Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 7 Jan 1915, p. 6

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5?&*? £ • v-'§> l-i'*?f^ifV :W!' '••• • W- If- -^-3jj."__Ju_ | ', Z ,v. j,> _,lL> ' ,"* ! ^ „ mfmmpiK m̂ mmm • •••'. ' - .'• ,• rw;"' v>i • \. *£•*+>• '•• M'HENRY PLAINDEALER, MHENRY, ILL. -1 ••%"i ^ 4 M ' s '"".iHi . ' 1 "C ,V-- fc&'-. ,i7 (Copyright. 1911 by Ch»rie» Scribner's Sona) SYNOPSIS. I ween and ster- tron i his rlinif, i '-en- war. Mren tism, tie is lurta she At thrtr borne on the frontier the Browns and Grays Marta Gall her mother, entertaining Colonel ^ ling of the Grays, see Captain L,j of the Browns injured by a aeroplane. Ten years later. West nominal vice but real chief of staff, forces South La Tir and meditates® Marta tells him of lier teaching 'i the follies of War and martial pal: and begs him to prevent war wha chief of staff. La natron calls o*i at her home. She tolls Lanstron t believes Feller, the gardener, t©'J>t ;l spy Lanstron confesses tt is true &A shows lier a telephone which Feller i con­ cealed in a secret passage under t' •' tower for use to benefit the Browm in «ar emersencies. Lanstron declares ' is love lor Marta. Westerling and th? Gray premier plan io use a trivia! international affair to foment warlike patrif<t'>JTi an<» Btrike before declaring war. I'artow, Brown chief of staff, reveals hi? i>la.ns to Lanstron, made vice-chief. Ti>* Gray army crosses the border line anl attacks. The Browns check them. AiiiHory. in­ fantry. aeroplanes and dirigibles engage. Marta has her first glimpse of in its modern, .cold, scientific, murderous bru­ tality. The Browns fall back t • he L*al- land house. Marta sees a nisht attack. The Grays attack in force. F-'I'^r leaves his secret telephone and goes foa^k to his guns. Hand to hand lighting. The Browns fall back again. Marta asks Lanstton over the phone to appeal to Partow to stop the fighting. Vandalism In the Galland house. Westerling and his staff occupy the Gal­ lant! house and he begins to woo Marta, who apparently throws her fortunes with 5 the Grays and otters valuable information. !'!••=§£• "• She Calls up Lanstron on the f-cret tele- l:T'W:P phone and plans to give Westerling infor- mation that will trap the Gray army. I'sk "Westerling forms his plan of atcack upon ir'M what he learns from her. Tlie Grays take ; Bordir. Through Marta Westerling Is led to concentrate his attack on the main line at Engadir. A leak of Information is sus- h.KT•' pected. Bouchard la relieved as chief ln- Ulligence officer. « A jCHAPTER--XV11--Continued. . .. AJ1 on the subject for the present! When it waa taken up agalh his suc­ cessor would be in charge; He, the indefatigable, the over-intense, with medieval partisan fervor, who loathed In secret machines like Turcas, was the first man of the staff to go for in­ competency. "And Engadir is the key-nrtnt,** Wes­ terling was saying. "Yes," agreed Turcas. "So we concentrate to break through there," Westerling continued, "while •we engage the whole line fiercely enough to make the enemy uncertain where the crucial attack is to be made." 5 "But, general, if there i« any place taat is naturally strong, t&at--" Tur­ cas began. "The one place where they are confi­ dent that we.won't attack!" Wester­ ling Interrupted. He resented the staff'B professional respect for Turcas. After a silence and a survey of the faces around, he added with senten­ tious effect: "And 1 was right about Bordir!" To this argument therecould be no answer. The one stroke of general­ ship by the Grays, who, otherwise, had succeeded aione through repeated mass attacks, had been Westerling's hypothesis that had gained Bordir in a single assault. "Engadir it is then!" said Turcas vtth the loyalty of the subordinate concluded. "It is my belief that Miss Galland sends news to the enemy and that she draws it from you without your consciousness of the fact I tell you honestly. Do what you will with me." It took more courage than any act of his life fGr the loyal Bouchard to dare such candor to a superior. See­ ing the patchy, yellow, bloodless face drawn in stiff lines and the abysmal stare of the deep-set eyes in their bony recessee, Bellini was swept with a wave of sympathy. "Thank you, Bouchard. You've been very fine!" said Bellini as he grasped Bouchard's hand, which was icy cold. "My duty--my duty, in the hope that we shall kill two Browns