^ l l f ' ' ' " f f ' : • • ' ' - • ' • . - •m&rswi •smvapAam sg • • •*A^v»r /rTw^;?;,, \v;-'-' ' V ' /." /•- V<? * a.f-_ 'Ul',1 ^ ' •*. t^-v? " ' - • v , K <>"• *' j * • •.'•••• -Y.-r ' • ••"•. /• '•' . ."•• \^iv.i> s , -'• -WILL YOU NEED A %?; - • or THIS SEASON? We can save you money in this line "Sincerity Clothing" is equal to any made-to-order clothing in fit and workmanship and is 25 per cent cheaper. Call and see the new fall line Jos. W. Freund We^l McHenry, 111. p FEBRUARY •• Clearance • • Wc are overstocked in ouny lines of sessonable winter goods and will make some big reductions to turn them into cash quickly. 15 per cent discount on all Winter Underwear, all wool and fleece lined, separate garments and Union Suits. 20 per cent discount on all Sweater Coats. A good range of colors and styles. 10 per cent discount on Men's Flannel Shirts and Dress Shirts. 15 per cent discount on Men's and Boys' Hats and Caps in all the newest colors and shapes. 15 per cent discount on Wool Dress Goods and Wool and Cotton Mixtures, all suitable for spring gowns. Ladies' House Dresses, Wrappers, Kimo- nas and Sacques priced at 15 per cent discount. We have many broken lines of Shoes to close out at extremely low prices. Our line of Groceries is always complete with pure fresh goods. Extra quality Coffees at 25c, 30c and 35c pound. Try our Tea at 50c per pound. , St «akc POW5 MADE BY BAKING CHICAGO HAND HEBRON A TRIPHVltG Ll M. J. WALSH, Phone 63-R •_ • «•• • Goods Delivered iHiHl is an especially suitable fuel for the February and March brand of weather. It will hold fire over the warm days and heat up quickly during the cold days. It is really more important to have your home heated well in times of variable weather than it is in steady cold weather. Price $7.00 per ton ^•VWesternUpited Gas '<O ar)d Electric Company D. M. WORKMAN, DUtrict lhnt|« * Your Home above anything else should be" comfortable and cozy. Anyone can have a nicely fur nished home if they follow our, plan. With the beginning of the new year just make up your mind to add a new piece of Furniture every now and again during the year of 1915. You'll never regret the smaU outlay ^nd will always thereafter enjo^ the added comforts that you have thus brought into your home. NOW is the time to start and a visit to our store will sobn interest you in the plan. Come in, look over stock and let us explain to you how easy it will be for you to make your home comfortable and cozy. Our line of general Furniture, Carpets, Rugs, Curtains, etc., is as good as any and prices are right. JACOB JUSTEN ; f . • * .!:•£ : McHenry, Illinois Bettercookies, cake and biscuits, too. All as light, fluffy, tender and delicious as mother used to bake. And just as whole some. For purer Baking Pow der than Calumet cannot be had at atiy price. Ask your grocer. . RECEIVED HIGHEST AWABDS V/orM'* Par* Food Eipoillin, Chicago, HL Pui* Exposition, France, Mird, 1912 T«a iaa't un aour when yon bur cheap or bif-caa I ha king powder. Doa't be milled. Bur Calumet. It'e I mere economic*]--mere wholesome-- fires best resnlti. I Calumet is far superior ta soar milk and eeda. I HORSE RACES SATURDAY NATCH RACE BETWEEN STEEDS TO BE HELD HERE Arrangements have been completed for the holding of a match horse race on the Fox river speedway next Satur day afternoon, three local horse owners having agreed to enter their steeds in the race. The horses and owners who entered them are as follows: Katie K., Mar tin Knox; Dolly J., Frank Justen; Nancy F., Math. Freund. The race will be the best two out of three heats. The first heat will take place at one 'clock, the second at two and third at three. The winner of the race will receive an $8.00 robe, second prize, $5.00 blanket, and third, a $2.00 whip. The donators of the prizes are Messrs. Fred Justen, J. C. Bickler, Anton Engeln, Worts &. Boley, F. O. Gans, Fred Weinschenker and Joe Engeln. John Boyle, John H. Miller and Jos. W. Freund will act as starters, while John Heimer, S. H. Freund and Simon Stoffel will judge the raee at the fin ishing end. p The committee having taken this IMAL HIGHS TRAVEL OVER IP HCH0| AND WHIP HONK LAM J, The McHenry high school basket ball team traveled over to Hebron last Thursday evening for a little practise game with the Hebron highs. Unlike former years, Hebron this year has a weak team and being aware of this fact McHenry went a bit easy with the boys and therefore did not run up the score as they could have done had they so wished. However, it was bad enough as it was, as