THE M'HENRY PLAINDEALER PUBLISHED EVERY THURSDAY BY P. G. SCHREINER Office in Bonk Building - Telephone H-W TERMS OF SUBSCRIPTION: Oae Year #1-5* Six Month*. 79c Three Months, 4*c Thursday, Augu& 20,1914 BULL NOOSE CANDIDATE FOR SHERIFF CLARENCE M. BLETHEN Woodrtock, III. ANNOUNCEMENT I hereby announce my candidacy for the office of sheriff of McHenry county, on the Bull Moose or Progressive ticket, and if elected, I will earnestly endeavor to discharge the duties of the office conscientiously and to the very TO THE REPUBLICAN VOTERS OP THE EIGHTH SENATORIAL DISTRICT I hereby announce myself a candi date for nomination for representative in the lower house of the general as sembly, subject to the decision of the Republican voters of the eighth dis trict, consisting of the counties of Lake, McHenry and Boone, at the pri maries to he held September 9, 1914. FOR REPRESENTATIVE IN GENERAL ASSLMBLY, 8th DISTRICT VOTE FOR i* JOSEPH W. WEST HcHENRY, ILL. DEMCrRATIC CANDIDATE PRIMARIES SEPT. 9, 1914 REPUBLICAN CANDIDATE FOR COUNTY JUDGE B. F. NANLEY I hereby amnmnc. mys If as a candl date for the otl'ce of count> judge, sub ject to the decision ol the Republiian voters at the prima l ies, Sepi. 9, 1914, and respectfully solicit the support ol my friends If nominated and elected the probate court wilT be open at all times for the transaction of business. 5 B. F. MANLEY. "ANNOUNCEMENT I herewith announce myself as a Democratic candidate for the office of county treasurer of McHenry county, subject to the decision of the voters at the primaries on Sept. 9, 1914. I will appreciate the support of the legal voters. Respectfully, 4 JOHN H. MILLER. Common drinks are uncommonly good at our fountain. Petesch. Wm. Simes sells lightning rods. b^st of in.v ability, including the en forcement of all state laws it is made the duty of the sheritf's office to en force. I am an employe of the Oliver Typewriter .company at Woodstock and have never before beon a candi date for any public office. I solicit the support of all the Progressives at the primaries and of all tbe voters at the November election. 7 CL.ARK.VCK M BLETHEN. PROGRESSIVE CANDIDATE TOR COUNTY TREASURER F (>• ;-'?.RKI »8 ANNOUNCEMENT I hereby announce myself a candi date for the Progr< ssive nomination for ^imty treasurer of McHenry coun ty, and if nominated and elected I will account for and turp into the county treasury or other proper places, all in terest money that I receive on public funds. 4 FRED D. PERKINS. Read The Plaindealer. If nominated and elected I shall vote for and favor: 1 A constitutional convention, to the end that the state may have: (a) A more adequate and modern revenue law. (b) A shorter ballot in elections. (c) An end to minority representa tion in the assembly and the (3) vote system. (d) A restriction upon the power of the city of Chicago In the legislature and a greater measure of home rule for the city of Chicago. (e) An easier method of amending the constitution than now provided for. (f) Our constitution should be other wise modernized in various particulars. 2. 1 shall vote and work for an ef fective county local option law, as the results of the township law show plain ly that the county should be the unit in voting on the saloon question. 3. I shall favor, as I always have fa vored, such legislation as protects tbe dairy farmer, and I shall endeavor to secure such a settlement between the state board of , health and the Chicago board of health and the dairy interests so that both interests can live. 4. In the house, Fsnail favor the cutp ting down of the standing committees from sixty-eight to fifteen in number and make them all working commit tees; and shall also favor the doing away with all rules that prevent the house, by a majority, from acting at any time as the majority of the house see fit. A stenographic record of everything said and done in each house of the leg islature should be taken and made a part of each day's printed Journal, and given the widest circulation and pub licity. Very repectfully, EDWARD D. SHURTLAFF. ANNOUNCEMENT 1 hereby announce my candidacy for the Republican nomination for sheriff of McHenry county, subject to the de cision of the voters at the primaries Sept. 9, 1914. I respectfully solicit your support and vote. 62 DORR W. THOMAS. There's complexion protection in our cold cream. It preserves good com plexions and improves poor ones. 25c at Petesch's.