Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 13 Aug 1914, p. 7

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'*' ikf^ii*^'i '* 'ft^^-^^f.r^^;^^:M^-'J' 1 J* •. '" - \ * \ , > ' ? * ^ -i '-^ pjLAINDEALER, JTHENRY, ILIi. -- - ............. y - ):fm£i- ^yr* ' v '$ / ; if .i •• Vi. %* SI b * f S>v »» 'Ojj RIGHT DRUGS ar: RIGHT SERVICE •K:-li^-Vm:-„'.it RIGHT PRICES The Three Important Links In The Chain of Confidence 1 Right Drugs means more than purity--it means fll«o potency. We buy only drugs of standard strength, and keep them in a way that insures against deterioration. If Right Service. You like the way we do business. Everything is done here to facilitate the handling of trade. Our rapidly increasing trade proves that our methods we appreciated. Use our free delivery service. 1 Right Prices. C&reful and extensive buying enables us to furnish the highest grade of goods at a price lower than you often pay for inferior goods elsewhere. We ask for your Drug business on the basis of right goods, right service and reasonable prices N.H. DRUGGIST SCH McHENRY SUMMER SCHEDULE Hunter Boat Line Will run every day in the week FROM--- McHENRY --TO-- Pistakee Bay and Fox Lake Leaving at 10:30 a. m. and 2:00 p. m. Round Trip, 50c --SPECIAL-- [very Saturday Hp • / Excursion to the Dance at Mertes' Hotel leaving McHenry at 8:00 p. m. sharp Get the Education that Gets the Money This Is the age of practical things. Business is kin? and there is a great demand for young men and women who are SPEC! A LISTS-- who can do one thing and do it--well. A knowledge of BOOKKEEPING, STENOTYPY OR SHORTHAND, TYPEWRITING, PENMANSHIP, SPELLING, FARM ACCOUNTING and the other subjects of a Practical Education insures the possessor a good position and a good salary. WE PLACE ALL GRADUATES OF TOLL n irtt : OR REFUND TUITION Enroll early and take advantage of our Special Rate. Send for our handsome 32-page catalogue and enrollment blank TODAY. BELOIT BUSINESS COLLEGE BELOIT, WIS. Janesviile Business College under the same management. Two big schools ACCREDITED by the National Association of Accredited Commercial Schools J.C.Debrecht QUALITY SERVICE RIGHT PRICES Phone 625-M-2 :: . Johnsburgh, 111. How would you like it, If you were selling your produce, or cattle, or hogs, or your milk at the creameries, and did not receive your pay until six months Jhad gone by? How about your merchant? NEIGHBORING NEWS AS CHRONICLED BY OUR ABLE CORPS OF CORRESPONDENTS TKRRA COTTA. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Klein entertained company Sunday. Mrs. Clifton Wingate is ill at her home near Barreville. Ray Conway pawed Sunday as the guest of Elgin relatives. Henry Brantingham of Chicago spent Sunday with relatives here.. . Mr. and Mrs. Ed Mischke of Huntley have moved to the Ames house here. Quentin Walsh of McHenry visited his cousins here Friday and Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. Jay Doherty and fam­ ily passed Sunday evening at M. Knox's. Geo. W. Phalin of Tuscaloosa, Ala., visited relatives here a few days last week! Mrs. C. D. Whiting and Mrs. Paul Stoltzke called on Mrs. J. M. Phalin Friday. Mr. and'Mrs. John Heffron of Chica­ go are spending the week at the Mc­ Millan home. Henry Shales and daughter, Marion, attended the Shales reunion at Crystal Lake last Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Henry McMillan and daughter, Nellie, were McHenry call- el's Saturday evening.. Misses Mary Burke and Mary Walsh of McHenry were calling on their aunt, Mrs. M. Knox, Thursday. Mrs. M. J. Walsh and sons and Miss Ellen Doherty of Mclienry were call­ ing on relatives here Thursday. Mrs. Bernard 5. Shine and son, Ray­ mond, of Chicago are guests of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. John Riley. Miss Alice Riley returned to her home