Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 18 Mar 1915, p. 4

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PLAINDEALER, 1THENRT, HIE FTHEIOIY PLAIIVDEALEX " PUBLISHED EVERY THURSDAY BY F. G. SCHREINER ' jjMflc* In Bank Building Telephone £ - %•:* InMOf SOBSGRlPTIONi O M Y * * r v . ' A -- tlx Mmrtto. Hp' ; , TM«* Month*, Mc Thursday, March 18,1915 TOWN CAUCUS Ndtfce is hereby given to the lfqr&l Voters of the town of McHenry, that the annual town caucus will take place Is the village hall, McHenry, 111., next Saturday, March 20, 1915, for the pur- pose of nominating candidates for the iBrious offices to be filled in the spring •lection. Offices to be vacant are super* •isor and commissioner of highways. Polls will be open at 1 o'clock p. m., and close at 5 o'clock p. m. TOWN- COMMITTEE. PM HIGHWAY COMMISSIONER I hereby announce myself a candi­ date for the office of highway commis­ sioner for the town of McHenr}', sub­ ject to the decision of the voters at the coming township caucus. Thanking the voters for past favors and solicit­ ing their future support, I am, Respectfully yours, JFC JOHN H. FREUND. FOR VILLAGE TRUSTEES We, the undersigned, hereby an­ nounce ourselves as candidates for the office of village trustees and will ap­ preciate the support of the legal vot­ ers of the village of McHenry at the Coming village election, April 20. SIMON STOFFEL. WILLIAM SPENCER. FRED NICKELS. FOR PRESIDENT VILLAGE BOARD I hereby announce myself a candidate for the office of president of the village beard of the village of McHenry, sub­ ject to the decision of the voters at the eoming village election. The support of the voters will be greatly appre­ ciated. PETER J. FREUND. FOR PRESIDENT VILLAGE BOARD Upon the solicitation of my friends and after due consideration, I hereby announce myself a candidate for the office of president of the village board of die village of McHenry and will ' appreciate the support of the voters at the coming village election. DR. D. G. WELLS. FOR SUPERVISOR I hereby announce my candidacy for the office of supervisor for the town of McHenry and will appreciate the sup­ port of the voters at the coming town caucus. Thanking the voters for past favors, I am, Respectfully yours STEPHEN H. FREUND. FOR VILLAGE TRUSTEE I hereby announce myself a candi­ date for the office of trustee of Mc­ Henry and will be thankful for the support of the voters at the coming village election. WM. SIMES. FOR HIGHWAY COMMISSIONER I hereby announce myself a candidate for the ottice of highway commissioner subject to the decision of the voters at the coming- town caucus and re­ spectfully ask for your support. JOHN A. MILLER. Mrs Alice Simpson is now prepared to do all kinds of stamping. Center pieces, table scarfs, pillow slips, pillow tops, reollars and cuffs, handkerchiefs and baby outfits a specialty. CLASSIFIED DEPARTMENT All adTttruseiurnti! inserted under this iiead at the ftillowlnKratea: Fire line# or leu, 16 oent* for Snt lliiertloii, 16 cento for eau'li subsequent Insertion, •ore Uuui Ore line*, 6 cent* * line for 0»t Insertion, •nd 3 cento * line for addition I insertions. "P ARMS FOK SALE--Inquire of C. W. 8mO' *• EB, West McHenry State Bank. 19 "CV>R SALE-- De Laval cream separator, -1- used only.sixty days. Address Box F, Geneva, 111. 38-3t* T"|OGS WANTED--Want a number of dogs. Iiiqu're of DB. ARHOLD MUBUUBB, Johns- burgh. 111. 3B-lt fjVJK RENT--Four room bouse In north end x of town. Inquire of MATH. BLAKE, MC Henry, 111. 38-2t •|2>OU 8ALK-S.O. Rhode Islwjd Red cockci x els. Price ft.50 to 18.50. BTABK BRINK West McHenry, 111. 