j^WKPr-. BTHENRY PLMNDEALER, 1THEXRT, «TT.T:_ 1-ii'liiii': , * < ' ? I- * •r' Z, ,J * -• , J f "Trade Marked and Advertised Goods" If you read the magazines and ' newspapers you are familiar with "trade marked" advertised articles. Come to us for such goods. We handle such articles because we find that goods which justify repeat or ders must necessarily be trade marked as a protec tion against imitations and unfair competition. The manufacturer's advertising is an insurance bond of quality. It protects you against undependable wares. In the drug line, more than any other, people de mand a "quality guarantee." Therefore, we make a practice of selling trade marked advertised goods and to the manufacturer's guarantee we add ours. You will find in stock all worthy drug store goods as soon as they are on the market. :: :: N. H. Petesch D DRUGGIST PHONE 56-W NEIGHBORING NEWS AS CHRONICLED BY OUR ABLE CORPS ofi CORRESPONDENTS OUR WEEKLY LIMERICK .\ man by the name of Vorne Jules, ii the spri'ig needed stun-" good garden tools. J came to Where ho found them ga lore. And he is no-v gardening b y s c i e n t i f i c rules. WE ARE Headquarters for Garden Tools We can supply your every want. They are made right, of good material and work easy. Designed especially for the man with Spring Fever. J. J. YYCITAL The Centerville Hardware Man xS/ THE STORE WITH THE SPRING GOODS There's a reason why you should buy everything here for your spring and summer wear. The reason will appeal to you because it is short and to the point. WE HAVE THE GOODS AND WE MAKE THE PRICES. Come in and see. JOHN 5TOFFEL Phone 59-J BEAVER BOARD Walls 0 Ceilings mean solid comfort--satisfying in looks, warmth, cleanness and per- manence. Easily and quickly put up. Moisture-proof. Use Beaver Board instead of lath and plaster in home, office or store. Ask us for sample and information Wilbur Lumber Co. We^t MeHenry, Illinois. , ajt V °»° Subscribe for the Plaindealer and keep posted on local happenings JOHNSBUEQa J. C. Debrecht has moved his barn back from the road leading to the church. A noticeable improvement. Prank Smith has been busying him self of late in making quite extensive repairs and Improvements on his home here. Miss Margaret Huemann of MeHen ry spent Sunday as a guest in the home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Huemann. A baby girl was born to Mr. and Mrs. Joe Miller, who reside between this place and Spring Grove, on Friday of last week. Mrs. Mary Schriener and Mr. and Mrs. John Meyers of McHenrv were Sunday guests in the home of Mr. and Mrs. Frank Miller. Mrs and Mrs. Lewis Risliop, the newly weds of McHenrv, were Sunday guests in the home of the lather's par ents, Mr. and Mrs. John H. Freund. The fields in this vicinity are look ing fine and every farmer in the vicin ity is taking pride and keeping his farm in a condition that is most pleas ing to the eye. That's what we' term progressiveness. Dr. Arnold Mueller has invested in an Indian motorcycle of the very latest model and he is now using the machine for his out-of-town calls. Ilurrv up calls will now l»e answered more promptly than ever. Mr. and Mrs. Nick Freund spent Sunday as guests in the home of his parents, Mr. and Mrs John F. Ffiind, at MeHenry. Mr. Freund's father is confined to his home thi n :i severe at tack of rheumatism. Her many friends will be pleaded to learn that Mrs. Jacob Miller, who lias been seriously ill at her home here, has passed the crisis and that her com plete recovery is now looked for. A trained nurse from Chicago is in con stant attendance. In a statement, issued hv the W.ilind Dairy company of Sprint; (irov*\ Mnth. Freund, who resides a short distance northwest of this place, leads all of the patrons of that company in milk pro duction during the past six months, ending April 1. During that length of time he has received milk checks amounting to $3,145.35. His herd con sists of twenty-eight cows. Mr. Freund has recently installed a milking ma chine and with this new apparatus he is able to do the milking in about for ty-five minutes. He and his wife do all the work on the farm, which is one of the most modern in this section. short time ago a delegation of women of Chicago visited the place and an other delegation is expected some time in the near future. The barn ^n the place is a new one and modern in every detail. A private electric light plant furnishes the light and power on the farm. Chafes Michels is confined in the county jail at Woodstock under a most serious charge. He was arrested here