here Thursday evening after an extended visit with Chicago relatives. Miss Agnes Matthews of Lake Gene­ va, Wis., was visiting her grandpar­ ents, Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Buck, last week. Mfc. Geo. W. Phalin and son, Thom­ as, returned to their home in Alabama last week Tuesday, after a month's visit with relatives here. Mrs. Stacia Knox of Crystal Lake and Mrs. Lonergan of Polo, 111., moth­ er of Rev. Jos. M. Lonergan of Ctystai Lake spent Wednesday afternoon with Mrs. M. Knox. Mesdames B. F. Martin, J. M. Pha­ lin, M. A. Conway and P. H. Conway attended the meeting of the Social Workers at the home of Miss Nancy Frisby Saturday. RMIBALD PARK. J. J. Sutton of Cary spent Sunday here. Wm. Allen of Chicago spent Sunday here. Leo Smith is spending 4 lew days in Chicago. Henry Bending of Chicago is spend­ ing a few days here. Edward Heaney of Chicago; spent Sunday at the Park. ' . Mr. O'Brien and son are spending a few days at the Park. Miss Mae Burnes of Chicago hi spend­ ing a few days at the Park. Robert Larkin of Elgin is spending a few days at M. A. Sutton's. Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Young of McHen­ ry spent Sunday at J. R. Smith's. Miss Esther and Fred Sattem of Mc­ Henry spent Sunday at L. Huck's. Mr. and Mrs. Frank O't^larity of El­ gin spent the week end at Ellen Fris­ by's. Misses Myrtle Heaney and Julia Ryan of Chicago spent Sunday at the Park. Miss Beulah Larkin of Elgin is spend­ ing a few weeks with Mr. and Mm. M. A. Sutton. Mr. and Mrs. Thoa. Frisby of Elgin spent the week at the home of Mrs. Ellen Frisby. Mr. and Mrs. Harry Bending and son of Chicago are spending a few days at the Bending cottage. Mrs. A. V. Martin of Wauconda vis­ ited Tuesday and Wednesday pf this week with relatives here. Mr. and Mrs. W. K. Burns returned to their home in Chicago Sunday after spending a few days here. Mr. and Mrs. JohnDoney and daugh­ ter, Eleanor, of Harvard are spending a few days with relatives here. Mrs. Geo. Scrivner and daughters of Chicago are spending a few weeks as the guests of Mr. and Mrs. L. Huck. Mrs. Jack Walsh and daughter and Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Gibbs of McHenry called at Ed. Sutton's Tuesday evening. Miss Lillian McGee and Mrs. Delbert Ryan and son, Delbert, of Woodstock are spending a few days with their cousin, Mrs. Ed. Sutton. Miss Ada White of Chicago and Mrs. E. R. Sutton and son attended the Social Workers' meeting at the home of Miss Nancy Frisby Saturday. Miss Ada White of Chicago, Mr. and Mrs. John Doney and daughter, Elea­ nor, of Harvard, Mr. and Mrs. Ed. Sutton, Mr. and Mrs. A. V. Martin and children and Miss Florence Wiener of Wauconda took a trip to Pistakee Bay Sunday, where a good time was had at the cottage of Dr. C. H. Fegers VOLO Andrew Cook of Waukegan was a recent Volo caller. Geo. Benwell and Ray Paddock were in Waukegan Thursday. Miss Edith Converse spent a week with her cousin at Rollins. Mrs. Ves Wagner and children were Wauconda callers Thursday. Miss Jennie Potter is spending two weeks with friends in Wisconsin. «• Miss Hattie Seymour spent Wednes­ day and Thursday at W. Converse's. Mr. and Mrs. Lee Huson and daugh­ ter were McHenry callers Thursday. Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Kapple and Fran­ cis, df Grayslake were Sunday callers here. Mr. and Mrs. H. Krnger and son of Wauconda spent Sunday at John Wal« ton's. <H|(ias Bessie Dnnnill 'entertained a lady friend from Chicago the past week. On Thursday, Aug. 13, 1914, on the lawn of F. Hironimus. the Ladies' Aid society will hold an ice cream social and a program will be given. Every one opriie. * * KllluKraELUi Clifford Vance of I Chicago spent the week end with R. Knilans. C. Risvold was a Clinton Junction passenger Thursday forenoon. Mrs. W. E. Dike and Mrs. Nash