Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 8 Apr 1915, p. 5

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"Trade Marked and Advertised Goods" you read the magazines and newspapers you are familiar with "trade marked" advertised articles. Come to us for such goods. We handle such articles - because we find that goods which justify repeat or­ ders must necessarily be trade marked as a protec­ tion against imitations and unfair competition. The manufacturer's advertising is an insurance bond of quality. It protects you against undependable wares. In the drug line, more than any other, people de­ mand a "quality guarantee.*' Therefore, we make a practice of selling trade marked advertised goods and to the manufacturer's guarantee we add ours. You will find in stock all worthy drug store goods as. soon as they are on the market :: :: N. H. Petesch DRUGGIST' PHONE 56-W' OUR WEEKLY LIMERICK There once was a builder by the name of St. CJair, WKo was honest and us^d the best builders' hardware. He deals at (Mori Where we sell it galore, Where the as­ sortment is large and the _ _ _ _ prices fair. WE MAKE A SPECIALTY OF BUILDERS' HARDWARE • Keeping on hand constantly a full line of the many items needed by the professional contractor or the amateur builder. Hard wear is demanded of.this class of Hard­ ware, and you can depend on the'reliability of the goods we offer. :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: J. J. VYCITAL The Centerville Hardware Man -4) THE STORE WITH THE--- NG GOODS There's a reason why you should buy everything here for your spring arid summer wear. The reason will appeal to you because it is short and to the point. WE HAVE THE GOODS AND WE MAKE THE PRICES. Gome in and see. JOHN STOFFEL Phone 59-J Big Sacrifice On Mackinaws J $9.50 Maciknaws now $8.50 $8.00 Mackinaws now $6.75 $7.25 Mackinaws now $5.75 All ready made pants in stock $2.50 Come early and get first choice * J. D, Lodtz & NEIGHBORING NEWS AS CHRONICLED Ji Y OUR ABLE- CORPSoOF CORRESPONDENTS Mr. Blayney spent Sunday with Geo. Baker and family. Mrs. H. Nelson was a Crystal Lake shopper Saturday. J. C. Button was a business caller at Woodstock Saturday. Lee Baker motored home from El­ gin the first of the week. Miss Margaret Green of Woodstock was a Sunday visitor here. Mr. and Mj-s. P.' W. Hartman were Woodstock visitors Tuesday. Mrs. R. Goddard was home from Ringwood the first of the week. H. Wille and H. Cooper were Mon­ day business callers at McHenry. Miss Etta Irish spent Thursday and Friday xvith relatives at Woodstock. Mesdames C. F. and E. French were Crystal Lake callers Saturday after­ noon. F. W. Hartman received a box of oranges from San Diego, Calif., Wed­ nesday. . Mrs. Byron Waterman and children of Woodstock were Sunday visitors at ir. Reed's. H. Jacobs, R. Knilans and A. Han­ sen were Crystal Lake callers Sunday afternoon. Mrs. J. W. MacGowan was a busi­ ness caller at Crystal Lake Wednes­ day afternoon. Miss Minnie Breymeyer is spending this week at the home of her uncle, Herman Wille. Mr. and Mrs. Herman Wille are re­ joicing over the arrival on Tuesday last of a little son. Mr. and Mrs. Ed. Anners and Rev. J. W. MacGowan were Crystal Lake callers «n Monday. Rev. J. W. MacGowan accompanied Mrs. MacGowan on her western trip as far as Chicago Saturday. Mrs. Jenks and son of Elgin were recent visitors in the home of her mother, Mrs. S. Wakefield. Miss Marie Wilson of Woodstock spent Sunday afternoon with Iter cous­ in, Miss Edyt-he Nelson, here. A school meeting is railed for Sat­ urday. April 17, to elect a new direc­ tor. A good turnout is expected. Mrs. Eisenmenger of Crystal Lake was a caller at the home of her sister^ Mrs. F. Wille, Monday afternoon. Mr. and Mrs. L. M. Goddard and son, Lester, of Woodstock visited at the home of the latter's parents Sunday. Miss Elsie Wille was a McHenry vis­ itor the first of the week and attended the Easter dance there Monday even­ ing. Mr. and Mrs. D. L. Gibson returned home Monday from a two weeks' vistt with relatives at Chicago and May- wood. Mr. and Mrs. Peter Nelson of Mc­ Henry were Sunday visitors at the home of their brother, H. Nelson, and family. Elmer Bergstrand has returned to his home at Sandwich, Til., after spend­ ing a week as the guest of his cousin, Oscar Nelson. Mr. Breytspraak. daughters, Mrs. Alice Moore and Florence, ancjl son, John, spent Easter with their son and brother, Vic, on the farm. Mrs. Blanche Conerty and daugh ters, Grace and Lucille, of Chicago spent part of Saturday and Sunday with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. B Lynch. C. M. Keeler of Elgin visited his mother, Mrs. S. Wakefield, from Thurs­ day until Monday. His son, Marvin who has been visiting her for several weeks, returned home Monday. W. S. Rushton has the position as section foreman and has moved his goods back to Ridgefield. Mr. Rush ton was lately employed as foreman at Hartland and has worked for the com­ pany for a number of years and is well fitted