T-i*'l-. •••••• ... -,- A .-- _A ^.^Tv* . ^ ^ ^ ", *-, * V,/-' * , *f ^ *' ' ' * ^< f^V-M v j Jtt JoUfflN JfcfcXV £Ll« Y, ̂ SSSff:!^ 7-V-S • .. •^."cVj >,# <vik:1 0:m •#$#.r; !̂StCf! ?v, tfHfc 'y.-C-S. "Xi i •«»--w nmesBA v Ji¥ l]\ \ JP. G. SCHREINEft i 9ftk»l» MliaflliNi TelnihwiiSW TtRMSOF •OlfitWI'TIONi :'||m Y«ar ^ Moatbi, 75c tLN Tkiw Month*, Mc Thursday, September 10,1914 w< V^!*- > *' '* ^;f . K, '•-jfo&w£4 k',1'" r _-- L I ADDITIONAL PERSONALS ^4 • |M- D* Wilkins was » business visitor ; t* Chicago Tuesday. ^ Miss Lillian Heimer was the guest v til Elgin friends Monday. George H. Hanly boarded the Chi- ftftgo train Tuesday morning. :--V ;'v,' F. O. Gans was among the Chicago v likssengers Tuesday morning. P. H. King of Chicago was a Sunday jfttest in the home of J. H. Miller. | ^ Mrs. E. L. Behlke has returned from ' A^' * visit with her daughter in Chicago \ '/;"'. \! J. C. Bickler attended to matters of 1 n business nature in Chicago Tuesday. • Henry Ahrens was among the Chi- etgo passengers last Saturday morn- ing. Mrs. F. A. Bohlander was a business *^iitor in the metropolitan city Tues- ; <%• : Mr. and Mrs. W. C. Evanson of Quincy, 111., were visitors intown Sun- N. A. Huemann transacted business matters in the metropolitan city Tues day. Adeline Perkins is spending this week with<rel stives at Janesville and Avaloo, Wis. John Lena of Chicago spent the latter part of laat week in the J. F. Claxton ' ' wttne. Miss Elola Boyle passed last week as the guest of relatives in the metropolis / mil city. Miss Etfrida Block spent a few days recently as the guest of relatives at Marengo. Mr. and Mrs. James Perkins spent 8unday as the guests of friends at the county seat. Everett Hunter attended to matters [ ef a business nature in the windy city •Wednesday. pr. H. H. Hanly of Peoria, I1L, spent • a lew days last week as the guest of ' relatives here. %lr. and Mm, C. M. Bickler spent Sonday and Monday as guests of rela tives at Elgin. p:;;..v- -Miss Annie Weber spent lpst week ̂' • as the guest of Miss Katherine Long |$U .at' Woodstock. ^7- Miss Kathryn Schreiner of Wauke- p| > kftn spent Sunday as the guest of Mc- Henry relatives. Peter J. Schreiner and O. C. Mark- kftm of Chicago called on friends in . ' town on Monday. ||t * ' Bay Weinke of Chicago is spending p| ! v . the week as a guest in th^Tiofone of |?C>V' J ^ohn H. Kennebeck. K John and Miss Susie Zens of Wauke- p gan were guests of McHenry relatives Sunday and Monday. Mrs. W. Peake and son of Louisville, f. *&*"• Ky., are guests in the home of her par- ~ CAta, Mr. and Mrs. John Spencer. I ,V ".Mrs. W. Fleury of Chicago was a £ *"* 1 guest in the home of her parents, Mr. * y~r Md Mrs. August FelU, last week. 'f// ' Mrp. P. N. Musser of Elgin was a ^4;,';-recent guest in the home of her par- :.^®ts, Mr. and Mrs. D. A. Whiting. f~};' r- Louis Stinger of Marinette, Wis., '* wad :i Suiniay guest in the home of his brother, C. W. Stenger, and family. I' r Miss Elsie Block returned to her -:A i' ' duties at the F. A. Bohlander store } last w > ek after a pleasant week's vaca- "s\' *lon. 