were Woodstock shoppers Saturday. Geo. Doolittle was out from Chicago on 'business the latter part of the week R. E. Harrison and J. Gould trans* acted business in Chicago Monday. Miss Pearl Reed and sister, Dorothy, were at Crystal Lake Monday. Mrs. James of Crystal Lake is spend ing a few weeks with Mrs. R, Harri son. 5fiss Alma Quistad of Chicago visit­ ed with Mrs. W. French the past week. Miss Jennie Ashton and Mrs. Nash spent Monday with frieuads at Crystal Lake. F. W. Hartman and Nels Peterson were business callers at Woodstdck Saturday. A number of young people from here attended the dance at McHenry Satur­ day evening. Mr. and Mrs. S. Reed and daughters of Woodstock are spending this week at H. Reed's. Mrs. Charles Ormsby of Crystal Lake sp$nt Thursday with her mother, Mrs. E. E. Knilans. Miss Helen Riley of Cary was pleasant caller at the R. E. Harrison home on Friday. Mr. and Mrs. J. Mickleson and chil dren visited at the home of A. Saaby at Crystal Lake Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. F. Reed and daughter, |ielen, and son, Howard, visited Mrs, Reed's sister at Elgin Sunday. Mrs. Geo. Wood and daughter, Kath- ryn, of Crystal Lake were calling on friends here Saturday afternoon. Mrs. H. Reed and daughter, Mrs. Grace Ford, Mrs. S. Reed and daugh­ ter were at Crystal Lake Friday morn­ ing. C. H. Ormsby was a Chicago passen ger Thursday morning, returning the same evening with his son, Charles, by auto. Mr. and Mrs. Will French are re­ joicing over the arrival of a little girl, who came to gladden their home Sun­ day, Aug. 9. Mrs. Bryant' and son of Crystal Lake, also Mr. and Mrs. Harrison, were call­ ers at the home of R. E. Harrison Fri day evening. Mr. and Mrs. L. M.Goddardand son, Lester, of Woodstock and Miss Grace Conerty of Chicago spent Sunday with J. B. Lynch and family. Mesdames E. F. Anderson, J. B. Lynch, II. Wille, L. Bennett and son, James, enjoyed the matinee at the Pal­ ace theater, Woodstock, Saturday. Mrs. A. Hansen and sons and Mrs Mickleson and Hans and Christina Mickleson were enjoying the afternoon Friday on the shores of Crystal Lake. There will be no church services until the first Sunday in September. Rev. McGowan will spend his vacation at the home of his sisters near Janes' ville, Wis. The Sunday school also voted to take a three weeks' vacation. KINHWOOD Mrs. Ilenry of Richmond visited at John and Ed. Bell's Tuesday. Warren Koss, wife and two sons spent last Wednesday in Chicago. Miss Lucile Byrd of McHenry spent Tuesday with Miss Agnes Dodge. Miss Peterson of Woodstock spent last week with Miss Mildred Wolkos. Robert McLean and family of Wood­ stock spent Sunday at C. H. Stephen­ son's. Mesdames Luella Stephenson and Grace McCannon spent Saturday in Elgin. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Tonyan from near Richmond visited at Joe Freund's Sunday. Mrs. Florence Smith and mother, Emina Mrown, were Elgin visitors Tuesday. Mrs. Sarah Robins, who spent last week in Elgin, returned to Mrs. Harri­ son's Monday evening. Thomas Thompson of Barreville and Jabez Carr of Chicago spent Sunday with Mrs. Libbie Simpson. E. C. Hawley and Lewis Shrader and wives visited at Garden Prairie Sunday. Mr. Tuttle took them in his auto. Mrs. Lewis Price and little daugh­ ter of Fond du Lac, Wis., visited at Mrs. Libbie Allen's and Mrs. Myrtle Harrison's Monday. Dr. Hepburn and John McLaughlin and families drove to Chicago Wednes­ day of last week. Mrs. McLaughlin and children remained for a few days, the others returning in the evening. Mrs. Lizzie Westerman and little daughter and sister, Mrs. Gladys Kel logg, of Chicago are visiting Mrs. Frankie Stephenson and calling on old acquaintances. Their former home was just west of town. OSTKND. The threshing in this locality will be nearly, if not all, done before