. V& '4 ML '•«^wt>»* « >«*5® m&\-;.r- ^3> -x± • "Trade Marked and Advertised Goods" ' " ' ! \ * % • If you read the magazines and newspapers you art ffamiliar with' "trade marked4' advertised articles. Come to us for such goods. We handle such articles because we find that goods which justify repeat or ders must necessarily be trade marked as a protec tion against imitations and unfair competition. The manufacturer's advertising is an insurance bond of quality. It protects you against undependable wares. In the drug line, more than any other, people de mand a "quality guarantee." Therefore, we make a practice of selling trade marked advertised goods and to the manufacturer's guarantee we add ours. You will find in stock all worthy drug store goods as soon as they are on the market :: . H. Petesch DRUGGIST PHONE 56-W lyQUR WEEKLY LIMERICK There was a man by the name of O'Darrow, Who always borrowed wis neighbor's wheelbarrow. Till he came to Our Store And bought one before his neighbor could shoot with his arrow. Nothing Roils a Man So Much As to hunt for his wheelbarrow, only to find that the other fellow has it. Don't borrow. A borrowed barrow is hard to push. A new one almost pushes itself. :: :: :: :: J. J. VYCITAL The Centervine Hardware Man WOMEN'S Easier Shoes Patent or dull leather, lace or button, with t>lack or c.olored tops, proper heel and toe, some in stage last; all sizes. These shoes were made to retail for $3.00 and $3.50. Our price is --$2.50 and $2.85 Spring Garden Seeds Onion Sets, Peas and Beans in bulk. Also Garden "and jFlower Seeds in packages. JOHNSTOFFEL Phone 59-J Big Sacrifice On Mackinaws $9.50 Maciknaws now $8.50 $8.00 Mackinaws now $6.75 $7.25 Mackinaws now 1 $5.75 All ready made pants in stock $2.50 Gome early and get first choice J. D. Lodtz --.j, • * . f . H . l T H W M M H N M N U M I I W M W M M f t A H M • « « « . « • . NEIGHBORING NEWS AS CHRONICLED OUR ABLE CORPS OF CORRESPONDENTS •. _ • V aiuomgLii. Mrs. R. Ii$ed was a Woodstock caller Monday. The usual "bunch" to "Cary during the week. • _ C. Risvold wa® a Huntley business caller Monday. H. Wille and H. tfcoper mi toed tO/1 McHenry Sunday. - F. Hobart of Woodstock was a busi ness caller Friday. Mrs. £. G. Shepard was a Woodsu>ck shopper Thursday. Mrs. L. Bennett spent Thursday with her sister at Woodstock. E. E. Kinlans was a-recent visitor at his parents home at Richmond. W. French has moveil his family to Crystal Lake where he has a steady job. Mr. Blaney of Chicago spent, Satur day and Sunday with Ralph Walkup. Mrs. C. Risvold visited her parents at Beloit from Thursday until Monday. Mrs, E. F. Anderson and daughter, Mary,*Were Woodstock shoppers Satur day. * The Ladies' Aid society will meeft with Mrs. D. L. Gibson Thursday p. m. April 8. S. A. Merchant and H. Wille autoed to Chicago with S. F. Reed in the latters car. Mrs. J. B. Lynch spent Tuesday with her daughter, Mrs. L. M. Goddard, sit Woodstock. Mrs. S. A. Merchant and sons, Lester and Clifford, visited friends at Wood stock Thursday. Harold Walkup was home from Winona Lake, Ind., to spend Sunday with his parents. F. W. Hartman, E. E. Knilans and J. Drewel were business callers at Woodstock Thursday. Mrs. A. Wille returned Saturday evening from Chicago, where she had spent, the week with her parents. . Mis. L. M. Goddard and son. Lester, of Woodstock spent th«> weekend with ium- parents, Mr. :tnd Mrs. J. -B. Lynch. Mr. and Mis. K. Serine and son, Marcellus, of Woodstock w ere Sunday visitors at the home of Mr. and Mrs. F. Wille. Mr. and Mrs. J. SchafTer of Mc- busy JOBNSBUBOB. Dr. Arftold* Mueller is quite these days. Easter will be properly observed at St. John'^ church here Sunday, Miss Dorothy "Blake spent Saturday as the guest of Chicago friends. Dr. Arnold Mueller was a profes sional visitor in Chicago last Saturday. Don't forget the election next Tues day and give our friend, Miller, a vote. George L. Forest of Crystal Lake was a business caller in town Wednes day. Adolph Grunnel and Dean Thompson of Spring Grove passed thru this place Sunday. Jos. Schmitt and family have moved here from McHenry and it seems good to see them back. Mrs. tlodge of Richmond and Mrs. Keenan of Chicago were visitors in town last Thursday. Miss Kathryn - AlthofT of Spring Grovd was a Sunday guest in the home of her parents here. Mr. Tagney of Chicago is spending a few days at his summer home on Fox river, near this place. v The next dance at Stubb's hall will be held n^xt Monday evening, April 6. Everyone welcome. ' Mr. and Mrs. August Huff and Mrs. Al. Pepping of Spring Grove were seen in town last Thursday. Mr. and Mrs. Math. Itauen of Spring Grove spent Sunday as guests in the home of Mr. and Mrs. John H. Freund. Now, just as soon as Jphn A. Miller is elected to