32-tf ADDITIONAL PERSONALS Jacob Leickem spent Tuesday in Chicago. Chas. E. Pultc spent Sunday with his wife here. M. J. Walsh wrs a business visitor in Chicago today. G. E. Schoel wa& a Chicago passen­ ger this morning. John B. Young was a North Crystal Lake visitor today. H. E. Buch was a business visitor in Chicago Wednesday. Mr. and Mrs. Michael Justen were county seat visitors today. Mr. and Mrs. P. L. McOmber were Chicago visitors Tuesday. Mr. and Mrs. Stephen Heimer were Chicago visitors Tuesday. C.S.Howard was a business visitor in the windy city Tuesday. Mr. and Mrs. James B. Perry were Chicago visitors Wednesday. F. O. Gans was a business visitor in the metropolitan city Tuesday. Mrs. Marie Pultz spent the latter part of last week at Watseka, 111. Mrs. E. W. Howe was- among those to board the Chicago train this morn­ ing. Mrs. Augusta Krause and daughter, Laura, were Crystal Lake visitors Sun­ day. F. H. Wattles transacted matters of business nature at the county seat to­ day. Mrs. F. A. Boh lander was a business visitor in the metropolitan city Tues­ day. Mrs. Ida Peterson spent a couple of days last week as the guest of Elgin friends. Miss Emma Thelen passed a recent day as the guest of relatives and friends at Elgin. Jos. J. Sutton of Cary was here last night to take in the K. of C. banquet and ball. M. D. Wilkins was among those to board the Chicago train Tuesday morning. Miss Alta Wentworth was the guest of Miss Avis Carey at Elgin Saturday and Sunday. William (Umps) Howard of Wood­ stock spent Sunday as the guest of friends here. Wm. Smith transacted matters of a business nature in the metropolitan city Tuesday. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Howden of Richmond Bpent Sunday in the home of Wm. Bonslett. Miss Bertha Wolff is a guest in the home home of her sister, Mrs. Chas. McArthur, at Elgin. Mrs. W. D. Wentworth spent Mon­ day and Tuesday as the guest of friends at Algonquin and Elgin. Everett Hunter, Sr., transacted matters of a business nature in the metropolitan city Tuesday. Mr. and Mrs. John Catlin of Elgin have again taken up their home in their cottage on Fox river. Mrs. P. Holly and daughter, Maude, of Lake Geneva, Wis., passed Wednes­ day as the guests of relatives here. John Pint went to Chicago last Sat­ urday and-returned with his wife, who has been receiving treatment in a hos­ pital. Mrs. John King and daughter, Mrs. Jacob Steffes, are spending the week as the guests of relatives in the metro­ politan city. Mr. and Mrs. F. H. SChau of Chicago passed the latter part of last and the fore part of this week in their snmmer home on Fox river here. John Balcom of Chicago, Herbert Landwer of Barrington, George Qolden of Ringwood were Sunday guests at the home of J. F. Claxton. Mrs. G. C. Bosma and daughter re­ turned to their home at Algonquin Mouil^y afLci a week iu tho home of Mr. and Mrs. W. D. Went­ worth. •pVDK SALE--Pour year old horse, weight •*- 1050 pounds. Well broke. As gentle as can be. Call at Rosed&le. 3D-t f WR 8A I.F.--Two good work horses, weight x about 1450 each. Inquire of WM. BOKS- I.KTT, West McHenry, 111. !J9-2t f°r H.ri BALE--Several g< and workers. Inquire of EDMOND KNOX cue lullesouth of McHenry. 3w-3T* XpOK SALE--A light, strong double seated A buggy, good as new. Inquire of Jos. J MEBTKS, Pistakee Bay, 111. ,-8-tf VOB SALE--A quantity of clover seed x Clean and free from foul seeds. W. E WHIIISU, West McHenry. 111. 34-tf "L^OR SALE OR EXCHANGE--A little over *- two acres and good buildings. Inquire of L. l'\ I'OTJRTE, West McHenry, 111. 37-4t "CH>R RENT--Five room flat for small fam x lly. Everything uD-to-date. Inquire THBO. SCHIKSSLJE. West McHenry, 111. 3#- of 3#-lt* "nM>R SALE--A quantity of clover seed and x seed wheat. Inquire of or write H. E CI,BMKNB, West McHenry, 111. 