Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 7 Jan 1915, p. 5

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gglll , \ - < ' " •<•:,' ,l ;- " 1'* --, Zx'tk £&£»•£ ys_ \**r* sasm Utt#9iM«*W«»M« MttWiMlllliM I \ 1 :H Mi SSS SATISFIED CUSTOMERS ...Our Best Advertisement... . We do a great deal of advertising in various ways, but we believe that the mo& favorable publicity we receive is thru the medium of a "satisfied customer.** Such customers talk about us to other prospective customers and this constitutes "advertising by word of mouth" and is most effective. ^ • f. Besides providing the very best of service, "We in­ stall every convenience a drug store can contain. Our prices are as low as right quality can be had far anywhere. If we have not had the pleasure observing you, we should like to add you to our list of "satisfied customers."^ ' - 1 t DRUGGIST •apapaiiiv mo'm s6-w; j **P" -OUR SYSTEM :'~4® EGINNING JANUARY FIRST a new sys­ tem will be placed into effect at our store, le system Will mean a big saving to those who *$jjtoy cash and we hope that in time it will be the gleans of reducing our book accounts to a min­ imum. Here's our scheme in a nutshell: Begin- f j|ing tomorrow we will give TEN PER CENT |)ISCOUNT on all cash purchases made at our :. itore. We feel that we can do this where cash ac­ companies the purchase for the reason that it saves " :Ss much work in book accounts and the mailing of . Statements while at the same time it gives the man Ufrho pays cash an opportunity to buy cheaper than She fellow who doesn't. Kindly bear this inf mind m trading here. With the season's greetings $o all, I am, Respectfully yours, J. km The Centerville Hardware Man if- •-- •i ̂ m "•§ •c % *&*&*- POLICY OF AND SERVICE GUARANTEE FIRST-*- It is our intention to give each > pnd every purchaser of a car |air and business l|ke treat- Anient. Should any customer .«%iot receive sucji treatment we . ask in good faith to be so ad­ vised. . , SECONDP^^^IfiP " »:%r JWN, &<? k- wiir itikke att adjustments without charge lor one month after delivery • ^ Of car, provided same has not |||)een tampered with or injured through •V • -n*. THIRD-- *lWe will insta ' " X- *$$> •M "without charge J for labor any parts that may ^fbe furnished- in place of any mparts proven defective by the \ manufacturers for a period of T jiinety days from date of de­ livery of car; after such time work will be done in a Careful and workmanlike man- pier ana made for same. our regular charge Overton & Cowen NEIGHBORING NEWS AS CHRONICLED BY OUR ABLE CORPS OF CORRESPONDENTS lubscribe for the Plaindealer and keep posted on local happenings uiMiiimii Mr*. Sarab Nash is visiting at Erai»- ton. Borden'b commenced filling their ice house Tuesday. Mrs. J. B. Lynch was a Chicago shopper last Thursday. W. Reed and Miss Mable WiUe spent the week end in Chicago. Mrs. Byron Waterman and children spent Monday at H. Reed's. Mrs. Hans Nelson and Evelyn and Irvin spent Tuesday at McHenry. S. A. Merchant and Mrs. D. L. Gib­ son drove to Crystal Lake Monday., Mr. and Mrs. Lars Nelson of Hol- combville were callers here Monday. Mr. and Mrs. Fitzgerald entertained out of town relatives during the holi­ days. Mr. and Mrs. S. Reed and daughters spent New Year's day with Father Fleed. Mrs. 3. Gould and daughters spent the week end with her parents at Ringwood.» S. Warnccfc off Chicago spent the week end repairing the heating plant at the school. Mrs. Edna Ostrander of Crystal Lake was a recent visitof to the honie of Mrs. R. L. Dufield. ?'?