'Kp.' Miss Elizabeth Miller and her guest, Miss Martha Althoff, of Kenosha, ' Wis , spent Monday as the guests of rtjfe filgin relatives. Miss Ellen Doherty returned home V ~ from Chicago last Thursday evening, '4- ^bere she attended the Woman's For- ' isster convention. - <:f - Miss Lottie Lau of Chicago was a ' Jffbt ;r. --T,guest in the home of Mr. and Mrs. J. H. >Mj' " , ^ -Miller from Thursday .until Monday ^ * *- tfveuing of this week. ^ T <V/" •- Glenn and Ralph Van Natta of Chi- I. ' '• , eago were Sunday and Monday guests ^ ' i in the home of their parents, Mr. and g . ' - M r s . M . L . V a n N a t t a . ^I Messrs. and Mesdaraes J. W. Freund 'X and J. H. Miller spent Monday at Har- li " 4:; *apd, making the trip in the former's ;"^|\oew Buick ton ring car. P 4 Mr, and Mrs. Chas. McAthur and W"/" daughter, Ruth, of Elgin spent Sunday |Ej ,, , ^nd Monday as'guests in the home of ^ 'i t, |ier mother, Mrs. AugustaWolff. jiV Vt;t7-' John R. Brents returned last week sffi 'J •- from a pleasant trip up into Canada. > '^{-"".lohn reports a fine f: ^ -Scenery of the north timf and says the is something grand. Mr. and Mrs. Mills, Miss Anna Paglia- rul and brothers, Vincent and Dominick, of Chicago motored out in the former's ear and spent Labor day in the Claxton liome. Mrs. Fred Hack and five children of Chicago spent the latter part of last and the fore part of this week as guests In the home of Mr. and Mrs. Lewis Oertel. Mr. and Mrs. F. E. Martin, Mr. and Mrs. E. E. Bassett and two children and Mrs. W. A. Martin took In the La- ||; r: l>or day celebration ftfc XiUce Geneva, ';j;f Wis., Monday, j,oC Bob Diry, who during the past few K:- "-weeks has acted as porter in the G. E. f&choel buffet, left Wednesday morning lor Kansas City, Mo., where he has been matched for a fight. Mr. Diry holds the middle weight championship of Austria, -from which country he Came to America two years ago. Since $oming to this country he has won most of his battles and those who have formed his acquaintance are pulling for him to win the coming fight. Mr, >Divy is a quiet sort of a flfellow and few la McHenry were aware of the fact Mrs. Chas. Pults was a Chicago vis itor Monday. E. Young of Chicago spent the week end with his family here. Mrs. Chas. Sheldon ofGrayslake was * visitor in town yesterday. Chas. E. Pultzof EastSt.Loftis spent Labor day with his wife here. Dr. F. J. Aicher passed the week end as the guest of Elgin friends. John Long of Woodstock called on friends in town the first of the week. Herman Hearch of Chicago was a recent guest in the home Of Theo. Winkel. Mrs. Henry D. Albert of Chicago is Spending the week as a guest in the Feffcr home. Miss Edna Sand Of Chicago }s spend ing the week as the guest of Miss Clara Miller. Miss Loretta Feffer returned home Monday from a week's visit wiU» rela tives in Chicago. Miss Tillie Wegener of Elgin is a guest in the hoft# of Mr. and Mrs. Alvin Peterson. ChristephomerChristesonof Chicago passed a few days recently in the home of T. W. Winkel. Mr. and Mrs. F. J. Mershon passed Sunday and Monday as the guests of Woodstock relatives. Mr. and Mrs. John Petersen of Chi cago spent a few days recently at the home of T. W. Winkel. Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Gaulke and Miss Mary Ross man of Woodstock were Mc Henry visitors yesterday. James Lane and Wm. Hildebrandt of Chicago passed Labor day as guests of the latter's uncle, Anton Engeln. Mr. and Mrs. John B. Colby of Clif ton, 111., were recent guests of the for mer's sister, Mrs. Sarah Sherburne. Misses Mollie and Margaret Roche of Elgin were week end guests of the Misses Elizabeth and Emma Thelen. Mr. and Mrs. C. B. Webster and son, James, of Chicago spent a few days re cently in the home of T. W. Winkel. Mrs. John Boyle, sons,^ Edward and Earl, passed the first of the week as the guests of relatives at Round Lake. Miss Esther Matson of Chicago was a guest in the home of her mother, Mrs. Peter Wirfs, the first of the week. Mr. and Mrs. M. D. Smalley and chil dren of Woodstock spent