for every Gray who has fallen-- that we shall yet see them starved and besieged and crying for mercy in their capital," replied Bouchard. He saluted with a dismal, urgent formality and stalked out of the room with the tread of the ghost of Hamlet'6 father. The strange impression that, this farewell left with Bellini still lingered when, a few moments later, Wester­ ling summoned him. Not alone the diffidence of a hew member of the staff going into the presence accounted for the stir in his temples, as he wait­ ed till some papers were signed be­ fore he had Westerling's attention. Then Westerling picked up Bouchard's note and shook his head sadly. . "Poor Bouchard! You can see for yourself," and he handed the note to Bellini. "I should have realised ear­ lier that it was a case for the doctor and not for reprimand. Mad! Poor Bouchard! He hadn't the ability or the resiliency of mind for his task, as I hope you have, colonel." "I hope so, sir," replied Bellini. "I've, BO doubt" you have," said Wes­ terling. "You are my choice!" & CHAPTER XVIII. » OtaM DefeiMM^aiKl for YOUP L» %.• - ' Aid," 'who makes* superior^ conviction Ids own, the better to caxty it out. Hazily, Bouchard had heard the talk, while he was looking at Westerling and seeing him, not at the head of the council table, but in the arbor in e&ger appeal to Marta. "I shall find out! f shall find out!" was drumming in his temples when the council rose; and, without a ward or a backward glance^ he was the first to'leave the room. When Bouchard returned to his desk he guesBdd the contents of the note awaiting him, but he took a long time to read its stereotyped expressions in transferring him to perfunctory duty well to the rear of the army. Then he pulled himself together and, leaden- • hearted, settled down to arrange rou­ tine details for his departure, while the rest of the staff was immersed In the activity of the preparations for the attack on Engadir. He knew that he ^could not sleep if he lay down. So he Bnt the night at work. Iu the mom- wonder--only -wonder, at first, his succeBBor, a young man whom himself had chosen and trained, &ei BclHr-l, and the Lman received the rising man ced official courtesy. own defense and for your iid, "I show you a copy -of just written to General It was, 1ft1 farewell, be- gnventlonal thanks for lence in the past ilor being right." 4* A Change of Plan. That day and the next Westerling had no time for strolling in the gar­ den. His only exercise was a few periods of pacing on the veranda. Tur­ cas, as tirelessly industrious as ever, developed an increasingly quiet insist­ ence to leav^ the responsibility of de­ cisions about everything of importance to a chief who wae becoming increas­ ingly arbitrary. The attack on Enga­ dir being the Jewel of Westerling's own planning, he wag disinclined to risk success by delegating authority, which also meant sharing the glory of victory. Bouchard's note, though officially dis­ missed as a matter of pathology, would not accept dismissal privately. In flashes of distinctness it recurred to him between reports of the progress of preparations and directions as to dispositions. At dusk of the second day, whfen all the guns and troope had their places for the final movement un­ der cover of darkness and he rose from his desk, the thing that had edged its way into a crowded mind took possession of the premises that strategy and tactics had vacated. It passed under the same analysis aB his work. His overweening pride, so sen­ sitive to the suspicion of a conviction that he had been fooled, put his rela­ tions with Marta in logical review. He had fallen in love in the midst of war. A cool and intense impatience pos­ sessed him to study her in the light of his new skepticism, when, turning the path of the first terrace, he saw her watching the sunset over the crest of the range. She was standing quite still, j| slim, soft shadow between him and. the light, which gilded her figure and quarter profile. D4d she expect him? hie won­ dered. Was she posing at that in­ stant for Ms benefit? Whop she turned, her face in the shadow, the glow of the sunset seemed to remain in her eyes, otherwise without expres­ sion, yet able to detect something un­ usual under externals as they ex­ changed commonplaces of greeting. "Well, there's a change in our offi­ cial family. We have lost Bouchard transferred to another post!" said