office everyone will have some roads to build or repair. No doubt Mr. Miller will be kept busy for awhile. & Henry called at the home of thelatter's parents,^Mr. and Mrs. A. Stephenson, on Sunday. RINUWOUD Claude Colby of Crystal Lake was in town Monday. John McLaughlin was a Chicago pas senger Monday. J. V. Buck land was a Woodstock visitor last Saturday. H. W. Allen and wife were in Wood stock Monday afternoon. C. W. Harrison and family of North Nunda spent Sunday at J. C. Ladd's. Misses Dorcas Foss and Sarah Dodge were McHenry visitors last Wednes day. Frank Waterman and son and Grand ma Hawley visited at E. C. Hawley's last Saturday. George Hohenstein has purchased a new Buick auto and George Noble a Ford auto. Our school opened again Monday with a new class of little ones for the spring term. Miss Winifred Bradley visited her aunt, Mrs. Lillian Marvin^ in Elgin Wednesday of last week. Mrs. Sarah Johonnot of Richmond was in town Wednesday, looking after her Mystic Workers' dues. Mr. and Mrs. Del Abbott were in Woodstock Tuesday to see his brother, whom they found feeling some better. James Green has purchased the lot and barn just west of C. W. Harrison's, belonging to W. A. Dodge, and we understand he will erect a house on it iq the near future. Mrs. Brill of Richmond, who was here the latter part of last week, car ing for S. W. Brown's baby, returned home Sunday evening. The little one is much better at this writing.1 The W. C. T. U. had a pleasant meeting at Mrs. Allen's last Saturday Rev. RatcliJT was present and gave a short talk, which was enjoyed by a!L The next meeting will be with Mrs. Spaulding. OSTKXD. Mr. Cooley boarded the eight nineteen train at McHenry Tuesday uiui ulng. Dorr Sherman came up to Grandpa Hobart's to spent a part of his school vacation. Tax Collector J. Niesen was calling on farmers in this vicinity Tuesday of last week. Leslie and Corla Francisco drove to Woodstock Thursday, March 25, to witness the moving picture show, St. Elmo. Leslie Francisco was a Tuesday morning caller at the homes of his uncles, Henry Hobart and Warren Francisco. Mr. and Mrs. Schmarge, who reside in Frank Thompson's tenant house, entertained three of the latter,s sisters over Sunday. Warren Francisco had his engine and wood sawing outfit out sawing wood for Myron Francisco and Jasper Davis Friday of last week. J. E. Harrison's grocery wagon from Greenwood made its first call through here Monday last and will continue through the summer seaSbn. Mrs. R. H. Richardson recently re turned from Chicago where she has been spending a week with her mother who has been quite ill for some time. Who found John Casting's money? John l^as never seen it. Did the ones looking after him, or was it his money, finds either they would need a magni fying glass to find either the one orthe other. When you get ready to let that job of painting and interior decorating get Raymond Howard's figures. His work is guaranteed. RMKKAI.li HAItK. Jas. Haxton spent Sunday here. Joe Sutton spent Tuesday evening here. M rs. H. Felmeten visited Mrs. Ber- kircher Sunday. Miss Cora Felmeten visited Mrs. lierkircher last week. Mr. and Mrs. I'routy and son spent Sunday at their qottage. Mrs. H. Berkircher has been on the sick list for the last week. Master William Sutton has been on the sick list for ^he last few days. Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Young spent. Sun day as the guest of Mr. and Mrs. J. R. Smith. Master Edward Smith spent one day recently as the guest of his sister, Mrs. Geo. Young. , Mr. and Mrs. John Armstrong and family are spending a few days at their summer cottage. VOLO Mrs. James Kirwan was in Chicago Thursday. Miss Ella Moore was in Round Lake Saturday. M rs. W m. Dillon spent Friday in Wauconda. Miss Hattie Seymour of Wauconda was in town Sunday. Mrs. Henry Kruger and son of. Wau conda spent Thursday at John Walton's. Mrs. L. V. Lusk and Esther of West Fremont spent» Friday and Saturday here. Wm, Dillon and Lee Huson attended the Farmers meeting in Libertyville Wednesday. GRAND PRIZE BALL A gfand prize ball will take jjlace at Knox's hall in this village on Wed nesday evening, April 14. Prizes will be given the best lady and gent waltz and tango dancers and also- to the best lady and gent jig dancers. There will be dances for every body, old and young, and the floor committee will be ' in structed to see that all have a chance to dance. Music will be furnished by Brandstetter's celebrated orchestra of Grayslake. This orchestra is con sidered one of the best in northern Illinois. It will be their first appear ance in McHenry and the dancing public may rest assured of a rare treat. Floor committee: McHenry, John Engeln; West McHenry, Roy Boh- lander, Woodstock, Art Sahs; Crystal Lake, Edwin