Sunday and Monday as the guests of McHenry rela tives. Rev. H. Hagen of Elizabeth, 111., former pastor oi St. Patrick's Catholic church here, wai ,ft r recent visitor in town. Miss Martha Althoff of Kenosha, Wis., is spending the week as a guest in the home of Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Miller. Mrs. Louis Steinberg has returned to her home in Chicago after a five weeks' stay at the Mrs. E. Young boarding house. Miss Sophia Miller has returned to her Chicago home after a two months' stay at the Mrs. E. Young boarding house. Mr. and Mrs. William Meyers and children of Chicago spent Sunday and Monday as guests in the home, of Mr. and Mi's. Emil Feffer. Clifford Long and family and Mr. and Mrs. D. Austin of Evanston, 111., were Sunday guests in the home of Mr. and Mrs. E. V. McAllister. Mrs. Wm. Marshall and children of Morton Grove, 111., passed part of last week as guests in the home of her par ents, Mr. and Mrs. George Meyers. Mesdames S. Mincer and B. F. Man- delbaun of Chicago spent a few days re cently as-the guests of Mrs. L. Stein berg at the boarding house of Mrs. E. Young. . . G. C. Bosnia, I. A. Hungerford, C. Unti, J. ;W. Smith, Walter Freund, Henry Heuser and Miss Elizabeth Thel en were among the Chicago passengera this morning. Mr. and Mrs. Peter Schoewer, sons, Hubert and Fred, and daughters ^nna, spent Saturday, Sunday and Monday as guests of Mr. and Mrs. Ben Schoewer at Argyle, 111. Miss Martha Stoffel returned to her duties in the office of the WilberLum ber company last week after enjoying a week's vacation as the guest of Chi cago relatives. Mr. and Mrs. Henry Simon and little child of Chicago passed the latter part of last and the fore part of this week as guests in the home of the former's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Jacob Leickem. Henry Hildebrandt returned to his home in Chicago last Friday evening after a two weeks'visit with his uncle, Anton Engeln. Mr. Hildebrandt holds a responsible position with the Fair store in Chicago and expects to make a business trip to New York city next week. Miss Elizabeth Blake has returned home from a three weeks' visit at She boygan, Mich., spending> few days at Mackinac Island. On her way up she took the steamship Carolina thru Stur geon and Green bays and returned home on the Manitou, making it a trip around Lake Michigan. Mr. and Mrs. George Qhamberlain and daughter, Hazel, of Milwaukee, Wis., are spending a couple of weeks as guests in the home of the latter's father, Henry Miller. From this vil lage they will go to Minneapolis, Minn., where Mr. Chamberlain's case against the Chicago & North Western railway will be fought out in court. It will be remembered that MY. Chamberlain lost an arm in a railway accident at Waukegan some months ago and he is now sueing the ootnpany for the 1 of the member. 1r-- ' vki v •» * wfc,- V i £.• >"' ILLINOIS > f * - ^ ^ ' " f r y ' ^ - - - ' I ' ONE NIGHT ONLY 1 3 m mOm •hirmtni GEORGE L. BARTON PRESENTS The Laughing Comedjf Sjuicqesst In Four I&-&" V3>:| ' }' '• : - * V '<r . ' '• •*. I:',\/l 'jf? if 4 if " ' r »0S . A PLAY WITW M^|G Not A Dull Second--60 Laughs Every Minute A VOLCANO OF FUN 'H CW1,1' (lass PRICES: 25c, 35c, 50c it no unusual conditions sre to foe overcome 1% ̂ to A S ROOM BOUSE IUIMV •bouf We do the work and divide the bill into 24 monthly payments^ The co# for Inrgytr houses is proportionately low. Let us estimate on your house lillcSeriii|iy OF NORTHERN ILLINOIS 'X 's*1 VOLACE COUNCIL PROCEEDINGS UUtCE NUMBER OF BILLS ALLOWED AT KEGOLAK MONTHLY MEET1NQ 10.00 