Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 8 Apr 1915, p. 8

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M'HENTtY PLAINDEALER, BTHENBY, I1X. •1^ 3s»J:£ , v.. EC*;.. li rfife'; * ^ vF* 'V^< ̂ ^ in all the fashionable colors and at prices ranging from $10.00 and $22.00 per suit. You will save 25 per cent by buying a ready made suit and get workmanship which is equal to any made to order suit. Shoes, Hats, Shirts, Underwear and Gents' Furnishings. Jos. W. Freund WeSl McHenry, 11^ & Good Shoes For the whole family Our line of Men's Heavy Work Shoes is now com­ plete. New easy shapes in brown and black leathers at! $2.50, $2.75, $3.00 to $4.50 Fine Dress Shoes in new popular shapes $2.50 to $4.25 Ladies', Misses' and Children's Shoes in lace and button with cloth or leather tops. Combination blacks and colors. DRESS GOODS and Suitings in a big range of col­ ors and qualities. All wool and dainty wash fabrics. MEN'S HATS AND CAPS, latest models for the correct dresser. Shirts, Collars, Ties, Etc. SUITS AND OVER COATS made to your measure ALWAYS A FULL LINE OF FRESH GROCERIES M. J. WALSH, iV* Phone 63-R Goods Delivered Install A Gas Water Heater Now .» " T " It will not be long before the furnace fire will be shut down and you will not have a satisfactory supply of hot water. Then will you depend upon the teakettle and the kitchen range to fake care of the increased demands for hot Water that summer brings? Now is the time to put in a Gas Water Heater and get away from the labors and trouble of a slipshod method of supplying the family's de­ mands for hot wal USE A GAS HEATER Convenient Economical Western United Gas •O.aod Electric Company 'S& D. M. WORKMAN, District Mu»i« • I: ,v . />' kif #:Ky-: "V.7"*' r =*V Spring Is Here THIS is the time of year when the housewife is busying herself cleaning house and dis­carding the old rugs and carpets and pieces of furniture which have not only outlived their usefulness but become an eyesore to the home. We wish to call to the attention of the women folks that our lipe of carpets and rugs is larger and better than ever, and, what's more, our prices are most attradive. These are not dam­ aged, but new goods right from the factory and it will pay you to call and inspect what we ' have to offer. Our furniture line is also quite complete and easy to select from. Come in and let us talk shop to you. :: :: Jacob Ju^len McHenry, Illinois |EA' • • -i'iu;'1 I L w. k-w,-.. %4£,r,w,. M • • .*•,* .-A f PROBA TE NEWS [Kurnlshed by McHenry (bounty Abstract Com puny, Woodstock. Illinois. In Ar­ nold Block, east side public square. Ab­ stract* of title and con veynncltiK. Money to loan on real estate In sums of live hundred to ten thousand dollars. Time and payments to suit borrower. l'houes 634. W0M ana til 1.1 REAL ESTATE TRANSFERS. * William Allen & w to Earie 11. Allen, , 40.56 a In nwM sec 2, Greenwood §4000.00 John Carey A w to John M. 1'halin, un- 1 divided H of seht sw)4 pt neM sw5< A pt vH swNi sec 2; pt wH nwM sec 11: • pt eH noM & pt nJ4 sek sec 10, In all 217H acres. NunUa 7000.00 Joseph G. Wagner & w to Jos. Rauen, Its 3,4,10 ana 11. blk 1, Lewis Hatch's • uddn. Spring Grove » 700.00 Fred L. Hatch & w to Joseph G. Wag­ ner & w. its 3. 