Hebron was able to gather in but 14 points, while our heroes amassed a total of 44. The game was played M the Hebron town hall, which is also used for danc ing purposes, consequently the floor was a bit slippery. On account of this condition the boys were some little time in getting their bearings, but when once squared off there was no stopping the McHenry players, as the above score indicates. A feature of the game was the strict enforcement of the rules, which natur ally resulted in many fouls being called on both sides. However, McHenry proved t^e worst offender, a total of fourteen fouls being called on our boys, while nine were chalked up against the Hebron lads. The McHenry team played its usual strong and heavy game. The Bonslett brothers, as forwards, displayed their alertness and good judgment to the utmostsatisfaction of the local fans who accompanied them, while Petesch, at center, was also there, batting the ball in excellent shape, and also threw some pretty baskets. MiNer, who re lieved Petesch in the second, also played his customary ntasterful game and showed the boys that he also knew a thing or two about playing the center position. G. Bacon and Richardson, as guards, were in the game from be ginning to end, their work, like that of the other home players, being fault less. All| told, the home boys gave a very satisfactory account of themselves and once more dispels the report that they oannot play good ball on a foreign floor. < The line-up and score follow: Hebron (14) Haste rt Andrews Ryan Hiiwley De Young * McHenry (44Jr F. Bonslett E. Bonslett Petesch Petesch, Miller G. Bacon Richardson Justen •R. F. L. F. C. R. G. L. G. Hunt, McRoberts Subs Field throws--Andrews, 3; F. Bons lett, 7; E. Bonslett, 3; Petesch, 5; G. Bacon, 1; Richardson, 2; Miller, 5. Free throws--Andrews, 1; Ryan, 7; F. Bons lett, 1; Petesch, 3. Fouis--Hebron, 9; McHenry, 14. Owing to some misunderstanding the Woodstock-McHenry game, which was to have taken place at Woodstock last Saturday evening, has been postponed indefinitely. The home boys were very much disappointed on receiving word from the county seat that the game could not be played as arranged. Our lads were in the very best shape possi ble for the contest and felt confident that they could whip the county seat- ers right on their own floor. While Woodstock knows that they are up against the real article when they play McIIenry, yet they are unwilling to give McHenry credit for their ability as was tooted in their write-up of the game, which was played here some weeks ago. McHenry is not worrying over theii^ chances in the least and with an even break of luck are sure that they can slip it over the Woodstockites when the two teams meet for the champion ship of McHepry county, which prob ably will be some time within the course of the next two or three weeks. COUNCIL PROCEEDINGS VILLAGE BOARD MEETS IN REGULAR SES SION MONDAY EVENIIM Council Room, Feb. 1, 1915. The village trustees met in regular session with President Stoffel presid ing. I Trustees present: Barbian, Cham- berlin, Heimer, Nickels, Spencer and Schumacher. that it will not be responsible for any accident and hereby gives notice that the spectators are expected to remain on shore or at least 100 feet away from the speedway. Other horse owners are also requested to keep their ani mals off the course while the race is in progress. This event was arranged on very short notice and it is^hoped that it will be the means of staying- a larger and better race here in the very near fu ture." Everybody turn out and watch the spprt. It will cost you nothing. M. E. CHURCH NOTES Junior league, 2:30 p. m. Miss Esther Sattem, superintendent. Evening service, 7:45 p. m* Ep;_ worth league in charge of Mrs, Good- ell. The pastor will speak. Preaching services at 11:00 a. m. If you come to this service it will be a good preparation for Go-to-Church Sunday. The services for Sunday, Feb. 7, will be as follows: Sunday school, 10:00 a. m. Subject of lesson, "Ruth Chooses the True God." The pastor was un able to give the chalk talk last Sun day, but will give it next Sunday. Donald Waite, superintendent. WALTER E. ELLISON, Pastor. 1-- McHENRY HORSE DID NOT ENTER The race between the John F. Freund horse and Johnny C\, which was adver tised to take place at Round Lake last Saturday, did not materialize. It seems that there was some misunderstanding as to this race, hence the oon-appear- ance of the McHenry horse. Valentine* at Petesch's.