Westerling. i- Marta noted that,, though he gave the news a casual turn, his scrutiny sharpened. "Is that so? I can't say that my mother and I shall be sorry," she re­ marked. "He was always glaring at ue as if hh wished us out of sight. Indeed, if he had his way, I think he would have made us prisoners of war. Wasn't he a woman-hater?" she con­ cluded, half in irritation, half in amusement. "He had that reputation," said Wes­ terling. "What do you think led to his departure?" he continued. "I confess I cannot guess!" said Marta, with'a look at the sunset glow, as if she resented the loss of a min­ ute of it "There has been a leak of Informa­ tion to the Browns!" he announced. "There has! And he was intelli­ gence officer, wasn't he?" she asked, turning to Westerling, her curiosity apparently aroused as a matter of cour­ tesy to his own interest la the sub­ ject. "Who do you think he accused? Why, you." he -added, with a peculiar laugh. She noted the peculiarity of the laugh discriminatingly. "Oh!' Her eyes opened wlde in Then, as comprehension took iuu place or wonder, they grew sympathetic. "That explaiub!" blio exclaimed. "His hate­ ful glances were those of delation. He was going mad, you mean?' "Yes," said Westerling,. "that--»thAt would explain it!" "I have been told that when people go mad they always ascribe every In­ jury done to them to the person who happens to have excited their dislike," she mused. "Which see«s to have been the case here,* Westerling Assented. He did not know what elsi to say. His pride was recovering its natural confidence in the infallibility of his judgment of human beihgB. He was seeing his sus­ picions ae ridiculous enough to con­ vict him of a brain as disordered as Bouchard's. Marta was thinking that she had been skating on very thin Ice and; that she must go on skating till she broke through. There was an exhila­ ration about it that she could not re­ sist: the exhilaration of risk and the control of her faculties, prompted by a purpose hypnotioally compelling. Both were eilent, she watching the sky, he in anticipation and suspense. The rose went violet and the shadows over the range deepened. "The guns and the troops wait. With darkness the music begins!" he said slowly, with a ? start of stern fervor. "The music--the music! He calls it music!" ran through Marta's mind mockingly but Bhe did not open her lips. "They wait, ready, every detail ar­ ranged," he continued proudly. The sky merged into the shadows of the landscape that spread and thick­ ened into blackness. Out of the drawn curtains of night broke an ugly flash and farther up the slope spread the explosive circle of light of a bursting shell. "The signal!" he exclaimed. night and left the blasts spread along the Gray lines and right and left, on the instant, the Browns sent their blasts in reply. Countless tongues of flame seemed to burst from count­ less craters, and the range to rock in a torment of crashes. In the inter­ vening space between the ugly, sav­ age gusts from the Gray gun mouths, which sent their shells from the midst of exploding Brown shells, swept the beams of the Brown search-lights, their rays lost like sunlight in the vor­ tex of an open furnace door. "Splendid! splendid!" exclaimed Westerling, in-a sweep of emotion at the sight that had been born of his command. "Five thousand guns on our Bide alone! The world has never seen the equal of this!" Marta looked away from the range to his face, very distinct in the garish illumination. It was the face of a maestro of war seeing all his rehear­ sals and all his labors come true in symphonic gratification to the eye and ear; the face of a man of trained mind, the product of civilization, with the elation of a party leader on the floor of a parliament in a crisis. "Soon, now!" said Westerling, and looked at his watch. Shortly, in the direction of Engadir, to the rear of the steady flashes broke forth line after line of flashes as the long-range batteries, which so far had been silent, joined their might­ ier voices to the chorus, making a con­ tinuous leaping burst of explosions over the Brown positions, which were the real object of the attack. "The moment I've lived for!" ex­ claimed Westerling. "Our infantry is starting up the apron of Engadir! We held back the fire of the heavy guns concentrated for the purpose of sup­ porting the men with an outburst Three hundred heavy