88.CO 5.25 1.08 35.50 130.80 6.45 '5.00 197.96 1.10 51.40 •60.00 5.00 4.75 |5.00 '2.25 3.00 CHEAP COLONIST FARES VIA CHICAGO AND NORTHWESTERN |f. ̂ Daily September 24th to October 6th the Chicago and North Western Ry. ^ill 'place on sale low-fare one-way Colonist tickets to many points in Colo rado, Utah, California, Montana, Idaho, Oregon and Washington. For;rates and detailed information, call on local ticket agent, Chicago and Northwestern Ry Council Room, Sept. 7, 1914. The village trustees met in regular session with President Stoffel presid ing. i Trustees present: Barbian, Cham- berlin, Heimer, Nickels, Spencer and Schumacher. The. minutes of the laBt regular meeting were read and approved. The following bills were approved by the finance committee, with correc tion of light bill: Standard Oil Co., oil 12.60 Linquist & Hanna Mfg.Oo^, sup- "lies and postage 1.25 Henry W. Ahrens, lbr on bridge Valvoline Oil Co., gasoline Public Service Co., lighting sts P. A. Bohlander, boots Jas. B. Clow & Sons, supplies .. Geo. Meyers, Jr., lbr on streets. M. J. Freund, lbr on street & bridge - - Wm. Davis, gravel Geo. Meyers, Sr., lbr on sts . i-- McHenry Artificial Stone Co., sidewalks - --- W. G. Schreiner, postage, fgfc -- L. P. Newman, marshal service, meals & charging batteries**, James ReVor, police service,--, Chas. Newman, lbr on st ... Hubert Caspers'lbr on st Neptune Meter Co., meters & supplies Anton Krumpen, lbr on st - Dr. R, G. Chamberlin, compensa tion, rubber boots ^-- Motion by Barbian, seconded by Nickels, that the bills be allowed as read, with the deduction of $10.00 on the electric light bill. Motion carried. Motion by Schumacher, seconded by Barbian, that Dr. Chamberlin be com pensated for a pair of boots which the village borrowed from him and were not returned. Motion carried. Motion by Nickels, seconded by Sohu* macher, that the standpipe be cleaned and extension be made on the intake and people be notified in time what day the standpipe will be cleaned out; also, if the committee deem it neces sary, to have the standpipe painted. Motion carried.. Motion by Heimer, seconded by Spencer, that the treasurer's report be accepted as read. Motion carried. Motion by Schumacher, seconded by Heimer, that a cement walk be built on the west side of Green street to the Boone creek bridge, starting where the cement walk now ends- Yeas--Bar bian, Chamberlin, Heimer, Spencer and Schumacher. Nays--Nickels. Mo tion carried. > Motion by Spencer, seconded by Bar bian, that the McHenry baseball team be allowed three (3) marshals at a price of $1.50 apiece at their ball game on Sept. 9. Motion carried. Motion by Spencer, seconded by Hei mer, that the clerk be instructed to order nine cars of crushed stone, six of the coarse and three of the fine, and buy the same grade M t» had last year. Motion carried Motion by Chamberlin, seconded by Spencer, to adjourn. Motion carried *"X SIMON STOFFEL, President.,,, wifl. SCHREINER, Clerk Try « McHenry Baseball Team . Top Row, beginning at left: Comiskey, 3rd base; Koob, 2nd base; Manager R. B. Walsh; Sahlberg, pitch er; BrailsfOrd, right field; Page, utility fielder. Bottom Row, beginning at left: Riley, short stop; Behlke, •utility fielder; Warner, 1st base; Grant, catcher; Mascot, "Butch" Frett; Deiehanty, pitcher; Bending, left field; Opfergelt, center field. A ROOFED GATEWAY OFFERS ATTRACTION , about property liberally supplied with landscape /that is re&Uy worth considering. Time was when they were quite common, but now they're extraordinary in" these parts and offer you.lprild- ers