on Monday evening by Deputy Sheriff Wm. Simes of MeHenry, the informa tion being .filed against hiin by Mr. and Mrs. CharlesSteinhart, whocharge him with a vicious crime upon their little three-year-old daughter. The crime, it is said, was committed last Saturday, and on Monday evening the deputy sheriff came up from MeHenry and made the arrest. Michels was taken to MeHenry and lodged in the village jail. On Tuesday morning he was brought up before Justice H. C. Mead for examination, Mr. and Mrs. Steinhart and their little daughter appearing against him. While the de- fendent pleaded innocent to the charge, the evidence was against him and he was bound over to the grand jury un der $1,000 bonds. Being unable to se cure bond, he was taken over to Wood stock the same day to await the action of the grand jury. Mr. Michels' arrest caused quite a bit of excitement and no small amount of surprise. PROBATE XL 11 'S LKurnishod by MeHenry County Abstract Company, Woodstock, Illinois. Office lu Ar nold Hlock. cast side public square. Ab stracts of title and conveyancing. Money to loan on real estiitfl In sums of Ave hundred to ten thousand dollars. Time and payments to suit borrower. Phones 634. D03 and 911.1 REAL ESTATE TRANSFERS. Helen J, Amundson to Frances M. IJi«r- Dont, Its 40. 41 and 42. Sunnyslde sub- oTY, in ne1* ne1* sec ;i.». MeHenry $ 1.00 Luella Fisher & Ii to John Carey. wH Its 2 and 8, hlk 13: & eH of'Back St. lying w of Its 2 and 3. blk 13. MeHenry, w Sideof IMIV river 325 00 WK SALE --A commode, Roman chair: reiidlup table aud Rood gasoline stove. Inquire at this office. MARRIAGE LICENSES. John Heisler, 28.........Crystal Lake Hebron Harvard . . . Harvard Huntley -- . Huntley ...("oral Tp. Coral Tp. ...('oral Tp. . ..Coral Tp. .. . Woodstock -- Woodstock Francis A. McCarthy, 30 ^..Klgin l£mma L Wernhain, 29 Marengo HVank B. Collins, 21 Chicago ISva M. Allen, 20. Greenwood Gilbert J. Carrojl, 29. .. .. . Hartland Kose Adaline McCabe, 25.. Woodstock A CARD I take this means of extending my thanks to my friends for the manner in which they stood by me at the polls on Tuesday and also for any and all favors extended me during the campaign leading up to the election, all of which is deeply Appreciated. Respectfully, FRED J. NICKKLS, THANKS I wish in this manner to thank the members of the W. C. T. U. as well as all others who so kindly remembered me on my birthday on Friday last. Mss. HENRIETTA GUERIN. Lillian Simes, 2U Edward Fraze, 32 ... Mabel Timming, 2t» Flans Fobler, 2»i Anna Hangartner, 23 William Raddatz, 22..... Amanda Ettner, 19 . Frank Pollnow, 2(5 ...... Elizabeth I'iske, 18 Alex Lad wig, 24. Anna White, 19 .... HlNftWOOD Dr. Hepburn alhd Wife drove to Chi cago Monday. N. D. Stevens was an Elgin visitor Saturday last. Mrs. Georgia Harrison was elected school director Saturday evening. Bert McCannon and wife spent Sun day with his parents at Greenwood. Mr. Overton of MeHenry was dis playing a fine new Overland auto here Monday afternoon. The W. C. T. U. will meet Saturday afternoon of this week with Mrs. Mary Hodge instead of Mrs. Green. H. W. Allen and wife and Callie Hainey drove to Alden Sunday after noon and called on Mattie Harrison. Mrs. Emma Brown went to Belvidere Saturday and remained with a sister, whose husband is quite ill, until Mon day evening. Edson Hodge is taking down the barn on the lot he recently sold to Dr. Hepburn, making a great improvement in the street. Miss Lora Walkington-and }father attebded the wedding of her cousin, Miss Eva Allen, at Greenwood Wednes day evening of last week. C. W. Harrison and family were in Woodstock Wednesday evening of last week, he to attend a Masonic meeting and the others a picture show. Rev. Collins and family of Elizabeth, III., who came on to attend the wed ding of their-., son al Greenwood last Wednesday evening, spent. Thursday night at W. E. Hradle.Cs. Mr. ami Mrs II M. Stephenson. M rs. Miller and Ru/.elle Stephenson drove to Elgin Friday. Miss Edith In- galls e uiie home with tliem and re mained until Saturday evening. A. Hawley and Mr. and Mrs. Clar ence Duck of Elfcin came to C. E. Hawley\ Saturday. On Sunday Mr. and Mrs. C. E. Haw lev took them home with the. auto and two nieces came home with them for a short visit. Mr. and Mi's. Bert Allen of Fair mont-. Minn., Mrs. Mi'lerof Indepen dence, la , and RozeJJe Stephenson ol Forest City, la. who came on to see their hrotlu r. Alvaro Stephenson, last Monday, and who passed away Tues day, spent some time of last week with their brother, C. H., and