'Phone 613-W- »• 86-tf •CVJR SALE--Work team, harness and wag x on. Just the outiit for teaming. Inqulri of H. B. ScHAKrER, McHenry, 111. Ph< 81-M ae-tf - i * - l ^ O R S A L E -- A q u a n t i t y o f c h e i c e , r e c l e a n e d . clover seed. All last year's threshing, a . Price, fe.00 per bushel. C. L. PAGK, West Mc Henry, 111. 38-4t* TT^R SALE -Bay horse, coming five years ,'i old. weight 1100 pounds. Win drive sin- M gle or double. Inquire of O. E. SCHOEL. MC Henry, III. Phone (W-W. 89-tf C*OR SALE--Village property, beautiful lo- •» cation, house and barn with five acres of laud near the Fox river. A good property $4,000. Address GEO. BKCKWITB, McHenry HI. :w-2t« fe and LOST--Two fox hound dogs. Male and male. Male white with tan spots i wore a collar. Female black with wlilte legs Generous reward if returned to the McHenry i House, McHenry, III. F°* It SALE--One 5-passenger Heo touring car. First-class condition. Complete with self starter, electric lights, etc. "Will demonstrate. A bargain at fTOO.OO. Inquire of F. A. BOHLANDKB, West McHenry, HI. . "C*ARM hands free of charge to farmers, help • • paying own train fares. We supply sln- " gle farm hands, dairy hands and married •«D DIAMOND FARM Cnual St., 2nd Floor, Mttiu 9hu IIARU M uncnmuK Miss Drury was an Elgin shopper Saturday- Mrs. J. B. Lynch was a Chicago shopper Saturday. F. W. Hartman was a Woodstock passenger Tuesday. Mr. and Mrs. H.%Timm visited at Crystal Lake Sunday. W. H. Levey was a business caller at Crystal Lake Tuesday. Mrs. C. H. Ormsby of Crystal Lake was a visitor here Thursday. fttrs. E. E. Knilans was a Woodstock passenger Monday afternoon. V. C. Breytspraak and C. Risvold were at Woodstock Saturday- Mr. and Mrs. Ed. Anners were call­ ers at Crystal Lake Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. W. E. Dike drove to Crystal Lake Saturday afternoon. Mr. and Mrs. J. B. Lynch were Woodstock callers Monday afternoon. Lyman Levey of Crystal Lake vis­ ited at the parental home here Satur­ day. Mrs. J. Gould and daughters were recent visitors with relatives in Ring- wood. Mr. and Mrs. Ed. Senne and son of Woodstock visited at Father Wille's Sunday. Mesdames E. F. Anderson, A. Anners and A. Hansen were Woodstock callers Saturday. Miss Mary MacGowan returned Monday from a two weeks' visit in Chicago and Elgin. Mr. and Mrs. L. A. Walkup enter- .tained their cousins from Crystal Lake at dinner Saturday. Mrs. Mabel Reed and Misses Elsie Wille and Elsie Anderson were Crys­ tal Lake callers Tuesday. R. Cowlin and Miss Margaret Halli- sey of Woodstock were Sunday visitors in the home of A. Purvey. Mesdames S. Wakefield, M. Irish and J. Mikkleson were Woodstock shoppers Tuesday afternoon. Mr. and Mrs. W. Reed and Miss Elsie Wille were guests of Mr. and Mrs. A. Wille on the farm Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. S. Reed and daugh­ ters and Mrs. L. M. Goddard and son of Woodstock were over. Sunday vis­ itors here. VOLO Earl Converse was in Wauconda Sat­ urday. H. Hanson and daughter, Kathryn, autoed to Wauconda Saturday. Miss Martha Rossdeutscher spent Sunday with her parents here. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Hironimus en­ tertained company from McHenry Sun­ day. Mrs. Ray Paddock and son spent Saturday with friends near Round Lake. Mr. and Mrs. Henry Krueger and son, Maurice, of Wauconda Sundayed at John Walton's. Mr. and Mrs. John Dowell and Mrs. Peck of Wauconda and Mr. and Mrs. H. Davis of West Fremont spent Sun­ day at Mrs. Rose Dunniirs. Mr. and Mrs. C. G. Huson, Henry Raymond and daughter and Miss Edith Carpenter of Elgin attended the funer­ al of Mrs. A. J. Raymond here Sun­ day. Mrs. A. J. Raymond died Friday aft­ ernoon at her home here after a linger­ ing illness. She leaves to mourn her husband, two daughters, Mrs. Mary Lusk and Mrs. Hellen Kapple, and four grandchildren, besides a host of relatives and friends. PICKLES Vat run, 75c; large, 30c. Contract now with John L. May or at F. A. Bohlander's store. 