seeking distinctiveness a fine opportunity to display your good taste. We've lumber that is just right for such gates--guar anteed to last painted Or left to season rustic. Ask to see it. WILBUR LUMBER (0. WeA McHenry Phone 5 SOX DAY A BIG SUCCESS (Continued from first page) McHenry opened fire in the fifth and tallied one run. And again Elgin broke loose and made the balance of their scores, making up three ,more tallies. In both scoring periods Deiehanty could not hold down the swatting El- ginites and the hits combined with sev eral costly errors put Elgin in the lead without much trouble. Deiehanty did not seem to get the best support of which the team is ca pable. Three errors were' charged against them. Both pitchers allowed seven hits. Schurring came into the limelight and brought oat the most cheer from the chattering audience when he clout ed out one of his brilliant home runs in the second inning. That one smash seemed to ggt on Deiehanty's nerves, but he steadied down after walking one man. Then an error, combined with twO classy sacrifice hits, planted the other tallies for Wright's men. The crowd gave Deiehanty plenty of encouragement and the snappy copper- topped youth responded to their cheers with some first-class baseball. x The score follows: KLOIN . R. B. OHIMUII, 1st tt ........ 1 4 (iilii's, 2nd b.. 0 - S AtlkinH, rf 1 9 Schinltz, 3rd bi...;... I Anderson, 88. 1 •' ScliuiTlntf, t . 1 Ityuii, c -S. I UuiuUracbt, II.,1 0 • Lehman, p 1 S P.O. 7 . I f I I 8 M S Oi iPlaipdealer for sale adv. There* cold ereJ plexions complexion protection in our •n. It preserves good com- tad improves poor ones. 25c 8 T S7 7 McHENBY - - B. H. P.O. A. KUey. 8« a......9 1 : 0 * <'omtskey. Urd b.. ,...0 # S 1 Ural lsford, rf .0 #8 0 Opfergelt, cf 0 _ § , 1 0 lii-iidlng. If .. 0 S : 0 0 Warner, 1st b 1 . | 10 0 Koob. 2nd b ....k... ....1 . •» 0 8 Dalebanty, p ,.1 1 8 24 3 7 8QORB BT IHHINOS Elgin 1 4 0. 0~8 0 6 « *-e McHenry,^.. 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 l,-t--# Stolenl)u£es-- Bending. Koob. Osmari.Sctiur- rlng, Kyan, Lehman. Two base hits--Koob, Opfergt'lt. Three base hit--Sehmitz. Home run--Schurring. Struck out--By Lehman, (Brallsford. 3. Bending.2, Koob, 2, Deiehan ty); by Deiehanty. (Adkius, 2, Hchniltz). Bases on bails--Off Deiehanty, Andersdn, Ryan. GAME NEXT SUNDAY Peters' Colored All Stars of Chicago, who have appeared on the local dia mond on two previous occasions this year, will be in McHenry next Sunday afternoon for the deciding game of a series of three. The colored gents made their first appearance in McHen ry on July 12, at which time they suc ceeded in shutting out the McHenry squad by tbe score of 3 to 0. On Aug. 23 they again met the McHenry Sox, but this time the home boys won out by the score of 3 to 1. This shows be yond all possible doubt that the two teams are very evenly matched and the deciding game next Sunday should be a hotly contested affair from start to finish. The visitors will bring the usual strong line-up, including Kellev and Wallace as the battery and the famous Donald at short. Game called at 2:30 sharp. General admission,. 25 cents; ladies and ohildren, 15 cents. CLASSIFIED DEPARTMENT 815.00 each. Inquire of CJfcO. J. SATEB, Pista . kee Bay, McBenry, III. 13-tf t. T OST--Two 37k5 Firestoue plain tread tires •M with Firestone rims onJCniCttgo-Waucon- da and McHenry road. Reward. A. E. STRINGER, 3012 Logan Blvd., (Jnlcago. 13-2t LOST--Emerald rosary, near or in St. Patrick's cemetery. Finder please leave at home of Miss Ellen Doherty and receive thanks of ownor. Miss FKANCKS KNOX. 13-1 F>OR SALE--Choice farirs. 