4.10and 11, Blk 1, Lewis Hatch's uddn, Spring Grove Earle E. Moncar et al to William W. Monear. sHjseM & s pt of nM seM sec 27, in all 113 acres, Richmond William W. Mouear & w to Carl Ander- . son, same 13D00.00 Mathlas 8. Freund & w to Mathlas Mil­ ler & Maria Anna Miller, n 50 ft off its 1, 2 & 3. blk 3. M. lvelter's sub-dlv, w side of Fox river, McHenry Chas. W. Peters & w to John E. Erlck- aon, Its 84.25 & 26. Co. Oik's plat,, se frl qr sec IS, McHenry MARRIAGE LICENSES. Walter W. Hart, 29. Union Matie Wieske, 25 " John M. Lenz, 26 Ptngree Grove Agnes R. Mtehelsen, 18 Hundley ADDITIONAL LOCALS Staver buggies at Math. F round's. Get your seed potatoes at M. Niesen'^ Social Wfiirl, the latest candy, at McAllister's. SSO.OO 10.00 300.00 1.00 M. Staver buggies and Northwestern, wagons at Math. Freund's. Last Thursday morning's mail at the McHenry post office had a decidedly gloomy (?) aspect. FOR SALE--House and four lots. Excellent building sites. Mrs. Mary Schreiner, West McHenry, Ill- Easter was properly observed in all the churches of the village last Sunday, a large congregation being present at all of thenK When you get ready to let that job of painting and interior decorating get Raymond Howard's figures. His work is guaranteed. The W. C. T. U. will meet with Mrs. W. B. Gilbert, west of town, on Tues­ day afternoon, April 13. A large at­ tendance is desired. That Home-coming is anything but dead issue. We hear it mentioned quite frequently of late. Who will be one to start the ball a rolling in this direction? Baseball fans in McHenry and vicin­ ity are becomingquite anxious. Every­ one seems to feel that McHenry should again have a good team in the field this summer, but thus far no one has signified his willingness to manage a club. It may be that a number of the business men will get together for the purpose of promoting the sport here. A grand prize ball will take place at Knox's hall in this village on Wed­ nesday evening, April 14. Prizes will be given the best lady and gent waltz, and tango dancers and also to the best lady and gent jig dancers, 'fhere will be dances for everybody, old and young, and the floor committee will be in­ structed to see that all have a chance to dance. Music will be furnished by Brandstetter's celebrated orchestra of Grayslake. TKRKA COTTA. Arthur Shales was an Elgin visitor Sunday. Mrs. Geo. P.*feay of Chicago visited relatives here last week. Mrs. P. H. Conway was a Chicago visitor one day last week. William Conway was the guest of his sisters at Elgin Sunday. Miss Florence Knox visited McHen­ ry relatives Friday evening. Mr. and Mrs. Ray Cox spent Easter with Crystal Lake relatives. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Peck of Chica­ go spent Sunday at Henry McMillan's. Mrs. Fred Matthews and son have returned to their home at Lake Gen­ eva. Miss Eleanor Phalin apd brother, Thomas, were Elgin visitors Satur­ day. . Mr. and Mrs. Charles Buck of Dun­ dee spent Friday evening at Chas. Buck's. Miss Gertrude Klein spent Friday evening with her sister, Mrs. Ray Mc­ Millan. S. B. Leisner went to Chicago Fri­ day morning last, where he will visit his daughters. Mrs. Walter Hatchwell passed Sat­ urday, Sunday and Monday at Williams Bay and Racine, Wis. Mrs. Phil Hoffman and daughter, Phyllis, and Miss Annie Buss visited at McHenry Saturday evening. Raymond Riley of Champaign has been spending his vacation with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. John Riley. Mrs. A. T. Wingate returned to her home at Elgin Saturday after spending several weeks with her father here. Charles Buck went to the home of his daughter, Mrs. Chas. Matthews, where he will make his home for a time. To corset you correctly is my profession. Your comfort and health are promoted by wearing S oirella iss nmwsmm ̂ IV^ORSETS (HOT MiO M a TOM*) My personal services are free. An appointment, arranged to suit your convenience, places you under no obligation. A postcard or telephone call will bring me to your home. MISS NABELLE WHEELER . HcHENRY it PHONE 77-M ADDITIONAL 1 T Chas. H. Pulu spent Supdny here, Ire H. Stuart waft'aa vteitor last Saturday. Mrs. E. W. Howe VM a Chicago vis­ itor Wednesday. Miss Irene Prisbjp was an Elgin vis­ itor last ^Thursday. Miss Anna Frisbyjwas fn ]3!ffhi vis­ itor last Thursday. * - J. H. Miller