^ The minutes of the last regular meet- event in charge wishes to announce were read and approved. The following bills were approved by the finance committee: Wilbur Lumber Co, lumber, coal.926.60 Standard Oil Co., oil 6.18 Valvoline Oil Co., engine oil 12.50 McHenry Plaindealer, printing.. 7.85 J. J. Vycital, batteries, oil cups.. 5.00 G. C. Boley, labor with team..... 3^00 L. F. Newman, marshal service and meals 51.95 James Revor, police service and meals V 50.55 Motion by Barbian, seconded by Spencer, that the minutes be approved ^s read. Motion carried. •Motion by .Barbian, seconded by Nickels, that the bills be approved as read. Motion carried. Motion by Spencer, seconded by Hei mer, that John R. Knox be allowed to install a gasoline tank in the street under the supervision of the street and alley committee. Motion carried. Motion by Spencer, seconded oy Nickels,, to adjourn. Motion carried. SIMON STOFFEL, Pres W. G. SCHREINER, Clerk. TAX NOTICE Beginning Thursday, February 4, and continuing until my alloted time is up, I wilf be at the following places for the purpose of collecting taxes for McHenry township: Thursdays at M. J. Walsh's, West McHenry; Saturdays at N. H. Petesch's, McHenry; Mondays at J. C. Dobrecht's, Johnsburgh; Tues days at Bradley & FOBS', Ring wood. JOHN NIESEN, Collector. There's complexion protection in our cold cream. It preserves good com plexions 4nd improves' poor ones. 25e at Peteschl* ^ - • ARE the years of productiveness. During this period a mail ought to accumulate sufficient means to see him safefy thru the evening of his days. Every man, almost, might do this if he only would. The trouble is that with most people the start is deferred too long. They do not realize soon enough the necessity for saving. They do not appreciate how quickly small savings run into sums of money--and how sums of money work without ceasing to produce other sums. People with the sav ings bank idea, and Who would like to have the idea develop into an actuality, will find this bank ready to accept their first deposit, no matter how small. k * ! We^t McHenry State Bank We^t McHenry, Illinois.- ..CENTRAL.. OPERA HOUSE --The-- MOVIES WEDNESDAY SATURDAY SUNDAY The latent and be& PICTURES.. Every Thursday Night ALWAYS A GOOD PROGRAM Admission 10c Your Eyes -and- GLASSES DR. E. L. KARNES OPHTHALMOLOGIST 12*4 E. 47th St., Chicago, 111. " \ ' Will be in McHenry the second Saturday of each month. Next visit Feb. 13, 1915 OFFICE AT RIVERSIDE HOTEL Hours, 10:0# a. m. to 5:M p. m. BRIEF CONSULTATION FREE WERE WE BUNCOED? Were the citizens, or at least part of them, buncoed by the little lady who. canvassed the town one day recently and is said to have departed with a neat little bunch of our money? It looks a bit that way. According to the Lake Geneva Herald, she worked that city under the guise of being a daugh ter of a Ringwood farmer. WILL NOVE HERE Richmond Gazette: Claude Freund and sister, Miss Evelyn, who are mov ing to McIIenry from the old Sill farm, entertained a large company of friends last Sunday evening and the young people had a very pleasant time. Will Xylward will take possession of the farm March 1, which he purchased some time ago. WILL TALK TO K. OP C. . At the regular" monthly meeting the Knights of Columbus to be held at their hall this (Thursday) evening, Rev. Lonergen of Crystal Lake will be present to talk to the members^ All menibeio who can arrange to do so should be present.^ Don't forget the chicken pie . dinner at Landwera nextTtouraday. s s All of our stock of Muffs and Neck Pieces to close at !25 per cent discount. Entire stock of Men's, Women's and Children's Sweater Coats on sale at 25 per cent off. DO NOT MISS THIS OPPORTUNITY F. A. Bohlander 'Phone 58-J Prompt Delivery SAVE MONEY "By buying a Sweater now You will still get a lot of use out of it this season and then have it next fall. We give 1-4 off on Sweat er Coats now and 1-10 off on. all wool and fleeced Underwear. Your choice while they last. SMITH Phone 79-J McHENRY, ILL. PHILIP JAEGER OENERAL COHMISSION MERCHANT SPECIAL ATTENTION OIVXN TO THX fefttJt OF Dressed Beef, riutton, Hogs. Veal,, Poultry, Hides, Etc., Butter end Egga This is the oldest honae on the street Tags and price Hat* fornlehed on.• application, ' COLO STORAGE FKLfc CHICAGO, ILLINOIS. stall i * j. Nttw at. Wh«l«Ml« Market. Telephone No. 1M-R SIMON STOFFEL Insurance agent for all classes of property in the best oompanies. =r. -WEST McHENRY, ILLINOIS DR. F. J. AICHER DENTIST Office in Telephone Exchange Bids Centerrille McHenry, Telephone No. 79-' "•VL •