nephew, H. M. Stephenson, of this place. On Sun day they visited Sharon, Wis., rela tives and in the evening Jeft for home. The W. C. T. IT. will hold one day of the spring institute in Ringwood, Mon day. April 2(>. The afternoon will be a parlor meeting at Mrs. Libbie Al len's. The evening meeting will be at the M. E. church with Mrs. H. D. Hall, national organizer and lecturer, as speaker. The following is what our former state president says of her: "She is a faithful W. C. T. U. worker, a strong, forceful speaker and wins her way to the hearts of thfe people." MARY K. KUHL. Mr. and Mrs. Hotchkiss of this place passed the fifty-seventh milestone of their wedded life last Wednesday, April 14. While not real strong, both are active and about their customary duties each day. Mrs. Hotchkiss' par ents then resided where William Walk ington now lives. They were married by Rev. Ehlie, then pastor of the Greenwood church, and went to reside on the adjoining farm, where they re mained until coming to Ringwood two years ago. Their many friends hope they will live to celebrate theirsixtieth anniversary. Their son, Charles, now lives on the farm and the two daugh ters in Ringwood. Baar Maat Anlmalisinf The following utterance concerning the effects of beer upon the physical and moral nature has been made by the New York officers of j,he Home Life Insurance company: "Of all intoxicating drinks it is the most animalizing. It dulls the intel lectual and moral, and feeds the sensual and beastly nature. Beyond all other drinks it qualifies for deliberate and unprovoked crime. Tn this respect it is much wcr:: thnr, Ihjuui*. whisky drinker will commit murder only under the direct excitement <Jf liquor, a beer 'drinker is capable of do ing it in cold blood. Lonj^ observation has assured us that a large proportiod of murders deliberately planned and executed without passion or malice, with no other motive than the acquisi tion of property or money, .often of trilling value, are perpetrated by beer drinkers," You Can Buy Good Securities •'Vvi¥J A-plenty. But do the banks and brokers from whom you buy guarantee the securities to you? Our Mortgage Certificates are se cured by real estate mortgages and WE GUARANTEE THEM. Hoy Banking Co. FREMONT HOY CLARENCE F. HOY Cord Wood at WILBUR'S Bell & CLASSIFIED DEPARTMENT A l l lnaarted under thin l u ad at tin- following r»Wt» Klvellneaor ie«a, tb muU for first Insertion; lb pent# for each subsequent Insertion. More than Ore lines, 5 cents a line (or first Insertion, and 3 cent* a line for addition! Insertions. TJ'AKMS FOK SALE-- luquireof C. W. 9TENU- -1- KR, West McHenry State Bank. 10 RFMJK SALE -1- bargain If taken at once. MeHenry. III. Horse, wagon and harness. A M. A. TUKI.CN, POH SALE--One flue registered Hampshire ^ Ixtitr; weight 300 pounds; 125. 8. B. LBIS- NER, Terru Cotta, 111. »43-tf System No Home Is Complete Without a Telephone /^\NE of the great conveniences ^ of daily life in the home; one of the best mediums of pro tection at night--the telephone. It lightens the housewife's duties; it promotes social intercourse; it is always dependable in emer gencies. The cost of residence service places it within the reach of ail. There is no extra charge for installation. Chicago Telephone Company I. H. Conrath, District Manager Telephone. 0903 SALE --Four year old horse, weight A lOftP pounds. Well broke. As gentle as can be. Call at Itosedale. , 3V-tf Wi|{ SALF. itliode Island Iteds egifs for J- II&U-IIIIIK; also timothy hay. Inquire of JACOB DIMMICII, Mclieury. 43-Lf lni/ AI.I.KNIXMR 5 bushels of Michigan Uret*n- • J urt 6T>e per bushel. C. 1. Misr. west Mcllenry. <3'tf •pV>K SALE--Automobile, overhauled and in -1- good runtiing order. I'rice $IS5ft If taken at once. 1. AUL-BNOORF, West McUenry. 43Uf tpOK SALE--(iasollne stove in good condld L tion. I'sed One summer. Will be sol- cheap. Inquire of Mas. E. L. BEHL.KK. Me Henry. 111. A .second-hand pul verifier itnd so clover seed and Hose Comb Brown Leghorn eggs at 50c per setting. E. J. THOMAS, West MeHenry, 111. 'Phone tiU-U-1. 