36-10t C. F. CLAUSSEN & SONS. Movies at the Central Wednesday, Thursday, Saturday and Sunday of each week. Always a good program. Bell System Get An Individual line Telephone 1 TNDIVIDUAL or one-party A service gives you exclusive connection with the telephone exchange. Persons calling you are seldom troubled with the busy signal. If you arc on a party line and want a better grade of service, ask to be changed to an individual line. The additional cost is small. Chicago Telephone Company !• H. Conrath, District Manager TcicpboM 9003 BOARD BUT $1.61 A WEEK 10W RATE FOR 61 INMATES OF COUNTY POOR FARM ENDORSE JUDGE S.»NNELI.Y FOR RE-EI.EC- TION -CUT HARVARD PHYSICIANS* BILLS -SHERIFF WANTS AUTO ! ' LU:irvar<l llonilcl] The oost of dieting the si-xty-one in­ mates of the McHenry county poor farm at T?4>'tland has averaged $1.(>1 per week per person during the last six months, while the total cost per individual, which includes clothing, boots and shoes, tobacco, medicine and undertakers' bills, has amounted to >2.18 per person during the same per­ iod, according to the report submitted by the poor farm committee to the board of supervisors at a regular meet­ ing at Woodstock on Tuesday of this week. The report of the committee showed that the expenses of conduct­ ing the county farm and keeping its sixty-one itfmates totaled $7,792.75. The showing thus made was highly pleasing to the board. • An unusually large number of claims were, allowed, the number presented exceding any known at any one board session in years. Claims where aid was given the poor of several towns were the most known in a long time. Harvard has forged to the front in this espec^, passing Algonquia and Wood­ stock, heretofore the big ones in the claims presented for the poor and needy. With Harvard in first place, Algonquin comes second, Woodstock third and Marengo fourth. Hartland, Coral, Riley and Seneca had the distinction of not presenting a solitary claim in support of their poor, while Hebron, Greenwood and Rich­ mond each hfed but one claim. "This thing of county aid for the poor instead of town aid is distasteful to the small towns and we must submit the propo­ sition for a vote to return to the old plan," said a well known supervisor from one of the rural towns at the con­ clusion of the meeting. As the matter is now all the towns of the county share in defraying the bills for the poor and as the larger towns have the bulk of them, the smaller ones like Alden, Dunham, Hartland, Riley, Seneca, Greenwood, Hebron and Burton object. The up­ shot may be return to the former cus­ tom of each town paying its own bills for its poor. Supervisors Harrison, Brotzman and Renie were appointed a committee to look after the details of a $16,000 steel, iron and cement bridge that is being built across the Fox river in Nunda at the point known as Burton's bridge. The board consumed considerable time in discussing the receipt of a resolu­ tion from the state highway commis­ sion in connection with the new road law. As its adoption at this time would carry an appropriation, the board decided to withhold action there­ on until a later meeting in order to ascertain whether an amendmenttaight not be made to the law by the present legislature. While no vote was taken, it was clear the views entertained by most of the board respecting the law was that each county should be permitted to build such roads as ^vould meet its needs and that the present road law is defective in many of its provisions. McHenry county expended about $11- 000 last