Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 27 Aug 1914, p. 4

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W%w£&. * -" »V-•; ** Xv- • ' : • * : KiraENRYrunnmER PUBLISHED EVERY THURSDAY VY F. G. SCHRE1NER (a Butk Bulldine Telephone »*W tKHMS OF SUBSCRIPTION* . ^J&' One Y«*r_ !....... tit Months, 75c; Three Months, *c Thursday, Augu& 27,1914 amkowcemnet- >»i f • J hereby announce myself as a candi- ||k ^ ' dfcfce for the office of County Treasurer, BULL MOOSE CANMHYE SHERIFF FOR vfrir*^ . / v^'.J'^.Cl^AIlBIICE W. BLETH|t|| ••• -v*-•••*•' • j, W«KMf«twefc, 111. ANNOUNCEMENT t hereby announce my candidaoy for thte office of sheriff of McHenry county, on the Bull Moose or Progressive ticket, and if elected, I will earnestly endeavor to discharge the duties of the office oonscientiously and to the very f&£" subject to the decision of the Repub­ lican voters at the primaries, Sept. 9, 1014, and respectfully solicit th£ su^- ' port of my friends. ' ' LYNN RICHARDS, Crystal Lake, lit. ANNOUNCEMENT' ^ "' T'trtMfby announce my candidacy tor {'" V the Republican nomination for sheriff ife; of McHenry county, subject to the de- cision of the voters at the primaries |v Sept. 9, 1914. I respectfully solicit fir., . your support and vote. $2 DORR W. THOMAS. intOfiKESSIVE CANDIDATE FOR LEGISLATURE f-v-jS" ^ i HON. FRED L,. HATCH A leading farmer, stock raiser and dairyman, whose personal interests and investments are identical with those of the farmers, stock raisers and dairy­ men of the counties of Lake, McHenry and Boone. 8 P. O. Spring Grove, 111. COUNTY IPS CANDIDATE FOB CLERK best of my ability, including the en­ forcement of all state laws it is made the duty 6f the sheriff's office to en­ force. I am an employe of the Oliver Typewriter company at Woodstock and have never before been a candi­ date for any public office. I solicit the support of all the Progressives at the primaries and of all the voters at the November election. 7 CLARENCE M. BLETHEN. SMILEY'S PLATFORM I firmly believe that truth is a car­ dinal virtue and that a strict adherence thereto is the only path to pursue. I believe in a square deal for every­ body, high or low, rich or poor, in court or out of it. 1 believe in protecting to the fullest extent the interests of widows and orphans, in court or out of it. I believe that all children should have the best of care at home and every opportunity given them for an education, and if they do not have such care and opportunity, then I believe in applying the law, through t^ county ****' PLAINDEALEK, IT HENRY, mmm '• \#S 1 ̂ 7V*-V v - McHENRY, ILLINOIS DELIGHTED W1TB THE HE TOM POWELL'S MM SWEET SINGERS Clever Dancers loomed iatis • ?• - - C'siP*-'44^'-'. ' • •' '• .\-b£S mm Band W Orchestra w PRICES: 25c, 35c, 50c REPUBUCAN CANDIDATE FOR COUNTY JUDGE F. MANI.EY r You can pleasie the men folks bj% using EARLY RISER flour for the bak­ ing. It makes so much better crusts than other flour that you will be de­ lighted. All flour is made from wheat in a' mill, but the difference in wheat ^ and milling is what gives superiority to our flour. Order a sack today and be convinced. ^ ; WES! FrflHWp FLOUR AND FEED HILLS *v^ E'Ss 1 v-> v* "'cisr m m. EL WELL J. PECK - Of HarraHU IU> ANNOUNCEMENT _Believing in the principles of the ; > Progressive party, and in the policies of Theodore Roosevelt, and having been a Progressive in 1912, I hereby announce my candidacy for the Pro­ gressive nomination for the office of county clerk of McHenry county on the Bull Moose or Progressive ticket, • and if nominated and elected I will earnestly endeavor to discharge the duties of the office to the best of my •bility and to the satisfaction of the people. I am a resident of the city of Har­ vard, and solicit the support of all Progressives at the primaries on Sep­ tember 9. ELWELL. J. Peck, ; 7 Harvard, 111. JPIOCRESSIVE CANDIDATE FOR COUN- •'*- TY SOTCMNTEIMT OF SP& SCHOOLS court, to compel the parents, guardin ans or other persons who 'may have their custody to ffive them such care and opportunity. I believe that the law should be obeyed and enforced and that a judge should know neither friend nor foe in its application. I believe that all public officers should do their duty under the law without fear or favor, and more partic­ ularly if a judge of the county and pro­ bate courts. I believe that a judge should be a man of nerve, a student of the lawr and fearless in its application, and, in the discharge of the functions of his office, should not be subservient to the will or caprice of any man or set of men. I