for the position. There will be an old fashioned dance given by the young men of Ridgefield at Yanke's hall on Friday evening, April 9. Music will be furnished by Miller's four-piece orchestra of Elgin. This is to be the second old fashioned dance and everyone is iuyited to at­ tend, as a good time is promised to all. Remember the date, this Friday even- ng, April 9. cigarette stub in a field where every­ thing is so dry ought riot'td be allowed to cross a field. KINti WOOD S. W. and Amos Smith were Chica­ go visitors last Friday. M rs. 8. W. Brown was an Elgin via Ifor Friday of last week. H. W. Allen and wife were Wood­ stock visitors Monday afternoon. Callie Rainey and Libbie Allen vis­ ited relatives in McHenry Wednesday. P. E. Ed burg of Chicago was a busi ness visitor in town Thursday of last week. Libbie Ladd and Agnes Bigelow spent Sat urday with Nunda and Crys­ tal Lake relatives. Mr. and Mrs. E. C. Hawley drove to Elgin in their auto Sunday and spent the day with relatives. Mrs. Alma Thomas of West McHen­ ry spent last Thursday with her daugh­ ter, Mrs. Callie Rainey. The Ladies' Aid dinner at Mrs. Rilla Foss' Thursday of last week was well attended and enjoyed by all. Mrs. Jay Hawver and children of Lake Geneva spent Saturday night and Sunday at H. W. Allen's. P. D. Flanders and wife went to Ter­ ra Cotta last Thursday, remaining un­ til Sunday evening with relatives. C. W. Harrisoc and family and S. W. Brown and wife attended the Ma­ sonic Easter exercises at Harvard Sun­ day. WHITEWASHING- Dairy barns, 8c per stanchion. Inquire of Smith & Baer, McHenry, 111. 'Phone 023-R-l. 42-3t : Lewis Hawley Was in St. Charles the last of 'the week, helping his sis­ ter, Mrs. Delbert Bacon, move from West Chicago to St. Charles. Mesdames Libbie Ladd, Luella Steph­ enson and Libbie Allen attended the meeting of the Social Wheel at Mrs. McOinber's in,McHenry last Thursday. The W. C- T. I', will meet with Mrs. Jennie Spauldin^fSaturda.vof this week. Leader, Libbie AlU-n. Topic, "Press Work." Refreshments w ill be served. All invited. Why H* Vot.d Dry "The other day a man who has lived in this town a long time, and has employment here, came to me to bor­ row $3," said a leading business'-man in an Illinois town. "It was pay night. I asked him why. He said that when he went to the saloon, where he fre­ quently spends too much of his hard- earned wages, he was told that he owed $1.50 more than the amount of the check he handed in to be cashed. 'I know there isn't a thing to eat in the house at home,' he told me, 'and I must 5take home some groceries.' I loaned him the money. He's, good and I have no fear that he will not repay me. I've seen too much of that sort of thing in recent years, but it was never brought home to me so strongly before how the wives and children have to bear the brunt of this drink evil. Yes, sir, I'm ;dry' from now on." OSTKND. William Thomas has just had a Hin- man milking machine installed. Mrs. Frank Kaiser and children at­ tended Easter services at McHenry Sunday. Raking lawns and burning rubbish seem to be the order of the day at present. Will Morris of Crystal Lake was the guest of Henry Hobart Tuesday night of last week. Chris. Kaiser *of Woodstock was a recent guest of bis uncle, Frank Kais- er^ of Ostend. Harry Silliman of Woodstock was the guest of his sister, Mrs. Eva Eppel, one day last week. Ernest .Brott-bas changed his board­ ing place. He is now with Carl Mead and hauls niilk for eight farmers. Mr. Rawson of Greenwood was arpund trying to find mo^e purchasers for the Hinman milking machine. Delos James was over from the coun- seat Thui*sday of last week and brought Henry Hobart a farm hand. Two fires have been started in the fields recently, one by a careless smok­ er dropping the stub of a cigarette and the other last Saturday, cause un­ known. Warren Francisco wpnt tq his field to get a couple of shocks of co,rfl that had been left standing out and discovered a fir?, which was runniqg toward some hay stacks qf H. H>oh- ^rdson. He h^d a telephone message sent to Mr. Richardson, who came im­ mediately* Warren and his man and H- ohurt's man managed to get it under control, saving the hay. Any- •hm enough to drop a cigar or JOHNSHDBGB. Quite a few from this place drove to Ringwood to cast their ballot on Tues­ day. His many friends here were sorry to learn of the fatal accident at McHenry last Saturday, for which Jacob Schaefer of this place is. responsible. Jake feels very badly over the alTair and he has the sympathy of his friends here. John A. Bugner, a former Johns- burgh boy, but who during the past few years has been farming it near Alvado, O., writes that they are en­ joying a nice spring, altho the nights generally bring a freeze, which makes it bad for wheat and young clover. He further writes that some of the farmers are already thru with their spring plowing for corn, altho thus far no oats have been sown. Further he adds that the winter had been fine, with plenty of sleighing, and