41-3t tV>K SAI " seeder; also clover seed and OBTENR. Frank Kaiser and wife were Chicago shoppers last Saturday. Mrs. Kllis .leeks entertained a lady friends from Thursday of last week until Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Clyde C. Clark are car ing for a young son, Gordon Truman, since April 7. The farmers in this section are near ly thru sowing and will soon be at the corn ground. Lucy and Messie Harrison of Alden visited relatives here from Saturday until Monday morning. T. A. Abbott, and wife of Ringwood visited at the home of their daughter, Mrs. C. C. Clark, Sunday. There were twenty-one callers at Henry Ilobart's Sunday evening to see the milking machine work. Merritt Thomas and wife of Wood stock and Mrs. R. J. Clark were Sun day visitors at the Clark farm home. Mrs. Cornell of Wauconda was a guest at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Myron Fi-ancisco several days last week. Word has 4>een received from Mr. ana Mrs. Guy Harrison, saying they received seventy cards at Easter time from Illinois friends. They wish to thank each and everyone for so kindly remembering them. They never be fore realized there would be so much pleasure in a postal shower. pV)R KENT--By year or season, the Mitchell cottage at Orchard Beach on Fox river. Has, electric lights and all other modern con veniences. Apply at Anton Schneider's gr< eery, MeHenry, fll. CTOLEN --From a barn one mile north of ^ Harrington, on Tuesday night, a sorrel mare, weight lf>00 pounds, white star fn fore head. Worth SSK0- 110.00 reward. Call phone No. 1, Harrington, III. p'OK SALE -Wisconsin pedigree barley A llavo some choice seed to offer this year. Also a quantity of Yellow Dent seed corn. The improved Learning, a good silo elirn. E. SHEKMAN, West MeHenry, 111. CM) It SA LE - El ve-room cottage, ha ru. chick - en house and good well; also t wo and oue- half acres of bind. Location, lirant town ship. 2K miles south of Ingleslde. Inquire of CANPKKS. MeHenry. HI. 44-tf FA KM SF.EIlS - Northern seeds. Wisconsin " At Tour Service We are at your service with the finest line of Meats, Canned and Bakery goods to be found in town. We want you to feel that we are here to give you the best of service at all times and if we fail to do this we will consider it a faVor if > ou will come and tell us, as it is our aim to make it a, pleasure for you to trade here. Don't forget that our delivery system is at your constant ser vice. Call us up at any time and your order will be filled with care and promptly delivered Schneider Bros. West MeHenry, 111. j •Ji-wwn tested r Sliver King seed corn. $i.00 per bushel slid led. or >0 per bushel In ear, packed In one bushel crates. Early seed oats, .Sic per bushel: fancy Canada Held peas, SJ.fiO per bushel; Michigan Favor ite (extra fancy) cow pens, $2..'»0 per bushel. All seeds shipped on approval. I'ay your bill after you get your seed. L. C. BKOWK. LalJrange. III. NOTICE OF APPLICATION FOK PHOBATE OF WILL STATE OF ILLINOIS. • aa Mcllenry County. I "" To Anna Byrd, August Nordquist. Uertrude Clemens, Kalph Clemens, Clarence Clemens and John M. Nordquist, heirs at law and legatees, so far as known, of Beugt Nordquist, deceased, late of MeHenry County. Illinois. You are hereby notified that application has been made to the County Court of Me Henry County. Illinois, for the prouaie of the will of Hongt Nordquist, deceased, and that the hearing of the proof of said will has been set by said Court for the seventh day of June, -A-r.1}. lt*lS. at the hour of teu o'clock in the forenoon, at the Court House in NVoodstock. in said County, when and where you can ap- f»ear, if you see tit. aud show cause, if any you lave, wny said will should not be admitted to probate. G. E. STILL, Oottnty Clerk. April 14, 1M5. 44-3t SEED POTATOES We have just put in a supply of Red River Early Ohio- seed potatoes and want you to give this va riety a trial. Those who have used this variety of potato are more than pleased with them and that's the reason why we want you to be one of our satisfied customers. Send in your orders and they will be filled with courtesy , and dispatch. m. m. mm. You Can Save Time ancT Money by letting us help you plan a trip to the wonderful California Expositions Our representative will gladly inform you regarding L*w«at Rataa, Wid* Chaic* *f RMtM Gtlnf and Returning, Finest Sta--11 itnd Intaraatinf Points EnrwU, Fw*r> abla Stapavar PriviUfM Ratum Limit*. CHICAGO & NORTH WESTERN RY. ;md connections operate more miles double track, protected by auto matic safety signals than any other transcontinental line. OVERLAND LIMITED tiie fastest and only exclusively first- olass train between Chicago and San Francisco. Direct connection made with this magnificent train and fire other . ranscon t i nen tal t ra i ns dai ly bet ween Chicago and the Pacific coast. THE BEST OF EVERYTHING l>Y>r illustrated booklets aud full lufor- - nation ask ;uii ticket axvut Chloatfu * North Westem Ky. or address t\ A.Oiimv U. I». AT. A.. Chicago. HI. X