believe that the probate court should be open at all times as required by law, as it has been during my term of office and as it will be in the future if 1 am elected. The above is the platform upon which I stand. I respectfully solicit the Republican voters of McHenry county, who can endorse Ihese princi­ ples, to vote for me for county judge at the coming primaries, Wednesday, September 9 1914. I want to take this opportunity to thank all those who have shown their unbounded kindness to me in the past, and can assure all my friends and my enemies that they will find me as cour­ teous to them, under all circumstances, in the future as I have been in the pwt- 7 D. T. SMILEY. Mlaa Hatti* C. Dak* ANNOUNCEMENT H- . 1 hereby announce my candidacy foi •he office of county superintendent oi •Chools, and if nominated and elected I will discharge the duties of the ollice to the best of my ability, #ind in at economical manner as possible. I be­ lieve wr ladies shoula be given the right to vote for every candidate for an elective office, and believing I ain the first woman to become a candidate for a county office, in this county, I would greatly appreciate being elected •mt the November election. , . , HATTIE C. DAKE. - vfei-- P. O. Harvard, ^1. ' Km. Alden, III. it?; • ii-fe'1". IPilLi • '.a 1$' . ($*) >4 > .. f,' ... ~ iWA*X FOR REPRESENTATIVE lit GENERAL ASSEMBLY. 8th DISTRICT VOTE FOR g JOSEPH W. FREDND WEST McHENRY. ILL. DEMOCRATIC CANDIDATE PRIMARIES SEPT, 0, 1014 il I hereby announce myself as a candi­ date for the ollicfe of county judge, sub ject to the decision of the Republican voters at the primaries, Sept. 9, 1914, and respectfully solicit the support of my friends. If nominated and elected the probate court will be open at all times for the transaction of business. 5 B. F. Manley. PROGRESSIVE CANDIDATE FOR COUNTY TREASURER B. PERKINS ANNOUNCEMENT I hereby announce myself a candi­ date for the Progressive nomination for county treasurer of McHenry coun­ ty, and if nominated and ejected I will account for and turn into tne county treasury or other proper places, all in­ terest money t^at I receive on public funds. 4 FRKI> D. PKUKINS. TO THE REPUBLICAN VOTERS OP THE EIGHTH SENATORIAL DISTRICT I hereby announce myself a candi­ date for nomination for representative in the lower house of the general as­ sembly, subject to the decision of the Republican voters of the eighth dis­ trict, consisting of the counties of Lake, McHeiypy and Boone, at the pri­ maries to be held September 9, 1914. If nominated and elected I shall vote for and favor: 1. A constitutional convention, to the end that the stat^ may have: (a) A more adequate and modern revenue law. (b) A shorter ballot in elections. (c) An end to minority representa­ tion in the assembly and the (3) vote system. (d) A restriction upoh the power of ?the city of Chicago in the legislature and a greater measure of home rule Filor the city of Chicago. Frcm--J at SSMS Piano k Free--Id Prize*-- < Genuine Diamond Ring. Here is an interesting CONTEST that costs nothing to enter. tomeone is going to get heee premiums. Why Hot you? . mmm CAN YOU SOLVE IT? . fev? v - " Fre-j--3d Print - This Beauti­ ful Silver Tea Set, 4 piece*, triple eileer plate» geld lined. Frmm--4th Prfn-- Thim Lmdy'a mr C a n t / e i m e m * # Gmld Wmtek. IMFLANATIOM--Correct aoliitten oi the above Rebu« (act complimentary to our firm and Pianos. axareiMj m HOW THE PRIZES ARE TO BE AWARDED INSTRUCTIONS --FOR THE CORRECT OR NEAREST CORRECT SOLUTION of the above Rebus will give absolutely Pre* a $325 Piano. The next best, a genuine Diamond Ring. The next best, a Silver Tea Set. The next best, Lady's or Gentleman's Watch. The next ten nearest correct solutions will rec*tr* credit orders or vouchers for $125. The next twenty credit Touchers £*l*la0-._Th® twenty-five, credit vouchers for $110, and all persona answering thia Rebus wtD receive a credit votKher lor at least $25, and also choice of Cuff Buttons or Bar - riu. Credit Touchers good only a* j>art payment on a new Piano. Should there be more tban one correct answer, or two or more tie in being correct in their solutions, awards will then be made to tha r«nte»tant pTMmtlng his or her solution displayed In the moat attract- tvv bmbmc of tM ffMtMt viIm from an ftdvdrtiilBg viewpoint Only one person in a nJBuy can enter. All contestants will be notified bv mail and all premiums must be called for within ten days (m the oosftnc of the contest. The judges of the contest will De three disinterested business men of +bis dty. wfaoM will •waot 1^'2 Contest