•>' Le# Baker was up "from Elgin and spent Sunday with his parents and sisters on the farm. Mrs. R. L. Dufield left last Thursday for Alton, 111., to visit her son* Leroy Skinner and family. Both Mr. Baker and daughter, Hel­ en, are nearly well after many weeks' battle with rheumatism. Mrs. Roy Waterman of Woodstock is earing for her mother, Mrs. H. Reed, who is seriously ill. Mrs.,A. Purvey and son spent Satur­ day night and Sunday at the home of L. B. Compton at Woodstock. Mrs. L. M. Ooddard and son, Lester, of Woodstock are ill with tonsilitis at theliome of her parents here. Miss Edith Nelson and friend, Miss Wilson, of Chicago spent the holiday vacation at the former's home here. Miss Rhoda Locke of Sharon has been quite- ill with pneumonia at the iiutue uf her sister, Mrs. E E. Kai'- ;ins. Mrs. S. A.'Merchant and sons, Les­ ter and Clifford, spent New Year's day with the Eiehkoff sisters at Wood­ stock. Misses Genevieve Goddard, Pearl Reed and Cora Lock wood enjoyed the big banquet and class reunion at Crys tal Lake Saturday evorflng. Kenneth Smith of Champaign, III., and his aunt, Miss Carrie Smith,*of Terre Haute, Ind., were calling at J. C. Button's Thursday afternoon. W. E. Dike, who had the misfortune to fall from a load of straw nearly two Veeks ago and sustained a broken col lar bone and other injuries, is reported as doing fine. KMUUI.I) PAB Leo Smith visited his parents here recently. ' v Mrs.* John Smith visited Mrs. Geo. Young in McHenry recently. Mr. and Mrs. E. R. Sutton and eon called on Ch&s. Giubs Sunday Miss Mayme Smith of Lake Geneva visited her parents here recently. Mr. and Mrs. R. E. Sutton of Chica­ go visited relatives here recently. Mrs. Henry Felmeten and daughter spent a few days last week in Chicago. Mrs. Margaret McLaughlin is spend­ ing a few week* frith relatives in Indi­ ana. Mrs. Wm. Staekable of Chicago vis­ ited her sister, Mrs. Berkircher, re­ cently. Mr. and Mrs. Ed. Sutton and son spent Sunday at N. J. Justen's in Mc Henry. | Miss Mayme Costello and brother, James, of Elgin visited relatives here recently. Miss Nancy Frisby and Allen Cleary of South Dakota were callers here Tuesday. Mr. and Mrs. George Young of Mc­ Henry were recent guests of Mr. and Mrs. John Smith. Myrtle J. Huck spent Saturday and Sunday as the guest of Mr. and Mrs. G. A. Sattem at Aurora. CHERRY VALLEY ^ ; Robert Rossmann spent New Yete's in Elgin. Tom Collier of Hebron visited these parts Sunday. Otto Rossmann visited Woodstock friends Sunday.. Mary Rossmann of Woodstock jto vis­ iting friends in Cherry Valley. Chas. Geske and Fred Rossmann vis­ ited Woodstock friends Tuesday. Lisle Hutson returned to Woodstock Sunday evening after a week's hunt- ing. Chas/Rossmann visited. Crystal Lake friends Wednesday evening of last week. The young folks of Cherry Valley enjoyed a bob ride to McHenry Tjt)lUfe day evening. JOICNSBVBGM. Mr. and Mrs. Peter Williams spent Tuesday as guests in the home of their daughter, Mrs. Martin B. Schmitt, in McHenry. * Mr. and Mrs. Jacob R. Justen and children were Sunday guests in the home of Mr. and Mrs. J. J. Justen at McHenry. Quite a few from here are attending the Freund-Schmitt wedding at Mc­ Henry today. Rev. John Schmitt of Aurora spent a-few days this week as the guest of relatives here. NOTICE TO HUNTERS Ou accuuiil of tiic loot and mouth disease, we hereby give notice that hunting, trapping and trespassing is Strictly forbidden on our premises. mm-; S. S. Giddings. Xagdajurna Bohb. •1NOWOOD C. W. Harrison was a ChiCagO vis- itor last Saturday.. Mrs. Minnie Coates passed New Year's day at Dundee. .f. L. Conway and family were over Sunday visitors in Chicago. Miss Lora Smith spent New Year's day with friends in McHenry. Howard Buckland of Denver, Goto., is visiting his brother and mother. Bert McCannon and wife visited his brother. Joe, at Greenwood Monday. Floyd Howe has sold out his business here to Sherman Watson of Geneva, 111. Mrs. Lynn Hohenstein tar entertain­ ing her sister from Greenwood this week. Bert McCannon and family ate New Year's dinner at Starr Brink's in Mc­ Henry. George Noble of Keystone is spend­ ing a few days with his sister, Mrs. John McLaughlin. Mrs. Nellie Dodge went