guns pouring in their Bhells on a space of two acres! We're tearing their redoubts to pieces! They can't see to fire! They can't live under it! They're in the crater of a volcano! When our Infantry is on the edge of the wreckage the guns cease. Our infantry crowd in--crowd into the house that Partow built. He'll find that numbers count; that .the power of modern gunfire will open the way for infantry in masses to tate and hold vital tactical positions! And --no--no, their fire in reply is not as strong as I expected." "Because they are letting you in! It will be strong enough in due sea­ son!" thought Marta in the uncontrol­ lable triumph of antagonism. Five against three was in hie tone and in every line of hiB features. "It's hard for a soldier to leave a sight like this, but the real news will be awaiting me at my desk," he con­ cluded, adding, as he turned away: "It's fireworks w6rth seeing, and if you remain here I will return to tell you the results." Turning her . back to the rakge for the moment, she saw the twinkle ot the lights of the town and the threads of light of the" wagon-trains and the- sweep of the lights of the railroad trains on the plain; while in the fore­ ground every window of the house was ablaze, like some factory on a busy night shift. She could hear tUe Click of the telegraph instruments already repotting the details of the action as cheerfully as Brobdingnagian crickets in their peaceful surroundings. Then out of the shadows Westerling reap­ peared. "The.apron of Engadir is ours!" he called. "T&ajxka to you!" he added with pointed emphasis. Back in the house he had received congratula­ tions with a nod, as If success were a matter of course. Before her, ex­ ultation unbent stiffness, and he was hoarsely triumphant and eager. "It's plain ealllng now," he went on. "A break in the main line! We have only to drive home the wedge, and then--and then!" he concluded. She felt him close, his breath on her cheek. "Peace!" she hastened to say, draw­ ing back instinctively. And then! The irony of the words in the light of her knowledge was pointed by a terrific renewal of the thunders and the flashes far up on the range, and she could not resist re­ joicing in her heart "That's the Browns!" tofclalmed Westerling in surprise. The volume of fire increased. With the rest of the frontier in darkuess the Engadir section was an isolated blaze, in its light she saw his fear tures, without alarm but hardening in dogged intensity. "They've awakened to what they have Ipse! They have been rushing up re­ serves and are making a counter* atfAck. Vr's must hold «»h«t wa have gained, no matter what the cost!" His last sentence Was spoken ovet his shoulder as he started for th< house. I Without changing her positi hardly turning her head, she watch, until the firing began to lessen idly. Then- she heard his step. S! rose to face him, summoning ba the spir!t of the actress. "This ii better yet! I came to t you that the counterattack tailed!" said as he saw her appear from the shelter of the arbor. She wondered If she were going to fall. But the post of the trellie was within reach. She caught hold of U to steady herself. Failed! "The killing--it must have been ter­ rible!" toer mind at last made her ex­ claim to cover her tardiness of re­ sponse to his mood. "You thought of that--as you should --as I do!" he said. He took her hands In his, pulsing warm with the flowing red of his strength. She let them remiln life­ lessly, aA if she had not the will to take them away, the Instinct of her part again dominant. To him this was another victory, and it was discovery --the discovery of melting weakness in her for the first time, which magni­ fied his eense of masculine power. He tightened his grip slightly and she shtiddered. "You are tired!" he said, and it hurt her that he should be so considerate. "The killing--to end that! It's all I want!" she breathed miserably. "And the end is near!" he said. "Yeb, now, thanks to you!" Thanks to her! And she must/listen and submit to his touch! "Then engineers and material were ready to go in," he continued. "Be­ fore morning, as I had planned, we shall be so well fortified in the posi­ tion that nothing can budge us. This success so strengthens my power with the staff and the premier that I need not wait on Fabian tactics. I am supreme. I shall make the most of the demoralization of this blow to