Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 28 Jan 1915, p. 8

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v-: m 5" *A ^,s": 'ftz "^T : WILL YOU NEED A fSJ--, THIS SEASON? We can save you money in this line "Sincerity Clothing" is equal to fit and made-to-order clothing in 25 per cent anY Workmanship and is cheaper. Call and see the new fall line Jos. W. Freund We& McHenry, 111. TO AVOID m Kxv .l TMPPEMSflll Come in and fit your feet to a pair of new Rubbers or Overshoes. All sizes and popular styles at corre<ft prices Underwear, Caps, Gloves, Mittens, Flannel Shirts and other winter neces­ sities in large variety at prices to fit your purse. :: :: : A complete line of staple and fancy Groceries always on hand. Apples, Oranges and Lemons. Sweet Cider--finest quality. :: :: M. J. WALSH, Phone 63-R Goods Delivered There is a Smile of Satisfaction. for the VULCAN COKE user who is saving $3.50 to $3.00 a ton that hii hard coal neighbor is sending up the flue, and there is a smile of satis- fa<5Uon, too, when he thinks of the bushels of dirt that are ruining the house and health of his friend who is trying to get along with soft coal* Price $7.00 per ton /|jj^ Western United Gas * ar>d Electric Company D. M..WORKMAN, District Manner Your Home $r:v above anything else should be comfortable and cozy. Anyone can have a nicely fur­ nished home if they follow our plan. With the beginning of the new year just make up your mind to add a new piece of Furniture every now and again during the year of 1915. You'll never regret the small outlay and will always thereafter enjoy the added comforts that you have thus brought into your home. NOW is the time to start and a. visit to our store will soon interest you in the plan. Come in, look over stock and let us explain to you how easy it will be for you to malrq your home comfortable and cozy. Our line of general Furniture, Carpets, Rugs, Curtains, etc., is as good as any and prices are right. JACOB JUSTEN McHenry, Illinois DUNDEE IS HUMBLED BY LOCALS IMKNKY COMES BACK INTO ITS OWN AND LICKS DUNDEE Joy and .confidence was once more restored into the hearts of the Mc­ Henry high school team as well as ttyeir loyal following of fans at* the local gymnasium last Saturday even­ ing, at which time the home* lads lieked the Dundee five to a frazzle. McHenry was right and when we say right we mean that every member of the team played splendid ball. The Bonslett brothers, as forwards, played the games of their lives, while Rich­ ardson, G. Bacon and Miller, as guards, were in the game every minute. Rich­ ardson was a bit off color in the first half and gave way to "Boley" Miller, who played his usual strong game. G. Bacon, at guard, put up one of the best games that he has played this season and showed a vast improvement over all previous efforts, while Pet- esch, at* center, used his "dome" to the very best advantage thruout. Dundee came to McHenry with the beBt kind of a record and the local fol­ lowers of the sport, were a bit disap­ pointed at their showing here, as they really expected them to give McHenry a close rub as did the county seat five. E. Sternberg and Havercamp were a little inclined to be rough. They were cautioned time and time again, but in spite of this they were kept in the game. Outside of the roughness dis­ played by these two players, every­ thing passed off nicely. That the Dun- deeites keenly felt the sting of defeat was quite evident when the team left the floor, as they even forget them­ selves to such an extent that McHenry was obliged to leave without being accorded the customary school yell. The line-up of the two teams as well as the scores follow: Dundee (22) Gothard R. F. M. Sternberg L. F. Havercamp C. E. Sternberg R. G. SCIOOL ITEMS PERTAINING TO OUR EDUCATIONAli INSTITUTION McHenry (50) F. Bonslett E. Bonslett Petesoh Richardson Miller G. Bacon L. Bacon „ Justen Eberly L. G. Thoris Sub Fuller Sub Riemer Sub Field throws--F. Bonslett, 8; E. Bon­ slett, 2; Petescb, 7; G. Bacon, 3; Miller, 1; Gothard, 6; M. Sternberg, 4. Free throws--F. Bonslett, 7; E. Bonslett, 1; Gothard, 2. Fouls--Dundee, 10; Mc­ Henry, 8. Heimer and Corzine inter­ changed as referee and umpire. By winning this game in such a de­ cisive manner confidence once more reigns among the McHenry players, who are now out after the county championship in real earnest. They are now putting in every mfinute of available time in preparation for the big game at Woodstock next Saturday evening. "Beat Woodstock" is their slogan and with this foremost in their mipds the boys will go over to the county seat with the intention of beat­ ing the enemy right in their own lair. The McHenry players hope that a goodly number of fans will accompany the team on this occasion, as they feel that the presence of familiar faces along the side lines will encourage them and will probably mean the win­ ning of the championship of McHenry county. Quite a number of fans from here are