to Chicago Saturday to see her son, Ray, who is still in the hospital. r Mrs. Abe Lawrence passed several days last week as the guest of'her daughter in McHenry. J. V. Buckland returned last Wed­ nesday from -his visit to Alabama. He reported a pleasant trip. Miss Delia Heimer of McHenry spent the latter part of last week with hqr sister, Mrs. Karl Bradley. Farmers from Tryon's Grove are shipping several car loads of shelled corn from this station to Chicago this week. Fred Bryant, wife and son, Harold, of Elgin spent the last of the week with Ringwood and McHenry rela­ tives. Mrs. Caroline Howard and daugh­ ters, Grace, Dorothy and Zerna, of Harvard passed the holidays with rdla» tives here. William McCannon and wife, WM. Reok and sister, Sarah Johonnott, and H. W. Allen, were business callers in Wuudstock Monday of this week. The W. C. T. U. will meet Jan. 16 with Mabel Beck instead of Mrs. Ab­ bott. It is expected that'Miss Laura Mason of Richmond will be present and show some of the work done by her pupils. TKKKA COITJT Mrs. Fred Klein was an Elgin visitor one day last week. John Bolger was calling on relatives here New Year's day. Miss Lillian Riley was the guest of Chicago relatives last week. Miss Florence Knox spent Saturday .evening with McHenry relatives. Miss Eleanor Phalin visited Mc­ Henry relatives several days last week. Miss Ferol Abbott of Cary was a re­ cent guest of Miss Mildred Steinbach. Misses Dorothy and Eleanor Walsh of McHenrg visited relatives here last week. Thomas Phalin passed a couple of days last week with his cousins at Woodstock. Miss Nellie Nichols of Burton's Bridge is spending a couple of tfeeks in this vicinity. Mrs. Fred Bergman of Chicago was a recent guest of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. S. B. Leisner. Miss Florence Knox visited MUs Vera Doherty at Holcombville a couple of days last week. Miss Agnes Conway has returned to her home here affer spending three months with Chicago friends. Miss Gertrude Klein passed Friday, Saturday and Sunday with relatives and friends at Dundee and Elgin. Raymond Riley, who has been spend­ ing the holidays with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. John Riley, returned to Champaign Monday moruiuK, to re­ sume his school duties at the State University. Miss Frances Knox passed Sunday with Crystal Lake relatives and friends. Saturday evening she attended the reunion of the classes of '11, '12, '13 and '14, of the Crystal Lake high school at M. W. A. hall. 08TKSO. This will be the first weekly paper dated Jan. 1915. New Year's day was a very quiet affair in this neighborhood. R. H. Richardson and wife spent the holidays with relatives in Chicago. We are very thankful we have no foot or mouth disease in this locality. Keep off, keep out, appear on nearly every farm gate at entrance, It will be well for all strangers to heed the warning. William Harris and sons sold their crop of fat hogs to Kerber brothers. Strange to say they haven't fed them this year. Henry Hob®rt stffiffotty-six choice porkers to Kerber brothers of Elgin and delivered them at McHenry the last day of 1914.- The school children have been en­ joying vacations. School opened this week Monday. Misis Mary; Knox of West McHenry teaches. F. B. Thompson and wife have both been on the sick list since Christmas. Mr. Thompson is somewhat better and is ahle to be out, but is far from well. HUNDREDS HAVE JOINED OUR < ̂....: . J*:"' •m m s - •*• £ IK v- lEach day scores of others win join. |Why not be one of them? Open for Imembership each ^eek to. ;.