the enemy. I shall not wait on slow ap­ proaches in the hope of saving life. Tomorrow I shall attack and keep on attacking till all the main line is ours." "Now you are playing your real part, the conqueror!" she thought gladly. "Your kind of peace is the ruin of an­ other people; the peace of a helpless enemy. That is better"--better for her conscience. Unwittingly, she allowed her hands to remain in his. In the pa­ ralysis of despair she was unconscious that she had hands. She felt that she could endure anything to retrieve the error into which she had been the' means of leading the Browns. And the killing--it would not stop, she knew. No, the Browns would not yield until they were decimated. "We have the numbers to spare. Numbers shall press home--home to terms|in their capital!" Westerling's voice 'grew husky as he proceeded, harsh as orders to soldiers who hesi­ tated in face of fire. '"After that--after that"--the tone changed from harsh­ ness to deBire, which was still the de­ sire of posBession--"the fruits of peace, a triumph that I want you to share!" He was drawing her toward him with an impulse of the force of this desire, when she broke free with an abrupt, struggling pull. Not that! Not that! Your work is not yet done!" ehe cried. • He made a move as If to persist, then he fell back with a gesture of understanding. Right! Hold me to it!" he. ex­ claimed resolutely. "Hold me to the bargain! So a woman worth while should hold a man worth while." "Yes!" she managed, to say, and turned to go in a sudden impetus of energy. Half running, half stumbling, the light of the lantern bobbing and trembling weirdly, she hastened through the tunnel. Usually the time for taking the receiver down till Lanny replied was only a half min­ ute. Now she waited what eeemed many minutes without response. Had the connections been broken ? To make sure that her impatience was not tricking her she began to count off the seconds. Then she heard Lan- stron's voice, broken and hoarse: "Marta, Marta, he is dead! Partow is dead!" Recovering himself, Lanstron told the story of Partow'te going, which was in keeping with his life and his prayers. As the doctor put it, the light of his mind, turned on full volt­ age to the last, went out without a flicker. Through the day he had at­ tended to the dispositions for receiv­ ing the Grays' attack, enlivening rou­ tine as usual with flashes of humor and reflection ranging beyond the de­ tails in hand. An hour or so before dark he had reached across the table and laid hie big, soft palm on the back of Lanstron's hand. He was thinking aloud, a habit of his in Lanstron's com­ pany, when an idea requiring gesta­ tion came to him. My boy, it is not fatal If we lose the apron of Engadir. Tile dsttoaes behind It are very strong." "No. not fatal," Lanstron agreed. "But It's very Important." "And Westerling will think it fatal. Yes, I understand his character. Yes- yes; and if our counter-attack should fail, then Miss Galland'a position would be secure.. Hm-m-m--those whom the gods would destroy-- hm-m-m. Westerling will be con­ vinced that repeated, overwhelming attacks will galp our main line. In­ stead of UBing engineering approaches, he will throw his battalions, masses upon masses, against our workB until his strength is Bpent. It would be baiting the bull. A risk--a risk--but, my boy, I am going to--" Partow's head, which was bent In thought, dropped with a jerk. A con­ vulsion shook him and he fell forward onto the map, his brave old heart In "We're Tearing Their Redoubts to Pieces!" its last flutter, .«nd Lanstron was alone in the silent room with the dead and his responsibility. "The order that I knew he was about to speak, Marta, I gave for him," Lan­ stron concluded. "It seemed to me an inspiration--his last Inspiration-- to make the counter-attack a feint" "And you're acting chief of sta& Lanny? You against Westerling?" "Yes." '• The colonel of tile T28th and Captain Fracasse were eating their biscuits to­ gether and making occasional remark* rather than holding a conversation. "Well, Westerling la a field-maf- shal," said the colonel: "Yes, he's got something out of ltl" "The men seem to be losing spirit-- there's not doubt of it!" exclaimed the colonel, more aloud to himself than to Fracasse, after a while. "No wonder!" replied Fracasee. Mar­ tinet though he was, he spoke in grum­ bling loyalty to his