Baur; Hebron, Harry Alexander; Wauconda, Alvin Kimball; Grayslake, Chas. Schultz; Round Lake, MartinThelen; Area, Robt. Rouse, Jr.; Ivanhoe, Rudie Dorfler; Lake Zurich, E. D. Mavis? Slocums Lake, Page Smith; Volo, Earl Paddock; Richmond, Geo. McClellan; Spring Grove, Howard Christinson; Solon Mills, Fred Smith; Fox Lake, M. J. Tonyan; Ingleside, Lee Sherwood; Ringwood, Stanley Edwards; Barreville, Harry Matthews; Johnsburgh, Peter F. Freund and Ed. Tonyan. Dance tickets, 75 cents. Supper will be served at the McHenry House at 50 cents per plate. Every body welcome. DANCE AT JOHN&BURGH S. H. Smith of Johnsburgh announces an Easter dance to take plao»~at his hall next Monday evening, April 5. Mr. Smith informs us that he is going to make this one of the happiest events held in his hall in a long time and those who attend may rest assured that they will be shown a fine time. The Northern Illinois orchestra will furnish the music and dance tickets will be sold at 50 cents. A cordial invitation is extended to everyone to be present. ANNOUNCEMENT Chris. F. Norager presents compli ments and invites you to examine new effects in fine "woolens for the coming spring season. 'Phone me and I shall be glad to call with samples. High grade tailoring. C. F. NOBAQER. NO REWARD As we know where dog is kept, there will be no reward for his return and if that dog is not let joose soon will start proceedings for theft. M.D.. WILKINS, Orchard Beach. Seed potatoes atM. M. Niesen's. •imtk. You Can Buy Good Securities V •M A-plenty. But do the banks and brokers from whom you buy guarantee the securities to you? Our Mortgage G rtificates are se cured by real estate mortgages and WE GUARANTEE THEM. Hoy Banking Co. FREMONT HOY CLARENCE F. HOY JF $1.00 Worth of Garden Seeds for 50c This colle&ion is especially selected for the home garden. The packages are large and generous and contain the following: One pkt. Beet, Imp. Blood Turnip One pkt. Carrot, Early Danvers One pkt Cabbage, Early Wakefield One pkt. Lettuce, Early Simpson One pkt. Muskmelon, Rockyford One pkt. Watermelon, Tom Watson One pkt. Onion, Moncur's Imp. Yellow Globe One pkt. Radish, Imp. White- Lady Finger One pkt Radish, Moncur's Imp. Early Bird One pkt. Parsnip, Hollow Crown One pkt. Spinach, Moncur's Imp. Thick Leaf One pkt. Squash, Warty Hubbard One pkt. Turnip, Garden Purple Top One pint Peas, True American Wonder One pint Beans, Imp. Golden Wax One pint Sweet Corn, Moncur's Imp. Golden Bantam i If you order this collection today I will send you a beautiful Fern FREE GEORGE MONCUR SEEDSMAN AND FLORIST Headquarters for Onion Sets and Seed Potatoes. Write for Special Prices. 227 MAIN ST., WOODSTOCK, ILL SEED POTATOES We have just put in a supply of Red River Early Ohio seed potatoes and want you to give this va riety a trial. Those wlic have used this variety of potato are more than pleased with them and that's the reason why we want you to be one of our satisfied customers. Send in your orders and they will be filled with courtesy and dispatch. M. M. NIESEN. At your Smite We are at your service with the finest line of Meats, Canned and Bakery goods to be found/ in town. We want you to feel that we are here to give you the best of service at all times and if we fail to do this we will consider it a favor if you will come and tell ns, as it is our aim to make it a pleasure for you to trade here. Don't forget that our delivery system is at your constant ser vice. Call us up at any time and your order will be filled with care and promptly delivered SchneiderBros. West McHenry, 111. Telephone No. 108-R SIMON STOFFEL Insurance agent for all classes of property in the best companies. WEST McHENRY. ILLINOIS Office Hours MS to 12:Ma. m. 1:M to p. m. 7M to MS p. tn. Telephones Office 17 Residence 51-W A. I. FROEHLICH • Physician and Surgeon Schnorr Bldg. WEST McHENRY Office in Spaulding Bldg. Phone No. 7J-R ALFORD H. POUSE Attorney-at-Law Wedt McHenry, 111. Before placing that order for a new bugtfy see Math. Freund. He handles UteStaver. ELGIN SILO Reinforced concrete slabs; reinforced concrete bands; all joints mortar joints; inside face water proof and acid proof. For Sale by the N'HENRY ARTIFICIAL STONE CO. McHENRY. ILL. Miss Mabelle Wheeler now has samples of the new 1915 models of Spirella corsets. A card or eall will bring her to you. Phone 77-11. Chicken feed at M. M. Nifaea1*. $28.75 For this Vacuum (leaner with additional attachments $36.25 It's a light weight cleaner cm easy running wheels, provided with a double ex- hau& that increases its effi ciency. It will take out not only dirt, but pick up larger material. Attachments for ssiat the mcMm to Uau JiipMiw. fsntes. waSs, Ac., am isdsM in the special On exhibition at display rooms Oh NORTHERN ILLINOIS