was a business visitor at Waukegan Tuesday. P. H. Conway passed a day last week in the metropolitan cky. Mrs. Jos. Rothermel spent Wednes­ day in the metio'politan city. Wm. Smith was a business visitor in the metropolitan city Tuesday. C. Unti was a business transactor in the metropolitan city Tuesday. Frank Schaefer was among the Chi­ cago passengers Tuesday morning. Dr. N. J. Nye was a professional visitor in the metropolitan city Tues- day. Miss Lillian Simes of Hebron is a guest in the home of her uncle, William Simes. * Mrs. L. Edinger was among those to board the Chicago train Wednesday morning. Mr. and Mrs. Henry Block of West .Chicago were Sunday guests of rela­ tives here. - Miss B. Mae Small passed Saturday and Sunday with home folks at Luke Geneva, Wis. Mr. and Mrs. M. D. Wilkins were among the Chicago passengers Wednes­ day morning. Clarence Wilson of Elgin spent a few days last week as the guest of relatives here. Mrs. Chas. Sheldon of Grayslake spent Sunday at the home of her father Anton Engelu. Miss Anna Sehoewer passed a few days this week as the guest of relatives at Beloit, Wis. Miss Lottie Lau of Chicago is spend­ ing the week as a guest in the home of John H. Miller. J. D. Lodtz transacted matters of a business nature in the metropolitan city Wednesday. Mrs. Everett Hunter was among those to board the Chicago train Tuesday morning. T. L. Grot of Ottawa, 111., passed a few days this week attending to busi­ ness matters here. Dr. H. D. Hull of Crystal Lake was a professional visitor in town last Saturday evening. Mrs. John H. Miller an4 daughter, Clara, spent Wednesday as the guests of relatives at Elgin. George Justen of Chicago visited in thfe home of his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Jacob Justen, Sunday. Mrs. Helena Welsh of Chicago spent the latter part of last week at the home of Anton Engeln. Jay Comiskey of of Woodstock was entertained in the home of Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Miller Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. F. E. Covalt motored to Crystal Lake Sunday, where Jthey passed the day with relatives. Editor M, F. Walsh and Coroner Peck of Harvard were here Monday afternoon and paid this office a call. Mrs. G. C. Bosma and daughter of Algonquin visited at the home of W. D. Wentworth Monday of this we$k. Mrs. Chas. Sheldon and Mrs. Chas. Pultz spent Monday and Tuesday at the home of Mrs. Smalley at Woodstock. Miss Pearl Payne of Ravenswood spent Sunday at the home of her parents Mr. and Mrs. D. E. Payne, of this place. Gerald Carey of Elgin spent the latter part of last week as a guest in the home of his parents, Mr. and Mrs. John Carey. Dr. R. G. Chamberlin left Wednes­ day evening for his farm near Muske­ gon, Mich. He was accompanied by John Malsh. Mrs. Ross Wheeler of Chicago spent Saturday and Sunday as a guest in the home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. George Meyers. Mr. and Mrs. S. S. Chapell and daughters, Harriett and Marion, of Chicago are guests in the home of Mrs. Elsena Smith. Miss Mae Kane of Elgin spent Satur­ day and Sunday as a guest in the home of her mother, Mrs. Mary K^e, who resides northwest of town. Mrs. Jos. Justen was in Chicago Wednesday, where she called on her husband, who is convalescing after an operation at the West Side hospital. Mrs. Wm. Marshall and children of Morton Grove, 111., are spending the week as guests in the home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. George Meyers. Mr. and Mrs. Jos. Sehoewer and daughter, Ruth, of Beloit, Wis., were guests in the home of the former's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Peter Sehoewer, the first of the week. Mrs. John Quartel of Plymouth Mich., is visiting in the home of Jier mother, Mrs. Anna