planning to attend and it is hoped that at least a half dozen or more sleigh loads of our people will go over* Just to make the boys exert them­ selves a bit more, a number of business men and loyal fans are getting to­ gether for the purpose of springing a little surprise on the McHenry high school team in case that they win the county championship. However, the surprise will be "sprung" only in the event that the high school basket ball honors of McHenry county are won. The McHenry team will journey to Hebron this evening, where they will meet the Hebron highs for the first time this season. Hebron has always proven a worthy foe for McHenry and the boys expect to meet with stiff opposition there. A number of good games are still to be played in McHenry and the fans can rest assured that they will be giv­ en the opportunity of witnessing a few more hair-iising games before the sea- on closes. > Guy (in geometry): •„ ^pubtraot by 2." We are all working hard On those dreadful examinations. Two of the junior girls have been sporting new blue blouses. Current events were discussed Tues­ day morning by Dorcas FOBS and Va- rina Wentworth. The pupils from the grades are mak­ ing good use of thie period given them for exercise in the gymnasium. The German portion of high school was greatly pleased with the news of the success of the Oertfcan army in battle last week. Mother of high school pupil: "Doc­ tor, I can't understand what the trouble can be. She is so despondent, has no appetite and 'keeps mumbling in her sleep." "Heels together, head up, chin in." The sophomores have organized. The officers eleoted are: President, Winifred Bradley; vice president, Lil­ lian Stilling; secretary-treasurer, Paul Stephenson. The pupils who are excused from some of the examinations On account of an average of 90% never appreciated anything so much. They really think it pays .to study hard. Doctor (examining pupil): , "Heart in excellent condition; lungs perfect. Ah (feeling head), here is the trouble. Do you feel those peculiar bumps on her head? Her brain is expanding from the heat." Pupil: "Whose wouldn't get hot with those exams?" The Plxiti Arc Coming On Friday and Saturday nights, Feb. 12 and 13, you will be given the oppor­ tunity of seeing the largest array of nationalities at the school auditorium that ever appeared in McHenry. John Bull, with his proud walk and cockney accent; Michael O'Reilley, with his shallalah; the Jap from the Flowery Isle; Uncle Sam, with long strides and boastful tone, etc., will all be there to bring out the characteristics of their native land. ' The pupils of the public school have been working long and en­ thusiastically on this juvenile fairy spectacle, which has had very brilliant successes wherever it has been pro­ duced. Many of the costumes for this operetta must be rented, requiring some expense. Be sure and reserve one of these dates for attending! More next week. . • McHenry ice cream is manufactured and sold the year round, summer and winter. C. Unti. WILL HAVE NEW ICE NAN M. E. CHURCH NOTES Junior league, 2:30 p. m. Preaching services at 11:00 a. m. The patitor will preach a temperance sermon. Evening services at 7:45 p. m. The matter of a temperance study class will be taken up. The pastor will speak. On Thursday evening the members of the Sunday school board are asked to meet at the home of Mrs. E. V. Mc­ Allister at 7:15 o'clock. Sunday school at 10:00 a. m. Title of lesson, "The Birth of Samson." This is a temperance lesson and a short chalk talk will be given. Also a teen­ age petition will be offered for signa­ ture. Donald Waite, superintendent. WALTER E. ELLISON, Pastor. TAX NOTICE I wish bo announce that I have my books in shape for . the annual collec­ tion, but will not go out until Thurs­ day, Feb. 4. Up to that time I will be at my home, where those wishing to ]*y their taxes may find me at any time. Beginning Thursday, Feb. 4, and continuing until my alloted time is up, I will be at the following places for the purpose of collecting taxes for McHenry township: Thursdays at M. J. Walsh's, West McHenry; Saturdays at N. H. Petesch'S, McHenry; Mondays rtt J. C. Debrecht's, Johnsburgh: Tues­ days at Bradley & Foss', Ringwood. JOHN NIESKN, Collector There's complexion protection in our cold cream. It preserves good com­ plexions and improves poor goes. 25c at Peteach't. M v4* MATH. BAUER TO QUIT SALOON1 l*M ICE ^USINEtfi Math. Bauer, who has been engaged in the saloon business in this village during the past four years or more, will give up the saloon to embar^ in the ice business here. £ A deal was recently consummated whereby he will control the wholesale and retail ice business formerly con­ ducted by the McHenry Brewery and the Schoenfyoefen brewing company of Chioago. ,i An agreement was recently reached between the two breweries mentioned to give, up the ice business and knowing that Mr. Bauer was desirous of giving up the saloon business they offered the