concludes by saying that the markets are quite dull and that on occount of the foot ittul mouth disease they are still prohibited from shipping live stock out of the state. A little excitement was created in the home of Dr. Arnold Mueller here about nine o'clock last Saturday even­ ing, when a young lady from Ofconomo- woc called for her younger sister, who has been staying at the Mueller home during the past two weeks. It seems that the girls in question lived neigh­ bors to Dr. Mueller while the latter was a resident of the Wisconsin city and when the younger of the two ar­ rived »t his home about two weeks ago he naturally thought that she had come for a little visit and nothing more was thought of it until last Saturday night, when the older sister arrived and informed the doctor that her sister had run away from her home in the Wisconsin city two weeks ago and that the family had been searching for her ever since. Dr. Mueller was dumb­ founded upon hearing the young lady's story, but soon induced the run-away girl to return to her home in Wincon sin. Ths Knights of the Black Hand in­ vaded the home of James T. Perkina last Saturday night, upsetting every­ thing in general. China and silverware was hauled out of the cupboard, ^resser drawers were ransacked a,nd furniture badly misplaced. Fortunately nothing of v^lue Was missing; but it would be a wise plan fpr the village officers to locate the hes^uarters oj this band of dangerous meg. More information may be hftd bj ^ppJying to Mr. Per­ kins. ' ANNUAL PARISH MEETING The annual parish meeting of the Unlversalist church of McHenry will be held at the church building on Saturday, Apr. 10, at 3:00 p. ro. Amendments to the constitution will be considered and the annua! election of officers will take place. F* L. McOmber, Clerk. •' ;f" '-i«• i in "• tig - ' V '! • You Can Buy Good Securities A-plenty. But do the banks and brokers from whom you buy guarantee the securities to you? Our Mortgage Certificates are se­ cured by real estate mortgages and WE GUARANTEE THEM. Hoy Banking Co. FREMONT HOY CLARENCE F. HOY Cord Wood Bell System at WILBUR'S -n 4; Any Man or Woman can transform a soft wood floor into a perfect imitation of a beautifully grained hard wood fluor in a few minutes with Chi-N&mel and the Chi-Namel Self-Grainer Or an old hard wood floor, furni­ ture. etr., may be matle to look like new, with a harder, more durable finish than if hiul originally. Chi Niunel colors the wood, and var­ nishes it at the same time, and the sur­ face is ho hard that walking or washing will not remove the gloss. This new self-grainer makes it easy for anyone to produce a beautiful grained etlVict, exactly like the most expensive hard wood floors. Call at our store and allow us to demon­ strate how easy it is to grain and varnish by this improved system. _ , FIX MHI|IM while they lot Make It Easy for Your Customers to Reach You by Telephone Q INGLE LINE telephone serv- ^ ice reduces the number of "busy" signals to a minimum and makes it easy for customers or clients to reach your store or office. This stimulates business. If your telephone is on a party line, let us change it to a single line. The added value to you more than offsets the small additional cost. \ Chicago Telephooe Company I. H. Conrath, District Manager Telephone 9909 , - •-» „ ' T At Tour Scrvicc We are at your service with the finest line of Meats, Canned and Bakery goods to be found in town. We want you to feel that we are here to give you the best of service at all times and if we fail to do this we will consider it a favor if you will come and tell us, as it is our aim to make it a pleasure for you to trade here. Don't forget that our delivery system is at your constant ser­ vice. Call us up at any time and your order will be filled with care and promptly delivered SchneiderBros. West 'vieHenry, III. Sold in McHenry AT DR. F. J. AICHER DENTIST Office In Telephone Exchange BUG Centerville McHenry, Illinois Telephone No. 7%-W PICKLES Yat run, 75c; large, 30c. Contract now with John L. May or at P. A. Boh lander's store. 38-lOt C. F. Claussbn A Sons. Chioken feed at M. If. Nlflseflfc SEED POTATOES We have just put in a supply of Red River Early Ohio seed potatoes and want you to give this va­ riety a trial. Those wlio have used this variety of potato are more than pleased with them and that's the reason why we want you to be on$ of our satisfied customers. Send in your orders and they will be filled with courtesy and dispatch. M. M. NIESEN. $28.75 FOP this yani Cleaner with additional attachments $36.25 It's a light weight cleaner on ea?y running wheels, provided with a double ex- hau& that increases its effi­ ciency. It will take out not only dirt»but pick up larger material. Attachment* for aateg the •icfclt to clean dnpiriw. fur*itur». walte. etc.. u« iadud*4 in th« meat. On exhibition at display rooms Put)li(Servi(e(8(npdny OK NORTHERN UJ-lNOii . 0' 4 $ i •:.* .1 w$ I •m

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