7 ̂V :i"v '-L%'.»•*.' •'-• - •• •"' t --** ̂ ^*"-*T-*ij'* ry K ?'-^.'.:- f .A •' «v *#-•-;& a :F v-#j' |pfi# iP:^;ii'i| ?.••'!••<$-• # .41. _ Jfe*? |,,'.*1 I 4.-7 i: -' W.^-V,./-,_ ^ •, . ,,M "*<« VOLUME XXi MoHENRY, ILLINOIS. THURSDAY. AUGUST 13, 1914. NO. 9 ,0y ; f REDUCED PRICES ^i>3 ^ \'-S TOWN CAR, \Wm R£.:;« £& B Aug. 1, 1914 to Aug. 1,1915 and guaranteed against reduction during that time TOURING CAR, $490 RUNABOUT, $440 F, O. B. DETROIT. ALL CARS SOLD FULLY EQUIPPED Should the output of Ford cars reach 300,000 from August 1, 1914, toAugust 1, 1915, every retail buyer that purchitse&b new Ford car between the above dates will receive a rebate of from $40 to $60 per car, to be paid on or about August 1, 1915 » v I HAVE THE EXCLUSIVE AGENCY FOR FORD CARS II) M'HEHRY AND NDNDA TOWNSHIPS AND WILLBE PLEASED TO SHOW YOU THE NEW CARS AT ANY THE JOHN R. KNOX, FORD DISTRIBUTOR McHENRY, ILL. 'PHONE 50-R^ «=Q1°I 11 Looks Like a Real Building when you see a shingled roof going on for that is the one roof that has stood the test of time. And what was true of the shing les made years ago is doubly true of the shingles we are selling to day, for the manufacturers we buy of are using nothing but real live logs and are making shingles a specialty instead of a aide line as was the custom with saw mills in yeara gone by. Come in and look at them. WILBUR LUMBER (0. Weft McHenry Phone 5 --Old Fashioned-- BonnetsdndSluwIs addSdistindionlto the portraits of fi generation»ago. But your own portrait in clothes that have gone out of &yle only looks queer and out of date. Keep the old pictures, by all means--they will be a sacred possession some day. But if s equally important to have a new one taken when the old fails tojdo justice* 0TVDIOOPEM EVEKY OAT •EXCEPT SATURDAY SCHNABEL'Sg PHOTOJSTDDIU TMNE «-• McHENRY. ILLINOIS Chicago & North-Wcstern. LMTH OhleafQ. HffectlTe June 14. 1914 _ wan DAT TEUMN. KOBTHBOCBD *7.00am Via Elgin -8.55 a in .Via Dos Pialnes *18.15 p m Via Elgin *12.46 pm Via Dos riaiooH ti.lOpm Via Des Pialnes *3.40pm Via Des Pialnes.".!! *8.16 pm Via Elgin *1.55 p m VU DesPlalae.:;; •t7XD.LT man. 7.10 a. m Via Elgin 7J0 a m Via Des Pialnes SJ6 a aa Via Dea Pialnes MOpm VlaBlcta wan DAT nun M£ow. •ODTHBOCTO t7.l8am..k Via Des Pialnes *7.10 a m Via Pea Pialnes •7.10 am -,.V14 Bjffia *a.33 a m Via Des Plalnee .Via Dee Pialnes •4.44 pm *4.44 pm..'... *0.27 pm .Via Elgin... esPlalne ..Via Des lUIAAT THAW. 7.10 a m Via Des Pialnes 7.Mam VlaElRhi 7.80 p m Via. I . i l^Ines 7.38 p m Via Des Plains.. 7.0 p m Via Elgin Arrive McHenry. ..10.18 a m ...10.18 a m ...8.30 p m ...2.30 p m ...2.22 p m 4.44 p m tf.27 p m 6.27 p m ...#.48 a m ..MK a m -10.18 a m -.5.00 pm Arrive Chicago ..8.35 a m ..9.05 a m ...10.10a m 9.40 a m --SJS0 p m --7.45 p m 7.55 p m ...0.16 am ...MR am ...8.40 p m ...SJDpm ..10JB pm •Dally except Sunday. S£5$«8r- SltlLEY'S PLATFORM I firmly believe that truth is a car dinal virtue and that a strict adherence thereto is the only path to pursue. I believe in a square deal for every body, high or low, rich or poor, in court or oiit of it. 1 believe in protecting to the fullest extent the interests of widows and orphans, in court or out of it. I believe that all children should have the best of care at home and every opportunity given them for an education, and if they do not have such care and opportunity, then I believe in applying the law, through the county CANDIDATE CLERK COUNTY TO THE REPUBLICAN VOTERS OP THE EIGHTH SENATORIAL DISTRICT I hereby announce myself a candi date for nomination for representative in the lower house of the general as sembly,! subject to the decision of the Republican voters of the eighth dis trict, consisting of the counties of Lake, McHenry and Boone, at the pri maries to be held September. 9, 1914. court, to compel the parents, guardin ans or other persons who may have their custody to .give them such care and opportunity. I believe that the law should be obeyed and enforced and that a judge should know neither friend nor foe in its application. I believe that all public officers should do their duty under the law without fear or favor, and more partic-* ularly if a judge of the county and pro bate e6uVts. I believe that a judge should be a man of berve, a student of the law, and fearless in its application, and, in the discharge of the functions of his office, should not be subservient to the will or caprice of any man or set of men. I believe that the probate court should be open at all times as required by law, as it has been during my term of office and as it will be in the future if I am elected. The above is the platform upon which I stand. I respectfully solicit the Republican voters of McHenry county, who can endorse these princi ples, to vote for me for county judge at the coming primaries, -Wednesday, September 9, 1914. 