-W, K?.i';5a;v S®8 FREMONT HOY s-: CLARENCE Pi HOY Y-'*-V / IN- 'at: i GENTS' FURNISHINGS 1! •" • 1 wmm •Si! •5? I' W Heavy Sweater Coats, all wool, former price $4.75, now $&25 Heavy Sweater Coats, all wool,* former price $6.00, now $4.50 Heavy Sweater Coats, half wool former price $3.50, now $2.75 All wool Jersey Sweater Coats, ^ former price $2.50, now $2.00 Plain Jersey Sweaters, former price $1.50, now t-,$1.25 Heavy Mackinaw Caps, former price $1.50, now : ___$1.10 Hockey Caps, all wool, former price $1.25, now_._ J.L. $1.00 Balmaccan Caps, former price 1.0Q now ... --.75c Flannel Shirts, all wool* former price $2.00, now_---_--.1--$1.75 Heavy weight all wool Drawers, former price $1.00, now. 75c Heavy weight all wool Shirts, former price $1.00, now ;___75c All Fancy Dress Shirts, former price $2.00, now All $1.50 Fancy Dress Shirts at- -$1.25 Khaki Pants, former price $1-50, now __$1.1# Khaki Pants, former price $1.00* now : Blue Working Shirts, former price * 50c, at All Imported price 75c, at All Imported price 50c. at Fine Kid Gloves, $1.50, at 35c Neckties, former Neckties, foniier _4®c former price -$1.25 Fine Kid Gloves, former price $1.25, at ; $1.90 All wool Gloves, former price 50c, now 40c •VfeA ADMINISTKATOR'S NOTICE J. 1. Lang, Attorney. Estate of Peter P. Rothermel, Deceased. The undersigned having been appointed Administratrix of the Estate of Peter P. Rothermel. deceased, late of the County of McHenry and State of Illinois, hereby gives notice that she will appear before the County Oonrt of McHeury County, at the Court House in Woodstock, at the March Term, on the Urxt Monday in March next, at which time all persons having claims against said Estate are notifie ' ana requested to attend for the purpose of having the same adjusted. All persons Indebted to said Estate are re­ quested to make immediate payment to the "'littted^this 19th day of December, A. D. 1D14. ft KiiiAHWH Kothermbi,, Admiulstratrtx. David R. Joflyn, Attorney. EXECUTOR S NOTICE Estate of Anthony J. Royer, Deceased. The undersigned having been appolQted executors of the last will and testament of - "A CHEERFUL UAKn The next tabloid play at the Centra! in conjunction with pictures* will be a farciral comedy, entitled "A Cheerful Liar," with the following cast: . Flora Boomer... Lillian Hdner Randolph Dearborn Edwin H Gen. Boomer Dr. A. Muelli Guy McGuin....... ..<?eo. Hastings Hussel, J. P. J. W. Smii See Vycital's display advertiai&uaei ifor important news. Anthony J. Royer. deceased, lata of the coun­ ty of McHenry and state of Illinois, hereby give notice that they will appear before the county court of McHenry county, at the court house in Woodstock, at the February term, on the first Monday in Kebruara next, at whii-h Mmn :lH nersons havinv claims asainst said estate are "notified and requested to at- teud for the purpose of having the same ad­ justed. All persons indebted to said estate are requested to make immediate payment to the undersigned. tiiiis mh tin v s - cember, a. v. m*. i*n H. FakiiMu. ARD T. GOUMCKMIOIT. Executors. i's complexion protection in our It preserves good com- i and imnmvfts IMOT QQes. 25c TT* s^ * DR. F. J. AICHER - DENTIST Officc in Telephone ExcbugeBUg .Cw^rrtUe^-^ McHenry, Illinois Telephone No. 79-W Chicago ft North-Western., v ftpectlre Nov. OhteS5w M^HeJry •7.00 a mL ..Via El sin 10. IS am a Via Des i'laiuM 10JS a m • p oa Via Elgin 2.32 pm *3.40 p uj Via DeK Plain«i........4.5H p m •a.15 p »>»,..u.. Via Elgin.. o m *4.55 p n|i..Via Des PlaiiMa..^...U7 p »a gDNOAT TRAINS. 7.10 a. Elgin {•JO a m^......»Via Des Plalnas--.....9.Mam 2.06 p m Via Elgin 5-W> pin W*s* DAT T*AI«* McUe^r,. »«^hboond^ Uhjcallo ~ ift.. T»-w o |s ft in 40 a jua YOUR can time to the satisfactioc.. •V^ Kere at any very best of li vui uuv m- eludes all the staple as well as fancy varieties, while we can supply yen with the seasonable frttifct| and vegetables. Let deliver your next srroc^rv • j. .4 SCN9AT TRA1KB. ..Via Des Plainet „..9.95a ni ViaElttiu . .9.55 a in 7.10 a m... 7.10a m.w., 5.00 p 5.00p m.M.. *DaUyexoep»8Ka«ar. .Via Des (Miliums •...Via Elgin (L30 p n; .35 U Hi

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