Byrd, being called here thru the death of her grand­ father, Bengt Nordquist. Mr. and Mrs. Victor Meyers and daughter, Elaine, of West Chicago spent Saturdayand Sunday as guests in the home of the former's, parents, Mr. and Mrs. George Meyers. Mrs. F. A. Bohlahder, Mrs. Simon StofTel, Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Miller and daughter, Esther, John R. Knox and Mrs. Theo. Sh^Te&sle were among the Chicago passengers this morning. Mrs. Charles McArthur and daugh­ ter, Ruth, of Elgin passed the latter part of last week as guests in the home of her mother, Mrs. Augusta Wolff. Mr. McArthur drove up Sunday and passed the day hei?e. <*. Mrs. W. D. Wentworth and Mrs. J. C. Holly visited Mrs. Daily at St. Joseph's hospital at Elgin Wednesday afternoon. Mrs. Daily will return to her home at Algonquin on Friday afternoon of this week. Mrs. Josephine Heimer returned home from Chicago last week, where she has been during the past three weeks assisting in the care of hersister, Mrs. Schuenetnann, who has been quite ill. Mrs. Sehuenemannhas fylly recovered. 5 » "" *iV '• * . * ** •, * . '• •* •'< I, SPSS? •YOUR: -> .• V- 'OtJR savings account is not affedled by any depressions that so often hazard the safety of other forms of investment. The crops may fail, real estate may depreciate in value,- commercial activities may be­ come stagnant, and the whole field of finance feel a stringency--but the man or woman whose earnings are placed in a bank such as THIS may view the situation with complacency, so far as the safety of his or her earn­ ings are concerned. We solicit the accounts of all who desire an absolute safe costodian of their money. A dol- v. -«•? V . "• 1 . lar or more starts^an account. WfST We^t McHenry, Illinois. ••wwp wrvtn ..CENTRAL.. OPERA HOUSE TUP MOVIES WEDNESDAY, THURSDAY, SATURDAY AND SUNDAY The latent and be^t PICTURES.. -THE famous Player films Every Thursday Night WEDNESDAY Admission :: 10c R. S. Howard PAINTER AND INTERIOR DECORATOK All work guaranteed satisfactory. Estimates furnished upon request. Country-work solicited. NUENRY, • • • ILLINOIS PHONE QO-J' WELCOME NEWS FOR LOCAL PEOPLE People In this town will be glad to hear that the mixture of simple buck­ thorn bark, glycerine, etc., known as Adler-i-ka, can be obtained at our store. This simple remedy became famous by curing appendicitis and it has been found that JUST A SINGLE DOSE relieves sour stomach, gas on the stomach and constipation IN­ STANTLY because it drains off such a surprising amount of old foul mat* ter from the body. E. V. M'ALIJSTER, DRUGGIST REAL ESTATE rot SALE OR RENT PltHftt w«nt*4 t* list A. H. POUSE WBfTJfeHENRY PIMM 7S-B tr TOT 1-TT T O look over o|ir stock before m^kin^ purchases for the spring season. We have a larger line of everything in General Merchan­ dise than has ever before been shown in town. Buy early and assure yourself the benefit of a full display. * F. A. Bohlander 'Phone 58-J Prompt Delivery £ SHOO! 'SHOO!? m SHOO !f YOU HAVEN'T A SHOE WANT WE CAN'T SUPPLY. LET US PROVE IT. The dainty dress shoe The sensible street shoe The easy house shoe The good looking business shoe The heavy work shoe The substantial school shoe The soft, flexible baby shoe The comfortable slipper ALL HERE AND AT RIGHT PRICES Phone 79-J SMITH BROS. McHenry 111. P H I L I P J A E G E R GENERAL COriMISSJON MERCHANT . 3PE01AI. ATTENTION OIVKN TO THR SAU Or J Dressed Beef, Duttoa, Hsfs, Veal, Poultry, Hides, Etc., Butter and feggs This ii the old«t honse on the street. Tap* and ptfee li«U hiraichad on Ippilcntinn. COLD STORACIB FRBB Stall I * J. Fulto* St. Mlil* Wtaola Marfcat. CHICAGO, ILLINOIS. Subscribe for the Plaindealer: and keep potted on local happenings , ty ' it . • f • •• *

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