the fair. The corn fields do not look as tho there Would be any ready to cut before fair time. Leslie Francisco is able to work again after a week's lay-off with an ulcerat­ ed tooth. We are all rejoicing over a refresh­ ing shower of rain on Monday. Grow­ ing crops were in great need of it. Earl and Clifford Sherman report aa average of over54 bushel* of oats per mm OF OPINION Hi* Someone has truthfully said that "a difference of opinion is what makes a horse race/' In fact, it makes more than a horse race. It also makes war and a host of other things. There is one thing that there should be no dif­ ference of opinion about. That is that you should have a bank account and that our bank is the best bank in which to have that account. We can prove to you any time that there is no reason for a difference of opinion on this matter. Come in and let's talk it over. Bank of McHenry REASON WHY IN BONE BUILDING fr is certainly putting a crimp into a lot of present day fads. Com­ parisons between cost and value in most instances prove our slow- going forefathers knew a thing or two about lumber when they built their homes of wood. A wad of money has been spent the past few years in advertis ing some of these new fangled ideas to prove lumber was a "has been," but you know what P. T. Barnum, the greatest adver­ tiser that ever lived, said about fooling the people. Well, we find they are getting wise to this building business from their own observations and when durability and lasting beauty are desired lumber is getting the preference Instead of beinjj a "has been," lumber is proving itself an "al ways was" and our stocks today offer builders better value than ever before. Let us figure on your needs. 'There's no place tike home" WILBUR LUMBER COMPANY We^t McHenry. Phone 5 Pickle Diys ARE HERE McAllister Sells Lump Alum Cassia Buds Curry Powder Mu&ard Seed Dill Seed Tumeric Ginger Root Mixed Spices 77ie \K&McdUL Store • Third Successful Season AND BETTER THAN EVER THE AIR DOME Riverside Park McHenry, Illinois OPEN EVERY NIGHT The Latest and Be^t Pictures AND ORCHESTRA ,) •-V ' W ^ '• J. t - Admission, 10c E. V. McAllister Werft McHenry Phone 59-W acre. Let's hear from someone who has better. E. J. Fellows has a number of car­ penters at work repairing the build­ ings on the J. K.. Sayler farm, which he purchased. When completed he will have sonje up-to-date farm build­ ings. Many in this section would like to attend the Milk Producers' picnic at Belvidere on Tuesday of this week, but therei are three threshing ma­ chines within a radius of four miles, which will keep most of them at home. LOW BOUND TRIP FARES NOW IN EFFECT TO THE NORTH AND NORTHWEST VIA CHICAGO a NORTH WEST­ ERN BY. Excursion tickets on sale daily until September 30 to many cities in the Black Hills, Colorado, California, North Pacific Coast and to Yellowstone Park. Choice of scenic routes, favorable stop­ over privileges and liberal return lim­ its. The Chicago and North Western Ry. Ticket Agents will be pleased to help you plan your trip, quoLiut: rates and supplying descriptive literature regarding this great outing region. m EVERY A fit for everybody. That includes you and means a good shoe, fit to your feet with care, &ylish yet comfortable, durable and good looking, the kind of shoes to wear. McHENRY PHONE 79-J P H I L I P J A E G E R GENERAL COflMISSlON MERCHANT * SPECIAL ATTENTION OIVKN TO THE SAJUS OP m » \ r Dressed Beef, flatten, Hogs, Veal, Hides, Etc., Batter and Eggs This is the oldest house on the street Tags and prifltllato tentfehed •» application. Stall • a 3. Psltoa st WkotoMl* Market. „ COLD STORAOB FREB CHICAGO. V ' , .. vX " • ' % * ! " • 4 > . 1 r# '• ; -v ' ̂ .0 Sv -Xi j §£ j jU. J ; '• -r : 'v. ir^ •-V&5 J --- f \^ ft- ,V;

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