1 want to take this opportunity to thank all those who have shown their unbounded kindness to me in the past, and can assure all my friends and my enemies that they wijl find me as cour teous to them, unger all circumstances, in the future as I have been in the put. 1 !>• T. SMILKY. ANNOUNCEMENT I hereby announce myself as a candi date for the office of County Treasurer, subject to the decision of the Repub lican voters at the primaries, Sept. 9, 1914, and respectfully solicit the sup port of my friends. ELWELL J. PECK OT Harvard, 111. ANNOUNCEMENT Believing in the prinoiples of the Progressive party, and in the policies of Theodore Roosevelt, and having been a Progressive in 1912, I hereby announce my candidacy for the Pro gressive nomination for the office of county clerk of McHenry county on the Bull Moose or Progressive ticket, and if nominated and elected I will earnestly endeavor to discharge the duties of the office to the best of my ability and to the., satisfaction of the people. I am a resident of the city of Har vard, and solicit the support of all Progressives at the primaries on Sep tember 9. EL WELL J. PECK, 7 Harvard, 111. PROGRESSIVE CANDIDATE FDR LEGISLATURE -HON. FREB I.. HATCH A leading farmer, stouk raiser and dairyman, whose personal interests and investments are identical with those of 50 LYNN RICHARD*, Crystal Lake, 111. FOR SALE--House and four lots Excellent building sites. Mrs. Mary, Schreiner, West MoHenry, 111. - the farmers, stock raisers and dairy men of the counties of Lake, McHenry and Boone. 8 P. O. Spring Grove, 111. There's complexion protection in our cold cream. It pit»bei'vea good com plexions and improves poor ones. 25c at Petesch's. Read The Plaindealer. BULL MOOSE«CANDIDATC FOR SHERIFF CLARENCE M. HLBTMSN Woodstock, IU. ANNOUNCEMENT I hereby announce my candidacy for the office of sheriff of McHenry county, on the Bull Moose or Progressive ticket, and if elected, I will earnestly endeavor to discharge the duties of the office conscientiously and to the very REPUBLICAN CANDIDATE FOR COUNTY JUDGE B. F. MANLEY If nominated and electedJ;I shall vote for and favor: 1. A constitutional convention, bo the end that the state may have: (a) A more adequate and modern revenue law. (b) A shorter ballot in elections. (c) An end to minority representa tion in the assembly and the (3) vote system. (d) A restriction upon the power of the city of Chicago in the legislature and a greater measure of home rule for the city of Chicago. (e) An easier method of amending the constitution than now provided for. (f) Our constitution should be other wise modernized in various particulars. 2. I shall vote and work for an ef fective county local option, law, as the results of the township law show plain ly that the county should be the unit in voting on the saloon question. 3. I shall favor, as I always have fa vored, such legislation as protects the dairy farmer, and I shall endeavor to secure such a settlement between the state board of health and the Chicago board of health and the dairy interests so that both interests can li^e. ,* 4. In the house, I snail favor the cut ting down of the standing committees from sixty-eight to fifteen in number and make them all working commit tees; and shall also favor the doing away ^ith all rules thai prevent the house, by a majority, from acting at any time as the majority of the house see fit. A stenographic record of everything said and done in each house of the leg islature should be taken and made a part of each day's printed Journal, and given the widest circulation and pub licity. Very repectfully, EDWAKD D. SHCBTLEFF. I hereby announce myself as a candi date for the office of countyfjudge, sub ject to the decision of the Republican voters at the primaries, Sept. 9, 191/ and respectfully solicit the support of my friends. If nominated and elected the probate court will be open at all times for the transaction of business. B. F. MANLEY. best of my ability, including the en forcement of all state lajvs it is made the duty of the sheriff's office to en force. I am an employe of the Oliver Typewriter company at Woodstock and have never before been ft candi date for any publicfcffice. I solicit the support of all the Progressives at the primaries and of all the voters at the November election. 