soldiers. "What kind of spirit is there in doing .the work of navvies? Spirit! No sol­ diers ever fought better--in invasion^ at least Look at our losses! Spirit! Wes^erfing drives us in. He thinks we can climb Niagara Falls! He--" "Stop! You are talking like an an­ archist!" snapped the coloneL "How can the meta have spirit when you feel that way?" "I shall continue to obey orders and do my duty, sir!" replied Fracasse. "And they will, too, or I'll know the reason why." There was: a silence, bat at length the colonel exploded: "I suppose Westerling knows *hat he iB doing!" "StM we must go on! We must win!" "Yes, the offensive always wins In the end. We must go on!" "And once we have the range--yq», once we've won one vital position--the men will recover their enthusiasm and be crying: 'On to the capital!'" "Right! We were forgetting history. We were forgetting the volatility of human nature." (TO BE CONTINUED.) TOOK HOYT AT HIS WORD Invited Guests of Theatrical Man, In Stage Parlance, Were There "for a Run." it was the habit of Charles H. Hdyt, the dramatist, to invite almost every­ body he met to come up and spend a few weeks with him at his summer home in New Hampshire. "Come up and stay a couple of weeks with me," he would say, when he had talked for a few moments. "Glad to have you. I need company up there." One night Hoyt, Ben Dasher, W. H. Currie, Frank McKee and several oth­ er house guestB of Hoyt's were sit­ ting on the veranda of Hoyt's summer house waiting for dinner. The train had just arrived and they saw an old farmer and his wife coming up the path. "Who are they?" asked Hoyt *T never saw them before." "The dickens you didn't," replied Currie. "That is that old yap and his wife you talked to over at Springfield and invited to visit you." "Oh, well,"«said Hoyt, "maybe they are just coming in to dinner. They will take the night, train back." Then he looked again and saw the Juan behind tho faviutM and liis and wheeling a big trunk on a barrow. , by George!" shouted Hoyt are here for a run!" they stayed a month. ^ i"i» Unexplored Panama. '•••" E>re are siill large areas in Pana- |>at are unexplored and unknown. CHINA Country Has Awakened to the Neea of Melody Calculated to In­ spire Patriotism. After the rejection of eight) nation­ al anthems composed in China since the revolution^ that of the Chinese minister to Belgium, Wang Yan Pao", which, together with the song of the minister of agriculture, commerce and trade, Chang Tslen, belongs to the latest compositions, is likely to be ac­ cepted by the Chinese^ government. Following is a translation of the first three stanzas: "China, the sublime mountains and luxuriant plains attest thy greatness. Country of wonders through thy hoary civilization, thy emperors have sacrificed themselves In ceding the rule to the people. "The people have the supreme pow­ er. So has taught Confucius and Mengtse. And already in the hoary times of Yao and Suen it had thus been announced to the people. The people is composed of five tribes. The unity of the five tribes Is past dispute. Then China ip Invincible. "Develop the wealth of the country, improve agriculture, and the people happy. Education a&d culture are the achievements of centuries. All citizens are equal; for Confucius and Mengtse have taught social equal­ ity." The Hopeful Angler. "Going out for a little sport, ehf ("Yes," answered the man with a rod and line. "1 hope to be able to abuse the oanfidence of a few flak." IN THE HAND OF FATE WA$re 4* 0900 TjMe ta t MEDITATE FRIENDSHIP. , •set Plan is to Be s Friend and Thus Oitf Will Attract Those Whose Helpfulness Will Be Natural . . and Beneficial. One of the things impossible to know in advance is who is going to be of advantage to you. Hence the most wanton waste of time and effort in the world is to cultivate people with a thought to personal advancement The world is much like a Ferris wheel--the bucket that is up today is down tomorrow, while the one that was near the ground at sunrise soars to the top at the day's decline. Noth­ ing just now recalled is stationary-- except the Sphinx, and that enigmatic lady has doubtless held her place by keeping her mouth shut and trying to propitiate no one. • Friends are gifts of heaven bestowed for our joy and mental refreshment. Men and women are so constituted that the more keenly they enjoy any­ thing the more fervently they long for some companionable