year for the construction of about three-fourths of a mile of road in compliance with the law. The ap­ propriation of $32,000 desired, one-half to be paid by the county and one-half by the state, would build but a trifle of new road and all of it out of the city of Woodstock. Bills for services rendered by three Harvard physicians and presented to the board came in for the pruning knife, the claim of one local physician being cut from $265 to $140; another from $130 to $95, and another from $122 to $98.50. All of them were for services rendered during the small pox outbreak here the past winter. A Harvard drug store suffered a deduc­ tion from $20 to $2.50 and a well known resident of the locality had his claim rejected where he sougnt to have the county pay a physician's bill of $71.50' during the small pox in his home. The board went on record to the effect that no claims would be allowed where the party was able to pay. Judge C. H. Donnelly, occupant of the circuit court bench, was given hearty endorsement for re-election in a resolution presented by Supervisor Wright of Marengo and seconded by Supervisor Turner of Hebron. The resolutions set forth that Judge Don nelly has served long and faithfully on the bench of the circuit court; that his honesty and ability are unquestioned; that McHenry county voters should support him without regard to party; that McHenry county should feel hon­ ored in having a resident judge and that the board shades its fullest con- ttdence in his fidelity and integrity. The resolutions were passed by a unan­ imous vote. Sheriff Wandrack appeared before the board and asked that the custom­ ary annual allowance of $300 for livery hire be increased to $500 and that if this sum was given him he would in­ vest in an automobile, thereby being able to give quicker and more satis­ factory service in the discharge of MB duties, saying such action would assist greatly in his being able to pursue law transgressors. The board was much impressed with the sheriff's presenta­ tion of the case, but decided it would be best to postpone action until the meeting next month, which would start a new year, and because it would be best in other ways. It is a safe guess "Big Charlie" will be granted his request. < Use our cold cream for massage pur­ poses. It feeds the skin and keeps it fresh sod beauuiui. Peteseb. * T- A. m i;,v . 2.K • 23454 9ifMirn inwiii on You Can Save Time and Money by letting us help you {*lanVfrip to the wonderful 1 „ \ California Expositions Our representative will gladly inform you regarding LewMt Rat«a," Wide Choice of HwrtM Going and Returning, Finest Scenery •nd Interesting Paints Enroute, Favor- sbls Stopover Privileges and Liberal . Return Limits. CHICAGO NORTH WESTERN RY. and connections operate more miles of double track, protected by auto­ matic electric safety signals than any other transcontinental line. Overland Limited the fastest and only exclusively lirst- class train between Chicago and San Francisco. Direct connection made with this magnificent train and five other transcontinental trains daily be­ tween Chicago and the Pacific coast THE BEST OF EVERYTHING For illustrated booklets and full information ask any ticket agent "Chicago and North Western Ry. or address C. A. Cairns, G. P. &T. A., Chicago, 111. x3688 4 Not too early to take up plans for improvements. If they contemplate in­ crease in efficiency, com­ fort and convenience--as of course they do--they should include the Wiring of Your House for Electric Light which means also a Household Power that will operate many la­ bor saving devices--all of them small users of current, We wire houses and spread the cost into 24 monthly payments and sell some of these appliances on easy