7 CLARENCE M. BLENHEN. PROGRESSIVE CANDIDATE FOR COUNTYJTREASURER \ F. D. PERKINS ANNOUNCEMENT I herewith announce myself as a Democratic candidate for the office of county treasurer of McHenry county, subject to the decision * of the voters at the primaries on Sept. 9, 1914. I will appreciate the support of the legal voters. Respectfully, JOHN H. MILLER. ANNOUNCEMENT I hereby announce my candidacy for sheriff of McHenry county, subject to the decision of the voters at the Re publican primaries September 9, 1914. I respectiully solicit the support of the voters of, said primary. CHABLBS WANDBACK. ANNOUNCEMENT I hereby, announce myself ft candi date for the Progressive nomination for county treasurer of McHenry coun ty, and if nominated and elected I will account for and turn into the county treasury or other proper places, all in terest money that I receive on public funds. , 4 FKKD D. PEBKINS. ANNOUNCEMENT I hereby announce my candidacy for the Republican nomination for sheriff of McIIem-y county, subject to the de cision of the voters at the primaries Sept. 9, 1914. I respectfully solicit your support and vote. IS , DORR W. THOMAS. . ' •' " J " •- M • J The Trifling Sum of One Gent ( * will buy • Considerable A Electric Service It will pay for electricity sufficient to operate a 16 candle power carbon lamp 2 hours, or a 20 can dle power Tungsten 4 hours, or a sewing ma chine motor 1 hour, or a vacuum cleaner 45 min utes, or a washing ma chine 30 minutes, or keep a six pound flat iron hot 30 minutes, or make six cups of coffee in an elec tric percolator, or cook a Welsh rarebit in a chaf ing dish, of make 16 slices of toast Electric Service is a luxury in everything but cost. Is|Your House Wired? PuMKServiceCompdiiy OF NORTHERN ILLINOIS «, ^, vVaji Mi A rv s 4! v '-SkVI A1 -"V, & FOR REPRESENTATIVE IN GENERAL ASSEMBLY, eth DISTRICT VOTE FOR Someone Will Lose Another Barn by I LIGHTNING, Each Mason at least on* barn Is j this ooanty is (truck by licktalu. I II my be yours. Protect yaaiMV | mow while there is Hum. - "V3 § JOSEPH W. FREUND CIT flVlNJ WEST McHENRY. ILL. 1*7 MM Mil ll WEST McHENRY. ILL. DtlltOCRATlC CANDIDATE PRIHAJtlES SEPT. 0.1*14 Vocal In&rudtor VICTOR LISKA From firrft rudiment! to arti&ic finishing for recital, concert, church, etc. :: Address ̂ :: Prof. A. E. Nye Lightning Bods arc Hie World's Best Cable #9.6* pur* copp«r •.8* conductivity. Coppe* cticwil' Cress sliver tipped po(ntatofrou*d rod*. Four legKOd. Mlf iocklngf brace*. Endorse*! by *l*ctrtaki engineers. Louk tor uauto-marfc *1 genuine Shlnn caMe. Individual Bunit rtven wb*n you SltiM gyMim. Uu4 M* flap *V*| wbtafcbMftaK. OUtlacfea*. * f | SimanekBros. Long Dist. 'Phone 483 Spring Grove EXECUTOR'S NOTICE J. 1. Lang, Attorney Kstate of Hon Brefeld. Deceased. THO undersigned having been appointed Executor of tlio lust Will and Testament of Hon Brefold, deceased, late of the County of McHenry and State of Illiuols, hereby «lves notice that he will appear before the County Court of McHenry County, at the Court Hou^e in Woodstock, at the October Term, on the tirst Monday in October next, at which time all persons haviuK claims against said, Estate are not itied and requested to attend for tho purpose of having same adjusted. All persons indebted to said Est: persons to make slgnec X>i ite are requested immediate payment to the under- >uted this 3rd day of August. A. D. 1914. THEODOHK O. STOCK. Executor. The Hunter Boat line will run ex- cursions to Wilmot, Wis., via Fox riv er and the chain of lakes every Wed- uesdttj dut'iny the summer season. Boat leaves Riverside dock at %00 a. m« Round trip, 85 centBj v ft-tf Chicken feed at M. 1L Niesen's. <~-m< "wik'V"•' * 1 •0. "THE MONROE" BUFFET DI'CJINER & SFANtfcR.'lhrqpfi <!> South Fifth Ave Cor. Monroe. PKonc Frank lia CHECK YOUR PARCELS