person to share it with them. The most appetizing meal eaten alone induces indigestion. The man walking beneath autumnal trees, Inspired by their splendor of crimson and gold, sighs for compan­ ionship. A book becomes twice vivid and glowing when read aloud to a sympathetic listener. But people sought as associates in hours of leisure and pleasure must be really companionable or their absence is more to be desired than their com­ pany, and to wear one's life out trying to be friends when impulse is not in. it is waste of good time. Do not en­ deavor to make friends. Be one, and you will suddenly find yourself sur­ rounded by many bound to you with invisible cords of kind feeling. If people seek only those to whom they are instinctively attracted, their mutual helpfulness will be natural as the response of the wireless receiver to the sympathetic seeking of its wlr&i less affinity. It is not when people are trying the most, but when they are oif guard that they are making the real Impressions. The chance word may linger in the mind when the premeditated one has fallen unheeded. Possible benefits should be indeed forgot when friend­ ships are in process of making. The only benefit one has a right to expect of friends Is loyalty and good will. As for advantages, they crop up from such unlikely corners, such un­ looked-for sources, and are often be­ stowed by such undreamed-of people that to endeavor to foresee the chan­ nels through which they will Alter into our livee is sheer impossibility. That we are benefited and blessed through outside human agencies is true indeed, but that such benefits are attracted our way is chiefly because of wjiat we unconsciously are, instead of what we consciously endeavor to seem. And will our friends prove ad­ vantageous to us or not? We can only echo the Spanish question: "Quien sabe?" We can only seek peo­ ple because we love them and leave th$.jgipt to fate:--Baltimore Sun. ; ;t: Powerful Stimulant. Th'e leaves of the kat plant are a common stimulant among the natives of Abyssinia and Arabia. They are chewed when any special ot* long-con­ tinued effort is to be made, and their effect is to produce an agreeable sleeplessness and stimulation--a kind of intoxication'of long duration--with none of the disagreeable features of ordinary inebriety. They enable messengers and soldiers to go with­ out food for a number of days. They sometimes produce a state of drunk­ enness, like the alcohol of Europeans, but overindulgence is rare, the ef­ fects of abuse of the habit being a tendency of the body to dry, and emaciation of the visage, with a trem­ bling of the limbs and other nervous troubles. In some places merchants chew the leaves two or three times a day, the habit being fairly comparable to the use of tea in the United Suites and elsewhere. The plant is specially cultivated as dwarf shoots, shrubs and small trees--thea dwarf plants being not more than sixteen inches tall and yielding the most tender, popular and high-priced leaves. ~Wlkf Geese Delay Trains# Wild geese congregating along the right of way of the Nevada, California and Eastern railroad running out of this city in the last week have inter­ fered seriously with the operation of trains. So numerous are the birds that several times it has been almost necessary to stop the trains that the birds might not be run over. The engineer has hastened their flight by often blowing the whistle. When the great flocks of geese rise from the track the beating of their wings can be heard distinctly several miles away. The geese have been feeding in neighboring grain fields and along the marshes of Klamath lake. The lack of sand on the marshes, which the geese require as an aid to digestion, is reported to sportsmen to have driven them to the railroad, where sand is used as ballast.