180 acres four miles to McHenry at 575; .118 acres 1J.*' milt s to McHenry :it 1115; 142 acres one mile to Mcllenry at $i45; H8 acres five miles to Mc- Henryutt 275 acres joins Volo at $115; 3W acres Joins Volo. 827,00Gl Easy terms, low in terest, good values. SIMON STOFFKL, West McHenry, 111, l2-4t Chicago & North-western. Leave Chicago. *7.00 a m *8.55 am... Effective June 14. WWW DAT TRAINS." • JgpRTHBOUND McHenry. . ...,iiVla Elgin 10.1S a m Via Des Plalnas M).18 a m All »dTertl»eniBiit« lnncrted under thin Ditad at the followingr»te»: Five lln«a or le»«, tf> cent* for llr*t iBierUon; IS cent* for each lubsuituent Inwrtl. n. i More th«n Ore liite*, 6 cunt* a llnu (or tint InMrUou, and 3 oenU a line for addition! liuertlona. FOlt HALE--Three llolsteiii bulls. Inquire of JACOB DIKPHIUU, McHenry. 111. Phone 931-M-2. Ill--tf FOUNl>-4a pair of glasses. Owner may have same by prorlnK property and pay- ing for this notice. Inquire at this office. WOR SALE--Three stoves, one heater, one cook and onft gasoline. Bargains if tak en at once. J. \V. ABBISCHER. McHenry, 111. H*OR SALE--A number of red Duroc brood *12.15 p m Via Elgin Jt.30 p ni *12.45 p m Via Hes IMaines. .J_._Jt.30 p ni +l.J0pm Via l)es Plaines y ,t'« p ui *J.40p m ...Via lJes Plaines........4.44 p m *3.15 pm ....Via Elgin 6.27 pm *4.58 pm Via Dee Plalne«..__._S.27 p m 8WDAY TRAINB. ' T.JOjb^m.Via Elgin ; ».48 a m 7.50 am 7_Vfa Des PIalne«..'.__.Z^-4H a m 4.55 a m Via L)es Plaines....\..10.18 a m 2.05 p m Via Elgin „.„8 00 p m WEBK DAT TUA1MK , . , Leave ° Arrive Sic Henry. #OCTHBODND Oli lea go tt.19 a m Via Des Plaiiies.„.»_^»«j.3^ a m *7.10 am .. .VI* Des Plaines..-...-***-**'a m •7.10 am V ia Elgin W-1^1 ™ a ill VII I>es Plaines ..#-40 a m *4 44 p in . .Via Des Plainer J-5y P no *4.44 p oj Via Elgin ^ ^ •U.27 p W Via Des Plaines.S.V..'..7.55 p m 8DM>AT TRAINS. : 7.10 a m Via Desi Plaines.^a m 7.10 a m ^Via Elgin --•-•'5 a m 7.») p m ^a Des Plaines. 8.40 p m 7.32 p m Via Des Plaines.... r.. fl.JO p m 7.32 p ml .* ..Via Elgin -..10.2o p m •*I)ally exccpt SundU?. tfiaturday only. ^Monday only. vJ KOR SALE--House and four lots Excellent building sites. Mrs. Mary SchreineY, West McHenry, HI. The regular monthly meeting of the Knights of Columbus takes place at 'ot C. hall next (Thursday) evening. fp|p •' VJ' M - 1 it's a Pleasure for us to serve you, especial ly so when we do so know ing that we are serving the choicest of meats, groceries, vegetables, canned goods and fruits. We are firm be lievers in service and our constant aim is to serve our patrons and the public in general/with the best of ev erything at all times and do so in the most courteous and accommodating manner. Our delivery system is very prompt and ever at your ser vice. G. C. BOSM A We^t McHenry :: Phone 3 fr- Good Things to Eat Now, doesn't that aound gbod to you? Of course it does ftnri we are right here to tell you that we sell these good thipgs and want you to leave us your next order for Gro ceries, Canned Goods, Vege tables, Fruits Or Bakery Goo4». The season of the year is at Jband when the housewife refuses to prepare aTI meals over a hot cook stove and for this reason we have laid in a supply of 6old lunch eats that will be sure to please your palate. All oflferi promptly delivered. M. M. Telephone No. 198-R SIMON STOFFEL IP Insurance agent for all classes ctL v property in the be ̂QQfl|panieflC ̂ WEST McHENRY, " ̂ LLINOIS -vV • School books and tablets at McAUis- Mi jx. \>Y. v'V>v-ur,.? - ' '-ii-' ' " . % v -j. > v " ISilv