closes 10:00 p. m.t Monday, August 31 In reply mention McHenry Plaindealer C. H. Fantham & Son, McHenry, -for us to serve you, especial­ ly so when we do so know­ ing that we are serving: the : choicest of meats, groceries, vegetables, canned goods and fruits. We are firm be- • lievers in service and our constant aim is to serve our -patrons and the public in general with the best of ev- ; erything at all times and do | so in the most courteous and ^ .accommodating manner. Our delivery system is very | prompt and ever atyour ser- ^-;"-ivice.. G. C. BOSMA We^t McHenry :: Phone 3 : Vv '• v: - ' "i . • in CENTERVULE Wh:i'i <•4 mmcm M '.i The choicest line Meats and Groceries - * J.W.Aebischer (Suea--r to C. tS. Pratt.) ••HENRY. ILL. 'PHONE IM -. v*' (e) An easier method of amending the constitution than now provided for. (f) Our constitution should be other­ wise? modernized in various particulars. 2. I shall vote and work for an ef­ fective county local option law, as the results of the township law show plain­ ly that the county should be the unit in voting on the saloon question. 3. I shall favor, as I always have fa- •t , »•.*' ~»'."S«v " v • "sW'ivjrwv' • • . a \ . r r - f . ̂ IP vored, such legislation as protects the dairy farmer, and I shall endeavor to secure such a settlement between the state board of health and the Chicago bourd of health and the dairy interests so that both interests can live. 4. In the house, I snail favor the cut­ ting down of the standing committees from sixty-eight to fifteen in number and make them all working commit- nnd stia.ll also favor the doing away with all rules that prevent the house, by a majority, from acting at any time as the majority of the house see fit. A stenographic record of everything said and done in each house of the leg­ islature should be taken and made a ( part of each day's printed Journal, and ! given the widest circulation and pub He CLASSIFIED DEPARTMENT Good Things to Eat .. - V ; IS[ow, doesn't that sound good to you? Of course it does and we are right here to tell you that we sell these good things and want you to leave us your next order for Gro­ ceries, Canned Goods* Vege­ tables, Fruits or Bakery Goods. The season of the year is at hand when the housewife refuses to prepare all meals over a hot cook stove and for this reason we have laid in ar supply of cold lunch eats that will be sure to please your palate. All orders promptly delivered. ft M. ISfN. Ali innorteU under tiiib hoau atilic following rates: Klvellntflor lens, *6 cent* for flrtt insertion; 15 centH for e*ch eubstxjurtit insertion. More than Art? line#, 6 cent* a line fur llrut Insertion, and 9 esnta a line for additionl insertions. "THE MONROE" BUFFET x-,-V l tjM)R tSALE-Oiie Royal typewriter. JU«t *• frt>m fiiCtory; price 125. Cull at this of­ fice. 6-tf B*OH f ALB--TUe Urtigory homestead on Wft- x ter btrvet, togetbor with furniture. In­ cluding piano. Inquire of Mas. EMMA PHIL­ LIPS, Mcllenry. ®-t-f A GENTS--^Three great sellers. No. 1 sel • t<) every auuiruoblllst : Nos. 2 and 3 sol > evorv home. Ka^h article tried out l>y|H'i- sonfll house to house canvass. Three sftmpl" S in c. icturned firft nrilet. tsr.w IDI»A8. HI H<>j Hltx'U. Woodsiuck. Illinois. I1"- ici|(^.^ery repectfully, v . . f EDWAItD D. KllURTMinr." ^ " ANNOUNCEMENT I herewith announce myself as a Democratic candidate for the office of county treasurer of McHenry county, subject to the decision of the voters at the primaries on Sept. 9, 1914. I- will appreciate the support of the legal voters. Respectfully, 4 JOHN H. MILLER. ANNOUNCEMENT I hereby announce my candidao)r for sheriff of McHenry county, subject to the decision of the voters at the Re- publican primaries September 9, 1914. t respectiully solicit the support of the voters of said primary. 2 - . Chahlks WANPBACK. Ml*. Herman Blank and son of North Crystal Lake were guests at the home of Mrs. Augusta Krause Friday. Mrs. Fred EJiirke of North Crystal Lake was a.guest in the home of her sister, Mrs. Augusta Krause, Friday. Albert Reske of Carpentersville is visiting at the home of his sister, Mrs. Augusta Krause. Dr. and Mrs. A. C. Spurling of Carjr weer McHenry cftUtn Tuesday. W •••• • ' ,7 DUGINER & SPANIER, Props^^V 4' So"th Fifth Ave., Chicago Cor. Monroe. Phone Franklin 3754 r ' CHECK YOUR PARCELS HERB Telephone Nq^lM-R , SIMON STOFFEL Insurance agent for all classes of' property in the beet oompanles. 2f-^' • •. ?y .v .. WEST McHENRY, itm*' vM 'v,'" V ' - - V."'.v i" V ' .*V'*V ' f '-1V1 ILL1NG ' -sd*--

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