business over to him, which, as stated above, the latter has accepted and will take charge next. Monday, Feb. 1. Mr. Bauer, since coming to McHenry, has made many friends. He is a man who can be relied upon and those who know him will bear us out when we say that the wholesale and retail. Ice business in McHenry will receive his very best attention on and after next Monday. NOTICE We, the undersigned, hereby agree to close our places of business on Tues* day and Thursday evenings of eaeh week at six o'clock. F. A. BOHLANDER. CHAS. G. FRETT. SCHNEIDER BROS. E. L. LUSK. MRS. J. W. FAY. M. J. WALSH. N. J. JUSTEN. F. L. MCOMHER. JOHN STOFFKL. JOS. W. FREUND. ELIZABETH THELEN. N. A. IIUEMANN. JOHN J. VYCITAL. SMITH BROS. J. D. LODTZ. WILLIAM H. NOTT, JR ANTON SCHNEIDER. JOHN HUCK. M. M. NIESKN. JACOB JUSTEN. MAY GET UP HORSE RACE Local followers of the sport, as well as horse owners, have been getting their heads together during the past few days with the result that a match race or two may be puHed off on the Fox river speedway a week from next Saturday, Feb. 6. Local owners of horses who wish to enter their steeds will kindly make their wants known at the office of G. A. Stilling on Water street. The promoters want to get the feeling of the horse owners and will appreciate it if said horsemen will make themselves known by their ap­ pearance at the above mentioned place at the earliest possible time. It is hoped that the owners of horses who wish to enter the sport will leave their names before Monday of next week so that the program may be arranged and advertising matter gotten out. T HE philosophy 6f saving money doesn't require anyone to become a hoard**. All that is required is thatonefthouftl lay aside WHAT Hfe CAN SPARE. If this is done regularly for a few years the result will be the possession of a sum of money that will earn something worth while in interest. Be moderate in spending, fooderate in saving if you like, but SAVE SOMETHING. This bank offers itself as the caretaker of your funds. We will pay you the highe&t fate bfr Interest. We^t McHenry State Batik We^t McHenry, iflfnois." ..CENTRAL.. OPERA HOUSE MOVIES WEDNESDAY SATURDAY SUNDAY The latent and berit PICTURES.. Every Thursday Night ALWAYS A GOOfrFROGKAM Admission :: 10c NOW Is the Time To buy the cement for your spring improve­ ments. Prices are now lowest of the year, rail­ roads are contemplating an advance in fre ight rates that will send the4 price of cement up. Buy nOW and have it on hand when you need it. We can supply any brand and are quoting attractive prices. :: Wilbur Lumber (o. West McHenry Phone 5 CLASSIFIED DEPARTMENT All advartUemeuta Inserted under till* bead at the folio wlac rates: KiTellne«or lena, M oeot* for Qr«t Inaertlos; li cent# for each aubiequont Insertion. More than STC line*, ( cent* a line for Cut Insertion, and S otali a line for addition! liuwUtM. SALE luguireof O. W.8**NG- 10 TTAUMS ™ KB, West McHenry Btate Bank. JpOR SALE--8. C. Rhode Island Red cocker­ els. Price $1.50 to STARR BHINK. West McHenry. 111. M-tf fpOK SALE--$5.00 cash takes a full blood Chesapeake water spaniel. Inquire of C. W. HARRISOM, West MeHeury, III. 88-dt- TJV3K SALE--Two Chester White boar plus •E and two pair of white ducks. Inquire of B. J. ADAMS, West McHenry. 111. 3l-tf • ;; • hi."-. ; Thomas Bolffer left Tuesday morning for Dubuque, la., where he is visiting his sister, Msry Henry, at Mt. Ganuci. Mr. and Mrs. 'Vincent Martin of Wauconda were r^eent day visitors in thisfvicinity. • T OTS FOR SALE In the village, on the rfver •M front and at Plstakee Bay; al«o farms for sale and rent; also lots, somei Including buildings, hi this village. O. S.Owas Henry, III. Mc 10 Ol T p Tlii" i11' s ̂ lu * "b\ock"l3. liVtVie"vlTl&k"e of Mi-Henry, and east K back street lylnf? west of lois 2 and 3 ID block 13, In the village of McHenry.. Ic 1SS*° S All of our stock of Muffs and Neck Pieces to close sit 25 per cent discount. - - • Entire stock of Men's, Women s and Children's Sweater Coats on sale at 25 per cent off. DO NOT MISS THIS OPPORTUNITY F. A. Bohlander 'Phone 58-J Prompt Delivery & * SAVE MONEY By buying a Sweater now You will still get a lot of use out of it this season* and then have it nextfalfc We give 1-4 off on Sweat­ er Coats now and 1-10 off on all wool and fleeced Underwear. Your choice while they / SMITH BR0S. Phone 7W MtHfiNllY Il^L. P H I L I P J A E G E R GENERAL CO/1MISSION MERCHANT spwhal ATtSNTiOM OtrBM ¥0 tnk aktJt or Dnuad BM(, nutton, Hog*. V«al, Pwltry, HldM, Etc., Batter and Effi This la Hm oldest homiwttik IttSiC" Tajji and prfea Hat* hurahfcud on a p p l i c a t i o n . C O L O P R E B CHICAGO, ILLINOIS. MIH • FT A. !*•*>•• M. WkolwiU Mark*. Telephone No. 108-R SIMON STOFFEL Inrura&ee sg*$n& for all cl&ases of property in the beat companies. WEST McHENHY, ILLINOIS DR. F. J. AICHER i/IVll A i Office'tin Telephone CiatenriBI , >: Ufyioto TshpkoM No. 79-W 'f

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