little teams in this seo- tioq and is in a position to face all comers. With four pitchers and three catchers op the staff and otherwise especially well fortified, the fans may look forward to oije rattling good game on this occasion. The usual prices of admission will prevail, while the game will be called at 2:90. Don't miss this one. BLETHEN IS OUT FOX SHERIFF SPECIAL mH; - ̂ •WWT --AT THE- 4penterviUe, new the bridge rn*mrn Friday's Program The Stronger Hand A 2-reel Tanhauser. A stcpng Drama showing a mechanic's rise to power ?*Vv The Trap i - f e i • mmmwi- ' :'4* /^Absolutely the largest stock of goods to be found in McHenry.' A complete Zg'l* > Assortment in every department. ŝ ̂ A **y-Bee Western pictucfe til two reels TICKET WILL RVN ON TUB BUU. t,, ̂ -"1^ Wooflstock Republican: It has re­ mained for the Bull Moosers or the Progressive party to place on their ticket for a county office the name of an employe of the Oliver Typewriter company of this eity. The Oliver boys are regularly oalled on to help the different factions land their candidates, but at no time have any of the differept political factions in this comity seen fit to recognize fhp Oliver typewriter employes to the ex­ tent of giving them % place on the county ticket. Clareqce M. Blethen, for ten years a valued and trusty employe of the Oliver Typewriter company, has consented to make the run for sheriff oq the Bull Moose or Progressive ticket, and his announcement appears in another col­ umn of this issue of The Republican. The name of Clarence M. Blethen will a4^ hundreds oi votes to the Pro­ gressive ticket, as he is a young man of exemplary habits and has a host of friends both in and out of the factory who will use their utmost endeavors to see that Mr. Blethen is placed in charge of the sheriff's office for the next four years. The Oliver boys from different parts of the county are already enlisting their friends in behalf of Mr. Blethen's candidacy, and considering that Mr. Blethen's name will also appear on the ticket along with that of Congressman Copley, it must be apparent to anyone that the Blethen candidacy promises good results at the November election* REPUBLICAN CANDIDATE FOR COUNTY JUDGE ..Saturday's Bill. DESERT GOLD A 2-reel Kay-Bee Feature. A gd&d Western picture. Plenty oi life and action in It. , / , Pat Flannagan's Family A -Physical Culture Book Sunday's Bill FOURTH aptlFS OP The Girl Mystery v 4NTH OTHER GOOD PICTURES WED., FRI.„ SAT. & SUNDAY OF EACH WEEK. TT --ADMISSION*- 5c and 10c •.P. NANLEY u 1 Vrf: I hereby announce myself as a candid date for the offiee of county judge, sub­ ject to the decision of the Republican voters at the primaries, Sept. 9, 1914, and respectfully solicit the support of my friends. If nominated and elected the probate court will be open at all timee lor the transaction of business. 5 B. P. MANLEY. THE SOCIAL WHEEL The ladies of the Social Wheel were entertained by Mrs. Allen of Ring wood last Saturday. About twenty ladies were present and enjoyed a fine ibical program, after which the usual refreshments were served. Notioe out to Mennie in right, while P* l»*r- per fanned. One bit, oo rana. * I ̂ 8m notice that She will uppciir boforo tlie County y Oi Honso in Woodstock, at the SeptumlxT Torm. McHonr Court of ount Court on trie first Monday In September next, ttt which time nil persons having claims against Sit'.d Estate :tre notified and requested to »t- l.'irti («ii (In jiurpo.w of having the s:tine Rd justed. All persons Indebted to said Estate are rcquesteu to make Immediate payment to tbe uuderMluned. pftted this letb d>r of J ul|^ A.^ D. IMUL ^ 6 QwamvDw NASQUBUV -'^_T .M >! '"«nunin Where Flooring - Is Really Tested $3̂ - PA# ~ is on porch work, but we've done the testing long ago for our customers and you can bank on the flooring we sell you to last. To withstand water and \ sun you've got to look closely to the grain and fiber, but inas­ much as time is the only sure 'test, you'd better let us supply you from our stoek, which is the kind time has failed to conquer. WIIBUR LUMBER (0. Weft McHenry Phone 5 FACE BUGGY STRAINER es and Chamois, all sizes and for all purposes m. \ • • > 'V k : v. Mc enry>. iVf" - • • • F. jA ̂ Bohlander s: Prompt Delivery Phone 58-J ft** • • • " ̂ H. S. Depository for Po&al Savii ^ " CAPITAL STQCK» $?a,oo0. f /3 A good balance at $e bank is better than any- thing else a man oan poa- sess. He has it alwnys to fall back on in case of business or social neces­ sity. We do a regular banking business and so­ licit accounts from mer­ chants, manufacturers private individuals. We offer you lb© best security you will be thoroly satisfied with our business meth- ...SAFETY DEPOSIT BOXB, $3.00 fgiUU #^OFFICERSl- E0W1N L. WAOIVEft. JUL C. H. FEfiEpg. Vlc« PNa CAB. W. STENGEk. CuUtr. •rtMi •»e: SUGGESTS COOL THINGS TO WEAR AND our stock of Summer Wearing apparel is such as will command the attention of the most fast­ idious buyer, dur. lines comprise all the very latest styles in Shoes for men, women and children; an exceptionally good assortment of Summer Under­ wear, Ladies* Waists and Dress Goods and the many other things that mean comfort for you dur­ ing the hot summer months. We also wish to call your attention to our Grocery Department which is always most complete and right up to the McHENRY, Bl,. , i'l'rV.". '• • v.'.sv ' •!"j Jf Jr'Vf "VI -y- "THE GAS EQUIPMEHTQE ,. i i / " l f wmH of a 48-pa^e l»ookkt n , summg interest to mil builders and people %| desiring convenience and comfort in tkttr ^2 tome life. er Tke inforawtioB M <ener»l ia «WMt«c fgig uui prepared witk a tmw to aiJtatf wrw**# ADMIN18TARTOR'8 NUTIOK F. B. Bennett, Attorney Estate of Sadie F. Masuuelet, Deceased. Tbe undersigned having been appointed Administratrix of the Estate of Hiidle F. Miw- uelet, deceased, late of the Uounty of Mc- eary and State of Illinois, hereby gives one interested in tke modem Iiome. 'f ,i| Send a postal to tke Commercial Aftfj at Aurora, lllinoity for | free copy oi 1 i tkis very attra«tive and vatuaklf Wm-1^

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