payments. OF NORTHERN ILLINOIS Office Hours 9:00 to 12:00 a. m. 1:00 to 430 p. m. 7:00 to 8:00 p. m. Telephones Office 17 Residence 51-W A. I. FROEHLICH Physician and Surgeon Schnorr Bids. WEST McHENRY Office in Spaulding Bldg. Phone No, 73-R ALFORD H. POUSE Attorney-at-Law We^t McHenry, - 111. AUDITORS' MEETING Notice is hereby given that the board of auditors for the town of McHenry, county of McHenry and state of Illi» nois, will meet at the town clerk's office in West McHenry, 111., on Tues> day, the 30th day of March, A. D. 1015, at the hour of 4* U CIUCK JJ. m., to audit any and all bills against said town. Bills may be left with the un­ dersigned or the supervisor of the town of McHenry. Dated this 17th day of March, A. D. 1915. CHAS. a. HARMSEN, Town Clerk. Seed potatoes at M. M. Niesen's. Watch for the gold fish at McAllis­ ter's. See John Runny at StoffelT« hall tonight. • ' Get- your seed potatoes at )&' M. Niesen's. . Red River Early Ohio seed potatoes M. M. Niesen's. EARLY BUILDERS GET ADVANTAGE in having their homes finished in time to start a garden and enjoy the real benefits of a home during the bestpartof the year. If you're con* tem plating a new home, we will help you figure it out within the amount you want to spend and at the same time give you the' best "Values in lumber your money will buy anywhere. Come in and we'll talk it over. We've everything from heavy, timbers to shingles. WILBUR LUMBER CO. West lylcHenry. IT IS NOT MAGIC that produces EARLY RISER Flour. It is just a combination of good wheat and scientific milling. We buy only the best wheat to be­ gin with and put it through a pro­ cess of milling that insures a uniform * ^ product at all times. If you haven't tried EARLY RISER flour do so to­ day* WEST WSEKRY Your Good Mil depends largely upon the condition of your mouth and teeth. If ^vou wish better health and elef.n. white, at­ tractive teeth we recommend • * ANTISEPTIC Tooth Powder This exqnsitely flavored p«»*der "will strengthen the gums and help to pre serve the teeth by removing sut»stfenct>s that will cause decay.- Contains no grit, eliminates disease breeding germs, makes the breath and mouth sweet and clean. Your money back if not satisfied. :: 25c a Can SOLD ONLY BY US The yoxq&C Store E. V. McAllister Gord Wood at WILBUR'S SEED POTATOES We have just put in a supply of Red River Early Ohio seed potatoes and want you to give this va­ riety a trial. Those who have used this variety of potato are more than pleased with them and that's the reason why we want you to be one of our satisfied customers. Send in your orders and they will be filled with courtesy and dispatch. M; M. NlfSfN. At lour Servke We are at your service with the finest line of Meats, Canned ancl Bakery goods to be found in town. We want you to feel that we are here to give you the best of service at all times and if we fail to do this we will consider it a favor if you will come and tell us, as it is our aim to make it a pleasure for you to trade here. Don't forget that our delivery system is at your constant ser­ vice. Call us up at any time and your Order will be filled with care and promptly delivered SchneiderBros. Wert McHenry, III. Telephone No. 1S8-R SIMON STOFFEL Insurance agent for all el asses of property in the best companies. WEST McHENRY. ILLINOIS DR. F. J. AICHER DENTIST Office in Telephone Exchange Bldg Centerville McHenry, Illinois Telephone No. 79-W Your Eyes ---AND Glasses Dr. E; L. Karnes, Ophthalmologist v 12#4 E. 47th St., Chicago Will be in McHenry every Saturday and Sunday. :: OFFICE AT---- RIVERSIDE HOTEL > Houn: 10:00 a. m. to 9:N p. tn. BRIEF CONSULTATION FREE I^^S Read The Plaindealer Ads. A-*.

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