--Lake view (Ore.) pis- patch to the Portland Oregonlan. Hebrew Governor. Idaho will have the distinction next year of being the only state in the Union to have a Hebrew governor. Moses Alexander, who won by an overwhelming plurality at the Novem­ ber election, was born of poor parents, immigrated from Europe, and had scant schooling In childhood. As a boy he started to work his way up in the world, and despite his early handi- caps, he has succeeded wonderfully. ' Twice chosen mayor of Boise, he en­ joys the reputation of having gives that city the best administration it ever had. Many Hebrews have attained posi­ tions of high honor in this land of op­ portunity, which they have filled with credit to themselves and to their race, b4t Mr. Moses Alexander, it is said, is the first one Jo be elected gov- ' American state. M ^i Finest tobaccos, / fl skillfully blended--^ that's the source ol ^ I that rare flavor which ] has made FATIMA k 1 CIGARETTES faf d&f4 - Hoistein Calves ?:v I will hare 10 bead of very choica heifer and baft wires In the nextflOd&ys, oat of hlsb-p)Mlejl>ear|' milking dams, sired br Sir KorndTke Zoldusky E%. Kol, whose G. Sire ll H brother to KlBSof the Pod*1 •. ttacs, and by a Grandson of Homestead Jr. JUe KoL ;'*y that I will sell at $1&.U) each, orated, while they last1 First draft take* them. . ^ L X Foley, DepL W. ft, Qberta, Kaoe fo, A. VflllR SUCCESS I IIII•• selection at the line of work (V profdMk>n jroa are naturally.',' adapted to. Our scientific method of deHneatiiw character and latent talent, sever fails. Sedn '̂.t - ̂ •tamp for descriptive circular, terms, etc. K&C.UNIVERSITY 40*7W. PATENTS Wstien BX'olemBD,wasii , : > lngton.D.C. Books free. HIgK V ' est referenoss. Best rasuUlj,.' t \" £ Its Nature. Tre got work with a circus, ten»»- k ^ . lng to the animals." "What a beastly Job!' ^ ^ " - " - i IF HAIR IS TURNING 0 GRAY, USE SAGE TEA Don't Look Old I Try Grandmother*^ fteolpe to Darken and Beautify Gray. Faded, Lifeless Hair. j? - Grandmother kept her hair beaut£: •" • folly darkened, glossy and abundant, with a brew of Sage»Tea and Sulphuft Whenever her hair fell out or took o»* : that dull, faded or streaked appea«», ance, this simple mixture was applie® • with wonderful effect. By asking at . , any drug store for "Wyeth's Sage and . Sulphur Hair Remedy," you will get i large bottle of this old-time recip^ 4 ready to use, for about BO cents. Thig* ". v simple mixture can be depended upols KH to restore natural color and beautf, : to the hair and 1b splendid for daw^" | druff, dry, itchy scalp and falling haiif. . A well-known druggist says every*; body uses Wyeth s Sage and Sulphui^ ^ ; because it darkens so naturally anjl;';^. evenly that nobody can tell it has bee|t';:, :;v applied--it's so easy to use., too. Yo4. " ' Simply dampen a comb or soft brus$ .v. and draw it through your hair, takin^^V ; one strand at a time. By morning. f ., the gray hair disappears; after a%.^; other application or two, It Is rey.;/ Jr stored to its natural color and lookf ' U glossy, soft and abundant Adv. . ,;.v:h And behind the war clouds the guns are still booming. Backache Warn* You Backache is one of Nature's warnings of kidney weakness. Kidney disease fail!* thousands every year. Don't neglect a bad back. If yonr back Is lame--if it hurts to stoop or lift--if there is irregularity of the secretions-- suspect your kidneys. If you suffer head­ aches, dlzzluess and 3 tired, nervous and worn-out, you have further proof. Use Doan's Kidney Pills, a fine medlolse ta^L backs and weak kidneys. , , W AaffliasUCaM Mrs. Jeiha * Hicks. 321 S. 13th (St., Mt. Vernon. 111., •ays: "Doctors said that my blood was filled with uric acid. I often sot so dizzy I toppled over while doing my work. My back ached all the time and I had a heavy, dragging-down feel- ,lng across my loins and hips. Head­ aches troubled me and the kidney se- c r e t i o n s bothered me, too, Four boxes of Doan's Kidney Pills put my kidneys in good shape, driv­ ing th* urio acid out of my system and curing the backache." Gat D«a'i at Any Stan. 80c a Bw DOAN ' S VI L LV fOSTEMOLBURN CO.. BUFFALO. N. Yo R :S?; "ik • l -- _ t -- Your Liver Is Clogged Up That's Why Yoa'r* Tirod---Out «f Ses^ J. --Have No Appetite. -xv yt CARTER'S LITTLE UVER PILLS will put you rig! in a few days. T h e y d their dutyv CureCon- BiUouaness, Indigestion and Sick Headache SMALL PILL, SMALL DOSK, SMALL PRICE. Genuine must bear Signature Don't Got Ouil A SHOE BOIL, CAWED1 ROCK OR RURSITIS FOR will remove them and leave no blemithei Reduces any puff or svelliag. Does no! blister or remove the hair, and horse can worked. $2 a bottle delivered. Book 6 K fre< ABSORBINE, JR., the tBtlteptic liniment for oui kind. For Boilt, Bruises, Old Sores. Swelling,. Varied Veins. Virieodties. Allays Pain. Price SI and tZ a M druggist* or delivered. Will tell owe if you write. V.F.Y0UN6, P.T.F., SIC T«a* St. Springfield. Ma

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